Newspaper Page Text
t- tCRDAY, JAN. 9, 1875. UX1L UTSLUCESfE. SAFES UBED AND REPAINTED .ElXlOTTA F0U8SE. ynTille. December S8. ried, Nofember 19th, 1874, I Chapel, Wadinalaw Island, Carolina, by the Right ReT. IW. Howe,' D. D., Bishop of Jeese, the Reverend Geobob W Sticks by, Rector of St. I Church, John's bland, and V, Edisto, and Ida, eldest ter of Major Richard II. je.'deceased. 1 RENT I residence on Washington le. L.B.VALLIANT. imbeM, 1874 m m 1?, ProTieions, and Grocer I constantly on hand at 74-1)18. FlBTB k Mobtok'b. I Your Money at Home. 'lies cau be supplied with elicacy of the season at the Tries that the boats charge ire the convenience of re- I such articles any time at desire. ( Jcmus Mabtine, Prop V. W8. . v X, HAY, Oats and Bran at I f a nan a 'a . esh Mince'Meat and 10 pound buckets, sult- rfsinlUes. Also. Buckwheat ' elved b: ST. GOLDSMITH. (Friars Point Lelta hassus J ; It attributes its demise to tlcatlon of the printing bill. Poultry. ecelved ai 21 . Goldsmith's. . I your Groceries at Fibth & MobtoM'b. ?74-b18. - ,1J! r J!. AltO JMLiG.l GRAPES fnov71 Goldsmith's horrible weather of the past reeks has entirely suspended fork on the buildings in pro- i . . i . . l erection, nut we are giau ice that our merchants nre ng and supplying the neccs- shle walks. ' kN, Corn, Uav and Oats, at fllARSIlALL 8. I - . emigrant ship1. Coups trick, Liverpool to New Zealand burned last month; she had mlrrunt nnnitpiiirpra am or ADoutsu men ; an or whom ed ezcept the mate and two 18, BRAN, Hay, Corn, at JtlABBHALL 8. ..cairn a.aicriauinK'au B Greenville Minstrels pro lo give an entertainment on Uh for tle'purpose of paying rane musical instruments lor and. .. They wero so .nufortu- as to lose some of their most iiblo tistrumeuts by the fire, ihe miustrels,ever willing to for- the goneral good, pro. this method of assisting the ,. Those who hare attended former perform auces, know John Church, Joe Shall and fey Nolson put up'the fun. the 28th. the boys intend to a show for tho benefit of the jtolo Lodge. We trust there i . , ii. i i d a targe nuenuance oi our 1 people on both occasions. came from the land of Ein- nd Burke, and when ha tap- yontlr at the door, aud pre 4 letter And package, our Impression was that some of ;ich Irish relations had been ired to their fathers, and that Iew days we should have the and estate of some defunct lord, and be rolling in the ,h that had been so long de nt. . The gentleman saw the Ion in our trembling, palpi- 1 u 1 l I . .11 1. . f DoaoiD,auu Kinuijr uesuugut "take it aisy; it was just a tickler of good whisky from Han way and Ed. Kennedy, bottle of pure apple brandy, compliments of those whole d Irishmen." We immedi- Mserabled tho craft, who ed that richer and honors I snares, but the breath of the Jy .was tweeter than condy, lhat John and Ed. knew ex- where to send good things to them duly appreciated. ltom ANDtKBON, Esq., for f one of the most able nttor uf Mississippi, died in Phila iia last Saturday. Colonel Stewart, his brotlicr-iu-law, ;oue east to bring his remains aekson for intcimcui. Mr. rsou Lad becu.nn Invalid for five years, and wfs being )d for his allmcut in Phila la, where ho had every nttcn- "jftt could bo procured. Pilot -B. Ball. The ball on Thursday night lor the benefit of the Cleveland Oi phaa Asylum, riven by the J. O. B. B. of .Greenville, was a magnif icent affair, socially, and pecuni arily a speudid testimonial of the liberality ef the Jewish citizens of Greenville-. The benevolence of these people in all cases of real charity is almost boundless. Al most all of them are members of three other charitable institutions besides their own especially Jew ish order of I. O; B. B. Iu all of these they are ever in the Tan in good works. It will be remem bered that several years ago a Jew named Abraham invited some geu tlcnien into his tent, and his wife, like a good woman, set dinner and made them partakers of her hos pitality. The strangers proved to be anirelf. and ever since that time Jew hands aud houses have open ed to every call of charity, iu the hope, perhaps, that other angels might be seeking eutertainment. But bo the reason what it may, their benevolence is proverbial. This ball was given to raise fnuds for the support and education of their orphans at Cleveland, Ohio, of whom there are six from this place. In order to excite iutorest, a beantlful silver ice cream set was offered as a prize to the hand somest young lady, her claim to be decided by ballot, at twenty-live cents a ticket. Miss Fanny Ilass- berg and Miss Clara Nathan were the nominees, and the contest was animated aud elose. Uue young brother put op two hundred dol lars on his favorite candidate. At last, after the ballot had realized five .hundred dollars, our neighbor Miss Fanny Ilassberg, was award ed the- prize. Then flue meer schaum pipe was put up at ballot to the ugliest man in the ball, 'mis election was the funniest affair of the evening. Every nomlneo tried to help his neighbor. Some of t be vounor men dodged the issuo by leaving the hall others begged off by saying they uover smoked, ana some resorted to all sorts of bri bery to keep from being elected. The vote was counted amidst up roarious fun. and L. wilcziusKi was doclaredeutltled to the honor. The affair from first to last was delightful, audjue; entertainment netted for the orphan not less than eight hundred dollars. Jke.CiTer, Navigation above Cairo Is sus pended by the freeze; which pro mises to be of considerable dura tion. As usual the mall company's bouts are all at St. Louis, and we will get no mails except an occa sional one, until the Ice breaks up. This Is a scandalous imposition, to which we are pretty well used however. The Maud sunk between Mem phis and Helena, last, week, with 800 bales eottoiQf passengers all got off. We rtgrvt to notice the death of a son of Judge C. C. Shackelford ; who died at Canton on the 21st 'ult.. .- . , We the undersigned tespectfully inform the people of Greenville and. vicinity, that we are closing out our winter stock at greatly re duced prices. We wouldespeciallv call alien tion 4o our liqe of OVERCOATS,' for men and boys' wear.1 Also, have on hand fine stock of Furnishing: Gcods, HAT8, BOOTS, SHOES, Ao. We tender our thanks to the people tor their past kindness and request a continuance in the future. , BRILL A BRO. ' Main st. Greenville. JanO HoBlride. On Thursday last a difficulty arose between Mr. Will. Stone and Mr. T. L. Drown, In-which Mr. Brown was shot and killed Instant ly. Mr. Stone was arrested, and is now undergoing trial before Mag istrate Harris. The killing occurred in the bard ware store of Wi'therbee A Brown, and grew out of a disagreement concerning the purchase of a lot by this firm from Mr. Stone; during which Mr. Stone said to Mr. Brown that he was acting in nn ungentle manly manner toward him; upon which Mr. Brown, taking up a small Iron bar, advanced upon htm, when he (Mr. Stone) shot him ; only one shot was fired. We thus briefly chronicle a sad and most deplorable circumstance. The deceasod was a young man of excellent promise and reputation, and bad been married only fw months. The feullnss of the '.i m munity have been moved to their utmost depths in regret for the un timely taking off of one of Us most valuable members, and out of sympathy for the bereaved widow, whose life has been blasted ere even an apprehen-lon of trouble had given her warning. Fifteen Fine Mules. a lot of plows, Wagons, &o. for sale by jiu.9 F ALB VALUANT. ClssT7aro FrssleCir'.Pby . Jau2 ELt-T &'FOl'SSE. 25 BEWABD, STOLEN from my 'skle on MuiiJay night, December 2Ut, A BAY MISS . with Ali't! streak llcwaun her shoulders kiwi dwn her batk, and nuder the right flank iwoor Urn A mnull tlii in carh hoif f the U ft-et. A fe Kra.T hairs (sad.tle marks) on hvf back. Hbe is about five years old, ami nnin rlirrilll.n linn r aifv ... -. Lower Der Creek, dec2G-3t ' Vslimgt.n e. E. VlftTH, 0AB1KET 3AUEE AND TJPlIOIXKIlKit. ' OBALEB IX I. Vtixlknrk'nriiituro. Mattr lill XX Bpeeial atteulion aidtn all kinria or rtBair.ail aiousui iir.s e made to order. Loenst Si. between VashiueWn Av an4 Main GKEKNYIIXIu, UleH, meh 1, 187S-6m. Livery & Sals Stable, ASD gHl!D OTOZUC THE ouderalcned hereby aunoniiee to the nnblie, that ther have ta ken charge of their TABLE ON WASHINGTON AVENUE. Beat of attention given to all DTOCH ENTRUSTED TO THEM. STOCK for sale on hand constant ly. ALSO Cora, Hay, Oats, aad Bran, fUDllo patronage respectfully solicited.' IXoLcoa Bros. men 2. 1873. 11X32, K3Tv7 AKS C0XFLZT2 SUPPLY or DRUGS ' JUST RECEIVED AT 0. WHITE'S. Embracing every article usually called for tc. Drugs, Modielnes, SOAPS, Fancy Articles and Liquors. August 29, 187 1. Boot and Shoe Store. I HAVE Just received A Inrjrc stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of best quality and latest styles. And have secured one of the brick bnlldhiir nnw hninir hnilt liv t Iscnbcrg, ou Mulberry St., whero I will deal in boots and shoes ex clusively. Until this store Is com Dieted. Customers am invitoil tn call at my ttoro comer of Wash ington nna Locust sts. BITI also havo a choice stock of ury u oo8, urorerlos, etc., clicap luruusu. UOTf, l.UOUDMAM. SALOON! KENNEDY & HANWAY. Restct WINES $ LIQUORS, Pure Havana Cigars, CHliiorniu Wlm-, 1. finer Beer. Etc. " oci6 Mam Street. Ureeuvi lie, Miss. E. ENOS DKALKR IN Fanilj Groceries, C ozxf octioarios, OANE-D-FBUiTS,' PICKIi. S & PltESKRVi S WINKS & LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CfGABS.' Also at niybnr NICEST DRINKS aro mixed by persons who know exactly now tney siioiihl be prepnr ed. Also are kept on hand. HAVANA CIGARS, of the richest fragrance. To those who aesire a qtielt Saloon, good unuaa, uuu iinu cigars, we say, Try raay Oalooa, Mulberry Street. Greenville. MMvisslppl, July 6th, 1873-tf. G. A. FULTON, BLACKSMITH, macksiuifSiina and Horse Shoeing. ALL MANNER OF Machine and Boiler Work done expeditious and skillfully. JtGTShop on Mu.berry Btreet, North uf Washington iiv.miuc. Oreenvllle, Nv. 7, 1874-ly. . Sale of School Lands. BY VIRTUE of the atilborlu vested li me, and in pm suanceof an order of the Hnxrdof Supervisors of the county of Wash ington, Stale of Mississippi, 1 will otter at public sale aud lease to the highest bidder, at the dour of the Courthouse, on Monday, February I, n.d. 1870, school lands, in the county aforesaid, described as nil- loWfi, lo wit! Section 10, townxhlp 18, range 6, went; seetlon lu,kinli!i IS. rmigo II, weal. J.W.l'ILvJ. t:mniy Kuperlnle.ident Eituoitlon- January z, 1676.r-i24t i will jpiio t'li-ssior au K.V A LU ANT, A TTO 1 4 i KY A.T LA V GREKNYILI.E, mi-. Praeti-'f i:i Washington ami Ta iH-ia i-iniiillt s, and In lit I'uiteil Sta t'rturis rt Ja;km. nKT CUAS. W. CLAItKK. JOIIK V.tillirilx. t LVKKE k MIlfLll. ATTORN KY ATM On Walnut strict, near the Cotirt HtHife Greenville, Miss. W. A. HAYCUAFT, ATTORNEY AT LAVT, Heal Estate A teat, UREKNYILLE, . - MISS. Kke the pa) mant of taxrt, rettec. tistn, sale and leasing if laud s Irciulity. w:. PFRCY. W. U. YKIKil K. Psrcy A Terger, ATTORNEYS AT LAW GrinvllK,JMUs. w. K. TK1CU. I. M. BVl'KKER THIGG Ac nUCIOfi:!?, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ureenvllle Mis. Office in Bank IlulMlnir, Main st up-tairs. W. t'EKQUSOTK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL IMIACTICE In tbe C.mrts of Tuniea, Coahooia, liolivar, TVftMltiaivtnli fintl - t ...... .ui. hi iur and attend to li :ili, pua-liasu a leasing o!plat:ittoo uuil oaymert ui tuxea. W. li. PhrllM. i if Un SktiiiH-v. Phelps & Sliiskiicr, ITTOUNK Y;S A T L A W Oreeavllle, tin 4. erWill nruftiee tn tho U. 8. Courts, ruireine Court and tie Courts of Ytasiiiiiiton. ltoilvar and nuuuower counties. loci. 3.H r. A. MONTOOHCBY. a. 11. Mooruc. - OTTG01HEY Si KOCHE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rivektox, Bolivar county, Miss W. S.'.FAR1SH, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mayekbvillr, laaaqneiia rntjra NtMlaaippI, . Oetober 3,'74-nO. E. c. Hvaoiirs, ATTORNEY AT LAW ORBEEXVtt.tiK, MI83., WILL PRACTIt'K In tlis United Hutes Cuiirta and the Hnorenic Court of tbe Mate, and tbe t'lrooit and Cbuii'cry Conr'i of Wliliiirten llollvar anil 8iintlow r counllcn, ami tleiid to casa'- 'i tbu Mii):!tratei vaurts; , Ue7, IWS-tf Dr. N. C. Skinner, OFPlittS 1118 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO TIM'" Cltiiens ofureesvuiv -AXI) TUB County at Large. OFFICE at Struct. his dwelling on Main may :'3, 1874. Central Restaurant. FISH, OYSTERS, CRABS, UILDCAHE And every delicacy of TOE SEASON, VN' tinnd at all times. Gents ran v be ui'vominodatcd with mculs ntony ptiee. Jumus Martine, Prop'r. dcc5,'74-nl8. t . M. MOERIS DEALER IN FIITE JEWELEY WATCHES, FINE PLATED "WARE. 8A large ansortniont of tho best Spectacles always on hand. rarPartlcutar attention paid to r-'PMirlnjX. Wntc-htK. Jewelrv. aiol all work Warranted. riiovi'S.''74-iil7 Greenville Restaurant. TTAVING oiiMiodin Central Halt AA pri'iniN'-f, the'pultlln ore liete- y tuiormeii in at J w.ll kcefi a first Class Restaurant therein. Where meals tiiuv lie linlr ft! all hours. I will a!so keep coa siantly lor ettle, PaBrr, riafa, Ojrarem, Celery, and other delicacies of the snaiKon. PATRO.VAOK INVITED ' apr. 4. '71. ' J CLIUS MARTIN .CELEBRATED SITJGER'G sewing machine. SkiTl em uirent for nmrki "n 1 11 iiand all liindM of the above cele brated Hewing Machine at manu facture's prices und terms. C. W. LEWIS. ileegfl-nai - . Te All H tMM It Mi i'Mccrri. Take notice, Unit 011 uml ftfier January 1st, 1874, parties dfkiring any copying, Htcoi-iiiiijr. e. done in my oftlce, mut ,ui for mtnn Ui ei'PiVrtcfl, Pteiii guvusa your nclves uriliiiui. W.M. II. iiOLTOK (lecV6-t Cliauuury Clutk. I In rhaiM-ery, ti Jamisry tiiui, 1ST3. J. il. W, . No. SCiJ. M.J. Wh-k-s t. al. J ON tipenlni; the piers in thif enne anl it apueArinir frvmi alMlait rile.1, that Ed. A. t4e an.l M. J. Wick t.,.f the defeilluis to thi bill of r nlillt herein, are imu-rtiiletiU tf the fttsie M Mtishni aud that the reetdeuee and xtotUee ndilre i t KJ. A. W is Sleinpliis in tbe Slate ol Tenliewee, ami that of M. Witks is L Aittcefix its the rt!tte of California! It its therefore ntftlered by the titttrt, that the said K.I A. Cole an.! M. 3. Ylckib enter their appearauee herein at a Chancery Court, to l- likil-n'ln tbe town f Floreyvllle in said rounty of Bolivar, AHesipl, on me Third Iteday of Sistaif, A. D. 183. mid plead, answer or demur tothesal'l bill oreomniaint or the ame and the veveral alletra- tmiis theri'ff, will be taken for con fessed as to tliJtti. It Is further or- reil. that a cony of una rtor le putiliKbedoncc a wee I: for four cm- fi't-utive weeks in Tint OntCN- vii lk Tim8, n neTsi;iir ttd and puiillwlu'd in Vuithiiigtu! county, Mixeisttippi, and that the Clerk of this court traiiKinit b mail, iwwtage preimid, n etipy of this order, to each of the above named ili'feiulaiit-, at their r.'Mec live postofHces. Ordered nt Rules, this lGih day of November, A. D. I8t. .n. B.J. 11. T. I.OKKY, ClerK. By John Davikh, D. C. Chalmers ft Held sol for eoitiplt. novi,'n-nio. THE STATE of MI&HMSIPPf, Rolivau County. . In Clianccry. ILT.FIorey, ,r ' C.A.Merrill, J TC. A. Merrill Win. L. Murf.-ee, runny J . Imlree, li. M. Mutiny uml iiilnllier peiso:i.t, lmviiu; .r eluiniinj; any leirai or eoiiil.tob . itileiest In llio fn! li jv li iteci il). Imitl in Hiii.l r.olivtu' couiity,i Mi-ls-i;ll, ttoM lir luxes 011 t tie lotli day of Aril, A. I). Mi, xhi Kiuiib huii'rleetiou 14, Town ship Ruuge 0 West. ON openini; the papers In this eniiKC and It nitix.'uriiiir lo Hie Mitbfactloii of the cotirt, from the original bill filed herein and duly sworu to, that this suit was brought to confirm eomplalnunts tax title to hinds below named, and that the said C A . Merrill is a non-resident of this Hiiiteond that, he resides and has-his postofllcu at Friitiklin in the ritnte of TeuncHHee, and that Win. L.'Murfrec, Fuilny P. Mur free and L. M. Manny who aro also defendants herein, are non-residents of the said Hiutenf Ml-siH.-lp-pi nnd reside and have tliolr pout olllee at Murfrtesboro, TennrsHeu, and It fnrtliet appealing tluit the bill of complaint herein, U exhibi ted UKiilnat all -other per.MiiiH hav ing or cluiiniiiK any lim ivnt in and to tlie Houth iiulfol Hi ci Ion foil r 1...... 'e. i t..., ...... it........ nine ('), lying, being and situate in stilil itolivnrcouutv, MtsslHHippl. It Is therefore o dered by the court, Hint the suld C. A. Merrill, Win. L. Murliee, Fanny P. Mur free, L. M. Manny and nil other fcrrioiiH, htivinff or cluiiiilnpr any nteri'Ht either legal nr equitable in and in siiut inmiM, uoitcur m uie next tenant the Chancery Court of Kttid ltiillvur county, to bo hidden at I'lttt-yviile, MixftiKHipid, on the tX'.."' "'''t and ideild, answer or nrthesutnu will be taken"KVliokl- fessed ns to them. it Is further ordered. Hint n ronv of this order, legtilly ndilreMed to nil ot said detoiKluiits, tie puldlNhrd in run viu,b 11. mur. newspniier printed and ptudlshut in tMisiiingion county, Mhhsiu, once a Week for lour consecutive weeks, nnd be posted for four enn secutive weeks at the door of the Court-House of said ltnlivnr conn ty, and that the Clerk of this court. transmit by muil, witls rxwtiic prepiild, loeach nf the said ilefeii dnuts mentioned by name herein, properly directed, to each nf them at their resppcilve postofilces, coi.y of this order. Ordered at Rule, tills Olli day of November, A. J). 1874. H.T. FLORHV, Clerk. Ry John Davieh, D. O. Chus. A Geo. Y. Scott. uovl,'74-nlO. hoI forcoiiipll. STATE OF MISSIHSIPPI," Washinoton County. In Chancery Court fit Rules, No vember iHd, m-i, D. Flmnnuy Hunt, it. ul. 6U vs. N. UPON opening the papers in this cause and it appearing from the nflhlavit of V. O. Yenrer. one of tbe solitdtors for complain ants in 1 np above enilllea csiiHe, men Herein, ihut Wiirnii j;iin iMer riii, miuor lielr-ot-lnw or Willie H. Merrill, deceused. and ono 0 the defeiidiiiils in guid eau so, Ih a non resident of Hie (State of Aliswlaidppi, and that the place of resldeneo of of the Mid ttiruh Tllla Merrill l Carroll i'lii'ihb, Lmil'dutia, und that the iwistc,l!i,'.' uddi-eH of the said Hanili Kiln Merrill ix Lake I'rovl tlenee, Loiiiniana ; il It. then f.iH' 111 dered by (be eourt, that Hie mH ' t-uruh Klla Jfernll, minor lielr til luW f Willie i. Merrill, deei do eii'r her heruiu 011 or before the A. .' 187"), I'm mine IfwiiiK tbe "iti duy,.if Mild iiionili and it ivtiirii iliiy nf xii til court not lexs liiau t wo months from the dute of this order, nnd plead, iinnwer or demur to tlie bill of coniplulnt tiled lideln, or the name will be taken furcourcxHfd ns to her. It Is further ordered by thecnurt-, (hat a copy of this order, wiiiiln twenty dnvf after the duto hereof, be pilldiMlnd In The Urkgnvim.h Timm, a putdic newspaper, ptln'ed mill putdiidied in WaNblngtoncoiiiily,MlfwiMtiipd, and the olllclal paper of miid coun ty, and ll'nti.;id puhlicntioii be so colillniied once u week lor lour cou secutlv weeks from tho II, Mt pub lication tliureoft mid lliHt tho Clerk of tbU court truiihinil liy ni .il. postiliji! prepaid, u enny of ih or-i .ler io said rteicmiuni T Kumb 5011a! Merrill, iniiior Jcc, nt hei plioeofj r Kbit nee and pfmi.dllcc addrens as , sliown b,y the ituid nlUiliivlt4icreiu. 'Iniertd in vneutl'.ii nnd at riilcp, ih.s Monday iho aw d,iy of - 1'iubcr. A.I). ls7t. , Wit. II. HOI.TON, t'lerk. .V I-. K. .S'l.tFFOKI). l).C Perey . Verger, hoi's fur evnipl'ts. no2ft'U'uU I HTATEOF MISSISSIPPI, ltol.IVAH ColNTY. $20,000 worth or GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY- J.L21WIKLD, Dealer in Flour, Sacon, Lsxd, Meal, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, 1111 ftiiti Wixnien vrtv SHOES, and ; WOTIOWS, , . CROCKERY, ' , Jug and Glass Waro. Greenville..! I...r.....MissisHlppl. fcirl want it dltlnetly under t(M)d that ho who undersells uie will u" "GET UP ANDPUST' Kept. 12, ml TRU8TEJS8 SALEf BY virtue of the nuthnrity venteil In us ly a certain deed of trnt t xeeuted by Jefl'. V. Moore to tlie HirlerhlKnitl iruxtees, reeorded in iHiok " It " No. ' r.Nites 74. 75 ar.d of reisirds of deeds of WnHliini;- tun eoutity, Miytdnxiopl, we will, tor I lie piiriiose of payinir the lode!)'- ednexs in said deed degeribed, fell at publie sale to tbe liljliet bidder for en Hi), b lore uie i;ourt House door in the tnwu of ('reenville, in snid county, on Jlonday, Fcbriary lt 18? J, bbtween the hours of eloven o'clo k a. ui. and four o'ebiek p. m.. the following described lands nitimied In Haiti county, to wit: all of see lion IT, the north half of section 1H, the nor li half of see'.lon 20, tbo Knutli hulf of section 211, the south lialf of seoilon 21, the northeast quurterof section ;t0, the soulheuHt itiartcr or sietloli li). Also lots nix and seven In (leorRj V. hpen cer's siibdlvlNlon of tbu sentli lull of necllnii 2!), all In townshin 1(1, rmiue 3 west. The title to the above lands Is believed to be good, bJt wo win convey only siieti title as Ih vcxted in us. I). V LAM KIN, T.HM dee. 18T4-21-.H J. I. LKNflSFIELD HAH OPENED A of Entirely New Goods, , IS MIS Brick . Storehouse ox Dee.12'74 nl3. Insurance Aoesicy. American Life Philadelphia t iji(al, !i 1,300,000. I'l.-uitc'rs', Memphis, Tenn., Vupitai, tt::ot,oo. Virginia 3. & 3., RICHMOND, Organizod 41 years ago, Capital. $1(10,000. kOU MORRIS, Autlinri7.e:l Ai?enl for WmOilnston County. dicl2,';4-lil!). KRETSCHMAR &-FARRAR, OltKKVII.M, IJKAI.KRH IX KI."S . CXCHAXE, CODS, H lit. OdllosUons Mads n Proessdi rrorajtly Biaittsi. ' mal Advaace ZXado on Cotton fatarail Paid on Tin Stpaiita ,sy)rpff Allt utitm Oivrn to "fry J uiiv.7 mcHtoTaxct LWMUi. M'Uffi t CC Having completed our new BRICK STORE Oil 'WASHINGTON AVENUE,' Wo now invite tho public to call and inspect . our largo and select supply of Dry Goods, Ladles' Dress deeds, OBXTLEMEXS CLOTHING, BOOTS AND , ' rLAKTATiort syrrLiEsi & gkoceries. lS?0ur tonus arc cah strictly nnd Lower than th0 Lowest fctcck frcsji and new, and no Auction Rubbish; . OctoWr 24, i&74-r.l2. SllUJlKllFIELD HAS ON 1IAXI) , - ' ' Ol J RedniHii Itotirhon, i!il 'n'jlrv I'ourbon, , 1 b".r,?ti y; 1 linde Roitrbou, OU iUlro.-e Uuurbon. . Sherry Amorosa, Rurifundy Claret, . Khlue Wine, French Wiie, ticnulne Imported wines,- (ieniiiue Inijiorted (iin. Imported Irifh and (Scotch Whiskey,. Old Apple nnd Poach Rraiidy, (icuuilio rrench llrandv, ' Isaae Cook's Iuiperial Cluini pajrne, and tho celebrated Milwau kee I.njrcr Recr. I invite all to give me a call be fore purc'haHiu;relnewhcre,as I am eontideiit Ibttt 1 cau satisfy tho ninnt iiislidioiis. Druggists win do well bv trad Utg witli mo a-: my liouors tor mo dioli purposes can't be surpass ed. . REFUGE SALOCf:. nAVlXd Now fltteil nji snn torn Inlied my fitluon, Iu llio ' Large Two Story Buildin?, on MULBKUUY STnEKT I'XDEtt Till Refuge Club Rooms. I NOW SOLICIT the ri'OLIC PATR0XAGS none: FRESH nut Tim Beer BEST ALWAYS ox KEPT. B HAND. dcc8 I. IHENBERO. Richard Lloyd. Jno. E. Llvauduls. ILOYD&TiVAUDAIS COTTON FACTCHS, A Nit COMMISSION 1H2CHA1TTS, No. 1. I'.aronno fStreet, New Orleans, La. utig.274-1y. .ITIlAX&POIIIi MAIN STREET, Hrecn villi', - - Mississippi. mu.scit OK I's A CI i?. Br mw mm mi 0 221 nnd 23 Walnut Ht., VlnvlnnniU Ohio. Wholesale und Retail riEALERS in forciu and do iJ ni' fii ic Liquors. Wines, Porter, Ale ; C'h?nrMi I'! pes, c., Ac. '"a",! r Welti atlciition to our " wi ll sciutfted stock of Old Kentucky Bourbon WIHKftl, ' . UIIIXE, Port, Sherry and Ma doirii IVInes; fiuincssns' Por ter. Hhhs and McEwnn Ale: 1851 Old Liignrdo Rrandy, Old Holland Oiu. Select Wands of Chewing f nd Smoking Tobaccos o.'.tuiiiiai.'Ti-iuj. , Co-mmltsioner'fi SaleL y Vi TlicHtsto of MissifSil'pI,") llollvar County. J fn (Miancery. Ellwib-ili M. Kraser, et. al. No. .104 vn. A mmiila Money Admr ctall 13 Y virtue ami in pursuaitoo or J. the linol decree rendered In the above siyicu caused oy the r.hBiiwrv ioun or suui countv on October 2lt, 1874, the under ignei cpcciui -ooininissioner win on Monday tho 1th day of January, A. D. 1ST5, expose to unle st ptlbtlc outcry to ttis blglicst bidder for cash, and within legal boms, at the ibtor of the Court-llouse id guid Holivnr county, In tho town of Kbneyville the following described lands' lying, being nnd situate in Mild county, to-wit: North half Section If, Township Sftl, Ranges, Lots one, live, six, seven and eight In Section 1.'!, nnd Northeust quar ter Section 14, all in Township 20, lliihGO 0, liots live, twelve, and thirteen nnd eight acres in Lot six nil In Section 7, Township 20, Range 8, and Bust half Section 15, Towndilp 20, Jtnnge It, or so much thereof as may he nocessnry to sat Isiv fiibl decree. 'i lni tit let in bi Sieved to be good, bt.t I i ul v cctivcy a Special Coin misslouer by vlrma of tnld decree. ALEX. YEROER, Steeiul CotniUisslouer. Chss. A Oc. Y. Scott, Iiov21,'74-ilo. coinplts tils. W."L V SHOES, ETC. JAMES I'KllIiYy CtrSEAXDKPAIiTCS. PAPED IIAJyCTER Asn ". GLAZIER. Walnut Street, below Central Avcuue, Ureenvllle, Miss. uin i'74-tr. NOTICE TO H UILDERS. Sealed proposals will be received" by tbe underpinned at the office of tho Clerk of the Roard of Sunervl- sors of Washington county, Mis- HiHippi, at tne fjourt, uouse m Greonvlllo, lor building a brldgd aerocs "Htra'ght Bayou," in said county. Hold ptopuMls must bn accoinpsltied with sneclfloatinns. nnd to be tiled 011 orbefore the first Monti ay in January, iM7a. JJyor der of vald Hoard. WM. II. IIOLTOX. Clerk. Ry E. K. Btatlord, D. C nov 28-1 7-4 w Q.REEMWOOD Pisatatioxi FOR SALEt ' ONE of the finest and most fertile and improved places on tlie river the most foutlu-rly place In BOLIVAR COl'XTY fronting the flverwilh 9160 ucres in all, of which 6 .IO are lit cultivation, with STEAM OIN and well fenced. Addrens, . CEO. W. OFFTJTT, nug. 15-n2-tf. , Exeeutor. Trnstoe'tSale. By virtue of a T)eed of Trust, ex eenled ou llio 15ih day of April, 1872, by S, Plciird and Ainelui Picurd, nnd recorded In Deed Rook 1)., No. 2, pages 210, J), 2i2 of tho records In the ChancCiy Clerk's of fice of Washington county, Missis sippi, we or either of us will pro ceed to sell at the request of tho usees iu said Trust Deed at the front door of the Courthouse of Washington county, ln Ureenvllle, On the First MontUy of January Hixt, . Within tins hours pro. orlbcd by law to the lilghest aud best bidder, at public auction, for cash, to satisfy the note recited In said deed, tbe billowing real estate, lyintf and be In In the town of Ureenvllle, Wellington county, MlBslssippi, to-wit: Part of lot No four (4), In 'ino jicserve Addition or the town I of Greenville, immediately adjoin ing the premises of J.I. Lcmsfleld, ! measuring thirty-five feet fronton Main street by three hundred and tlili iy feet deep, being the eastern 1 portion of sold lot four, with the icncnicnis nna appurtenances thereto boloiitflnjr. Title believed to bo good, but WO will convoy only tho title vested iu us iis TrtixtecF). W. P. KRETSCHMAR, W. A. POLLOCK, Trustees. Trigs A Ruckner Attorneys Usee3, decl2;,;4-til'J. L WILCZIUSKI d CO DfcALknSIN - ' Dry Goods AJCD G'nbcERi k m, ROOTS and SHOES, IIAT8 AND CAPS, w AND ' Plantation Siippllei. sept. 6, 1874. On Main Street . . HANSES'SNonca . State of Misslslppl, ) Washington Comity, j Taken up by J. L. Gri (Union or near the premises of J. P. firav's, on or about the 25th of November, 1871, 1 n 11 ni . -1. tt W..S) uiuiui Aiasi. muiss wiuo. Said cstray I described as follows I A small black horse mule, no marks or brands, but saddle mark, Tho owner is hereby notified to come forward, piuvo property, ami pay charges, or said cstray will be dealt with as the law pro vides, CAGE TAYLOR, dceu'74-nl8 Ranger, Boot and Shoemakq' 1 have'just returned from New Or leu ns and have a line lot of Leather, Calf and Morocco, III AVE also employed three ex oellcnt journeymen, and am now prepared to rill nil orders With Ditpatth. Shon on MiilnSt., Comer H'alnUt. Nov. 2.'., 1871. L. CAFFAL THOMPSON to KcOlLL Cotton Buyers, We represent our own msnu fac tories inlheKiistandeantJvert fore pay the full value,