Newspaper Page Text
- r -mi Cu!ttiill)(L.liM5 t:,V.,..: t ! a 1. . (r lies r r - . SATtBDAY. MAY!.:s:i; ',- r; Tee lrlssis Ilti ??r:pj5, s-; - - u (.ours Di i;.iu ihj J. a itrve hi acoTuaae vi;h the ,:. iu hwxt.rv rwok.-e.! la tie Ar kansas H4 ir'p.-Sas ae. Tiie ! A'.'.- - - cre tier-tare t'tai ftsir.ts Lave c,-''''r- ' no Itgsl w iultaW UU to tLe ' property, an! that the ti!L ru t. :,V. i4 wholly ami slrt.iukly the I'ti- -- - ted Sides. The Cocrt directs last -the prt prfy U Lksn, 1:U 3J l4-.t-scl lya reeeiver tj be s; polnted by the Court of ClaliasJ who shall takecLatjeof aairtss: it the same ue or.!;! C.;-?r si.all fey law direct Low t!ie3w' t ...T fcha'I be til-ptd . TLe rv-v ?.- Is cot to l-e -rx-:sJi-i csuJ a f n! decree is rciiiit rvJ, sad ht It c -; take j.sL'sf.tsi! o of the 'n;-'r;v c til it ha. t -rvu I ;s Supreme Cuurt t. l li ;-r'y of tLe United Stat?. r J I jl 1. i n I IV'; IT to 1 v i a . : ;. i. i. . .11 .'Mi." U t i'il I I V til' lilt A.. A 11031 U INSTITUTION, With ample Capital, wliich ACiUSTS AND PAYS LOSSES PROMPTLY E. R1CHARS0N, President. M, .. VAX HOCK, Secrotni-y. -. I ; . I '-" c h G.V . f -'" G reenville -vi,,-fi? 1 ii u u II ix uu V l. 00. I MOETON. -.vulva isfc xcur? Attorepr Ck-reraS VT;."... I - n i;:r.c-J, Iiii rt':ira:iii t fficit ti e V:'.h 3Ii. rcsop !.a l.wu ap'vili.t--!. I t (Jraiit La Btiy r".-:V! fr v ( . t ) i; : -1 -- 'i ; 5. . " - - its. Ingulf SiSflililp ; ; of Mississippi, OFFICE Cornsr Stats & Pearl STREETS, Jackson, Miss. J."J AUTIIOUIZED CAPITAL j --r-ii;t a-pj r e fl.vt iWu"! i nw rea fr la J. ta,j- 5i.'i4w t tjvxt isa 9581,000. i RH . . V, ,"ri v '" t d welling houses, J." f v '.o'nuil ware houses, gin r ifi--'i ;? .-r'Vvj-t taereUawliiic, cottou, in isinur cosistix(j or T . . . . J :- - " Luck to put i;:to lis va.a. v. t ,.-ti. . jf ido Ja.-rf t . . . , . , I " i i Tvc.rm . ,. . , " . .. - Iw i':lrw ZitwXfd.ii. mU tvt4 &uk ferJ -...... -'I, V 1.5 4 - - - - ... ... ....... 1 . - . , " " - 4 Insures ?aitit losses by fire stores houses, etc. nnd t - hiuur.U ol marine r.uil inland ;" i.aviifaiton. Will r . j i 1 . ? IBRENTLINGER rARCIIER, J!i;ic!;..:;i;!;,;. ;..,iv.(j ALL J!AXf? ilachine ami ?. Work tlnrtp espirfmp. . ) C3S1ioi on vn. North of WaihUtstnn ;y Greenville, Xfe COAL!- COil f;"M will ilrtiv,.. in the eity.bjr the Eighty Cents a 1$ AT TIIE 'i r5-Col YardmjCVutai,,1 near the Wharf-15tHt , J. M. WHITEHnii1 I5y H. ii. n-TSa A uovI,7iuia-tf. . DEALERS K iisjisnreiiED e.lvbku:cuief$, le:nl. The ereut, J.k.Ic.! rr f. r! ?tt:.e time, ixxurn l at Ati-iia ca tij X. 5... I iia -f A VIV (III 'I id V JIf" iiif r ticeu afStckil ttttli evi tmtia j . , ..i.i:TH. liltie inoii t li-. aiij Xiul nttn'.v re-1 ' tururd frtni ?vaii!a!i tniisS t S - J- J"t' . li--". !- ect whiio .)!!!.. a-, d ;! me. r. iiiitantiy. TLe (iovtruor, LeL of State dejmrtnicnti, the tnjreuie Court, and the bar iu full f .re. T'.ii s-e Lt.?sit l?-oztJiia. and Collarette Jrih Li'ru.i. limi end Marseilles r r.-... si Lis'e Ti red j?f Cotton Hose SlriprJ Cotto:i lhu Lcndaa Lensth KID GLOVES. Jtiitautlr. TLe (iovtruor, LeaL l:V'','.'.;'"','I';';; -T!MV T n A KID GlQ rSSa of Siatede!)ar!nicnt,thetn;reuie5:j t;;lv.t c.;- ) i I If 1 llit!H ; - - . - . - . . au.l all clan. of cIUjh ere .&:.! A -; to hare turned out to do t;iC j,t ; Choice Hi raj, E.-sil?ist Saeca,; Ctnclniiat!. Olliw OHEEViLLE. FtllSSISSIPFIa DEALERS IN " lPmm tit AND honnrs t the d'-parted. rUKt-fU LtLf, 4 1 -- Li.'TwUn iV-r.! X. II. Joitssox, tif the enUrpri hg tlrm of X. B Johniwu &LW of Greenville, of MhMiiw't.M l.r. C"a;?a!a CarUa 5. ...v-! tlwA; t.-is itjf. luff purchased the niaehiiierr o. : : roajuiSneul iltr-; I;;5if;. U- tlio LxceUltir MilU of thUcity, ijf.h VUm unw hert putting the same in order for removal there, Mid will In few day have In operation more extensive work than tha firm had before the great Ere, by wLlch they l'it m inn h. -Memphis Appeal. " The I'.t'gittttation bcoka of the lowu having been dctriyej by fire, it h necevary that voten emne forward nd register. Xonc will h) allowed to vote who do not avail themselves of the privilege to register. Weje-ru that Cataln Tinney, of the Western Union Telegraph Company, has eon?! JereJ the pr. ,w otltiosi of our cltiena t. r-tallih a line from Cr-mviiie to i.i:ie o::.i r int of e. une. lion. C.-jj tain Tia- i.ey will i o hero to consuU ;.,nl the pMjcot i,es t week. hv:P' ' 1 V ' ' i:fs -1 I.! taaa Arias' rirtrj eoijiianr. C! J Kac ty Efsrira iV;.r izJ Iron- Ttr.?. j Scirff zx& Tic?, Uul ivjhi-tfrtm) 1 Gr;-s Grsia. ts-i Becli IIi1-in, f V ilxrel taa Sash Hnbrs, lTl!!!VV 4.-..... 1 .. t 1 ,-- I -, 'I" ;.l - i, thll.lM f ,-,t . . - . .. t - : ihCvOl jEooliG, Stationery, &?c, &e rOSKlt' I1 ICE CULLDIXG. i m J. it til w. ,UittJU t nn, tw-n j -. . . i , , j-v . STKEIIT rKKACHIXt; Kcv. V. T. A -;.f,ri wi? prtae.U 5 ST. APT' st the ft or !l:a :.-ect Sua.! S3HCE 13 C2IK.S niU'EZi) Antcricaa, Spra-ues. sbJ .Mn--iM-ks Prints, afternoon, Xj 54. StauJ-Ir. , j IA-if.aaif., Colurila F.-il!, i f.aT'f:?' stim-c nr I- .. ... " i n.a Tnn-.!-tti c . la::';:: toc; or tit Lai rt'4 r.o! i.!f-l '.r.e. at k: ';.. f ; 1 . t.I.!'-;ir!I. -I.Y. Urx-enriK, irif., April , ii.TS. iT)! ;OKM A I P. i h ; f: m- f .(! Si. ti i i 1 r, i -i" 1r-. i lsv-i c t t! e 1 1 t of, I.-se Wa.-: r r!W.;il r,-t-r I 5 v I: t i ii n -r ! f .Tf il.p . -t ! : '.-n x , i n j r i y, : -- . DEALERS IX iliirdware, Tiuwhrd' mvl Mom. . Leglorn, Er:d.L iirar, & linen ILit Frames An UUhXh of TEochnnicw Tools. j Have opened ia tha Old Stand, of A. 1?. Trigg & Co. LrtrSv-, Utitls, Strap ttml T Hloges, Xniln, Ilorso Shoes, itorso Shoe I X:!'!". IJopu of all sizeH. Gam, Ilenip nml Cotton I'uekinjf lur licit llnoks, Belt Piinelies, llivets and Btirs. Lnmns j t-itmi) AV'ieks, Chiimiev nml lluniern, Cliinn nud GUm ' j Ware. Stono AVnro, wood mid Willow Ware; nml cv eryiimiir Kept in a urst-oiuss House i iii'tiisiuior.Storo. Oakr.iii by the hide for forking hoiit nud SkilVa. . We have a Tin Shop eoimeetod with our business nil kinds of repairing tlouo ' to order 21-3 i hVr J at Corset Jpa.25, V"i: rra.-1t t).,l Tone' i jr. aiA Ci;Ku iue, In teraattonal Spff j (ltin. piie. tt-i ' i w-i,. kli.!.l ,',,-. f ;.,, lf r-i-niv!, i jnctoiis, fcis?. zvA jiru?2on, ictoTia, and Uieloi.-y wriln;S,aS, li:-rk k tJTtLtf I Hortte Nnd Wa.n Lawn, th-ux Hithh-n, had a i-Wtalk BCY r - r,.,- ti- i. Lac4 Veil. Ga-Jinp Lawn, with Jiidgo Davis or the Supreme ,j s ;,. s ' m.iu' w onilie i to Ih e..iH.i.u'i- , lTf-JTe, and I'A'.K I'lSSUC, Court a day or two sinee, and in ' "'" J, to r.t l.i;.in!r tuuu eKt j Die eU' Of llie (IrllvcrMnlln.i lint ! TJ . .t't i,i 'nit f lenr headed man exprensed the opinion that General Grant not only "wiUied a third term," but that " he would get the nomination next year from hi purty ! " Th! hows thnt it cannot be the mere 'V moonshine of aemoof the ISrpab liean papers, for Judge Davii is a keen observer, and tlbs lj hi ,,... liberate judmvuf ;;.'::V-;t:-';;uIlGeiits' FDEHIOEHTG, GOODS. Cui' 1 stock of l'lnted Spoons and Forks, nud Ivory Ilundlo Kulves ;tti-vers nud Butcher Knives, Butcher's Steels, Scales, Scale ' nonius, jniKMiis, v niii-nus, uiiiunoer tens, lanterns ymicy ltronzo Lnii'.iis, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, and Smvs, CJnuI Hods. Shovels nud Tomr, t'onl Tonifs. PUMPS, Ht P ii t .... . . - i lwn for t;e ar 3. tt 3.ii u. n lie-n-to ut om't! n, lii"Miei,'roi- : . . . ko. ccn-trc.U" a UKi,.';n ""' ,,; " lril'P'. "'iu j. n.rj Murls, Flra.-t mill z iguvvtl l ewder of rfl : Tie tr,n rUrr lt.ti; ; UJLJL tOLTCX, on our front Um LcttiK iisi. A ; TV-uu. Cietk. h on WcdutjJay tfVrsooji, eiwir., Insurance Ansncy. -The' TLn-.i.-i.t new Wi,,5,,w "- J Ji ; encsfl sj.e huiaoepnia ilovvn a vcrrl;tr-e and very finer V " , 7 ' ! tapuai, j?s3.oe. Binhoueoon,heMfUrphyl!W,l') Wa iyT M , c; i ' - - .' . . ,11. i - . the loeftd of Bolivar county. The mlii of Uxt night was of jfteat benefit to the planters of this lieishburho'jj. rfkilAl. tX6i.rt2. BKKMOXD, eoaio cf sursvis:rj. y i : c a a m keying. There will ben xpculn! meeting of 1 1 us Board of Supervisors of vWuthinutou County, Ca risnday, Kay IC, ISr5. By enter of ' B. O. SIMS, WESLEY FIELDS. , innyl members, Tha 'VkUbErg TIae ? Jtt t'uc uteamer Xak!i, on Ixt - cursiou down lie tirer jil tie) fCi:'""!.l Trtttt !ar. ina! a lillJe : dahof twcinv-gte tt;an i.oar !Orrt:nizvl -11 years nzo. Capital $Ki0.(.9. .LOSC ClilCtUO, Capitsl - STOOHX i). & k nonius, nOKX, HAY, Outs and Bran nt MAUSltALL's. fT-londay 2 A. M. Wednesday 2 a, jr. Saturday 2 a.m. 1 Monday Ha.m. Up. J- Wednesday .........11 a.m. J Frldny u a.m. 3 ah. E. Kkocs, Sup't. WlUTTAKEli'8 NEW -HAM AT Kacis at the Dowacs Tratk, flAY 14, 1875. Distance- flue fourth of a mile. FIRST RACK , Black Crook and Yellow Boy hKl'OM) B ACE. Shy rock and Mazcppa 'IIIIUIJ EACfJ. Musceppft and Yazoo Sorrel Dlalaucc, 300 yards E. C. SMITH, V.ith fciity pound of tisus. T7?r.El,, l'rovi'.oii, and ;r c.--Af j,.. eontailv on land at dec.5,74-nl. l'ir,TH& -Mi-kioX'k -Xalhun & Bold, wholesale li- L quor merchants, have now llnl-hcd . their elegant quarters in Akxau-j Administratcr's IVotice. ih'r brii k. on llniberrr direct. , . , , ... j Estate nf.. Jonx Hkkse&.y. incnus wim ue oessi iuc inaiKci the Mate of Mississippi, nfi'ords. j Issaquena County. I IIIK tindersinie4 having on the iStUtlay of 1 "ebruary, 175, bv the Chaiictry Court of "issatjiieii'a county, been nppoiuli-d nduiiuis- tratrix ol the esiateof Jonx Hex. .... i... .-.... i . ... . r. , itiic oi p-iiu county, deceas ed, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims n.'fniust the said estate to exhibit tlio same and have them registered In the manner and within the titno re quired by law, or they will be for ever barred. M AUG A BET A.HENXKSSY, Administratrix ap21,'75-38. HAY, Corn, Oats and Brau al ways kept at dee..V71-.n!8. Fiktii & Morton's. .-.. . , The Memphis papers i-ay that the Thomas Sherlock carried to that port some lime in January, ei-rht bales of cotton, marked dia mond C. II. The cotton was sent from Glencoe, nud is believed to have been stolen. TBAX, Corn, liny mid Oats, at i M'akbh all's. There was very high wind du ring the greater part of lust night, and about one o'elotk a considera ble fall of rain. During the earlier portions of tho night there were indications of a fearful storm, but happily tho fury of tho tempest was above us, mid the black and threatening clouds rolled over and did no harm. Lieutenant-Colonel Fred Grant, sun of the ilont smoker, Is to head an expedition to explore tlio Black Hillu. Iu ultimate destination is the Yellow Stone Valley, which will bo thoroughly surveyed nud the waters of the river sounded. NOTICE. To the owners of land nnd person alty subject to taxation iu Uie County of Washington : I hereby notify you that I will be nt the Court House in tho town of Greenville, until Monday, tho 17th tiny of May, n. d. ISTo, to re ceive your assessments. If not made on or before that time, I will proceed to make the nssessnier.t In ueeordnnee with section 4 of nu net to establish a htalo Hoard of Kquul ization, approved April 2, Uir i. I), K. YOlTNit. np54-3 'Assessor Washington Co. JUST BECEIVED AT One hundred bales Choice 11AY, Miircn o, ikm. collars a:;- cuffs. Balbriggan 1-2 Host?, Blcr.i'hcd Hose, British. 'lLoa Umlerwcar of all kindw, Hals. Sloven, Ties, Scarfs ami Isyr.s. April 24, 1875-33.- L. I). McMKKKIN. . A TT A C 1 1 M IS i T KoTiciT" lad rump Fixtures, Grindstones nnd Fixtures. A f'tJJ i'neof .ionsfkccflnif Articles S j -.7--., invito the ladles to enll and i'S:iiiiHn'oiir eomplcle stock as keen iininv articles for EOUSE EEJ't-Ttj USE. Hi Terms PoslUvoly Cnsli, H i CM Iro:. Castings, Copper, Lead, Brass Bought. Welt Driving and nil kinds of Job-Work done to order, ceplD. TIM NEW STOCK .OF., I hereby inform the public that I have purchased a full nnd com plete stock, of LADIEdV GEXTLEilEX And Childrens' MooiM and UhavH. Which I will open in my new BRICK STOKE ON I propose to keep my Block fully up to the market demand of ihe best boots nnd shoes ; that can bo had nt the wholesale markuiH, fb20,' 7.5-Sm J T. G 00 DM A N , 6T.1 27i' OF MtSSrSSIl'I'1, 1 JloUviir Count;. J AVhereus F. A. Montyonmry has sued out nn attaelnneut njaiust (!. M. Bowies, for tho sum ol 'jy 81 in live emit levee scrip, and re-turn-able before mo on Ihe 3d Saturday in Slay, 1X75, ami ntlldavlt hnvliii been nlso made that said Bowles in a non-resident of the slitlo of Mil.. slsippl, nud that bin residence ami post-omco is unknown, now there fore the said C. M. Bowie Is hnif by cited to bo nud appear before mo tho underly;iied JmsIIco of the I'eaco nt his oilicij In Ihe town of I'lore) ville, in the enmity of lioli vnr, in tho stnle ol MiMUh,pt on the !ld Saturday of May, W!,, and plead to tho cause or ImliniMit Lv default will be enicrH auimt him ami inn properly nllmbM otd and the proceed," aoilie l I uient of plaSnlSiio ,)aUn tul S of suit. Ordered jy, . ,k. April, 1H7.',, ' April 19 1W '41 U J ... swi,wijun texT ! ktate iiv mmmrvi,) s il"llrf ( tt,,y, I : 'I l, .J I. e, 4 f fit. 111 riij,:. tlxs ii ',: I J tl ik K I have just filled m' SOUSE MPM ST. ' ."With a choice lot of pOMI'IlIKIXti eve, ,,,.,,,,, ,,wrcd hy t people of Greon V vilie and vieluily, for table line. I beg to enil the ntfentlon of Merchniils, Blunter nnd Public Coiirriilly. to call a:il examliio my Iarfro and varied stock, whieh u undoubtedly equal in quality and lower In prlei limn any everoll'cred In this Mar ket, I buy my k'-hU direct from largest ilwl.?r for CAHI1 ONLY, ni.dai.ien. nbleil fi te them ut eliiun ns miy dealer p,UMi ( Hl iMi. nia' rope-itfully Invito country " Merchants, Planters and tho Public rf) mliimyttM:ksfl1 -rie. bsf'.re pnrchasimr elHewtiei-i. v-i ii, Spring Al iW It r trite riei w iAHHi oi;t j-oie M;if wu w INSOLVENT NOTICE. STATE Ol-' MISSISSIITI, f Bolivar Countv. The estate of K. XV, BBADY, deeeased, havlnir been declared In solvent by tho Chnneeiy Court ol' "l T ''" -. Itolivnreouiily, all permons bavliii' ;,f ' ,i ,,,1 h ' ; M(t Vj ',( 4 ( ( I'ti I t im . claims -.Kni,sl said 'estate w,! r- H .V .iti.tlt , , .'" 'f '!" V M ' ' 'C fdttIM! ister the sunm for audition d iuriili'fc is" ' Uff' ' '''7 I 0 I, W,1 U I) I Ml lowaneo by thu next OetoUr U-rm . ','r'"7' ' "' ' ' " ' ' I 1 U, of said court. 1 - f Vrt li,ill,lif.i4rf.,'.i.i -i..t .. w'l""'d, llvW.Jf ltM rf;,,I i,; sasas.'.srs yes.. MUMi AM) mmm mm B, J. MAHTJ.. iu'r. April 17, l87.j-37-fjl CXl4;rt'Vi,t5ti . f -it; fit tox .f ft i. 1" ., A, -,.,d -ytWHi'. , . ' "t.-wi Old Boi-rbou U Jiity ;vitu v,v , ded2,'7i-i;oj . it i i . ,.,,, . AA'i'H, JiJJA.N, l)T oi i f' 111 ASB MEDICINES,1 Pet-rnmrry.Totlet Sip,-fN(' tlem, H.tlr Ilrnsihri, -w WASHINGTON AYt inchl0"!: M. MOBEL Wholesnlo Dealer a FOBE1GN AND DOME;, Liauo,' Toba: KTC- D1BECT IMl'OIvTEUtt California Wines, C; Mulberry St., Gkkexviu-' deco,'?. ' 1 I. tSKSSIE Dealer iu . IFlcur, S a son, i; Meal, Corn, Sujifar, Coilec, Tin and Wooden Wart,' Shoes & Sry-gc: CRQCKEltY, in r,ni Glass i-nk. A. U. JLirVLAYA IMUt.Kt'.t) IN . AND '. rKUFt'MKBY, I'O.'LKt tu( Iili:;ta, 012s, Wyes, H ALSO sob a An? mssjz: i Corner Washington Av Mnlborry streets, , Keh Ii-(!!). ' ' OWKKJiVa DBAIEBIN . Family &mt CANE D-FEU ITS, ) 1'IOKLLS & PilESEIiVs WINKS & LIQUOKS,' f Tnii a f'n tilfii Also at my bar ' 'i am mixed by persons wto' nxneiiy now tney buouiuwi" od. Also nre kept on hifiifl. HAVANA CIGAR?,! i nf l.lirt rlili,it!l. fi-iirrrnneO. . To who desire n qnclt Bsh-! Drlnkti, and lino Clears, Try my Saloc: On Mulberry Street. J . Greenville, Miss'- July Blh, 1873-tf. jj " m". morbi DEALEJtlS J WATCHES, J mm PLATED tf I'A lnrfo nssor'tmon' ' ln)Mt;Speet.ueles always oiili fciM'iirtUuilar attention? rcj.airlmr Watches, Jewpv nil work w'nrrnidt'dfnovv M'ooi and Shoe I have Just returned from leans nnd have ft flel0 , l.t'nGu r, C'a.f a j T 1 1 A V,K nlso employed K 1 M' (oui iitviiiett boo pi'cpaivd t'o till all orders If. Nov, i., is,!. 1,. CA"