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The Greenville times. [volume] (Greenville, Miss.) 1868-1917, May 26, 1877, Image 4

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Cheenville Times.
LTU2DAT, MAY 26, 1877.
T East t'Mtlots of Ltvro.
r.tti oa wilci a Sreach cf
rr Suit Could Hardly be
tk O4oo Tribal
. rople may talk much m they
i :e about the exqusue uipio-
t -e skill of Gortchakoffor Bis
I rtk in a long correspondence,
t i then baa been a correspond-
( : going oa during the past week
t twotn a young lady who live
r :if Union park and a clerk in a
L'jdry good store down town,
Trtlca for tact and fertility or re-
;aret, would extort, were it fully
I xowa. the admiratiou of all
Zzrope and America, lie lias
Iran paying the young lady very
rJiried attention for the last ten
cirxUta, and as she would like to
Cllat weddiug trip to the East
CIm saamor, or else outer her
cJt for breach of promise before
C courts take their vacation,
ce wants to hurry up things.
Accordingly she began writing let
tare to him, aided by her affec
tionate brother, who is studying
for the law ; and ho be.ng of a sus
picious disposition, ! giving him
taoet guarded ropllea. Last Sat
urday eek sho wroto to him as
Eaturday, May 5. Dearest How
ard s Mamma will not bo in this
Ttalng. I shall bo at homo utter
TJ, and am afraid I shall lie terrible
tanosome if no ono calls. Ever
yours. Ada.
When the young man got this ho
winked and said to himself laconi
cally, "Not much sho doesn't,"
axi wrote back s
Dear Miss Ada : I regret that
year respected mother will bo
lUent,asl had Intended to call
t-U evening to see If her health
LJ improved. Your nolo, how
V9T, reassures me. You speak of
Iz'.zj lonesome. Ah, I know too
rl the feeling ; but in the coni
fer four beloved authors, Mil
tea, fUkospoare, Jeremy Taylor,
XTtiia, ami all those immortal
t.'.lt who are never from homo
t i sever out of temper, how can
t:i ta lonesome I -
""L;s tie young woman read thl
u tor at "company of onr belov
ed," the felt rather triumphant,
t-t at the next word sho bowed
t:r beautiful head on her hands
tzi burst into lenrs, saying: "Hu's
Juct as mean as old gctout." Her
brother Algerou rend It reflective
ly, and said: "lie demurs; wo
must join act ion and plead to I ho
Jurisdiction. Thin is a deep scr
pat, sir; but I'll fetch him." Then
C dried her tears and w rote :
It is nnktnd of you not to como
last nigni, but Feruiunim was
here, aud stayod till noarly 11. lie
ia such a darling follow; I Just
!ste upon him. But don't be
Jnlous. The Sabbath bells nro
ringing sweetly. Do you not love
iti mellow musio of the bells? At
L'-Jit 1 oftcu iu my dreams seem
to hear the chiming of a bell you
must know which one.
"There," said tho brother, "1
Cuess wo've got him in a letter two
I'.nes long. Wirt Dexter couldn't
save him from $10,000 damages."
The clerk read it, sat down
thoughtfully, aud repliod :
"Don't be jealous." Why should
1? True friemUhlp is never soltlsli;
and under all circumstances, no
matter how far apart we may be,
or how dlSfarcnt our lot in life, 1
bail' be your friend. Ferdinand
is, indeed, a noble fellow, and
.worthy of your love. , When Is it
P. 8. I cannot say I do like the
baSls, for I like to sleep late on Sun
day mornings. The bells you hour
at nights must bo the alarm bell
oa the West Lake Street cnglno
house. As you say, I know it, for
I often UBcd to hear it when 1
' boarded over on Warren avonuo.
The young mau did not conclude
this letter without some misgiv
ings, "because," said ho to him
self, as ho road tho rough draft, "It
.looks a little bit forced too plain
to be artistic. It might bo con
trued that I was trying to beg off
Then, too, I don't quite liko tho
beginning. 'Why' should I?'
seems as if I was so confident ot
her love that I couldn't be jealous.
Well, I'll chance It." So ho sent
the letter, and when sho rocolvod
it the girl had a fit ot dry hysterics,
and said: "Algernon, you must
redress your sister's wrongs. You
must imburo your hands." Then
he wept again. "I don't know,"
aid her brother, doubtfnil v i "lm(
bljor'u I am, and tossing about
tisces of calico aud boxes of thread
aud playing the counter was a set
of parallel ban is powerful in do
tolling tie muscle. He's a brazen,
Cry serjent, and I always said he
kut if you will go on nursing
"n Krpents in your bosom you
i expect thorn to turn again
t;sd yon. Ho must have a
counsel learned in the law toad
vine Iiirn ; lC4ile, he has taken an
impression of his letter in a copy
ing press. He is a three-ply trai
tor. Perhaps, though, we can
scoop him yet," and so they tried,
and after a session of three hours,
product the follow log ultima
tum :
How funny your last letter was !
Congratulating me on my engage
ment to Ferdinand! The idea!
Who better than yourself knows
where my nflcctlous are unalter
ably placed ? Won't you come up
to night? Pa and ma will beat
home, they will be glad to see you.
"That's pretty good, I guess,"
she said "and italicizing that
'they' will make the jury think
thntull our allusions to the old
people were put in to bo interpre
ted the other way. I guess, young
man, that'll make yu sick." It
did too, for a while, for ho read it
over backward and forward, aud
whistled soft copious selections
from thirty-live standard operas
before be saw his way clear to an
answer, Yes, no saia oweny,
"her pa and ma will be at home,
but the old man'll go up stairs to
bed at a quarter to 8, and the old
woman'll go out and tell tho ser
vant about putting the dry codfish
to soak, and forget to como back
0, 1 know the old frauds liko a
book. Bully I'll take a witness
with me I That's lit" So ho sat
dowu and wroto t
Tlinnk your parents for promis
ing to bo at home, and tell your
respected mother that I shall ex
pect her to teach mo whist. Aud
so Ferdinand Isn't tho happy man;
who is? I was jiiHt beginning to
think that ho might, when wo
knew each other better, come to
bo a hopeless adorer of yours, but
it seems I am to have no chance.
Yon can't have told mo whom tho
groom expectant is to be, or I
should surely have remembend.
The poor girl did not llnd much
cousolntlou in this, but as sho had
her parents well drilled in their
parts, sho looked forward hope
fully to tho night, being pretty
suro that sho could keep him there
pretty late, mako tho weakness of
her eyes an excuse for turning
down tho gns, "then," said sho,
"my word'll bo as good as his be
fore a jury with marriageable
daughters." When the bell rang
at 7:86 sho started up wltn a beat
ing heart; aud w lieu. he entered
with a companion and said, "I
have mndo bold to bring my friend
Mr. St.," she screamed wild
ly, "Lost! lost" ami fell faint
ing to tho llnor. That is how tho
matter stands at present. The
young man thinks that ho turned
her position very neatly iu his last
lottor, mid )laced It on record that
up to that time he hadn't boon pay
ing any attentions to her. As for
tho future, flint must look out for
Oat of Jewell's Suits.
Thirteen years ago Marshall
Jewell persuaded an old woman
sick unto death to sell him some
valuablo property alongside of his
Detroit tannery for $230 down and
o00 annuity, on which no pay
ments wero ever needed, tho wom
an dying. To-day tho Supremo
court decided that Jowcll had no
right to tho property, and must
hand it over to the heir with all its
improvements. The cuso wusou
a decision in the court below
against Ell Allonc, complainant,
heir-at-law of Mario Genevieve
Thibault, tho woman in question,
who prayed the court to cancel the
conveyance made to Jewell when,
as the plaintiff alleges, Marie was
In no condition to make the deed
under which Jowcll had and holds
this land. Tho evidence, us re
hearsed iu Associate Justice
Field's decision, shows that Mario,
old, sick and docrcpid, lived iu a
wretehed house on land iu Dotrolt
adjoining Jewell's tannery. In
November, 1873, tho physiciau at
tending her told Dolscn, Jewell's
agent, that the woman was losing
control of herself, and might lose
her littio property if she was not
protected. So Dolson, Jewell's
ageut, aud a lawyer, his attorney,
weut to protect tho woman. The
end of it was that she. half er.ii-
alone, friendless, sick, Ignorant,
unucrsiandinjr little Eu.il h. nm.t..
over this laud, worth $8000, to
Jowcll for $2i0 down, her doctor's
bills, taxes, with oo'cuoaucv suctir.
ed till tho next Spring, and an an
nuity of $500. Tho doctor hud
glvon her up. There was no one
to luko euro of her, aud iu ten
weeks she was dead. The Imir
sued. Tho eourt below ilui.hl.,.1
against him. Ho anocalnd. i..
summing up In his favor Justice
fluid said, that while no one Mr
cumstauco provod might be held
to-siiow the woman's iimnnitv
thus Voiding the deed, all UlO font
as existing and known to Jewell
should cancel the conveyance, and
tiio court decided accordingly that
me neon was not secured by proj
er means. New York Sun.'
Oil Dick oa Peek.
Tmm tl CLcinmu Comitrfrci J.
Dirk Thompson is becoming the
w ar horse of reform in the navy
department. The first thing the
matter with "Old I"k" w tUit
every hair of his while head
honest, aud that was not what was
the matter with his illustrious pre
decessor, Robeson. Another thing
the matter with Old Dick-and
when we say Old Dick we mean
no disrespect is ids capacity for
eloquent and emphatic conversa
tion. Wo understand that Mr.
Smith, of the New York Sun, saw
him a few days ago, and asked him
how affairs were in Ms depart
ment. " Fearful, sir," said Old Dick.
' The affairs of the nuvy depart
ment are in a slate that was fear
ful. One of tho first things I found
that struck me was a big contract
for timber 'at the highest market
price' the highest market price,'
old Dick said in the highest straiu
of hit voice. " Did you ever hear
of a contract like that before? I
said at once annul that contract.
A few days aftcrwurd along came
the contractor; ho had delivered
six ship loads of timber at ' tho
highest nurkct price,' aud hadn't
heard that the contract was an
nulled. What,' said I, ' it's like
ly all thoso loads would hare been
thrown on us at once if you hadn't
heard, isn't it ? And then,' said I,
you can keep your timber. It
will not bo paid for, and I'll see
whether my order to annul your
contract was stopped, and if so
where it was stopped.' So much
for him."
Aud Old Dick glared with honest
rago at tho thought of paying the
highest market price for the poor
est quality of sticks. " Another
thing," suid Old Dick ; " I sent all
around aud abkod everybody about
tho state of our accounts how
much money we had. I thonght it
Importaut to kuow what we had
to go on. Tho reports wero all iu,
aud I saw wo ought to have a bal
ance over at tho treasury depart
ment of ucarly eleven million dol
lars. I sait over to see what we
had, and tho report was three hun
dred thousand dollars, and what
do you think of that?" Aud the
flash of Old Dick's eyes and the
rip-saw tones of his voico would
havo brought down a coon from
tho tallest sycamore of tho Wabash.
"Hello!" suid I, "let's draw a
line here. Wo must stin t fair. It
seems to mo tills is what they call
a 1 discrepancy.' These things are
turning up nil the time," said Old
Dick, hot aud glaring with the
wrath of righteousness. "Here
was a bill from Japan with a $G00O
item iu it that I couldn't under
stand. What's this $0000 for ? ' I
inquired, and it turned out that it
was for 'furnishing a house.'
What?' said I, 'all that money
for furnishing a house In Japan?
No, sir. strike out that item.' It
wasu't paid mid it sha'ut bo paid,
sir. Things aro in a fearful state."
As Excitixo Incident. A
very cxcltlug incident occurrea
not long since nt tho villago of
Soudan, in France. Iu conse
quence of the weathercock at the
top oi the church steeple getting
rusty, aud no longer turning as it
should do, it was determined to
tako it down. A man climbed up
tho steeple, hut Just before he could
reach tho weathercock he lost his
balance and slid down for seventy
feet, then rebounded on tho roof
of the church, and rolllug thence
was precipitated to the ground.
lie was not much hurt, but being
much shaken by the fall, was re
placed by a man named Chevalier.
In about half an hour Chevalier
mado the most gallant efforts to
haul himsolf up by means of a
rope, but at last his hand slitmcd
aud ho fell backward. Ills foot
caught in tho rope, as luck would
havo it, and there ho remained, ono
huudrod uud twenty feet fiom the
ground, with his head down, beat
ing tho nir with his hnnds, strug
gling to recover hlniseir. A spec
tator went to his rescue, slipped a
rope around his body, uud cutting
that which held his foot, freed him
from tho tearful position iu which
lie had remained lor three hours.
George Francis Train has become
quite hardened. Ho says to tho
Ilostou Globe t I was silting on
bench iu Madisou park tho other
day, fuociug tho sparrows, wheu a
beggar catuo along and asked for
alms. I refused him, when in
most Viteous tone of voice ho de
clared that ho was starving. Still
I refused him. " If I do not havo
food," said lie, "I shall die.
"Vory well," said I, " I rccogni.o
your right to die. Go fortllito tho
ttoldsl Why should I rob the earth
of compost ? How dare It cheat
tho globe out of a corpse ? In dii
appointing you I ploane a million
ot pusmlrcH, who thank mo nnti
eipativciy for my generous denial
Leavo mo."
A Bonanza of a Steal.
A T CsUV)rBW sf $13,800.
The tniiu over the Jackson road
arriving here on Saturday mom-in-,
brought among it pasmse"
Ii. if. Lanier, late m collector of
Carroll parish. Immediately "P""
Lis arrival hero Mr. Lanier report
ed to Chief Boylan that he had
been robbed of a package of money
couUiuiiig $13,80O-tax collection
funds which ho purposed turuinsf
over to the State-and that the
robbery had been committed on
board the sleeping car on which he
rode from Jackson, Mississippi, to
Vew Orleans. Mr. Lauier stated
that when lie,retired he placed the
i l.!o
package in a pocxei jus.uo u
vesin which he slept-aud that
upon awaking at about five o'clock
in the morning he found his vest
pocket cut out aud the package
gone. To this lime noming
has been learned touching the case,
.i,.,i, D.n ili-ieetivcs have been
UlVUgU -
engaged iu working up the matter,
New Orleans Times.
As the detectives are working
ud the above case, we will try and
throw a little light on it for their
benefit. When Mr. Lauier reached
this city on his way to New Or
leans, ho went to ono of our mer
chants and asked him to take care
of a package which was said to
contain fourteen thousand dollars.
Tho merchant did not want to
take any such charge, and asked
Lanier to go down to the bank
and buy exchange on New Orleaus,
and thus relieve himself of all
risk. Ono of the elerks of the
house went dowu to tho Vicksburg
Bank ami tho Bank offered to give
him exchange on New Orleans at
par, as at that time tho Bank wish.
cd to move some curreucy from
New Orleans. Lanier first agreed
to the proposition, but went off
nnd never came back, and never
showed any money. Why ho did
not transport tho money by ex
chnngo when he could havo done
so for nothing, is a nut we leave
for tho detectives to crack. It is
too hard for us. Vicks. Herald.
This is vory sad. " While the
good man of tho house slept," the
thieves came and stole his goods.
Mr. Lanier should have knowu that
John A. Murrcll, Sixteen String
Jack and the James brothers were
all on that train, aud be should
have put his money in his shirt
collar and covered it with his car.
Tho pooplo of Carroll parish can
bear up under the loss of the mon
ey, uut It will be very painful to
learn that a shadow of suspicion
should cloud tho fair famo of the
tax collector.
Skipping the Light Fantastic.
At precisely 7:30 o'clock last
evening Professor P. Valleau Car-
tier stepped out upon the floor of
tho dancing academy at 8 Union
square, and began to waltz. He
announced that he would try to
waltz steadily five hours. Tho
first lady who danced with him
was Miss Sarah Leoboldti, who
was out of breath in eight minutes.
A young man took her place, but
at the end of seven minutes she
renewed the floor with tho rofes
so r and waltzed for 30 minutes.
The professors's wife and other
ladies and gentlemen w ere danced
out of breath, and still tho intrep
id professor kept on. Tho profes
sor changed partners without stop
ping his regular steps. Uccasiou
ally ho was handed a small glass of
wine, which he drank while step
ping in time with tho music. The
music chosen as the easiest to dauce
to was that or the piano. Bets
were made against the dancer.
At 11:80 o'clock the Indies clap
ped their hands and waved their
handkerchiefs to cheer tho walt
zer. Mr. Lafayette Harrison, a
man of Bonio note as a dancer,
took the floor with Professor Car
tier, and waltzed with him some
forty-five minutes. At 12 o'clock
the Professor showed some signs
of faltering, mid slices of lemon
were put iu his mouth. Ten mlu
ute s after swallowing tho slices of
lemon tho professor revived.
Mrs. Carlicr, tho professor's
wife, took tho floor with him to
completo the last half hour. The
professor became a little dizzy, and
peppermint lozenges were given
him. In tho last live minutes the
professor varied his walulmc by
putting in fancy steps, and his
wiia oucasionuiiy wntspcrou noas
of encouragement.
At I'i-.'M tho task was completed
auu a grand hurra irom the spec
lators rang turotigu me nan. a
X. Hun.
General Ord passed through St
Louis on tho 21st on his way to
Chicago, to consult with (ieueral
Sheridan regardtug tho Mexican
invasion from the Texas border,
The officers accompanying Ord
say Lordo is making groat efforts
to reinstate himself; and there is
much activity along the Rio
Grande by his partisans Escobedo
and Padre Vnsuaues. Lordo evi
dently intends making tho United
81 ute bis base of supplies aud op
p rations till strong enough to make
a stand m Mexico.
Icavin" the French restaurant,
I Km the citizens of iiMe
tVU on the 4th of March Mr. L ui
Salinger's Kostaurant witl be
under my charge. I will, a '
have ou baud all the delicacies ct
the season, such as
I will also keep at all times a
I will take boarders at $7 V"
week, 2 meals a day.
Ke-ular meal from 7 a. m. to 1!
Greenville, March 3. ..
At Cost for Cash !
The entire stock of Goods now
on baud, comprising
Fancy Goods,
Ladies' Misses and Childrons'
is Irom this date offered
At Cost for Cash.
L. D. McMEEKIN, Agt.
April 28-m ,
A.B.FluUjr. J.iVFinlaj. Jito. H. Moore I
A. B. FMLAY & CO.,
' Drmn8 is
Paints. Oils. Dyes, la. I
Oa Draught and in Bottles.
Onion sets, and Garden
Grass and Flower seeds of all de
Corner Washington Avsena and
Mttlberrv streets,
r'obfi-f.0. OUEENVILLE.
Gr o o r s .
We are now opening onr Block
of new and beautitul
Spring Sumner
consisting of the latest styles of
Fancy Goods
Our stock of Gentlemen's, La
dles, Misses and Children's.
are made expressly to our order,
of the best material, and guaran
teed to five satisfaction.
A large stock.
Aprlll, 1877.
Resident Dentist.
Office nit-stairs opr A. B. Flnlny ACo.'s
Drugstore, w Miungton ay ..
Toeth Exrracted Without Fain
nov. 4, 1876.
XV. D. Illlili,
Lake Washington Landing,
Forwarding and Receiving
' Ten Centa Per Packago.
rirLt stock or
Groceries and Dry
at my store at tho Landing and
the llainuictt place. myvu
W. A. Foixock, I II. Xrktschiiaii,
Vn'i. I uisirr.
W. P.Kbkticiimah,
Ats't Ouhlcr.
Czr.Ii cf Grc:r.vi!l3.
Transact a Ueneral
' - '
Bought and Sold.
SpoclaUtteutlon to the payment
i; ii si
T.I If. ITli"'!"-'
..I. I 1
4 5 6! 71 f ;
Especialli Devoted
nlii U wiu
i$li!!st ha
4 51
11 H
GreenvilleG H
axd thx
II 41 31
'151 181 IT
Washington, D:IIvsjv ,
. i
Issaquena and Suitimr.'
(Communications of local in
terest in these counties solicited. .
Job Wos?h
Dsss Nistl, Chtslaa4EtsIUslT.
GresRvills, :
mm .i
T s IU U
u ir. in n is
a a a u -s
4Si 3D si ..
.. . 1
3 4 5 7 S
IV II IS 1J U 1.1 1C
17 18 It!' -2
44 i 20 27 iS i Si
it. d. jornrzoii cz C2.
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
RESPECTFULLY solicit tho attention of tho Planters, l!retr '
it Mechanics ami the public generally to their large and well izS
I (
X'lantation ana uuiiaerH' ixaraTTcr.
Choice varieties of ss&ssxsd Plr.a zr.i Crzz:
- At reasonable prices. We ave added to onr
In tbe country, which enables ut to make a .
r.2DuoTio:j i:j
Estimates made on Bnildinf or Uechasietl we:i '
f -
Our Undertaking
Department is fy
furnished with U
Metamo and
Wooden Cases
Of all sizes.
JSTPrices from (10 to $-10 according to size and
With ample
M, A. VAN'
l i w h - i .-r -
?! - f
ii' t
I ttT
coram or
Paint, Oils and Gh::
TbaTTooi C
fist art at
tallies, t.i l
j 4 ever ter:
ksaA -!
Capital, which
natr .- lart 1
on i ....ft k ' i
'urn' . r... t
rr aiidlae.e
or taxe tn .is csirici. apz,7ti.

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