OCR Interpretation

The Greenville times. [volume] (Greenville, Miss.) 1868-1917, February 09, 1895, Image 11

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034374/1895-02-09/ed-1/seq-11/

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k A 7 r ...
.HV vv -
kum la
r twenty
Tn will wo en
r'0MWli IU
UTiru. Sean ths sealer:
TM m tvi my w on')0
la isni
aua's Impressloa
n. u ion aim Mai.
&.UM aialn others
aanllsental eroUera.
1 assae ,i1ii1t mo,h,r'
I jjaawUlilBala
I isWies.
Hopef Iadead, I've aoeel
Taat h very " 01 Tlnu
Froif a by your tua.
nry Uu ' '" TOtt'U parrr.
0 rtese iweatj men who urry.
faea. at last, tooS end siarrj
KsnOsf twenty-coal
Felix Carman, ta Ufa
PODD was
clerk lo a retail
dry roods store.
It is diffiiult
to imaplne that
a, n inuividuul
bearing to his
toric a baptis
m 1 same
should be de-
hi fate to wear it in the common-
3 . - All-
tmospnerc OI a mea-auuw me,
Us It was.
behold Mr. Fodd on-a Sunday
boon, OT on some evening, aiier
mltitodinous affaire of business
.aaed sntil the morrow, one would
It hare been led to believe that
Liptlsmal name waa scarcely ade-
tothe mnn, lor wnen jnr. roaa
Lit aside the enthralling shackles
Undent circumstances and stood
In the lull ireeaom oi a amaii'
led clerk oil duty, he might readily
been mistaken fur a railroad may
or t bank offlclul with an evident
lation towurd some country where
lltion law is not.
inch periods it required an ex-
Wly imaginative brain to grasp
bought that the individual wno
led past in the newest, and most
h of rigs to the utter annihilation
week's salary or who occupied
( a reserved pair of orchestral
'5. front, was but the same person
umllinirly tore down one side of a
iruods establishment to enable
undecided female to select a spool
bad, or who rewound yards upon
L of Hamburgs and other decoro-
roods which similar consistent
uret had examined with a thor
nets known only to the feminine
Podd cherished Intentions, which,
bhtly matured, as they certainly
,1 be In the course of human events,
d irive to his existence that couleur
He which the poets aftlrm const!-
earthly felicity.
'. Podd's Intentions were of a matrl-
lal nature.
this case the sentiment was a
lei of mild Insanity that often at-
p young men of a marria?aule ape
kin unmarriugeable salary, and Mr.
exhibited many of the symptoms
aggravated form.
took in two or three extra squares
day in walking to and from his
k of business that he might pass
abode which sheltered the idol of
ktil,' and, perchance, be rewarded
mile, or bow of recognition from
lair occupant
e (air being who thus agitated the
(UtyoIWr. Podd's existence was
us Melinda Smythe her father
led it Smith in bygone days.
lis maiden dwelt with her mother,
Melinda Smythe, or entertained in as-1
eret, visions of a vine-embowered eot-
T,' lm "vinity a iu presidio
deity for If there be any excuse fort
rash plunge into the tumultuous sea of
matrimony it is that the unfortunate
victim leaps from the positive infe
licity of the typical obscure boardinir
house Into the blissful unknown.
Mr. Podd's sojourn at these lodgings,
however, was a matter of policy, both
on account of the cheapness of bed and
board, and also on the score that, ow
ing to the undisguised partiality of the
landlady's daughter for thia particular
boarder the mother waa more lenient
ta collecting his arreara and more In
dulgent In many of the minor workings
of the establishment, including choice
tame and a thoughtful
upervision of his wardrobe and room.
Owing to these several advantages
he lingered on, yet refused to allow hi
perverted heart to be anftnaut h. .v.
blandishments of the daughter more
than waa essential to his own com
fort and convenience as a privileged
nnen ne wished an extenalnn f
credit or to secure some especial favor
air. roaa was wont to escort his land
lady'a daughter, In whose fashioning
nature had neglected to Include u.
"omeliness, to some place of worship or
u an entertainment where the price of
admission waa most moderate, suffer
ing untold anxiety the while lest the
odious Tom Jones should be basking
In the nnlight of Miss Mellnda'a
ence during this voluntary exile on hi
Mr. Podd's finances were alowlv re
covering from the severe drain to
which they had been subjected during
the Christmas. February he was walk
ing leisurely from business towards his
lodgings, calculating a method by
which he might be able to Day some
bills, long since due, yet retain a suffi
cient surplus to treat the fair Melinda
to a sleigh ride, recklewly promised at
a time when the weather gave strong
and almost certain indications of verg
ing into balmy spring, while, with a
stow this sonvenir of St. Valentine on
the landlady's daughter, who also
thrummed the piano, and acting on the
sudden Impulse he bought the missive.
When at his lodinsrs he directed
both valentines, feelinc secure on the
one hand that hla landlady's daughter
was not familiar with his penman
ship, and writing on the sentimental
one the initials, J. C. P.. that Miss
Melinda might not mistake the sender.
On Bt. Valentine's day, Mr. Podd
arose somewhat later than usual, and
Hurriedly went down to breakfast,
forgetting the two missives lying upon
the table in his room.
While he was eatinsr the maid-of-all-
work etarted on her cleaning tour, and
with the proverbial acutenesa that
enable members of her ilk to detect
anything save dirt or disorder, the two
forgotten valentines, in their white
wrappers, were the first things to at
tract her attention.
A they had not been sealed, it waa
but a few seconds until she waa mirth
fully regarding the rival music tana of
the one, and (rastina her eves unon
the prodigal collection of love token
contained in the other.
Bhe had scarcely time, on hearing ap
proaching footsteps, to return the val
entines to the wrappers. nneonsclouslv
enanging uiem in her baste, and take
up her broom with as Innocent an ex
pression as the occasion demanded.
when Mr. Podd hurriedly entered,
picked up the envelopes, sealed them.
and thrust them into his pocket, to
tally ignorant of the exchange which
had been made.
That evening after business Mr. Podd
sought the nearest tonsoriul artist, un
der whose especial care he placed him
self for the next half hour, then be
wended his happy way to the abode of
his soul ideal.
Imagine the consternation of the
hapless Mr. Podd. who, on presenting
himself to the fulr Miss Melinda,
cure in the expectation of a cordial
greeting nay, perhaps a tender one
found himself met with chilling scorn,
Speaking from her Experience,
After years of practical use and a trial of many brands of baking pow
der (some of which she recommended before becoming acquainted
with the great qualities of the Royal), Marlon Harland finds the
Royal Baking Powder to be greatly superior to all similar prepara
tions, and states that she uses it exclusively, and deems it an act of
Justice and a pleasure to recommend It unqualifiedly to
American Housewives.
The testimony of this gifted authority upon Household Economy
coincides with that of millions of housekeepers, many of whom speak
from knowledge obtained from a continuous use of Royal Baking
Powder for a third of a century.
lady dramatically
."WowiS," said the sentimental boarder,
who is unmarried, of courts, "woman is the
sweetest fruit of civiliialion." "Yea," as
sented the cheerful kliut, "sue does make a
a great jam at the bargain counter." Cin
UnnaU Tribune,
Ma. Gontx-HiLD "Tea, I do feel In reod
spirits this evening. Mv bov has passed his
examination I" The Earl "Well, ldon't see
eaytbiuF in that. Bo has mine." air. Oond
child -"Kr Indian eivill" The Earl '-Ko;
bankruptcy P Punch.
100 Rawant, flOO.
The reader of this paper will be pleased to
leuru that there is at least one d raided
lisease that science has been able to cure In
ill its stages, and thut is Catarrh. Hall's
uaurrh Cure is the only positive cure
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
twinira constitutional disease, requires a
institutional treatment. Hulls Catarrn
Cure is taken internally, acting directly on
me Dlooa ana mucous suriaces ol tne
lystem, thereby destroying the foundation
f the disease, and riving Ue patient
Itrenirth by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
f roprietor have so much faith in its curs
ive powers, that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list ot testimonials.
Address, F. J. Chbxm & Co, Toledo, 0.
irr Doin dv ururaaia, ix,
TlaUs family PUls, SIS cents.
Snroi-"I have come to ask for your
daughter, sir." Father "Take her, younij
man. You are the only odowuo wanted
mora than my daughter's hsud."-Sj roc use
BcKCHixe Their Remarks tfbe suburban
ite who had beea waiting at Ihe station for tbe
gates to open was preparing to grasp a big
and cumbrous bundle of lugirage in such a
way aa to lift it when the sarcastic traveler
near the radiator remarked: "That isn't
exactly what you would call an easy-pick-up,
Is it !" "I think, sir," replied the suburban
IMS eying him sharnlv, "vou will nod I'm
able to budget." Chicago Tribune.
Mas. B "Have yon any Bear relatives,
NorahP Nomh '"Only sn sunt, mum; an'
she isnt what vou mi(rtit rail near, for it's in
the north ol Ireland sue Uvea, muni,"
A vii'i enrloaltv never reaches tta
feminine standpoint until some one tells hint
his name waa ta yesterday paper.
Across. Vocalists. Public Sneakers praise)
Hule's Honey ot Horehotind and Tar.
ruses J. oo madia uropa uure in one misiua.
A FrT Itdoefln'tmakearrtom an? cooler
to put a f rlese around the walla.
" Ki.isas Crrv, Feb. a.
.111 0 4 so
. t O I
,. I W U 00
.. IN 90
50 as St
lS4i )
. Sv k !!!
,. 'i 60
,. 1 so a) I so
.. I DO 6 I 00
.. IH tt.0
kt 70
a St
o so
perversity known in no other thing'
save women, it now pave aa positive
evidence'of a speedy fall of snow,
As he passed down the street his at
tention was drawn to A crowd gathered
before a stationer's window.and promi'
nent among them was the ever obnox
ious Tom Jones, who, with the others,
was absorbed In the contemplation of
display of valentines.
At once the green-eyed monster sug
gested the Idea that this exasperating
rival was even then engaged In select
ing one of those dainty missives by
means of which he mignt convey to me
object of their common admiration an
afcurnte state of his feelings, and Mr.
Podd at once decided on adopting sim
ilor measures in an avowal of the pas
sion that alike consumed his soul and
Now, it would seem that from a well'
Stocked assortment of valentines, one
might readily make a selection, but
Mr. Podd found a nitncuii tasK.
Manv of these dainty messengers op-
f "mail Income waa obtained by peared too cold and indifferent to suit
suig eariy ana late at aressmaK'
ft Melinda led a Hly-of-the-field
fence, and while her. mother
pged, and cooked, and sewed
he little back room, her daughter
the critical taste of tnis customer:
others were of too obscure a nature to
portray the proper Intensity of emo
tion that stirred the profound depths
nf Mr. Podd's soul
vinsllv he chose one. In which arrow-
ived in the front apartment, or pierced hearts and very fat cuplds
t out to concerts and theaters, from who were evidently in the Bame plight
Ihshn hmntrhf t.n0v iUoi . v.m M.-Fliinscv toircther with
lobe fliKtriliiifoii mllh t.ti nU .if a nnanla1 doves, dunned hands, mot
P rented piano, to the neighbor- toes of truth, fidelity, constancy and
lltfrenupntlntBrl. I ,intmn with other gymoois repre-
omthe deportment of Miss Melinda senting a harmonious state oi omnni
riWic, one was led to reirret that a irenerally, were scattered proui(r.ijr
of fashionable dissipation had over gilded paper in filigree ucs gu,
Mht enriul to so young a creature,
when she referred to "our res!
Pi it was In. a tone that at once
Rested brown-stone front, plate
r, nd an extensive retinue.
Mr. Podd's eves.' her bearlnir was
ply regal, and he rejoiced in the
iiMfue atmosphere of her presence,
pindful of any doubts of Its genu
M Melinda had irained her knowl-
r f arlstocratio deportment from
ftricol boards and the pages of that
finlic school of literature she de-
"W In dovourlnir in nrodiclous
UUes,butasMr. Podd's Ideas had
n generated by the same equivocal
foe, he detected none of the flaws
t to a more acute or less Interest-
' Podd's lodgings comprised tbe
economical part of his exls-
r5 being In an ohfuiiiA street.
bnildimr that th wir nf ah.
f ircnteel poverty. Considering tjie
i' nung surrounding. It is little mnr-
Mr. Podd frequently sought
charming oompanionshlp of Miss
As Mr. Podd turned to go his eyes
fell on a pile of comic valentines which
1 .. .. MA(,,.
'Some one has said the destiny of a
nation turns frequently upon a small
i TW. nf an Individual is often
JJlVUb. ,,,-- -
as delicately poised.
tm. nrpless fflanco proved the turn'
ing poit whlch Tthrew i
.nthrnned her unwelcome kins-
womon in the near future of Mr. Podd's
existence. ,
The topmost valentine portrayed a
spinstcrly-looking female, seated at an
antiquated piano which she was be
laboring in a blood-curdling way In ac
companiment to some operatic gem,
supposed to be issuing from her very
extensive mouth. An unhappy feline,
with arched back, distended eyes nd
enlarged caudle appendage, lifted up
her agonised wall from an adjacent
fence. Below this sketch was a verse,
in which comparison between the two
singers was msch in favor of the cat.
An evil thought, perhaps, bori i of a
recent request for arrears for board,
eTtered the mind of Mr. Podd to b
while that young
waved him hence.
"Begone! you villain,'' she wrathf ully
exclaimed, in true stago purlauce, and
with another tragto wave of her hand.
"Why, Miss Melinda," began the as
tounded Mr. Podd.
'Don't 'Miss Melinda' me, you base
hypocrite, you!" screamed the young
lady, allowing her temper to overcome
her predilection for heroics.
"Ureal jupiteri my uear miss .-ue-
Hilda, " stammered the unfortunate
Mr. Podd.
"Co!" cried Miss Melinda, in still
shriller tones. "Must I have you
ejected from this apartment? Mar!"
she added, opening the door leading
into the back room, "here is this con
temptible puppy, Podd."
"lias he come back here ag'ln?" and
the irate mother appeared upon the
scene. "Maybe he come to see if your
cat still out-squallud you," she said in
harsh and sarcastic tones, as she con
fronted the bewildered victim of their
joint accusations.
"Or to have my voice remind him of a
file on a cross-cut saw," rejoined
the daughter with a little hysterical
sob. "O, mar! drive him away.. I
can't bear the sight o' him."
"My child! don't let such a misera
ble creature disturb you," said the
mother, soothingly! then, pointing to
the outer door, said:
"Get rlghtout o' here, an' don't put
your foot nigh this house ag'ln. If I was
a man I'd learn you how to Insult un
protected ladieR," she added, as a part
ing Injunction when Mr. Podd, with
his hand pressed to his hend in a dazed
sort of way, turned and fled Into the
An hour or two afterward, as he
stole dejectedly into his lodgings he
met at the door his landlady's daugh
ter, who had his sentimental valentine
in her hand, and beamed upon him a
happy smile.
"Oh, Mr. Podd!" she tenderly ex
Maimed, "how con I ever thank you
for this too awfully lovely valentine?
I've been watchin' for you ever since
annner. Do come into the parlor,
there Is a nice warm lire an'
things look coiy."
Poor Mr. Podd! He muttered some
thing about being consumed by a rag'
W headache, and declining all prof'
fercd remedies he went hastily to his
room, where, locking himself securely
within, he gave up fully to tnc anguisn
of the hour.
It is a cause for little wonder, there
fore, that any allusion to St. Valen
tine's day now causes a deep depression
to settle on his once susceptible heart
and a chill to pervade his sensitive
being. Detroit Free Press.
CATTLE Best beeves
Native cows
HOdS-Uond to choice heavy.
WHEAT No, 3 red
Nat hard
CORN-No. S mixed
OATS-No, t mliad
PLOITR Patent, per sack...,
HAY Ctoolca timothy
Fancy pralria
BRAN (lucked)
BUTTKR Cholca creamery..
C'HEESB-Full cream.... ...
CATTLE NatiT and skipping S 00
Teiana 1 00
11008-Heavy I 09 10
KHF.RP-Falr to choice.. t 00 k S 7
FLOUR-Cbotea 100 W 0
WHF.AT-No.lrad 0 tH
CORN No. I mixed M O
OATS-No. t mixed
RYB-No, t M M
BUTTER-Creamery It e II
LARD Was tera stoam it)
CATTLE Common to prime... 3 O 4 28
HOdSPsnklns and shipping., i 7ft ft 4 W
hHKKP Fair to choice 1 to & I
FLOUR-Wlnter wheal I to WIN
WHEAT No. 8 red 504
CORN No. t 0 40
0AT9-N0. 1 S7
RYB W S0'4
BUTTF-R-Croamery I ft t
CATTLE Native steors 4 00 O 4 SO
HO(lS-iood to choice I r a 4 10
FI.OUR-Uixxl tocnoloe 1(0 O 4 SO
WHEAT Na 8 red -.. MH'tf "(
CORN-No. f 4SM
BOTTER-Creamery If &
PORK-Mess It Oi fell 7
Q&2 to recovery, the
T 'young woman
wno is lasing
Doctor Pierces
Favorite Pre
scription. Is
maidenhood, wo
manhood, wife
hood and moth
erhood the " Pre
scription " is a
supporting tonic
and nervine
that's peculiarly
adapted to her
needs, rrgnlating,
Btrenitlienlns; and cur-
ing the derangements
of the sex. Wuv is it
an manv women owe incir oeamy io ut.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because
hm,tv of form and fnce radiate from the
common center health. The best bodily
condition results from good food, fresh sir
and exercise coupled with the judicious use
of the "Prescription." .....
if there be headache. Dain in the back.
bearing-down aensations, or general de
bility, or If there be nervous disturbance,
nervous prostration, ana ciecpiesnne, m
"Prescription" reaches the origin of the
trouble and corrects It. It dispels aches
and pains, corrects displacements and cures
catarrhal Inflammation of the lining mem
branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, Ir
regularities and kindred maladies.
Mas. Frank Cam
P1KLD. otEast Dickin
son, Franklin Co., TV.
Y., writes : " I deem it
my duty to express mv
deep, heart-felt grati
tude to you for havirg
been the means, under
Providence, of restor
ing me to health, for I
have been by spells un
sble te walk. My
troubles were of the
womb Inflammatory
and bearing-down aen
sations and the doctors
all said, they could not
Tw." bottle, of Dr. Mat. Ca-rtELD. ,
Pierce's wonderful Favorite PreKriptloB
has cured me."
with Pastes, Enamels, and PsInU which
stain the hands, Injure the Iron, aad bum
red. The Rising Ban 8tove Polish Is BriU
liant, Odorless, and Durable. Eackpsckag
contains six ounces; whoa Doisteasd will
make several boxes ot Paste Polish.
Brings comfort and Improvement and
tends to pereonol enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
tcr than oiuers anu enjoy 1110 more, wim
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to Its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
nmfession. because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels withont weak
ening them and it is perfectly tree from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Fiir is for sale by all drug
gists in 60c and tl bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Byrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well Informed, you will sot
accept any substitute if offered.
Ely's Balm
Cleanses the Nasal
Paasm(res,Allays fain
and Inflammation
Restores tbe Sense of
Taste and Smell.
Heals tbe Sores.
Apply Bftlm lntall o4rtt
axt kkoa.,M WarraaSLS T.
Gold ami Hlim wutM.'
Clock Uaa.br4.iUt. OKu
IT dn m icnatutrij tvr ,
CoapsMi OtrtltWtitCxV U
ifrdoolyto Avuntt. on
9 WOrtM M asVniTtlaV
furttafr Mrtk-ulin
nt v. v.m
l. aa.. am mxisti SI
Box a. nstisoiT. OHia.l
mrrk-sv NN0 swrtM. thif Urwn MiitutM nw
' I tfwtimsj. Mi)4vl'rwvi Aprtl wui in ft rntMnst
fornptnJnrr. PrlcB dlrtrhtnitt. XftnunotU rtum iwwl
'-taMomM ann ami "i . JT, T T ' siw
o- xv. assr-xrxsBixs., ac s,
SV4 Ma VMSVl TanaMr, Cklaaa
A. N. K., F J.63?
Guibette mm
Cotton Blight
Tests made by the Alabama Experiment Station and
elsewhere prove conclusively that
Kainit Prevents
loss caused
cotton blicht Planters can prevent the Immense
annually by this disease. Send for our pamphlets. 1
They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they iU save yaw
joUan. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Nanas BUart. New Vera.
"We think Pise's CURE
only medicine for coughs."
Jennie Pinckard, Spring
field, 111., October 1, 1894.
n nrnnr
I "Ml
tv nntinr
TAATES OOO I), usa IN TIHIB. Miuu dv vkuuuuij, as MHIS.

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