Newspaper Page Text
afc The Grenada Sentinel 'BE JUST AND FEAR NOT.' J. W. BUCHANAN, Manager and Proprietor. TERMS $2 Per Annum. VOLUME XX' r III. GRENADA, MISS., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1882. NUMBER 5 OKAYSPORT. The CropR—Heir. E. A. Taylor's Lecture —II. O. Money, Etc. Graysport Miss., Aug. 9, 1882: Editor Sentinel: As you solicit and publish reports of crops and other news and from the v irious centres of the great and prosperous county of Grenada, I take the liberty of saying a few words about this quiet centre and its surround ings. Graysport has existed near half a century; it is situated on the fertile banks of the turbid Yalobusha, some twelve or fifteen miles (I hardly know which) east of Grenada, and was at one time, I believe, considered the bead of navigation for that effete and ponderous craft known us the keel boat. Through all these long years we have existed and still existjWeliave had our ups and downs, our shadows and sunshine, our losses by Hood, fire and storm, but Graysport still remains the centre of trade from a flour ishing country and a prosperous people in the main. Our crop) prospects were never more promising, especially corn, peas, pota toes, sorghum, millet, etc. The fight an unequal one at the commence ment of the croj) year, owing to the scar city of supplies for man and beast, but with a determined purpose and favora ble seasons the farmer has triumphed and at this time able to realize bis cher ished hopes:-—an abundant crop for man and beast. There are various opinions about the cotton crop. My own observations assure me that the forward planting is good while the later planting has good weed and plenty of forms, there is danger of disaster from worms and early frosts. Fodder pulling is on hand and also our colored protracted meetings. You can guess which will receive the closest at tention. There is one thing that makes us sad, the scarcity of hogs; for with n fine mast and plenty of corn besides, we could eas ily make our own bacon. We had the pleasure last Thursday night of listening to a very interesting and instructive lecture, delivered by Rev. K. A. Taylor, of Grenada. Subject, his Eastern tour and visit to the Holy Land. The lecture was delivered in the church, and notwithstanding the dark ness of the night many from a dis tance in the country, which with a gen eral turn out of the town, gave him a good audience. For one hour and a quarter his audience gave him the most respectful attention as he recited in a graphic manner his visit to Jerusalem and other places made memorable and sacred to the whole Christian world, grew eloquent over scenes enacted centuries ago, and an he stood upon the very spot where many important events transpired no wonder that his heart would thrill and his tongue become eloquent over the scenes enacted. They left their impress upon future generations, and Still mould ter and shape the destinies of men. The whole audience will join me in returning thanks to the gifted lecturer for the pleasant and profitable entertain ment. w. the chat I cm ■ every word you suy about Hernando I). Money, I know him; was trs in that dark and trying p 'rind of war, "the time that tried Ho was the same trusted upright, chivalrous, honorable gcntle tleimm that lie is to day. Duty was his watchword, and lie was unflinching in the performance of it. lie shirked no responsibility then,—neither will he now. I believe 1 know whereof 1 speak, and I say to d !ojk about a longtime before they will find n truer or better man than II. I). Mom y. I lmvo already made this article too lengthy I'm afraid. I will close, nth him for three t men's souls." that his constituents may Reap. M. Tike Virginia Bosh. Vor.Philadelphia Times.] Who is he ? He dresses like u freebooter. Ho looks like a freebooter. He is a freebooter. Halt the most conspicuous man on Ills floor of the Senate. Look fora man with buggy trousers flapping about his 'hubs; with a dirty colored vest and J'itli a cout of some other color. Look 'witinan with a long heard flowing d°wp over his breast and giving a fierce aspect to his face. Look for a man with a black sombrero of the widest possible "rbn. That is Malioue. That is the man " bn tins got his clutches about the throat "(tlu< Ntme and is shaking it about for ■ns amusement much as * terrier shakes a rut. 'At what age were you married'.'" ttsk " l ' "he inquisitively. But the other wo niiin was equal to tho emergency, and quietly responded, "at the parsonage." "Here , _ alter, bring mo some water m put in my wine. I alwavs like my "'■no watered." baiter—"Oh, then sir. you won't "ant any I I put plenty in before brtng r| git to you !" Yalobusha County, August l(i, 1882 . En. Sentinel:— Since our last article, nothing lias oc curred to vary the monotony of exis tence around our little village, and real ly, was it not for an occasional fist-fight or barbecue, all would move gently, se renely along as if there was only one side of life—"the sunny side." Crops are looking unusually well—the corn crop being already matured, and cotton continuing to grow majestically tall, with long, waving branches hanging low with the weight of innumerable bolls precious bolls''—causing many a poor farmer's lips to open wide as smiles of graphic sweetness play over his brawny countenance—at the bright, promising prospects ahead. Worms are reported to be below ns, but we hardly expect any trouble in our immediate neighborhood from any such cause, and look for an immense yield of other crops beside cotton. Indeed, this has been a remarkable year. We have been blessed with refreshing showers whenever need ed, and he who calls himself farmer,and makes no crop this year,is unworthy the name. All are highly elated at the suit of our work, and already anticipate the pleasure of having our names erased from your roll of "delinquents," and an other year's perusal of your valuable and newsy paper without being forced to part with a few "old pins," (all wo have) in default. ri Tho mass meeting of citizens, irrespec tive of race and color, held in the City Hall of Coffeeville on last Saturday, was a completo success. The conduct of Sir. Money, as our representative in Con gross, was commented upon extensively We antic ami triumphantly endorsed, ipated a lively time several du.vs before hand, hut as Mr. White kindly with drew from the race, at the same time inviting his many warm friends to fol low him with "Money armour girded tightly on," our delegates to the Con gressional Convention, at Macon,in .Sep tember, were instructed to vote for Money first, last and all the time, after which the meeting adjourned nine die. And doubtless there was not one single man who left the hall who didn't feel within him the great hut strange convic tion that Money, at the next Congres sional election, will be elected over any opponent foolish enough to array him self against him with such an overwhelm ing majority as was never dreamed ol before. His past deeds and actions are before us,and as we gaze upon them written in letters of gold upon the monufnent of the past, see the benefits we have experienc ed through him, why should any ever think of tilling his place with an untried, inexperienced man. Qnibonof We are glud to see our best and most influential di to in citizens manifesting Some deep interest in the future welfare of the State and country, and only hope that their zeal may he doubly increased, and they may be more on the qai vice as election day approaches; for. who knows, but what other candidates may come before us ere that day, and they should be over on the alert—work with energy and unflinch ingly—as they never worked before if they expect success to crown their ef forts. Jn a recent issue of your paper,we saw "little article closed down on physi cians" and we suppose by that was it, that all physicians who had not a been actually engaged in the practice for five years and procured a license before that day would not be permitted to prac tice longer without going to the expense of undergoing Jackson which would cost them at the lowest calculation seventy-five or one hundred dollars. Now, Mr. Editor, it is not our intention to heap abusive epi thets upon the heads of our lust legisla ture who assembled, in our legislative halls lor the purpose of enacting such laws ns would benefit the people "en masse,'' hut to ask in all sincerity where is tho justice in uny such art? Does it protect the doctor ? Does it pro tect the people ? I am forced to make the assertion that it does neither. To il lustrate this grave yard fact, we know ig norant men who have never attended a course of medical lectures and who know absolutely nothing about medi cine, who have been nine to procure a license to the injury of the profession nS well as the people. They have carried a power of pill boxes for five years,and are thereby entitled to it license. On the oth er hand we know several excellent phy si 'inns who have practiced for fifteen or twenty years, regular graduates of first class colleges, intelligent,high-toned gen tldinen, Who were refused a license sim ply I lira use they were prevented from doing so by sickness or distance. If a thorough knowledge and understanding or "the science" is the nine non qua pre requisite, why, wo ask in the name of common sense, and wo might say, in the name of humanity, refuse men a license ry rigid examation at at who possess those neceessnry qualifies lions and license quacks, charletone and others, with utter disregard to race, color j or qualifications. Hoping to hear from you sometime upon this subject, I am us ever, Yours divinely, "KAfi'A." , IF. I', Towler & Go's store is headquar ters for the very best of everything in the drug line. That Hacking Cough etui he so quickly cured by Shiloh's euro. We guarantee it. Sold bv J. E. Hughes. Fresh and pure drugs always on hand at city prices at J. E. Hughes. Also, all the best brands of cigars. Water, pure, ice cold, and chrystal clear, and a plenty of it, at (ins Wolfe's saloon. J. E. Hughes is the place to go for drugs and toilet articles. New arrival of Dress goods, Trimmings, Luce Collars, Fancy Linen Collars, etc. at J. W. Griffis <fc C?o's. For a drink of pure French brandy or Jamaica rum of undoubted origin, go to Gns Wolfe's saloon. If your tooth aches, your eye pains, your car hurts, come to my store for the remedy. J. E. Hughes. we as -« Non Resident Notice. Tiie State ok Mississippi: To Ephraim Stokes: You are com manded to appear before the Chancery Court of the county of Grenada in said State, on the 1st Monday of September, 1882, to defend the suit in said Court of Emily Stokes wherein joii are a defendant. A. V. B. Thomas, Clerk. By J, T. Thomas, D. C. G. W. Jones, tsd'r. forcomp't. Grenada, Alias, August 4, 1882, (4l) Chills and fever are now beginning to shake people up. Come to my store and get a remedy that will put a quietus up-* on all such unnatural conditions. J. E. Hughes. All the mineral waters of Germany and Bohemia hermetically sealed and consequently effective, are to bo found at Gus Wolfe's. House and Lot lor Halel'lieap. The house and lot now occupied by Dr. D. 11. McHenry will be sold very cheap. For further particulars apply to J. B. Kemp. (3t) Will you suft'er with dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold at Hughes. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is the remedy for you. Sold at J. E. Hughes. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's catarrh remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by J. E. Hughes. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price twenty-five cents. Sold by J. E. Hughe?. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption cure isscldbyus on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by J. E. Hughes. Sll.-i ill - Nine. N. C. SxiDElt Vendi Exponas. vs W. S. Ingiiam By virtue of the above described Ven di Exponas to me directed by the Circuit Clerk of Grenada county, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door of said county of Grenada, State of Mississippi, in the' town of Grenada, on Monday, tiie 4th Dayof September, 82 the hours prescribed by law, the following described land to east half of southwest quarter and west half, of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter all inser tion 34 township 23 range G east. Levied upon as the property of said defendant W. 8. Ingram, anil will be sold to satisfy the above styled v»ndi, interests and all cost. R. X. Hau. Grenada, August 12th 1SS2. Sheriff. unit 28, bettvee it: d The State of Mississippi : ToJoh't 1) MeLemore, Austin, in the e 'iinly of Tiavis. and State of Texas, and to i lie unknown heirs of P. P. Me L no'iT, Lepere Fork, in Williamson unit v, State of Tennessee: Cl are couimauded to appear before the Chancery Court ot the comity of Grenada . in said Stale, on the 1st Mon day in September, 1882, to answer mo tion to correct decree made in said court at the March term thereof, filed by Mar garet W Markham, wherein you are de fendants. Win. 0. McLean, 8 licitor. Julv 21st. 1882. A. V. B. Thomas, Chancery Clerk, By J. T. Thomas, D. C. In tho Wholo History of Medicine No preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, os Ayer's CnERRY Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures In all cli mates lias made it universally known ns a safe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary tolds, which are tho forerunners of moro serious disorders, it acts speedily aud surely, always re lieving suffering, aud ofteu saving life. The protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to bo kept always on hand in every home. No person can afi'ord to be without It, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and operation, physicians nse the Cherry Pectoral extensively j n their practice, and clergymen recoin ntend it. It is absolutely certain in its healing effects, aud will always cure where cures are possible. For sale by all druggists. It with 1SK2. GEO July uly LacockManur, Dealers in FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING AND LnmbeR. In our Furniture Department we keep nothing bnt the very best con sisting of fine Chamber suits, Parlor suits, and every thing kept in u first class Furniture store. In our UNDERTAKING DEPART MENT, we have from the cheapest wood Coffins to the finest Metallic Caskets, and orders from up and down the rail road by telegraph will have prompt at* tention day or niglu. We keep on hand as fine hearses as are in the South and will carry them promptD to any call. In the LUMBER LIN? we haveafine stock of every kind nes :d in building and repairing. Our facili ies lor keeping lumber are better now than we have ever had and we leel that parties want ing anything in that line will do well to give us a trial before buying elsewhere. We will deliver Lumber by the ear load at the Depot for $14 pr m. CRESCENT Is a Remedy Unparalled by any Similar Compound Sure, Speedy and Permanent in its Effects. It Cures quickly by Outward Application! Without Medicine or change oi Habits, Rhumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, Sciatica, Headache Sore Throat, Earache, Toothache, Cuts, Burns and Scalds, AND ALL INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Of every nature Whatever Write to Office for Lists of persons Cured of Diseases abandoned by .Physicians. Manufactured by CLEMENT & WOOD. 151 Julia St-* NEW ORLEANS, LA. Price, One Dollar a Bottle. Sample ilottlea 25 eta. Harmless, Composed Entirely of Vegetable Matter. J. E. HUGHES, Wholesale Agent Grenada, Mississippi. UXIVFKSITY OF MISS IS s IPFIA T OXFOIl D. ill the world, nude id tree 1 Open unit female (except Lnv Students ore charged $50 tuition.) Next session (30th) opens September 28, 1882. The Literary, Scientific, Law and Preparatory Departments are in lull op eration. The University is in all respects pros perous and efficient. For catalogues mid information ad mit' ot the following Faculty. GEN.'A. P. STUART, Chancellor. J. J. Wheat, D. D. Gen. C. W. Nears, A. J. tjuiuche, L. L. D., R. B. Fulton, A. M„ .1. M. Long, A. M., J. L. J .hnson. L. L. D., Geo. Little, Ph. D , . E. Mayes, L. L. D., 0. W. Hutson. A. M., It. W. Jones, L. L. D., L. T. Fitzhugli, A. M., E. C. Davidson, A. M., Frank Larkio, B. A., d ress The terms are cheaper than at any College or University in the South. If. M.Scixiv an, Secretary. MEMPHIS CONFERENCE FEMALE INSTITUTE JACKSON, TENN, The Record.— The President ha« been with It for many years. The Graduates have averaged more than twelve annually for thirty-eluht years. The Faculty of ten are active and abreast with tho times. The Thirty-eighth Year begins September 4, 1SK2. Apply for Catalogue. A, W. JON EH, A. M. D. D., President GEO C. JONErt, At. A., Professor and Secretary of Faculty July 21s% '82,4w. Union Female College. Oxford, IVLiss. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1882 Foil Faculty. Boarding accommoda tion Filst-elass. Ex|K'n8fts mode' at«. Apply tor catalogue to J. S. HOWARD, Presidin'. uly 22, '82,8.v. m district in mil ! A SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND ROYS ! THE GRENADA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Will be Opened Sept. 4,1SS3. Rev. THOS. J. NEWELL, Principal, assisted by a corps of faithful and com petent teachers. Nothing but fituess will he considered in the selection of teaches* TERMS PER MONTH. : & 2 00 3 OO 4 OO 15 OO Primary, Intermediate, .Academic, Board, No deduction except for protracted illness. Payment must Ire made promptly the close of each scholastic month. STATEMENT. This .School has been launched under the auspices of the Methodist Church within the Grenada District, hut will not be sectarian, in that it teaches the pecu liar doctrine of uny church. Christian principles will be inculcated, and a high standard of morality and civility required. No one need apply for admission who not willing to submit to the positive, but kind discipline of the school. PERSONAL. Feeling a deep interest in the education of the youth of our town, and having hud several years of successful experience in teaching, I have yielded to the ear of the institution. I shall not be able community in the interest of the School. 1 nest request of many friends, to take charge or attempt to visit the people of this commu presume they know their interest and will act accordingly. I do not come beggi their patronage as a contribution to my support. I expect to conduct a Scln which will challenge'their respect and merit their patronage. " rnation address Thos. J. Newell, Principal; or R. P. Lake, Hi August 18, 1882. mg tool For further infor , Resident Trustee. T. J. NEWELL. A. C. LEIQH. JNO. POWELL. Leigh aits Powell, Cotton Buyers -And Dealers in SELL CHEAP FOR CASH ! Solo A-g*ont« fox* fbo riolf*bra±ed James & Graham Wagon Company's VV agon. [Aug. 19, 1882.] J.BAXm&Co., WHOLESALE TOBACCO and CIGARS! Direct from the Factories and at Lowest Figures. examine our stock before sending tln ir orders else Ad on! rs eir rusted to u. will receive carefn! and prompt attention. ■ell Merchants will d vliere. 817 Main St. Mempliia, Tenn •9 -Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealer;- in Boots and Shoes! 403 IT. 5th. Street, St. Louis, Mo. Represented, by RICHARD DRAKE. turn DR. BLY'S CELEBRATs . .. J ED LATENT ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS have all r of the natural limbs. Perfect siiiisfaotion in nil enses or no reduced. Hole •cl Louie Prices >■ uiifnetiirur fo-nmi pay. IMiamplets free. a . McDermott* Manufacturer, No, 158 Camp street, New Orleans, l«A > ml iana soldiers, nrice lists sen April, Hili '82 1)'.] Non ItosUIcnt Notice. The State ok Mississippi : Vnribnn Montgomery, when Postof. fici* is Grand 8aLine, Vmizort cm,State ot Tex, and Maggie Montgomery,whose postomce is unkimw n : are commanded to appear before tile Chancery Court <d Grenada county, in said, State, on the 1st Monday on September 1882, defend a suit in said Court of B^ F. Thomas, wherein you are defendants. A. V B Thomas, Clerk. By J. T. Thomas, D. C. IF. C McLean, sol'r for compl'tf. Grenada, Miss,, July 28,1882. (4t) WHITWORTH FEMALE COLLEGE. BROOK HAVEN. HISS.. H. F. JOHNSTOX, V 1)., President. Will re-open, SeptemLr 20, 1882. The succciw of thiHfM'hool, atuqualled North or South, is the bent evidence of its merit. Thorough in Art. Muhc, Languages, Mathematics, Ac. Parental government and the best advantages. VERY LOW RATES. All ti e monies received are expended lor th • benefit ot the Cobege. The nt.u iidance Irom abroad is larger than that of the Tenn , Vn., or Kj., schools. * Sea*I for a catalogue. TV. P. Towler & Co., , have removed their drug store to tho Iiottse on Main Street,, formerly occupied by Geo. IV. Jones.