Newspaper Page Text
PRICES REDUCED. FAIRBANKS SCALE. 3 TON, $80,001 4^Ka<2e with afna^SHinprovSnonU, heavy Brass Beam figured cn both sides sod Beam Box shipped with e tch Scale, requires less timber than any other Scale made, and folly guaranteed by makers. $5.00 extra for double Brass Beam. Slat* of Plait form, H feet by 14 feet. Also, Southerr: Cotton Beam Satie, the best and cheapest Cotton Scale Made. F- P. BRADWAY, Agent, - - New Orleans. Meat Market I was never better prepared or more de* termined to comply with all my obligations as a caterer of good meats for the benefit cf.the people of 6're n a da and surrounding county than now, 1 not only want to sell, but to buy all the fat cattle, sheep and pigs necessary to supply this market. JNow, if the good people of this towu will sustain me, as they have done, they shall really have the best of good, fresh meats ihat the market will afford. My prices shall ever be below, rather than above a fair margin of profit. With facilities to keep meats cool and away from insects, I w.11 sell nothing that cannot bear inspect tion. Give rae a call, and you will always find me ready to fill your orders fiatisfacto* rily and on short notice. Respt. ,T G REEXHAW. I al9ok , 4 p Ice for sale. Long Leaf Pine Lumber ! Incar load quantities ut lowest rates to rail road stations between Beauregard, Miss., .Vcmphjp, >St Louis and Chicago. Apply to G W Ragsdale, Grenada, Miss., agent for Saw mills of it A Furguson, Beauregard, J/iss. G W Hamilton & Co, " " l'urrow & I'errctt, Martinsville, " W A Rags lale, Carroll county, " [jau!3 ly] J. M. HUMAN, ' ' GRENADA, MIS'S. Is prepared to furnish Plans and take Contracts of any kind in the building fine, Guano sold for cash or on credit. McCord & Co. * Don't fail to try Soluble Pacific Guano, sold hy McCord. PATENTS Obtained, and all business in the U. S Patent Office, attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U, S Paten 1 Office and we can obtain patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Sen** model or drawing. We advise in to patentability free of charge; and w» make no crameunless we obtain patent We refer, Jjere to ihe Postmnster. tin Supt. of Money*Order l)iv., and to official! of the U. S. .Patent office. For cir?tilar 1 advice, terms, and reference to actual cli% ents in your own State, or county address v * # - C. A. SNOW & CO., 0 PP08JTE Patent Office IFashington.D.C CVCLASIO (No. 6791, A. J. C. C. The grand young registered Jersey Bull, Cyclasio, is now at my farm and ready foi service. This Bull is exception ally^lne, solid in color, with black points. His sire is the* Marquis of Bute 2502, that was sired on the Isle of Jersey and importecU'in Ventre se Mere,''and whose dam was the Beauty of Belie \ ue 6972, both imported. His dam is Cocoa 3019, whose sire was Vespercius 758 and whose dam was Morlocchi 2725. Morlocelii was the Duke of Greysholdt 1035, and her dam the celebrated Cara mel 2727, both imported. Cyclasio will be breu to a limited number of cows dur ing the season. Parties having cows which they wish served, will find the Bull at niy farnf, one mile south of Gre nqsla, Miss. Service fee $5. When nee essary to keep cows several days, they will be cared for at actual cost. Grenada, Miss.,Dec. 8, '82 sire of 1 A. MAAS. [tf] TO THE AFFLICTED Having iuciirryl a very heavy expense in Uje tfiirchuse of ibe raoet improved in strumefils, as we)] as all necessary npp i> ances fo/flre ami permanent cure of the following disensee. vix : Nasal Catarrh or Oienmr, in any s6ige, Bron eliilis, Toneolilis, and in fact all diseases of Hit Tliroal and Lungs, either ncute or chronic, Sypbillis in all ils veriou, forms and complications, including stricture, from whatever cause produced. Also nil diseases peculiar In Females, and dis"ines of Children a specialty. I also take pleasure in elating for the bone lit of those who may wish to consult me from a distance, that I hnvemade arrange ments by which they may he provided with good hoari. at reduced rales, and ex perienced nur-es furnished if desired* A private consultation room at my office,well fitted up for the accommodation nnd treat, ment of ladies. Office hours from 9 R m, to 1 p m, nnd from 2 to 0 p m. Very resp't L. C. LEE, m. d. mcblO 83 3m (irenada, Miss. Obstetrics TaWhIm 1 V VVwVvlvl ■ 290 Main Street, MEMPHIS TENN.' rfcrthe ill ii. me POO MOO'S BALSAM^ . Eer.ira* the E:uing, itl i* tho Caly Abidute Cert Zzstz. TUIm Oil J* abstracted from peculiar Hpecieu of the smull WiiJTK SHARK, caught in the Yellow sen. know Every Chine*' fisherman knows it. Its virtues a* were discovered by a Bud 1410. I is cures were so teendngly miraculous. that the en Foist: KONDELETII L'AKCUAKUlXJN a restorative ol'hearing didst i'nest about they officially proclaimed became so universal that ior no Deafness has existed among the Chi nese people. Sent, charges prepaid, toauy address, at $1 Ui per bottle. the remedy tire Empire, i HEAR WHAT THE DEAF SAY: It hut jtrrformed a 1 have no unearthly better. J hit if been {/ready bait fitted. Mu deafness helped a great dail—think another bot tle trill .Mu hearing it much benefit ted. lived untold bexefit. Mg hcarinfi U improved. Jt i< giving good xvt inf act ion. I fare been g rad!.u fane fitted, anti id uch a I I have rejoicing that 1 ih • ' It* virtues are ring next lot rlrr absolute. as the writfi able and itx curative, char lly testify,both t" M J/.t nor A' it JEXXm 1)0/ Street. New York. . receive by roturn mail u to hear like anybody else, ■ ' •emedg that trill e.nabl Jfkvt ill ' per Editor of Mercantile Jt 'HI grit ■lev. KO-Tr tfd loss in by Registered Letters, the Mails, ptet Only Imported by EAYLCCK & JEHHI7, Sole Ag't*. for America. 7 Eey Street, lie* York. Money tivvriMi. (31 1 irriTn ■ LUilliLliiljllIU CLINTON, HINDS CO., MISS. Ill 1 AVho will send catalogue or give other information respecting the institution, on application. This is the oldest institution for tlie cd** ucation of young ladies, and is without a superior in the State or Southwest. The year now closing has been inently prosperous, filling the Institution's accom modations for pupils to their utmost ca pacity. Among the many superior advantages are, extensive and thorough course ol study, llie long and successful experience of the Heads of i Departments, educa~ lional facilities such as apparatus,cabinets libraries, etc., the accumulation of nearly a half of n century, expenses considering the Quantity and Quality of returns made, very low. The Thirty-First Collegiate year begins Tuesday, September 25th, S3BEBT SELLS, Presided Board Trustees. GEO. WHITFIELD, Secretary. [july 27,1883] FOB MLE. The. undersigned, on account of ill Health and overwork, oilers for sale the ■ntire outfit of the "Pass House" which die has successfully run for several years. This Hotel is located within 30 eet of the present Court house, and on .he same block which the new one is to be erected. The Hotel is well furnished, :'rom (he Parlor to the Kitchen. Call at mce and secure a bargain. P. Habeh. July Oth., 1883. -•-— Drugs, not going a begging, but want tig buyers, at lowest prices, at Hughes' Irug store. The very best of chewing tobacco and ;igars can he obtained in quantities to suit purchasers at the drug store of J E Hughes. The holidays are over, but the stock of Irugs and medicines at J E Hughes' lot exhausted. Don't suffer with corns on your feet when you can go to W P Towler A Co's, md get a bottle of Corn Solvent f r 2 hat will cure them. No cure no pay. •M* Give J. K. Hughes it cull wish anything in the drug lim. lit wlii'i. \ nil will sell you very chea])for the (*v. TJie Guano sold Ivy Mc Cord. is the kind Georgia. used in —THE MILE POWER CORES.— H UMPHREYS' OMEOPAJPHIC SPECIFICS. la tuo 30 years.—Each number 1n» : pectal pre scrlptlon of an eminent physician.—The only Simple, Safe nnd Sure Med iciues for the people LIST FBINCXFAL NOB. CUIIK8. 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inflamatlons. 2!i 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 II. Gryinif Gollc, or Teething of lufajME ,25 t. Diarrhea of (Jhlldreu or Adults... . .2% 5. Dysentarv, Griping, YilliousColu «. Cholera Morbu-. Voinltlug,. 7. Goughs, Gold, Bronchitis. S. tVt uralul 1, Toothacho Enceuche.25 9. Headaches, Kick'Headaches. Vertigo .25 10. DyspeiiHin. Hliliotis Ltomach. 11. Siipiircssed or FainlUl Periods,... 2. Whites, too Profuse Periods,. 1 t. Group. Cough, Difficult Breathing,... I I. Halt Kheum, Kryrtpeias, Eruptions, 15. Hheumafinu, Itnenmatic Pains... . 10. Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, Agues .50 17 Filee, Blind or Bleeding.50 19. l.'atarrh. acute or chronic; influenza 50 Whooping Cough, violent coughs General Debility, Physical Weakness.50 27. Kidney Dl*en«e.... 2«i. Nervous Debility. 1.00 SO. Urinary Wenkness. Wetting the bed .50 32. Disease of the Heart. Palpitation. 1.00 Sold by druggiKts, or sent by the Case, Or sin elo Vial, free of charge, on receipt of price. Send forDr.Huinohreys'Hookoii Dinen-e Ac. (144 pages*, also Illustrated Catalogue FREK. Address, llomnlireys' Homeopatli'c Med icine Co.. 109 Fulton Street, New V PI [I E : tt ir, .25 25 .25 .25 •» 2*1 50 a 1 50 ork. \V. P. TOWLER, Grenada Miss. THE PERFECT NUMBER American Sewing Machine «-* B TCX?n°:'&wr, 180 Canal Street MewOrieana, La. For Sale By P. A. Fleets, Agcn , Grenada Miss. .A .^t a. Cv\r:d. wlio are suffering from the errors ind Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness early decay, loss of manhood, 4c., I wlllaem. a recipe that will cure you, FREK pi CHARGE. This great remedy was discover 'd by a missionary In South America. Send iself-addressed envelope to Rev. Joseph'! INMAN, Station L>. New Vork City, Aug. IS,'821 y. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's cure is tli r emedy for you. Sold atj. E. Hughes. For lame Back, Side or Chest use Shi loh's Porous Tlaster. Price twenty-five cents. Sold by J. E. Hughes. HORTON & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW GRENADA, EiT'Office over -I. E, Hughes'Drug Store, Jan 13,-ly] MISS, a. s. passt ATTORNEY AT LAW, GRENADA, MISSISSIPPI. Office over W P Towler & C-'s drug store. J. J. slack, JAS. O. LONOSTREKT Late of Oxford, Miss. SLACK & LONGSTREET, ATTORNEYS AT LAW GRENADA, MISS. Willpractice luall the adjoining counties, aud in tliu Federal ami.Supreme Courts. All clalmsfor uon-resldeuls will be lltiga led in C.S. Courts wueu amount In contro uersy is over SoUU 00. (Office Over Lake Bros'. Bank) J R. II. GOLLADAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ; . MISS. GGhf EEV1LLL VV. C. McLEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Successor to Barksdale* McLean.) GRENADA Office Over McCord Bros'. Store, MISS. i. ir. Lateof Aberdeen. ii y itzokkax.1 /. : *He of Charleston. FITZ-GERALD * WHITFIELD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, M IPS. Office—Front Room Over Bishop's Jewelry GRENADA ,D. B. McHENRY, (Successor to Dr. J, L. Miiton ) miss. Fine Gold Fillings a Specialty. GRENADA DR. It. C. LEE, Physician and Surgeon, GRENADA, MISS. Office west side of Main Street. J. M. BISHOP, (At his Old Stand') Vntchiualicr and Jeweler. GRENADA, MISS. N. B.—All Work Guaranteed, J. P. Gage. L. L. Saunders. G AGE & SAUXDERS, PHTS'ClflNS & SURGEONS. Office west side Main Street, GRENADA, MISS., NEW STORE. FRESH GOODS THOMAS BROTHERS Main St., Below J. E. Hughes' DEALERS IN Fancy firoccrics, CONFECTIONERIES, AND Plantation Supplies. Fine Cigars & Tobacco a Specialty. Give us a call and examine our stock before purchasing. "That is the best cigar I ever saw ; where did you get it?" "At W I' Towler & Go's." Mow is the time to go to Vv' T Towler & Co's, and get your paint to paint up your old houses and make them look new. When you wish anything in the drug line call at J. E. Hughes. Everything kept in a first class drug store can be found at the establishment of J E Hughes. Country merchants can buy their stock of drugs from \V J' Towler Sc Co. for less than they can in Memphis or St. l/ouis. b P. John Hughes isan ambitious man in his business ami bis shelves and counters prove it. Itt the line of fancy goods and Christmas gifts, he is amply supplied both in rariety. beauty nnd value. Toi let sets, odor cases, are splendid, mid need to be seen at J E Hughe's th ug store to be appreciated. Whisky, brandy and all kinds oi fine wines, with stimulants and cough syrups of the most reliable quality and cheap,at J. E Hughes' drugstore. m ■ Will you suffer withnyspepsiaand Liv er complaint? Shiloh's vitalizer isguar 'Uteed to cure you. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough, sbilob'a cure is the remedy for you. Catarrh cured, health and sweet-breath ecu red by shioh's catarrh ltemedy. Price 50 cents. Kasai injector free. For lame back, side or chest use shi lob's Porous plaster, price 20 cents. Shiloh's cough and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee, it cure. consumption. Shiloh's vitalizer is what you need f"r consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and allsymptoms cf Dyspepsia, rrice 10 and 75 cents per botile. J. E. Hughes' is the cheapest place it own to get drugs and medicines. by Don't Let n Cough Carry You Oil, Very seldom has it been the enviable fortune of any medicinal preparation tot be so widely noticed by the leading men of tiie country, as has been Dr. Hum phreys' Homeopathic Specific, No, 7. for Coughs and Colds of a stubborn charac ter. Merit, rather than accident has led to its popularity with these gentlemen, all of whom have gained positive knowl edge of its efficacy from personal axperi ence. Now that the icy 1 wealth of win ter rushes, nolens tolen.t, through unpro tected, and whistles down the throat without the least ceremony, and a nerv ous tingling sensation produces a hard distressing cough annoying to all around you, get Dr. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific No, 7, as did a certain youth of our acquaintance, who has been troubl ed with a cough and hoarseness for fif teen months. lie commenced with Specific No. 7, taking six pellets every few hours night and morning. Cough soon became milder; hoarseness soon passed off strength and appetite imprve ed, and in a few weeks he was entirely cured having used no other medicine.— Exchange. State of Mississippi, 1 Grenada County, j To Nellie Lake, it minor, whose post office is Memphis, in the State of Ten nessee : You are commanded to appear before the Chancery Court of said county on tht 1st Monday in September next, to show .-ause, if any you can, why the final ac ■ount of G. W. Lake, your former guar ■ lian, should not be allowed, and he dis •barged. \V. C. McLean, By.I. T. Thomas,n.c. Solicitor for Guardian. J. M. BltCKt.HV, Late Deputy State Auditor. A. V. B. Thomas, Clerk, rjulj'21 5] A. Ii. ii it -FOK— Yellow Pine Lumber Jackson, Miss. Will attend to all Land MattersInAudltor'sOf lee United States Land Office, Swamp Land oi ice, and furnish Mans from Original flats, etc. Will Ileut and Sell Land in any parfof the Stale; ■dvertising name free of cost to owner. Special attentfou given to of Pine Land in South Misshsi nlormntion furnished. Mr Bucklev •nee as Chancery Clerk of Lincoln domtv, and as Oeputy State Auditor. Will also take Contract.' 0 supply Yellow l'ino Lumber in large quantities, it lowest mill rates. Refer hy permiision, In lion. Ro>ert Lowrv •overnor; Hon. H. C. Mvers, Secretary of State Hon. S. Gwin. State Auditor ; and lion. W. j. ilenUegway, State Treasurer. July 10 '83] the pureknse of larg« i, and full s e.xpe nil It OXFORD. 41 TUITION FREE TO EVERYBODY BUT LAW STUDENTS. Open to both sexes alike. Tie cheapest University in this country. All the De partments are in successful operation— Law, Literary, Scientific and Frcparatoiy Departments conducted as heretofore. Foi Catalogues, free, and information, apply t< Gen. A. P. Stewart, Chnncelltr. Special ndy.cemcms here to young min and wo men—poor and rich alike. H. M. SULLIVAN, Sccrrtary L'oard 0 Trustees Lacock & toner, leadt]barters for everything in the way of FLHMTLKE AND UNDERTAKING! AT MEMPHIS PRICES. Call and examine our stock of BEDROOM * PARL1R SUITS MATTRESSES, WINDOW SHADES, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Etc. (June 20, 1883,ly.) W. E SMITH ITnlchniakcr tint Jeweler, SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, Grenada, Mss. All work warranted a dorn with dispatch Jan 'Jl vr, iy atarrh cured, health an! ^ secured by Shiloh's eattrrh remedy. Price60cents. NasalInjitor free. Sold b y J. E. Hughes. All kinds of garden seuth for sale, at IV. P. Towler & Co. R. MAITRE, SEEDSMAN &FL0RIST No. 7 Camp it., ana No. (02 Magazine st NEW ORLEANS, LA. Country orders solicited. Catalogues sent rjanllSm] Toilet articles at the clean drug bouse of J. K. Hughes. J. E. Hivd'cy tu your dr" and oil . "hi ili Ii" iii'". 10 it O. X. VOORHIES, --;Witla.— nm: A hW. n Dealers in Paper, Paper Bags, Twines, FTjOTT 1 { SACKS, BTC.. ETC. MANUFACTURERS OF EMPIRE MILK TEA PAPER, Mole Agent* for the Onion Standand and Patent Duplex Paper Bags STEAM JOB PRINTERS, NO. Mi COLLEGE PLACE, '\'E W YORK. T rlP* a 9 ) N K tot GRENADA, MISSISSIPPI. (CONDUCTED UNDER EXCXUSI CONTROj OF Mb. R. ,P. UK]:.; 1 Exchange, Deposit, Loafs and Collections > hoik DO A GENERAL BANKIIG BUSINES* r: We solicit ilie patronage of the Itusinef community generally and of planters and farmers. Will uake liberal advt on advantageous terms, on Cotton sired in Grenada or delivered for shipment. An extensive practical expe rience in planting and shipping C*tton. warrants us in essurin customers and patrons that business eutrustdg to us will receive prompt and capable attention in ecs WE MAKE NO CHARGE 10R .SHIPPING. 23 . -A.. ATHHs. W I T H GROCERS 5 340 A 342 Tits in Street, MEMPHIS, TJ-:\X S't? PSffSSSgSSaBncyssig g. a5j»-»n<sisr am a I §§SP8&!iSgMfe*fi9 ° SBaeigna: i—n it paiii f 11 * 5 /gill ih i| i!? | HI Q»' Ct n 0 , effo _B ?!."!) ?3 i DO t Ko a— "o 3 KBS o w I i u i tS lO %'• c S-Q.H Sis* f|f| ir -S^cCh SgE dtor-sanaat f f 3 * * I CHICKASAW } a?; e/ ■[«!?£? 15 . G. ! I V M l mm & 00„ PROPRIETORS. 1^ M f No. 98 Second St., Opp. Market Square Memphis, Tens.. Cotton Presses, Gin Gearing, Shafting and Pullets, all kinds Iren ami Brass Cost ings, and everything in line ofFoundry and Machine-Shop Work. Jail work,Colls * a ml Cages a specialty. We are now prepared to manufacture jail cells and cages of Hit New Process Steel, which we guarantee cannot be cut or filed Estimates and Plans furnished uicn application. Mfet. It II ill, Ii Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes 408 H.5th. Street, St Louis, Mio Represented by RICHARD DRAKE. Ik. and Imporiers and Dcnoli-s in 270 FRONT STREET, Tenn Memphis Or. GLAM JOHNSON'S *: V fe-' T Indian Blood Syrup ftp Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Livo.t ; B|| Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood, ill Millions testify to its efficacy in head jJiing the above named diseases, and pro wru/ nounoe it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAFi >o.l ■ J^ACrENTS WANTED.'f| Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it Tit A DR V MtlC G il>t rit n feed lu rue