Newspaper Page Text
the ty N Dr R R 828; H lENADA SENTINEL. SATURDAY, NOV. 10, 1883. »uhe post-offlce at Grenada, Miss, as second class matter.] 1MK TABLE at I,outs and New Orleans to ' ' Railroad. TRAINS GOING NORTH. „ T „ tln wo. 2, leaves Grenada 9:10 p. H, iresTra Vn 4 leaves Grenada, 4:49 a.m. I'SretahtNo.ffleavesGreuada 7:12p.M. ^VivLirht No.8. leaves Grenada-■ J:15 p. M. ?Vre ^t No" w, leaves Grenada 4:35 p m t,VS5 North leaves Grenada 3pm trains going south. r( .gs Train No. 1 leaves Grenada, 5:50 P. M. f Train No. 3, leaves Grenada 11:01 P.«• ■ Freight No 5 leaves Grenada, 7.00 A. M "i Freight No.7 leaves Grenada, !.# »•» :ftl , Freight No. 9 leaves Grenada, 7.28 P. M 2 Train South leaves Grenada 9 a m ississippl and Tennessee Railrond. „ No. 1 leaves Grenada, 5:00 A .M , ht Train No. 5 leaves Grenada, 4:1* A M if Train No. 2 arrives at Grenada IWo P.M l«htTrain no. o lis, the Beat M. BURKE, Supt. sentinel siftings. W Beck, jrocaded fruit velvet just received at gummerficld & Bro. tread Cakes and pies, always Fresh on 'jlra. Loewenstein's. r»kes of all descriptions made on the orbst notice for balls, weddings Par is and suppers at Mrs. Loewensteins. Fresh tripe just received at Mrs Loew istein's. Nothing but the best of material used the preparation of goods manufactur I a t Mrs. Loewensteins. owned from & R. the They sold men We out class need know is. in away moth d at ' Diamond Dyes of all colors at Branum Goodwin's. A fine lot of Scrap books and pboto bums at Branum & Goodwin s. Toilet soan cheaper than can be ought in New York, at Branum & oodwin's. The nicest and largest assortment of re paper can he found at Branum & oodwin's. Large assortment of knives at .cost at & Goodwin's. to of The may ic tts, for of our the to of to to T. Wile. 6t Oct 20. ranum cost at Branum & I Lamps, lamps at Goodwin's. Branum & Goodwin have just received 111 the standard purses bound in the host elegant style. The best assortment of gift books ever roughtto Grenada at Branum A Good ,-in's. 500 packages of Diamond Dyes all col >rs at 10cts., a package at Branum A loodwin's. The finest imported brandies and at Branum & Goodwin's. I Only the best of whiskys are sold at Branum & Goodwin's. Toilet articles atthe cheap drug house J. E. Hughes. IV G Hamilton will be receiving new ■goods every week. Don't forget that Mr. James Cuff keeps hand a full, and complete stock ot ■stick and fancy candy. Be sure and give J. E. Hughes a call when you want any thing in the Drug line. IV G Hamilton's is tho place to buy your hirts for men and boys. Prescriptions carefully compounded at hours, day and night, at Branum & fli^BGoodwin's. Nothing used but the finest drugs. Keep's partly made Shirts for saleat W. G. Hamilton's. Branum A Goodwin have just received large supply of mineral waters. IV. G. Hamilton's is headquarters lor Shoes, j. k. Hughes, is the place to buy your Drugs, Fancy Goods, and Toilet Articles. Jas. Cuff is now in receipt of a hu ge and well selected stock of fancy and stick candy. IV G Hamilton has an elegant stock o gents' and boys' Shirts, Collars and Curls for sale. _ Thebest 5 cent Cigar in town, to be had JE. Hughes'. The best line of hair brushes, cloth brushes, combs, ect., at J. E. Hughes Toilet articles of any description can be had at J. E. Hughes. John Hughes isan ambitious man in his business and his shelves and counters prove it. In the line of fancy goods and Christinas gifts, he is amply supplied both in rarietv. beauty nnd value. Toi let sets, odor cases, are splendid, and need to be seen at J E Hughe's drug store to be appreciated. nimoliitlou Notice. The firm of Wile, Turner A Co. at Guy's corner, in this county, is de solved by mutual consent, L. 11. Turner retlreing from the firm. I. IVtLK. S. IVILK. I„ R.Th:m:k. The business in the future will he con ducted under tho firm name of 1. IVil & Co., 8. Wile, Oct., 12 18R3. Cotton Meed. The Grenada Oil and Compress Com pany are paying tho highest cash price for cotton seed. Bring your seed to your own mill. of the ing A Below we give the official returns of the vote in this county for District, Coun ty and Beat officers: For District Attorney: W II Fitz Gerald, 989; Ira D Oglesby, 094. For State Senator: J D Leflore, 452; J N McLeod, 407; Dr J J Gage, 799. For Representative: .1J Williams,89S; Dr Wm McSwine, 762. For Sheriff: Jno Wright, 925; A K Turner, 739. For Chancery Clerk: L R Turner, 852; R R Perry, 808. For Circuit Clerk: L C Hightower, 828; W B Davis, 833. For Treasurer: J C Ferguson, 773; B H Gordon, 890. For Assessor: S L Davis, 824; J C iff, be ed Windham, 855. For Coroner anil Ranger: Limas Wil lis, 811; J M Golden, 821. The following named gentlemen are the Supervisors elect: Beat 1—,T C Heath; Beat 2—Mark Bear<\; Beat 3—Virgil Eggleston, (col,); Beat 4—W II Powell; Beat 5--G E Lawrence. W G Penn and J F Turnipseed are elected Magistrates for Beat 1, and D W Beck, Constable. The stock of merchandise formerly owned by Lake & Austin, was bought from the Baltimore purchasey by Geo. & R. P. Lake, who will continue to sell the stock until it is entirely closed out. They inform us that the goods are to be sold and that they will offer some rare bargains. These gentlemen are business men and mean exactly what they say. We advise our readers to keep au eye out for this flue opportunity to buy first class goods at rock bottom prices. We need not speak of this stock, as we all know how complete and well selected it is. Having been purchased for this market, and with an eye to please both in prices and quality, none need go away dissatisfied who call at this mam moth establishment. E F We omitted to mention, in our last issue, tho deserved success of our friend Capt. J. B. Lake, at the State Fair at Jackson. The Capt. entered his bonny white mare, "Maude," in the ring, open to the world for tire best horse or tnare of any age or pedigree. Of all the fine stock at the Fair—and they were numer ous—only one (or rather his owncr)darcd compete with "Maude" for the premium. The judges were unanimous, as soon as they saw the animal, that "Maude" was without a peer, and so decided almost in stantaneously. "Maude" is certainly a model of equine beauty, and the Capt. may well he proud of her. We acknowledge the pleasure of a call from Mr. G. W. Scott, of Connersville, Indiana. Mr. Scott has purchased the Dunaway place, four mileseast oftown— about 1200 acres, and will soon cast his fortunes with Lite citizens of Grenada county. He is an enterprising, energet ic and accomplished gentleman, and it certainly affords us genuine pleasure to chronicle the advent of such men among tts, as permanent citizens. We bespeak for him a cordial welcome at the hands of our good people. The following deserved compliment to our esteemed friend Capt. K. M. Leach, which we clip from the Springfield,(Mo.) Herald, will be read with interest and appreciation by our entire community : The Herald received a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. It. M. Leach, repre senting the Livermore Foundry and Ma chine Co., of Memphis. It is one of the heaviest and,most complete concerns in the Southwest, and Mr. Leach one of the most genial knights on the road. W e trust lie will find it both convenient and profitable to visit our city regularly. We direct the attention t^ouT readers to the new double-column advertisement of Jas. S. Wilkins, Jeweler, 290 Main St., Memphis. This house is too well and favorably known throughout this section to need commendation from us. Suffice to say that Mr. AVilkins is not only an energetic and live merchant, but a true and tried gentleman as well. He not only sells his goods nnd wares very cheap, but everything purchased of him may be relied on as represented. Col. J. G. M. Buffaloe returned from New York Saturday night, in order to vote for the Democracy Tuesday. The Col. never fails to be here on election day. If all the Democrats were half as true to their party as Col. Buffaloe, we would not have lost the election Tuesday. At this box, which has the largest reg istered list of voters in the county, only about half a vote was polled, showing conclusively that there is entirely too much apathy among tho people in affairs of such grave importance. Going down to the Chamberlin House to supper, last evening, we met a man who was making desperate efforts to walk both sides of the sidewalk at onct. We finally succeeded in passing between hint. The "jug-bellied runt" was in town night this week, consulting with some of his Republican confrere/. He didn't seem to be very hilarious over tho result in this State, or Virginia either. Wo hope the Independents feel perfectly satisfied that all parties bad a free vote and a fair count. But then, how about the way Col. J. D. Leflore was treated; eh ? The election here was one of (he most quiet we have ever witnessed. a in at Oil one to Proceedings Board of supervisors. Be it remembered that the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Grenada county, Miss., met at the Court House of said county, on the 1st Monday of November, the same be ing the 5th day of said month, and a reg ular meeting of said Board. Present W H Powell, President, Henry Trussel, Virgil Eggleston, John Wright, L C Hightower, A V B Thomas, Clork, and It. N Hall Sher> iff, Ordered by tho Board that tho following accounts be allowed: No 243. Marshal & Bruce, $43 75 for warrant books for county, code 1880, page 589. No 244. PA Fleecs, $1 30 tor Limber, nails and hauling for bridge, sec 868, cods 1880 k No245. WAV Holly,agent, $40 00 for repairs on Kendall and Johnston creek bridges, sec 868, code 1880. No 246. C E Penn, $73 60 for services, etc., at poor honse, code 1880, sec 627. No 247. B 11 Gordon $269 00 for build ing approaches to iron bridge at Grays port, sec 868, code 1880. No 248. J W Buchanan, $8 25 for pub. lilhing proceedings of last meeting, sheet acts 1882, page 89. Ordered by the Board that the resigna tion of W R Yeager be and the same is cepted. Order by the Board that a new bridge be built on Grenada and Hardy road across Aldridge creek, near Col. H A Barksdale's residence, and that the same bo advertiss ed according to law. No 1. J Lane Leigh $9 20 witness in Grenada county vs W T Nesbit, sec 1593, code 1880. Dye, il(> it case will Gband Jchoiis, Ordered that the following named per*, sons be and they are hereby appointed Grand Jurors for December term (next) of the Circuit Court. Beat No 1. IV M Dubard, J W Griffis, J E Hughes and Dennis Winter. Beat No 2. J T Parks, J T Boss, J S King and July Ley. Beat No 3. Chance Edmunds, John No land, Blunt WierSr., hot Gohea. Beat No 4. F P JfoEIwrath, W 11 Baker, F P Collins and Edmond Terrell. Beat No 5. Geo W Terrell, J B Atkin son, Frank Melton and Steve Miller. No 2. P A Fleecs, §12 75 for lumber for bridges, see 868, code 1880. No 3 W W Holly $1 60, for. repairs on iron bridge, sec 858, code 1880. No 4. W N Pass, §3 75 for nails for bridge, sec 868, code 1880. Non. It Doak §2 80 sundries for jail, court house, etc., sections C27, 327 and 868, code 2880. Ordered by the Board the Sheriff sum mons twelve good and lawful men to as sess damages Urenada south to the Carroll county line, Said road running through W B Sounder's place. Ordered that the Board draw pay as follows : W H Powell, $5,20, L C Hightower, §5,70 John Wright §5,00, Henry Trussellgn 40, Virgil Eggleston, §5,50, It N Hall Sheriff, §2,00, A. V B Thomas, Clerk, §3 00. Ordered that the Board adjourn to meet the 1st Monday in December next. 6 5 a in in at as in a call the his it to to the road leading from a in Death ofCaptain Ike Shelby. It is with regret that we note the death of Captain Ike Shelby, which occurred at bis residence aoout ten miles east of Concordia, in this country on last Sun day at 7 o'clock p. m. For sevearl days lie bad been confined to his bed with a type of malarial fever, until the mysteri ous messenger came and his soul fled back to the God who gave it. No man in the county was better known, no one more respected, and no one in passing away would have taken with him more of the affection and esteem of the peo ple among whom lie lived and labored during all the years of his active, useful and honorable life. During the late war hs proved himself a gallant and courageous officer, going into the army as a lieutenant in Mayson's dragoon's from this county. After Dr. wounded and became sur a Mayson was wounded and became sur geon his brother, Evan Shelby, became captain and he first lieutenant. Evan Shelby was killed on the retreat of Hood from Tennessee, and Captain Ike became a captain of Starks regiment 28th Missis sippi.—Roscdale Leader. Fresh Pork Sausage every dayat Mrs Loewensteins. NOTICE. Having sold out my entire interest in grocery and bakery business, in this town, to Mr. John Elliott, I hereby re turn my thanks to my old friends and patrons who have favored me in the past with their encouragement. Mr. Elliott will succeed me at the old stand, with the best of bread, pies, cakes etc., with rocer lake the assortment of the best family g ies, fruits and vegetables, and I pleasure in recommending him as my successor. Respectfully, Mus. A. F. IVeynetii. cl) Although the election is over, we copy the following communication from the Charleston Sentinel, to show what is thought of our friend Dr. Cage in that section: Graball, Miss., Oct. 25, '83. Editor Sentinel : The Democratic county convention which assembled in Charleston recently did a wise act when the entire vote of the convention was cast for Dr. Jno. J. Gage, ot Grenada, for State Senator from the 86th Senatorial district. It is the pleasure of your correspondent to have been personally acquainted with that distinguished candidate for many years in fact.all his life he can truthfully testi fy that the doctor is naturally gifted with all tne requirement- that go to make a Slate Senator. Than hint Talla hatchie county will never have a better representative.—Thoroughly educated, a ready debater on any and all subjects, he will hold a "high hand" among his op He is a man with whom our ponents. people may well and will bo proud of, and and a re-election to the office which he will soon fill with entire satisfaction, will only be left for him to accept or reject. His course in the State Senate will be straight forward and onward, hold and fearless and he will leave no screw un turned for the advancement of the inter ests of the people whom lie represents. Dr. Gage, it is true, has great ambition but he did not seek the office but the office him, and he has been triumphant ly endorsed by the Democrats, auu will be likewise elected next month. VVe will give a good vote to him and the balance of the democratic ticket in No vember. We want the doctor to speak at this place. Wiil he not? 'An humble biy with a Shining pail, Went gladly singing, Aaown the dale {To where the cow with Tho brindle tail On clover her palate did Regale. An humble bee did Gaily sail Far over the soft and Shadowy vale To where the boy with The shining pail Whs milking the cow With the brindle tail. The bee lit on the Cow's left ear; Her heels flew up through The atmosphere, And through the leaves of A chestnut tree The boy soared into Eternity." Letter List. The following is a list of letters re» maining in tins Post office at Grenada Grenada county, Miss., Nov 10,1883. Brown, J B Bradshaw, Peter Collins, Ella Clark, Sallie Dye, Tobe Enan, BC Ellis, J iV Green, Edna Ilenney, Enoch (2) Hankins, Vinson Harris, Mary L Johnson, Robt McElray, J C Oakes, J T Scott, Edward Robertson, Sammie Shelton, Hattie. Persons calling for any of the letters will please say - 'adverttsed " omen hour, Money Order Departmeht 8:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. Registry Department 8:00 A. M. to 5 p. M. General Delivery 7J a. m to 5J p. M Stamps Department 8 a. m. to 5.30 p. Ms Positively no business after hours. M. K. Mister, P- M. Two dogs, which ought to have known better, got into a light in rear of a hotel yesterday, and in two minutes there was a jam of people around them. A servant in the tliree-story window raised the sash and upset a pan of flour with such aim that not over four or five of the crowd escaped marking. Among the "floury" afterward indentified on the streets were two judges, two doctors, three lawyers, four city officials, five merchants, two insurance men and a banker. Detroit canin* s having a mill in prospect will be reas* nibly sure of a respectable crowd in attendance.—Free Press. Indianapolis, Oct. 30.—John Murphy was found dead this morning at Wallace, a small village twenty miles west of Crawfordsville, with three bullet boles in his body. It is supposed he wasmur dured for his money. He was known to have had several thousand dollars the night before. The murderer stole a horse near by and made good his escape, The stolen horse returned about noon to-day without saddle or bridle, but no news has been heard from the murderer. a Bridge Notice. Proposals to build a new Bridge on tho Grenada and Hardy road across Aldridge creek, near Col. H. H. Barksdale's resi dence, will bo received on the 1st Monday in December. 1883. Plan and specifications with general information, can be seen at Chancery Clerk's office. The Board re serves the right to reject any|or oil bids. By order of the Board. IV. H. Powell, President. A. V. B. Thomas, Clerk. Oglesby's majority over Fitz-Gerald is estimated at 5000. B. T. Johnston & Co., sell goods strictly for SPOT CASH and are prepared to give close figures to caslt buyers. Stick candy acknowledged by every one to be the best and purest in town at Mrs Loewenstein's. All persons owing IV. G. Hamilton accounts will please come up and settle. November 1st, 1883. Freslt canned goods of every descrip tion at prices to suit the times at B T John ston & Co's. Worcester sauce at 15 cts., per box at B Worcester sauce at 15 cts., per box at B T Johnston & Co's. For fine teas, baking 'powders and ex tracts go to B T Johnston & Co. For Male. House and Lot on Levy Street known s the Allen lot. Apply to me three miles South of Grenada. Thos. H. Estes. [3 m] is Music instruments of all kinds repair ed on the shortest notice at Mrs Loewen stein's. Nothing but the purest and best of candies at Mrs Loewenstein's. Do not buy your stick and fancy can" dies before calling on Mrs Loewenstein's The Abeerdeen Fair is said to have been a success. The Sentinel office is prepared to do any and ail kinds of job work. J E Hughes' goods are the very bes and his prices are very low. Cali and test this assertion. Call and see the beautiful stick candy tide every day at Mrs, Loewenstein's. Onions, cabbage and potatoes, always on hand at Mrs. Loewenstein's. Alexis,Godillot Jennie Sardines the finest put upin the world at Mrs. Loewensteins. "Doctor, where shall I have this pre scription filled 7" "Take it to Branum & Goodwin—they use Kquibh's goods, the purest made." Ladies wishing to buy tho finest of toilet articles, will please call at Branum & Goodwin's. Take care of your dimes and the dol lars will take care of themselves. So buy one of those fine purses at Branum Goodwin's and then you will be -healed of J. to a he he be the the . Jas. Cuff's is the place to go when you want anything in the confectionery line. & CLEARING SALE + •« WE HATE BOUGHT THE LARGE NEW STOCK OF 9 Owned by the Late Firm of LAKE & A USTIN, 9 And Will offer them for Sale, at their Old Stand, on Tuesday Next, 13th Inst., and Continue the Sale, for CASH, UNTIL ALL ARE CLOSED OUT. a a Geo. & R. F. Lake Grenada, Nov. q, 1883. E.CAHN of to the a no Will make a Specialty of CLOTHING tho resi at re (A (gull (Stock |ust Received. FBEDUNDIS, STITCH & CO'S is give at CTTSTOZL£ CLOTHING [H. A. TATUM, Secretary. THE A. S. LIVERMORE, President) LIVERMORE F01DRY AID MACHINE CO. Cotton Cotton House Fronts AND BuildiD Presses Vfork, Gins,J§ [Plantatio. Work. Railroad B ex Work Steamb't Iron & Brass Castings, General Work, Engines. Saw-Mills, Steam-Pumps Brats Goods, Pipe & Repair's, ana everything B the line. 160 to 174 Adams St.^ - - Mempblav mm-HEND FOR CATALOGUE -Ml three Fittings, V* Banking Souse of can" have do bes and candy Mrs. pre & the of dol buy OB' 9 J. B. SNIDBB, • • • p OaslQler, Grenada, Miss. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS With Capital Increased will be pleased to offer customers such advantages ns aro con slstent with Hale and Legitimate Banking. The agrlcultlal Department or this bankwL continue to make advances to planters and farmers. Deposits received payable on demand and Interest on time. Exchange on New York, Philadelphia, New Orleans, 8t. Louis, Mem phis and all other cities or places of Importance. LIBERAL ADVNDES MADE ON COTTON FOR SHIPMENT you line. Oor. Madison and Meoond St « Memphis, Elevator and all Modern Improvements. Tenn. -0 A* J- KERR X. D HUNT, Manager Proprietor* & ■O Meals 50 cents.\ I Rates $2.00 and $2.60 per day, according to location of room