Newspaper Page Text
./t / {JIM Fl>, I IM The Grenada Sentinel •<& J. IF* BUCRAEAX, Manager and Proprietor. BE JUST A XD FEAR XOT." <• TEEMS: $2 00 l'er Annum In Advance. ■R 5 VOL. XXIX. GRENADA, MISS., SATURDAY DECEMBER 22, 1883. NO. 22 WASHINGTON LETOiS From our regular Coireapomlent. WAsniHQTON, D. 0., Dec. 8,1883. The first step in the Presidential cam paign of next year was taken Wednesday wlieu the Republican executive cammii teemet in this city and selected the time and place for holding the National Re publican convention Pi nominate candi dates for President and Vice-president The basis of representation was Bottled at the last meeting of the committee of lour delegates at large from each state, and two delegates from each congression al district. He nut or Frye asked that b might be changed so that hut one dele gates shall be elected arbitrarily from each congressional district, and another delegate shall be dies, n lor each u nn thousand republican votes in the state, the delegates at large to remain as they are.Senator Frye's prop' Siiion failed to meet the approval of the majority, There was a full attendance of com mittee members, and the disputed points were the place of holding the convention and ets chairmanship. Senators Logan, Sabin and Secretary Chandler Frye were candidates for the latter, and Sarato ga Chautauqua, Philadelphia, Indianap olis Chicago, and OinciunaHi, claimed ; the convention, the sharpest of the con flict being between the two latter places. Chicago won on the fourth ballot. The third of June is the time appointed lor the meeting of the convention, and Sen ator Sabin ot Minnesota w.;s umimiituus i by elected chairman, i Apropos of Presidential nominations, since Mr. Blaine return to Washington he Iihs said his recent letter upon the I subject of u distiibutioii of the surplu— revenue was wholly misunderstood, and I that it does not mean lie is a candidate I for the Presidency He complains that. I he cannot express himselfc o [question without subjecting [die accusation of being on ilia lookout [for the Presidency, and lias furthur said lie would not accept tile nomination it It were tendered him. I Everything that M>. Blaine utters a Iwakens an echo, and I will repeat to you |o,ne of his remarks on Democratic Pres lA-ot-makin y. He says lie regards ■thrum Hewitt ot N. Y the best hiau fm ■lie Democrats to nominate, blit believes ■he nomination itnposihle, because New ■ ork would not support him with a sol ■d vote. He considers Col. Morrison oi III. a politician of large ability, pointing In the canvass he made tor Kerr and for ■ irlisle, and thinks he may be the Duiti fcratie nominee. Mr. Blaine lias no res Kct for the McDonald scheme but says ■orrison is a Union soldier with a iio'e ■lough his lungs, made by a coiifeder Be bullet, and that lie will go into the Bemocratic convention with the solid Bte of Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky ■nnesee, and perhaps Georgia. There He many others of Mr Blaine's way of Hnking. Mr. Morrison bus been told Hen lately that Carlisle's election to ■Speakership, makes him the IJem Batio nominee for. President whether Bv York wants it or not. Blue opening weeks of Congi'i■-* have Bi fir been marked by crowd, of people ■king to the Capitol, as to other lurg' Bibli-bmeets on openin" lays, to Sim ■ novelties in Statesmen. The great Binbcr of new styles preclude a detail Hle-cription io one communication, H tin; new members themselves evi ^Biily think lion. William Walter ■lips of New Jersey the greati-t curi ^By in the House, as ne wears his hair m^Bgcti and is otherwise toilet ted up an aesthetic standpoint. Ilmi bcliiltree of Texas is called the comical figure in the House, and U^B f orrcd to by visitor W[^Mi the bushy red hair kJ^Bying thepersonelot l>oth|li" ^■^Hiy-eiglit Congress, and w bile i' H^HdmiUed the Senate is a fine l»oki»g T^^B Uie House ot Representatives |Hlr<vT I'orsp -ctitcuhir idler., tb" 'gb "'^Hntains a number oi exceptions "^T'ule of mediocrity. The House is [king bald-headed b aly, and sum [h' rs from rural districts wear coun lut-el lilies. A certain bride and Im ot niunneies is noticeable in the ■neinber ami a lack of the "at cm office it .public himself to ej I have liseii I the l h 011 ■" air of those long in ie tact is nnprclieiisiVH in its ioi. Old fives-new fm es-und (lie it limse wiio have been returned ut iiileiini of private life, I' ve ask of the public is that they j d examine our stork and prices. | jck was bought at a, bargain, and kul shall be sold. | Geo. & R. i'. LxgF. I | ub Ill ve Hses-orstiip air, expressed in llie iPa'or [IiM's retor t to Mr. Blaise '• in our father's liotiie. ami toilet articles of r E Hughes. im a call when vm wish anything line. kind to be hail at fs of all kinds, gmsl and cheap, t<>, at.T K Hughes. cis will liiid a lnrK« afwortmunt '•? icrschuinii I*iand Ciuar Hold-! rus Wolfe's, just received, beside | [t cigars in the market; and drink- i Mine, place the* tvliisky and other liquors. very tiinl at; i't Cljfar in town, to ha i( e.«t I . articles uf any description can I J J- K. Hughes. I jlugtii R to buy | is tin* Is, and Toilet | I. Gi st line uf hair brushes, elotli IlllgllL'S mini)*, cel., at J. K. NoW From Sew York. Nkw Youk, Dec., 14th, 1883. While the past week has been wanting in irtartllng events, which could couvulse society as a whole, yet it has not been devoid of interesting incidents, that if not nine-day-wonders, have at least i spired gossip and comment for more than twenty-four hours, in the various circles interested therein. To touch on theatrical topics lirst, Irv ing and La Terry have become Quakers, and Philadelphia is at present jubilant over the honor it fancies paid it by the first production of Ilumlet-Hionsidered by Henry, hi*greatest role-within her bor ders. Opinions differ extensively, us to the success of his efforts. In the however, the verdict seems to be, while his unpleasant seen at their worst, and far more satis factory assumtions, as a whole, of the "moody Dane" have been furnished by native artists, yet in detatched passages and even entire scenes; his excellencies have been displayed to a marked degree than in any of bis previous impersona tions, and that his claims to the position he occupies before the publio, have been undoubtedly advanced. As for the Opheliaof .Miss Terry, she is universally pronounced, completely charming as the "mad maiden," and her performance is admitted by all to approach neurlv the highest ideality. The war of the Opera Houses continues ou paper, anil through rumors only. Each impressario is reported as confi dent of Iiia rival's speedy retirement from the contest, and in all probability neither of them lias the slightest inten tion of so doing. With literal, and jeal ous millionairs by dozens, arrayed on both sides, an admitted defeat may be set down as impossible. At present it can be safely said that Mapleson is mak ing the more money, but Abbey the more reputation, and as the latter lias various other irons, nearly all of which arc successfully heating, he can amply afford to possess his soul in patience. "•Storm-Beaten," Buchanan's poetic drama at the Union Square Theatre, is ridiculous in plot, bombastic in language and senseless in situations, but good act ing, and a most superb setting will com bine to make it a pronounced success. The Windsor Theatre is no sooner lust to us by fire, (no lives being lost, under Providence) than the Bijou Opera House (far from complete) opens its doors for the first time. It is devoted to burlesque and opera-bouffe, and has Scored a bit with its initial attraction, n version oi Offenbach's "Orpheus aux Eulers." Not a week goes by that a new theatre is not threatened, and as nearly all are located on utterly impracticable sites, we have ceased to be interested in the mors, lieport lias it that a daily paper keeps as standing matter. "Haverly is to build a new Theatre on "There is no truth in the rumor that Haverly is to liavo a new theatre -St." .S'i nun c. inv, e bun trovato. Trade is booming; (the word is accept ed now, f believe in even critical circles.) Stocks, in wtiich everyone is interested, have puzzled the wisest by their fluctuations; hut the general feeling seems to be that nearly everything is bound to bo a purchase soon, if not at unco, and the dim suspicions of financial trouble are completely banished. To L# sure, many who were aiming tor a ready made fortune at a stroke, are contenting themselves with efforts for a comfortable income; but that is a consummation de voutly to ho wished, oil all accounts. With the approach of the holidays, the shops blaze and sparkle in never before seen, and the voice of the toy merchant is heard in the land, more loudly than memory can recall. A Bos ton visitor remarked the other day, that a stroll through Fourteenth Street,' from Broadwuy to Sixth Avenue, of a pleasant utteriioon, nearly reached his ideas of a liberal education, and I feel inclined to agiee witii him. Certainly the wealth and fashion that crowds uud crushes us course along (lie almost impassable side walks; tie: beautiful goods almost be yond cost, that are displayed behind I lie miles of plate glass lining the way; me hundreds of peripatetic vendors ot small wares and tuysoi simply astonishing or iginality and ingenuity through the dense mass with the deftness of the conventional eel ; all go to make up apiiiiuruiiia ul such interesttliatibeie is a specie* ot exuiloration and intoxica tion 111 being permitted to even u specta tor. ln inain th;ii mannerisms are ru -St.^ on ream t manner L hi wlio circulate Before I close my screed; have you heard of Bennett's last performance ? Jim Bennett, of the Herald, 1 mean. With no u-ui's permission, he sunt u force down tlie harbor, to paint an advertise ment of his journal, oil the walls of tin fort at Governor's island. Of eolii'sy when the deed was discovered, (it was done at night) lie was broughtsharply to task. Down went another force to orace the obnoxious inscription. They tried J-n, tliey tried acids, they tried near • very resource of modern science. • "daiiined spots" would not out. Then they went to work in earnest with j chisels. Tin; preparation originally used seemed to have gone through the whole confounded wall. They haven't found its end as yet; and it looks mnv as if the Herald would have instead of a painted advertisement, a carved one Hint can he seen five miles. Auati:.| I •m j x Tli — -Tas. r'ufl* is now in receipt of a and wi ll wlecn-d ntock of fancy and stick large candy. W t > Hamilti gents' and liovs' Shirts, Collars and Cuff's fur side. bus an elegant stuck. fnilet soai> cheaper than can b bought In New York, at liramim & Goodwin's, Den.rated ereit IkiiiIiuiih, eon bid drops the hrsl te lie laid for the least money at Mrs Loewgiistein's. Fireworks at cost nt Mrs Loowen stein's. if to is While the recent gramllmll of Mr. W. II. Vanderbilt, in New York, was at its height a stranger, clad in a cheap and very rough walking suit, managed unin vited to gain access to the dwelling through the servants entrance. When discovered he was calmly seated in the picture gallery ip the very midst, of gor geoui costumery, fnirlv carried away with the elegance of tile surroundings and the fascinating dance music of Lan der's orchestra. In explanation of his presence he said that being a stranger in the city lie thought he would drop in and take a look at Mr. Vanderbilts range. After having gained cdmissiffu flb easily the idea struck him lie might as well take a look at ttie rest of the rablishnnent. Although placed under arrest he was almost immediately leased.—Ex. ! S re— The life of a country editor must be gloriously happy and blissfully serene. A rural contemporary, is a well-consid ered article of a half column's length, acknowledges the receipt, from the wife of one of its valued agricultural patrons, of a box of sweet potatoes, a sack of Irish potatoes, a sack of cow peas, two pumpkins, a mesa of fresh turnip greens, a couple of pounds of home-made but ter, and a stuffed goose, together with a boquet, culled by the hands of the farm ers' fair daughter. Now the average city editor hasall these things sent to his house in the grentesi profusion—with the bill accompanying, payable <). D —Memphis Scimitar. Detroit Times: "Someone who hat been looking over old Boston directories finds that there was a time, not so many years ago, when the ancestors of tin present 'blue bloods' were humble mi chanicsand shopkeepers. This is to tie (Audit of the ancestors, tint does not sup port the claims of the present genera tion." Kent. Tiic house known astiie Ayres' place, near the Baptist church. Apply to B Horton, or B. A. Avres. [dec 8, tf]^ W. E Smith has a line lot of holiday goods. Call and see them, and, sec hov cheap he can sell them to you. Tiic Sentinkl office is the place to g t job work of any kind, as neat anil eheu , as can be done in any city. Call on \V. K. Smith if vou wisli b buy anything useful for the holidays. Vi Hogshead clieseo at Mrs Loewen stcin's. The best iiand made cream bonbons ui Mrs LpewejiBtein'e. V Luuil tor Male. Parlies wishing to hay land would do well to see Curson & Wade, at Hopewell or Cr. Maguiss at Slate Springs. [•i W.] I will tip toe to cackle to expostulate that you can get the best stick candy, better than any other in town at Mrs Loewenstein's. Please waltz me again, I could almost die eating pure stick candy made from the pure unadulterated sugar at Mrs Loewenstein's. g t at at For a real nice holiday present go to the jewelry establishment of JM Bishop. He lias a iieautilul assortment of holiday goods especially adapted to this trade Be sure and give J K Hughes a call when you wisli anything in the drug line, lie will sell anything he lias at rock bottom prices. Just received by I' A l'lcecs a lot of new American and New Haven sewing machines. Will be sold low down for cash. Cull and see my fine display of silver wave. No trouble to show them. .1. M. Bisnoc. Jas. a ter call line or Itpi I'ivint* «l»i v Ik 1 Bus gooilri a» Y> T • i I f i r» ' ml iSLCl.H* (in . el Tim 1. lozcngis at Mrn Loew CViM■*111' Mciilfi *J5ct* during Court wei'L at. Mrw L'»v d t-iMleiiiV. Fh-hIi fiwli on Hand at all times hi Mix L oeweiifteiir*. Fm^r oyeterw * ver brought i< • 11 bum! at Mm Loowenuteilr'-. 'I* ••• very inte-t Conundrum Lozer^* -, hi Mi> Loewenstfiii'f. lira win in b|io G Ii of every description ;•! fri had lie inr ing !'••■ nri I lb (; ,, i in mum ik Goodw.ii's. Snag '.is- • i li —THE MILD POWER CURES.— H UMPHREYS' OMEOPAJCHIC SPECIFICS. Inu»«30ye*r9.—EachnnmYx'r tho rpeclal pro Rcrlptlon of an eminent pbynlclnn.—Tho only Hlmple, fin found Ware Medicine* for the P'Ople LIST PIUHCIPAL N08. ounvi. 1. Fever*, ('ongertlon,Inflnmntlons 2. Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic,.. .25 Crylnv Colic, or Teething of litfuttts .25 1 . Diarrhea of children or Adultn.., .. ,25 Dyiantarv, Griping, ytfIH ouh coll# .25 Cholera Morbn*. vomiting Cough*. Cold, llronchltlt. s. ifeuralcle, Toothnch.v hnceuche.25 O. Headache*, Bick Headache*. VertlKt» .25 10. Ity*p«f>aia. Bllllcfui Utomach,.. 11. Hiiiiprc«i*cd or Painful Period* I 2. White*, too ProfuHO Period*. I t. Croup, Cough, DlOlciilt Breathing.25 I I. Halt Kheum, Kryalfieln*, Eruption*, .25 16. Rheumatism, Rheumatic T'nlna.25 Id. Fever and Ague. Chill,Fever, Ague* .50 17 Piles, Blind or Weeding.50 chronic-; influenza 50 no, .25 n *5 ' 7 2.V .•-•.I Catarrh, ncute Whooping Cough, violent cough*... .50 tinner* I .Debility, Physical Weakness.50 ... Kidney Dim*** .all 2 *4. Vrvoit* Debility. 1.00 :tO. Urinary \Vrahne*u»s Wetting tho bed .50 52. DUenac of the Heart, Palpitation. 1.00 void hr druRglsts. or none by the Case, or *ln *rl*§ Vim, free of clirrge. on receipt of price. Send for l>r.lliimnlirey*'Hook on Dl*ea»e Af (!4A pageHi.nlHO lilufiirated Catalogue FltRB. Andte**, llumohreyr ll**meonath»c Med icine Co.. 100 Fulton flir.Tt, Sew York, to. 90 . U. I I It W. F.( TOWLKK. Grenada Miss. C. J. AUSTIN. S. E. SHACKELFORD* C. J. AUSTIN & CO. i ■ ^ ^ ^ BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Etc. WE HAVE AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK, BOUGHT IN THE BEST MARKETS and at LOWEST PRICES. We are therefore Prepared to offer You «Gr y.ti ; " BARGAINS! A11 we ask is a visit to our* Stor(\ and nn J inspection of our Goods! ILL KINDS OF PLANTATION SUPPLIES • AND AGBICI'LTIIAL IMPLEMENTS ALAVAS ON HAND, J. F. BARITES. WITH F.B.XW.S.IICLL. B t , ARCHITECTS A.isrx> Builders! OFFICE, MSONMNADA, MISS Would respectfully inform the public that lliey keep on hand n full and varied assortment of Builders'iff ateriais. ui Such as 1 ■ liiuie, Cenieiit, & Hardware V large force of skilled workmen. We art prepared to do all kinds of building in the best uirnner ot workmanship, 'hurohes, Court Houses and Jails, a spe cialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. or W E Smith lias a beautiful stock i f gold rings suitable for the holiday trail , W E Smith has been doing a lively business in the way of selling holiday g >odR. His articles are alt substantial as well ns ornamental, and that is the reason t iey go off like "hot cakes." The finest lot of fanev candy that bus ever been brought to this town, can be had at Jas. Calf's. Confectioneries of all kinds to be Imd at Jas. Gulfs. Toys! toys for the Christmas holidays, at JiiH. Cuff's. to at of A splendid variety of holiday goods at Jas. Cuff's. Go ami see tnem, and buy a nice present for the little ones. If you wish to make your mother, sis ter or sweetheart a nice holiday present, call on J M Bishop and you can get it. iliiyo you seen J M Bishop's beautiful line of holiday goods? 11 not, go and see in elegant Christinas or New Year gift, at a remarkably low price. them and purcl T of all kinds at A iglii|li ah' >11 A Gooilttin's. lira W'tiling desks 1' Bratiinn *. Gis 11 win s. It ih nriid by every one Hint lum lv< n in Bni* ii tit it Go<i<lwin's drug 8' L'mii they li ii vn iho cbew|^**t and I he prettie t b|io "I ynodk over bMUghi. to (Irenad . «•? i-ky Brnimin & i G M'tlwin ami yon >\ill Iw mutu it) get ti e lloi Ii -• The lu st nickel cigar in town can Do had at Hie drug house of J E Hughes. .!. E. Hughes keeps constantly on hand the finest brand* of cigars. He lias unquestionably tlie best nickel cigar in town. Whisky of the lust brands always to lie had at .1 E Hughes'. en, witnesses anl all attending D.nirt, elionlil not make arrangements inr board dining Court week tiefore call ing mi Mr* Li owensteiu. A summary Dy the * hicago Tribune republican, of the probable democratic vote for speaker is as follows: Totul, 194,Randall: 02, Carlisle. 1)7, Cox, 34, doubtful 1. 9 I W.,, I rii-tin f -r* It ••; il . I-.; ID.^. FERRY u Ox . StU'll. Wm. H. I.ENOSKIEf.D. SIMON GUM BEL. ISIDORE HECHINGEH. S. GrUMBEL & CO Cotton and Sugar Factors? • «* OOMM'RSTON MERCHANTS 102 GRAVIEU STHBBTj Hew Orleans, Opposite Cotton Exchange. A. 8. LIVERMORE, President! THh. [H. A. TATUM, Hocretaiy. LIVERMORE F0U5M A! MA0H1100. House Fronts AND •luiliiing Work, * Railroad Worn, ** Cotton Presses Cotton Gins, Flamatio V ORK. MU ip iBF Stcamii't Work, Engines. Steam-Pumps Brats Goodi, Pipe & uvcMr-i (tail j A Brat fit tjis'ir*gn. rtweF> i 'j * . HP Gei eral f , lift r. Repair'll, ana everything '-he line Fittings, 180 to 174 Adams St., - - MeranDlfi <nr.S7f ND FOR CA TALOG UJTm ^ E. WITZMANN&Co Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Publishers, and Sole Agents for the Celebrated Steinway & Sons, ami Weber Pianos. E. Galiler Pianos, Kranich & Bach Pianos, Wheelork Pianos and Oriental Pianos. Gem Mason & Hamlin Clough & Warren mm p eloubet&Co. UliuillliJ smith American A full line oi lext Books, Dot 11 vocal and instrumental A largi tho ssortment of Small Iiistrum. nts of i ll descriptions. THE PIXKsTSTRIMJ i A SPECIALTY . J,'' !lnop i" 11 ] Drgans sold on easy mouthly installments I lie Hest 1 liners in the South are ICm ployed hytlilM House Leas e orders,or address communications to the house. Catalogues Bee to any ad"ws n t . Warerooms, 221 , 223 unci «25 fSecobd St. Memphis Term Ji n 20.1883, lv) 1 ' i e T A n ;T l/L Oor. Madison and. .Socoudl St * Memphis, Elevator and all Modern Improvements. L D HUNT, Manager Tenn. 0 A- J- KERR. Proprietor* - 0 - Meals 50 cents. Rates $2.M> uri.l $2..iO per day, according to location of room imois its, Dollars per iama ■•• im *