Newspaper Page Text
| | Silas Lane, (col.) who was to have l>ocn Imaged on liwt Monday at Jack son lias been lor the second time, * (i.eGovernir. .respited b, theGovemir. GRENADA SENTINEL. 6ATCRDAY, JAK. 20, 1WH. Of the 113 members of the Iowa legis of the Stab lature, liut four arc natives The iron-dad oath was repealed in of 185tell, recent the House by a vole iy Hon. W. R. Spears, a very able crimi nal lawyer of Vicksburg died Saturday night. He was also a Senator of the present Legislature. A wife in tbe-State of New York lias just brought a $50,000 damage against her mother-in-law for away her husband. suit enticing The value oi the estate of Ci.arlea Del inonico.wbo lied nf'er begging for coffee, and to be allowed to sit by tire*, and to ride, is $5,000,000* 'Speaker Carlisle has accepted an invi 'tation to attend the annual dinner of the which will New York Free Trade Club occur early in February. & Co's. portion of C. K 1 wholesale grocery store was destroyed by fire, in Memphis, on last Monday The loss is estimated at $10,000,and ■ven mg. partially insured. We learn from Hie Holly Springs South that the Manning Chalmers com mittoo has declined seating on the prima facia showing and will so report the whole matter to the House for final de cision. Mr. Harry Moss, well known through out the State, died at Jackson on last Wednesday. The Clarion Says that he was perhaps the wittiest writer in the State, and wielded a flowing pen most subjects. Oil ■•l'eace to his ashes." Samuel Hawthorne, of Vicksburg, v. convicted of murder a few days ago, a d sentenced to ninety-nine years in liiu penitentiary. The murder occurred some live years ago, L. McGee being the vic tim. Hawthorne had money said friends, but this did not stop the jury from giving him Tile Chicago Times says that hardly a great, r evil can befall a nieuib. J of the human family than having more money than he knows what to do with. Too much income breeds luxury, extrava gance, opposition, pride, vam-glorious ness, and all the manifold forms of human vice and depravity. 1 We learn from ail exchange that on last Tuesday morning at Ross switch, a few miles south of Water Valley, John Brown, a negro, assaulted a young man named William Carr, and fired three shots at him without provocation. Carr was unarmed,hut got a pistol from Ste vensjsection boss of the Illinois Central ami shot Brown three times, killing him instantly. He was tried before two mag istrates here and discharged. A telegram from Oxford to the Times Democrat of the 22, says that in the United States Circuit Court for Ihe North ern District of Mississippi, judgments were entered to-day to the amount of $191,000 for Messrs. Green, Hamilton A Co., of Jackson, Miss.; $09,000 for the Indianapolis Rolling Mill Company, and $51,000 for Fred Wolfe, of New York, co plaintiffs against-the Memphis, Selma and Brunswick Railroad Company. A special from Jackson, of the 22nd, aays that the following appoiniments were made and confirmed in executive session: As judge of the Suprame Court, the Hon. J. A. I*. Campbell; as circuit,' judge for the Tenth District, the Hon. J. ' II. Christman ; as circuit judge lor the j Twelfth District, the Hon. Ralph North; M chancellor olthe Skill IM *. Hon. 1. A. Cntz;.ns chancellor of the Kiglith District, the Hon. T. B. Graham; as chancellor of the Ninth District, the Hon. Ely Peyton. Senator Williams, of Kentucky, isout apoken a* to wliat shall be done w hen the Democrats come into i>owcr at the next Presidential election. He says: . "We must not put obstructiona in the way of cleaning out tho whole thing ; I am for a clean sweep ; I am for lioaae cleaning from garret to collar; I am for cleaning out the old rat* in the Treasury who know wliero tt.e choice cheese are, and wliero the best hiding place* are. Tho water must lie turned oil, and the Democratic President must take a big broom and clear the whole platter. That is practical sense; that is a necessity." "It is a singular fact,' says it Naples corrcspondent. "that we are indebted to Pompeii for tho great industrr of can nine fruit Year -i„i. *l.«i A tar. .ig<, the.-vi.uu tions weie jtlSt beginning, a juirty of Cincinnatians found in- what hud been- ft nantrvof nhoiiBemanv iarsof preserved 'itnn k.,,1 il,..,- ,r, tigs. Une wus opened amt they w. ro loiiml to lie IrcijU and good. 1 nvestigu tion shows flint the figs had been put into the jars ln a heated state, .und then , , . , - I sealed with wax. i he hint wus taken.: und (he next year canning was introduc ed into tho United States., the process being identical with that .1 vogue Pompeii twenty ccntoncs-ago. in, t it', | The Birmingham Age says that "The 1 b<Mly of Amel ia Oluen,ft girl of sev years of age, was found in the airie, near Chicago, Wednesday •ast. There were evidence of I ■ tlieir horde.liow could they ever atone | tor the brutal atrocities iu the eases of [ Jennie Cramer, Hose Ambler, Ana At-! ,. ,, ' a -j • . Vi ., kinsun, h.nima Jhin.l, Lizzie Nut., Bradcliaff Amelia Olsen und all the oth ers in the bloody catalogue? The truth of | these erimes is without approach to par ailed in the wildest, most savagely sensa- , itunal fictional fiction; for itwoufd seem there is no one gifted enough to write an intelligent story but would recoil with in many oft'm«re intended to |mlliuto offeiMCH to hu manitv in any southern state. But it is meant to remind those who are Heading f rolI1 the for political purposes stories of outrages iu the south that they have not the slightest title in reason to claim they belong to the one righteous section of this country. W hy should any northern Wun.-r write most of, I crime in the south* Ilie ansyyer itouK., dear. eiit.'CL o|«'n l>r morning ■ the foil lent instance of ». ern stator have sin e of crime opo. hardly a uortbern a, tjie last two year*, e» imls of crime the men known to civilization. The briefest memory of on. * who reads with an iimtant's thonghf » ecal1 < e " in the violence. It is but another hat little reason the north for charging a preponder t the south. There is 'ate but has, within tributed to the an • damnable deeds cun tails of crimes horribly fresh minds of (liecommunity in which .I 1 "*'' were committed. If commonwealth.' bad to answer for crimes done within seem '•There is a pleasure iu being mini milch none but maurnen know." A Con That Did or l.rlrf. A friend has lately told usof a moving and pathetic story of a cow that died of grief for fho murder of calf. She had a tine, fat calf that it was desirable to dispose of to the butcher. He was told to come to the pen when the cow was away and do his work then and there, but was instructed to leave no trace ,of the butchery behind lor the cow to recognize, when she should come — tin at night. However, tie disregard ed instructions and left the hide hanging u,. in the pen. When the fnoflier cow returned at night to meet her offspring s .e found it had been murdered in her absence and the only thing of what had been her joy left by the murderer was the fresh hide. She smelt of it, recogniz ed it, gave a few low moans indicating her intense grief, and then went and lay down, as if overcome by intense sorrow. She never raised her head again. Some little children who had made a pet of her by fondling about neck vainly tried their childish efforts to induce her to be reconciled to life and to live on. Sho pined and still pined, and died, a broken hearted cow.—Meridian Mercu ry. Woiimu'iiFIrNt Duty. One of the first duties of a woman is to always look as pretty as possible. It goes without saying that wives, mothers, and maidens shall be good tempered: skilled in liouse-wifery, true hearted, and kindly-tempered. Leaving the greater matters of the un written laws of life, however, amoug the n.inor ones is that which makes it an instinct with beauty to adord itself. | A hit of ribbon here, a touch of color d " ,m * S3 supple neck here, there and everywhere about beauty's person, from the curve of the dainty little pink ear to the slope of SStSS heard—'T am trying fo look my heat." /j And, wliat is more, women ought no more neglect trying to look pretty to the end of her days than she ought to forget to do her duty. A woman, no matter lipw poor she is, and how needy the cares of family, ought to take more und more pains with her dress as time rolls on.' \A ypung girl muy wear almost anything. \A matron,'how ever. who has lost the first fllump charm and indefinable beauty ofwtsith, lias to be careful. , hands and Iu regard to the recent rough and turn ' ble liglit.between two Nashville judges, j the Banner observes: False charges arc never disproved by ]»Jfc&&X>.g83 f olw . The day has passed when per sonnl encounter satisfies the public mind on questions of honor,honesty and faith ful observance of public trusts. Tlio deadly knife or pistol, or the less offen sive fist, are no longer sufficient answer to derogatory charges against official ac tion. The present is ini age of purely practical men who want solid facts as positive proof of all statements, honor of the criminal court might be physically able to heat the w orshipful chairman of the lower court into un un recognizable jolly, yet such procedure would not amount to a refutation of the statement that his honor's court "was gutting the county" through extravagant expenditures. Ill There is a good deal of "dog in the manger" about the free pass tomfoolery, A law-maker was heard to say to-day: "The d - n newspapers started it. Now 'let them hi) included. I'll vote for no bill which does not deprive them of free passes." This solon is a "little off." Newspapers give a wiid pro r/no for all the passes they have, in fact, the odvertis ing they do for railroads amounts to more than the passes tliev get are worth in .„. luid „ rt)ne v. \Ve think, and have always said, tlutt this hue and cry against free passes was tinctured with dema-j gogury. 5Ve believe it is an insult to Mississippi to Intimate that her Judh'ja ry , ,.i- l,t r Stall) officials or Legislators ,.„ u |d be corrupted by .. free pass. We think the Legislature which passes such a htw will have very Jiltlo respect for I dseif. -Jackson New Mississippi:!!., 1 When doing what is right the heart is; easy, and becomes better every dev; butj. when practicing deceit the mind labor*, t and every day seems u. get ivor- . BmOtot H.rtI The foil term of this school closet yen . terday (Jan. 25., 1884.) There have been » enrolled daring the term, one hundre*l| and thirty pupils, and the average at- r tendance has been very fine for that number The work of the pupils h« number. 1 lie work ot tne pup | been yery satisfactory, an J n j them indeed have made remark - 1 progreat. The school prospers, and , (irenada is already realizing its worth, More than thirty pupils have been in a*-> n.iwlnnen from abroad and of eour tendance from ab "" *" °°" ', their trade has come with them. ; Itev S. M. Thames, Presiding Elder ot! Grenada. District; lion. A. T. Roan j Circuit Judge, Dr. J. M. Williams, Mr. W B. 8aunders and others have moved j their families to Grenada because the | jjcK. 00 * u m,ni 0 . 1 . P ; parts " f the country is urning toward tbeseboe.' » remarkable degree. Mr v. ii i.«« %'ow no pastoral charge, ail' Sewell has u " f.' or) ., is devoting hw . i work. Tbebonrdii*^" [ epai ' Inen 13 11 : ane condition, the be*^ ,jets * ab ' ' , are I ever saw in a board..' 1 * sciiool u:. i , ,, e immediete L . ontro i 0 ', Mrs. Xew- j 1 m here i-! ell, it is indeed a family c . x 1cb . j .««,ght Is^^^feh. Greek, I'rench and »erm t in are t. night With. extra charge. XUe Spring term opensinext; Monday ; 1 h , ' , . (Jan.-8 lt»M) amt all wlo nah to pel roni/.e theschool would do well., to hav ■ their children there on that day, or r= ; goon thereafter as possible. The term.-: dcrat Primarv go «, I nter rueJU-1 .. .. .. -1. ? in . onJ .v i J a l'" 1 ' I soon thereafter as possible. The term moderate,Primary $2 00, IntermecU-1 ateAi 00, Collegiate$4 00, Music $5 G ' Drawing $2 00, Calisthenics free. Js i! the men of business and inflftcnce see 1, j it i'Jlflt BO time is lost in tftaking ti.i -j . , lt „ g.a.Hin/4 Mir stat - 1 school the mtl&tt In aft »r Stat . | Every pupil helpffCWake it strong j home, that with its liOtUf strength and influence it may go abroad and jjktbw iu untilGrenadahecomestlie grand educe-{mate tional center of all this country. >L, ! Newell did not seek the school, it soujl.1 ; him—lie yielded while other fields called loudly for him—lie has the public's conG dence. Give him your undivided strength while he lays the foundation upon which . • ...t,;,.!, , to raise a super-structure of a bi ll Lre,.-j ada Bhall he proud. It you have u f > child to send, send the child of some one ..... K ' A ' JllNeP ' "resldent Hoard Trustee:', else, as some are doing. A few .lavs since, Air. H. *>. Hadden, formerly of Hurpervillc, Scoff fcotfntr; ....... 1 , ,, , j i in this Ssute, passed tlirough Jiicsbou with his family and two wagons, Upon his way back from Texas, through which State he said lie had been traveling ever since March. Mr. Hadden returns to hi Mo plnc'6 Hire Home. . , , , old home satisfied that Mississippi is a far better State to live in than Texas.; We are glad to see our people returning to their favorite State, and hope that the ,. . . , 1 A . disposition of our young men to leave Mississippi for Texas will cease.-—Jack-' son Clarion. Th(i f |rn .. , The House, on yesterday, after an an imated discussion, refused to repeal the Lien Law, by a vote of 55 tool. The names of the speakers and the yeas and *>,s»' P° n c the bill, will lie found in the regu lar report of proceedings. The Senate .Ldl on the same subject, is yet to be con V d "" 1 fa>' Hnna u. —Clarion J.n. 8. _ Abram Bateman, of.San Francisco, has two tiger kittens that were recently »to^ len from a tigress in an abandoned abaft of El Rocario mine, in Sonora. They are eiglit weeks old,and weigli thirty pound:, apieee. Having been petted all their lives, they are as tame anti playful ac domestic kittens, and betray few signs of! ferocity except when feeding, at which time they are unapproncl.alde. Tliev are kept confined in a cage in the back yard but are often brought into the iwrlor and turned loose for the entertainment of guests. They then evince their nppre ciation of their liberty by chasing each other, jumping over furniture and scat-J/i tering ladies and children in every direc-1 tion. When tired of play the kittenc cither climb to their owner's lap or sprawl on the sofa, and then purr con tentclly until they full asleep. Tbc death of that eminent Vicksburg lawyer, Mr. W. H. Pittman, the same occitrring tile other morning at his home in that city, lifts created prolonged regret among the members of the bar who knew him tint to admire his splendid legal attainments, and appreciate his worth as u citizen at its full value. He was as profoundly versed in the law, perhaps any mail in the State, and the bur of Mississippi has lost in his death, one of its most brilliant ornaments, »Ad the law one of its safest expositor's.— oi Yazoo City Herald. Cum For Pile** Piles arc frequently preceded tiy a sense of weight in the hack, loins and;, lower part ofthe abdomen, causing the pa tient to suppose lie has some affection of| the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present as llatulcncy, unensencss of tho s.ouinoh, etc., like perspiration, pro ducing a very disagreeable itching, after ge.ting warm, is a very common attend-; I cut. Blind,. Weeding and Itching pile* yield at once to tho application of Dr. I fioeauko's File rcuiCdy, which nets direct ly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching, nnd affecting a permanent cure. Prior, 50 cents. Address, The Hr. ftosanko Medi I cine Co.. Piqnn, Ohio. Sold by Branum & I Goodwin, An exchange comes to us with u noeil eiititled "How to Kiss," marked in blue peucil. Either the author is hhuned prowl of his production, or else lie thinks «o don't know how toosculatu—in either of which cs-'-s he is way off ^HS!S q a ja D ., 21.—The wonder - c fl ura t of Oollard town ^ g a ve an exhibition of her mysie* j olw power at Degive'* Ope™ ihe presence of the largest auditn e sea»on-over two th"U8tn<l peop e. e slleianp i s in looking country g. of eighteen, with brown hair, smell light | ue c y e s and pallid face. She wig ' about 540 pounds. Her father and rnotii> er g »t with her on the stage aflawaicnsQ the manipulations with the tee a - Heiest, ns did the entire auut u e. A committee of Atlanta gemlemen i o ed for t | le j r great musedar atreugth werB invited upon the stage. Iu u they held firmly to the r ° uu " 8 01 an i dinary chair, upon the back 01 » Jk Miss Lula1 simply laidI 1 er 1 g > | ^rceTbrowing^the gent*etnen*about'a^if j they were bubies. eV ® r . l J - . 1 ied t ,, a '.law Mi« hoisudinthecene of t e U*e. * ■ , Liihi lignt'y cnuguit w . while the gentlemen gripped the cords, inja moment the umbrella doubled up, pulling the men around the ntage, an was soon twisted into pteew. gbe ne p P 1 *®". h h ' off in the iM.t.tomofthe chav, holding it off a tne air at arm s length. One ot tne targe-o and rn^t wwerint men threw his weigt '"J W«°"the» in the _ manin the par tv Mt tU e , r <wgM, the rounds wj(|) t]1 () . s ^. ttl . r ! 8 r, lP";; ,. r girl laid her fingers on wight. Wh.n tn. K * t he back the chair hv the young manon_ht. y I ing a common hickory^ Mlcit She a. nc;• ed it from the pip j struggled -'verthesUge M ibv some mighty force. The attaleMc ap* I - -j i,i, i.-.c l' Hdrt the suge Then the ;'?'naest man in the party sat in the i,„ir*ifrinmx2 the rounds with nil his c,,a ' r ' 8 rl J*P • ■ ir i Ia | 11.,,. c n „ crs on might. dEd the hack the chair h.* «P uumpul ed it from ihe grip of strong mefl, v>..0 ^"^mighty t'orcc^The audUcfap p j aadcd wtldy. Ail are C'.nvinct'd that Bic g i r | possesses some Bupernatual power but no one can explain it. Miss Hurst knows not what it is. Some • think it electricity, others magnetism, iri(g) aad a f ew devils. Your correspondent was on the stage, and watched c i o8 ely. The girl is no humbug but has the faculty of surcharging inani objecit, including non—conductors of electee, ty, lU' gJa« and marble, ^'jenco^ifleft to explain if it can. She ;lppear8 again to-morrow night, and is the sensation ot the town. j - . _ . ! Tt is said that the amount V s Ul vru.!i ' 1 'o.ind to exist among the city poor of Waghington ig r(( ? ctly a pr. s fillog. Jo j every quarter of the city, in sijualid/ J wretched homes, are found mothers atiu I little children freezing and starving to '.lentil. Since there is so much surplus ■ monev in the treasury, that rt is a ciues I tj 0 n of great moment how to dispose of i it, the fact that there exhists so much i squalor and wretched poverty ot the Na j tion'aCapitol* should suggest a suitable of getting[HtL(rf(some of it. It .s l suggested that a ttia»s meeting of citizens [ )lt j fa t led upon t0 do something to relieve : |[,e thousands who are in such dire des j titntioO.'—Scimitar. j The Xrtshedc American of SufitJfty (last says- "A short time ptior to the j urr ival of thy. trarrt ttont New Orleans yesterday at the LouWilie depot, Dr. W. j F. Glenn received a telegram asking his atte . n f ' lan T c ® 1 ? n the'*rrhatoIthet.ainu|A i on Miss Lillian Cleaves the actress, who j Wlls suflering from liemblrhage. The doctor was promptly on baud', and found Miss Cleave* in the palace car suffering very severely. He was able to Relieve her almost instantaneously, howev ef,'by a hypodermic injection of morplda. Miss Cleaves said, in conversation with the doctor, that she was on her way from New Orleans to Paris, where slo was going for the purpose of making ar rangements to buy a new tilay, of which Mme. Bernhardt held the right, and would shortly produce it in thiscountry." The Tittsburg Dispatch thinks that it i- a ssd thing that Col. Frank James is to ! be turn away from the oircle of friends f And admirers, to which he was recently { *^*ored, by that dread disease, consuiup' i This ailment is one about which , there is always a great deal of Impeful (i-es?. Frank James, throughout its rav j ages, is allowed to hope that he will liv ; j it d the public is allowed to hope that he will die. } : , the outlaw is ln tbc lagt 8ta of ' . T# . t . 4 . 6 I consumption. If this be true, Ins par don, if ever obtained, will have to come iron, s higher source than Governor ri(( „ nH . n " ' 1 j J ilini, ed the well known Coopers Mels i s,nd 5C0 acres of land adjoining. He paid (jii.OOO for the same. It is stated by an exchange Frank Mr. S. Spenglcr, of Vicksburg, has pur i , , ,, . rbe hlM for tbe re P cal o( the mer c-ants' lien law passed the Senate on j Thursday j — j j . ! I 1 f ! James Nutt has been acquitted of the I murder of Duke. j Children all cry for Dr. Jack*ons syrup of wild cherry-mid lung Wort, sold by Hughes A Nance, I For constipation tfr any liver complaint it'." hr. Jackson's liver |)ille sold by f Hughes A Nance. For weak enHmned f aokw „m i n j;. ln j■ T v- - b u ' " '••>*" Drrice at Jackson. Miss., January J9tl. 1984. j .notice is hereby given Hint the follow i ■•"S-nanicd settler has tiled innico of his intention to-uinkc linul proof in support of ; m-i; Gairn. aad that *aid proof will bo made I before W. P,. Davis Circuit Clerk of Gren ado, Miss., on Monday March 1884, viz; | Benjamin Arnold,jllomeetead No 974'2, for , the West half southeast quarter and oust : B0 ; thwost quarter srclion seventeen township Twenty-one north, range three j " or wire eyes use eye salve sold by :t°t* » il« mimes tlm following witnessts to j prove his continuous resilience upon, und * ( ol s 'hl lnnd, viz: l'inknev \ James .rt.laras Jack Hoover, c^rel/rount * m,t ^ 111 0,1 1 ' r ' ' Jan Iff Gw SALOON PETITION, ( To the Honorable Mayor mid Board oi - Aldermen of the city ot Grenada id the county of (trenada n»< t.i c (_j of MiadirippiWe The under»igwd citizens and legal vot e r« residing within the corporate hums oi re suj(i citv „,Grem,d. county ad State aforajlll d. would respectfully represent b* „our Honorable Body that in our opin- re jon Br- p. \y. p e tplcs is a suitable per- 1. R0I1 ,,, receive a License to retail viniotw 1 yi aD( j gpirilous liqunn in less quantities ! than one gallon within the Umitg 0 , city Grenada and there f , r „ pctition Jour Honorable Body to grain |,i m t | lc 5 -.'d p, y V . Peeples a li- j cense | 0 retail vinicus and spiritous li q UO rs in less quantities than one gallon, j n a; ,id city ot Grenada upon bis comply- j, aad pjoyideVantfas in duty bound "wffi ever pray etc. J C Branum, Tlics Phelan, B P Thom - U 1) Dancy PW Taylor Jerry Ivans Juo K» ndftll, M VV Roge, (ieorge Elliott, w g L io ' d< Louia n air) j", iua Bhu . . George Wushington, J yv Postoll, J t ^ jj uc h ttD an, w F Bibb, waiter wolte, w N Pnss, w A Below, w S Hull, Arm French, Jule Valentine, g w Golden, It N fTi(|lj j M B l.hop, J w Heath, Sam Ladd, ,j jj Li |j > Gus wolfe. Dnvy Johnson, i j, llm g an f er d, a Dorsey, J B Snider, wil McHenr^ Rob: ^aray', B 0 Adarng Kelly Harrell, H&yyvood Carothers, f C | Davis, J h Hughes, Knhe llarroll, It j ru ™I; Dabard, linaer Phillip, ■' w Gnffls, Jake J Jones, II rdy Ballard, Dick Travi3i S i p Howell, Dick Kegler, Jim Johnson, IT Gardner .John Keg'cr, Rol) Rite, Monroe Doyie, K J) Embry, J B Crowder, Henry Jolmsoti, A C Idn gmm> w B Davis," Charlie Sterie, Lewis I wiiaou, Jnck Turner, John Evans, Geo Ingram, Jesse Hall, It Leonard, Jim Kendall, 8ip Rivers, J1 w yvusiiington, I.ottis Armstrong, Julm Laka, Tom Ti • er, Clitf Jackson, .1 w Mabray, Geo Onus, Geo Daisie, II F lliaes, Tobe Iteed, Clias Trimble; G Leflore, G yv Lake, R gage, C E goodwill, Charles Brown, S B Smith, T J Heath, >v II Crowder, John george, william Harris. sod, B wriglit, william Bachelor, Phill Smith, L W Andrews, geo Hams, Jos Xewburgcr, Lycurgus Eskndgo, I T woods. .1 g weeks, Bailey Fitzgerald, Alex Johnson, Step wriglit, Ben Drain, Thornton whipp, Cimp Marshall, Jiui MitcHI. Je s se Stepney, A T Pass, Hill gtly, Fields Young, J R Morgan, L Bu denhelmer, V II Hughes, York Smith, wash Singleton, Ellic McCall, Andrew Davisj Jesse Ball) 3 T garner, J Drums moti.l, A CThottitis, Ike Mutcliet, Char* ley Melton, John Johnson, willi im Ow ens. D M Ballard, tv J W»ll'«n*tein, P A Floecs, John j gage jr, willinm_ IIortoD. IsacDavis, jerry Stepney, n illls larks, D A gladden, C goodwin, Tom washing' .on Allen House, Council Kennedy, wi ley Collins, Ben johnson, geo Hemphill, Iko Machct, joe greeii, R 8 Moormon, j T Thomas, Sam Laurence, Ben gibbs, geo Coleman, Amos Edwards, Elish Bennett, joe Henry, D Lacock, Cain Stinson, j j Carroll, w B wriglit, jake Beatty, F So loff. John burk, C T wood, b L h wriglit, E F wolfc. L N Phillips, Thos wilson, w E Murff, w B McCan. h C Cooper, L L l.cmz, Sam Shular. Randle Anderson, wi* J Icy holmati, Andy Thomas, jerry Avant, A gerard, Sam wile, E Cahn, R h winter, w C Meohce, Robt Doak, D b gillespie, R Crawford, G tv lv, J Calm, li E Cahn, A wachtel, M Suinuierfield, h 1 Summerfield, h E Dillard, RT Payne, E j Loewcnetein, A j gerard, Ed Mosfl, tv b l)avis - Arcnie omtiD, wave nenen, Jim ouiii.i, « McHenry, Robt Purdy, B 0 Adams Kelly Harro.l, I ay.vood C.rothcrs, T C Davis, J h Hughes, Rube llarroll H JI Turner, A O Dubard, 1 inner Phillip, ■> U'Griflis.JakeJJom's, il rdy Ballard, e • ■ We liavo removed our stock of milli nery to the stand formerly occupied by iHuffington & Co., two doors south of Hughes'Drug Stose. As we have deter mined to continue in business here ■stock- WiB he greatly enlarged. Our efi .forts in the hlture, as well as has been in the patit,-Witt be to please every customer. Thanking oue friends for generous pat ronage libretofere given us and hoping a continunnct. of-the ean*e,we remain, Respectfully, L. Powsll A Co. .'ealers in everything apperlainiug to Millinery line. our M.OAVin. JSiw-cnwiittvA*. M. J. C.'lsrk Thomas Clark M, Gavin dc CO. Wholesale Grocers* Cotton Fack Sit ftf 84<lvtit Street, Between Jefferson & Adams ^<*mphls TonB ti me anVirm-iev lar « e ' an,l .," 1 ' V! *y- "'clj.^or.ted Kirties at a distance can «« .nTaT I "r V e: <r °'" u ' , dltecl .| Vy « mir own Cotton Wan hoait ind a seller o. many yeaia experience, who devlites His whole time to that l.rasd iiilM'ial advaucenients mude on all Cotton consigned to ns. \ TERMS, CASH (JR ITS EOUf VALENT of the business. CHAS. CIIAFF1' New Orleans, • jno. ro\vi:ii„ ... Grenada, Mi* CHA.FF1E <& POWELL, COTTOlNriFACTORS AND Commission Merchants. 3Q Pci'clicio New Orlea Stiroot) Jas. -s. Willx-a-nS J-EWlLEiR, ■390 MAIN STREET Memphis, Ten* A4L statk petition CorifaWUtl, tjlc Hon Boar(J Obb»M>a. d erm en of the count\W a y or K5 | TL gnEir:— irenaoi the undersigned citiz. city of Grenada, would ie«pecft,i sent to your lion Board that BrUte r, i. a .Tiber and discreet good reputation, and a suiublt re tail vinioua and epiritout lin. q U ntities than one gallon yi , U r corporate limits, and ttarrefi spectfullr ask that you grant hl m ltlL . re f ore U p 0n his compliance Uw in 8U ch cases made and provid j C L-mgstseet, J J Slack, BCj r W C McLean, A H Whitfield' Dubard.J B Crowder, Gus Wolfe Thomas, DA Horton, B P Th j, )bn George, \V H Crowder,Thoa] f^Tujner^j'H^J^ihusoif,' m"* W Bledaoe, Handle Anderson, L ff drewa , W M French, Dob Pe'rdy, , bard Thompson, Charles BrowJ, , Hall A Gerard, Monroe Doy, A fl GBodenheimer J oe fc-2 t C Davis Geo Ineram L S A™.i Andrew Melton, J W Mabeay. Jai da n i Clifton Jackson, Alfred ] Wnali Singleion, W M Owens. A % ,j ohn 8iin f or d. W A Cromwell, D ff i ard a bummerlield, Evans ft Thorntou Whipp, Jule Valentine 8 d e r, Charles Sterie, M W Hose, Geo 1 | iott) E A Menders, S D Smith, 0 Nanco, C h Go«d"in, J C Branum,Q Lake, Chas Trimble, B 8 Moornni* ,y Gillespie, J G Weeks, B C Adanfell Wolfe. William Booker, GW Miller, n Pass, W F Bibb, I. N Philips, w| B , )uw 'a Gerard, W Batcheller, B| naucan P A Fleecj*. S A Lacock. W| McG h. e, R Douk, Tom Brown, HJ o^n, Joe Cahn, N Haber, B CrzwH Davy Bauks. K N Turner, Gus Dri Alex Johnson, Glen Holman, hi gniith, I{ "nrdy, B B Mcllonrj, S G ar d n 'cr, Ike Lyons, C Goodwin, Q Elliott, W DrUk lmou( ^> HaywoodCum ers Ben Johnson, * W Berry, BamLii Elisha Bennett, Geo u? , e ,n »n. Bill 8 der Wm Owens Arm t , i. eDC "i WilBi j ac ' k8l , Ut y| fX H ar ter, WilliaJ 1 Cain gti u8 on, J W Postel], E D El ™ A mos Edvards, G W Singleton, 8, John Johw j oe Henry, Henrv Thomas, J T Pm Monroe Doyle, Joliu Kegler, Loti Hemphill, Louis Hart, W H Fiti.0« a ld,J T Thomas, Levin Todd, John Er. ana, M K" Mis'er, Jake Ransom'J 1 Buchunan, W C Murfi. J J Gage nr. H b McCain, B Wriglit, John Burk, k p aa3i g a n\ Sliular, Alford Sykes, J H Hall, it Leonard, J 0 MoMulltu, S( Howard, F Soloff, AUyvi Dorse, fib Holman, Killis MiBer, B HarroW, 1 Harvey, June Bmws, Allen flfida *l Harrison, L Weeks, Daily Johnson, Bit liiyejs, W H Hasueil, R W Jones jr Mltckll, A 3 Ranstas. Wash Pend pyi Coletnah, Ben Hjaihaui, Will Med, Camp Marshal, Cliff Jeokins, .rim llron, Killy Harrold, WillisFarlts, JolmCni j a Morgan, Dock Eskridge, Andrer Davis, J W Poslell, J D Simpson, J t Long, Lewis Buchanan. John Kirkwood, Lewis Armstrong, Geo Game. Jilt Jones, Scott Davis, Elisha, Bennett, Bd Kite. Ben Gibbs, Tom Washington, Sq Wright, Dave French, Ely Hsn.ilw.Mla Aler McCall, Oe<> Hamilton, John Curt# Kit Huggins, William Jackson, Finn* Philip*, Geo, Golden, Andrew Du' Qeo fi ud80l1i Dau Powell, Lewis Anderson Horton, Geo Miller, HenijH Williams, Field vnuag Jert'V QempbiltH j p Bowmen; Jim Johnson, Jule Ben Drain, Bailey FitzGerald, J Bishop, Ben Exam, J 0 Kendrick, L l Branum, P W Taylor, J W KendiB, Jnlius 8bnlee, H D Dancy, i ' i L 1 I t ! We guarantee to sell difl-goodkal tall and below cost. Guo. PMaXA John II ugher is an ambitious maniflH bis business and his shelves and countW^H prove it. In the liiyeqf fanfy goods Christmas gifts-' he id amply .suppU^HlI both in rariety. beauty afid vidlie. let sets, odor doses* are ! spluldhi, need to be seeii'ot jj IT/TIdglias dnf store to be apprlecioM