Newspaper Page Text
|SP i AeDA sentinel. all ly have done ced our This very will be their in ing this your can you all of your on can they and this with you that of all tle in off ed in I !Dii rRDAY, MARCH 15,1884. at Grenada, Miss. Ad attoe u second class matter.] tiMK tablk at Louis and New Orleans Misread. m trains going north. laTrain No. 2» leaves Grenada 9:10p u. EmNo. 4, IWes Grenada 4:48I A. m. SSSSriit fJo.e. leaves Grenada 7:12 p. M. JiVrtts&t No. 8, leaves Grenada 3:10 p.m. rJEShtPio. 10, leaves Grenada 4:35 p. M. Lt-«B North leaves Grenada 3pm I TRAINS going south. 1LTrain No. I leaves Grenada, 6:50 p. M gfejaNo.8, leaves Grenada 11:01 p.k KSSS lit No51eaves Grenada, 7:00 a. x SlVrelzht No.7 leaves Grenada, 9:30 A.H Bvreiznt No. 9 leaves Grenada, 7:26 p. M Pk2ji Booth leaves Grenada 0am Nlrifsfftpi »«<* Tennessee Railroad. nTrain No.l leaves Grenada, 5:00 a.h IS^Taln No. 6 leavea Grenada, 4:16 A M Krain No. 2 arrives at Grenada 1W5 p.h juhtTraln NO.0 " " 6:00 p.h H.BURKK.BUpt. ANNOUNriEHENTS. *(*. nre authorized to announce Bam'l. . candidatelorre-eLctioo to flit the ■El Marshal and Tax Collector of the City BSenuda, subject, to tho vote of the citizens Pie Municipal election In May next. -*u.reauthorized to announce L. C. Du candidate for Marshal and City Tax Hjctoratthe Municipal election In May p: to Ike Citizen* of Grenada. fei—nbv announce mysell a Candidate for sinfflrc of City Marshall at the coming May %$on Should tile people of the town hon K^wlth their suffrages, IwllL promlse to Sifuliv dlecbarge the duties of the office. Respectfully, r. H. WRIGHT. ; ' ; w« ft re authorized to announce Dr. D. B. enry as » candidate for Mayor Of the Grenada,at the election to beheld in of [•y next. We are authorized to announce Col. J.B. nwraend os a candidate for re-election to « office of Mayor of the City of Grenada, at £ ensuing Municipal election. 1NTINEL SIFTINGS. |biamond dyes of all colors for dyeing wool or cotton, at Branum & Good fin's. Prescriptions accurately compounded, of the best and purest medicines made, •stall hours, day or night or Sunday, at ikS Branum & Goodwin's. I Pocket knives, razors, pistols and car tridges for sale at Branum & Goodwin's [ Any and all kindks of Landreth's gar den seed for sale by Hughes & Nance. Notice. Parries idebted to me will please come ^forward and settle at once, as I wish to /Close up my old accounts. If not paid soon, the accounts will be placed in an officer's hands for collection. J. E. Hcohes. I Fob, 9 84. All persons owing W. G. Hamilton accounts, will please come forward and "settle. January 1,1884. Cakes of all descriptions made on the Mhortest notice for balls, weddings, Par ties and suppers at Mrs. taewensteins. Dr Whites celebrated cough drops at Mrs taewenstein's. Genuine blue ribbon stick candy gua ranteed strictly pure at Mrs Loewen stein's. W. G. Hamilton. W G Hamilton will be receiving new goods every week. W G Hamilton's is the piaoe to buy your shirts for men and boye. Keep's partly made Shirts for s aeat W. G. Hamilton's. Ask for Piper Heidsiok tobacco, fla« vored with the genuine Piper Heidsick champagne tor sale bj Mrs Loewenstein All of Dr. Jackson's popular family medicines aie eold by Branum & Good ' win [ Get your Landreth's garden seed, the [ best in use, from Hughes & Nance, j A variety of spectacles and goggles at Branum & Goodwin's. The finest in the world! Landrctli's and Bnist's onion sets and garden seeds r at Branum & Goodwin's. School books (both new and second ! hand) blank books and stationery at Branum & Goodwin's. I Toilet articles of every description at Branum & Goodwin's. | Branum & Goodwin have the finest lot of onion sets and garden seeds ever ; ' brought to this market. 1 Imported brandies and wines, pure whiskies and alcohol by the retail , Branum & Goodwin's. at f Branum & Goodwin sell garden seed i by the wholesale and merchants can buy f from them just as cheap as they can t from JLandreth and Puist. A Valuable Chill Tonic. Uniontown, Auk , 4, 1882. Mess. R. A. Robinson & Co., Louisville, Ky. Dear Sirs— Am di aling in drugs, and ■ I havetaen buying Huglits Inmc It is the best medicine there >s. fails in cure Chills. I want m know what yon will sell it at by the dozeu tat ties. Yours, respectfully, T. F. Wood. Prepared by R. A. Robinson & Co Wholesale Druggists, Louisville, Ky. Sold at wholesale by leading Wholes* e Druggists, and at Retail by the Druggists of Grenada. Retails at $1 00 per tattle x tattles for $5 00. It never -—_ The great demand for Shriner's Indian erence to any other, and say that it de* avsisur " We have never, in all our experience, In witnessed suiffi unfavorable weather for an all kinds of out door work, and especial-* ly farming. The season is later than we have ever known it, and less has been done towards a new crop, for the advan ced season, than was ever done in this section, according to the statements of our oldest and most experienced farmers. This backwardness in shirting, will nec essarily make the crop to be planted a very expensive pne, from the fact that, it will require to be worked so late in the summer. Hands and teams have both to be fed and no work done yet. Another trouble will be, that people finding themselves late and behind hand in their work, will be apt to rutli the seed in the ground without properly prepar ing for it. We warn our farming friends against this. Remember that haste in this respect will be waste. Prepare your ground well by thorough and deep ploughing, and then when you plant you can expect your crop to grow, otherwise you will regret it when it is too late. By all means, let the farmers plant plenty of corn. Make corn enough to run your place and have some to feed hogs on and you will prosper. No farmer can buy meat and corn and make money raising cotton at eight and nine cents'. Their failure to raise corn and meat lias caused our farmers to want, whereas they should be the most independent and happy people on earth. Begin with this Spring, as late as it is, and plant with a view of raising your corn and meat at home, and to make what, cotton you can besides, and we assert baldly that no country will be more prosperous than ours. Last week John McHenry and Eugene May, two well known young boys of our town, becoming imbued with the spirit of roving, tool; French leave of home and all its endearments. They took a bold step in the profession of tramping, and immediately set about to beat the Rail Road out oi a ride. They had some lit tle money, but didn't want to spend it in the way of riding, and they were put off the cars between Duck Hill and Wi nona. They crawled trestles and tramp ed along and finally reached Winona just as the chickens were crowing for day. After a day of varied experience in Winona, they tramped back to Duck Hill, where they took t|ic cars and re turned home, wiser but badly plagued. They left the following pathetic letters which were found after they had gone. Dear Mother :— I have gone away at last. Please don't think hard of me. I thought it was for the best. Tell Arthur that he can have all my things. J pa. Love to all, and father. Dear TJncpe Tip I have gone away, I am running from small pox. (I am scared I will catch them,} I am not running away, but just going away for a while to make some money and save it. Don't think hard of me. When I get to where I am going, I will write to you. Don't think hard of me, for I love you better than anybody. Give my love to Julia, Pet, Nellie, Lot tie, Mary, Sarah and little Georgia and Cousin Bailie. Don't think hard of your Eugene. butthe before, flight from Mr. from that to Wright him charge ton in his ing Mr. ston, such used who seem the on that er know. no of a tional the in State the knew sure But stuff, the very ber or ure oi KisB all the children and and especially to you John. boy, Hardy, Miss., March 10,1884. Editor Sentinel By invitation of the members of the Baptist Church of this place, R. W. Mer rell, a theological student of Clinton, Miss., gave a series of sermons with an impressive manner pud an elegant style, glowing with enthusiasm and oratory,for more than an hour each time, with a clear, distinctwnd resonant voice. He is an agreeable and forcible speaker, seem ing to give himself to his subject and to be borne along by it with an unshaken firmness and confidence until he was im pelled by the force of his own thoughts into some of the grandest flights of elo quence. v Your correspondent wiis so favorably impressed with his every act, movement and independence, that he made it con venient to have a conversation with him in the evening, and found the "boy preacher" to be diligent and untiring in his studies, drinking deep of the"Pierinn springs." The community indicated the value they attached to his teachings, by trying to secure his services lor tho ensuing year, but received no definite answer. Nemo. Our young and esteemed friend, Mr. H. 0. Rollins, after spending some two months at his old home is this city, left for St. Louis Monday, whore lie was the greater part of last year, to resume his labors at the printer's case in one of the leading offices of that city. 'Dutch is one of our most clever, wide-awake and energetic boys, always friends wherever lie may go. the best wishes of the Sentinel, and of this community, for abundant Buccess. at at at lot at sure to win He has and It Ky. e We learn that the young folks of Gre nada and Winona contemplate a kind of a joint stock cooperative ball, to lie given some time in the near future, but at which place lias not vet bee* decided. While a generous rivalry lias always ex isted between the two towns, com me r been the daily, socially there lias ever kindest and most harmonious feeling. Mrs. L. A. Dulin, died near this city Feb. 24. She leaves a husband and sev children tomourn her loss, to whom de* T w ; tn u. P. take, Agent. See " JSS 1 —— In our issue of February 9th, we gave an account of the brutal treatment of Mrs Rawlston by ber fiendish husband, J. N. it for of Rawlston. Mre. Rawlston bas recovered, butthe child was born dead,as we etated before, from the effect of the cruel and inhuman treatment. Rawlston took to flight immediately, and was not beard from until last Monday,when our sheriff, Mr. Jno. Wright, received a dispatch from the marshal of Brookhaven, stating that he had captured a man answering to the description of Rawlston. Mf. Wright immediately sent Mr. Willie Williams to identify Rawlston and bring him to this county to answer the charge against him. Before Mr. Williams got to Brookhaven, Rawls ton bad taken a tin cup that was in the jail and made a knife of it and cut his throat from ear to ear, besides bruis ing his head fearfully, beforehand, by battering it against the wall. Before Mr. Williams got to see the man Rawl ston, his face and body bad swolen to such an extent it was past recognition. Fromcertainmarks andecars and language used by the prisoner while in jail, those who profess to know anything about it, seem to think there is no doubt about the identity of the man. His conduct on the train'and in Brookhaven showed that he was crazy, whether from drink er natural causes, we do not pretend to know. $448 paid not and ceed it, no sions and of be by be - 8 % Since writing the above, we learn from reliable authority that there are grave doubts as to the identity of the above mentioned unfortunate man. Rawlston, no doubt, is still at large. Look out! Euitob Sentinel :— The infamous supervision bill has finally prevailed, and Gov. Lowry has signed it; and this too, right in the face of a recent decision by three learned judges, that a similar bill is unconstitu tional and void. These judges held that the bill above mentioned was not only in conflict with the constitution of the State of Tennessee, but conflicted with the fourteenth amendment to the consti tution of the United States. Gov. Lowry knew this, but he flickered. The pres sure was too strong for him to withstand. But the Supreme Court is made of sterner stuff, and in my humble opinion will, at the very first opportunity, proceed to Bit very squarely down on Senate bill num ber 318. So mote it be. Modoc. » Miss Dora Kelly, after spending a week or ten days in our town as the guest of Mrs. Rollins, returned to her home in Coffeeville on Monday evening last. Miss Dora is one of the most pleasant, social and pretty young ladies we have ever had the honor of meeting. Her ar rival in our little city threw a bright halo over the hearts of many, and her depart ure was as keenly felt on the opposite side of the scales. Grenada, Miss., March, 111884. 1 I have deemed if proper to select tbl»' method of expressing my heartfelt and grateful acknowledgements for the kind and disinterested favors shown me in my late sad bereavement, and I shall ever hold in sacred remembrance those kind friends in Grenada and vicinity, who came forward so promptly and offered their assistance and sympathy in my behalf. The highest compliment to Mr. Sam'l. Ladd, is the fact that as tax collector of this city, he did not have to sell a single lot, so thorough had been his collection oi the taxes of the last fiscal year. This has never before been the case in this city, and we can only say, "well done, good and faithful servantyou have discharged your duty nobly as tax col lector. We publish elsewhere a very readable account of the visit of ex-president Jeff. Davis to the State Capitol. We confi dently expect the Chicago Inter-Ocean and other 'sanguine-shirt-shakers' to rear up on their hind legs and howl 'treason,' 'secession redivivus,' 'hell broke loose in Mississippi,' etc., etc. Mr. A. J. Gerard, who bad his leg broken about a month since on the M. & T. R. R., returned home Thursday night. Notwithstanding he is not able to lajr aside his crutches, his spirits are none the less buoyant, and he is the same whole soul companionable "Punch of yore. This is the season when the rain de scendeth alike on the just and the- un just ; a nd neither party seems to tanker for any more, just now. Misses Mary Shackelford and Lula Ixmg, of Carrollton, are visiting Mrs. E. A. Melton, of this city. Dr. T*C. Buffington, after an absence of about a year, returned to our town a few days since. the an a is to im elo con him "boy in value H. two left the his the is and of J. H. Dulik. as win has MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's fattier, Mr. J. M. Williams, March IStli 1884, by S. H. Roberts, Esq., Mil B. F. Pow ell, and Miss Katie Williams, all of Grenada county. — — - much honored Representative from Gre Saktabeft tereVex J cetad. iaI He only takes the floor on .questions of impor tance. When he does take it he pom mands the attention of the House and never fails to bring forth well merited applause. He has neen connected with the press, in various ways, for more than jects ne discusses.—Jackson Clarion. Gre of lie but ex r the city sev whom See ing —r~ COUNTY AFFAIRS. (Continued from last week.) Thursday Mousing March 6,1884. Board met pursuant to Adjournment. Present, same as yesterday. B 8 Moorman, on motion was allowed of the with are their present late $448 04, amount of polls and school tax paid city Treasurer April 18, 1881, and not credited on his account. Ordered, by the Board that the Olerk and county Auditor of this county pro ceed to charge at once to B 8 Moorman, exteounty Treasurer, the sum of $117 00 amcant due the school fnnd of tills coun. it, on peyments made Into the city Treasury by him on accoont of polls ai d common school fund, on which be made no deduction of Sheriffe or bis commis sions on same. It is further ordered that said Olerk and Auditor ftunish a detailed state ment to the 76n Board of Mayor and Aldermen, together with a certified copy of this order, so tnat said amount may be refunded said Moorman, ex-Treasurer by said Board of May No 184. Ordered Attv, b4 allowed 129,35, sec 2176, code A ed. Fur C. B. or and Aldermen, that J T Thomas , tion? north 28, 1880. No 188 Ordered that W F Jennings be allowed 140,00, sec 868, code 1880., - Ordered Itat the Board adjourn till 8 dtolock tomorrow morning, % Friday Morning, Much 7 ,. 1884. - 'Board 0)66 pursuant Present same as yesterday, except Virgil Eggleston, who was excused. Ordered by the Board, that the final settlement of Jno. Wright, Sheriff, aa to peranalty, be received, accepted and allowed, and spread on the minutes, as foUows: 1884. Jan, 8, To amt. charged from R. N. Hall's settlement, $ 203 44 Jan, 8, To amt. charged from R. it. Hall's Settlement, Polls, 523 00 Jan. 8, To amt. additional As sessment, t. to to Any ko's tion to Sold Ds. 1 oo $ 727 44 Cr. 1884. MCh, 6, By amt. paid Treasurer to dqte, „ Mcb. 6, By amt. paid Treasurer Polls, to date, - Mch. 6, By tint, pd Crowdertax, 11 11 Mcb. 6, By emt. paid Hall on receipts presented, Mqh. 6, By amt charged Hall on receipts presented, Foils, Mch. 6, By amt Insolvencies Mch. 6, By amt " Mch. 6, By amt. 8cbool tax on City Assessment, Mch. (j, By amt, commissions on amt. pd Treasurer, total col., Moh. 7, By amt. paid Treasurer to balance, aud is next on the to $ 56 82 at Bit ' 101 00 5 60 2C 00 120 34 Polls, 384 00 3 51 1 90 of in ar 1 tbl»' and my ever who my of This this have col Jeff. rear in leg & night. lajr none same de un Lula E. a » 60 of day $ 727 44 And now the Board orders the Clerk and County Auditor to charge to ex sheriff Hall the amount of 20 polls, and $5 60, county, school and courthouse tax, which is allowed as a credit on Sher iff Wright's statement, as charged there in, he staring that receipts have been presented for same; and now sald_ Clerk and Auditor proceeds to charge said Hall Wittfeaid amounts. And thereupon came into open court, _jN. Hall, who presents to the. Board his former Treasurer's receipts, Showing the amount of $25 60, charged from Wright's settlement, has been heretofore paid into the County Treasury, which, aftercareful examination and considera tion, the same is approved and accepted, and said Hall finally discharged in the premises, as having settled in full with said county all taxes due from him, th* said Hall. Ordered that the Board draw pay as toilows: No 186, J R Heath, 5days, ltmtles. " 1SJ, WM Beard, 5 days, Mmliee,. " 172, V Eggleston; 4 days, 32 miles, u mg;WHPowen,Sdaye,*4mllee, " lflo, G F Lawrence, 5 dan, 86 rallei,.. 2t 86 « 192 L R Turner, Cferk, 8 daye,. " 191, Jno Wright, Sheri0,5 days,... Ordered tbst the Board adjourn until the 1st Monday in April, 1884. by of at .120 75 21 36 17 DO 21 16 60 .. li) oo County Treasure*'* Beport. B. H. Gordon . ComUy Treasurer f in account with Grenada County: general county fund. J ah lij To amt r«c'd from. B 8 Moorman,^ Jan'SleToamt reo'd from 8Qwln.RR tax, 874 8G Tub 8, To amt rec'd from T C Dockory, aberliT Feb 8, To amt rte'd from T C Dockery, Sheriff 87 Feb 8, To amt recNl from Jno Wright 8bff, 42 Feb 15. To amt rec'd from 8 Gwlff, Audtr, 28 Jan 15, Error In credfi of School, vo No I, 287 98 Jan 12, To amt rec'd of J M Golden, C A R f 55 f 10SJ7 08 CH. f 44 74 1*M. oo 40 08 80 anitft received Mch 1, By commission ~jaul5, By amt paid out Co 1 and recharge kch' I. By amt paid out, warrants and tickets herewith handed, Balance due below, 207 90 104$ 78 mi 26 0 10337 20 Mch I, Balance due this ftind, SCHOOL FUND. Jan ll. To amt rec'd from Moorman, jSu'12 To amt rec'd from Hail, TO Feb 8. To amt rec'd from Wriabt, T C Ffb 21, To amt reed from Gwfn, Auditor, 1«» Mch L By smtpaid out. No 1, and ran ts»b«fe with banded, Mch 1, By C-ouimiasion ou amta received since Jut 11 ; , Balance due below, PR. 0 4516 79 10 00 VJ as 39 8 6151 tW 1377 17 Hi 6451 81 Mch 1. Balance due this fund, COURT HOUSE FUND. Jan 11. To amt reed of Moorman. Feb 8, To amt reed of Wright, T C, Mch l, Balance due this fund, " U 8 Bonds on hand, Recapitulation. Mch 1, To amt due School fund, " 1, To " County " " j, To " CourtH i, U fl Bonds ss. 12867 61 80 tw 12428 69 6100 00 PH. I 5025 81 8881 26 12428 69 6100 00 mnd, hand , sues on B. H. GORDON, County Treasurer. fattier, 1884, Pow of Submitted March 3. UM. Fresh pork encage always on hand Wednesdays and Fridays at Mrs. Loew euateiu's. The mule trade in Grenada hns been Gre- Duck Hill, are visiting Mrs. Bristol. only Judgefii.Tf Oxford was inourtown impor- Tuesday evening. pom- --* - -\ and The Yalobusha river is on another big ben( j er with .... than Now is the time to get your garden A Nance is thejdace to procure them, — . " MMMUME. 2000 choice Masoned white oak ing poet* lor sale by — '• •ar ion J. W. Bebby & Co. - WEcnm'aiorict, Having been duly appointed Receiver of the estate, real and personal, and notes, accounts and other cboees in action lately the property of R. P. lake, I am now au thorized and ready to make settlement* with parties indebted to him. All such are notified to call promptly and discharge their liabilities. I caw be found for the present with notes and accounts at the late bank. Grenada, Miss., Feb. 8 1884. and have herb Is Dr. Colds, i Lottie. Geo. W. Jones, Receirtt Far Rent A very desirable residence, just finish ed. Five rooms with kitchen attached. Fur terms apply to key equal nod ipon on Pr W. O. Chamberlin, Brookhaven, Mies., or C. Adams Jr., Agent, Grenada, Miss. B. notice United States Land Office, Jackson, Miss., Feb. 22, 1884.' Notice is hereby given that I will to , prepared on the 15tn day ot April, 1884, between legal hours, to receive applica tion? to enter the North east quarts 1 north east quarter, section 22, township 28, north range 7 east, Choctaw Meridia (Grenada County) R. C. BERR, Feb 23, 6w. Register. -ease ,iwor dent -.tie I to. ant. laid y sente. sins This Idea of Going West . to Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air to relievo Consumption, is all a mistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Besan ko's Cough and Lung Syrup for Consump tion in all its first stages. It never fail, to give relief in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest and all af factions that are considered primary to Consumption, Prloe, 60 cents and $1 Oo Sold by Branum & Goodwin. f ■f NOTICE TO BRICK MAHONS ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Board of Mayot aud Aldermen of the City of Grenada, in counsel convened, that the Mayor be and is hereby authorized to receive for the next 20 dayu, sealed proposals for tb< building or a Brick Culvert across Main Street, at the intersection of Second Si. according to plan and specifications now on file in his office. Also, to rebuild the plank walk from the Public Square to the Depot; the Board reserving the right to reject all bids. J. B, Townsend, Grenada, Mafch 4,1884. Mayor. IPOTICE. By Proposals for hiring the Prisoners ol Grenada Oounty Miss., for the term lour years in accordance with the codt of 1880, will be received on the 1st Mon day in April 1884. By order of thi Board. as 86 o: W H Powell, President by L R Turner, Clerk. Land Office at Jackson, Miss,, I February 8th., 1884. ( -Notion is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prool in suppor of his claim, and that said proof will br made belbre W. B. Davis, Circuit Clerk, at Grenada Miss.,. on March 22, 1884 viz: Calvin Cohea, Homestead No 9759, for the South half north east quar ter spetion 17 township 23 north range even east. He names the following witaeases t* prove his continuous residence upon, and nnltiration of, said land, viz: A. H. Cohea, tat C >h«a, John Koonce, James Taylor, all of Van's Mill Post Offie, Gren ada county, Miss. Feb. 8. 6w The Jackson Clarion and Sintinbl one year for $2 75. 75 36 DO A. a Kerr. Register 60 oo 8G 98 55 08 74 Supervision In Tennessee. The Supreme Court of Tennessee last week, declared the Railroad Supervision law of that State to be unconstitutional and void. We do not know in wbat par ticular it differed from the measure pro posed to be saddled upon this State, but our legislators will do well to investigate the matter thoroughly before casting their votes for the same character of a bil that is now engaging their attention at Jackson. If we are bound to have rail road supervision, let us have a law that will not retard the progress that Missis sippi is now making in internal improve ments nor militate against the investment of foreign capital which friendly legisla tion has heretofore induced to be ex pended tn our State.—Aberdeen Exami ner. oo 40 08 80 90 78 26 20 79 Landreth's garden seed f<?r sale at Hughes & Nance. 00 VJ 39 tW 17 R.P.LAKE, Insurance i^aat, Hi 81 61 tw 69 00 81 26 69 00 on hand been big them, dreiilft, Miss. REPRESENTING SEVEN FIRST-CLASS Fire-Companies. Respectfully Solicits Palrouage. Proraft and oapabis attention given to Risks placed with him. mcb 15 84 3m !>, . . . WW90 otaampl* tattles off '• dough nut Lung tjyru| " •ar remedy for O idgbs, C< ion and Bropohitis Regular site 50 een * • >w oa. h .. . . . Young ladies to be happy mutt be and have a nice rosy complexions, have this use Dr. Jackson's root and herb cordial sold by Braoum & Goodwin. Branum & Goodwin the Druggists, who Is always looking after the interest of their customers, have now secured the salt of Dr. Bosanko'a Cough and hung Syrup, a •»medy that never fail* to cure Coughs Colds, Pains in the Chest and alt hang i (factions, for proof try a free wimple Lottie. Regular size 60 (tents and $1 00. V 'Jm p 'M a * Many unscrupulous dealers may tell you key have remedies for Coughs and Oolda equal in merit and in every respecting as nod as Hiu old reliable Dr. Boaanko'a lough and Lung Syrup, unlese you insist ipon this remedy and will take uo other, u on are Uuhls to be greatly, deceived. Pr oes, 50 cents and $1 00. . Sold by iranum & Goodwin. Care For PUta. Piles are frequently proceeded by a -ease of weight in the tuck, loins and part of the abdomen, eausing the pa he has some affection ot ,iwor dent t -.tie kfifneys or neighboring organs. At Imee, eym I flatulency, uneuaeness of tbo stpmauh, to. A moisture, like perspiratioh, pro- . - luoing a very disagreeable itching, after 'riling warm, is » T6ry common attend ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pile* laid at once to the application of Dr, . Ooeanko's Pile remedy, which acts diroot y upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and fleeting a permanent oure. Price. 50 sente. Address, The Dr. Bosanko Me4i« * sins Co.. Piqua, Ohio. Sold by Branum & Goodwin. m Mixed paints of all colors—pinto, quarts and galons, also a largo quantity f pure white lead, turpentine and oils ■f all kinds at Branum & Goodwin's. to A GRAND COMBINATION 1 fbe Grenada Sentinel! AND TilE LOUISVILLE Weekly Courier-Journal One Year for Only §3.00. the Pries ol Two Papers for littli more th: > Oim. By paying us 83 00 you will receive lor one ,-car your home paper with the Courier-Jour nal, the representative newspaper of the south, Democratic ami lor a Tariff for Reve nue only, and the best, brightest and ablest family weekly In the United States. Those who desire to examine a sample copy of the this omee. ol 'ourler-Journal can do so at o: Collins ague cure ja warranted to cure my case of chills or any malarious die ase, fitly cents per bottle sold by Bran* um & Goodwiu. his br No t* and H. one —DEALER IN STAPLE AD FA NCY 9 'J MELLS CHEAP FOHjCASH, Onll and see me before purenasing elsewhere Feb IS, 1884,4m 9 II last par pro but bil at rail that ex Grarden B I I at i And everything to be found in a First Class I To be bad Proraft AT Hughes k Nance's!