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fvf: • / ; ' Is Archives of History G A >A e * VOLUME LXVIII. GRENADA, MISSISSIPPI, OCTOBER 29, 1920 NUMBER 22 * RESUME OF HEALTH WORK IN COUNTY Almost Marvelous Work Done, ~ orre Health Officials Place" County Among Leaders in Mississippi. The following telegraphic item from i arena-da appeared in The Commercial Appeal of laj;t Sunday. Grenada Miss., Oct. 23.—In many respects the year 1920 will be a mem orable one in the history of Grenada County, Miss. There have been many (binge to happen in this year our Lord that will make it stand out pre eminent in memories of the citizenship of America, anil particularly is this fme of the County of Grenada. And among the distinguished events that have transpired in this county none will have more lasting effect than the wi»rk initiated under the direc tion of the ' State Department of Healtli. which has had as its first aim the reaching of the child life of the county and the demonstration of the necessity of better sanitation and (setter hygienic conditions. Nothing good was ever accomplished that did not meet with difficulties. It ie indeed difficult to eet people out of oid ruts. They are just somewhat tmone *o travel in beaten paths, no* an uncommon thing to said. "Why. our fathers' homes were not. eerreoened; there was nobody to tell our grandparents, about sanitary toil **«• The y haxi no tonsils removed, neither w.*re they troubled with ap pendici-as Children of that day were healthy; they were just turned loose." 3n answer to this it might be said that where there is ignorance there ts no knowledge. It might also be eadd that the patriarens of old lived to be nearly a thousand years old, is a scientific fact that up untiJ a few years ago when the medi world became active in. combatting diseaee and in teaching lessons of wanitationi and the longevity of human beings was on a descending scale. i In Decern her, last. Dr. W. S. I^eath '•rs. dean oi the medical department of the university and chief ex ecutivo officer of the state board of bealth, and Dr. C. M. Shipp, state san itary inspector, appeared before the tnvard of f-viporrisors of this comity with the proportion to put on a spe <ria3 health crusade in the county pro rided the. supervisors would take care c>i nali the necessary expense, proposition was accepted and Dr. P. G. l*ope was eeot- here corly in Jan- j nary. With Dr. Pope came 1 w<> ladies ix> take port in -the work. one. of whom was designated by the Red Cross. The •--ontinHied rains* and the almost im-jon paseaDle condition c^' the public roads made it impossible to properly prose cute the work until in the spring Since tha: time Dr. Pcipe and his co laborc-rs have been busy indeed. Work Is a Revelation. It is hear it. The ■ j ' i have Kivern special thought to sanRation and hygienic conditions. Too many peo ple have so king thought that the feeding and clothing of children was 1 about all that was necessary for their •tSSS S 5 S 2 i ^" a jfXS Tm a ^'° vcnooi looks were «ui tnat was re- £ <taired in the process of developing and training their minds that they have looked with a degree of suspicion and as little less than folly upon the Kiea of the home being invaded by any one who would presume to sug ges:. better <»r corrective methods in dealing with children. The public has grown used to instruction, about teach vug how to prevent black tongue in cattle and they have learned that it [ exp 5 Tw£> STreiScid^moSk^ among cholera-infected swine from 144 per 2,000 to lese than 70, but the thought of better health methods for ohildren and for the home has just been regarded w a Mtedes and Per saan condition that could hot be rem (ar, w such a short, ono and it hae i Iveen traversed so quickly that too'sume many;—alas, too many—of the better .uid best things of life have just been overlooked. 1 Thousands o* dollars have been spent in Miseissippi during the past few years in eradicating tne cattle tick. Why? Not. because anybody loved the cattle lor the cattle's sake,' bat because by the eradication the cattle bettune better dollar producers. But few people Have .stopped to think that it was health work that dis covered the mosquito as the yellow fever transmitter and that this scourge, which used to sweep its thou sands into the grave every year in the Bouth, has ceased and the'people are no longer terrified by this once re garded terrible malady. But few people stop to think that thePrSch^SeramS? once un^ to iiicr S irh Q t rr,- i U . 7 ,tL tt a Pp.nTm" f anfl i ^ ^ Tn ' .. . Z . , ,. lts wo T. k ' ^ " £ l rap l ldly of a, they were landed m^at locality, Yet medicl science, hygiene and sani tation conquered, and os a result the ful United States government was enabled The work has been. in. a measure a 1 nev elation even to those who edied or bettered. In short, the dis tance front barbarism to the struggle for existence, the contest foe* the <fc>l- UU.V.U 6 v..„^uv to execute this, one of the world s ~ that the health of the Panama Canal zone is about as good as that of the a most healthy state wKhto the Union, Heuitn Carried to People. The world elands aghast at the thou aands killed in battle. It is moved to :HF "jsi&V ; ; 04 .'i ■■ 1 ■Bp? i: •> r >S' ;^.v. ■ $ ••• •* V ,Vf: :£•# ,-*■ :*X-V I » yV' i-sts ■ V t ' ■ Y* ■T : - •«, Sv, vj . ' J vNN V V : x ft. p --C >5 : * V\ ■ y ■ ::> f ' ifh N •>>>:-: > irz* :* y I ■ ■ &; > •: -If" i SM £ , 1 j * I * t •s5 •T KM f ! : & ' f £ ft ii * 9 i ■r ■ I ■ ■' tears by the cries of those who perish by famine, and the last sad words oi those who go down beneath the waters of the sea touch th-> most callous heart, yet people are afflicted around and about them in the ordinary pur suits of life and little is thought oi it. Happily the world is addressing itself m ore to the everyday things; the spec tacular, the startling, are of out short dura*ion, but the insidious and subtle every day compared to hundreds by the horriule incidents, j a a gre at measure stay their ravages. Th _, heaith crusade in Cou ^ heen liter ally 1 carried to ^ people.** it has been a wholesome thin ^ get the people together at their school houses and in, thei? churches. Good always comes of the commingling of goo«i people, screen pictures have been euch as WO uld appeal to anybody who would s it and look. And one striking fea t ure has been the showing of health pictures taken right here in this ooun ty The pictures of some unfortunate children discovered were shown with i the consent of their parents, thus bringing the matter right to the doors of the county's citizenship, were the pictures <>f these shown, but their afflictions were dis cussed by Dr. Pope, the cAUse> of of which coul -1 have 1 >e,n when the children were but mere i» t'ants, had they ^ been put under the care of a physician. He espeemk tarv toilets, and has driven home with j telling effect the disastrous conse qnences of polluted drinking water which so often comes on the iarm be cause of the fact that the barn, ehiek yard and other outhouses drain to ward the well, things which steal away housands of lives, as receiving that attention which will are Grenada The Not only children He pointed out their affliction.-, many >rrec'<Al i ■ \ ly emphasized the importance of sani j ! j The little town ot Holoonu, 11 miles j west, had a citizens meeting as a re- ^ i suit of one oi the health lectures and exhibits, and with one mind agreed to put in at once sanitary That progressive little com nninity has had more or le&s -typhoid fever almost every year, and it did not take its thinking people long to; realize that the matter of disease pre-, 1 vention was largely in their own hands. Tie Plant, three miles south f ?" lik6Wis< ' p,,t in £ anitary toilets. w * Not on * y n , J a< T. ' ^LL^tT^o^of th^ hot rounder ^^f^ nf L^be^th dei>aSnent ^d SSdto be^ L^ wTth tubeTcSL- gm*ms wts to bU s^ ThSe matter- milters which ^ Jtal 3fS?'«f£rt -STtto® S t..! ' ' ** Ls not [ U1 ' e - 1 he pity of it is mat it is not s ~ua?y T StiL* ind^d, out the land. TTiere has been nothing i autocratic about me hea-tb depart- s ment - lv p V 0 rywQ f re and sions Dr. Pope has set the tacts be- jj fore those immediately concerned and has lteen fortunate m securing their aid and co-operation in carrying out . his Pian " The following is a portion <jf a re too'sume of the health work done in Gre nada Countv since last January, which was fiied with the state health deportment at Jackson and which show's something of the plan and method of a public health organiza tion and what it means to a com mu nity: "The intensive studv of-the uhvsical condition of children in Grenada County has shown large numbers of them to have physical defects Su- to pervisioa of tae h^ita of ttfschwl of children during *he period of school life is probably one of the most im- tb pontant and progressive steps that any community can' make acd is a question that is regarded as no longer detotUbta Med^ in^cUon o school children is officiallv recoe nized by an ' increasing number of 522. in the UnST , ' l ? Grenada Couaty we have ex aminetl 31 schools with an enrollment of of 2,3z3 pupil*, 1,625 of which were present for enrollment and 127 of this n-umber showed defects. * A care ful study of these defects that 50 per cent of them screen 1 toilets, ■ i What County Has Done. . of of lum. uu per cent oi xnem are pre ventable and the other 50 per cent ^ be rem ^ di ^ d * If these defects are w0 of of indicate are not corrected they will not only prove a handicap throughout their 1 school life, but will be responsible for a large number of degenerative tip. eases, such as rheumatism, sciatica, heart disease, dieae&e of the blood ves <■ ■' 1 jte m w si y ;- c -i¥ ■■ rz. ,* ■*» , : x ; . ft , i & m it. f : mm. * a* v ■ '■ w iL A 1 m ! • ^• 7 . l in . V ?.:■ ♦ . m . ja&t. y-i it m > f i \ rft* A : >s 11 fi r >. 4^ (I .. I* C-d t wit ' f - T Vi m t Vi [A. i t u ii m S| \ I » til A\ <2*' ] •t I m rv* AT 3 Top Picture—Clinic maintaineu oy Health Department. Bottom Picture—Destitute Children thlrcn in charge by Health Dept. Middle Picture—Destitute Chaildren alter taken in charge. j______ j______ sels - Bn -- ht s disease, disease of th<> lungs, the most important of which; hs tuberculosis. If these children of Grenada County ^ ne elected now ! ^ neglected now j tbe y wlB krow up into manhood and J womanhood physically unfit. This j was shown by the recent draft board.-, «* the drafted army betas rej< ^ te ^ ^ ysical ^ 5 ^ ' k-ould have been corrected m early ohil f hood - TlAe # pb /. sk ' al . defect ^. whicb i render " eu n ^ l \ iOT milt ? ry llf€ l J em r unf ; 1 for civi1 L U ^ a %^- 1 Gr ^* nada ^unty is one of the tortu-j commimit es in that it »«»▼*«»« lo S' Id We and * ** Sanalor I f .!? arp VVdl,aJUS <>n 0110 , S f ld - , 6 greate6t resoirr< ; e °. f Mis ^ s ; s ip pi i s not cotton or lumber, but | mr^h-^ntyainic." i .* The first clinic in the state of Mis- j s i ss i pp i (and we know of but. one! other in the south) that was estab-; jj sb ed f or the correction of defects of ^ htK>1 chi i dre n, is the Grenada clinic. since the first of March we have €5-i . AmineA S 64 people in this clinic, th" i majority of whom were school chil -1 dren. There has been registered mi th { s clinic up to date 1.064 names. The j number of persons receiving medical j treatment as a result of school In-' speeticn is 2S2. The number of per-j sons receiving surgical treatment for 1 nose and throat troubles is 124. eye, ear, nose and throat specialist has j been vis ting the county twice a. month and the number who have been j treated b y him for e y*' trouble is 305. | Those who are itble . to pay for sendce of this specialist are expected; to do so< but re eardless ot the matter of ""»>«" sa Uon. all set the amejity tmumenft - }*■ 1)6 remembered that , tb * s s P ec * a ^ Rt is noL l^ing pa'd liy county or the state board of health, The ? ur ^ cal work done by local l ^ tors is ct>nducted on <the same P lan ~ those that can pay. do so; the others are given free service - Seventy-five per cent of th « operations done in this c,fnic are done oa Sth<x>1 children. It has been impoeeible to check up all j the school children on the of dental defects. However, we have j checked up on the Grenada High School and find that 61 children out;Hies. ■ i . the school children on the correction of dental defects. "-— w - 14 checked up on the School and find that 61 children out;Hies. of 119 having defects have been to a dentist for correction. Estimating that j three-fourths of all the work done in the clinic being upon school children, w0 would now have about 40 per cent of the defects in school children oor reeled mfant'and Maternal Welfare Work. "TTie work of infant and maternal welfare has been progressing very satisfactorily under -the supervision of %. k . a child weJtare nurse. Ir. a very short time we will have every child, both white and black, in Grenada County ! reeDtered We have obtained the j gi.tered Wo have obtained the J names and ages of these children and j also a history of past, diseases and present phvsical condition by a direct method, viz., so-Ior <u» iheir homes. There we teach ^ horw to properly care for their children and i protect them from infectious and con ^itagious 1 is 4 *ses. Children are also 1 brought to the clinic from time to Um e whwe tbey are weighed anti jmeaauwd and given physical ex I amination. , -We have oz> i-eoord 1 (M babie* who ; have been brought into the clinic for | var j olls troubles ranging from St |^ ,tus vimlernourishment.' j t'he^linic with asafoetida. hags^mund tbeir 3evlis believin« tha* »hk w niA p roitect thein ^rainlt who Inner also with ^raashODPer nests' mofes' jlee ® iiad taLs o?^Jt ■ P it of the?r Ktomach^ Trich n i dangHng I -1 S rinfJ stomach?; the parents y j believing tha^ these things in some* j peculiar, mysterious wav would pro - e . ? them from diseases ' (Continued on paire nine) 1 __ Q * ' An,c0^oRED CITIZENS APPRE j Cl ATE PICTLRE EXHIBITS - t j editor Sentinel: p | Will you please give apace in your the]columns for the expression a: a few words o; appreciation by (he colored I citizens or the Mr. Herman common- ij as contained in the following: , V»e, the people of ML Herman, wish : to extend to Mr. J. T. Thomas, the philantaropist of Mississippi, our very grateful thanks for the courtesy shown I to u ^. in bringing the picture show to u us. The pictures startled us almost, , yet we saw In them things we kDOw have too often transpired in our com munity and which are true today. The j pictures, we hope, will help us find and will help ms to live bet-| j ter and be more discreet and careful '^ about our homes and with our fam-.; out;Hies. We want to thank Mr. Woods, ' and will help u:s to live bet-| 14 — — J l '~-- 4 — J - out;Hies. We want to thank Mr. {who. brought the pictures an,d for his j splendid lecture about them. Our wives and children enjoyed the plc tures and we believe we all got a good lessen from them. We hope to show ourselves worthy for another, show. Come again. Our colored brethren throughout the state should see these pictures. By H. L. PERRY, Secretary and Reporter. / AS AMEMDED HIGHWAY LAW » $100,000 Appropriated for Support of Commission. Membership Made Elective. j The legislature at its last session attempted much road doctoring. ! Among other things, it provided for ! fiie election of the commissioners by the people and increased the number i from 3 to 8 , or one for each eongres | sional district. The highway com missioner was authorized to elect aj i engineer at a salary of $5,000 and ex penses (and expenses are pretty i heavy when some officers are turned loose on the public treasury j, and • fhe »mail sum of $ 100,000 was ap jpropriated for the year 1920 and the i same amount for the year 1921 to do jfray the expenses of the highway dc | partment. j The highway department is expect ed to have offices in Jackson and to } hold" quarterly meetings, the second i Tuesdays in January, April, July and i October. The department is expecr I ed to cooperate with supervisors and road commissioners in surveying and laying out roads. Section II of the act provides that the tax collector shall, at the end of each month, or within 10 days there after. pay into the state treasury, to the credit of the state highway fund, all of the privilege taxes on motor driven vehicles collected by him dur ing the month, less commissions al lowed by law. Section 12 furtlier provides: "That one-half of the proceeds of the motor vehicle privilege tax cre ated by this act or otherwise pro vided for by law, as soon as collect ed and paid into the state treasury shall be passed to the credit of u ?ond to be set up on the books of the treasury and to be known as the dis trict highway fund. That the oth-r half of said taxes shall in like rnanuer be credited on the treasurer's books to a fund to be designated the county highway fund. The state treasurer .nd the secretary of the state highway (commission shall each keep careful -etord of the amount of taxes paid ! into each of s-aki funds from each 1 .vounry in the state. And there shall • -P Lop* by the Aecte^-ry-of :U«A mission a record of the county funds grouped by counties acoording to the respective congressional districts in The purpose and intent c i this requirement being to keep sap arate account of the amount of t'n? tax originating in each of such con gressional districts both by such dis tricts and by the counties composing Each allotment of funds to any the state. same. county of the state, whether from the above designated district or county or county highway fund or trom the federal aid funds or elsewhere, shall debited against such county on the books of the commission, so that the txact gtatug of thQ acc0 unt of each oo un ty, with the commission, shall at all times be definitely thown on such books, and the biennial report of the wmmiBsioa to ^. he legislature shall dis close lhe s tatus of every account. The amounts to the credit of said district and county highway funds shall at all «»« hvailable for use ih the Jis cretion and judgment of the state Uigu wa commifisi on, in the conways and of bridges and culverts on same, pro vided that the vehicle taxes to the credit of each such counties m the county highway fund shall be expend ed only on roads lying within such county, and that the moneys to the credit of each of such congressional district funds shall be expended only on roads lying within the composing the district from such funds were collected." it counties which o ■ Mr * ® ^ Bilwrence * I Editor The Grenada Sentinel. Grenada ' ****** near Mr ' Lawrence: . Won>t y° u P^ase during the mst week of the campaign play up with all possible emphasis the duty and need ^ a11 democrat* and other support ers of Cox and Roosevelt giving to the campaign fund? Emphasize editorially if you will t - aat it is not too ] ate for anyone to p elp Things are coming our way and W e must not ease up in the slightest; we must make the supreme effort now. I Use your news columns and head-j ij ne8 ju^t as liberally as you can in caning for contributions and do all : possible to see that a thorough, per sonal canvass is made. Thousands who -have not contributed will do so if I properly urged. We are depending u pon them to help and upon your aid , n P gatting them to do so. We appreciate what you and your newspaper have done already and we ar0 mindful of the limitations on the space of all newspapers just now. g n t only a few days remain and J '^ now Mr. Lawrence, that if necessary you " ma ke extra sacrifice in the manner indicated for the cause durin manner o LETTER FROM TREASURER NA TIONAL COMMITTEE. October 22. 1920. Woods,__ pnef wind-up period, 0 . ! With kind regards, Sincerely yours, W. W. MARSH, Treasurer. __ j ! Mrs. J. H. Neely and little son and j daughter returned Sunday from a days' visit to relatives in Little Rock. Mr. Neely wont to Mfempbis Sunday morning to meet them. r m! SUCCESS Of FAIR EXCEEDS EXPECTATION Ladies' Department' Better Babies* Contest, Live Stock, Poultry and Races Create Great Interest This has been fair week in Grenada. The management have had many dif ficulties in getting ready i'qr this oc casion. To begin with, the grounds had not been used for fair purposes for several years, hence it was neces sary to almost start at the* ground and come along up with the buildings. Labor for that purpose, like iabor for everything else, was not plentiful, and that, which could be had was costly. But nothing daunted those who had set out to have a fair. The chief actor In carrying forward the program was Mr. H. B. Barbee, president of the Fair association, than whom could not be found a more desirable and capable man for any work that needs boosting and pushing. But hardly had Mr. Bar bee completed the work of rehabilita tion when the boll weevil began to eat the cotton and in some quarters in this locality, almost devoured the stalks. People said the weevil was bad and that the cotton crop would be short, but nobody thought that it would be as short as it is. The de pression over the cotton crop very properly and naturally struck every business and everybody, with the re sult that every man began to think how he was going to get out , of the wreck—these things crippled fair pros pects, they hurt the fair. Neverthe less there was no stopping of fair preparations—retreat at that stage was out of the question. So, taken all in all, the fair management is to he doubly congratulated on w r hat was ac complished. JLrir.H mPatoee. the corn, the pumpkins and the vege tables, furnished the lesson that there were many things right at the doors of the people of this immediate section about which many would almost mar vel if they saw them away from hom.\ The enchantment of distance is a trait in human nature that was coui It took but a few minutes survey of the fair grounds to realize Tuesday that every department had many who were interested in having their "ex hibits properly placed'' and who hoped "for the awerd by the judges." The premiums listed by the Fair manage ment were enough to quicken the zeal and the energy of every exhibitor. A hurried trip from the ladies' depart ment to the poultry department, then the swine, then the cattle and the horses, aud later to the grand stand. mented on by the Savior and the pass ing of days does not seemed to have abated in the least the propensity of thinking that the one somewhere else "can do it better." Outside of the exhibits on the ' mid way'' appealed to a great many and furnished a very desirable diversion. The foot ball game Wednesday fired the enthusiasm of the school folks. The game was hotly contested. From the very beginning, the crowd saw that a sure enough ball "scrap" was on and the American people, both old and young, long ago evinced a very decided interest in scraps, even it be chickens or canines. Wednesday's dawn brought not a very assuring day. While the weath er was cooler and the'winds had got ten around to the North., ever and anon a mist of rain fell. But within only a few' hours, the sky came into view, and the elements began to smile on the Fair. One of the first fea tures of the morning was the horse back riders, which consisted of both ladies and gentlemen. These got in line up town and made a very at tractive sight as they cantered to the Flair grounds. Mr. A. T. Inman got two blue ribbons on his saddle mare while the red ribbon went to Mr. H. T. Calhoun and the white rib bon to Mr. R. W. Jones. There were IbO babies entered in the Better Babies' Contest Wednes day and the doctors and the nurses were kept busy indeed in grading the little fellows. No official announce (Continued on page nine) f o , f - f Fourth n - l-"i' ..''l 1 "of'w^molr < rinh< . n l , , ,, ." r _ , \w*"i a-in ? wl * De .\ov. ana . lbe pUbnc 1S 'Vp? , ,, „ sessions The following pro 1 MONDAY ^ -30 P M 1 ^ J fi *«• «bltomc from Hostess Club o DISTRICT FEDERATION MEET. ......Mrs. Cowles Horton Music—Vocal Solo . .-.Miss Corine Tucker Presentation by Hostess Club of Dis trict President.: Response Address of Welcome Music—Piano Solo. Mrs. J. C. Fair Mrs. Joe B. Taylor Officers' Report. Adjournment. MONDAY 7:30 P. M. Rev. J. R. Cunningham Invocation Addiess .. . -—Mrs. Sam Covington, State Pres. ! Music—Vocal Solo Address . Mrs. F. S. Hill Dr. Edith Lowry, University Musie—Violin Solo.MissKleiser j Short Business Session ! Announcements. j TUESDAY 9:00 A. M tenljf^jj.—(To be supplied ) Business Session Election of Officers, Adjournment.