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7m :v.' : I lis t i i,-, . .:JV- -:.s'f I'- ' ..' f ' . " '" ' r. iif t i.- - "J V v:. t:.r. -1 ;- . mi I 1 . -1 ,M I.". ..... 1 u I I - . ' I , i - .... , t t ' ! fc'M'rT -I 1 I f i - ... ' i i mi .. .. X- - i . . i.m 1 ,'t.i I'll' tl U .llO'j "ETERNAL VIGILANCE I 8 ' T II E ' IH J E 1 ' 1 T Pn.TIiomiH Jcf for a A n .. i. A li in ,?. ,..) , .,. VOLTJME Sl. NO. 4. CADIZ, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, fAT 23, 1661'.: ;'; Mir i? -ili'i TERiIS82 PEK ANNUM i : ' ritEMIOIS AD REGCIAT10XS. WITH THE NAMES Of , THE AWARDING JUDGES : v ' FOB THS 17TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION ; '": .,' or THS IlarrUon Coanlj Agrlenttarnl S. rielr, o be Held in CAIIZ, on Wdnaaay, Tharaday A' Fridnj-, October 3th, Ota and 7h, 1S4. OFFICERS : OF THE SOCIETY. "1 PRE8IDKNT, ' ELI PEACOCK, Cndit Townhfp. , .: ... riCR PRCSTOEST, I JOHN M. ROBIN'SON, Cula nw.uliw. TRTSMtrRRR, SAMUEL GIJOKGE, Jr., Gwiu ToiotuMp. 8ICRETAHT. J.iCOB JARVLS, CW ToifwAi).. IX(3RAM CLAKK, Green Tmauhip. JOHN N. HANNA, Shorter THOMAS H. DICKER SON, CW " SAMUEL T. POKIER. " " A. H. CARNAHA.V, " LIST, OF PHEMIUMS. ,1 Farms. , For fh bout managed Farm, U thlngi oon . ' ' .Bidorod.. .. ,. First premium, , . . $i0,0) a1 ' ' , -i. 5,0(t , . Cm'H'e R'jburtllorrjrmdn, Job'u Wobb - Applicant for p;vuiin;ns on Farms must fiva '.the awMilinij-committeei before the iv 6! August, explicit written statement ct their piua ot i-anumg: showing their wuri'e iorcvoraj years post, and the reason of their oocos, - ; 'r Tot the tt barrol of Hour inada of the ' least amount of wboat. Flmlpreiuium, - - f;t,00 '. A-sworn statemfnt to be furnished to the fjecrot-arv at tha time of making the entry of tho above flour. . For tho btwt harr! of llftnr without roj.ird to tho amount of whoat. . v First premium,,. ' 3.00 '21 do . . . , 2,00 Cyrny.'tt,. John IMokorson, tTiUiam Bur Rird aal W. U'. TiUon. ' ".' 'CrottH, " ... 11 -nt T.p of Corn, not less than five DTPS. First premium, . ..... 10,o0 S1 do "' ' ' " '. ,yjo Ik'St erop of Wheat, not tm than five aoros. Firat premium, io,!X) . 21 -.. do- 6,00 Boit crop of.Oati not 1ms than fi re acres. . Flrat premium, . -. . .0,00 2d do . ' . -Tiio froatit nmoimt of Molasses made ifroni ori'i-fourth of an aoro of Soriflium, (asnm- plo of tue Molasisi u bo shown to the com mittee.) . . . .. . , i Fltflt premium, '" ' 8,00 .3d do ;,,,X) M do ' a,to Bft one arro of Cora. rirnt pmmium, r,,(V) S4 do 3 (in lkftcropof Timotbr Hay, net lees thau one urro. nrit promium, f,,no . 21 do a,(io .. IMt crop of CloveT TTnv, not less than ono ncro. ! irat prommm, 5,00 i " . 5,00 Best crop of Tun othySoed, not lens thau one , '' " ' aero. First premium. 5,00 i uo ?,0() llest crop of Clover Soed, not less than ono acre. . First premium. ,1,00 21 do 3,00 lU-st crop of Potetoe, not lean than one-fourth of an acre. - - Fim proniium, 4.00 2d do- 3,00 Jlwst erop of Sweet Potatoes, not ltss thnu onoeightb of an acre. First premium, 4,00 1-1 du 3,00 . attmittce--Gtogfi Holiei'linfT, Audrew J. Faaud J;ini..s McFaddi-n (Irish.) Applicants for premiums on Crors mu t hive their irrouncfs and produce aceuratuly measured by two disinterested persons, whose statements of 1st, the kind of soil. 2d, the kind and quality of manure and tho manner of application. 3d, the time and manner of preparing the ground for plant ing and Howimt. 4th, the ouantiv or seed oned. 5th, tho mode of cutting and time of harvesting. 6th, the amount of time of both man and beast employed in applying ' manure, preparing the ground, planting or eowing, cultivating and gathering the erop. ' 7th, the net amount of crop, the whole of which must be measured by the usual utand 1 ard. 8th. if practical, they must produce a Btmple of the erop to the committee and naTeitexhibitedattheFair. 'Competitors for premiums on Corn and Clover Seed may ro jiort to the ' cominitteo at any time before t the last Friday in October. Other compoti ' tora must fivo their reports to the Secreta ry at any time beibre the first day of ,the Fair. Xhe prewiums will be awarded with i refemnoo to profitableness as well amoiiiit r crops keftpo quantity as well as quality . wiU bo considered. The object which this eoeiety 'wisfaofl to keep always in' view in awarding premiums on crops, isnotnioro ' ry that it may be known that large erops re raised in tho eouaty, bt that tlie nieth M of tiiltivatiug such -crops may be 'made public, that the farmers of the county gen , erally may avail themselves of any knowl edge that may bo. useful to them. Clat A, "" teAnr priiig Horse Colts. Flnrt premiuut, M . do. - , - ...Spring Mare Colts, , First premium, 3,00 2,00 8,00 xa - ao 2,00 Brood Mure for Draught (Spring Colt by her ' ; ' ''" :" sido.1 . First premium, 5,00 'Oir fs- .-.,-,,,, ,., . ' 3.00 .; Brood Maro for all purples .(Spring Colt by horsiae".) First premium, , . ' 500 Brood Maw for Saddle and Harness (Snri'nif ' ) Colt thor side.) . V. . First premtuin,. r , ;-;.....i 6,00 2d ' , do ... . . y g 00 Committee Andrew Jamison, James For f tCtnd Joshua ,T. Dickerson, ,p j, ,'( , ... ': t-J,Clmfi:, j ; " Best Mareona.year old for draught Tint premiiuu, , ; 4,00 2d - do ; , t' . ., ; ' ' 8,00 Best Mare tanoyear old for all purposes. First premium, , -."J4,00 2d do '-' a-KTiJ 8,00 "Bost Mure two years old for draught. First premium, . a i a r ," 400 2d do , , , ," , ,,...!, n 100 -,1. -Best Mare two yeouM)W for saddle. First premium, , 1 , ,00 " .3d - 4 - i"l,!M aloo. , Bst Mare two years old or all purpose. rtmfrimimf, r-'f-. , .,-. 8,00 : iS do . v ,'-'.; t 2,00 Best Mare three years old for draught. First premium 4,00 2d do . 3,00 Best Maro three years old for saddle. FtrsLpreraium, 3,00 2d .do . . 2,00 Borst tnafe three years old for all purposes. First premium, 3,00 M do ' 2,00 Bost Mare four ypars old and upwards for . draught . -. First premium, ,1 00 2d do 3,oo Best Mare four years old and upwards for all purposes. First premium, - 6,00 2d do : 3,00 Bust Mare four rears old and upwards for Saddle and Harness. First premium, 5,00 24 do 3)00 Cbmmtitee Leslie Copeland, Samuel Slom monsand Hunter Lewis. ' - '- ' ' Clan .C. ' . Bweepstako class of Stallions of 'any ago or urfeu, Biyie, sue ana action, to Do.esxwi ally considered In awarding premiums. First premium i.r,foo 2d do 10,00 Stallion four years old and upwards for araugnu Firtst premium, 10,00 2d do ,oo omuioa luur yours oiu ana upwards, lor saddle and harness. First premium, 8,00 M- do . 6,00 Stallion four years old and upwards for all ;. purposes. First premium, . , ,., , fi.OO ii do , ' ' ' 5,00 Stallion throe years old for daught. First premium; i-.v goo 2d do ' !'. .. 4,00 Stallion tliree years old for all purposes. First premium.,', . .,; , , tt.oo 2d, dO ; V ".'.; 4,'00 nrainon iwo years 01a lor araugnt. First premium, 5,00 2d do - 3,00 Stallion two years old for all purposes. First premium, 6,00 2d do . , 3,00 Stallion one yar old for all purposes. . First premium, 5,00 2d do "" '"- $,00 Committee M. O. Slothmons, John Crum ley, William Moore, (Moorefiold,) B. W. Pumplirey, (Boiniont county,) and John Mc Nary. (Belmont county.) . Cltux J). . Best pair of draught Horses or Mares owned by one man. , First premium, 5,00 2d do ' . ' ' 8,00 Gelding four years old and upwards for draught. First premium, 6,00 2d do ' 3,00 Holding four years old and upwards for all . purposes. I iret premium, 6,00 2d ' do 3,00 Gelding three years old for draught. First proniium, 4,00 2d do : . 3,00 vioiuingiureo years oiu lor all purposes, I-irst premium, 4,00 3d do . 3,00 Oolding two years old. First premium, ' 3,00 2d do ' ' ' 2,00 Ciuldine one vcar old. First premium. , 3.00 2d .do ' T-v 2.00 0 eld inn or Mare for saddle. First premiuiii. 5.00 2d do 31J0 Celd'ni or Mare for licht harness. First premium 5,00 :a do 3,00 Committet Jacob Moore. Jno. X). Porter. Samuel McFadden (Athens,) Jackson Cros- itej- una nuzm xioinies. , - Class E. Bost pair Matched Horses or Mares for all purposes, owned by one man. First premium, 6.00 2d do 4,00 Best fauey driving team (without regard to color or sex.) First premium, . (- no 2d do 4.00 Onnmitiff D. B. Welch. John Cunning ham, O. Slommons, John Luthuin and Jolui Henderson (Alliens.) 'Class K Fastest walking Horso or Mare. First premium, . 5,00 -d do 3,00 Kasteiit rucking or pacing Gelding or Maro. First premium, 1,1,00 2d do ' ti.OO Fastest trotting Gelding or Mnre. ' First premium, 20,00 2d 'dO i . , ; ,, , . llj.Mll 3d - do , ' 6,(.i( Extra entrance fee of 10 percent, on first premium offered for Tacking or trotting horsey, - . . Committee Georgo bailor (Smithfiold,) Dr. Wilkin (Hurrisville,) Luke Voorhees (Flushing,) V. B. Welch, und John Ander son, (Heudrysburgli.) CATTLE, Ck G. Best Bull three years old and upwards. First premium, , 10,00 2d t do 6,00 Best Bull two years old. First premium, 5,00 2d do 3,00 Best Bull one year old. ' First premium, 3,00 2d do 2,00 Bost Bull Calf. , First premium, ' ' " 2 00 2d do ' :i " ' ' ' v 1,00 Committee John T. Barrleklow, Samuel Thompson and" Pobert Latham. . . - , .;":. ' Class it. - - '' Best Cow three yoars old and upwards. t irst premium, g OO 21 'do ' ' '' '" ' ' ' ' '". 4,oo ' Best Cow or Helfcf two years old. First premium, , . v 4,00 2d do 1 . , 2,00 . Best Heifer one year old. Tint premium, , , 3,00 2d do , . 2,00 '.' Best spring Heifer Calf. '! 1 First premium, - 2,00 2d do . ; , ,. 1,00 c-i Best Cow for milk and butter. , : First premium. 1 .. ,., , :. . 8,00 2d .. do . . ;; '. , .';5 ' All persons exhibiting Cows for milk and butter, must furnish a statement in writing to the Secretary befbre the Cow is entered, setting forth :j 1st, The age and breed of the Cow . and the time of Calving. 2d. The quantity of milk in weight and the butter made therefrom during a period of ten days the Cow to be fed pn grass alone. The ex periment to bo verified by the competitor and anothor person conversant with the fneu ccitilicd thereto over their signatures, Committee- William y MiFadden,: L John Thompson -(Green,) arid Isauo Thomas. '.' Class I. f ' Best yoke of Oxen, foar years old ond up wards. - .vi,.;,,. First premium, , -.. : , 6.00 2df 1 do , . . . . . . 4,00 - uestyoKeoi uxen inree years ola. First premium. . , 8.00 ?d, 'do - ' ' " ' 2,00 Best voke or oxen two years old, First premium. "' ' 1 i ( 1 , 2,00 2d ;! v -do"' :: ..' : :' , ! 1.00 Bost nair of vearlinor Steers. - First premium, ... ... , J 00 2d 'do " ;'J- 60 Cbmii(ee Tr-InTorter. TTonrv Bovlus and WUUana Fulton (Nottingham.) ij t WiA .7 .'t'il.?.l I .-!, ! r,y 1 Jack and Mulct. .. . .. j - L:mrr ii , ' Chs J. '.-'.. uWJ ' '. "f fl"Boaf Jack. '.la ri ,-f ' First premium. ; J.U. .no 2d do . ..-' ,'' ri r-4.00 Best Mule two years old and upwards. First premium, 4,00 2d : , do ' 2,00 iioei .Mine ono year 01a. First premium. 3,00 2d do 2,00 JJOSl AlUlOCOll. First premium, . 2.00 2d do 1,00 uommxttCK K. v. uargrave, ilenry liar ricklow and Samuel Kichey. SHEEP- Class . K. Best Buck of any breod two years old and over. First premium, 20,00 2d do , 15,00 act - . do ' 10,00 COinrt(ce-Angnstus Portor, John Crum ley una James .Mclvce. ; '' : ' Class L. ' . Best Buck af any breed iotie year old. First premium, 20,00 00 . isyy 3d do 10,00 Committee John Moore, (Short Creek,) .lonn .Martin, (snort creek.) Samuel iiiomp son. ' " .. . Class ,M. ,." Bost Buck Luuib of any breed. First preuiiuin, : , 15,00 ia. . uo 10,00 3d do ' 5,00 Committee Andrew McFarland, Isaac Holmes and Andrew Jamison. ... .:''" ' ' ';: Class X. Pen of five Ewes of any breed two years old and over. First premium, 20,00 2d do ' ' ' ' ' . . .. l,-,,00 3d do 10,00 ' Committee J time B. Jamison, George Heberling and Jeremiah Weaver. ' '; ; Class 0. ; Pen of Ave Ewes ono year old. ' First premium, 15,00 2d do ' 10,00 3d do 1 , . 5,00 Cbmnu'Mee Henry Boyles, John Hitch cock and Oliver Copo. .. 1, , Class P. :i Pen of five Ewe Lambs. ' - First premium, . , , . 15,00 2d : do , 10.00 3d do . 5,00 Committee Samuel Boggs, Robert Gul braith and Joseph Holmes. Class Q. . ;'' ' Best Eewo of any breed one year old and 'upwards. First premium, : 10,00 2d do ' ' ' 6,00 Best Ewe Lamb of any breed. First premium. ., , 8.00 2d . . do 4,00 Committee Alex. J. McFadden. John Stringer and Charles Hogg. - Mutton Shuop. ,. ' First premium, . . ' 4,00 2d do 3,00 Committee Joseph Jamison, Craig Ham ilton and Garrett (Shank. Every applicant for a premium on .Sheep, must file his affidavit with the Secretary be fore making his entries, setting forth the facts. That the Sheep to be exhibited were shorn, as Sheep usually arc shorn, when they are not to be pnt on exhibition, and they werei not shorn before the first day of May. IIOS. Best Boar. First premium, 5,00 2d do ' 3,00 Best Breeding Sow, the litter of pigs to be in the pen with her, not less than six pigs, nor over two months old. , First premium, , 5,00 2d do 3,00 Best thrse fat nogs.' First premium, 3,00 2d do 2,00 . Persons exhibiting Fat Hogs are request to give to the Committee a written state ment setting forth the manner of feeding. Committee Amzi MuXaiuee, Peter Thom as and John McFadden, (Athens.) I'OTJLTIISY. Best pair of Peafowls, " " ewh variety of Chickens, u 'l-irkPVS, 1,00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 Ducks, " " tte(;so, ' '' " " Guinea Fowls, , Committee A. ('. Turner, Jr, Thompson and James B. Jamison. Samuel MECIIAMIC AIITS. Class -;vl. . . . BOSt tWO llOfSO WdROll. . , First premium, 2d do ,.. Sulkies. First premium, 2d do Two-horse Carriage or Buggy. First premium, , J 2d do " Threshing Machines.' , First premium, 2d do . ' ; ,1 Sewing Machines.. First premium, 2d do Corn Covorer. First premium, 2d. do Corn and Cob Mills. First premium, 2d . do ' ' ' " . . Corn Shellers. First premium, - ' 2d do ; ' Hominy Mills. , First premium, 1 2d , do i ., Fanning Mills.' . First premium, 2d - do Corn Planter and Coverer. ' First premium, 2d do , 5,00 - 3,00 3,00 2,00 8,00 2,00 8,00 6,00 3,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 3,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 8,00 2,00 8,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 4,00 SjOO Wheat DrUU First premium ' ' Clover Huller and Cleaner. First premium, 5,00 2d do v- 3,00 Cbait'c--Charle8 Kngler, Robert Dick erson and Charts Wurtel. J - Class Ji.. '"' Ploughs for general purposes. First premium, 111 ; g,oo 2d ; ..;do :' ;, . '. ' , . ;., .... 2,00 r .;. Corn Cultivators. . ,. ., .. First premium, , , - 2,00 2d , do ' 1,00 Horso Rakes. First premium, - -&- - 2,00 2d - dq- ? -, . y,- 1,00 -. . Reaper and Mower combined. '-. Preihtum, '" ,J . ': " , ' 6,00 1 ..'.. 1 .,. '' Mower.''-'" '"' '"f1 Premium, - : ,' :' 6,00 'i n : 1 Grain Cradles., , " ,11 First premium, .., . ,s , 1 ,.. .2,00 2d do . ;, , " 1,00 Corn Ploughs. " Firstpremlum, ' ' ' ' 2,00 2d do 1,00 ; Straw and Stalk Cutters. First promiuui, 1 . 2,00 2d do 1,00 '-(! '-" j; Harrows. ., ., ,. .,, . First premium, , , , ' , ' 2,00 2d 4 do 'u' ' 100 , Cider Mill and Press. 41 Firstpremlum, . ' .; ' ' 2,00 2d do ' j :;, -" 1;. 1,00 ' Committee John IL f Hammond,, John Hilton and Joseph Clark (Cudiie township.) ciass a .-' ;r -: ; ''' "- ""BoofH awStioes.'''j- . V I Bet pairGont's.nno Boots, . .i;c.; 3,00 2d do roif hi; ,'. ' -2,09 Beet pair Gent'sooarse Boots, , 2,00 2d , do . i 1,00 Best pair Ladies' summer walking Shoes 2,00 2d do . . 1,00 Best pair Ladies' winter Shoes. c ,i 2,00 2d do .: t-i' .1,00 Best pair Gents Slippers, , 1.00 BeHt pair Ladies' Slippers, 1,00 Committee Harmon Harris, Sr., Micjiael Toland and Elijah Carsou. Class D. Coo per Ware. . Best Pork Barrel, 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 vv ine I. IIMK, " Flour Barrel, " Ijftrd Keg, " WiwhTub, 1,00 f: - 1.00 inurn, 1 bushel, pock and I peck measure 1,00 Committee S. George, Sr., Jesse Lewis and Josliua Adams. .' ' . ; . Class R . i.-: Harness (Double or Slngle.1 Bost Double Carriage Harness, , " Single Buggy Harness, " Double YiiiikeO Harness, " Mans' Snddle, ' ; "' " , ' " RideSoddle, :( ' ' " Bridle and Martingale, " I lulter, , " lot of Whins (assorted.) 0,00 3.00 3,00 , f',0O 6,00 1,00 60 60 L. Hou- Cbmti((ee Benjamin. Wood, W, ser and Thoiuas Welch (Athens.) Class F. Leather. Best two sides of Sole, 2.00 2,00 2.00 two sides or L pper, " two sidesof Harness, " two Calfskins ' ' 2,00 CbNin'f(ce-John Carnnhan, Michael Mor gan and Loyd Case Georgetown.) . . "- Clat G. - ';;' '-'.' Stoves, Grates, Tin-Ware, &c. 1 Best cooking Stove, for wood! 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 " cooking stove, for doal ::. . ": Parlor stove, ; i. f ' V Coal Grate with east front. Greatest variety of Tinware. i,00 t-opper una iirassware, 3,00 Hardware and Blacksmith Work. Best set of Gardening Tools, 1.00 60 . 50 60 60 1,00 2,00 1,00 uate r listenings, ; puir Door Hinges, ; 1 , pair of Horse Shoes, specimen Horse Shoe Kails, Home Made Axe, Greatest variety of Edged Tools, nest nine mm, shot uun,' ' 1 " ' 00 Cummittee JohnG; Rlghter, Jacob Peter mini, (Georgetown,) Edward Knox. Class If. Tailor's Work. Best finished dress coat, 1.- 3,00 overcoat, . , , : ,- : . . 3.00 " " pantaloons, , , 1,00 " " vest, ' 100 Committee James Dav. Wm. Timberlake (Georgelown,) mid S. It. Watson. Class J. ; .: ' Carpcntor Work. ' . Ik'.st pannel door, . ; , . " venitian blind,' " two High), of sash", " farm gate, CammitleeH. Rowles, Richard (Georgetown,) Erasmus Barrett, i r . Class K. : - Cabinet Ware. Best dressing bureau, " fancy bedfteiui-, " Hi-nied rockingH.'nairl " . ! " dining tab(e, . " center table, " pair of side tables, " set parlor chuiv.s. " split bottom ciiairs, " sola, " writing desk, " wliat-nol, ,! " bread sale, " baby cradle. 2,00 ; 2,00 ' ' 1,00 1,00 Moore 3,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 il.OO 2,00 1,00 1,00 1,1X1 (Shennards- Committee Amos Morgan iuwii,; joiiii L iiisioii, u. r . iveegier. Cfoss L. . , . Fainter's Work. Bost Specimen of Grain ing and Plain Puiutiug. First premium, 4,00 2d do ' ' 8,00 Com m ittee B. 'Watkinson, Ephraim Clark and 11. 11. Harrison. PRODUCTS. Class M. Best loaf of Bread, 8,00 2d do 2,00 Best sample of fresh butter 2tbBorover, 2,00 2d do .1,00 Comjiotitors for premiums on butter and broad must furnish the Committee a written statement, setting forth theirplan of making bread and butter. Best box of honey, 2d do Best cheese 10 lbs or over, 2d do Best light cakes, 2d do Best pound coke, 2d do , . ., 2.00 1,00 1,00 50 1,00 60 1,00 50 1,00 50 60 25 60 ' 25 1,1X1 Best sponge cake, 2d do Best pastry, 2d do Best sample of honey, 2d do Rest rusks, 2d do 50 Committee Mrs. James McFadden. Mur. tha Caj iiuhnn and Mrs. John X. Hanna. Class N. Best round of Dried Beef ; 50 Best Bacon Ham, ' 1 (Kt 2d do ' 50 Competitors for premiums on Hams must give the committee a written statement, set- nug ionn ineir pian 01 curing nanis, Best one pound Corn Starch.. 2d do . . . ' . Best one pound Bran Starch.' 2d do Best 10 Wis. of Lard, ! ' 2d do . -.! Best one gallon of Soft Soan. . ; 2d do Best three tbs or over Hard Soap, 2d do . .. Best Pobito Starch L lb, 2d do ,i' ' ; Best Cider Vinegar, 2d do ' Committee Mrs. Hanna Holmes, Walter Craig and Mrs. 8. R. Watson. 50 25 '60 25 1,00 50 ' 60 25 50 25 .- 60 25 30 20 Mrs. '' " - ' ' ' FltUIT. ,.; ' . class 0. ' - Bot f ample of Fruit, 20 varieties. First premium, 2,00 2d do ''...,( 1 go ' Beit sample of Fruit, 40 varieties. First premium, 1 -. ; :,- ( 2,00 2d do- , ' , 1 , .1,00 Best sample of Fruit, 10 varieties. First premium, , 1,00 2d do ' -:' ' 50 Best half-bushel of any good variety. First premium, i 1 00 2d '' 1. do .i. , '50 Best sample of Apples of any variety. First premium, 2d . . do . , , : ,"' ' ; Best peck of Peaches, 2d do ' . ' Best, specimen of Peaches, ' ' , ' Best peck of Pears, ' . ,: 2d do :;, Best siecimen of Pears, Best peck of Quinces, ' , . , , 2d do Best specimen of Plums, each variety, " " Grapes, each variety, ' " peek of Dried Apples. 50 1 ,25 ' ,'60 25 '50 ' 50 25 60 60 25 40 40 60 1,00 60 " ; " Poaches, paired, unpaired, . Committee John Hammond. 1 1 1 . 1 . f T"' . .1 1 , ' Johnson VJUig uuu uim iviii Buuen, .j saMple ot citois. ;.. - ;t Class P. . . , . Best i buah. Red Wheat, harvested in ei, 1.00 2d do Best 1 bushel White Wheat; 2d. -; do . . i v :..!. li-st dozen cars of Corn, 2d - . do 1 ' . , :. Ii 60 Best 1 bushel seed Corn.- , 2.1 do - . Best peck of Timothy Sood. 2d do - Best peck of Clover Seed, 2d do ' Best i bushel of Buckwheat, 2d do Best 1 bushel of Oats-, 2d , do ... Best 1 busliel Barley of any variety, 2d do - Best J bushel Of Potatoes of any variety, 25 75 40 60 25 60 25 60 25 1,00 2d do Best 3 varieties of Potatoes, . 2d ' do Best bushel of Sweet Potatoes, " 2d do Best sample of Sweet Potatoes, Best sample of Broom Corn,. .1 2d . do - r ... ..... Best six Brooms, ,, 2d do Best peck of Onions, " 2d do . Bost peck of Tomatoes, 2d,, do . , -: Bost sample of Tomatoes, . Bost I dozen Beets of any variety, 2d do ' ' 2,00 1,00 1,00 60 60 60 25 60 25 60 ' 25 : 60 Best sample of Beets not less than 5 dozen, 25 Best six heads of Cabbage of any variety, 50 2d da, . 25 Bust and ureatest variety of Pumpkins, 1 ,00 2d , d o . . 50 Bost sample of Cucumbers, 2d do. . Best sample of Parsnips, 2d do. Best sample of Carrots, 2d . 1:. do Best- variety of Watermelons, 2i..x do, ;, , ,. . . Best variety of Muskinelons, sa uo . 25 Best specimen of 12 stalks of Sugar Cane," 50 2d do x. 25 Best specimen of Rhubarb, ' 50 2d do 25 Greatest variety of Suuashes. ; 60 2d do i 25 Best sample of Turnips, ' , 60 2d ' do . .' ' 25 Best specimen of Citrons, ' 60 2d do 25 . Obotwi ittee Adam Dickerson, Wesley Jar vis and Isaac Curtis, , . . Preserves, Pickles, Jellies, &c. ' " -Class A. ; "' Best Peach Preserves, 1,00 2d do - ',; - 50 Best Quince Preserves, 1,00 2d do . 6u Best Plum Preserves, . . 1,00 2d ., do ., , , '. "c .- . so Best Cherry Preserves, : 1,00 2d do -' ;'. "'"'' 60 Host Tomato Preserves, ' 1,00 2d do : . : w Best Grape Preserves, 1,00 2d do ' 50 Best Pear Preserves, . ,.', 1,00 2d do . 60 Best Huckleberry Preserves, ' 1.00 2d do ' esr iiaspueri-y j'reserves, " " 1,00 2d . . do - . . 50 Best Apple Preserves, .' ' ' ' 1,00 2d do - , , 50 Best Watsermellon I'reserves, . 1,00 2d do . - 50 Best Citron Preserves, ' ,oo 2d do ; 50 Best Strawbony Preserves, -' 1,00 2d do " .: ' 60 Best Blackberry Preserve, : 1,00 2d do . , 60 Best Muskmcilon Preserves, ' , 1,00 2d do" "' '" ' ' 50 Best Gooseberry Preserves, 1,00 2d do 50 Committee Isabel Gordon. Sarah Dickor- son and Frisculla Wiley, (Georgetown.) Class B. Best Currant Jam, - 2d do Best Blackberry Jain, . 2d do Best Elderberry Jam, 2d do Best Rhubarb. Jam, 2d do Best Raspberry Jam, 2d do . Best Strawberry Jam, 2d do Best Quince Jelly, 2d do Best Apple Jelly,' 2d do Best Currant Jelly, 2il do . Best Peach Jelly, 2d do Best Strawberry Jolly, 2d do Best Raspberry Jelly, 2d do Best Rhubarb Jelly, 2d do Best Plum Jelly, , 2(1 do Best Wild Grape Jelly, 2d do Best Tame Grape Jelly, 2d do Best Cherry Jolly, 2d do Best Elderberry Jelh', 2d do Host Gooseberry Jellv, 2d do , : Best Pear Jelly, 1,00 50 1,00 60 1,00 60 1,00 60 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 SO 1,00 60 1,00 50 1,00 60 1,00 SO 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,00 60 1,00 50 1,00 60 1,00 . SO 1,00 50 1,00 . 50 1,00 50 1,00 50 2d do ... Bost Egg Jelly, ,,- .. .... 2d, do . ' Best Tomato Jelly, . ' 2d .-do. Best Siberian Crab Apple Jelly, 2d do Committee Miss Ellon Wyley, (Green,) E- lis. Jamison and Mary Holmes, (wife of Jo- scpn.; ; ' ' Glass C. :i 1 Bost Peach Butter, ' 1,00 . 60 ' 1,00 ;...i 60 , 1,00 , "60 ; 1,00 ,' 60 1,00 '. ' 60 -1,00 ' 60 1,00 , 50 . 1,00 50 1,00 i" -50 1,00 60 1,00 60 , J,oo 60 .1,00 60 . 1,00 60 1,00 " ; 50 "' 1,00 60 1,00 50 1,00 60 ' 1,00 60 1,00 60 i LOO , , . 60 1,00 '"'" 60 1 li.oo 60 f 1,00 1 60 . , .1,1)0 m ao Best Apple Butter, 2d . do -Best Quince Butter, 1 2d do Best Plum Butter, . , 2d do Best Cherry Butter, 2d ' do Best Pear Butter,- -2d do Best Tomato Butter, , 2d do ... . , ; 1 Best Grape Butter, 2.1 do ' Best Rhubarb Butter, "' '' -2d do Best Pumpkin Butter, 2d do Best Raspberry Butter, 2d do ... Best Blackberry ButtCT, 2d do Best Elderberry Butter, Cil dO ' - ; ,. Best Citron Butter, , , 2d do . Best Goosebery Butter, "' 2d do Best Strawbeiry Butter, 2d do Best Melon Butter, 2d do .... Best Egg Butter, 2d do r . . Best Potato Butter, ' 2d do ' Best Currant Butter, 2d do Best Huckleberry Butter, 2d do , Best Maple Molasses, 2d do Best Apple Molassos, " , ' 2d do Bost Sorghum Molasses, ., ' Best aample Maple Sugtf, i, D.-.S n : za.,,: 00. '-. 1,00 Best -sample of Sorghum Sugar, 2d ' do ' . Ofrmmittrt.'Mnri: BMn, Mr, John J, Rea and Ellen Honaa,M jrv..v r,,.: ,; 1 HI ')' S'or ri ClafS D, ,; to 25 60 Best sealed Peacbos, 1- .. 1,00 ', 50 1,00 &0 1,00 60 -1,00 ., 60 .1,00 60 1,00 60 ' 1,00 - 50 1,00 ' 60 .1,00 ; 60 1,00 - 60 1,00 60 -1,00 50 ''1,00 50 ,. LOO 60 1,00 60 1,00 2d, do Best sealed Cherries, ,' 2d do Best sealed Plums, ; ' 2d ' do - Best sealed Tomatoes, - 2d . do.t . Best sealed Gooseberries. 2d do .... Best sealed Strawberries, ' 2d do Best sealed Apples, ' ' 2d do . Best sealed Blackberries, ' 2d. do i Best scaled Grapes -tame 2d do . Best scaled Raspberries, 2d do Best sealed Peas, 2d do 1 -j - Best sealed Pickles. ' 2d do Best sealed Grapes w'ld 2d - do Best sealed Pears. 1 . so 25 25 75 40 2d do Best sealed Currants. - 2d do , 1 ' , , Best scaled Quinces. 2d do : ; . Committee Mrs. Intrram Clark. Mrs. A. II. Carnuhan and Miss Margaret McFadden. .'.,,., . Class E" Best pickled Cucumbers, ' 1,00 50 2d - do Best pickled Peaches. 1,00 f An 2d - do ,, 60 1,00 Rest pickled Quinces. 2d ' - do..', : : ., ' ; Best pickled Cherries, .. 2d do Rest pickled Plums, ' " 2d , rflo . ... .. . Best pickled Muskmelons, 2d - do- " Best pickled Tomatoes, , 2d , do -Best pickled Pears, ' ; 2d cdo . - Best pickled Grapes, . , 2d do ' Best pickled Cantelcpes, 2d do .... Best pickled Cabbage, '" 1 2d do -' '- -7. Rest mangq Pickles, 2d do - 1,00 '- 50 1 1,00 ..60 ' 1,(X " - 50 , 1,00 50 1,00 . 50 1,00 60 1,00 , 50 1,00 -' : 50 ...1,00 ".' so 1 1,00 Best spiced Fruits. - titl : ...An -.. , 50 Committee Miss Carolino Kennedy, Be linda Shoaf and Marv A. Brvan.1- ' ' ' Class F. ' ''' Best Currant Wine,' 2d .. do Best Rawpberry VIuo, 2d ' do Best Sorttlium Wiuo, 2d do Bust Port Wino, 2d- - do 1.00 50 1,00 50 60 . 25 60 25 50 Best Gooseberry AVine, 60 1 2d Best Huckleberry Wine, ' : 60 25 50 25 -a ao Best Cider Wino, 2d do Best Eldrlwrry Wine, 2d do Best Grape Wine, 25 1,00 50 Morgan -a uo Committee Dr. and Dr. Sloan. Wortman, Dr. Bedclothes, Needle Work, Ae. ;' Class II. Best Quilt, . '. ' 2,00 2d . do ,.. , 1,00 Best Counterpane, 1,00 2d do 50 Best half pound Sewing Thread, 1,00 2d. do , , 50 Best Shirt, ... ' 1,00 2d do , 60 Best pair of Woolen Stockings, 60 2d do 25 Best pair of Woolen Socks, 50 2d do 25 Best pair of Woolen Mittens, 60 2d do 25 Best pair of Woolen Gloves, ., 60 2d do . ' .. 2(3 Best pai r Woolen Blaukets, (home made) 1,00 2d do 00 1,00 Best pair of Linen Sheets. 2d do " 50' Best Double Coverlet. 2d do .-s ..-. Best linen Table Cloth (home-made,) 2d do Best Rag Carpet, 2d do Best Girthing Carpet, 2d do ' Best 6 cuts home-made Stocking Yarn, 2d do Best 10 yards home-made Flannol, 2d do 7 Best 5 yards home-made Linen. ' 2d do ' Best Bed Comfort, 2d do . Best pair of PillowSllps, , ; 2d do Best Embroidery. 2d - do Committee Sarah Holmes, Mrs. Tipton and Miss M. A. Vusbinder. 1,00 50 1,00 50 1,50 1,50 75 1,00 50 2,00 1,00 1,00 50 1,00 50 60 25 1,1X1 50 John ".FINE ARTS, l. Class J. ' Bost Photograph, " 1,00 2d - do 50 Best Ambrotvpo, ' 1,00 2d do . 60 Best Dnguerrotypo, ; 1,00 2d do . 50 Best Carte de Visite, 1,00 2d do 60 Best specimen of Oil Painting, - 1,00 " : " water colored Painting, 1,00 " " Penmanship, ..--1,00 Pen Drawing, ; t T 1,00 ," , " Pencil Drawing, , .,1,00 " " Crayon Drawing, ., ." ,1,00 , """:' "" Marble Work, ' 3,00 " ' ' design Farm Houso, - 8,00 '"'''- Burn, 1,00 ' " ' Farm Gate, 50 " . set of Artificial Teeth, 8,00 Second-, ,, " " , " , 2,(X) Best Case of Jewelry' 5,1X1 Committee John V. Scott, X. A. Hanna and J. P. Johnson. . , ; Hoy's ' Ilorsomnnisiliip. , 0h the First Day of the' Fair one hour will he devoted to Boys' under 15 years of ago" Horsemanship. Diplomas will be arwaded. , , ' Committee V!". L. Howser. Patrick Lynch and Jno. M. Robinson. . Tn addition, loathe ibrcgoing premiums"tlie following Committees, to judge trf unenu merated articles, will award premiums at their discretion 011 any and e'ery article that they may consider meritorious, which ia not embraced in the foregoing list.-... ;. ., ; . Unennmernfed Articles nr - Fe i: nifties, , : ;.;;''.,',;,; , Class Ii. , . Vw Committee Jane Wortman, Mrs. Snsan Dunlap, Mrs. Wesley Casell, Mrs." Mary Stringer and Mrs. Butler Kennedy. Unennmeratcd Articles for Males. -7- ' Class & " ; '7 Committee Joseph Sharon, J. M. Pftuli Charles Fox, Jno. 0. Jamison and Ingram Clark.'- - :-'L tu .Jna tu., Everything which is not embraced, in th stated list brpreminmsv-KBl be totted bin der these committees, and will bean careful ly noticed as thoaa- wijieh. .am . named aad premiums wil b awarded ac therm tatd. RULES AND REGULATIONS. ; The payment of 'dfce dollar constitutei any person a membes of the Society for ono year. All members have a right to eon! pete for premiums. - - , , 2. Any article ofiored for a t remitUiJrtust be owne'd or mS nnfact ared bylne ptrsoo offer ing tho same, -or by ome member of his or her family under 21 years of ager 3. All kinds of Stock; Mechanic Arts, Farming Implements. Dairy Products Paint ings, Needle Work, is., of other. Counties and States, are allowed to confir fer pre miums on an "equal footing with Ilamson County. " - - - - 4. All articles Vhether made withjn th year or previously and whether heretofore bad a premium awarded or not, are eligible to com pete for premiums ,.- , 5. Exhibitor are, reqnired to havo tmt articles and stock entered -on the book be fore they, are placed within the enclosure ; and before the close of the first day of tha Fair, and remain until three o'clock of tha third day. On the entry of the. Articles and Stock, Cards will be furnished with number and class, which are to be placed on the animal or article to be exhibited. 6. Whether there be much, little or no competition, premiums- will be awarded, provided the regulations of. the Society be adhered to, and the articles" arc meritori ous. 7. Any . person, the enrnor of an article exhibited for premiums, who ""shall make use of any means to bias the minds of tho Awarding- Committee in making unMKbir SO jndgiyents, shall forfeit -thjiir premiums, The. various Awarding Committees are re- 60 epectlully solicited to be present indue time that tlie Board may not be under the no-' essity of filling vacancies . . ,-'..- , 8. All specimens of vegitablea oSTerccJfor a premium must be cultivated by the 6r son offering the same. ,..'' 9. There will be a clmrge of 2.r cents for each day to persons who are no members of the Society. Children pnder VZ years. of age 10 cents. , , , There is an ajnple enclosure of nearly eight acres of ground, with a close boari fence eight feet high. All stock must b exhibited within the enclosure. ' . . ,j Resolvep, That any person coming tlie Fair with a Cake-wagon., Drinking Sa loon, or any other establishment for tho purpose of making money, shall not stop at any shorter distance thai) thirty rods of the entrance gate, unless by a specitl permit of tlie Directors. . ItF.soi.vfcp, That there be' no riding 'or driving allowed in :tlic ring faster than a trot or raclr, eith r by male or female, under thn penalty, of being exjjelled from the rjng and forfeiting thoir chance for a premium. 4 On motion. Resolved. That any nerson being called upon, to serve on a Committee, and he or she being the owner of property in the class in which be or she is, called up on to serve as said Committee, and shall proceed to award a premium in Lis or her own favor, shall not bo allowed to draw his or her premium, tta awarded from the treas ury. - . Resolved. That ail premiums that' are awarded by this Society, that are not drawn in ninety days after the close of. the: Fair, ahull revert back to the Society. Re80Lvj:i, That no horror other, ani mal shall be entered or exhibited but in one class, or if otherwise the entrance fee mast . be paid for each clasc -. ; i .. ; -..-r . . JACOB JARVIS, Secretary. Gen. tUrunt During the Battle, Correspondence N. Y. Herald Gen. Grant's headuuarters were located in a field between the plauk road and a small road leading to a little hamlet known as Par ker's store. During the fight, however, tie was principally with Cren. Mead, whoso headquarters were on a piney knoll in the rear of Warren's corns. I had seen Grant at Vicksburg and in Tennessee; and hit? ap pearance was familiar : but as I strolled through the group of officers reclining under the trees at headquarters, I looked (or him some time in vain, such was his insignificant. unpretending aspect and conduct while the battle was raging in all ir fury. A strin ger to the insignia of military rank wpald have little dreamed that the plain,, quiet man who sat with his back against a tree, apparently heedless and unmoved, was- the one upon whom the. fortunes o; the dayf if not of the age and country, were hinging,' It was only when some aid or orderly rode up in hot haste with a communication from some portion of the battlefield that his eyea upturned to seek in those of the messenger the purport of the message. The consulta tion with General Meade or the direct sug gestion or command all took place with that same imperturbability of Countenance for which he alwaytiboen remarkable. No move ment of the enemy, seemed to puzzle or dis concert him. Fertile. iu resources, the -petition for reinforcement was speedily answer ed. And while all this transpired he stood calmly in the group, at times smoking his favorite cigar a more vigorous or a more frequent puffing only indicating the inward working of the mind. If something trans pired which he deemed needed his" poironal attention, away he darted on horseback o the immediate w;ene, the one or two of his aids and an orderly exerting thoir utmost to keep up with him. Arrived on the spot, he calmly considered the matter requiring Vis attention, with ready judgment communicat ed the necessary orders, and then galloped away to another part of the field, or to ljiB seat beneath the pine tree, thprc to enter on the order book some record of the battle1' a progress. It was amusing again at times to sec him the Commander-in-Chief whit tling away with his. knife upon theWkjof a treetj pausing now and then to throw in a word or sentence in the con versation ofthope grouped about, and then going to work again with renewed vigor upon the incision of the pi no..: The contemplation of this, by those who were with him at Vicksburg will recall an incident of a similar character in the me morable cicge. - When the columbiads were mounted iu front of Logan's line Gem Grant was, desirous of superintending the opera tions. ..During the preliminary work of cut ting the embrasures he mounted the epaule ment, and, while the rebel bullets struck all around him, deliberately whittled a rail until tho guns were placed in position. ' ,.n "I never' did like the Jlomansj'i jsaM Mrs, Partington, as she looked upon, the spectacle of Coro'ianus, ."since I mistook some Roman punch for an ice-cream,' and it got into my head; and I come pretty nfgli exploding once, trying to light one of Isaac's Roman cannd!e,' thinking it was' wax; - I innst pay that they are a pet of fickle-minded creatures, taking-the gentleman- ia' the red table-cloth for a counsel; and thert going to throw him oyef the terrapin rock." -". I t.m : fUrbjifts; to . Mrs. Jft'esley , 'How can. vmi have the patience to teach the same thiac twenty times over to rour child?' :.:"Whv-i' said tbe ''if I had said it only nineteen times and fiven oyer, I? should have IrM all my labor. , ,It was the tarentieth (itethM