Newspaper Page Text
A tU "LU-, - Use. 1-1. CHARLES X. 4li Editor W. H. AJIKOLDi AaoeiU Editer. Only Term of 0borlptlon. . For on yutr ...$2,O0 Tor tax month 1,U0 For threa mouth"- 60 utu or rosTAas of wikli patkiu. 9a kU vbncribArs m th eouuty where pab- CCfJSrtTUTIOMf u Sew Tim Table on the Cadis Branch. ' Trulns Imti Cad it now M follows: ft -00 A. M., and 3-30 P. M. ' Tub uait. mat loaves at ft 00 A. M., makes Aose connection at the Junction with tha ptasouger train going West; and also con st villi tllte passenger train going East. The trmin that loaves at 3-:10 1. M. makes a elose eeuuection itt the Junction with the passenger train going I'ast; arid1socouncts with till paiwMUfer train .going West. Traiu arrive at. Cadiz as follows: 1-00 P. M. and -d P. L The train that arrive at 1-00 P. M. bring tha raatis from the East- and the West. Tha nail for both East and West leave l,'dht t -00 A. U. Particular Notice! Whose who find their names written cn the margin of the Sentinel in "BED I.K," mil understand that w want them to either come or tend to us a. years sultcrip lion, $2,00. After, the firit of January next, we expect to charge each svLtcriher xnho wee for hit jjoper, Si,60 a year. AUuho pay 9,00 a ymr Irfure that time, for their paper, will tare SO cents on tveh year's sul seription. "A word- to the tcvie in siifficjenC BSgfConsidcraUe suow fell on last Fri. lay night but not enough to make food sleighing. The Commissionc; of .. Harrison County offer at public sale the building Of Bridge in Franklin toirnitaip. bee saver. tiseuient. Teaclier'a Examination. ' There will be a Teacher's Examination in Cadiz, on Wednesday, Jfrcemher 28, 18f4. Bt-Wi publish this week a full ami in teresting summary of the proceedings of tjCongr'.-ss during the first week of its present aosaiou. ' ROuItev. j. Jl. Uber, of the Martinsville 31. K. Church, lias been presented by his congregation with a new (mit of clothe. Such acts are highly commendable. SQTMr. Win. P. Brady, of Brooke Coun ty, West Virginia, offers in to-day's Sentinel, a valuable farm at public sal" on next Thurs day week, besides fine sheep, &c. Head hi dertisenient. jjarWe call attention to tho advertise ment of Mr. Rco, Deputy U. S. Tax Col lector ot this county, in another column. The time is short, and unless taxes are promptly paid there will be ten per cent added. K5Now iSt the time for everybody, their wives and children, and everybody else to goto Barrett's ad secure Honicthijig cboiee for Christmas and Now Year's presents. Barrett has the stock from which all can be uited. So let all, both grave and gay, good looking and ugly, call and be suited. tSyThe President's Message occupies the larger portion of our first pugo. It is Lip. colnish all over. The object of the war is fully explained freeing all the negroes in the Union. Notwithstanding its many de fects, it has one good recommendation -brevity. Bed it for yourselves, and judge 'of its merits. . ; JSiyMcssrs. Hays & Thomas have dis- solved partnership; and each of these gen tlemen' will now practice law on his own account the former in the room formerly occupied by Esquire Phillips, and the latter in the room occupied by the old linn.. They are. both deserving Attorneys, and should each receive a liberal shave of legal patron age. See their Law Cards in another col- umn. JS3Oodey's Lady's Book for January is already on our table. It is the best number f ny Magazine that we ever received and ihat is saying a good deal, for we have been the constant receipt of Godcy for the past fifteen years, Godey's Lady's Book gets better as it gets older. See prospectus in mother column M ' Jffi-JIori. S. P. Chase has been appoint ed nd confirmed Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States. Mr. Chase is tbe ablest man in the Abolition party, but we fear ho is too much of a poli tician to be altogether the most suitable man for that high andiuiportant judicial position. We trust we may be mistaken. JSPBf. Hatton, when the call waa first issued by th Governor for the people to contribute to the relief of soldier' families. tried in hid usual way to make a political af- .fajr out of it, thiulting that hisLoyal League brethren would come up manfully to the work; but being disappointed in all srch foolish expectation he now regards' the n- mount contributed as ''discreditable to our cttisens." He should have-said " "Loyal Atfaguers . iosad pf "citwens.''. vj V - Such .a humane, and worthy objeot as eou' -tributingtb the" re'lief of Soldier's Families, should not be made a political affair; and no .One but a demagogue would engage 'iu' that kind of business. Ma. LrwcOLNgHV! the Shite of nurfnraiirii ' ;n6(t: ij. yflry stntrg expression of wdjaHty, . -Stf.ri A 7 Inipotiaat The oirenlar of th i Military Comniittea of tkia mantr to'the Trattet ot the different townships of Harrison County, which may be found into-diy a Sentinel, will be louua vnrv iinDortant document, and one that should receive the careful attention and consideration of every Township Trustee In TUrri.n County. Tlie object of this cir cular and that of Adjutant General Cowen is to prepare the people for another Draft, and that soon; although neither ot me gen tinman nrtinnn&inff the Harrison County Mil itary Committee or Adjutant General Cowen had the remotest vlea of anntlier ilrajt m king placslin ease of Mr. Lincoln's re-elec-.- fX,,t f hev. like all other niortala, are doomed todiaappointment. Another Draft will take placejand that soon, and the soon er we, who are subject to the Draft, prepare fi ;t !,. mora comfortable it will be for us. The Township Trustees of each Township in Harrison County, should see to it imme diately, that the cnrollniont of their Town ; nronerlv corrected. And a big ef fort should also be made to have each Town fillpJ bv rolunteers before the draft is ordered. Volunteers can be had at .hix time for ona-half the bounty that will be necessary after the draft is ordered. If the inonev be raised the cred'U can be ob taincdina week's time. .What township will move first? Amiamlitt. Those two long kVng and amiable frim li, Col. E. R. Eekley and Maj. John A. Bingham, will both be members of the next Congress. 'How "mysterious are tha ways of Providence" that two such lov ing and amiable friends as Bingham and Ei.-k!ey, should meet in the place where both have long endeavored to keep theoth er out. On account of their long friendship, and warm attachment for one another, it is tbougbOhey will be bedfellows during the next.seisioujof Congress. ,o m m" "CnRisriAN Witness." Those wishing a high-toned religious newspaper one columns are not filled with political wraiifj'Hug and low scurrility which generally characterizes the so-called church papers of the preseut day but is devoted to religious instruction, end such matter ai delights the heart that loves the pure principles of the Gospel of Peace, should take this paper. Terms, $2 a year, in advance. Address, J. F. Given, Columbus, Ohio. Pehbosal. Weihad a call the other day from our young friend, Emanuel Howard, of Company C, 43d O. V. V. I. Mr. H. has been for some time a prisoner at Amlor sonville, Georgia, but having been exchan ged, is now at home on a short furlough. His health at, present is not very good, but he hopes to be able to return to his regiment in a short time. John C. Bayjess, of the glorious old 13th Ohio, who was taken prisoner in one of the battles near Atlanta, and who. has boen a long time in the rebel prison at Anderson ville, has been paroled, and is now at home on furlough: JQrWe are now experiencing a very coM snap. Warm fires and heavy clothing are very comfortable. While, some have the privilege of enjoying these pleasures, there are thousands of others who are suffering for the want of fuel, food and clothing; Lst those who have an abundance remem ber those who aro hot thus blessed. Look around,, and see if souie of your neighbors do n it ueed assistance. ."The Lard loveth the cheerful giver." ."Do good toothers that good may coma untofyou." BC9-We clip tho following from tho St. C'airville' 'Chronicle of last week: Our friends, in writing to the 43d, 52d, 98th. or other regiments with Sherman, should direct their letters "Via, Washing ton City, D. C." It is a good time now to write to them. The boys will be glad to hear (rom home, when they get to the end ot their march. The letters will, of course, be immediately forwarded from Washington. CiiaiSTMAS TttEB. We understand that tha teaohcrsand scholars of the Presbyterian Church, Cadiz, intend couimeinrnoruting the birth of Christ by having a "Christinas Tree," from whose branches gifts will be distributed from teacher to scholar, and scholar to teacher. This is right and proper. It will bring to mind the Ureat Out ot the giver of all good, which has cheered and lightened the paths of millions. Artuvr's Home Magazine. One of the most readable periodicals published in this country is the Home Magazine. For 1805 it is to be enlarged and improved, and will be made still more worthy of the favor with which it has been received by the pub lic. It justly claims the public favor on the ground of real merit and enterprise. .. Year ly terms, in advance, ,as follows; One cony, $2,50: three conies, &G,00: fire copies, and one to getter-un of tho club. $10,00; nine copies, and one to getter-up of cluh, $lj,0(l. A beautiful PKK.MJliM PJiATIi enti tled "THE INFANCY OF SHAKE SPEARE," will be mailed to each person sending us a club of subscribers. It will al so be mailed to each single subscriber from whom wo receive $2,50. For $4,50 we will send one copy each of Home Magazine and Godxy's Lady's Book for one year. - Address T. S. ARTHUR k CO.. , ' 323, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Tint President proposes, in his message, to give a gunboat to the negro State of Li- heriA Tf vsa o'wa iT a urmtliAnf what - - ..w ..... " ft v... ....... , ought we to give to Havfi and the negro ..r,.:.... :.. o t. .:n . j ..n" imuuua LU' Alltca v 1.1. will nub UU W UllOW any negro State to go without some present from their friends in the United States Gov ernment. Cin. no.. Massachuskits has about the same pop ulation of Indiana, yet she only polls 175, 000. This fact illustrates the fraudulent character of the Indiana voto. Onthe Sith ult., at tho Leslie Honee, bv Rev. W.' M. Grimes. Mr. AUGUSTUS L. BIDENNOUR, of Defiance county, to Miss TP T T rr A L) I.TTtLT CP 4 T T .. fr ' i D I ED: Announcements of Deaths are mibtiah- tdin ttie "Sentinel" without charge. When accompanied by commentaries, whether arose or poetry, they must be paid for at the rate oj jtve cents per line. Wednesday, Dec. 7, ut New Market, Har rison county, of Typhoid Fever, MARTHA, daughter of Mrs. Margaret MafUtt, aged about 8 years. "Suffor little children to come unto mo. and forbid them. not, for of auch is the kingdom of Heaven." On UnniiftT Vlnv ) tri TTTf jt u jrf J ha Watt; Freepvrt twwmhlp. ad or Valuable Short Creek Land - and mock. rrHE subscriber will offer at public 8ale X oil the uremifos. lhuncLiy, Vertnif-er 22rf, IS64. All that Taluable farm known as uiriv l'otnt Kurm, eontaininK acres, mtuatud in lirooke oountv, ve nrjjinm, wiiumuire mile of the Ohio" River, at Short C'rnek; is in amxxlatute of cultivation, all under fenoe, improvement, ruowmahle abundance or fruit, ana uu uron coal, easy of ai, and mifnvif'ntly near the Uhio'river for shipping purpo. Ami, vii mm- " i . i r farming utonxils, consiNting of 4u0 hud of tin Merino KUeep, a&u ewi-, iue iraiu, yearling, and wethers; Horses. Cuttle.Hlog', Ilav, Corn, Ac. Terms made to uit Hie purchaser for the farm, and a reasouablo credit given on the Stock, . x Srle to commence ut 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. P. BUAUY, Dec. 14, "64. Short Creek, W. V. INTERNAL REVENUE. SPECIAL 1XCO.MK TAX. 16th District of Ohio, 1 rmnniriuK. O.. December 1. ltl. i VS reqired under tlie Joint resolution of Conntis, imposing a Snceiul Income Dulv or t lve (xr ceiuuin (uuumuna'j upon tho Income for 1MW, approvoJ July 4, 1J1, NOTIf:E is hereliv Kiven to all (turtle in terested, that the Assessor for tliis District has placet! in uiy nanus inu ora- iu usi reiuired bv t!iu suid joint rosolutum, nnd tho tax aHsowd thereon is now due and payable. If not paid before the Twentieth ok" Dki embkr, lSt4, process wiI be issued and the tax collected with tlie iocs uuu pen altv prescribed by law, by distraint. JJ V. J. ALBKIGllT, Colleetor of the Kith District of Ohio. Sriiiil Income Tax for Harrison County will be received at my olliee, (Recorder's oftlce,) in Cadiz. All payments after the 20th inst., will bo subject to all ices ana pen' alties prescribed by law as Htntel above. JOSEPH KEA, Denutv Collector SdDivUou District. December' 14, 1S01 't. TO BHIDGG BULDERS' miTF, Commissioners of Harrison County. X Ohio, will receive proposals for the building of n liridge over l.iltlo Stillwater Creek (sometiiix's calloil Clear Fork,) on the road loading from the Philadelphia road to tlie Moravian road, in Franklin town ship near tho line of Monroe township, on tho farm of James Drown; and will attend at said place on Friday, the 90th day of De cember. 1S64. between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. uud 4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of receiving said proposals. CHARLES WELLS, J AS. J. BILL1XOSLEY, WALTER CRAIG, Commissioners Attest: Samuel Knox, Auditor. Dec. 14, 1W14. Executor's Notice. mHE undersigned has teen dulv appoint I ed exeedtor of the last Will arid testa ment of Margaret Latt'erty, late of Harrison eountv, Ohio, decfcasedi All persons in debted to the estate m'e requested to make innnediate payment, and those having elainn aiiainst the same' will present them for allowance, duly authenticated, to the undersigned. JOSEPH LAFFERTY, Executor. Dec. 14, lSfi4-!U. AtiacSiniciit Notice. Belinda Rilchev, ndmin-"! Before Robert tratrix of the" estate of Endsley, J. P., of JaoobRiehey, dee. pl'If, Archer township, vs. Harrison county, George Allen, defendant. J Ohio. ON the 7th day of December, A. D., 1U, said Justice issued n order of At tachment in the above action for the sum of 44,84. BELINDA 151TCHEY, Administratrix. F. It. Maikh, A(rent. December 14, lii4 3t. . POOli TRUST IS HEAD! AND BAD PAY KILLED HIM I FALL A.IVIJ WINTER DRY GOOD JUST OPENED AND ON SALE AT Coleman & Grimes' FOR CASH! Our Stock ia entirely new and consists o LADIES DRESS GOODS ! Such as MERINOE9, EMPRESS CLOTH, ' POPLINS, ARMUES or DELAINES, ' And you will be sure to una something to suit you. GO TO COLEMAN & 6R:IMiES FO CLOAKINGS, AN i) THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES WILL BE SHOWN x OU. FOR LADIES OR GENTLEMEN, And you will find the best and cheapest assortment in town. ... FOR DOMESTIC GOODS, Cloths, Caaslmeres, Flannels, J7VTJ DR. J9 , eft? o . , There is no place in town that you can be suited so well, and If you will ca u you will corroDroate wnat we say. COLEMAN 4 GRIMES, Cadiz, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1804. . WAN TED. 5000 BUSHEL8 0K ats Eor wluou we will pay highest market prioe and furniah Sacks U required. i . WILSON BROv Oa'tla, jro-r. 30, 1864. .;:a ; - SHAWLS, FRESH ARRIVAL 1 . WORTH OP WINTER GOODS! H. S. M'FADDEH & CO:. VRE NOW R2CEINING TnEIRSTOCK of Winter Goods which have been purchased on favorable terms, and will be aold at a SHORT JPIROIF'IT. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF DOMESTIC GOODS ALL GRADES DRESS GOODS. BUCH AS BLACK AND FANCY-SILKS, OF SUPERB LUSTRE. FRENCH lilEUINOES, PLiUN lISTO BKOCADU ALP A G C AS. EAETHEA CLOTHS .. AND ALSO Or Xj O "V EJ . S AKD I! O S I Jl K Y , SHIRTING FLANNELS, BARRED, GRAY, PLAIN AND FANCY COLOIW.. AND M1 .Mim AiS tW J) IN GREAT VARIETY. Cloak Trimmings &, Ornaments. BLAITEETS And a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, jVTade-up Clothing, LADIES FURS, .' V CARPETS, RUGS, AND OIL CLOTHS. A Large Assortrrient of LADIES FANCY BASKETS, CEDAR WARE, TUBS, ; BOWLS, CARPET YARN, 2,000 CUTS STOCKING YARN, Together with a large assortment of Quecnsware, , Hardware, Groceries, Fish, Hyson and Oolong Teas, Spices, Ac, A call la respectfully solicited to examine their magnificent stock of goods before purcha sing elsewhere. . , -Cadte, Nor. 80, 18M. ' T.11'..A ICS -SCHNEIDER'S EQusic Store STEUBEN VILL.E, OHIO, MAY be found one of the finest and lar gest Stocks of Piano Korta. Cabinet r)tns, Melndeoiia and every variuty of Musical Instruments, in tlie W eat. Having a life time experience, (pract.TKl) in the Piatio business, and adopting tho cuunr of carefullv exnminine; every 1'uuioat Oio Fuctom'a pc'rsvn. purcluurers may safely rely on ge'tliug a F1UST CLASS Instru ments . Tbe II est Piano in tlie Market! EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS! Pianos from tlie celebrated factories of JAKDINK SON, Nw York, Gi:o.STKCK A CO., " F.C. L1GHTK A CO., J. AC. FISH ICR, " AIwh'vs 0.1 hand, in good variety, Tianos rrom f l.K) lo siooo. lo aeent In Eustern Ohio for MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR OANS AND MKLODKON'S. The most porfect instrument of the Reed kind, and very fast superceding tho Melo- duon. , HIIEKT MUSIC, A vcrv laf(( stock of Sheet Music on hand, .Krt .., rf Ajl thn lirin. Ullll (1 111. ,i u ... . .... - - i cipal publishing bouses of tho L nitod States. New Mnslc lteeeivea t-very iyi Persons at any distance ordering by letter, enclosing tho market price of any kind of music, or Music Rook, will receive the same by return mail, postuge paid. Old Planoa and Jlelodcons Taken in exchange for new ones. Ccfiipe tent tuners suppliwd on applicotioH. If you want n innsical instrument of any kinil, I certainly can suit you, both in qual ity and price. 'Het'ercnce at Cadiz. Ohio Mr. HENRY BOYLES. P. .1. StUMSI DISH, Third Street, Steubenviilo. July 20, 1364. GrO HO AND SEE HIS New Stock of Goods! THE FINEST AND BEST September 27, 19C4. FIRST ARRIVAL otr SPRING AND SUMMER AT T. J. BEOWN'S. Cadiz, May 4, 1864. CHEAP, DURABLE & NEAT! T. PHILIPS & SON, tlaKVTACTVRBKS A DE4.LMS IK BOOTS & SH0ES1 Opposite tho Public Buildings, Cadiz, O. MAKE and keep on hand the finest qual ity of Ladies Wear, also Kino Boots ariflShoes, sewed or pegged, equal in style to the best city mane, uur .-qnng mra "i first class Eastern work consist ol a nice lot of Ladies' and Misses Heeled Slippers, Kid Heeled Hoots, Heeled Gnitors, nnd almost every stylo of Shoo for Men, Women, Bovs and Children, Ladies Kid and Gaiters of the finest material. We fit. up and keep' the lasts for each regnlur customer, always in suring a perfect fit. Wheeling Money taken at par. T. PHILLIPS A SON. May 4. 1R64. INSURANCE AGENCY. Insure Your Ute and Property. J. O. THOMAS, Cadiz, JS Resident Agent for the following old, established and reliable F1KE aud FE Insurance Companies! FIBB INHimANCT. j'ETNA, of Hartford, Connecticut. PIKENIX, " METROPOLITAN, of Nete York Oity. NORTia-AM ERICA, of Philadelphia, Pa. MUTUAL LIKE, of iVeto York City. FTI) AATIi'I T PU'tt f 1 l?l,1 nf linvifnrtl fhnH. flB Office, corner of Main and Market streets, over National Bank. Entrance Market street, first door bolow National Bank. Cadla, Nov. 23, lWU-lyr. 50.000 POUNDS OF PORK, . 7 I ... t-l1 . ! M U will k. r or wnicnuie niKowb iinw in w -riu. u. Dald on dellTery at tne warehouse oi H. 8. McFADDHV 00. Cadlf, Vy..13!. '0 0 SADDLES AND HARNESS! IrOULD feT-tfaHr rrforui -o'd cus T T tomers and lit public peneral!, that ho has on bund a large stix-k and general ax sortmeiit of Saddles, Haniesf, Ac, oon,ist iug in part of full-quilted and plaff shafters, quiltKj hood cover and plain Imli'Spanish Hint laU-bacKS, quinea ana plain B-sicnj brass and wood horn demipenks, plain nnd. quilted seat, low canlle Ennlish tro'.tiiift sad dles. Also a variety of styles of Sidesaddles, with short and extended quilted knco springs, hoop and bnck springs, silver col ored, russet blue, and black enameled leath er quilted and plain plushed seats. He has also on hand seis of extra lino silver mount ed carriage and buggy harness, strong yan kou tesm harness, saddle bags, collars, hal ters, bridles aud martimiales of most every description. Carriage, Buggy and Riding Whips of the finest quality; in fact most ev erything usually kept in a saddlery shop. He deems it unnecessary to puff and blow or let olT gas aliout the material or workman ship of his work, as it will recommend it self to fltose who aro Judges or who use it. Thankful for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, he hopes by strict atten tion to business nnd selling good work at a reasonable price, to merit a continuance ol the same. Shop, directly opposite Ua "Sen tinel" office, Cadiz, Ohio," April 1, 18fl4. STAFES POPILAU LOANS! 7 O-IO TREASURY NOTES WITH COUPONS FOR INTEREST, Payable semi-annually from the Kith of August next, and principal at tho end of three years from that date, in lawful money of the U. S., or convertible at maturity, lit the option of tho holder, into 5-20 6 percent. Gold Bonds. For subscriptions previous to the ljthof August next, interest will be paid to the subscribers up to that date. For sub scriptions after tho 15th of August next; In terest will be paid to date of such subscrip tions. Also I0-40 TJ. S. fiper cent. Bonds, Principal and Interest payable in GOLD. The Fibst Naticxal Bank at Cadiz Permanent Depository and Financial Asrent of the U. S., is authorized by the Secretary of the Treesury, to receive Subscriptions for the above Treasury Notes Hnd Bonds. J,'M. WATSON, Caaher. August 10, 1864-tf HARRISON BRANCH BANK, CJDIZ, OHIO. D. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS SETEN MD. TIIREE-TWEMIES, 21 And other Gorertiment Bonds, kept on hand and lor sale it this bank, at Government prices. aj 1 ti j w r , iaanier. Sept, 14, 18d4i GRANT MOVES AGAIXST Richxnonei! 11 REBEL UPII11 Jill Fill! M. J. BROVfH OUS. C. BROtVN. BK0WN & BR0. The Rebellion will dio out, but we must live. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to for tune. One of tho best ways to attain that fortune, is to call nt our room, two doors be low T. J. Brown's Dry Goods Store, and purobase one of our Suberb Spring Suits! Th nlewt ever aold in Cadiz, at prices as low as curl be sdld west of the mountains. We haVe everything in the Gent's line, of tbe best dualitr. COATS arid STOCKS, PANTS and NECK-TIES, VESTS ntld Ot.oVliSi HATS HHd HAND'KfcKCnlEFS, CAPS and COLLARS, old, t;c.', ttc.'j otc. A fine assortment of PIECE of the host stylos and most beautiful finish, suitable to the most fastidious taste, which we will sell at prices to suit all who may can. Our notion Is that he handles the tools best who best pleases his customers. This we will do ! GALL AND EXAMINE our goods, and we will convince yon that what we say is true, can ana see us, anu bring along your Greenbacks, which are still taken at par. .ISKUW-M A JBJ.VJ. May 4, 1864. TO TEACHERS! RXAMINATIONS will be hold as fol 1 lows, commencing at 10 o'clock of the day mentioned, and continuing three daysi At HOI'EDAI-E, June mh, 1804. At OAIMB, 0ctooe"2utA, lKtW. At CADIZ, AftreA2;irf, 1804. ' The Examiners desire to call the attention of Teachers to three items of the amended School Law, viz: Koch male applicant is re quired to pay 50 cents, and each female np plicant ilo cents; a teacher's license must certify that the bearer of it possesses an ad equate knowledge Of the theory and practice of Teaching; a teacher must have a legal certificate covering the entire time of the services for the'paynieut of which an order is drawn. EDWIN REGAL, ) M. B. ADAMS, Examiners. G. L. JACOBS. ) April 20, 1804-ly Farm for Sale IN HARRISON COUNTtf Market. It Is excellent land, and lies well, consisting of 173 acres Mi or 130 cleared nearly all bottom, and known as tho "German town Bottom." v . ou the Conotton Valley. ' Purchasers can apply tn J. f . Estop, Esq., Cadis, Ohio, or laaao Wright, Esq., Swu baDTlila. SAsaujis cAsrrsnEB.. GOBET'S LADY'S ECOK, THE FaakltM 9IaKaMla r .tnr WetrtAj LITEKATL'RK, FUSE ARTS. AND FASHIONS. Tbs mow magninoent Kli4 wurrsvings. bOtBLB FA8UION PLATES. Wood efyfrra'iags1 ob Try sub je.4 that ut interest iM'Am. Co JWt knit I'.ng, Netting, EmbroiTt. ArtteleaCor lb Toib-t, for Um Parlor, thtfliondoir, mS th Kiulien. Evorvthing, ill lee to ummm CuMrLKTB LaDT'B UoOK. Tho Ladles' Favorlto ftr Vcara. Ku Magazine has been able tooompsiesrltll It. None attempt it. UODKTt BKCEIPTS for rvcitr department of a housrfifJd. Tkesa aln nil worth tha price of tbe Book. Mxlal t'oltnees (no other inagaxiaA glTOs them.) with diagram-. . DRAWING LEliSONS FOR TUB YOUNG. Another tqieciality with Godey. ORIltlON AL MX'SIC, worth $3 a y nr. Otlier Magazines publish old worn-out mil' sic; but the sulwc.ri o Gody g?t li bo fore the music stores, Gardet.iiiir for Ladies.- Aaotlier peullwr itv wilh Godey. 'F?hiina frojn Messr. A.' T.; scart ex Co., of New YorkItbmil!ic.llni'hlexclllllu appenr iu Godey, tlie only Magazine tba has them. Also, Fashions from the oeleliratod Broale, of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them , ' . I . '. f . 1.. A,. 1 II H "TM I til nil HUT UlUTTl .UMlllV, wv. ti e 1 July's Book' enables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. MARION II.VlL..YTNX Authoress of "Alone," ,"ilrfe rath," "Muss Hide" yemesis." ana ''Miriam," writes for Godoy icH month, a'fl.l for no other m.tgazinu." Ws have also ratuinoi ail our old aud fuvorito contributors. TERMS OF Grodoy'a Lady's Book, fW ltsOS.- (From uhieh there can beno Deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1W55. At present, we will receive subscriber's at the following rates. Due no tice H'iD t given if we are obliged to ad vance, which will depend upon tbe price of pliper. one copy, one yea? l Co Two eoiiies. one year f 8ft Three copies, ono year 7 W Four copies, one year 1000 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to tho person sending tho club, mnking six copies 14 OW Eight copies, one yoar, and an extra copy to the person sending tho club, making nine copies 21 W Eleven copies one year, and extra oopv to tho person sending the club, making twelve copies .,.. 7 00 Additions to any of tbe above stubs, Z 60 each subscriber. Godey's Lady's book and Arthur's Home1 Magazine will be sent, each one yoar,' oh re ceipt of $4 r0. We have no club with any other 51(150000 or Newspaper. The money must all be sorrt atona time for any Club. Canada subscribers m'tlst ftM 24 cents ad ditional for each subscriber. Address L. A. GODIfY,- Ar. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. November 16, 1864. COURTS FOR 1865. EIGHTH DISTRICT, tTE do hereby fix the times of holding f T Courts in the Eighth Judicial Dis trict of Ohio for the year 1H65, as follows : !' strict urt. . Muskingiita Couuty, Monday, September 4. Morgan " Tlmrsdny ' . 7. Noble " Sattifday, " . Monro " Mondav. " II. Belmont ." Wednesday, " 14. Guernsey " Friday, " 16. Tuscarawas " Monday " IS. Hafrhson " Wednesday, " 80. Jott'erson " Friday, " 2b Common fMtaa. Noble oounty, Tuesday, January 31; Tues day, May 2; Tuesday, October 3. Slorgan, Tuesday, February 7; Tuesday, May 9; Wednesday; October 11. Muskingum, Monday, February 13; Mon day, May 1 "; Monday, "October 23. Monroe, Tuesday, February 14; Tuesday, May 2; Tuesday, October 3. ... Belmont, Tuesday, February 21; Tuesday, May 9; Wednesday, October A. Guernsey, Tuesday, March 7; Tuesday, May 23; Tuesday, October 24. Harrison, Monday, February ff; Monday; May S; Monday, October 16. Tuscarawas, Monday, February 20; Mou' dav, May 22; Monday," October 30. Jull'ersou, Mondav, May 6; Monday, June 5; Monday, November 13. Done at Steubenville, this 2Cth day of September, lKG-i. K.BA E. EVANS, "1 Judge JOHN W. OIvEY. y insaid GEO; W. McXljVAINE, j District A trtie copy by oTder' of ihld J udges. Attest: JAMES ELLIOTT, Clerk of Uie Court of tiommon Pltjh Of JefTefotf County; Chic. CLBnx'a OrncE, Caoiz, Ohio, 1 October 18, 1864. I certify Uie above to be a true copy of the original furnished this office. JOHN FOGLE, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas' of Harrison County', Ohio. October 26, 1864-6w IIa.i-trorl, Conncctlont, INSURES AGAINST iLcoidonis . OF" EVERY IESGi4lIXIOIV, CAPITAL 8400,000i FIVE DOLLARS ANNUAL PREMIUM Will insure $.5,000 against accidental lost of life wltile traveling by any public oonvey anco. !' TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Socuros a policy for $1,000, and also $25 per week compensation for personal injury in capacitating the assured X'roiil his ordinary business ... TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a full policy for $5,000 and $25 per week .compensation for all and every do-; scription ot aecident, traveling or otherwise. Policies for $"i00. with $3 per wcekoompeu sation, can be had for t-1 per nnrium, or any other aura 1etween $500 atid $5)000 at pro- poruonato rates. J A M ES G. B ATTERSON, President, RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. . , HENRY A. DYER, General Agent. J. O. THOMAS, Agent, Cadis, Ohio. Nov. 23, 1864 ly.- , PHOF. 0. J. WOOLTS IIAIlt RE9TOKATIVE. This astonishing preparatioa WILT; BY NATURE'S OWN PROCBM RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO THE ORIGINAL COLORS. . , irtVZ make it grow on Bald Heads. TTO restore the Natural Secretion Will removeatonco all.Itclritig. Will remove all Daudfulr, Will cure all Eruptions oven Beaua atsJ. Will make the Hair Soft and Glossy . , 1 Will preserve the Color of Hair to pld Af Will always fastoaaud stop Falling. Ano is one of the best Toilet Article for tha Hair now in use. Thousands of Soldiers la tb Ar- my . Have testified to the abote, who have ba come gray and lost their Hair by atoktMaa, change of climate, and inattention, whlW performing camp dntv. ; . v ,r..t Asa Hebtorative aud. drawing It baa Mk euuali JOHN BEALL, Areitt.' " ' Sept. 1464-ly Cadie, Ohloi. ' 3T,J.OXJJ?L, 100 BBLS' SMlTH' c3Cu yravtt WHSAf : " .' tfvrni.). and CORN MXAL on hand ahd for r w OISOKlC th BKcy.J. K C T 8,0 A P ;A A sood Mwvtoiinrt r1wa oq ban HI 7 ' 1