Newspaper Page Text
(U4BLEI N, AUKN, Editor XT. H.' AnsoLD, AHte Editor. Oaljr Tvrau of Subscription. For on $2,00 V tx month.,. 1,00 Vur Uiroa month. 60 ut K rrwTAfiK or wikkly hpatkrs. 'Met all Mibferibej-a in tint county wlir pub- . iunu fkke. . . Xw Tim Tabl on Branch. tbo Cadis ' Train leave Cadiz now aa follow: 4-00 A. M.. and 3-SO P. M. The train that loaves at 6-00 A. M., makes a close connection at the Junction with the pauangcr train going West; and also con ikeotg with tho passenger train aoinir East, The train that leaves at 3-30 I'. M. makes a slow connection at tho Junction with the mtsengsr train going East; and also connects with tho passonger train going West. Trains arrive at Cadiz an follow: 1-00 T. M. and 9-00 P. M. The train that arrives at 1-00 P. M. brings the mail from the Kant nnd the Went. Tho .mail for both Kast and Went leave Cadiz ut 6-00 A. M. Particular Notice! Those ww find their names icritten on the margin of the Smtinel ui "BED I.K," mil understand that ut leant than to vithsr come or send to tu a years tulscrip tioti, 82,00. After the firtt of January tttwt, ice expect to charge, each subscriber who vteit 'for his paper, $51,50 a year. Allwho jiay $2,0O a year Ifore that timt, for their paper, will sate &0 cents on euch yfart sub seription. "A word to the uise it tvjliciivt" PRICES REMIXED! Great Reduction in theTiRms or the triNTlBEL. For the espucial accommodation of iomo of Our friends, who may desire to pay their subscription to the Cadiz Sentind In GOLD, we announce that ONE DOL LAR IN GOLD will pay for one. year's mibfcription to the Sentinel, provided it is paid against the first day of January, 1SG5. Brirg on your Gold Dol lars. fiSyWe wish ono and all of our readers a merry Christmas. aJWe publish all the official War news up to the hour of goine to jrvess. &-Cl)ief Justice Chase lias been eworn into office. tSTThe adjourned session of tho Ohio legislature meets in Columbus on tho first Tuesday of January next. WJ'Maek," the Washington corrcFpon dunt of the Cincinnati Commercial, inti inatestliat all that is necessary to pet an office or position from'Old Abe," is to set down and tell him some dirty anccdoto. It - never misses producing that effect. O-We direct attention to tho advertise ment of Wni. II. Host, "Government Agent, in another column. We have known Mr. H. long, and know that lio is a reliable man, AU those wishing good wages could not do better than to give Mr. II. a call. !6rThoa of our patrons who have paid their subscription to the Sentinel 'within the past three weeks, will please accept our warmest thamk. Let all who have not dune o, imitate, the noble excmplo of those who lave. Money can be sint to us at all times Lymail. B&rBarrett is determined to keep up with v. the tinids. His large stock of goods have disappeared rapidly, and he is ofF to the East to replenish, and during this week he will receive the largest and roojt select as , fiortment of fancy goods ever brought to Cadiz,;" Call and get something nice for a : Christmas or Now Year's present. -sThe Congressional proceeding pub lished in to-days paper,, show that efforts :are being made at Washington to get this country into a war with England. We thought the "job" we had on hand.-, now was sufficient to take up all tho attention of the Government, but tho Congressional proceedings show that wo wore mistaken. KSHanna has one of the most beautiful . stocks of fancy goods we have ever seen in Cadiz,. If you want to see something nice ' fce sure and give Neri a call. Aa Christmas and New Year's are rapidly approachinp) those who wish to give nice guts to their tfriesjs would do well to give Hannaacall, ana we feel sure they cannot fail to bo suited Everything beautiful in his lino may here t o seen arranged in the most tasty manner. Christmas Tree. The Presbyterian Sunday School of Cadii rill have their Christmas entortuinuient on ,iext Saturday ovening, Christmas eve. Rev. Grimes will be the orator of tho even ing, and Choir and Sunday School will cu Jivejg the entertainment with bhoioa music. The house will be decorated in a becoming . suaoner, and- the ' "Christmas Tree," laden Ifith beautiful gift will be a sig;ht worth seeing." Thoso desiring to give Christinas . gift to their rienda. jrill pleaso bring then, U the ohurch newt Saturday as eany in the day as oonvenietjit,' . The gubjio are respect- . fully invited to attend io ntertamment. , : fir Among the list of persons who died at AadorsoBville between the ! 4th of June and the 18tl of July, wo find the name of Isaao Hurless, pf thja county, Republican, JssiAroho Hays, ofjthe 4th regiment, U, i'isSiG, Troop, 'died, at tlje hospital, , near .J)eep Bottoms V,v- Nevenihr i'itk, 1884. 'He' volunteered August 20th, ondfir the i'U ' ' ipall of the President, forono fcu.-Jlffui .Juan.' , :. Had Treatment to an Old Friend. The. Salem Republican, published up in Salem,, Columbiana count;, this State, thus speak of one of its former devoted and steadfast' friend- Joseph Darker. Joseph Barker, the English infidel, hy pocrite and rebel axent, formerly of felcm, where, he on one occasion said "it got too hot for him to stay," now, we believe, of Manchester, England, where he again pre tends to preach the Bible, is again in this country, waring a "ieace address," as he claims "from the people of Great Britain and Ireland," to our government, fince leaving this country he is understood to have been in-the paid employ of the Jeff Davis dynasty, notwithstanding he is a citizen of the United States. He came to this coun try, we believe, in 1&G2, and settled at Akron, Summit comity, where ho immedi ately declared his intentions to become a citizen. Theu in 1S07. at Mt. Vernon, Knox county, where he then lived, he took out his naturalization papers, and in conse quence, to-day owes sworn allegiance to this country. He is now here in the direct in tircst of the rebels, paid by them for his la bor and effoits in their behalf, and therefore to al iufents and purposes, a traitor. Why does not the Washington government put him unler arret. try him for treason, an f if found guilty, thoot him or hang him like thjy would any other traitor spy from Dixie direct. This "Joe Barker" is well known in tlii. community. He lived here lone'.enough for the people to find him out, and many of them know to their sorrow that hu is a 8C(iiindrel from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, inside and out scoundrel all over. He claims the Western Anti-Slavery Society of this place cheated him out of a thousand dollars, when, in fact, he tried to cheat them out of a like sum, and had not their treasurer been too sharp for him would have done it. He never did anything in his life without pay, and large pay, too, and it is not likely that he would come all tho way trom Jliiig' land to this country to attend to the inter ests of Jeff Davis, without being paid for it, notwithstanding he was ever so much a traitor at heart, himsjlf. The Pro wlent refused him an audience. He should have done more than that; he should have arrested him for a traitor and disposed of him accordingly. . A good many of our readers will recollect this Joseph Barker, as the person so effec tually used up in a discussion with Elder Jonas Uartzell, formerly of Hopedale, this county, held iu Salem, some years since. It was believed by many that this discussion was the means of converting Rev. Barker to the christian faith, for in a short time af terwards he renounced his infidelity and his abolitionism, and endeavored to be a follow er of Christ. This Barker dono ai much towards build ing up infidelity and abolitionism iu this sec tion, and around Salem particularly, as all the other abolitionists acd infidels combined who perambulated this country. While en gaged in that kind of work, his warmest friends arid greatest applauders were those who had the management and control of the Salem Republican. His efforts about Salem cause! that neighborhood to embrace al most unanimously infidelity and abolition inn. Tliey were also the means of placing the Salem Republican on a firm foundation.. But Rev. Barker has seen the error of his ways. IIe has embraced the religion of Jesus Christ, and renounced his infidelity and abolitionism. And like all couvertod sinners, he wishes to .make amends f'oi his former bad conduct. Ho now wishes to do all the good he can, and he thinks there is no better way of doing that good that he feels incumbent upon him now to do, than by going to those places where he taught his nefarious doctrines of abolitionism and infidelity, and proclaim to the people "tho unsearchable riches of Christ. ' ' There is certainly nothing wrong in a man doing that kind of work. But our friend of tho Republican wishes to prevent Mr. Barker from comiug to Sa lem, where he formerly done so much evil. He wants tho President to arrest him, and have him hung, if necessary, to prevent him from again comiug to Salem, and telling his hearers what every honest man believes, and all history proves that no man can be an abolitionist without being an infidel; and for the people of that section to renounce all such horesis as infidelity and abolitionism, and embrace tho "religion of Jesus Christ." The editor of the Republican is fearful of the effect such a visit from Rev. Barker to that place might produce. He is fearful that it might be the means of converting the infidels of Salem from the error of their way, and embrace the Christian doctrines of the gospel. That section abounds with that kind of men, aud if they should be con verted under Rev. Barker's or an other man s preaching, to Christianity, his main support would be gone. He is fearful of Rev. Barker's influence on that aceount. Ho wants infidelity and abolitionism to still a'wund in that section, for so long as they control, he will be supported in publishing his infidel and abolition doctrines; but let Ins readers once embrace tho doctrines of Christianity for ho knows that no man can be a christian and an abolitionist at tho same time and a large amount of his sup port woidd leave him. It is only the fear of tho effect that one of Mr. Barker's discour- sos in Salem at this time might have upon his business, that causes the editor of the Republican to abuso and villify his old friend and former patron. As long as Mr. Barker remained an inQdul and an abolitionist and he could hot be One without being the other the Salem Republican and tho Anti-Slavery Bugle, could not find language strong enough to praise him; but when he renoun ces his infidelity and his abolitionism, and becomes a Christian, then tho Salem Re publican cannot find language strong enough to denounce him. For our part wo are glad that Mr. Barker has soen the error of his way; and wo hope that he may in the future labor with more zeal to build up the doctrines of Christiani ty than he did in the past to tor tho evil seeds of infidelity and abolitionism, of whioh such an abundant crop has been produced about Salem. Wo wish ho he would visit Salom, and give the people of that place a good chris tian discourse something that a majority of its oitinns never hear. It might be the means of converting tho editor of the Re puflic3n alonj with the rest of the infidels and abolitionists in Salem from the error of their way, and that would b doing a good ohruitianwork. $ , , New Draff f tor. Pr. TVm. I Sharp.- kts of the firm of JloBean & Sharp, will open out this weec, snewjJruj&tonin li. J, Bannotti store room, opposite tho , Public Buildings.. His Drugs are all fresh and pure. He will also continue tbo proctloa of medirfae and tur Athens and Freeport Townships and the Draft. These two township are again unfortu nate about theirjquota on the last 600,000 call Part of the credits which they secu red proved to be men who had been drafted in another locality before they volunteered to the credit of. Athens township. Athens township has eight credits taken from her and Freeport four. Eight lncn from Athena township with' the one-hundred per cent, of those drafted iu September have been notified to report; and four with the one hundred er cent have been notified in Freeport township. Those two townships paid $.500 local bounty to the men of whose credit they are thus deprived. Whether they can recover their money or not we do uot know. Cattle Markets. The prices at the different Cattle Marketa last week, ratieed as follows: Ai.I.eoht.ny. Beeves from 3 to " cts, per pound live weight; Hogs, $12,25 to $12. 50 per 100 tta. live weight; Sheep, 61 to 8J cts. per pound, live weight. East Liberty. Cattle, from $4 to $7, 75 per 100 lbs.; Hogs from $10,l0 to $12,00 per 100 lbs.; Sheep, from $0,50 to $7,50 per 100 lbs. New YoRKCattlc. from $9,00 to $19,00 per 100 ft, net weight; Sheep, from $4,00 to $10,00 per head,' Hogs, from $12,50 to $14,50 per 100 lbs. live weight. Philadelphia Cattle from 10 to 19 cts per ft. net weight; Sheep, from 61 to 8J cents per lb. live weight; Hogs, from $15,00 to $19,75 per 100 lbs.jiet tefSmiley Sharon still kecTs his Confec tionery and Variety store on Main street; and from the way his Saloon is crowded ev ery night, we should think he had jnst the quality of Oyster that please the palate and "sit easy" on the stomach. Call in at Smiley' and partake of a feast that would make an epicure rejoice. And when merry 'Kris Kinkle" makes up his package for the stiwkings of the'Tittlo ones" that always hang on Christmas eve before tho hearth, let him be sure and give Smiley a call, and get from his large stock that which will make the little hearts rejoice. BSTThe Cadiz Soldier's Aid Society sent on the 7th inst., to the Slate Agent at Co lumbus, a box, containing the following ar ticles: Eleven woolen shirts, seven canton flan nel shirts, seventeen arm slings, eighteen pnir (lrawersj ninteen 'pillow slip, twclvo handkerchiefs, eleven pair socks, eleven bandages. The Society received a letter from 'the Agent stating that the box had arrived in good order, and would be sent to Louisville, Ky., as that was the point where supplies of all kinds were most needed. Hood's Gone Out of St Icat .Vush vllle. So we have determined to continue our sale of Dry Goods to January J, ISG5. We ;irc hard up, and must raise: tn.6ney.-r? AH'in'debtcd are requested to call and pay immediate!v,"av in. so doing they will save trouble. Wo will sell you for coin Calico's at 12 cents; Farmer's and Mechanic's Cas, situeres 50 cents; good Satinet 50 cents; spool cotton 6 cents; new stylo Delaines 25 cents. Now these are our old prices, and w j dofy competition. Twenty-five par cent, added when credit is allowed. COLEMAN ft GRIMES. ' ' "VttGeorgo S. Atkinson, E., of this p'w!, his been appointed Post' Quarter master in tho West Mississippi Department'. Mr. A. is a very man,, and will, doubt less give satisfaction to the Government. He left last Inri'lay afwrnoon to enter on the duties of his offic,;. The New York Journal of Cmnmcrce as serts that more money has been made by the authors of school books within the last twenty-five years than by all the novelists in England and America combined, and per haps more than by other book-makers in addition. Poor children. MABBIED: December 15, at the 17. S. House. Stau bonville, bv Hev. Mr. Watson, Mr. HENRY COl'ELANI) and Miss JENNIE MAX WELL, all of Greene township, Harrison County. At the name time nnd place, bv the same, Mr. JAMES SHEPLAR and Miss KATE CROSKEY, all of tuesame township. TxlEllD : itnounccmeiits of Deaths arepublinh d in the, "Sentinel" witliunt charge. When accompanied bi) commentaries, whether pmse or poetry, they must be paid for at the rate of Jive cents per line. In Moorefield, Oct. Si, of tvphoid fever, Mrs. NANCY, wife of George Wlble. Mrs. W. was a good christian woman, and her loss will bo severely felt by hor be reaved husband and motherless children. William W oll's Extute. NOTICE is hsroby given that the Under signed has been duly appointed and qualincu as Aaministrator on the estate of William Wolf, late of Harrison County, Ohio, deceased. Tliosq interested U take notice. ROBERT MeKA OPEN, Administrator. Iec. 21-5t , : Laborers - Wanted FOR THE GOVERNMENT T WILL bo at. the Cadiz House. In Cadiz, X uino, on rmuAY, dkujmuisk. $, ltfttf, for tho purpose of hiring LABORERS for the Quartermaster's Department at St. Louis and Nashville. Wages, $45 a month anu rations, xerm or service, six mouths, transportation iree iroin uoiumims. WM, U. HOST, Government Agent, Deo. 21, 1R64-U, . VALT7 A B LB TOWN PROPERTY FOR 8AIL.B. rTUIE subscriber offers for sale that valu- I able Brick House, In Cadiz, now occu pied by N, A. Hnqna as ti News Room, and oy myself its a Dwelling House. The house is substantially built, and well finished. It contains a ltvrifo Store Room, a large Col lar, aud three large Rooms tn the aonond story. Tho property wiu.ue soia nt a bar gain, If sold soon, Apply to tho subscriber on tno proruiMO, JAMES BULLOCK, Cadiz, Ohio, November 80, IfUH. SOMETHING NEW I GEMS I GEMS! GEMS I 16 Goms. for $1,50 j ihi, . "A.. : " "' ' ' '-; MADE AT PATH' VaLLERY. nil RU1VAL WORTH OP WINTER GOODS! H. S. M'FADDEH & CO., RE NOW UECEIXIXO THEIR STOCK of Winter Good which have been purchased on favorable terms, aud will be bold ai a SHORT PBOFIT. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF DOMESTIC GOODS ALL GRADES DRESS-GOODS. rcss SUCTI AS BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, OF SUPERB LUSTRE. FRENCH MERIXOES, X'lAI A.ND BROCADE A & P A. G G AS BARTHExl CLOTHS .. AND ALSO O Xj O "V E s AND II 0 s I E R Y SHIRTING FLANNELS, BARRED, GRAY, PLAIN AND FANCY ,w COLORS. SHAW la S AND L'O'A IN GREAT VARIETY", Cloak Trimmings & Ornaments BL A NZETS, And a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, fade-up Clothing, LADIES FURS, CARPETS, RUGS, , -. AND OIL CLOTHS, A Largo Assortment of LADIES FANCY BASKETS, CEDAR WARE, TUBS, , - . , . BOWLS, 'K ; CARPET YARN, ,000 CUTS STOCKING YARN, Togothor with a large aaaortment of Quoenaware, Hardware, Grooories, Fish, Hyson and Oolong Teaa, Sploou, de, A call U rospeotfully solicited U examine their ... , ..... magi)lilont stock of poods boforo purcha- alng eUnwbero, SCHNEIDER'S ESusic Store STECBEXVILL.E, OHIO, MAY b found one nf the finest ami lav- gest Stock of Tiano Forte,-Cabinet Or).- in, MeludeoiM and everjr variety of MuhicuI Instrument, iu the N est. Having a life time ox pt-iMiCv, 'pra.-ticulj In Uio 1'iano buaiiHtttf, -an dipting the urseof Ciirofully exaiulninK every l'iuuoat tho l-'uetnrv in peru, purouatwnt iuii v safely rely on gelling a FIllST CLASS Iastru nu'uta . , . , The Ilrst Piano in the JHurket! EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS! Plan from the celebrated Cwtorio of JAHPINK .t SON, New Yolk, GEO.STKt K .0., F. '. MOUTK CO., J. it '. FISH ER, ' CKANESTK1N A CO., " AUv-iVvSon hand, in good variety, Piano from M to 10W. Sol nc.'iit in Eastern Ohio for MASON t HAMLIN'S CARINET OR OANS AND MHLODKONS, The most perfect instrument of the Rood kind, and very fust suix-rccding the Melo deou. SIIKirr 3ITTHIC, A very lartje stwrk f Shoot Music on hand, compriwintr the publications of all tin prin cipal publishing houses of the United Slates. Xew JIutilc Resolved Every Day! Fersonsatanv distance orderiiiirbv letter, I enclowimr the market price of any 'kind of j music, or jiusic jiook, win receive inenuiue by return mail, postage paid. Old Pianos and .Heloilooiis Taken in exchange for now ones. Cempo tent tuners supplied on application. If vou want a musical Instrument of any kind, I certainly can suit you, both In qual ity and price. Itufereiicu at Cadiz, Ohio Mr. HENRY BOVLKS. T. .1. SCHNEIDER, Third Street, Steubenvillo. July 20, i:!04. a-o TO HsAHH&'S AND SEE HIS New Stock of Goods! THE FINEST AND BEST ETEB SHOWU September 27, 18G4. FIRST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMEfl COG A.X T. J. BROWN'S. Cadiz, May 4, ISM. CHEAP, DURABLE & NEAT! T. PHILLIPS & SON, MAXtFACTUBKKS SEA1.BBS IN BOOTS & SHOES! Oppowlto the Public Buildings, Cadiz, O, MAKE nnd koop on hand thounest qual ity of Ladies Wear, also Fine Boots and Shoos, smvsd or popped, (Miiml in style t4, the beat city make, t)ur Spring stock of first class Eastern work oonsisus of a nioo lot of Ladies' and Missus Heeled Slippers, Kid Heeled Boots. Heeled Gaiters, and almost vurv slylo of Shoo for Moil, Women, Hoys and 'f ihllilron, Ladies Kid and Gaiters of the lifioRt material. Wo tit up and koop tho laste for each regular customer, always in suring a perfect fit, Wheeling Mouov taken at par. "T. PHILLIPS & RON. May 1, 1804. INSURANCE AGENCY. Insure Your lirc and Property. J. O, THOMAS, Caaisi. : Tan I OS OFE. H Resident Agont for the following old. stMbiisiied ana rename i'ltib ana Insuranuo Companies j F1BE IBfNUHANOia, RTN.V, of Hartford, Cbnneetieut, . PHU'J.MA, MBTRoWlITAN, of Ne York City. NORTH AMERICA, of Philadelphia, J 1,1 h'K J JILKAIIUSi MUTUAL IjIFK, " Arc For City. TRAVELLER'S LIFE, of Hartford. Conn, Br-OlHiio, corner of Main and Market atreota, over National Bank, Entrance Market street, first door below National Bunk, Cadi, Nov. 23, 1804.1yi WANTED! SOaOOO POUKD3 OF PORK, For which the highest price In JCasU M-lll r paid on delivery at the Wrhou of . SADDLES AND HARNESS! nfOCLD respeHf Jlly inform old cus tomers and Uio public neuorullr, titut he lias on litind a large slock and ifi'UuYal as sortment of SaddloH, Harness, Ae., consist ing in pnrt ot'fuU-qmltod and plain nhaflers, quilted hood cover and plain half-Sp;ininh and full-backs, quilted and plain seated, brass and wood horn dt-mipeaks, plain and quilted neat, low cantle English trotting sad dles. A Iso a variety of styles of (tide saddles, with Khort and "extended quilted kmo spriiiarH, hoop and back springs, silver col ored, russet blue, and black enameled leath er quilted and pluin pluuhud si-utM. ; lie has also on hiind sots of oxtru rino silver mount ed oavriniro and bugfrv harness, strong yun kce team hurncss,. saddle baps. ejllur.s, ha!- trs, bridles and inm tinimliwol most every description. Carriage, iiujrsy and Riding WhhM of the finest oualitv: in fact most bv ervthing usually kept iua saddlery shop. He deems it unnecessary to puflhind blow or let oil' pas abonltho material or workman ship ol his work, us it will recommend it self to those who are judges or who use it. Thankful for the liberal pnt-rouage he has heretofore received, he hopes uy strict atten tion to business and selling good work nt a reasonable price, t' rnorit a continuiinco ot the same, shop, urpctiy oppossie uua "oen tineC otliwi. Cadiz, Ohio. April 1, WM ffiFES HUHt 1MSS 7 O-IO IIVXKllKSX 11EAIH?JG TREASURY NOTES ftrjTH COUPONS FOR INTEREST, T T Payable scmi-annurill y from the I'ith of Augustnext, and principal at tho tnd of thrws years lrom tiuit elate, in luwuu money of tho U. S., or convertible at maturity, at tho option of the holder, into 5-20 ( percent. Gold Bonds. For subscriptions previous to the 15th of August next, interest will bo paid to the subscribers up to that date. For sub scriptions after tho l")th of August next; in terest will be paid to date of such subscrip tions. Also 10-40 TJ. S. liper cent. Bonds, Principal and Interest payable in O O Tm 33 . f The Fikst National Bask at Capi Permanent Depository and Financial Agent of the U. S., is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, to receive Subscriptions for tho above Treasury Notes and Bonds. . J.M. WATSON, Casher. August 10, 18M-lf HARRISON BRANCH BANK, . C-A-DIZ, OHIO. D, S, GOVERNMENT BONDS SLVEN m IHlE-iSLUlB, And other Government Bonds, kept on hand and for sale at this bank, at Government prices. . M.J. BROWN, Cashier. ' Sept. 11, 1861. GEANT MOVES ichmon THE REBEL (Ml MIST Fill! M. J. DitOWN OUS. C. BROWS. BROWN & BRO. The Rebellion will die out, but we must live. There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, lends on to for tune. Ono of the best ways to attain that fortune, is to call at our room, two doors be low T. J. Brown's Dry Goods Store, and purchase ono of our Suberb Spring Suits! The nicest ever sold in Cadiz, at prices as low as can be sold west of the mountains. We have everything in the Geut" line, of the best quality. COATS and STOCKS. PANTS and NECK-TIES, VESTS and CI.OVES, HATS ami HANDKERCHIEFS, CAPS and COLLARS, Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac. A fine assortment of IPHECIE GOODS, of tho best styles and most beautiful finish, suitable to the most fastidious taste, which we will sell at prices to suit all who may call. Our notion is that he. handles the tools best who bust pioases his customers. !f'Ai we will do ! GALL- AND EXAMINE our goods, and wo will convince you that what we say la true. Call and see us, and bring along your Qreenbaeki, which are BtiH taken ut par, BROWN & BRO, May 4, 1801. TO TEACHERS! Hi 17 XAMINATIONS will be hold as fol- J4 lows, commencing at iu o ulooit ot me y monuoiiua, na continuing mmv uayi At HOPEDALE, June VMh, 1854. At CADI., October 3A, 114. A t V A I) I , March Md, 1SU4. The Examiners dosire to oull the attention of Touchers to tlireo items of tho ainendod Soliool Law. vlw Each male appll .'ant is re (luiroito nav SO cents, and woli f 'mnlo un- pllcaiit 85 cental ft teacher's liojnso must certify that the bearer of It pososus an ad equate knowledge of the theory . id prar.'tieo of Teaching; a toaolier must h ivo a legal certificate oovoring tho entire time of the aorvioos for the payment of whiuh au orUcr is orawn. y. ,.M. B. AUAMH, fExamlners, tv, L, JACOBS. ) - -AprU 20, 188y Farm for Sale INf .- . .. . :.: IIAUUI8ON. COUNTY mHBv undersigned will sellat prlvalo aalo, JL b(a Farm in North Towusiup, Harrison Countv. Ohio, and about U milea from New Markot. It is excelient land, anl Me w II. ooiiHlstlng of 17 aorea 124 or 130 aloareU- nearly au Douout, ana Known m tno "GormantoiYn Uottoin," on iha Conotton Valley. Vurohfltterscan apply to J, M, Kstop, Esq,, Cadis. Ohio, or Ikoqo Wright, Ejtii.,. Steu Donvme. . GbDEY'S'LWt'sfloOK. TUB " roNtilon nagaclue of (he World. LITERATURE. FINE : ARTS, AN1 FASHIONS. The moirt mamiitioint Su-l ongiavin. DOE BL E F AS UI ON -PLATKS. Woodnffraving ori evry ul Jx't that can inu-rust ladras.. (,'roc-het knit unit, Nuttimt, Embroidery,-Artlclaa for-th Toi) t, for the I'arTor, ' tlw Boudoir, and th Klu liuii. F.vurytiiin, 4n fact, to tanks 0'iy.VLi-iz Lapv'.-Book. Tito Indloii, Favorite for i Vri... NoMazazinehabo.JU able tooora pete vih it. Koue attempt -it. aovsrs nECEivm for ovcry (Top1 rtmontof a household. Thaaa alomj are worth Uio (iriooof-lhe Biok. Modi-I Cotuiiyes (no other mugawDe glvoa thin. wilii diagrfumj. DRAWING LESSONS . FOR THR YOl'NG. Another spociality iih Oodcy. , ORIRIONAL Ml-'.SIC. worth A ayear. Ollu-r Maguziuns publish old worn-out mu sic; but thu ubsiTilwr to Godey get U be fojB the music Hton. Ganh-iiing for Ladiw. Another peculiar ilv wiUi Godoy. "Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co., of New York, the millionaire merchtiiiU appear in Godey, the only Magaiino tbat has them. Also, Fashions from the cvlcbrated Brodie, of Now York. Ladies' liouusts. We give moro of thclu in a year than any othf r MagM.ino. In lhot, tho lady'H Book" enablos uvory lady to bo hi r own' bonnet tuaknr. 3IAlliprV ILVHLAND Authoress of "Alone," Hidden lUh," "Moss -Side," Xcmesis." and "Miriam," writes for Godoy each month, and for no other magazine. We havo aUo retained U our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF Gotle-r's JLalv' Book, Tor 1HU5. (From which there tan be no Deviation.) The following are the terms' of the Lady's Book for 18S5. At present, wo will receive subscriber's at tho following rates. Due no tica will bo given if wo are obliged to ad vance, which will depend nj o 1 the price of l'an,r- ... - l)n; copy, one year.... - v- Two copies, one year Tlireo cojiios, one year ..... Four conies, one year 6W 750 1000 Fivo u pit-s, tnr year, Mid an extra copy to the person senrung ute cum, mnkiiiir sis copies : 1100 Eiiilit copies, oiio'Veai, and an extra copv to the pcrscn sending the club, niakinir nine copies... 5 L21W Eleven copies one yor.r, aim extra copv to tho person sending tno ciud, Itiuk-imr U7. Vft CODICS..-. 27 00 Additions to any ot the aoove ciuus, 9: iw each subscriber. Godcv s La'lv s book anrt Artnnrs noma Magazine will be scut, each ono year, on re ceipt 01 f4 .u. We have no club with any othor .Magazine or Newspaper. Tho inonoy must all bo sont at" one uino for anv Club. ' Canada subscribers mufit send.4 oints aa- dilional for each subscriber. . Address L." A. UOIiHi , X. I. Corner S'ath and Chestnut .Vfrwrtj, PHILADELPHIA. Novembor 1G, 18!54. ...... TRA VELE K S INSUUAJi CE tilJIl'AA H. Hartford' , Couiiectiout, 1NSURRS AGAINST OF . EVEKY DESCRIPTION, CAPITAL 6400,000. FIVE IiOLI.ARB ANNUAL PREMHTif Will insuro tfl.OuO against accidental loss of life while traveling by any public convey ance. ' ... TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures A policy tor 8.r,0G0, and also $25 pov week compensation for porscuinl injury 111 cjipacitaiing tho assured from his ordinary business. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a full policy for 35.000 nndsio por week compensation" for ull iind every do scriptton ot accident, traveling or otherwise. Policies for "U0, with SJpcr week compen sation, (Min bo had Tor tsvper annum, er any other sum belwoim f,"(J0 and $5,000 at po porUonate rates. ,IA1KS I. ISA 1 1 -.ll.-r, JTOUMIH, RODNEY DENNIS, Secretar?. HENRY A, DYER, General Agent. J. O. THOMAS, Agent, (Mduc, OAio. Nov. 23, ISM l.v. BOOTS, SHOES AND Samuel Slemmons , HAS REMOVED fro-n his old stand to the brick building two doors South east of tho First National Bank, on Market Street, whoro lu, wi!l bp hnnnv to accommo date his old customers aud tiie public gen erally with the BEST OT WORK IX HIS LINE, OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All kinds of Mena'a Women's. Bovs's and Children's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of tho best quality, which he will oll on the most liberal teniis the times will admit of. All orders in his lino promptly attended to, and all rips repaired Gratis. Thankful for pastfavora, ho solicits a share of puplic patronage. Cadiz, Nov. 2, 1864. PUUF. 0. J. WOOD'S IIAIlfc KE8TOHATIVE. This astonishing preparation WILL BY NATURE'S OWN FR0CI8S RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO THB ORIGINAL COLO-RS. Will make it grow on Bald Heads, Will rusioro tho Natural Secretion, U'71 remove at once all Itching, Will remove all Dandruff, ' Will cure all Eruption even Scald Head, If ill make tho Hair Sort and Glossy. Will preserve tho Color of Hujr to Old Ago, Will always flatten and stop Falling. And in one of the best Toilet Articles for the Hair now iu use, Thousapfla of SoltUcrs In tit Ar my Have tostiflod to the aborevi-who have ba. come grav nnd lost tl eir Hair, by sioknesa, changu of oliutato, and inattention, whtla pei'lorinliig cuinp Uuty, Asa resiuriiuve mid dreaaing it has nt equal, - . ' JUIIX IHSAL-U Agent. -' Sept, 14; '04-ly. . . . Ohio. WtjV " OP'ATX KIN'bS.'"- Alw WarthoustiTr'cHR. Tetter Presses, b rAUiUAXKH, Vfl&VLAF& CO Hi, Monroe btruotTLfcDO. jMr-Uo careful tu my v-y tUe fonuiuo,4 Juno 8, " , ' 100 . ... . it . .p. . J, . , ami CuflX MtJWvoi snd arid ibr s'r h Cadlr., Xev.8fl, 18M. i 1 ' naanwiaa uinniiH, I st,,. wtt Cadiz, Kw.O.lsM,