Newspaper Page Text
im3ai! grading. The fillowj- subliirtep-Mm waseoiiiiK- f I y the vtlclatl Ru-wian wt Ik-r-r.iinM-n. It was translated into It present vni by f T. IV-iwrinp. It H certainly one of On" noblest in the Knciixb or any nhtr lancuaite. mid well deserve to be srru-n In ic!iw"f gold. IJ. Khoihtrr. GOD. Oh IV.emal onel Whose presence briu-M AH ( iWh PimpT, all motion guide; I'pciim through Time's all devastating fl':h; Thou on-v Go 1! There it no G-d beside ! JV-inr :iVvall belnsr; mighty One; Whom n.uiccan comprehend and none ex plore; Who fiK' existence with Thyself '.on Kmbraeirn sil,- supporting rolling o'er Being whoiu we call Cod and know so niore. Tn ill t.ublims research, philosophy May moaMire out the ocean deep may count The andsor the sun's ravs but, 0:1! for Thoo There is no weight nor measure none can mou it Cp In 'Ity mysteries: Reason's bright sir'i, Thou'jrli k.ndled by Thy light, in yain may t-y. To truce Thy council, infinite and dark An.' thought is lost e'er thought can soarso liish. . Even like past moments in eternity. Thou from primeval nothingness dld'at call Vist, chaos then existence Lord on Thee Rtcmity had its iouudalie n all Kpmu; forth from Thee of light, joy, har ta iny. Roto origin, nil life, all beauty Thine, Thy word created nil, and doih create Thy splendor Slis all t. with rays divine. Vliou an and wert and shall be: Glorious great, T.ife-giviiig, life-sustaining Potentate Thy chains the unmeasured Universe sur round Upheld by thee by Thea inspirod with breath". Thou the beginning with the end hath bound. And beautifully mingled life and death. As sparks mount upwards from the tiery biaza So suns are bora, so worlds spring forth from Thoe, And ns tbs spangles In the sunny rays rihine round the silver snow, the pageantry Cf Heaven's bright army glitters in Thy praise. A million torches, lighted by Thy hand Wander unwearied throughthe blue abyss; Thine own. T hy power accomplish, Thy command All ap with life, all eloquent with bliss; What shall we call them? Piles of crystal light! A glorious company of goldea streams! Lamps of celestial ether burning bright? Sun's lightning systems with their joyous bums, Bat Thou to those art as the noon to night. Yet, as a drop of water in tho sea, Al! this magnificence in Thee is lost. What then uro ten thousand worlds com pared to Thee, And what am I then. Heaven's unnumber ed host, Though multiplied by myriaclsand arrayed In all the glory of sublimest thought, I but an atom in the balance weighed Against Thy greatness is a cpher brought Against Iulinitv. What am I then? .Nought. Noirjht; but the effluence of Thy light tiiVine Pervading worlds, has reached my spirit too; Yea In my spirit doth thy spirit shine As shines the sunbeams in u drop of dew. Nought; but I live and on Hope's pinions Hy E-igar towards thy produce; tor in Theo I live and breathe, and dweil, aspiring high, Kven to tho throne of Tliy divinity. Iain, O Ciod ! and surely Thou must bo. Thou art directing, guiding all Thou art; Hirect my understanding then to Thee, Control my spirit, guide my wandering heart; Though but an atom 'mid immensity. fctiil f am something fashioned by Thy hand I hold a middle rank 'twixt heaven and earth, On the last verge of mortal being stand Close to tho realms where angels have their birth, Just on the boundary of tho spirit land. The chain of being is complete in mi; In mo is matter's last gradation lost And the next step is spirit Duty. I ean command ihe lightning and r.m dust, A monarch and a slave, a woi m a GodI Whence came I here; and how so uiarvel ously Constructed and conceived! unknot n; this clod lives sursly through some higher enorgy; for from itself aioue it could not be. Creator! yes. Thy wisdom and Thy word Create me; 1 hou source of life and good ihou spirit ot my spirit, ana my loiui Thy light, Thy loVe, in their bright plenti tude Filled me with nn immortal soul; to spring Ovsr the abyss of Death, and budu it wear The garments of Eternal day, and wing Its heavenly flight beyond the little sphere E ven to its source to'Thwe its author thore. O thought ineffable! O vision blest! s Though worthless our conceptions all of Thee Yet shall Thy shaddowed image fill our breast, i And watt its homage to the Deity. God! thus above my lowly thoughts can soar; Others seek Thy presence Being wise and good 'Midst thf vast works; admire, obey, adore, And when the tongue is eloquent no more The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude. Z l Waiting? Tor Christ. "Dear Gertrude," I said to a young friend. "why are yuu not a Christian?" "I do not know," she answered; "I wish I did know. I have long wanted to be a Christian. I have prayed ior it continually these three years, ever since mother died, and am not one yet." ' ; ','But Gertrude, Jesus himself says, 'Come unto mo, all ye that labor and are . heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' Come to hiurmy dear; take him for your Saviour, 1 your Master and your Lord." "lake Christ! said Gertrude with won L dering earnestness; "I thought I was to wait til! Christ took me." "But what are you waiting for? Christ tias provided a full salvation. He has invi ted you by Ids word; and uioro than this, he has caUvd yon by his Spirit, for this earnest desire of yonrs bis special, individual call to you, it came from him." br. . "And what am J to do." -"Give yourself to him. Say, 'Lord lam a lost sinner, but thy grace is infinite. Save me. ' " "I have said that a thousand times." . "Then vou have come to hiiu. But re member that when you take Lira as your Saviour, you must also take him as your 'r King. ' Henceforth he is to be your Master, . and you are to spend your life in his ser v rice. ..-j ; "That U just whan I want to do.. Is that coming to him? Is it as easy to come to . him? Are you sure that this is coming to , him?" . , , ''Yes, if you do it with all your heart." "I do, I do; but how am I to know that he accepts me?" " "He 6ayg he does. Uiswoid is enough. Believe him. He says he will 'in no wise , east out.' He does not answer audibly or ' . give a visible sign. , You must trust his f -word." ..'.!. i . . "Is this so?" said Gertrude very solemnly. 'Whv should I- wait anv loneer? , Whv v . should I not take him for my Saviour tow? v It is what I hava desired alt thesa years. Ilia graoe aiding mo, I will serve hiin all my life. It is what I really wish. And am I ' indeed his? Already a new light dawns on allthioKs." " : i That new light has iton on brightening Iter since, It was tho gleam of the "Day - spring from on high'. which "hath visited F A X C T I 0 A r 9 A good awvaftnwat mtm -as at THE OHIO ST.ipi! FOR M IROSIEC7X17. TT- time hn romt to tsmta the Annral Prpcx'ttMOf 111 llAILTOmo bTAfnitAN. This Joirr,.l waa Mahlished to expound an.l entbiro the frreat Idea of GoTerntnent tnught and practiced by Thomas Jbfkkk kox and Akdrkw Jackbow, which gavo-ex-U'nt of territory to tho Union, w orld-wius renown to these States, and unexampled prosperity and happiness to the Amenoan pwplc. "Kever before in the history of ttis Uovernnient, were the exposition and the enforcement of thee ideas so necessary as now. Alone through tbetr adoption and faithful practice by the Administration, can the Union be restored, and peace and wide spread happiness be uronzht again to our Countrv, now lorn and mangled and desola ted by ii gigantic Civil War. A partial rliango In tho Editorship and Proprietorship of The Statesman lws to ken place.. Lewis llAttn has sold his entire intercut in the Establishment, and retires from the position that was assigned hint on the Paper K. B. Eitklman having bought that interest and an additional interest. Sir. KanrxMAX linsbeen tor nearly twelve years the Editor of tho Chillieotho 'Advertiser a papr regarded as one of the leading Demo cratic Journals of Ohio, la a few days he will assume the duties and responsibilities of his new position as tho co-eilitor of Tub Statrsman, thus unitin; his experience and ability with those of Aims Layman, in the important work of continuing to ivnke the several editions of the Paper deserving tho cordin! and liberal support of the Litnioc racv, everywhere. T"nKOn'io Statesman Company now call upon the friends of tho Union and the Con stitution, in every County, Township, and School District, throughout the entire Slate, to actively aid them in the circulation of this old and time-honored Central Onj.m of the Ohio Democracy. Tlioy ask that ail of its editions be liberally subscribed for and paid for duriift the ensuing year. An accurate daily abstract of the proceed ings of the Ohio Legislature, when iu ses sion; the latest Telegraphic Dispatches, in cluding the proceedings of Congress, when in session, and the Markets from all the Commercial Cities will be given in eaeh issue. The Weekly Statesman is a large thirty-two column journal, printed on good p"apor and clear type, large enough for old eyes. Each number contains h complete resume of all the Military and Pol itical news of the week; the latest Telsgraphi ami Market Reports; a earefnlly prepared col lection of Literary reading lor the home and family; and an .abundance of Para graphs upou every topic of interest or im portance. While the war continues, and tho curren cy is of such sort as it is, we can hope for little or no profit. Our terms for The Weekly have been somewhat increased, but l o in proportion co the increased cost of white paper, labor, and everything else used in making a Newspaper. The Pupor cannot be published with any lower scale of prices. As it is, there is really nothing equally valuable, so cheap as a Newspaper like The Statesman. TERMS: the daily Statesman. One copy, one year Jo 00 " " six months 4 50 " " three months 2 5 Delivered by carrier, per week 20 cts. TUl! Tltt-WHEKLY STATESMAN One' copy, one year i-i 50 THR WEEKLY STATESMAN. Cne copy, one vtar to .4 li six months. 1 2.5 Club of five to ten, eaeh copy " ten to thirty, each eitiv 2 a 2 00 " thirty and upwards, each copy 1 "5 An extra copy furnished to the getter-up of a hud ot twenty or more. I"or a Club of 'fifty the tri-wf.eklt, and for a club of one hundred The Daily, will bo sent to the getter-up of the Club. Subscribers' names will be written upon Club papers, as well ai upoa others some thing that is done in very few other ofllees. The cash must accompany all orders. Orders and letters should" he addressed to TUK OHIO STATESMAN', Columbus, Ohio. December 7, 1SG1. 2JH3-W STORE -IN DEERSVILLE, SrtltlOlGH. fOOTilAP k CO. i RK now openiue. at their room in Doers- J ville, the largest and best stock of bloods ever brought to the place, which was purchased in the .t,ast exclusively tor Cash and will be sold a A LITTLE CHEAPEH than similar goods can be had at any other hotiso IN THE COUNTY. We have everything in our line that money will purchase, and we are determined to se cure the patronage of the public by selling goods cheaper than they are to be had else where. Give us a call and we will convince you that tho New Store is the place to get larfams : The highest price paid for all kinds o Country Produce, bv moci;ll uuii. cocltoap a co. P. S. Mr. Wm. C. Parry is connected with the firm. May 4, lSti4. AND Y A III E T Y STORE! rSMILEY SHARON TTATIXO purchased the' estxibliybmen I l former v kept Ov Miimuel r erguson oliiiosite tlio public btilldinzs. Cadiz. '!iio, respeotiuny lniorms tno puinie iniit ne nils on hand and is prepared to lurnisn in larjre or small quantities everything usually kept in a store ot mat Kind, lie wm enueavor, to the best of bis ability, to please the public, and he hopes by so doing to merit and re ceive a liberal share of the public patronage. Common and Fancy Candies of all kinds, Almonds, Filberts," Cream and Pea Nuts, Raisins Figs, Dates, French Currants, Su gar, Soda, Butter and Water Crackers, Uark and Ground Cinnamon, Pepper, Jinger, Al Npice, Starch, Fine and Common Cigars, To bacco, Pulverized White Sugr, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Port Monnies, Wutch Chains Keys and Guards, a fine lot of common Jew elry, TOYS of all descriptions, vo. Oysters Fresh in season, and in Summer nice Cove Ovsters served at oil hours. The lovers of this delicious bivalve cannot fail to be pleassd. Ice CVflcoiv In season, in tho best stylo. Itis Sod't Fountain is in full blast, mid the public will find this the most healthful and cooling beverage for hot weather. 'iB-Country Confectioneries can be sup plied at his establishment on the very best terms. Cadiz, Ohio, May 2.5, 186-1. NEW BAKERY. - O. WAGNER WOULP respectfully inform the (-itlzens of Cadiz and vicinity that be keep-i constantly on bauds at his new Liikefy, on Murk-';t street, one door South of tieorgo's Grocery, all kindsof Pit K AD, C A K US, &o, which lie will soil at reasonable iricos. lie also keeps Cigars, Candies, fcc CadiJ!, April 22, laoi. ! : , s U d A B , Ac, 20 hW. Brown Sugar, ' 25 bull. N. O. Molasses, " 10 bbls. Etctra s'amllv &rnm iri'lvad and for sate by t;KOIlOB A WlO. ABEL CARSON, Manufacturer and Dealer iu AUHSEOFJABIEIWAI, CHalrsJ dfco. , At the old shop of Wm. 1. Fry, Cadiz, Ohio. HE warrants all of his work to be of the best quo! Ity, and will be sold at the low est rates. - ,'..:-,; ParticularatlentlonpaidtoTnannlocturln.' COFFINS. He keeps a good HEARSE. Cadiz, July 15, 1863. - -. EW MALAGA RAISINS, boaoU and raiains CUKBA1TT8, gusiitcjss (Cards. WILLIAM P. HAYS, ATTOllNEY Air I. A W, Cadiz. Otito. OFFTCF. On Main Street, li the formerly occupied by T. Phillips, lsq., a a Justice s ortie.-. All pr.fe9innal business in this and ad joining oounik will receive prompt atten tion. Dec. 14, 1964. JESSE O. THOMAS, ATTOBNP.Y A.T 3L.A.W, Cadis, Ohio. " OFTtcE On Market street, over the Na tionat Bank; entrance, on door Eusu All professional business in this and ad Joining counties will receive prompt atten tion. Dec 14, 'C4. J. M. ESTEP, ATTOllN 11 Y A T X. A. W Cadlx, Ohio. CoLLirrtONS made, and business of Exe cutors, Administrators and Guardiuns at tended to. . , Also the collection of Bark Pay, Bounties, Praaisni, Ac. Of KoMiersand Widows mid heirs of deceas ed soldiers, Ac, attended to. office On Mam street, opposite Reali s Drug Store. PHILIP DONAHUE, ATTOllMIY A T I, A , I'arUz, Ohio. Office On Market Street, over M cOon- ne'.l's (iroe.'rv. Entrance between Hanna's and McConnell's. Cadiz, Ohio, ,lnue 1. 1SW2. D. CUNNINGHAM, ATTOHNKY A T Ij A. W, ' Cadiz, Olilo. Will civo prompt attention to all local business entrusted to his care in Harrison and adjoining counties. Office I p stairs, in George s Corner. Entraneo on Main street. March In, l.S(4. JOSEPH SHARON, ATTOHN 13 "V AT X. A. XV , Cndiz, Ohio. jfflr-Strict attention to all business en trusted him in Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont and Tuscarawas Counties. Oflice in the brick building, opposite tho Cadir. House." Jan. 2.", '60. II. S. JHOODY, ATTOllN IJ V A. T 1 AAV, JStculeiivIllo, Olilo. ,7S?SWill practice in the Courts of Harri son Count v. aprll.'oo. S. 15. SHOT WELL, ATTORNEY A.T A XV , Cadiz, Olilo. Continues to practice in Harrison and adjoining counties, and t;ives especial and prompt attention to (!ollecting, business of Kxccutors and Administrators, Guardians, Wards, Partilioni. Sales ot Lands. Settle ment of lCslalos, Titles to Heal Kstate, Con veyancing, Suits at at l.nw and int iiimcery, Loaninsr ii'nd Invest ivient of Monev, and all other professional business placed in his charge. -a,no is Ascent lor tne atate twnK of Ohio and others, for loaning money, Ac. fcaOmce in Ueorge s corner, Mum street. Jan. 18;i0. Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Iro!nop A Agricultural implements. Agents for the sale of the iluckoye Mcjprer anil neaper in iinrrison, .icnersnu and Belmont. Counties. CADIZ, OHIO. March 1(5, 1R(!4. 3: SRZXjXLsIUSI ui:ai.i:h in READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GErs mum .flarkot Street, Cadiz, Ohio. Nov. 14, 1MI0. E, M. MAItSII J. II. MANNER. 31A11S1I MA?JNK, Manufaetnrers and Dealers in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, JivrUet Street, Cadiz, Cllo. One Door Below Brown d Brother's Store, Eft-Thuir Cigars are of the best quality. MAKSII & MAXNEU. Cadii!, May 11, '6-1. John Geouob .........Frank Kennedy. GEOItGE At, KEMVEDY, TTAVK purchased tho Tannincr establish- B JL ment of Samuel ieorgo, Sr., and are now manufacturing a superior article of Leather, to which they invite tho attention of all who want Good Leather. A lartie stock of Spanish Sole, Morocco, Lining Skins and Tanner's Oil, always on hand. f V 1 t ? They are paying the ITirhrxt Market rriec in 'ash tor ilide:, Skins and Bark. Dee. 17, 1st 12. BEX JAMIN WATIUNSOX, OFFEKS his services to tho citizens ol Cadiz and surrounding country, in the art of House Tainting, Graiitinfl, Paper Hanging, and nil kinds of Imitation in Wood, Stone and Marble. Also. Si(-rn Painting attended to on most reasonable terms. " Those wishing to have Painting done in the best and most modern style, would do well to give him a call, as he endeavors to do hix work in a neat, substantial and work manlike milliner. Cadiz, May 17, 185(5. H. H. HARRISON, DENTIST, OCCUPIKH the room formerly occupied by Lukens it Harrison, opposite the Cadiz House. Having litted up his rooms in Ihe latest and best at vie, he is ready and waiting to have his old friends and new ones call to sec him. Ho puts up as Fine Teeth, both Plate and Vulcanite, as any Dentist. 'irTeeth extracted without puin, If desi red. All Operations Warranted. Dentists ean also find at his otllce a fine stock of teeth of every kind at fair prices. Feb. 3, lol. EXCHAN GK H0TKL, OPPOSITE I iVIO. DEPOT, Coluinbua, Ohio. Sept. 21, 1864-ly. J. C- MIED.EL, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Cabinet Hardware, Shoe Findings,- Agricul- furai Implements, Nads, Glass, dc. Main Street, Opposite tho Court House, CAuiz, Ouio. , June 15, 1864. MOOTS -A. ' 1) HIIOK: A. GUOCERICS. JOHN S. DAVENPORT. HAS Forty or Fifty pair of Men's Heavy and Kip Boots, and a good assortmcii' of Misses and Women's Shoes for wiutei wear. Olve him a call, and sue bis work If it suits, take it leave me ths money and i wm tat you go. - - JOHN S. DAVENPORT.. Cadlc, OUo. July 13, 164-1?. s CHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY JL jusir aaa rrssk steak always on hand STOVES hST0VES ! James M. Paul, II aa the Lar;ctt an I Moct Complete Aesortmeiit fcf Embracing every variety and quality, both forWKa and" Coal, that has evr leen brought to Cadlx. He also lias ev ' erythltig that belontfs o tho bu. siness, such as ISraws Copper ICottlcs, of all sires and qualities, and adapted to ev ery purpose for which such kettles . can beuscd. Ilonse Spotting, Raofing, &e. done on short notice. TI ITWABE, Of nil kinds always kept on hand, or made to order. In short, everything lieloncing to the business will lie found in bis store, llepairliig all ktr.dsof Job? Work done on the shortest notice and most reasona ble terms. HE sells every k thine in his store at prices ranging from 10 to 0 per cent ., cheaper for Cash, than such articles have ever le;'ore been sold in the place. When you need anvthing in his line, re member the place Market Street, opposite Brown's Store, and seven doors south of the coiner. ' " JAMES M. PAUL. Cadiz, Slay 11, 1SU4. w Firm! 8. OE011OE, JR., JAMKSGEOKOK. GEORGE & BBO, HAVE now on hand, and are receiving a full supply of SUGARS, OF ALL GRADES! iEAS, COFFEE, SYRUP of the best qtialitv. S'The liitrhest market price paid for Countrv Produce. Cadiz, Dee. 23, l.Sf3. O j9l jE. X Jk. C3- 33 MANUFACTORY, J. D. MINICK (Formerly Miniek it Clark.) RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi , zens of Harrison and udjoining coun ties that he has removed from Lecsburg to Cadiz, and has determined to make this his permanent place of business. pa-Call and see his Finished Carriages on trtvd.-&$. lie employs only the most experienced work men, a nd is ready to make to order GAMUGES, -BUGGIPS, S Ii I IDE BE ATS! AXP KVHUYTIIING IN HIS LINK, equal to any city niaiiufaotory. Itepairing and Trimming of all kinds attended to; and better than all i-S-IIK WARRANTS ALL HIS WOKK.. J. D. MINICK. March 10, 18(14. JOS. MEANS TMKA.SAS.NJR OKO. B.MI2ANS Hteutoiivillo IToniMlry and 31nctliiMe Works , MEANS & BROTHERS Manufacturers of 4 LIj kinds of Foundry and Machine Shop a oiks. Tlueshintc Machines Mill Geraing for Saw Iron for liridges or Orist Mills, Coal car heels, Cast Iron Fronts, Truck A wagon wh'ls ' " Windows, Window Wniirhts '-" " l)(Mr Sills. Bolts and Nuts cut and " " Doorsteps, made to order, " " CoalYaulls, Cast Jl wrought screws Rhaftinaand tiulling lurnisiieaiosize, : lurninit anu 1'iating StenniHoilei'smmleand Iron, ; repaired, Fancy Grates, Plow Points and wagon Common Grates, iioxes, c ounting Mouse, ot- orlico. Garden and lice A-Chureh Stoves Grave Y'anl I 'eiu-ing. We have a new and improved WATKR w il I'.l.l., which lias oeen awarctea tne pre lniiiin over alt competition. -. ..... Our lacilities lor worn are largo, ana hav ing an extensive assortment of Patterns, we can promptly lnl almost anv order in our bruncli ot uuHiness. Aililress M10ANS A UKOTHERS, July 23, 1WW. Steubenville, Ohio, SADDLE AND HARNESS . MAEI 1ST O-.: J. R. CRAWFORD, HAVING removed his Saddler shop to tho brick building, on the corner, opposite Ueall s iirug htore, Keeps coustanly on hand an assormeni oi SADDLES. BRIDLES. JAPANNED AND 81 LVER PLATED x-xLXiNr CARRIAGE AND LEATHER WHIPS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, and all other article in my line. Repairing done and work made to order on tho shortest notice and of the best material and work manship. Please call before purchasing elsewhere, as all work is warranted to be as represented and. us cheap itsnt iinv other plueo. . . .1. R. CRAWFORD, Agent. . Cadiz, April 15. CI 0 3FPE G TI 0 R Y f IFZBIIIILIIF FTJHB r ESI'ECTFULLY informs- the citizens , of Cadiz and vicinity that ho has com menced the alKive business, in all of its va rious branches, In tho room formerly occu pied by John Rikus, Main Street, Cadiz, Ohio. lie warrants his Bread, Cakes, Ac, to bo of the best quality, and not surpassed in this or any other town. ; Particular attention paid to baking all kinds or (Jakes for Farties, Weddings, &o. His stock of Csnfttcllonorlos is full and complete. . . . .. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. . Cadiz, Junel, 1804-lyr. 171 I O IT 11 . The best Extra Family J1 Fl amr i ways on nanus. J. P. Smith's test brand. Flour and all heavy packafrss of Grosarlss WW srBiu Axn smnER trade: FOR 1QQ4. iirairsm of ems OLKAT - riiZrARA TJOSSor a LARGS THA DK O L 3Z H3 es , o H K J3 T O XT. 33 . 7"-1, Main SSt., Wheeling. STONE t THOMAS announce to their their friends and the public that they are In reoeipt of their stock of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing Dry Goods in all their varieties. Carpeting, Oil Cloth and Car pet chain, Millinery Goods of every variety, Notions, and varieties generally, comprising tho largest, and in some respects, the most desirable wo ever brought to the citv. Our cuNtoinerH mar rest assured Unit they will reap all thu advantages that fair dealing, a long experience, close attention to business, careful buyiiigr, and buying with Cash, can give them. We buy most of our goods with rash, directly from" the manufacturers and Importers, ah I from close cash Auction hou ses, thereby saving a largo jjer centnge. AVe h ivh ample facilities for doing a large -lobbing Trade, and invite the attention of Mer chants t.) our stock before buying, and Tail ors to our stock of Cloths, Caswimeres and Vestingw. Without particularizing, we will say we keep tho largest stock in the city of the fol lowing as well as all goods. Press Silks, of every style and price, Miliinerv itoods, silks, velvets, ribbons &o. French Mormon, of every shade. French Prints and Good. Goods for Friend's wear and traveling. Shawls of every grade arid price. Thud and Prints, mid worsted fabrics for dresses, Cloaks and Cloaking, Prints, Ticks, Muslins, Flaiinels, lilankets, and goods for Man and lloirs wear generally. So Good House shall sell cheaper. Our stock of VV KS will be found to be very desirable. We ask attention to our stock of Carpeting, ifcc, which is very full and at low prices. All goods sold at a low advance on pur chase. ; Persons making purchasesin tho city will find it to their interest greatly, to give us a call before buying. - Parcels sent to any part of tho city frer. Keinember the sign of the "Golden Ilee Hive," neartho Suspension Bridge. STOivE & THOMAS. April 27, l!f4. EVEIIYKOOY TO CALL AND SEB AlHETT'S JO ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER GOLD. SILVER &PUTED FINE GOLD PENS, GOLD PENS WITH PATENT AND EXTENSION CASES, GOLD LOCKETS, GOLD RINGS X IV GflK AT TABIKTYi AND BREAST PINS & EAR RINGS OP ALL STYLES. OIL OILS AND PERFUMERY, Together with a thousand other things not necessary to be enumerated here. Call and see, as goods in my line will positively bo sold low, and everything ia,rr anted as rep resented. ,. i G. 15. BARRETT. Cadiz, Market Street, June 1, ISM. GROCERIES! GROCERIES I VILSOrT & BR0'S Stock I-'rcNh hikI Complete! "0 ,17 E have on hand, and are now receiving Tf from the South and East, tho largest Stock of Groceries ever brought to Cadiz, to which wo wish to call the attention of Ito tailers and others wishing to purchase for their own consumption. We are determin ed to sell as low if not lower than either Steubenville or Wheeling prices. Our stock consists in part ot t Sugars N. O. Sugar - Circle A Crushed Powdered i . " A Soft Crushed ' B. ".. . . !' , t Molassks N. O. Molassss Sykup Ijovenny's Golden Coffee Primo Rio " Java Rice rrime Kice Fish No. 3 Mackerel 100 hhds, 20 bbls. 10 ' ' 10 ; " 10 " io " 600 bbls. 20 " f 150 bags. ' 60 Sacks. 10 Tieroes 40 bbls. . 40 I bbls. - Lake Fish, all kinds 100 i bbls. . Scotch Herring 50 boxes. Soda English Soda 20 kegs. Socla Salaratus . . 20 boxes. Spicks Ground Papper 20 boxes. , Grain " 10 Sacks, Cloves, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, . . Ginger, Mustard, Ao., Ao. , . . March W, 186i " : ' ' OaT oujd metai iri.KTED at ths Tin and Coppar Shop f V oi jamm n. tr.u m, warn. for hill ths highest pries will WttU. 0J1b, Oatobar 6 im. J4WVA uauaa a aa.j a-'AVVA i iorT JL ' Nearly all-tha popular Patent Medl cines of the day eonstaoil on hand and Cox w aaJabT JVHX DSAliL May U, IMA SHG&BSSI TS-T EXT TO EXJ07TNQ OOO DHEALTH, nothing in no pleasant aa to be success ful iu one's pursuits. For it not only sweet ens our exisiencu, but often prolongs it. . To reach the meridian of life, to look kilo the past ; to see thu past full of IBB Mfl EOMIBIE MIS! crowned with having well provided for those we love and cherish, are such delicious pleasures that they make one young again. But this comfortable position cannot be at tained without wxtraordinary effort; On JIm To Ba Ip And Doing! Tht Main Foint with a Merchant II To Hare . Tha Right Goods At THE RIGHT PRICESI AND For a nierohant without the rijht goods a thu right irices is - Like the carl h without the sun, Like the man without roasor;, Tjike the woman without virtus, , ,, Liko tho well without water, Like the true without leaves. rciNrbwiisrG this TO BE A FACT, WE HAV3 SXarlialld and Quartered At our Business Place, on Market Street, one of the Finest Assortments of Ready Made Clothing AITD- tiEXT's FCKxianiJia goods, coksistiks e DRBSS. BUSINESS, AND FATIGUE COATS! PANTS & VESTS or LIGHT & DARK CASSIMERE, MiUtary Clothing OVER - COATS " ' r - HaU, . Bhirts, iospsodars, Olores. ; i ... Kaok-Tles, : Scarfli Handksrehisjs, ' . , Hoaisry, Oollars, ' ' cmDrsHas, ' ;' ' t.,-- &axA Goods, -! i.: - '. VALISES, ': " - GLOVE BIOS. All of whiob bays bsaa bought to tba vary cast aa vantage, ana A , , WILLNOTBE UNDERSOLD! BTJUTT BOTMX XAVO' WZrtf IIGIJf Till. TEI-WEEKLY 0, S. Mffi ' ' r . t)- - - - - - - - tH-ffWiv QtJu o asiiipJia, TUK nbor!tiiF wonttl eepe!tflf7 to form th traveling emnmiuiity lht ! lsnmninth V. S. MuH Hack lXunfrcm Ca)u to Wkeolinya and t&Aiuii( him jitif -did lm.-ks will luave W la-cling and Cavfht S weckly, at 7, A, ST., and ouiuiMt witlr ft cars at both places. Ills hacks are new. Ws teams good, and his driven! rarefu) af1 -. U-ntive. lie hopos to aciv the patrouas r of the traveling public, as he wiil endewsrr to merit their patronage by strict attsnttaa to their wants,, ' - Fare from Wheeling to Cadii. or OuMs ts Wheeling For the roue trip oatf fino. - " '.O-H He is also running a new Hack etwsa Cadiz and St. ClairsvlUej Waving Cadis erv Monday Vednesday and Friday un ings; and St. Clairtville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Partic ular attention paid to... ir" "us Kaprasa Packages. . - .-- . . LtVery ' Stable. H has also In Cadis a good a Lrvsry Stobleasthereisin the country. Buggies, Carriages, Horses, Ac, to be had at all times. Travelers either arriving on the cars or im the hack, on ba taken to any point thsy desirs. Terms reasonable. " . WILLIAM L. OUBEJU Cadir., Ohio, Aug. 15. 1860. . ; Uultiiaoro Sc Ohio Railroad .MB.OPENiJD, - riiniS Great KationaK-TlioroughfaH Is again open for Freight andTntvel-i tfca Cars and Machinery destroved are beimr re placed by IS EW-.RU3SING -S'tOtK. with all recent hnproveme . ii; sud-the BrWgss and Tr.ick uro again in substantial conditkm. The well-earned reputation of this road tM" Speed, Seeuritu and Comfort, will tff more than sustained utidor th reorganfeatlon f its business. In addition to the Unequalled Attractions of Scenery lieretoture conceded to this loute, Uie recent troubk-s on ths Border have asso ciated numerous points on the road, betftoen tho Ohio river and Harper 's Ferry vithpuJU' ful but instructive interest. Coneciions At tho Ohio river With th Cleveland and Pittsburg, Central Ohio auA Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, aod through them with the whole Railway sys tem of the Northwest, Central Weat tk&& Southwest. At tho Washington . J unctiws with tho Washington Branch for Washing ton City and tho Lower Potomac at Balti more with four daily trains for Philadelphia and New Y'ork. TWO DOLLARS additional on Through Tickets to Baltimore or the Northern Cities give tho privilege of visiting Washington city en route. T'his is tho cnb route by which passengers can procure through tickets ana through, checks to Washinrrton City. W. P. SMITH, Master of Transportation, Baltimore. . J. H. SULLIVAN', Geasral Western Agsot, HelUii-.'C, Ohio'. t I. M. COLT', Giu. Tlokst Ag-t., BItiBars. Dec. 9, lbOJ-lTf ' - ' ... JAMES STEWART, IS receivinshJs SPP.INO and SUMUXR stock of , . DEY GOODSli Among which Tnaybs found l adies' Drtss Goods, of a great variety, consisting in part of plain and fancy Silki, Challios. j.leragwa. Lawns, I'riiUi, 'Jaconets, Organrlies,' De--lainos, Chintz, Baru Robts, Jaccnut Robes, Ac - . . . Spring; Summer Sliawla;! Including a .ill assortment of Whitar Goods. Urlllion . Jaconetw. Lawns, Eiwiss and Mull Marsa s, Thread and Jsoonstt Edging ond Insei gi. A large assortswnt of Mon and Boy's ear. Ladies' and Chil dren's UooU, Siioss d Slippers ot all vari eties. gbocerieC K.. Cofl'ee, Sugar, Tea, Rica, Tobacco, Fish, Uo lasys4, Syrnps, Candles, Soaps, o; JAMES STEWART. April 27, ISSC-. v. . ..... . Vaiuabln rami nnl IVlllls For Walo. CflllE subscriber wishes to soli his FarTn J and Orist and (Saw Mills, situated on Pig Stillwater, noar Freeport, Harrison county. Said Farm contains one hundred and .seventeen acres of good land, on which there is two dwelling house! an excellent young orchard in bearing order, cord bank, and ah abundance of never failing springs. A larsro amount of the hind is excellent bot tom land. The farm is all under a good, stale of cultivation. ... Tha Grist Mill is a large steam and water Mill, which will enable the owner to grind at all seasons of tlio year; There is an excel lent coal bunk nt tlio mill door. The mill has three run of burrs. Everything about the mill is in cTimploto order, and can run at all seasons of tho voar. The subscriber will sell the above valuable property on reasonable terms. Porsons wishing further information, can call on ths subscriber on tho premises, or C. N. Allen, editor of thu Sentinel, .Cadiz, Ohio. AN DHKW STJIWART. 1 Freeport, April 1, lSi3-tf. Wall Pnpev! Wall Paper!! rDlJHKsubscrilxT takes pleasure 'in calling X the attention of the public to his large and well selected stock ol.ivall Papers, just rccui ving fort he Sring and Summer trade. His stock consists of 20.WK) pieces with 400 dili'erent patterns, ranging ia price from 6i cents to $1 per piocet toeotiicr with every va riety of Borders, Window Curtains, Decora tions for Pa nnel Work, Ac, tc - -, : :. '. Ho has also on hand a complete assort ment of School, Historical, Medical, Reli gious and Miscellaneous Rooks, Stationery, JiianK jsooKS, ckc, wmcn win oe soia wnois sale and retail as cheap as they can be had West of the Mountains. Olve me a call. ' J. M..LAYTON. Steubenville, March 9, 1804. .,: , - R O O K R I B B 050 bbls. Salt, "" 250 bis. J bis., bis. feklts Mackerel. 50 I bbls. White Fish A Lake Herring: 20 llogheads Brown Sugar, BO bbls. Molasses and Syrup, "- 10 Pagsltioe, -. , . .. 1000 lbs. Wool Twine. For sale cheap at ' ' ' - utuituj. oi uKu a May 26, 1884.: ' . ....... .. JOHN BEALL, DRUGGIST1 and- '. " ' ; BOOK-SELLER, caijs, om6. SIPE fxoin, tho many articles usually A fouijd. among my( stock is a f uil supply Concentrated Lye, ,r ii rj r . Baking Soda, , . , Washing Soda,' " ; Cream Tarta, Indigo, : Bny Kum, Madtler, . " -. , Baftpetra, Matches, " Oopparaav -;: Flavoring Extraeta, -.('' '!.;;, w . .,.; - . - Indigo Bltutef. Camphoe. . - ,' : iBtaxon,. Ginger. ' ClnnanjcsiJI ' Cloves; ;' - .k'uttnaga, . Borax, Mustard.: . ..j,u . Wa!l':Fapeip, TnTadblautisi brai aM.c.tyt Oadia, Ohio, May II, UM.'" ' '- rnOEACOO and OIgars-a ooin Kate assort- ineBtof etgsirs aDatooaoeoiaiaotirowa teriUKi nn ooS absrwUg ad amokinat. til MRTirM as svwn arss or onau re by ; ; - mmSm mwmo, in rr: SSSwwSWIWW,'J,JIW't is