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f 'i I t r 11. V "ETERNAL VIGILANCE I THE PHICE OF LIUEKTY." Thomai Jefri- o n. VOLUME 31, NO. 49. CADIZ, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1885. TERMS-82,50 PER ANNUM ."'7- Agricultural Premiums and Regulations, W1TB THE KJIMII Of TBI AWARDING JUDGES, ros thi ICIGUTEE.TTIIAN.11AL EXHIBITION or tiii Harrison County Agricultural society, , TO BE HELD IJf CADIZ, Olf WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FWDAY, tb, 5 th and Oth days ot October, 1 80S At the coming Fair, the folio wine named een tleraen,ill bate charge of the following depart nisats: florars, Jacka and Mulct, Joliu Latham. Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. M. 8. Janjiaon. .Sheep, Epbraim Clark. Mechanical and Vegetable Hall, Jotiu n. flunna. Moral tlall, Ulirer Jope. Km ting and Collecting Dues. A. II. Carnahan. LIST OF PREMIUMS. HOUSES. . -,. i Class A. r i Spring Hone Colts. "irst nreniium, t3 00 d i aw Spring Mare Colts. First premium, 8 00 U ill 2 00 Brood Mare for Draught (spring Colt by Frit 'premium, , (I 00 Sd ' ' do . ' . . : t 00 Jirijod Mare for all purposes (spring Colt by her aide) First preoiiam, 5 00 Jd do 8 00 CnmiiTcKi Jacob Moore; William Croikey and Jaba Mcl'addeu ( Irish i. Class B. Beat Mare one year old for Draught. First premium, t-t 00 yd do 8 00 Beat Marc one year old fir all purposes. First premium, 4 00 04 du 8 00 Best Mara two years old for Draught. First premium, M ti do 8 00 Jet Mare two years old for Saddle. Virst punuuin, 8 to id do 2 00 Heat Mare two years old for all purposes. Firat premium, 3 00 2d (In 2 00 lleat Mare three years old for Draught. Firat premium, 00 d do - 8 00 Heat Mare three years old for Saddle Firat premium, 00 id do . 2 00 Best Mare three years old for all purposes. First premium, 8 " id do 2 W Iiest Mure four years old and upwards for lraught. First premium, 5 0u 2d do S 00 Heat Muro four years old and upwards for ail ptii'iMtkea. First premium. ; 5 00 2d do , 00 Heat Mare four yeara old and upwards fur etaddle and liaiiii'ss. Firat premium, 5 00 2d. . do 8 00 ConuiTTca John Wiley, John Hammond, Sr. eliil JNitnuel Sltaiuioun Class C. Sweepjtnke class of Stallions of any ago or breed, att ic, sire and action, to be especially considered ui awarding pre miums. First premium', i 00 Jd 'do - ' . - 10 oo Stalliou four years old and upwards for fuddle and Harness. First premium, t 8 00 Sd - do . . , 5 "0 tslliou four years old sad upwards for Draft. First premium, 1 00 2d do 6 (.0 Stalliou four years old and upwards for all purposes. First premium, 8 00 iid do 5 00 Stalliou threa years eld for Draft. First premium, 8 0" 2d do 00 Stallion three years old for all purposes. First premium, 8 CO id do 4 00 Stallion two years old fur Draft. First premium, 5 00 id do 8 00 Stalliou two years old for all purposes. First premium. 8 00 a do 8 I'O Ntallion one year old for ull purposes. First premium, 5 0" id do 8 00 CoMMitTSK John Gourley, Jobn McXary, (Athens) John Luntz. Clcus D. Seat pair of Draft Horses or Mares owned by one man. First premium, . . ' - 5 00 Sd do . 3 00 Gelding four years old and upwards for Draft First premium, 5 00 Sd do 8 00 Gelding fonr years old and upwards for r all p iruoses , . , ' First premium, . , 6 09 3d do " . 8 UU Oclding three years old for Draft. First premium. "00 2d do 8 00 Gelding three years old for all purpose!. ) First premium, 5 00 aa do 8 oo Gelding two years 619.- First premium, 8 00 2d " do Gelding year old. 2 00 First prtHnium, .. 8 00 2d do 2 00 Gelding or Mare for Saddle. First praminm, S 00 2d do 00 Gelding or Marc for Light Harness. First premium, ' 15 00 Sd do 8 00 Committee- Thorn as H. Dckerson, Leslie Cope land sad Jobn Cunningham. ; ' Class !. ' Sest jtair of maicked. Horner or Mares lor all purposes, owuedtyne man. P4rst f reaaam, . , f S 60 Sd do 6 00 Best Fancy Driving Team,cWBed by on, man (witbentregard to color or sex.) First premium, 8 00 2d da , 4 00 Committee D. B. Welch, David Barrett and Seiin Uolmea. Class F. Fastest Walking Horse or Mare. First premium, 5 00 Sd do 8 00 ; Fastest Backing or Pacing Celdmg or .. Mare. First premium, 15 00 -4" d 8 00 t Fastest TrotUag Gelding or Mar. 1 jfirst prerauim, . . 20 00 td do 10 00 3d do 5 00 Kitr entrance fee charged of 10 percent, on first premium offered for racking .and trotting borses. - r . Wommittie 0. Slcmmons,' r, Wilkin, (Harri inrille), Wm. Thompson, (Moorefleld). ' x. . JACKS AND MULES. , -Class Q. . ? Best "Jack. . "." First premium, , . - i . - $81)0 Sd do . v. 4 00 Best Mule two years eld and upward. First premiam, ",t 4 00 2d -do - j- .. -.-v '2 00 Best Mole one year told. Fiht prsmiam, . , , T .1 TOO 34 B 2 00 Beat Mule Colt, firat premium, (no 2d do I no Committee R. r. Hargrare, Samuel Ritchie CATTLE. Class If Best Bull three yeara old and upwards. First premium, f 10 On Sd do a oo llest Hull tws yeara old. First premium, 5 no 2d do J (io Best Bull one year old. First premium, 3 (10 2d do j 00 Heat Hull Cull. rirat premium J oo 2d do i oo Committee Samuel Thompson, John McFad- uen, (.Ainensj, m uiicnie. ( Atbensj. Class I. Best Cow three years old and upwards. Firat premium,, fl 00 xa uo 4 oo w . jv.;. W.M. ETrst premium, . 4 00 "A. do 2 oo 5 cst Heifer one year old. r " premium, j 00 Hv, f do 2 00 Sstfst spring Heifer Calf. r irst premium, - g 00 2d do 1 00 Best Cow for Milk and Butter. First premium, 8 00 2d do 6 oo AH persons exhibiting cows for milk and butter must turnih a statement in writing to the Secre tary before the cow is entered, setting forth: First, the age and breed of the cow, and the time of calving. Seecnd, the quantity of milk in weight and the butter made therefrom during a period of ten days, the cow to be fed on grass alone. The experiment to be Terrified by the affidavit of the competitor, and another iwruin pniivepftnnt tvit.h the fuets. Committee Garret Shank. Isaac Thomaa and James Thompson. Class J. Kcsf Toko of Oxen four years old and upwards. First premium, 00 2d do i oo Best Yoke of Oxen three rears old First premium, 8 00 2d do 2 00 Best Yoke of Oxen two rears old. First premium. 2 00 2d do 1 00 Best pair of Yearling; Steers. First premium. 1 00 2d do AO Committee Irvine Porter. Henrv Borles and Wm. Fulton, ottinghnin.) nous. Rest Bonr. First premium, . ?5 00 M do 3 U0 Best Iireediug Sow, the litter of pigs to be in the peu with her, not less than six pius. nor orer two mouths old. Fina premium, 5 00 2d du 8 00 Best three fat Hoes. Virst premium, 3 0 a ao 2 o Committee Samuel Georee. Sr.. Jesse Lewis and Johnson Cruig. l'OULTKY. Best pair of Peafowls, 1 00 " " rsch variety ot Chicxens, 1 oo " " Turkeys, 1 o " " Ducks', 1 00 " "' Geese, 1 00 " " Guiueafowls, 1 00 Committkk Charles Fox, John Singer and Ben jamin Cope. SHEEP. Class JiT. Best Buck of any breed two years old and over, uccompniod by teu of his lambs, dive Bucks aud live Ewes.) First premium, 80 00 2d do 20 00 3d do 10 00 Committee Walter Craig, nenry Bovlcs and Joseph Holmes, Sr. Class L. Best Buck of anv breed one rear old. First premium, 25 00 2d do 15 og 2d .do 10 00 Extra entrance fee of 10 per cent, cbarired on the first premium of each ot the above classes of sheep. Committee Joun Clinoru, Jesse Martin ana Ja cob Moore. Class M. Best Buck Lamb of anv breed. First premium, 15 00 2d do 10 00 3d do 5 00 Committke Andrew Mcr'arland, James Haver- licld and Wm. Braden. Class K Pen of five Ewes of any breed two years old and over. First premium, 20 00 ao 1) oo 8d do 10 00 Committee James B. Jamison, Benjamin Cope and Johu M. Holmes, (.Mastersville.) Class O. Pen of five Ewes one year old. First jtremium, 15 00 2d do lo 00 3d do 5 00 Committee Robert Frater, (Slicpcrdstovrui. Craig Hamilton and John (Jroskey. Class P. Pen o"T five Ewe Lambs. First premium, 15 Oo 2d do . 10 00 Sd do 5 00 Committee John Cope. (Shortereok. William Watson, (Uniontown), and Joseph Jamison. Class Q. Best Ewe of any breed one year old and over. ' First premium, 30 00 2d do & 00 Best Ewe Lamb of any breed. First premium, 8 00 2d do 4 i0 Committke Thomas Ladge. (Uniontown). Lew is Applcgute, (Independence, V. Vu.,;, U. C. Dcur doru, (Canal Dover.) Class Jl. Mutton Sheen. First premium, 5 00 2d do 8 00 Committee George Frater. Garrett Shank and Samuel Thompson. Best flock of Sheep, not less than twenty. Premium, 80 00 Committee Miller Gibson, (Plank Road). John Skinner, (Somerset, Perry county, Ohio,), John foster, (CumDerlanu, uuernsey county, Ohio.) Extra entrance fee of 10 tier cent, charged on the premium of the above flock of sheep. f,very applicant ior a premium on eneep, except Mutton Sheep and Lambs, must tile his affidavit with the Hecretarv before makin? his entries, set. ting forth these facts: That the Sheep to be ex hibited were shorn close and evenly, that is as sheep are usually shorn when they are rjot to be put on exhibition, and were not shorn before the first of May. MECHANIC ARTS. Class A. Best two-horse Wagon. First premium, $5 00 2d - do 8 00 Field Boiler. First premium, 5 00 2d do Z 00 Sulkies. Firat premium, . 8 00 2d do ' 8 00 Two-horse Carriage or Buggr. First premium, 8 OO 2d: do 2 00 Threshing Machine. First premium, 8 00 2d . do 6 00 Corn Coverer. f v. First premium, . 8 00 2d do V'- 1 00 Cote Sbellerv: , . First premium, 5 00 2d do . 8 Hominy MihV ' - First premium, i -J, - 8 00 2d .do . ' 8 00 FanaingMUl. " ;. T First premium, 8 00 2d d J 00 Wheat Drill, First premium, 4 no 2d do s oo Clover Huller and Cleaner. First premium, 5 no 2d do g 00 committee Charles Kugler, Robert Dickcrsoo Bivrurtll OIUUOIIIS. Class B. Ploughs for general purposes. First premium, 2d do Corn Cultivators. First premium, id do Horse Rakes. First premium, 2d do Mowe:. First premium, Uo Grain Cradle. First premium, li do Corn Plough. First nroinium, 2I do . Straw and Stock Cutter. First premium, M do Harrows. First premium, Bd do Cider Mill and Press. Firat premium, 2d do $8 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Committkk Wm. Bond, Samuel Thomp. sou and Abruin Holmes. Class C. BOOTS AND SriOES. Best pair of dent's Fine Boots, 2d best. S 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 Beat pair of Oont's Course Boots, Best pair of l-nrty's Summer Walking Shoes. 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2d bast, Best pair of Lady's Winter Shoos, 2d best. " Best pair of Gent's Slippers, " Lady's " Committkk- Ueoriro El v. Frank MeMov 4I1IU 11. II, XU11I11U. Class D. COOrEli WARE. Best Pork Barrel, o 00 " Wino Cask, 1 OO " Flour Barrel, . 1 00 " I.ard Ko(f, j 00 " Wash Tub, 1 00 " Churn, 1 00 " i Bush., Peck and Peek measure 1 00 Commjttkk Benjamin Cope, John M. Ilea (Greene), and Samuel Ueorgo, Jr. Class Ji. HARNESS (DOUBLE OR SINGLE.) Best Double Carriage Harness, 5 00 ' Single Biiftgv 1 larness, 3 00 " Double Yuiikeo Harness, 3 00 " Man's Huddle, 3 00 " Side Saddle, 3 00 " Bridle and Martingale, ,v- 1 00 " Halter, ' ' 00 " Lot of Whips, (assorted) 60 Committke Benjamin Wood, W.L. Hou- serand Tiiomiis Weleli, (New Athens.) Class F. LEATHER. .....I , U fll.,1 1 - Best two sidos of Sole, " " " Upper, " " " Harness, " ' Calf Skins, 2 00 2 00 2 (HI 2 00 Committkk J. Carnuhnn, Mishoel Mor gan aud Lloyd Case. Class G. STOVES, GRATES, TIN-WARE, fca Best Cooking Stove for wood, " " " " coal, " Parlor Stove, " Coal grate Cast Front, Greatest variety of Tin-ware, " " '' Brass and Copper ware. Best sett of Gardening Tools, " Gate Fastenings, " pair Door-hinges, " pair Horse Shoes, " specimen of Horse Shoe Jfails, " Jlomemiule Axe, Greatest variety of Edged Tools, Best Ritle Gun, " Shot Gun. $2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00" 3 on 1 00 so 50 50 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 Committkk .f. G. Itighter, Jacob Peter man and Edward Knox. Class II. TAILORS' WORK. Best finished Dress Cont, ' " Overcoat, " " Pantaloons, " " Vest, Committkk James Day, Wm, lake and II. G. Martin. Class I. Best Knitting Machine, 2d bust. Best Sewing Machine, 2d best, ?3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 Timbtr- ?3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 Anno Fox and Committkk J. W. Scott, -Maria IS. lieeuc. Class T. CARPENTERS' WORK Best Panel Door, " Venitian Blind, " two flight of Sash, " Farm Gate, U 00 2 00 1 00 1 01) Com Mm he H. Rowles, Kie.lmrd Moore, (Georgetown), and Erasmus Barrett. Class ItT. Best Dressing Bureau, " Funny Bedstead, " Armed Itcickiug Chuir, " Dining Tablo, " Center Table, " pair Side Tables, " sett of Parlor Chairs, " Split Bottomod Chairs, " Sofa, " Writing Dosk, " What-Not, " Bread Sale. " Baby (.'radio, C'oMMrn'KK James Adams, tor and N. A. Han no. $3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 K. Hun- Class I. PAINTERS' WORK. Best specimen of Graining and Plain Painting, 4 OO 2d bust, H 00 Committkk B. Watkinson, John Sim mons aud H. H. Harrison. Glass AT. Best Loaf of Broad, 2d best, Best sample of Fresh Butter, two lbs or over, 2d best. 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 Competitors for premiums on Broad and Butter must furnish the Committee a writ ton statement, setting forth their plan for making ureaa ana suiter, Bost Box of Honey7 $2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 2U best, Best Choose 10 lbs or over, 2d best, Best Light Caker' 2d best, Best Pound Cakes, 24 best, -Best Spongo Cake, 2d best, Best Pastry, 2d bost, Best Husks, 2d best. 50 Committee Mrs. James McFaddon, (I.) Martha Carnahan and Mrs. John N. Hnu Hitnna. Class N. Bast round of Dried Beef, M " " Bacon Ham, 1 00 2d bost, ; SO Competitors for premiums on Hams must give to the Committee a written st atement, setting forth their plan of Curing Hums. -Best one pound of Corn Starch, $ ISO 2d best, . 25 Best one pound of Bran Starch, fiO 2d best, 25 Best 10 lbs of Lard 6 moutha old, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best one gallon of soap, I uo 2d best, 1 60 Best three pounds of Hard Soap, 50 M best, 25 Best one pound of Potato Standi, 50 2d best. 2,5 Best Cider Vinegnr, 30 2d best, a) Committkk Mrs. Hannah Holmes, Mrs. Wultor Cruig, and Mrs. S. H. Watson. FARMS. For the best managed Farm, all things considered. First premium, no 00 2d do ' 5 00 Committee Goorgo Heberling, Walter Jamison and James McKee. Applicants for premiums ou farms must givetho Awarding Conmiittee, before the 25th day of August, explicit written state ments of their plan of farming, showing their course for several years pust, and the reason of thoir success. FLOUR. For the bent barrel of Flour, made of the least amount of w heat. First premium, t 00 2d do - 2 00 A sworn statement to lie furnished to the Secretary nt the limu of making tho entry of the above flour. For the best barrel of Flour, without re gard to the amount of wheat. First premium, , 00 2d do 1 2 00 Committer George Ttife, (Adona) John Dickerson und Andrew Stewart (Froeport.) crops; Best crop of Corn, not less than five acres. First premium, ; 00 2d do 5 00 Best crop of Wheal.not lens than five acres. First premium, , S10 00 2d do K 5 00 Best crop of Oats, not loss than fivo acres. First premium, gt 00 2d do ; ' 3 oo Best crop of Molasses, made from of an acre of Sorghum, (a stun pie of the Mo lasses to be shown to tle Committee.) First premium, jw 00 2d do i. 6 00 Best one acre of Corn. First premium, 5 00 2d do 3 00 Bost crop of Timothy Hay, not less than one acre. First premium, 5 00 2d do 3 00 Best crop of Clover Hay, not less than one acre. First premium, 5 00 2d do 3 00 Best crop of Timothy Seed, not less than one acre. First premium. 5 00 2d do 3 00 Bost crop of Clover Seed, not less than one aero. First premium, 5 00 2d do 3 00 Bost erop of Potatoes, not less thun i of an acre. r irst premium. 4 00 2d do g 00 Best croporsweep Potatoes, not less than h of an acre. First premium. 5 00 2d do 3 00 Committkk William Bond, Moses Lu kins and Samuel Hedges, Jr. Aplicants for premiums on crons. must have their grounds and produce, accurately measiired,by twodisinterested persons. And tho party hiiiisell'miLstfuriiish the following stateimmt.s. First, the kind of soil. Sec ond; t no Kind aim quality or manure, and the manner of application. Third, the time and manner of preparing the' ground for planting and sowing. Fourth, tho quantity of seed used. Fifth, the modeof cutting and the time of harvesting. Sixth, the amount of time, of both man and beast employed in applying manure, preparing tho ground, planting or sowing, cultivating and gather ing tho crop. Seventh, the net amount of crop, the wli(He of which must be measured by the usual standard. Eighth, If practica ble thev must turmsti the committee a sam ple ot the crop and have it exiuitcd at the Fair, competitors for premiums on corn and Clover seed, may report to the commit tee at any time before the last Friday in Oc tober. Other competitors must give their reports to the Secretary at any tune before the first day of the Fair. Tho premiums will bo awarded witti reference to profita bleness, as well as amount of crops, hence. quantity as well as quality will be consider ed, The object which this Society wishes to keep always in view in awarding'promiuins on corps, is not merely that it may beknown that large crops are "raised in the county, but that the method of cultivating such crops, may be made public, that the farmers of the county generally may avail themsel ves ot any knowledge tnat may be uselul to tliem. SAMPLE OF CROPS. Class 0. Best 4 bushel of lied Wheat, harvested in lS(i5, SI 00 2d best, 50 Best 4 bushol of White Wheat, 1 00 2d bost, 50 Best dozen Ears of Corn, 60 2d best, 25 Best J bushel of Seed Corn, 50 2d best, 25 Best peck of Timothy Seed, 50 2d best, 25 Best peck of Clover Seed, 75 2d best, 40 Best J bushel of Buokwhout, , '50 2d best, 25 Best 1 bushel of Oat, 50 2d best, 25 Bost 4 bushel of Barley, 50 2d best, 25 Best 4 bushel of Potatoes of any vari ety, 1 00 2d best, 60 Best three varieties of Potatoes, 2 00 2d best, 1 00 Best 4 bushel of Swoet Potatoes, 1 00 2d bost, 50 Best sample of Broomcorn, 50 2d best, 25 Best Six Brooms, 60 2(1 bost, 25 Best peck of Onions, 60 2d best, 25 Best peck of Tomatoes, 50 2d best, 25 Bost 4 dozen Beets, 75 2d best, 40 Best six Heads of Cabbage, . , 50 2d best, 25 Best and greatest variety of Pumpkins, 100 2d best, . . 50 Best sample of Cucumbers, ! 60 2d best, 25 Best sample of Turnips, 50 2d bost, j 25 Best sample of Parsnips. 60 2d bost, , i 25 Best sample of Carrots, 50 2d best, 25 Best variety of Watermelons j 50 2d best, ? v 25 Best varioty of Muskmelons, j 50 2d best, I 25 Best specimen of 12 stalks of Sugtv Cano, 50 2d best, i 25 Best specimen of Rhubarb, ' 60 2d best, 25 Greatest variety of Squashes, 50 2d do 25 Best specimen of Citrons, i fio 2d best, 1 25 Coemittjsb Adam Dickerson, Isaac Cur Uss and James B. Jamison. Class P. FRUIT. Bost sample of Fruit, 20 varieties. First premium, .j $2 00 2d do 1 00 Best sample of Fruit, 30 varieties. First premium, 2 00 Sd do 1 00 Best sample of Fruit, 10 varieties. First premium, , 100 2d . do . . " i (0 '. Best half busliol of apples of any food, variety. First premium, 1 00 2d do 60 Best sample of Apples of any good variety. First premium, 60 2d do 25 Best peck of Poaches. 50 2d best, 25 Best sample of Peaches, 60 2d lst, 25 Best peck of Pears, 611 2d best . 25 Best sample of Pears, 60 Best peck of tuinces, 50 2d best, 25 Best sample of Plums (each variety), 40 Best sample of Grapes (each variety), 40 Best peck of Dried Apples, 50 Best peck of Dried Peaches (pared), 1 00 Best peck of Dried Peaches (uniiurud), 50 Comeittee Moses Lukins, Jos. Holmes, Sr., and Walter Craig. PRESERVES, PICKLES, JELLIES. Glass A. Best Peach Preserves, " $1 00 2d best, 60 Best Uuinco Preserves, s 1 00 2d b(!st, 50 Best Plum Preserves, 1 00 2d lM-st, 60 Best Cherry Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 60 Bost Tomuto Preserves, 100 2d best, 50 Best Grape Proservos, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Pear Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best II ueklolierrv Preserves, 1 00 2d Ixwt, ' 50 Best Raspberry Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Apple Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Watermelon Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 5(1 Best Citron Preserves, 1 (X) 2d best, 50 Bost Strawberry Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Hlnckberry Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Muskmelon Preserves, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best. Gooseberry Preserves, 1 00 2d best, ' 50 S'Committf.k Mrs. Sarah Clark, Mrs. Sa rah M. McCalland Mrs. James Thompson. Class B. Best Currant Jain, ?1 00 2(1 best, 50 Best Blackberry Jam, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Elderberry Jam, 00 2d best, 50 Best Rhubarb Jam, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Raspberry Jam, 1 00 2d best, " 50 Best Strawberry Jam, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best quince Jellv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Apple Jollv, 1 00 2d best, " .50 Best Currant Jellv. 1 00 2d besl, 50 Best; Peach Jellv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Strawberry Jellv, 1 00 2d best, ' 50 Best Raspberry Jellv, 1 K 2d best, " " 50 Best Khubard Jellv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Plum Jollv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Bost Wild Grape Jellv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Tame Grape Jelly, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Cherrv Jolly, 1 JU bunt, 50 Best Elderberry Jelly, ' , 100 2(1 best, " " 50 Best Gooseberry Jellv, 100 2d best, " 50 Best Pear Jellv, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best EggJcllv, 1 00 2d best, " 50 Best Tomato Jelly, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Siberian Crab Apple Jellv, 1 00 2d best, " 50 Committke Jane McFadden, Issiibella Clark mid Ellen llanna. Class C. Best Pencil Butter, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Apple Buffer, 1 00 2d best , 50 Best Quince Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Plum Butter, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Cherry Butter, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Pear Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Tomato Butter, 1 00 2d best 60 Best Tame Grape Butter, . 1 00 2d best 50 Best Wild Crape Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Rhubarb Butler, 1 Oil 2d best 60 Best Pumpkin Butter, 1 00 2d bost 50 Best Itaspberrv Butter, 1 00 2d best ' 50 Best Blackberry Butter, 1 00 2d best 60 Best Elderberry Butter, 1 00 2d best " 50 Best Citron Bu ttor, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Gooseberry Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Strawberry Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Melon Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Egg Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Potato Butter, 1 00 2d best 60 Best Currant Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Huckleberry Butter, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Maple Molasses, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Apple Molasses, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sorghum Molasses, 1 00 2d bost 50 Best samplo of Maple Sugar, 1 00 2d best 50 Best sample of Sorghum Sugar, 1 00 2d best 50 Committkk Mrs. John J. Roa, Maria Braden and Nancv Hammond. Glass D. Best Sealed Ponchos, Jl 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Cherries, 1 00 2d test 60 Best Sealed Plums, 1 00 2d best 60 Best Sealed Tomatoes, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Gooseberries, 1 00 2d best, 50 Best Sealed Strawborries, 1 00 2d bost 60 Best Sealed Applos, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Blackberries, 100 2d best 50 Best Sealed Tame Grapes, 100 2d bost 60 Best Sealed Raspberries 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Peas, 1 00 2d best '50 Best Sealed Pickles, 1 00 2d best 60 Best Sealed Wild Grapes, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Pears, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Sealed Curranbj, 00 2d best 50 Best. Sealed Quinces, 1 (10 2d best 00 - Committee Mrs. Kate Oonrley, Mrs. A. U, Carnahan and Miss Margaret McFadden. Class & Best Pickled Cuoumbors, 1 00 2d best so l 00 60 l 00 50 l 00 50 1 0O 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 Best Pickled Muskmelous, 2d best Best Pickled Tomatoes, 2d best Best Pickled Pears, 2d best Isest Pickled Grapes, 2d best Best Pickled Cantelopes, 2d l)est Best Pickled Cabbago, 2d best Best Mango Pickles, 2d best Best Spiced Fruit, each variety. 2d best nO Committke Miss Caroline Kennedy An nie Fox und Maria B. Bebeo. CUSS F. Bost Currant Wino, 2d liest Best Raspberry Wine, 2d best Bost Sorghum Wine, 2d best Best Port Wine, 2d best Best Gooseberry Wine, 2d best Best Huckleberry Wine, 2d best Best Cider Wine, 2d best Bost E!derl)orrv Wine, 2d bost Best Grupe Wine, 2d best 1 00 60 no 60 50 25 60 25 50 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 1 00 50 CoMMlTTUE Thomas H. Dickorson, A. C. Tumor and Eli Peacock. Class II. Best Quilt, 2d best Best Counterpane, 2d best Best 4 B of Sewing Thread, 2d best Best ltttfr Woolen Stockings, 2d best Best pair Woolen Socks, 2d best Best pair Woolen Mittens, sd liest Best pair Woolen Gloves, 2d best Best Pair Woolen Blankets (home $2 00 I 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 25 60 25 50 26 60 25 made), 1 00 2d best 50 Best Pair Linen Sheets, 1 00 2d best 50 Best Double Coverlet, 100 2d best 50 Best Linen Table Cloth (homc-mado), 1 00 2d best 50 Best Rag Carpet, 1 50 2d best 75 Best Girthing Carpet, 1 60 2d best 75 Best 0' cuts home-made Stocking Yarn, 1 00 za nest Best, 10 yards homo-made Flannel, 2d best Host 5 vards home-made Linen, 2d best Best lied Comfort, 2d best Best pair of Tillow Slips, 2d best Best Embroidery, 2d best Committee Sarah Holmes. Mrs. 60 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 25 1 00 50 John Tipton ami Mrs. John Lathum. - FINE ARTS. Glass J. Best rhotograph, 1 00 2d 50 Best Ambrotvpe, 1 00 2d best " 50 Best Daguerreotype, 1 00 2d best " " 50 Best Carte do Visite, 1 00 2d bost 50 Best specimen of Oil Painting, 1 00 " " " Water-color Painting, 1 00 " " " Penmanship, 1 00 " " " Pen Drawing, 1 0(1 " " " Pencil Drawing, 1 00 " " " Crayon Drawing, 100 " " " Marble Work, 3 00 " design for Farm House, 3 00 " " " Bain, 1 00 " " " Farm Gate, 50 " Case of Jewelry, 5 00 " sett of Artificial Teeth, 3 00 2d bost 2 00 Committkk John W. Scott, X. A. Haiinii and Joseph P. Johnson. BOYS' HORSEMANSHIP. On the first day of the Fair, one hour will be devoted to Boys' (under 15 years of age) Horsemanship. biplJlnas will be awarded. Committee W. L. llouser, Pat. Lynch nnd J. M. Robinson. In addition to the foregoing premiums, tho following Committees tojudge of uneimriicr aled articles will award premiums ut their discretion, 011 any and every article that they may consider meritorious, which is not em braced in the foregoing list. unenumkkatkd auticles for fkmalks. Class R. Committee Elizabeth Bond, Mrs. John McFadden, (Irish), Mrs. Samuel Cochran, Mrs. Samuel Hannaund Mrs. John McFad den, (Ireland). u.nknvmeuatep articles for Class S. Committee Ingram Clark, Charles Fox, John C. Jamison, Wm. H. Henderson und Samuel Ilerron. Everything which is not embraced in tho stated list of premiums, will be entered un der these Committees, and will be us care fully noticed as those which are named, aud premiums will be awarded us above stated. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The payment of one dollar constit utes any person a member of the Society for one year.. All momborshavcttrightto compete tor premiums. 2. Any article offered for a premium, must Vie "owned or manufactured by theper son offering the same, nt by soma member of his or her family under 21 years of age. 3. All kinds ofstock, Mechunic Arts.Far ming Implements, Duiry Products, Paint ings, Keedlc-work Ao ot other Counties and States, ure allowed to compete for premi ums an equal footing with Harrison Coun ty. 4. All articles whether made within tho your or previously, mid whelher heretofore had a premium awarded or not, aro elligiblc to compete for premiums. 5. Exhibitors are required to hove their articles and stock entered on the books, be fore they are placed within the enclosure, and before the close of the first day of the Fair, and remain until throoo'eloekoftho third day. On the entry of the articles and stock, cards will be furnished with number and class, which are to bo placed on tho ani mal or article to bo exhibited. 8. Whelher there bo much, littlo, or no competition, premiums will be awarded, provided tho regulations of the Society be adhered to, and the articles are meritori ous. 7. Any person, tho owner ofun article ex hibited for premiums, who shall make use of any means to bias the minds of the awar ding oommittoes in making up their Judg ments, shall l'orfoit their premiums. Tho various Awarding Committees are respect fully solicited to be present in duo time the tho Board may not be under tho nocessity of filling vacancies. 8. AH specimens of vetrltables offored for a premium must bo cultivated by the person ottering the same, . ( 9. Thore will be a charge of 25 cents" for each day, to persons who are not members of the Society. Children under 12 yeara of ago 10 cents. - - There is an ample enclosure- f nearly eight acres of ground, with a close board Best Pickled Peaches, 2d best Best Pickled Quimres, 2d ljest Best Pickled Cherries, 2d best Best Pickled Plums, 2d best fence eight feet higli. All stock must be ex hibited within the enclosure. Kkholved, That any person coming to the Fair with a Cake-wagon, Driiiking-Sa-loon, or any other establishment for thopur poseof making money, shall not stop at a shorter distance than thirty rods of tho en trance gate, union by u special permit from the Directors. RKS01.VEP, That tlfcvre will bo ho riding or diiving ulloweil in tho ring, faster than u trot or ruck, cither bv male or female, un der the penalty of being expelled from the riug, and forfeiting their chance foraprcuii- ' um. Resoi.veb, That any person leing calll upon to serve on a committee, and he orslio lieing the owner of property in the clssS in which he or she is called upon to serve a said committee, and shall pnMWd to award a premium in his or her own favor shall not ' be ullowed to draw his or her premium so awarded, from the treasury. Kesoi.ved, That all premiums, that are' awarded by this Soeietv, that are not drawn in ninoty days after tho close of tho Fair,' shall revert book to the Society. Kesoi.ved, That no horse or other anul mal shaU be entered or exhibited but . in ono class, or if otherwise, the entrance fte must be paid for each class. Kksolvkp, That tho officers of this Socie ty be hold to a strict accountability - for ail monevs by them received. J ACOB J A R VIS Secretary, The Crops. The mild Soring weather which, has pre- vailed for the last lew days, has caused fttr-. luers throughout the country to prepare for seeding, nnd has directed public attention to ' the condition of the winter crops. Reports from nearly all parts of the country concur ; in showing that the prospect lor a heavy yield of winter wheat has seldom looked more favorable than at the present time.". Tho weather was unusually steady,' and al though there was but little severely cold weather, the ground steadily remained fro ten, and was covered with snow for a longer" period than has been known for many years. : These are the most favorable conditions for wheat, cold and steady weather, and the ground covered with snow. It is tho varia-, ble weather in the winter time that causes "winter-kill'' in wheat. Changes from cold to warm, freezing and then thawing, causes an exposure of the tender roots of the wheat, and winter-kill follows. ocounU from nearly the entire agricultural district of the west concur in the statement that the wheat never looked better than now, and if it is fortunate enough to escape the fly, wevil, rust, and other possible backsets, wo may expect a bauntifui crop. in this connection, the summary which has just been issued from the Department of Agriculture, concerning the crops of last year, details some interesting facts. Tha total number of agricultural products in tho loyal States, last year, was ?l,440,4ir,435, ' an increase of $4H4.0.'1, 11.1 over the pro ceeding year. The increase in the amount of grain produced last year, as compared with SC,:, was71,274,5lJ6. This is a grati fying exhibit of increase, considering tho drain upon the producing district caused by the war. If the prospects for tho present crop continue as favorable as they have been thus far, however, the proportion if in crease for 1865 will be greatly in excess of the lastexhib t. ' . . . Culture of Cotton in the' West. A correspondent writing from Southern Illinois, makes some interesting statements as to the extent of the cultivation of cotton in the lower counties of that Stuto. He ' says that, in localities as far north as ono hundred miles above Cario, tha yield has amounted to two hundred pounds of ginned cotton per acre, and a little further south a gentleman succeeded in procuring from sev en acres of land one thousand pounds, for which he obtained the snug sum of $1,500. As the whole expense ot raising and send ing the cotton to market is placed at only eight cent per pound, the profit is decidedly a good one, and likely to encourage further enterprise in the same direction. The wri ter adds: As regards the amouut raised here, I can for no certain estimate, but it i unquestionably large. A hundred balca to . ship fioinoae of several points is not much. Some men raise a hundred bales. I am certain that it is a better paying crop than wheat, even at twelve and a half cents per pound. For several years the profit can but bo enormous. Impoi tautto Holders of Mlssonrl Land. By advice from the Auditor of Public Ao- ' counts of the State of Missouri, we are in formed that the taxes on all lands in Mis souri, owned by citizens of other States, should bo paid until June, this current year, or at any rate Wore the end of September. All lands upon which no taxes are paid up to that time, are liable to be sold, and cau be redeemed at otily a heavy expense. Many of our readers, we presume, aro owners of such lands. All nccessarp infor mation can, wa expect, be obtained by ap- . nlyiilg to the Auditor at Jofferson City, ' Missouri. Cm. Enq. Clean Milkinm. It is sometimes for-. , gotten that tho'lastpill of milk drawn from . the cow's udder is the best part of every milking. Careful experiments mado in t England show, (according to a report lately published) that the quality of cream obtain cd from tho last cup taken from most cows exceeds that of the first in proportion of twelve to one. The difference in the quan tity also is considerable.. Hence a person who carelessly leaves but a halt pint of milk undrawn, loses in reality about as much cream as would be afforded Dy six or eight ' pints at tho beginning, and loses too tW part of the cream which gives tho richness -and flavor to the butter. Fhuit TtiK Worms. Let every apple, pear and peach tree be examined now. On V the euds of some of tho limbs will bo found . the case in which the germ of the myriad of. worms is. It is like shoemaker's wax, glazed over smoothly, lios close to the limb, may be from half an inch or more in length.. A number of them may be found upon a sin- " pie trof , ot the small limbs, near the end.-r 1'hey are easily removed. Break them ope'a ., and peal them off. It will save your fruit , Sefs It CoMim The editor of the Cincinnati Gazette sees the general ruin com ing upon the people, and gives the following sate advice to the farmers: "If any of you still owe a payment; on your farms, make hasto to 'square It off,' and bo prepared for any 'breakers ahead. ' " Good advice, and everybody would be wise in heeding it. , ". . ... The Wheat Pbospkct FOR lBea.-So far all is favorable. The extensive aud long continuod snows of the winter have Well protected the wheat, and it seems to bo coming out iu the finest condition. -OW ' latriot.' ". . . , ; ;. ! "Gripps, I understand you have a -superior way" ot curing hams. 1 should like' to. learn it;" - "Well, yes; I know teiy well'. how to cure them; but the trouble with tue Just bow is to pro euro them. I- t; .,.f J- iuaiuwwiO n r li i'i