Newspaper Page Text
V - i -v '. " .- J . . i . : - H r . t ' ' (ft J" t ."A IIor fa Spectacle. .V The Philadelphia A'ortk America of lh I6ih ti!t., fay A well kiicTn renJent of the Twenty -oouJ Vrl ha aaolj family bon, IV tvW Vyrswliat done him senior. 1Ti E(i.i:.Ih;3 n'cr,'i peooWa.1 iUe (emicreat cir-.s ui.i gvJ cjaJiihin an4 vior, and w r-'Horm the Ju'T nvjuhej of hia ai well an any road.ter of but halt his yeir. Rat s-i.-na time pat thj qtiadrupt fyinwl a te-d-iiy tovtumble. an 1 w strain hi .sight at o'-j -en ci 'w t him in a manner t hat t the fcinJ-hi'nrte-l owner in devising a rme-ly. ihe tiitli niaa. indgul the animal ly Lis tiwn cr. !, afij !itisified hunvlf that, viih a lair of spectacle, the horss would do as wc'l a fchon in his prime. .An optician groini I trt order a puii ot'pclibb (lasses of a Jarre .size-J lorenette. They were fixed in a f.-i.9 over th horn's e.vci." The animal is ! h i-- in spectacle, ail oot an elderly ffinloiii !i ever yet fhowod greater appre ciati.m nf the convenience. ; When in the stable tho spectres-are taken off. One day servant man driving the horse forgot the jxrifieals in question. The horse very plainly indicated the deficieucy before he had ftone the first quarter of a mile up the lans on which the stable is situated. We saw th-i sleek old animal joking up York Roa J yesterday with his glasses on, looking s contented aud happy as his excellent owner. - TbeNurder of President 'Lin coln. Tjie Cincinnati Gazette, in speaking of the late atrocious murder of president Lin coln, says: "It wac advocated, and actually conspired to prevent bis first inauguration. The no torious disposition did not shock even the Northern portion of the Democratic party. Their journal mocked, the President-elect, who could not pass to the Capital, or be inaugurated, without danger of Southern assassination." Now, who does not know that the Radi cals in President Lincoln's own party have repeatedly, in the last fouryears, threatened hini with deposition from his office, by the establishment of a military dictatorship over hm;.P V1? even went so far as to threaten his life if he did not carry out their most extreme measures. In view of the general mourning for his decease, we do not feel disposed to indulge in reminiscences of this kind, but they are proper when a eotemporary, overlooking this, utters a libel upon other and more in nocent classes of our people. For many rconths the Radicals kept before the late President the vision of the "man on horse back, as they called the threatened dicta tor. tin. Eiiq. $5 Imitation Greenback. The general appearance of this new coun terfeit m bad. The engraving is poorly exe cuted, and the ink very pale; still they are quite likely to deceive the unwary Ob serve, around the Siure of-Liberty, on. left end, is a plain black line. On counterfeit, this line along the bottom of the figure run ning toward the right of the note forms two oi.'tinct lines; on genuine, only one. The portrait on right end of counterfeit is blurr ed, as also the letters on back of tho nnte; on genuine, they nre plain and distinct. The imprint, "American Bank Note Co., Now JCork, on lower margin of uoter very bad some of the letters bein3 as large auain as others. On the genuine (of this 8CinesU ,etters are Rven and n!celv form J; The shading of the words "FIVE UJLIjARS" across center of note, is alto gether unlike that on. the genuine the lines are wider' apart, more in numbor, and scratchy and irregular in appearanei!. Ex amine all S's with care What to Head. Are yon deficient in "taste? Road the best Englii-h soots, such as Gray and Goldsmith, Pope and Thompson. Cowper aod CVleridge Scott and Wordsworth. . . Are you deficient in imagination? Read Wilton, and Akonsidc, aud Burke. - - Are you efiuitmt in power of reason? Read Ohiliinrworth, and Bacon.and Locke. Arc you deficient in judsrmeht, and good sense in the co'tnmon affairs of life? Read Franklin. ' ' ; -' ... ' Are you' deficient" iu ' sensibility? Read Gcethe and Mackenzie. . ... Are you deficient in vigor of stylo? Read i anius anil rr. Are you deficient in political knowledge? Read Montesquieu, the ''Federalist,"' Web ster, and Calhoun. - Are yon deficient in -patriotism? Read Demosthenes, and the "Life of Washing ton." : v' . Are yon deficient in conscience? Read soiiin of Presidant Edwards' works. Are you deiiciunt in piety? Read tho Bible. A Regular Army, of Xegroe. The Cmnnati (jitictte, in tho following parapraph, forshadowS the radical Republi can idoa to use the negroes as a regular and permanent organization. It says. , ! "The colored troops in the South ara en listed in the regular service. We presume that, hereafter, thev will be a part of our permanent army. Industry finds such sure xewi:ds, and enterfM'ise so wide a field in AmJiica7 that but few', white men will en ter the regular army -in ordinary times. The blacks) are differently situated. Tho military service ma? be a -mitigation of the distnrbancMf the labor system in the South. And surely they have -shown themselves worthy to be made a .part ot our permanent force." " This suggestion, tliat tha' Gbvernment is to keep, as a perminsnt institution, a Sepoy army of j) no sympathy with thepeopT, an may be turned againsl thorn, is welfewfth of J eriou.t reflection Cm. Enq. ''God Woiut's in" Most 'Mtsteriocs "Wats." A physician of this city gives it as his opinioh that the cutting of Mr. Sow ward's throat by; an "Assassin is probably what has saved his life. .He does not say that this is the kind of treatment he would have prescribed, had he. been 'the attending phyoian;. but ' giwes, a reason, and a very sensible oiie, in support of the theory. -Tiie incisions in theuSeoretary's neck, not dan gerous in themselves, attract inflammation from his morfe eerions wounds, received in a fall from Ins carriage, retnoving the danger from that 'scarce ana 'allowing the broken bones to jieiil :oo rapidly- and kindly. "Sacreficatiow" foe the - removal of inflam- mation from a wound 'wa once generally approved nd practiced by the medical pro fession, and inj a different way1, is still prac ticed, as fof rustle in th(3 'use of croton oil and .other irritants applied, tp tji? skin . Although in the Secretary'ase the scar rifieation was; Intended for s far different purpose, yet In the . wisdom "of Providence the blow -which the as-as.iia aimed at his life may hava ben the means of saving him from death. C kicago-Post! -.' - TiT8Tbllowiagis tne adviea of an cxamfn' irig judge to-a young Jawyer on his admis sion tothe bai;: ? ;;.- - - ; . , "Sir. it would bo idle to trouble you far ther. You are perfect", and I will dismiss yon with few words of advice, which you will do well to follow, v. You will find it laid down as ania:;ita of civil law never to kiss the maid whet you can kiss tho mist -ess. Carry out: this principle, sir, and j on are safe. Never say boo io a gooso ' when she has the power t6 lay golden eggs. Let your face be long and your bills .longer: Never put your hand in your pooketswhon anothy cr's is handjr. j Keep your conscience for your own private use, and don't trouble it with other men' Blatters. Look as wwe as en owl, and be as oracular as ft town Clock. Bat above all, $et- money; ' iibnestly jf ' you can, my deariifj-burge; jnoncy.'-' I 'wel-" come you to the Mr.'j.-'-. x Vt.t .f f:: J (,1VU nmui mi -.-"J jri. - ', ' J. M.' ESTKP, a 'r v o n.T n v a t a w ... c;atU&. Oblo. Oot.f.Hcnofrs nuule, and bunineasM of Exo eiitors. AUauuuUMcnt and UuiuUitma at tended to, - , . . Ataolheeonsrtfonof ' Back VtkJ, Bonutles, rrnsiona, Ac Of Soldiuniand Widows and heirs of deceas ed aoldittnit An., aUunded to. Okkioh On Muin Street, opposite BeuQ'a DrugUtoro. PHILIP-DONAHUE, A. TT OHNEV JLT X A. W . Cadi., Ohlu. . Offict On 51-rket Street, o-er McOon nell't Grocery. Entrance between Hauua's and McConneira. . Cadiz, Ohio, June 4, 1854. ' WIL.L.IA3I P. HAYS, A. x xjo;n X E V ATT r. A. "W Cadiz, Ohio. OFFICE Ou Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by T. Phillips, Eq., a a Justice's oflice. . All professional business iu this and' ad joining couuties will receive prompt atten tion. , IK. 14, lfS JESSE O. THOMAS, ATTOllNEY A. T LA.W, CJivcllz. Ohio. Office On Market street, over the Xa tioual Bankijuiitrance, one door Khsi, All prol'esxioiial business in tliis and ad loining couuties will receive prompt atten tion. Dec. 14, '04. JL. CUNNINGHAM, A. T T O II TV V AT LA W, Cadiz, Olilo. ' AVlLL give prompt attention to all legnl business entrusted to his care in Harrison and adjoining counties. Offi'ck Up stairs, in George's Comer. Entrance on Mnin-etreet. March 16, 1864. JOSEPH, HARON, , ATTOnNE Y A. 'X1 LA TV, Cadiz, Ohio. S"f?trict attention to nil business en trusted him in Harrison, Jett'orson, Belmont and Tuscarawas Countios. ' .... Oiliee in tho brick building, opposite the "Cadiz House." Jan. ii, 'CO. It. s. aiooor, A. T T O It TV E Y A. T Tj A W , Stculen-llle, Olilo. sy-Will practice in the Courts of Harri son Countv. nprl 1, '(55. S. B. SHOTWEL.L., ATTORNEY AT X. A TV , Cndlz, Olilo. Costinuks to pwctioo in Harrison end adjoining counties, and gives especial and prompt attention to Collecting, business of iSxecutors and Administrators, Guardians, Wards, Partitions. Sales of Irfinds, Settle ment of Estates, Titles to Renl Estate, Con veyancing, Suits at at Law and in Chancery, Loaning and Investment of Money, rnd till other professional business placed in his charge; ' ' ." toy-He is Agent for tho State Pank o Ohio and others, for loaning money, Ac. Saa-Ofliee iu Ueorgc's Coi ner, Main Street. Jan. 25, 1SG5. v , ' A. W. RAMSEY, M. I. PRACTISIJiO PHYSICIAJf ' ' "' AND Operative Surgeon, OFFICE and Residence in HOPEDALE, Harrison 'Count v, Ohio. March 15, 1865-ly fflLSOlN Jt i-XSltO., Wholesale Grocers, COIMISSIOK . MERCHANTS, Dealers In I'rodnrc & Agricultural Illl"l3!!t'IjJ'S, - . ,. Agents for thewtlcof the Bucka-e Motvor and Reaper in Hai'iison, Jetlbrson and Belmont Counties. ' CADJZ OHIO. March 113, 18(54. , PKAIiKH IN . READY-MADE CLOTHING, S, Jlarliet Street, . - - Cadiz, Ohio. ' Nov. 14, 1864. K. M. MARStT J. H. MANNER. HARSH & MANNER, , ! Manufacturers and Dealers in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, . Slarket Street, Cadiz, Olilo. One. Joor Below Ilroivn, & lirolher'a Store, " . .Their Cigars are of the host fjuality MARSH & MANNER. .. CadiiOIay 11, '64. , , T. 1X. 13JL,AC1CUIN with ; - f JOSHUA It.. LEE & Co., ...... No. 437,'3Iitrfcet Si reel. .. - IJUT,AJELIIIIA, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE' DEAIj ' era in French, EnliHh and German FANCY OilOi iS,. While Goods, Embroi deries, Laes and Trimmings; - Silk, (!otton and. Linen Ilandlverchiei's Silk Mits, (tIovbh, Hosiery; Cents' Furnishing Uoods iintl Tailors' Trimming ; Combs, Brushes, But tons and buspr-nlers; Velvets and Bonnet Kinnons, dee., - . i i. Feb. 15, 1805-ly ' ; . Manufacturer and Dealer in AIL ' KINDS ; OF f ABIXET WIRE, Cna irs? d&30. , At 'flie oldshoD of Wm.l, Fry, Cadiz. Ohio, HE warrants all of iis work to be of the ; best (luaJity, aud will be sotat the lowest-rates.. ' ..' . ... ' i Particularattention paid to manufacturing UUU'l' INS. lie keeps a gooa UJSAKSIS. Cadizt July 15, IStiX -.; 1 . . 1L II. JIAIIXIISO, OCCUPIiM the room formerly "occupied bv Lukonx A Harrison opposit! the Cadiz Jfotiso. , Having fitted up his rooms in the latest and best style, he is ready and waiting to have his old friends and newones call to see turn, lie puis up as jrute Teeth, both Plate ami VvtcanUe, as any Bentist. ; ,ES-Teoth extracted williont pnih, if desi red, . .... r .. x&'AH Oncration.1 Warranted. ' ' ' JDentisU etin also fln l at. bfat ofic a fine stock of teeth of every kind at fair prioea. . , Feb. 3,-1884. f EXCHANGE HOTEL, OPPOSITK HIVIOi DEPOT, " ' CoIuhiIun, Oblo. ; Sept. 21, 1.4-ly. , ., ,. J; C; MIEDEL OKAI.ER IN i HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Cabinet Hardware, fihoe Finding, Arjricul- tWUl 2mpletenU,i Nail,- Glass, He. ' Main Street, Opporiterthd Court Houae, KJUI14.15, 186-1! ' .;- .. .-;. .': NEW MATjAOA" RAISIN buuch and .AadltiMi raislija ' '" cWJi .- tiORRANTf?,' X: . ; - OITRONf3, Ac., S , .(T. , .OBOBUBV : 1)URE; WIJiTE, in Bottles,1 5 yWirt old.for medioe a aruoww only,, at jan. l, JOH' BEALL'e. FRESH ASUUVAL ! 2 5.,O-0'O WOItTU OF WINTER GO0DS1 H. S. M'FADDEH i CO., VRE NOW RECEIN INO TH El R STOCK of Winter Goods .which have beeti purchased ou- favorable terms, aud will bo sold at a SHOBT PROFIT. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF DOMESTIC GOODS ALL GRADES DRESS GOODS, SUCH AS BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, OF SUPERB LUSTRE. FRENCH fllEKLVOES, PLAITS' AJNX J5KOCAI)E ALP A C G AS. BAIITIIEA CLOTHS AND ALSO O- L O "V E s . -. ., AND H O S I E II Y , SHIRTING 'FLANNELS, BARRED, GRAY, PLAIN AND FANCY COLORS. AND ' IN GREAT VARIETY. - i , Cloak TrlitinilnjTn & Ornaments. B Xj Jt lST .IC E .T- S ' And a fine assortment of ; i i, ;-: , :.-: Cloths, Cassimeres, Made-up Clothing, LADIES" FITRS, " ' ' l ' - - ;-' -; ' : . CARPETS, RUGS, ( . i! '"f, AND OIL CLOTHS. A Large Assortment of .' , LADIES FANCY BASKETS, , ' 1 , CEDAR WARE, TUBS, ' : ' ' . bowls, .. ; 'CARPET YARN, . . 8,000 CUTS STOCKING YARN, . Together with a large ' assortment of Queensware; Hardware, Groceries, Fish, tlyson and Oolong Teas, Spices, Ac. A rail is respect fully solicited to examine their magriillcent stock of goods before purcha sing elsffwhere. ' '' ! Cadiz, Nov..B0 XM, FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND Sl'llMEd s a i b AT T. J. BROWN'S. Catliz, May 4, 1864. GROCERIESJr GROCERIES! WILSON & BRO.'S Stock fresh and omjlpte! nfE have on Imnd.Hiul arenowrccvlvinjr from the Suuth und, the largest Slock of Srocirics cvor lroiirlit to I'udiz, to which Ave wish to call tho attention of lte tailcrs and others wishing to for their oavu coiixuinntion.-- We aro determin ed to sell n:i low if not lower than cither Stenbenville or Wheeling prices. Our stock consists m part ot tfuoAus N. O. Sugar Circle A Crushed HoAvdered A Soft Crushed R 14 " . JfoLAssi'.s N. O. Molasses Svriti Lovenny's Golden Coi'i-'EE Prime Rio " Java 10(1 hhds. 1!0 bbls. 10 " 10 " 10 " 10 " 6U0 bids. 20 " 150 hags: f"iO Sa(ks. 10 Tierces 40 bbls. . Rwe- FlBU- Prime Ri-e - , i No. 3 Mackerel " " 40 J blls. , , Lake Fish, all kinds 100 bbls. ficoteh Herring 50 boxes. Soda English Soda 20 ketrs. 8oda Salaratus 20 boxes. SrtcES Ground Pdpper 20 boxes. Grain " 10 Sacks. Cloves, Cinunmoii, Nutmegs, -Ginger, Uusturd, Ac, Ac: March 10, 1SG4. E V K 11 Y IT O L V TO CALL AND SEU ARR ET T.'S ELEGANT NEW STOCK OP GOLD AM SILYim fx. M ttm K'l GOLD, SILVER & PLATED FINE GOLD PENSj GOLD PENS WITH PATENT AND EXTENSION CASES,' A ' ' coiLi) lockets; g o r. r r i ?i g s , I O 1 E A T AT Jl II I 33 T V , '?? n i i"s ? 7 AND BREAST PIXS & EAR RINGS OF AtL STYLES.' .L'ii C 1L O'G-KS, -it, OILS PND PERFUMERY; Together Avitlt thousand otter things not necessary tobevehnnierntAct here. Call and see, a goods in my line will positively be sold low, and everything warranted aa rep-rexKnte.d.i- 1 -O. B. BARRETT. Cadiz, Market Street, June 1, 1804. Wall Paper! Wnll Popbr!! ITjTHE subserilwr takes pleasure in calling 'J. the attention of the pubjic to his large and Avell selected' stock, of Wall Papers,',' ust receiving for t he Sring and Summer trade. His stock consists of 20,000 pieces with 400 different patterns, rangintr in price from 6i cents tofi per pieert, t(eti)fr With every Va riety of Borders,- Window Curtains, Decora tions for Funnel Work.,&e., Ac. Ho linn also on hand a complete assort ment of School, Historical, Medical, Reli gion and Miscellaneous- Books, SLiMonery, Blank Books, k,. .which' vrtll bo-sold whole sale and retail as cheap as they can be had W est of the Mountains. Glvo mo a call. J. M, LAX'OP Hleubenville, March 0, 1S01. '' '" TSS '0,,Tv.-X. 0-.X3 BRIDGE BUILDERS.:; THK Commissioners of Harrison County, Ohio, will receive proposals for the building of a bridge over Brushy Fork of Biur-Siillwatur on the rowl loading from Tin pecatuie to Holtoway's Old M ill in Washing ton Township, Harrison County, Ohio, and will attend at the aforesaid pluce on Mon day, the Mh day of May,, at 1 o'clock, 1','M, for tho purpose of receiving suid pro posals. - ! ' ,1 i JAS. J. BILLINGSLEY, " CHARLES WELLS. '' , WALTER CRAIG, ,: Comnilssi'onerfi. ' Attest: Wx, M. MoCov, Auditor. April 10, li--:W STOVES! STOVES! -V 1 James M. Paul, lias tha Largest and Moot Complete Assortment of ' gT TBS. En:'orn'-ins c-ery varicfrnnd 'iiial-ty, both l'i r Woed and' C-Mil, thut tu:t n. t'lwn brought to 'a(li lie nlm ev-eryihiiej-tlm' lo!onrfi to the bu-hine.-ia, such nui ilvii &z Copper ICeitles, of all Kizes and qualities, and adapted toev wry purjiose lor which such kettles cuu Lt used. Ilonse Rpouting, Roofing, Ae., done on short notice. t: 3sr w a. iE , Of all kinds always kept on hand, or mad . to order. In short, everything belonging totiie business will be found in his store, lU-iiairiiig all kinds of Job Work lone on the shortest notice mid most reasona ble terms. EE Bella every thing in his store nl prices ranging from 10 to 20 per cent., cheaper for Cash, than such articles lun-o ever before been sold In tho place. When you need anything In his lino, re member the place Market Street, oppoite Brown's Store, und seven doors south of the corner. JAMES M. PAUL. Cadh:, Mny'U, 1864. POOR TRUST IS DEAD! AND BAD PAY KILLED KIM ! KALL A.2V1 WIKTEK DRY GOODS JUST OPENED AND NOW ON SALE AT Coleman & Grimes' ; F O R- CASH. Our Slock is entirely new and consists of li A DIES' DRESS GOODS I Such as MERINOES, EMPRESS CLOTH, POPLINS, ARMtTES or DELAINES, And you will be sura lo iind omethin;; to .suit vou. C ' GO''i':J COLEMAN. &: GRIMES' FO GLOAKINGS, AX i) THK LATEST AND BEST STYLES WILLBESHOW.N YOU. OR MUli:S OR GEISTXEME1, And you ;wilt. ..find' the best and cheapest .- f: assortinent in town. FOR :- ' ' DOMESTIC GOODS, ; t'lolhs, Casslinert-s, Flannels,' 3? TJ' JFL &' p".d&'o ri There is no placo in tOAvn that you can he suited so well, and If you Aviil cu:l you will uorrobroat j what we sav. ' COLEMAN fe GRIMES. Cadiz, Ohio, Sept, 14, 1864. SADDLE AND HARNESS J. R. CRAWFORD, nAVIN'd removod his Saddler shop to the brick building, on the comer, opposite Boall's Drug Store, keeps constniily on hand an Bssornient of '.' ... SADDLES; " ' ? 4 '- i ' i BRIDLES, " JAPANNED AND SILVER PLATED I-3C JlL 3E3L 3M 33 m, CARRIAGE AND , ' ' LEATHER WHIPS, . COLLARS, TRUNKS, and all other articles in my line. Repairing done and work made to order on the shortest notice and of tho best material and work manship. - Please call before purchasing elsewhere, as all work is warranted to be as represented mid as cheap as at any other place. . .1. R. CRAWFORD, Agent. Cadiz, April 15. - ; , tt JoH GEOHtiB ..Fbakk Kennedy GEOttGE"& KlCJVPfEDY, HAVE purchased the Tannine establish menrof Samuel George, Sr., and are now mumtfaoturiiig t a superior article of Leather, to which thoy invite the attention ti all who want Qood Leather. . - . ' ' A largo stock of Spanish Sole, Morocco, Lining Skins and Tunner's Oil, uiways on hand. - . . .... ; " They are paying the Highest Market Price in Cash for ltiderA, Skins and Bark,. ., X)ec 17, 1804. . -' PROPRIETARY MEDICINES, Nearly all the popular Patent Medi cines of the day constantly on hand and for, gale by JOHN BEALL. May 11, lSOi. i ' - a i i 'i ' ' ' - i HOWE STEVEXS' Family Dye Colora the only reliable twos, top Bale at mau uluoturer'B prices by ' ' i ,. JOHN BEALTj,' , . an ;;;;prngiii8t .and Apothprayr , . v l l( 1 l "V i ' : ; " IMPROVED India Rubber B roast Pumps, Gbodyoar'a and Needham' small and large sizei, at low rats, ot BICALL'8. A& AM If TIIAVEI.ERS INSURANCE C03IPANV. Ilnrtfortl Connecticut, INSURES AGAINST OF IVKICY DKMCniPTION, CAPITAL 8100,000. FIVE DOLLARS ANNUAL PREMIUM Will insure $.i, 00 against aciidental loss or while traAeling by any public convey ance. TEN IH1LLARS PREMIUM Secures n policy icr -",0isl, and also $25 per week (!omH"iisiiiii i'r ih-i-mjiiuI injury in capacitating thu assured from his ordinary business. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PREMIUM Secures a lull policy for ji,0C0 and (Mo por win k conipensution" fm all and every de wriirtionof ai-eident, traveling or otherwise. Foli'-ies for t-Wo, with S-'tper wcekcompeu gntion, can be had for &A per annum, er anv other sum lietwecn t-'M) and fo,O0O at pro portionate rntPH. JAM ES . B ATTERSON, President. . RODNEY DENNIS, Sccretarv. HENRY A. DYER, General Agent J. O. TIIOM AS, Agent, Cadiz, Ohio. Nov. 23, 1S64 lv. GRANT MOVES AGAIX.ST ichmon THE REBEL CAPITAL MUST FALL' M. J. beoaa-n ous. c. BROWJT. BR0WN& BRO. The Rebellion will die out, but we must live. Thorn is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the Hood, leads on to for tune. Ono of the best Avays to attain tha fortune, is to call at our room, tAVO doors be low T. J. BroAA-n's Dry Goods btoro, and purchase one of our Suberb Spring Suits! The nicest ever sold in Cadi?., at prices as Ioav as can be sold west of the mountains. We have everything in tho Gent's line, of tne best quiuiiA'. COATS and STOCKS, PANTS and NECK-TIE VESTS and GLOVES, HATS and HANDKERCHIEFS, CAPS and COLLARS, &c, Ac, &c, Ac. A fine assortment of ZPIZmCIEJ GOODS, of the best styles and most beautiful tinish, suitable to the most fastidious taste, Avhieh avo wdl sell at prices to suit all Aviio may call. Our notion is that he handles the" tools best avIio best ilease3 his customers. This we trill do .' GALL A NO EXAMINE our goods, and we Avill convince you thr.t what we say is true. Cull and see us, and bring along your Greenbaeki, Avhieh arc still lakcu ul par. BROWN iS liKO. May I, 18114. CADIZ MACHINE SHOP ! C. Warit.i MoitDECAi S rt:iun.vs. C, WARFEL & CO., ON the first day of .Tiinuarj-, l?l?.", I ad mitted Moniocai Stubbins as n part ner in my Ma"liine Shop. Tho linn imme will bo known as V. Warfal & Co. We aro now manufacturing a large nunv berof the Improved finch-rye Horse Haken; also U7u'.'(' J''!ti'tit nnd Wondeiek'x Iforxe Jiakr.i, Also Jleiteark'D fmprnved Oruxt Cr.t fSitjt- M'te, Tills noif-iiitve Um onc to seen in operalion in sawing move wood to recommi ii'i it-lf. ,. Also Hre l'oiver?;, Tin:',, Haws, Cutliiig Boxes, and Uay Forks. We are prepared lo furnish almost any Machine tho farmer WaTlK The very best SI eel Plows and other impieiffllits kijt constantly on hands. Alio Lovejoy's Cor nish Spoiitimr and Tubing, Lumber, x. Kcpairiiig of ail kinds of Mu-'Hiuery done to order. The highest price paid for old Metal an ' Iron. C. WARFEL CO. Cadi., April 5, W&. , , NEW DRUG STORE. SHARP & CO., Main Street, C-adiai, Oliio.' - nEAL325(S IN DRUGS, .MEDICINES .. AND - CHEMIC AL S, Soaps, Toilet Articles, Brushes, PERFUMERY, JPTJllia WINE8 & TIQtJORS For Modicinul Use,' -l-'iitty, Paints, Oils, Vamlshes DYE STI FFS, ALCOIIOl,, S?a.Physicians , prescriptions .carefully compounded. Medicines-warranted genuine and of the best quality, : . ( ;, . ,'. Customers will find our stock compleet, comprising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate, and ail sold at moderate prices. . ,.t. .. . -,- - Cadiz, Jan. 11, 1885. i- C'OXJ'ECTIOXERT AND , . . "!','- - YAME TIC STOKE! SAMUEL FERGUSON - HAVING again purchased the-establish-inent formerly kept by himself, op posite the public buildings. Cadi,, Ohio, respectfully informs the public that he has on hand and is prepared to furnish in large or small quantities everything usually kept in a store of that kind. Ho will endeavor, to the best of his ability, to please the public, and he hopes by so doing to merit and re ceive a liberal share of the public patronage. Common and Fancy Candies of all kinds, Almonds, Filberts, ,Cream and Pea Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Dates, French Currants, Su gar, Soda, Butter and Water Craekors, Bark and Ground Cinnamon, Popper, Ginger,. Al spice, Starch, Fine and Common Cigars, To bacco, Pulverized White Sugar, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Port Monnies, W atch Chains Kevs aud Guards, a tine Jotof common Jew elry, TOYS of all descriptions, to. Oysters Fresh In goason, and in Summer nice Cove Oysters served at all hours. The lovers of this .delioious bivalve cannot full to be pleased. " ' let Cream In season, in the best KtyH. ' His Soda Fountain is in f ull blast, and the public will find this the most healthful and cooling beverage for hot weather. - -1 vJajiCountry Confectioneries can b enp pliod at hla tstablishment on the very post terms. ' ", , ' , . Cadi'-. Ohio, April 12.' 1865.;" -f KLOtf B - The !best Extra Family Flour always on hancls. r iP.,Smith's best brand, ' ' tl . Vlnnr ami all lusvv nackfuren nfiGrnmrliw delivwed in town fre of chat go by OFnuftF nun HPRIXO AND SDSintB 1B1DK ' POR 1064. IIOEMiilS MBF C5ffi! - ORKAT .. .. . - . P&XrA li A Troxstr aLAr.GF. Tit A DC r OLD33N . zs a 8 T O 3F1. 233K . 74, MaiU St, AVlieellngr. STOXE & THOMAS luinonnco to their, their friends and the public that they are in receipt of Uieir stock of (Spring ana Snmmer Goods, embracing Dry Goods in all their varieties. Carpeting Oil Cloth and Car ; pet chain, Millinery Goous of every variety. Notions, and varieties generally, comprising the largest, and in some respects, the -most desirablu Ave ever brought to the city. Our customers may rest assured that they will reap all the advantages that fair dealing, a long experience, close attention to business, cartful buying, nd buying with Cash,, can give them. We buy most of our goods witU cash, directly from the manufoctarvrs and Importers, aid from close cash Auction hou ses, thereby saAinga large percentage. W have ample fncilitios for doing a large Job bing Trade, and invite the attention of Mer chants Ui our stock before buying, and Tail-oi-s to our stock of Cloths, Cassuneroa and Vesting?. Without prtctilRiiK!ng, we Will say w keep the largest stock in the city of the fcl lowing as w ell aa all goods. Dress Silks, of every style and prtee. Millinery goods, silks, velvets, ribwms &c French Merinoes, of every shadis French Prints and Goods. Goods for Friend's wear and traveling. Shawls of every grade and jprie. -' ' Plaids and Prints, and Avorsted mbrios ft dresses, Cloaks and Cloaking, Printa, Tieki, Muslins, Flannels, Itlankets, and goods for Man and Boy's wear generally. ro Good House shall sell cheaper: .. ' ' Our stock of FURS will be found- to be very desirable. We ask attention' Us our stock of Carpeting, to., whiA is very full aud at low m ices. - . - , -. - All goods sold at a low advance on pur-' chase. Persons making pnrcliasesin tho city will find it to their interest greatly, to give us a rail before buying. , . Parcels sent to any part of the city , Remember the sign of the "Golden Bee H iue," near the Suspension Bridie. STOXE & THOMAS. . April 27, 16G4. .,, Ball's (Mo Reaper .A-ILTjD ITATE the Agency for Harrison County to sell this machine, and would sav that " 1 um prepared to sell them lower than any other machine, AH Avho Avant a good imi ehiue Aviii eali koou and Uuve. their outers. I have three sizes of machines, the large, medium and Jr. Moavot. The medium has u rtapi'is attachment call-id the drop pin, by which the drivr can drop the grain at ally lime. and g---t a pamphlet and seo wlitit ItKiyn on the subject. 1 can aecoma (lufi any 'fhiine'r In regard to siw. Thitf machine is m:mu;'a-:1 urcd hy Engiish, Hei inieU Mii-l I'ii;on ol'. Js'ew Philadeiphia, O., and repairs can lie got on short notice; all mv nuuMiiiies ivq warrantod. 1 also sell tli: Buckeye Hay Rake, Hay Pitclicr, and the best 01ollu4 Wringer in the market. 1C. LA1ZCKE, Cadiz, Ohio. April 12, !8-, CHEAP, DURABLE SNEATI T. PHILLIPS & SON, ilA.MIf ACTPRKRS DfciLTtRS IN BOOTS &SH0ESI Opposite the Public Buildings, CnciiK, O. . r.l K and keep on hand the hnestqua! ity of Ladies Wear, also Find- Boots and Shoes, se'.ved or pegged,-equal in style iSA" .CtSmi&fi9it33t& to the Desr city maiie. our spring stocK o first class F.astorn Avork consists oi'a nice lot of Ladies' and Misses Heeled Slippers, Kid Heeled "out.-:, Heeled Gaiteis, and almost every style of Shoo tor Men, Women, Bovs and Children;.' Ladies Kid and Gaiters of ttis itaest liiHteiial. We .S-t. up and keep tha lasts for each regular customer, always in suring a perfect. fit. . . -i ' , -:; u-. ' Wheeling Money token at par. , . ..., ; ' , T. PIULLZPS fc SOK. . May 1. 18ftJ.-T., -.. . - - -.- i.)'. '- JOHN BEALL; DRUGGIST B;00E-SELLER j; Cadlai.'Olilo.:""" 4 SIDE from the! many articles usually ' Jx. ' found among my stock is a full supply of ... .,.,.. - ,,. , tioneentrated Lye, ,,' Baking Sodai, .i-:' '- ; Washing Soda', . . .- -.. Croam 'Xartat, Indigo, r -, " Bay Bum, . , , ikiaaaor, . , ounuuuu, , Matches. 1 " Copperas, Flavoring Extracts, fihi-fa AAlflekinf!-. . StOA-e Blacking, ' ' ' Indigo Blweinj, Camphor, i ?.;:....'- i Staroh, Gingor, , , .,, ., Cinnamon , i . Cloves, " '"''; ' Jfutmogs,..,'. Borax, Mustard. ' ' ', . .- -PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, , ' '! , , .THERMOMETEfcS, . Wall .IPapep, " ):- ' " FIRE SCREENS. TOY PAIKTS, Ac., at - - , ' BEALL'Sr'V Cil: Physicians Orders 6olloltl. 1 t. i Cadiz, Ohio, May 11, 1804. ; '. - ' nu'i ,. W1 E'2? S2Sii!;' S? OEOROB, jeI, jambs iEisii. " ' " ! GEORGE & BRO., Mr.-. I-1 . . ,i. it" ,. . HAVE now on hand, and w roeivtog a ,, m supply of - :::) SUGARS, OF ALL GRADES! TEAS, tii'.J :..,., 118. " tsa'Sho highest nmrket price pal4 for. - Country Produce, '''.';. ".-,,M,,;f Vt w ( 1LA$S and India Robber Kye anJ .Ear If f.urit-T. I'i.'.-iiV ."'-;r mSWBf A n a rs rs