Newspaper Page Text
I i A k '.A ' .1 V. t: V - i 4 i VI '! ' S "3 "J 5. . .": . -. .v . ft . I - ' vl ' ',r . 4 ;- - T ' " Ft tbt BeotmcL , . 2 nmorlaa. - - At rcjrukr meetia of tk Ppwlwijii ' Literi.-y fcV-etj of iba MeNecly Normal, th t'llkrtin rvsohvhmi in regard t J 1.1.1 B. W(TRK, of th iii IVnmortv. mi Cavalry, killed by jrwrilla near ficw C f-k, Ya., ro abbU tLj, Au:il J 6, "3 V were orjioi!y a J"ptotl. j VuE3C0, la th infinite wisjofn of Him "trh j w.iVHa.- pa-t fimiin; out," aiwtkcr M vo-i.t of onr 5-ok-ly hw been m!IJ a'?i?tnvo crtWy oon!. an J ptutt'J in tint '".ln-ftj unknown futu e from hoe b.nw IrATelere'er njturns" Iherrf'orc i2Wm, That we, ns a 8iciety, tceily tnotni the low of cno whiwe true virtue at j ijiakoj uMuttood will long be rriueiulendiy ' .usaM." , ,- ; , ..- . 7i;ftf, That we extern) to the Hr'cVen aai wulowet) mother of th doo awd. who i.i hi death it called to mourn her only re nnininir wn, our mnest, heart-felt rynt pa th?, and prayerfully trust that beyond the Foenes of time he may 4rain bcliiilil litr family united in a happy au.1 , per(etual ; niin( i ; ? ' - Reiolofdy That wa recrtjrmta in th last aet of his life, a npirit of devou-J, H.'lf-iac-rifioing patriotism which the son;) anj daughter of Clanihia may well love to emulate, and while we spies our aitnN in his fate, we cmnottoo harelilr cotidtum ani h'lld np to the execntion an J cverla t itig contempt of a'J. tho dasturdly acts of the cucrillas by whom ho was murdered. In the future of our country may they have meted out to them a fearful puuUhment, which is their only just reward. Reinlted, That a copy of these resolutions bo sent tothe mother of the deceased, and a eopy to each o" our county papers, with a Milieu to puhliiib. Thos. A. Jobeb, JUltos Tagoart, Com. iilZZIE iAGGART. lor tU Si'alinel. . . ' Co. C, '126th O. ru O. V. I.,) ION. Va., V ril 18, li65. J . , - - 13VKKE8 bTATl ' . - 4 Aliril Hesolntiotis 6f tho nicmbera of.(. C!. relative to the death of Sergeant R. B. McElravt, who was killed April I'd, 1SC5, in thu charge on the enemy's works in front of Petersburg, Va. Yherfas. It has plased (Jod, in his li Tine Proviijencc, to remove by death, our beloved friend and fellow-soldier, Serg't. It B. Mc-Elravy, whose highly cxt'inplary churaater, cheerfulness in "privation anil danger, and unilbim kindness and benevo lence, won the etetm ofall in the regiment, and the love of every member of his com pany. Itmheil, That while we lament in his death the loss our country has susti.ined of a bravaand devoted soldier, an honored and t rcspeotable citizen, we bow in humble sub mission to tlm will of God. He dtcth ail thins well. Its) ifcV, That tha n )b1o qualities of our departed friend, his calmness and fortitude on the battle ti Id, his true and self-saeri-lieing devotion to his country's cause in this . her, hoar of peril, are worthy of our li'gh est esteem ami imitation. 2i'..tjheJ, That in hia death we are ea''e I to mourn the loss of a true and v;due 1 friend, a useful and valuable member of our company, whose counsel and judgment we highly appreciated. Kesoloed, 1 hat in tiiis sad visitation we recognize the solemn admonition to be al.--o ready to throw off this mortal and put on immortality. Rwhed. That we deeply sympathize with his afflicted relatives in this trying dis iensatinn. RemlceJ, That a copy of the.ce resolutions lie presented to the relatives of the deceas ed, and be printed in cajh of the Harrison ccuciy papers. Serg't. T'ti.son Rriogs, , ... Corp. F. II. Fenx, Anderson Wallace, Committee. ISere't. A. T). WALKER, Chrma. ' Gzj. h. Anderson, 6Vc. For the Sentinel. - C:ED: In the General II vspital at B;ilti m:e, Aid., April 3'il, M.vmiKW II. IliL rT05, of Co. C, VMtjjt Regiment, 0. V. 1., in ibe STth year nl' hi.s age. . Mr. Hiltuii was the son of Thomas Hil ton. Sr., of Mn.ircfield tp. He leaves a tvifli nnd four childivn to mourn the Joss of a kind husband, a tender and fiifeetionate father, wliifh made it a severe triid for him to leave his family and the quiut of home, and enter tlu army in defence of his coun try. if volunteered in the month of August, 3'j-'. . He was twice taken t Richmond an a piiHjuer; the last time captured at the battle of the Wilderness, and wasultimat -y sent to Andersonville and then to Savan nah, after which he was paroled, and on the first of March was sent, through the lines to Annapolis, and in a few days back to Balti lnoce; Out only to suffer and die from the cffjcts of S mthern cruelty and starvation, which' in the end induced an incurable Diarrheal, anJ after suffering in southern prisons for nearly one whole year the pain and anguish of many ordinary deaths, he yielded to his fate. This was a terrible stroke to his wife, at the very time she wa expecting him home; f ir she hud been nitiSe l several times (by th Chaplain) during the four week pre ceding his death, that her "hu-band would be at home in a few days," and at the very time-she was hourly exn-'cting hi arrival, yoa can conceive of tho shock, w hen the farst intimation she bid of his duath was, that his remains were in Cadiz. Thfl decease I wus a e .insistent m;mb xr of the Presbyterian Cirirch at Nott nghain iorthe lait fifteen years. IIj was humble an 1 retiring in hi j disposition, yet of d :ci djl mitti! an 1 religions firmness, both at home and in the army. , Tan Chapkin, who was witb him the last few weeks of hi.s life, tvUen writing to Mrs. Hilton, say-; "To you this is a great bereavement, but I am glad to b'jbli to aisufe you that your Ibtfs is hi.s iniiite an 1 eternal giin. He professed a firm and, finwavering tkith in f the Saviour, aul to hi la-it rejoiejd in tho hnne of a li ttne in heaven." "Blessed are tlie daad which die in the Lord." . T R. C, i'or the Sentinel. Verlinda Lyo; died of Consumption, ot the residence of her motherat llopedale, April 21, in the 321 yoar of her ago. Seldom has the strengthening, comfort ing power of the gospel been more striking ly illustrated than during her protracted suf fering and triumphant death. She was not only reiignid b'lt cheerful, regarding her aillietionsai n.ithing in comparison with ths far, more exsteding anl eternal weigiit of glory. .For her, daath had lost its sting and the gnve its victory; and, leaning with firm est cm3 lenoa noon her Saviour, she p ised from the "earthly tabcrnaolc" to the "house n it undo with haudi, eternal in the hea vens." J. 'IU1TED- STATES JWFCIAK MS! 7 8-10 INTEREST HEARING TREASURY NOTES Xrwu uacrpoNs for interest, f T-i . Payable aeini-uunually frointhe 16th cf August next, uud principal at the end of luraa years from that date, in lawful money of the U. H., or ojnrartibla at maturity, nt the option of the holder, Into 6-20 6 percent. Uoii iiouds. For subscription previous to i no 1'ithuif August nwxt, interest will be paid to the subscribers up to that date. For mb Horiytious after tho 15th of August next; ln t.T.'at tvUX be paid to date of audi subserip tioxm. Also . lO-iXO XI. s. S per cunt. Bonds, Principal and Interest f'syaWa In ,,;.. OOLD. Tie Fmit Naticxal Bakk at JCawz Porrnarient Dopoaitery and Financial Agent of the U. H., 1 autbortaed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to receive 3ubscrjpiioas for tue above Trwusuj-y Notos and Bond. ... J. M, WATSON, Casfcer. i 1865. "IP Tr (wtabliwhed in N. Y. City." ")ri!y inMilile r-jm.d.eji knowu.', "Krou fmm JoiHI,v, "Not ilaiigerous to tbe Human Family." "Kul euuie out of Uiir bolos to Am." "tOBtap'n" Rat, It jach, Jka., Cxter'a I U puAU! UM1I lOT &!.'. Aiit, JioacAta, J flack and Jtcd A U, &C, Ac, Ad "t'on(ara" Red Hoi Eitcrmliiator - Jna litjnid or wuaiil useii to . "dwtrt'y, ttnd also oa a pre ventive fr ltml-lSugs, Ac. Coatar'a Ele'etiic 1'owder for Insects Is K.r Mat lit. Musquitott, Voi, lied-huga, Intecit on l'Uinli, I'etclt, .in.nuui, Jtn j6"SUl by all Druggist and Retailors everv here. yJr ! ! ! Dkwaue 1 ! ! of at wortliloea imi tations. Sa-Sce that "Costab'b" naint h on oaoh Bex, Bottle, and l lsk. Ix'fore voii niv, hexky R.'cosrAn. TnisciPAL Prror, 4c, Hkoaewav, I. Y. jBoS-.S-iid bv all llruggista uud Deulcia ai 1865. IXCREASE OK RATS. The Farmer's (iartlte (. English) asserts auJ provee by fig ures that one pair of rats will have li pio genv anil dencenduntw uo Jss tluiii tiOI.UiJ in three years. ICow, uuless this iuiuiense family can be kept down, they w ould eon funie more food than vould "sustaiu 6i,uu) huiiiiin beings. dr-Soo "CoBTABja" advertisements in this paper. 18G5. RATSTEnsrs 111 U lis. Whoever enga ges in f hootiag Miiull birds is u cruel maiij whoever uids in extornuiKtinc kats is a benefactor. Wo should like Home of our. correspondent to give us tho U-notit oi their esixrieni In driving out thewe pest. We need something besides dogs, cuts, and traps fortius business. Scientific American. ;aytBC 'fosTAit's" advertisementin this paper. 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR Is simpla, sale and sure the mosi perfect It AT-itlpnt inn mruitimr wa liiivnm.u!. ulti,i.l. ed. Every rat that can got it, properly pro- p:irru iiuuutoing 10 uireeuons, w ui eat u, Mtlfl dVL-V AT) itlv flitj it will tiit. ir.inoralli. ut some place us distant us possiulo lroiii .1.. i: .: . - r ... ... iiciu mv jiicuiuiuu us uuieu. ,uhe oio? t, Mich, tlirrvr. jSS-Swi "Costas's" ndvertiaeinent In this paper. 1865. A vrvrrn FT!(ir ttiv vin -n-Tre-p Speakingof Coktah's" Rat, Kosu'li, Ac, Extenniiiiiror "more grain and provisions are destroyed rmtjualh- in Grant t'ountv bv vermin tlmn would ji;iv Jbr tons of this Rat nnd Iii89Jt KiiJcr." Lancatter, Wis., ier aiU. 1885. FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS should reeollect that hundred of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, ive,, are annu ally destroyed by Jims, Mice, Ants, and fther insects uid vermin all of which win be prevented by a few dollars worth of 'Custaii's" Rat, Roach, Ate, Exterminator, bought and used freely. -fcSeo "Costau's"' advertisement in this paper. Sold in CADIZ, OHIO, by all Drugging and Dealers. April 20. ISflVfim. .. mini. .11 C U K K W jV 15 H A IV T K T I F IHUECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED. iS3S,Call for n Cireulnr Describing nil Sytiiitotns...sii SYMl'TOjrS: The aymptomsof C'atnrrh as they penera! lv appear tin' al first very slight.' Persons find they have a cold, that they have fre quent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and aeri 1, afterwards becoming tliiek and udhesive. As the disease becomes chronic, the discharges ure inereused in quantity and changed in. qnalitjt thfy are now thii'k and heavy, end tire "hawked or eoUKlicl olt. l no secretions are otlensive, cuusiinr a bud breuth; the voice is thick and nasal; t!ie eyes uro weak; the souse of tho smell in lessened orduatroyetl; deufness (Ve quenll v takes plnee.' Aruither eominon and important svmi.lomof Catarrh i; Unit the per.-.on is obliged to clear his throut in the morning oi'a thick or slimy mucus, which lias fallen down from tho head during the nisrht. When this takes place the person may lie sure that his disease is mi its wny to the lungK. umlshould lose no time in ar resting it. The nhitre arc but fnvo of the many Catarrh Symptoms. A Sin (fie Bottle will htxt a Month to he ustd three tim$ u tiny. TEST ilwo X I A L From Hon, I'h'niuxs J. Turner, Ex-Memticr i of 0nres from Illinois, lute Speaker of Illinois House of U-prescuttitiveS, and Grand fifnutcr of A., F. and A. M. of the fSUtteof Illinois. ' ' Fueeport, Oct. 21, 1803. DR. D. H. SEELYE: Dear Stu. In reply to your notice of tho 18th inst., I would say that I was severely afflicted with Catarrh for years, when I be came acquainted with you and bought two bottles of your Liquid Catarrh Remedy. Before I hud used one bottle I was sensibly improved, and before rhe seeolid bottle wiis finished, was completely cured. I can re commend the medicine to all ulllicted with Catarrh. Respectfully Yours, TIIOS. J. TURNER. DR. D. II. SEELYE k CO., KOl-K I'KOl'KIKTORS. "553U Western Depot, hicago, Illinois. 'i-S, Laboratory and Principal Ollieo, Free port, Illinois. UEJVERAL ACEVTIS: Strono A, Armstrono, Cleveland, O. Joil.v D. Park, - - Cincinnati, O. W.m. Johnson, - - Detroit, Mich. Sold in Cadiz by JOHN BEALL, and by Druggists every w'here. Fe"b. 15, l.SUj-ly FAIBBAiViCS STANDARD OP ALL KINDS. Also Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses; &c FAIRBANKS, OllEENLJSAF & CO., 52, Monroe Street, TOLEDO. O-Be careful to buy only the genuine.. June 8, 1WU. . Attachment Notice. John Beta lor Before Thomas Moore, G. R. Betz, 1 Justice of the Peace of against 1 I Gorman township, Har VP. li. Cl'rfton, J risn county, Ohio. On the 20th day of April, A. "D. lfsos, aaid Justice issued an ordejrtf atta!hment In the above action for the stitu oi Olje Hun dred aud IWrty-aeven dollara. i JOHN BETZ. for O. n. BEIZ, 1865. mm LSI T Of mm? mi m KB M1M SADDLES AND HARNESS! WOULP reape-tAiHy !'.i'oin. ... old cra mmer und the public Kcnerallv, tliat he iian en luuid a larce slock and general us- sortmelit l SdUes, Harness, Ac, consist ing in pint of fuli-quilted and plain shatters, quilled hood covw and plain Jmll-punisli and fall-bucks, quilted und plain Mvutetl, brass and woodliorn Uciiiipeakx, pluiii and cpiilted seat, low enutie English trotting ul ules. Also a variety of styles of sidesaddles, with fchort and "extended quilted knee springs, hoop and back springs, nilver col ored, russet blue, and black enameled lentu erquilted and plain plushed seats, lie luu also on hand hois of extra fine silver mount ed carriage and bnggy harness, strong yan keeteain haiuess, tiuddle bags, eolhus,"hnl ters, bridles und maitiiigales of mnt every descriflfon. Carriage, lluggj- and Riding Wliipa of the finest quality; hi fact most ev erything usually ke pt ina saddlery nhop. He deems it unnecessary to puff mid blow or let oil' gas about tbe material or workman ship of "his work, im it will recommend it self to those who are judges or who use it. Thankful for the liberal putronnge- he lias heretofore received, he hopes by strict atten tion to business and selling good work at a reasonable pi ice, to merit a continuance ol the same. Shop, direct ly opposite the "e ti'ne " ofiice, Ci.diz, Ohio. April 1, M4. JAMES STEWART, IS receiving his SPRING and SUMMER stock of DKY GOODS! Among which maybe found Ladies' Dress Goods, of a great variety, consisting in part of plain and fancy Silks, Chullies, Herages, Lawns, Prints. Jaconets, Oraandies, o laines. Chintz, liargu Robes, Jaconet Robes, Ac. ifji'iiig- Ac Summer Slmtvls! Including n full assortment of Whitei Goods, Kriilionts, Jaconetts, ijiwui, .-Swiss and Mull Marseilles, Thread and Jaconet I Edging ond Insertions. A large assortment of Men and Hoy's wear, Ladies' and Chil dren's Boots, Klioes and tiuppcrs of all vari eties. QTJIEKIsrs WARE GROCERIES, Coffee, Suorar, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Fish, Mo lasses, Syrups, Candles, Soaps. v.e. JAMES STEWART. April 27, ISCvJ. TPJ-WEEELY U. S. MAIL FItO.1I CADIZ TO WHEELING. ASD Tri-Weekly from Cadiz to SI. Clairsvillc. rflHIE subscriber would respectful !v in J. form the traveling counminitv that, he is running the U. S. Mail Hack Line from Cadizto Wheeling; and thatoneof hissplen did hm ks will leave Wheeling and Cudiz tri weekly, at 7, A. M., and connect with the cars at both places. II is hacks are new. his teams good, and his drivers careful and at tentive. He hopes to receive the patronage of the traveling public, ils he will endeavor to merit their patronage by strict attention to their wauls. Fare from Wheeling to Cadiz or Cadiz to Wheeling Sl,i". For the round trip onlv S,uu. ileisnlso running a new Hack between Cadiz and St. Ciairsville ; leaving Cadiz ev ery Monday, Wednesday and i'ridiiv morn ings; and St. Ciairsville every Tuesdav, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Partic ular attention paid to -- on' Express i iieivaes. Livery Stn1Ic. He has also in Cadiz as good n Liverv Stable as there is in the count rv. Buggies, Carriages, Home, Ac, to be hail at till times. Travelers either arriving on the cars or in the hack, can be taken to any point they desire. Terms reasonable. WILLIAM L. 'I0USER. Cadiz, Ohio, Aug. 1,, lstU. JOS. MEANS JAS. MKANS, Jit BKU, B.MK.VS8 Ssteuluvillu lToumli-v uuU 3iti;Liiie Voi-lw, MEANS & BROTHERS, Maniiliicturers of . ste.151 mm, mmi LL kinds of Foundry and Machine Shop Works, Threshing Machines Mill Geraitig for Saw Iron for Bridges or Crist Mills, Conl car Wheels, Cast Iron Fronts, Truck wagon wh'ls " " Windows, Window Weights " " Door Sills, Bolts and Nuts cut und " " Door Steps, made to order, " " Coal Vaults, Cast wrought screws Shafting and pulling furnished to size, Turning and Plating Steam Uoilers made and Iron, repaired, Fancy Urates, Plow Points und wagon Common Grates, boxes, Counting House, Of- Portico, Garden and ticeSt Church Stoves Grave Yard Fencing. We have a new aud improved WATER WHEEL, which has been awarded the pre mium over nil enmpctition. Our facilities for work are large, nnd huv ing an extensive assortment of Patterns, we can promptly till almost any order in our brunch of business. Address MEANS A BROTHERS, July2S, 18l. , Sleubenville.Ohio, HARRISON CRUNCH BANK, CADIZ,' OHIO. U. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS SEVEX AD THREE-TWEMIES, orfis, And other Government Bonds, kept on hand and for sale at this bank, at Government prices. f M. J. BROWN, Cashier. ' Sept. 14, i8C4. LEESBURGH PLOW MANUFACTURED BY " DL. . O 33 75T . XCESnrRGII, CARROLL CO., O. U... MIH K, Agent, Cadiz, Ohio. riJHE Fartiwajif Harrison County uro in J. vitd to call and examine thin superi or Plow, ot my Carriage Shop in Cadiz. J.D.MIMCK. Cadia, March 22, im. FIRST "ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOOD At T. J. BROWN'S. Cadiz, May 4, 1S6-I. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! AT WILSON & BRO.'S Slock TrcMli nnd Complete! WE have on hand, and urcnowreeeivlng from thehouth nnd East, the larirest StiKk of G rocerii s ever broii'-rht to Cadi, to which we wish to call the attention of Re tailers and others wishing to purchase for their own consumption. We are determin ed to sell hs low if not lower than either Steubenville or Wheeling prices. Our stock consists in part of . -SUOAKS N. O. Sugar 100 hhds. Circle A Crushed 0 bbls. Powdered 10 " A Soft Crushed 10 " B " " 10 " V " " 10 " Mot.assks N. O. Molasses 600 bills. SvRfP Iiovenliy'w Golden 20 " Copfkb Prime liio l.'iO bags. " Java SO iSacks. Rice Prime Rico 10'iicrits Fish No. a Jlackea'l 40 bbls. . " " 40 J bbls. Lake Fish, nil kinds 100 bbls. Scotch Herring fitl boxes. SODA English Soda 20 kegs. Soda Salaratus 20 bo'.es. Spices tiro und P.ippor 20 lixes. Grain " 10 Sacks. Cloves, Cinnnmon, Nufinegs, Ginger, Mustard, Ac, Ac. March 10, 1SH4. TO CALL AND SEE BARRETT'S ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES GOLD, SILVER & PLATED C H A I N S , FETE GOLD PENS, GOLD PENS WITH PATENT AND EXTENSION CASES, O-OLID LOCEETS, l N (i U E A. T VAHI 33 T Y , AND BUEAST PINS & EAR RI5GS ' OF AlL STYLES. '' ' C'Ii"OC'K:S, OILS PHD ' PERFUMERY, Together with a thousand other things not necessary to be enumerated here. Call nnd sec, as goods in my line will positively be sold low, und everything warranted as rep resent edt ,',., (f. B. ' BARRETT. Cadiz, Market Street, June 1, ltiii-i. Mew BaixGry Ajrb GOFlPEC'riOEUY ! PHILIP, FUHR 1 ESPECTFULIvY informs the citizens B. of Cadi, und vicinity that lie hiis com menced the above business, in all of its vu rious brandies, in the room formerly occu pied hyC. Wagner, Market Stroot," Cadiz, Ohio, lie warrants hig liread, Cakes, Ac, to be of thu best quality, and uotsurpassed in this or any other town. Particular munition paid to baking all kinds of (Jakes for Parties, WeddingSj Ac. His stock of Csnfectionories is full and complete. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Cadiz, Aril 1, ISflS-lyr. Wall Paper! WullPEtpor!! rpliE subscriber takes pleusnre in calling I liieuttontionof the public to ids large and well selected stock of Wall Papers, just receiving for t lie Sring tfnd Summer .trade. His stock consists of 20,000 pieces with 400 different patterns, ranging in price from Of eentsto!M per piece, togetiior with every va riety of Uordorn, Window Curtains, Decora tions for Funnel Work. Ac., &e. He has ulso on hand a complete assort ment of School. Historical, Medical, ltoli gious and Miscellaneous Hooks, Stationery, Ulank books, to., which will be sold whole sale and retail as cheap as they can bo had West of the Mountains. Give me a call. J. M. LAYTON. Steubenville, March 0, 1S61. . A If IB STOVES! STOVES! James M. Paul, Has tho Largest ami Most Complete AtoOi'tincrt of S Ml EmbracHz cvry v:u!e!v aiid fjTie.lity, L -lIi lor Wo;Kt al:I C'm', that :t:i- nvr in bruiitrbt to Cadiif; m nl has ev ery thing that belonirs to the bu siness, such us lti-u.ti Ac Copiir Ivettloki, of all sizes and (pialition, and adapted to ev ery purpose tor which such kcttlua can boused. , House Kponting, Hoofing, dr., done on short notice. "- T I 5T Uf all kinds always kept on hand, or mnde to order. I n short, everything lielongiiig to the business will In"- found in his Store. Repairing nil kindsof Job Work done on the shortest notice and most reasona ble terms. 1)K sells every thing in his store nt prices rauiriug from 10to20percent., clieaperfor Cash, than such articles have ever before lieen sold in the plwe. When yon need anything in his line, re member tho place .Murk et Street, opposite lirown's Store, and seven dors south of the corner. - JAMES M. PAUL. Cadiz, May 11, 1SG1. 1011X1 TRUST IS DEAD! AND BAD PAY KILLED HIM! FALL AND WLNTEII . BUY GOODS JUST OPENED ANI NOW ON SALE AT Coleman & Grimes' Our Stock is entirely wow anl consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS! Such as MEIUNOKS: EMPRESS CLOTH. POPLINS, ARM FES or DELAINES, And you will be sure to lind something to suit von. CiO'TO COLEMAN & GRIMES CL0AKINGS, ANi) THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES WILL BE SHOWN OU. FOR LAMES Oil GE.VIXKJIEX, And you will find the best and cheapest ussui iiueiii in ion u, Fort DOMESTIC GOODS, Cloths, CassiiUcrcs, Flannels, There is no place in town that j-ou can be suited so well, and If you will c J you will corrobrooU what we saw COLEMAN & GRIMES. Cadiz, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1MH. , SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKIUG-.' J R. CRAWFORD, HAVING removed his Saddler shop to the brick building, on tho corner, opposite lieall's Drug Store, keeps coustauly on hand an assorment ot SADDLES, BPvIDLES, JAPANNED AND SILVER PLATED Tsc ji, n. e; js , CARRIAGE AND LEATHER WHIPS, ' COLLARS, TRUNKS, and all other articles in my line. Repairing done nnd work made to order on tho sliortest notice and of the best material and work manship. Please caU before purchasing olsewhere. as all work is warranted to be as represented and as choap asat anv other plucj. J. K. CJiA WFORD, Agent, Cadiz," April 15. . Joun Georou ...Fkaxk Kesxedv GEOIIGE & KI33V'EYf nAVE purchased tho Tanning establish ment of Samuel Ueorgo, Sr., and are now manufacturing a superior article ot Leathor, to which tuoy lnito the attention of all who want Good Leather. A large stock of Spanish Sole, Morocco, Lining skins and Tunner'aOil, always on hand. They are paying the Highest Market Price in Cash for Hides, Skins and Bark. Deo. 17, 1881. SHOUT CKEEK STEAM MILL SMITH & WAGNER T A VING purchasod and refitted the IX Stoum laour Mill formerly owned by lion. Charles Wart'ol, two miles east of Cadiz, on tbe Wheeling read, are prepared tomanu'aoture the Heat Flour in tbe mar ket. Having had long experience in the business, they warrant satisfaction. Thov solicit a share of the pualic patronage. &a.Corn grinding and Chopping done ob Saturday's. . Feb. Si, 1885-ly. FOR CASH TRAVELTTRS I7fST7RAJCE COM PAN Va ,.. s Ilnrtfprtf Connecticut, INSURES AGAINST OF EVEirV DESCIlIPTIOX, CAPITAL 8400.000. nvr. dollars annual rr.EMiujr W:!! lnur? ?"0 h?ainst accidental lni et liie while traveling by any public coavry- ""' C' Tr.N POT LAKS PP.EMIUM Secures a phcr Hiri,KiU, and also $5 per week -ojnpeiisiition lor peisonai injury in-eapai-ituting the assured fr Jin hi orduiiirv business. TWKNT-FIVr. IiOLLARS PRKMICM Sin-urea u lull poli-y lor .".tio0 and fil )er week conuM'nsation for all and every de seript ion tl areidoiit, travehngor otherwise. Pelieies for 'o0. w itli S-lper weekcompeu sation, ran lie for jmt annum, er any other sura ltweeu tvie'J and fo,000 at pro portioniite rales. . JAMES G. RATTEESON, rreMJnU, RODNEY DENNIS, S'eWrry. IIENUY A. DYEH, Oeneral Agent J. O. THOMAS, Ainit, Cadiz, Qhi: 1 Nov. lew lr. GRANT MOVES AGAINST TUB REBEL fMHl MIST FALL' M. J. MOWN OVS. C BIIOWI BROWN & BR0. The Rebellion will die out, but wo must live. There is a tide in the affairs of met, which, taken at the flood, lends on to foi tune. One of the lf st ways to attain tha. fortune, is to ctiUat our room, two doors be low T. J. irown'a Dry Goods Store, and purchase ono of our " Suberb Spring Suits! The nfoe'st ever sold in Cadiz, nt prices as low as can be sold west of the mountains. We have everything in the Gent's line, ot tho best quality. COATS and STOCKS, PANTS and NECK-TIE& VESTS and GLOVES, 1 1 ATS and HANDKERCHIEFS, CAPS and COLLAKS, &c, Ac, Ac, Ac. A fine assortment of PIECE GOODS, of (he best styles and most beautiful finish, suitali'e to the most fastidious taste, which we will sell at prices to suit till who may mil. Our notion is that ho handles the' tools best who best pleases his custoiuura. Ttia we will do .' GALL AND KX AMINE our goods, nnd. we will convince you that what we say is true. Call und seo'us, and bring along your . Grteubaexs, which are still' taken at par. BROWN A RTtO. May i. 1M. CADIZ- MACHINE" SHOP ! C. Waupkl. ....... .Monur.cAi Stuiibins. C, WARFEL & CO., ON tho tint dny of January, 13"j, I ad mitted Mordccui Stubbiiis ns a part ner in iny Machine Shot). The firm name will be known as C. Wari'el A Co. Wo are now manufacturing n large num ber of Hi" Jeioyt c j Jim-knie lloret Jlnket; also White's j'l'trnt t'.vd Wooden?):' IJorne l'tl: ".s, Aiso Ifeaeoi'k'.s Improved Cruxs Cut Sate Mills. Tins machine has only to bo seen ill operation in Rawing stove wood' to recommend itself. Also Horso Powers, Buzz Saws, Cutting Boxes, nnd liny Forks. We tire eroimred Ui furnish almost anv Maciiiii" the farmer w ants. The very best Steel Plows and other implements kept constantly on hands. Also Lovejoy's Cor nish Spouting and Tubing, Lumber, An. Ileptiiringof nil kinds ot Machinery done to order. Tho highest price paid for old Motnl a . Iron. C. WARFEL A CO. Cadiz, April S, 1SG&. NEW DRUG STORE. SHARP & CO., 31niu Stl'oot, Cadiz, Olilo. DEALS81 IS DRUGS, .MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Soaps, Tolict Articles, Brushes, PE11F U3IEBY, PURE WITES Jt LIQUORS ..... . L . - i For Mfedioinnl Use, '- ' ruttyt 3?alntsOHa,'Varn.lslis DYE STUFFS, ALCOHOL, i&a-Physicians . prescriptions carefully compounded. Medicines warranted genuine and of tbe best quality. Customers will find our stock complect, comprising many articles it is impossible hero to enumerate, and ail sold at moderate prices. Cadiz, Jan. 11, 1865. CONFECTIONERY- AND Y A B I E T Y S T fl ft E I SAMUEL FERGUSON UA V1JSU again purchased the establish ment formerly kept by himself, op posite tho public buildings. Cadiz, Ohio, respectfully informs tbe public that ho has on hand and is prepared to furnish in large or small quantities everything usually kept in a store of that kind. "He will endoavor, to the best oi his ability, to please the public, and lie hopes by so doing to-merit and re ceive a liberal share of the public patronage. Common and Fancy Candies of all kinds, Almonds, Filberts, Cream and Pua Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Dittos. French Currants, Su gar. Hoda, Butter and Water Crackers, Bark and Ground Cinnamon, Peppor, Ginger, Al spioe, Starch, Fine and Common Cigars. To bacco, Pulverized White Sugar, Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Port Monnios, Watch Chains Keys aud Guards, a fine lot of common Jew elry , TO YS of all descriptions, &c. Oysters Fresh In season, and in Summer niou Covs Oysters servod at all hours. The lovers of this delicious bivalve cannot tail to bo pleased. r.. I T t tv. .... .1 - .His Soda Fountain is in full blast, and th puouo win nna tnis tne most neaiuuui ana cooling beverage for hot weather. ' a.Couutry Confectioneries can be sup plied at his establishment on tho vary hast terms. . . Cudiz. Qhlo, April 12. mi. GLASS and India Rubber Eye andFr Bpringtiat JOHK BEALL'3. IJBOPRIETABY MEDICINES, oinea of the day oonstantlT on hand and lot V. , . TAD V TTP ATT MafllfPJOV FOR, 1864. PItXFA RA T for a LARGS THA OS ".O.JL X 2VT a mi' 1 . "J3 tor rrt . T'A. 3Ialn 8t, "Wlioollng", S1VNE 4 THOMAS announce to their their friends and the public that they are-in reoeipt of their stock of Spring and Summer Goods, toibrncintf Dry tioods iu ail their varieties, Carpeting, Oil C'loth and Car pet chain, Millinery Uoods of evory variety, Notions, and varieties generally, comprising the largest, and in some respect, the mort deairablo we ever brought to tho citv. Our cusioiours mav rert. assured that they will reap all tho advantages that fair dealing, a long experience, close attention to buaincsa, careful buying, and buying with Cash, can give them. We buy most of our woods with cash, directly from the manufacturers and Importers, and froutciose cash Auction hou ses, thereby saving a large per eontngo. Wo have uinpjtt facilities for doing a large Job b'ng Trade, and invite the attention of Mer chants to our stock before buying, and Tail ors to our stock of Cloths, Cassimercs and Vesting. itiiout partictilarijihsf, We will sy w keep the largest stock iu the city" of the fol lowing us weii as ail goods. Dress ,Silks, of every style ami price. Millinery goods, silks, re! vets, ribbons &0. French Merinoea, of every shade. French Prints and (ioods. Goods for l-'riend's -wear und traveling. Shawls of evory grftde and price. Plaids nnd Prints, nnd worsted fabrics foi dresses, Cloaks and Cloaking, Prints, TickL, Muslins, Flavmels, Bliyikets, and goods for Men unci Boy's wear generally.- No Uood House shall sell ehtope-r. Our stoett of FdtS will lie found to bo very desirable. We ask attention to our stock of Carpeting, &c, which ia very fuli and ut luw pi ices. . , - . All goods sold at a low advance on pur chase. Persons making purchaaesln the city will find it to their interest greatly, to give us all before buying. "Parcels sent to arty part of the city FRKK. Remember the sign of the "(Jolden Bee II toe," near the Suspension Bridge. STONE & THOMA3. April 27, XhU. Ball's Ohio Reaper T HAVE tho Agency for Harrison. County IL to sell tliis machine, and would say that 1 am prepared to sell them lower than any other machine. Ail who want -a good ma chine wii! call soon ami leave their orders., i have tiirei sizes of machines, the largo, medium and Jr. Mower. The meoinni has a reaping auaehinunt called the drop pin, by which the driver can drop' the grain at anytime. Call and get a pamphlet and soo wriat it says on tho subject. I can aecomo dnto any "funuer in rega-d to szo This niaeliiue is inanuuictcred by English, Hal uiick and D'.xon of New Philadelphia, O., nnd repairs can be got on short notice; alt uiv machines are wurraiited. 1 also soil tho Uuckye Hoy Rake, liny Pitcher, and the best Cloth Wringer in the market. E. LAIUKE, Cadiz, Ohio. April 12, 18i3)-.'im CHEAP, DURABLES NEAT! T. PHILIPS & SON, BOOTS & SHOES! Opposite the Public Buildings, Cadi, 0. MAKE aud keep on hand the finest qual ity of Ladies Wear, also Fine Boots and Shoes, sewed or pegged, equal in style to the best city make. Our Spring stoch o iirr.t class Eastern work consisrs ofa nice lot of Ladies' and Misses Heeled Slippers, Kid Heeled Boots, Heeled (fakers, aird' almost every stylo of Shoe for Men, Women, Bova. and 'Children, Ladies Kid and Gaiters of tn finest material.." We fit np and keep tho lasts for eueh retrnlar customer, always In suring a perfect fit. -Wheeling Money taken at par. , . .'T. PHILLIPS ft SOIf.' -" May 4. 1804. JOHN BEALL, miu..G GIST . , i. AND , , B;00KT SELLER, Cadiz, Oliio. VSIDE from the many articles usualrr found among my stock is a full supply of - , Concentrated Lye, ; r ,JiaJting tsoas, Washing Soda, Co ream Tartar, Indigo, Madder, Matches. isay .tiuni, Saltpetre, Copporaa, Flavoring Extracts, Shoo Blacking, -Stovolllacklnpf, Indigo Bluoin Camphor, KLarcn, Cinnamon, NuUnepi, uinger, , Cloves, Borax, Mustird. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ' ., THERMOMETERS, Wall Paper ''" ' FIBE SCREENS, TOY PAINTS, &., at ' . ' .. BE ALL'S. PliyBlolana Orders SjoiloltoA. Cadiz, Ohio, May 11, 1864. j : Farm for Sale . ""is ' : HARRISON COCKTT. f llliE nndersigned will sell at private sal. . , I : his FarmlnNoi-thTownihipHarriaoK . County, Ohio, and about li miles lrom Ner Market. It Is excellent land, und lies well, consisting of 173 acres 125 or 130 cleared nearly all bottom, and known as the "GermantovFi Bottom." ; ou the Conotton Valley. Purchasers can apply to J. M. Kstep, Esq., Cadiz, Ohio, or Isaac Wright, Ijbq., DUUViUV. EASELLAS CASTNEB. Oct. S. TTOVTE 4 STEVENS' Family Pye Colon IX tne only rename ones, tor s&ia at m ufactnrM's prices by - JOHN BEALL, - , a',tt IWnggls and Apofjwary ft 0 j I I. If f1 ' I. fr ?