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SHEARING IN THE JURORS, pine of Taiciii Obtained for tte Grymes Trial. BOUT SEVENTY-FIVE MEN EXAMINED. Itt the rtral ladtetnaswt Insaalned. 11 .ino a ol Vt ?U roar's ii... ? rvltngs. irred I [ ' ' '. ? ' ina I I I - ? ? ? ? - ' - ti' ' pinion thal ? iji.nii Kesslon. k.Tthe Mr. i ' ? de icd an opin I thal he hud form id expri '" ?ll. n ? ? .pin and thought ? I a the prisoner a fnir trial, pinion. r deraon said he had u strong as., and that testimony opinion, bu* could not remember even what. bis ..pinion was. said that he had ii-> preju dil ea one way 01 tim other, but whs rather In? clined to think some testimony would bars quired to chance bia general Iroprea stan, Mr. Obriatopbei Evenaen said he bud formed a decided ..pinion Mr. 8, H. Kl .nu 1 bud formed and expreuied a decided opinion. art BTBal mr. Mr (reforge B. Sydnor, Jr., bud not formed an opinion is to ths guilt orinnocense of tho prisoner, knee no reason why he could not the prisoner n fair trial, He was accented. tba well known furniture dealer on Broad street Mr. \ I'. L.uiiiaku. hnd expressed a decided 11. Mr Jobi ? had formed n decided on. ' id had formed and ex I 11 .1.?cid d opinion. rt, W, ticishman said he had a decided op, I li Ml Ids said he did not have n de ibout the case, bul that bis im_ ?ould repine testimony to cl ild lind formed Hiid i-x 1 opinion. \1 Call had foi med g decided linpres. I DCS would ..pinion. NUMBER MX. Mi e had not formed or 1 \ H Mr. for he Ind no impression nd about the casi H< w ^ accepted, '?> juror. ll R. rt .\.i e bu.! formed and ' X Mr E. M Oat idence would be re '' x> la decided n bad -vxpre-s. 1 a de. Air. M \\ Redford said he bad a decided e I opinion ne dav be expressed M w \ i, Jr.. bad a decided opinion. I .1 di cided opinion. exhausted, and ? IL" ' ell U) I the ? lock. I hir.l Session. l."k and tim hv tbe six jurymen and afteT ? Mi C. V < lash, who had formed a decided M I yreo lind also formed a d<" - 'Ul. ?? id not formed ? :???.? to the Mr. ; Mr Wen - a juror. H.- ? bani >.n 1. Mr. I N he had no! expressed :i why be trial. Ile S n well known Odd Mr. IL I ' an opin Mv lelibc ? ; if he had red for fully a i the qui I lb ; ward, when an . I have." li- " . ' :i tin1 had be.-Il ili< " ' pp* stated to the 1 lated. ? Mi ? pre ?1 he ? c. p. w uston h 1 an next calli d. Mr. from He wa*) told to stand Mr 1 M. I iller 1 ide ! ? ? urned an ? thal he could gn rial. yon not ' Soi av I WOU i left no impres Mi B juror, making ' M1 ' vu broker of Rich to the had formed an . '?'. ? imed an ? waa departmi ? (emption fr ?m jury duty. ? Mi - i and exp] ? in opinion made ap his Mr. Iv 11 1 dh v said he had an opinion 1 Mr. il. Grimmcll bowed was also made Mr W. V dd he had . male up his mind. i; 1; S> in a ven ed by Mr. L. A. I vi ? npoi ? ' niau ? r. R, ).. 1 . . ai nev had formed hu "| answei an informal eing no more jurors ? Many more had been ordered, but they had ? .. up, and the Judge left the beni li ?? more 1 ould be gotten within the ? v Addison at last put in an appear? er, said that he formed an opinion. Mr. done likewise. aid he made np l. s mind some time ago, and Mr. Levin -1 ? ibell replied "I have, Mr. K Harvey Qa pr' baie way, said P.*G. Hai 1 made up bia . and Mr. Sam. he bad an opii -ir" in a a ??'? c arge I, and dr. I.. W. 1 .Mr. .1. d'. i had not formed be would be Hering with ii/ a cold a few nights catarrh bad become greatly aggra 1 asked if the deafness would ??? bette) to-inonow (to-day), and in Mi > ? gsa d be thought not. Ht< was irgcd. I'hore aili liv sixteen jurors selected, and ? ? , number the twelve that try the paneled. It is probable that th- full number will be gotten to day. ttings ? ? : lay M Gi I the j and the letters wife, nt. Mr. Gryiui wa taken out after the aecond putysnd provided with an en? joyable dinner. Alter the third session Mr. Grymes bade d-bye and he was taken lo jail soon as a prisoner i? . , hence the reason for '; ry mes' imprisonment i , . was one colored man summoned by md he bad formed an ouinion. 'I he nine jurors wi re allowed their freedom ironing, bul wen cautioned bj the li With ?uy one about the case <;: mlow any one to talk to them. One of tue men summoned, in answer to the question if ho formed an opinion, replied "Ves; I formed it at tho breakfast tallie, and have kept to it ever since." The court adjourned yesterday to meet thi? mor muir at ll o'clock. HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY CO. Annual Meeting of Its Stockholders Held Yesterday. THE REPORT OP PRESIDENT BARGAMIN. No Mnferlal flinn fe In Hie <nn?lltlon nt the (iraveyard Treasurer's Communication. Officer* Klritnl Tor Hie Year. The ?,!,,< V holders of tho Hollywood Ceme? tery Company held their annual meeting at tha rooOM of the Chamber of Commerce yrs terdayafternoon, with Mr. Willimill!. Wag. lng in the chair. .Mr. A. Bergnmin, the president of tho mm Dany, submitted hm report, vvhieh read as follows Hines mr is?t report there hns been no mater? ial change nude in Hie appearan *<>! HoUywood Cemetery, althongh there have been nany lm portant improvements We have cul out feet of new walks and graveled moat of them, and they will soon be finished vVhen this *ork - it w\\[ gire that part ..t the grounds a much better appearance Persona purchasing lots in that part of the ci m.'t.rv often asa where tho w?K,s will be. Ho this work will ha\. a two-fold advantage, lt I for i thi r worl nd mai ks "fl the grounds as they are intend* tin plaus. Wo have graveled several ol the old wslkf nd ayenuea, sud kej.t diem all in good condition. u. , spool very soon to stan agi rk on Itiversidehill, and hope *o make itavery at? tractive place 1 he vun- tr.un this point evc< ls if mw other i"irt of the remi ter i. ur. linrgwyn ii making a plat of tha ? ii the lull and the river, and ss soon n* it is ulled to a proper grade the walks and avenues will be marked om sn-i niavclct. The valley nt the entrance between easi and west Vale avenues, that was so lona ni" rough and unsightly condition, is about to resume ita former h 'eu ty. ive hoi p this year to atvs rather more atten? tion to the old grounds than wo have ?? ? I lo do of late. Your executive nommittea feel ? in. li encouraged al the success they have had in tim care of sections and they hope event uallv to have charge ol even section in Holly We think if the lot-holders would only give tin- lustier proper consider ? -r to (he - ii? rintend en* io be rared for bj the company Verj many rt tn-1 ci meter) companies, both North and West, will not allow any one to do work in the - icepi through the company or by the . iv, mt- i bemaeli es NV. iiH\e no ..i ;e,t in dearing thi* work other good .>f the cemetery, which ii oneiit of all thoa, who own lots <.r ar< otherwise interested in the proper man* agemeni ol the grounds. There are vi ry many citizens ot Richmond who lu .? here an I ar keep them who never pay the least attention lo them, lt is sun rising to iee the names of people in pood snd some who ure w. ? whose sections are in such ? condition si to mar thu appearance ol the whole cemetery, or ist thai part ot it in which their sections I ti d. u,. have now ahoul ns to care fur. and these arc well attended to. Iii* financesof thee.panyan in avery sat! indi hon In addition to pa.vingsll expenses which nted t.. we bave invest* d in securities sui li.wi in fix - on the lol owned by the com psii ?. "ii which we So >? n mill see by thu statement thai we have not only kepi thc grounds in good ordei we have adde.I t.< your linking fund and 11.93 in other property thal D i n goo I inter**! IVe 'eel that it is absolutely necessary that the I evi ry year if it -o; that at the en 1 ol twenty or thirty rears when all the sections shall )m\e ni the revenue from that direction fl, which isnow our principal m.-.,me. wa shoul lerest < Dough ir.m. our sinking lund to maintain the cemeterv perpetually. 1 he I 'll :.; ll Work is Un ter Til- d the superintendent, and 1 will refer yon to bis , ti nt for that inform.. In connection with this report, Superintend. enl Hooper, of Holly wood Cemetery, read his private report to Mr. Bargamin. The presi ?op..rt was adopted. BBPOST, Mr. George D. Pleaaants read the annual statement asurer, showing that bonds amounting to fS'J.rilO are in bia custody. I he pta dunne the neal year amounted to 1 the disbursements b 1, leaving ;j. balance on hai d of r524.0i. ption of th tho meeting went into the election ol officers lor the ensuing year, on motion of Mr. Pleaaants, Mr. A. Karara min was re president. In the a vacancy bad ip the year bv the death of Mr. K. M. M,. K. }'. I'.'.s-ieux moved to ra? the old board and t<> add Mr. I Kuker, n< repri mnan ele ni. i ? ty, in the place of Mr. Griffin. Major Kobe: t Stiles.nominated Mr. K. K llossieux os one of the dire< lois, and thi which was then takenhad the followii Preston Cocki Dunlop, H . M. M. Gilliam, F. T. Glasgow, T, YV. Pemberton, Georgs D. Pleasanta, J. D Star- , il- iel I Kuki r. All of the merni i were 1 with the exception of Mr. 0. i;. Owen. Judge Minor announced the presence of a committee ol the Indies of the Hop/wood Me? ium i Pi> ll. who Would like to I'? ll.Mid in regard to a legacy of (500 left bj Mai v o. Hammond. '- V. Randolph, the ei the will in question, stati I :i...; the testatrix, his aunt, had by some mistake left the amount in question t.. the Hollywood Cometary Com? pany, while she had intended to have it to the rlollyw.1 Memorial Association. ISK Ol 1 ill. MONKY. Mrs. Colston explained in detail how Mr*. Hammond had stated to her that sin- n the la lies to bave the use of the m..ney in re? turn for their tak i. I her eon's grave and her own. Hr. Hooi?er thought thi ? company should take charge ol the money, and Mr. John Kihi'..ip argued that their company should keep *150, or whet ever sbotdd i ? rv to take care ol the two gravel turn the 1 | ai to the U Finally a motion waa adopted at the gestionoi Mr M. M. Gilliam to the effect that it wa<> th. the meeting thal the i donated to the company Kv Mrs Mary i. Hammond be turned over to the Holly, wood Memorial Association, if this waa li p> asible, and thal the whole matter be red tu a committee "t three with |>owei < liairapp.iinti'i as members ol thal commit. t,,. ^ossrs. Gilliam, Dunlop andPleaaanta, Judge Minor also stated on behalf of the Indu thal they would like to have their rights to the burial grounds of the Confederate dca 1 Hollywood rlearly denned. In Mo an oiler h ul Keen made by the cemetery com. puny to convey to the ladies that part of Hol? lywood where the Confederate dead were buried, bul il waa learned d the time that il could not be done, the Hollywood Memorial ation then not being iucorporal The committee mentioned above will look into the matter, and in all probability the cemetery company will, al their next men I convey to the ladies the property in question. Mit. BBXCK i> niiu.f. Be Will Deliver Um Annual Address Before the Lawyers. The third annual meeting of the Virginia State Bar Aesociatlon, which will be held at . lute Sulphur Springs on July 28th next. promises to be very interesting. Mr. .lames 0. Lamb, the secretary and treasurer, has received a letter from Hon. William C. P. Breckinridge, of Ky., accepting the Invitation extended to him Ky tho executive committee to deliver the annual address on that oecav sion. Mr. Breckinridge waa one of the Demo? cratic leaders in the last <'ongress.and is well km.wu as one .?i the ableat and eloquent speakers in thia country. Besides the annual address there will be the president's address, Kv Judge E. C. Murks, and also several papers will be read, one of which will he by lion. John Bandolph Tooker. Jumped the Track. Yesterday muming aKout Kl o'clock car No. H.,! the Cit) Ballway hue gave the peaaan eei;, aboard of it a lively shaking up by jump* in- the track near Fourteenth and Maui street-. After leaving itajown line it took to the Manchester line and starb d out at a good speed IOT Manchester. Se\ era! Indies aboard the car I.e. ame very min h excited, and would have | limped from the CU m\\\ Perhaps seriously injured then, had lt not been for several men on th* oar. who tenured them that there waa no dancer. Several mole passengers stauding on the plat? form left the car as soon aa it jumped the track. A force was dispatched from head oAiarters and the car soon afterward placed on the track and resumed ita run. J>o/.vo.? /jv maxchkstbM, Item* or Interest From Baal Otb** Side of tbs Itlvcr. Mr. Fleming Morgan continue, rpiite sick. Bill in tl,,. Bighty-sbst y.-nr of hm age. CharlmWseaoo is running br Common? wealths attorney of Powhatan in opposition in William If. iTlanagan. Mahon lundolph will visit Meade-Memorial fkITj. "?me lLme tbi" mo?th **> administer the nt.-,,fconfirmation. lhec ontyOourt of Cheaterheid was in aewt'.n yesterday. Several Manchester lnw ?r'af 'l'V ? ?tt*,?dsnce upon the curt air. kl. A. Cogbill. of Chesterfield Court ??>"??. waa In the city yesterday on Ins way to tue .M-ttiodist District Conference, which meeta in Ashland. In consequence of ths change in the ache tillie ot the trains on and alter next Sunday the Munday hours of tho postofftce will be fmrn 4 io p. B 80o'clock. At an official meeting of the Second (eoL ored Baptist church, held Mondav evening Bey, Daniel Tucker, of Richmond, was celled to the pastorate made vacant by the resigna? tion s.une months mjj?? <,t Rev. George M. Crawley, who is now pastor of a ci church in Nsw Jersey. Henel > ter ia well represented in the Musical val chorus at the Academy of Music in Richmond. I h from this aide of the river who sing in the chorus are Mis. R. p. Carrington, Mrs. A. c. Harding, Miss Mmma Latham, Miss Daisy Gibba, Miss Era Harrison. Mr. I - Gibbs. Mr. B. W. Nunnally. and Mr. rt. .J. i rang. 1 ? ?? 'ire twodarnage anita against the Richmond and Danville Railroad < Company to be tried at the next term ol the circuit Court of Chesterfield, which begins Friday. One i- for injury ton negro section hand, who WU hurt by a collision near the stone. yards, just opposite Rochette. The otaer ia I r dsi i Iga ' land caused Ov the alleged stopping up of a creek by tho railroad com. pany >n erecting a bridge. Hon B. B. Munford, division counsel for the railroad, will appear on behalf of the de? fendant. The Chesterfield Circuit Court will meet Friday, and so will the board of snpenru I ? I ami the curt will consider the question f building a jail for the county, the present ail being unlit for n jsil since the noted jail-breaker, William Drumgoole, ii r" pu ces and made hie escape. It is understood that a new jail will be or? dered '..I. bu i I he present jail, which is a stone structure, was erected in 1842, and at ? :nie itwas regarded as % wonderfully strong and sat. b in these p | times of jud lc akin- the Chesterfield jail I not stand the strain, andi- now a wreck ol' :(h fi Dgth. Tue old w.len structure known as the debt .?rs jail, ts still -titi,. for criminals, as they can easily get out of it. The 'bi,tor-' jail waa built away back yonder, ' one hundred years ,i?. >. lt was expected thal the road viewers ap pointed to view the proposed extension of Thirtv-eightfa street to Forest Hill Park would make their report to the County Court on Mi nday. ne "t i be re it court, nor was their any rep.ut -ul.milted, and the matter will not conn np until the next tenn. Ward meetings will be held Thursday evening st 8 o'clock in the several wards of the citv, to nominate councilmen and to i members of the Demo, ratio fjitj Committee. The meeting in tho First ward will lie heh] at C. \ Jones' store Kecond ward, at the market-house; Third ward, .fohn W. I wens' st ire Fourth war I, Bowen ,v wagon-yard. These meetings will l ? o'clock. Three members of the City Central Commit? tee Bra to be eh ward. In tb ward ta i councilmen are to be nomi? nated, the terms oft uncilmen J. F. Bradley and L. w. Weisiger expiring June 30th. One councilman fri m i i h of the other warda i- to l>e elected this month. William Graham. Joe Hall. Thomas Ran dolph and dames < '.pim-, tim four negro boys who were carried off in a box car on th* Pi tersburg ra ' id 1 iday while engaged in an interesting game of'craps, are now supp -d to be in Petersburg. They ware seen in tbe car at Clopton sta? tion by one of the brakemen, who tried, he said, to make them get out, but thej would When ti ? I I to Chester the flagman them out. ami the boya wei. last s... n tramping down the railroad in Petersburg, where they are now BOpp ? ???d to I"-. The committee to which was referred the mutter concerning the erection of a bridge over the railroad tracks on Fourteentb street, for the benefit ol the Belle Isle workmen, will meet to-day. 'I he workmen are objecting to the building of a high i I want the walkway I on the ground. r / BO IS IA i\ O' IROLiy ? /.' 1 11. HO A D. Chamber* of Commerce < .infer Upon the Sub? ject. A telegram from Petersburg bul evening said: Colonel John B. Purcell and Mi. rt. W. ara, of the Richmond Chamber of Com? merce, arrived here this afton infer tnembei of the Chamber of Commerce ot Petersburg concerning the construe!.' the Virginia and Carolina railroad. ? confer, n i in the ball of A. P, Hill Camp. Confederate Veterans, and lflsf.-d ab Ut two hours, during which tune there waa a full and free discussion as to the stat..s ot the road and what wa* done to insure its being built. \t tbe su^. gestion . t i olon ?! Pun ell il was de i that a committee should be appointed from tbe Petersburg Cbambi Commerce to i isit Richmond to confer with a mittee from tbe chamber of that city and other prominei I I Richmond inter? luding of the \ ii c. :ina road Colonel Purcell will ?? Hon E. I . Venable, president of the Chamber t this city, at what time it will I. ? ? for the committee to come to mond. Colonel Purcell and Mr. Travers left at i in o'clock this evening for home Tba Atlantic i wtLini Uni w th J. \V. Phillip-. i for thei !? itreel ml i - I i ? ? - about -7,"Chi. Very littlewaa dom- here t - dav in the way of registration. Mi burg I arpettial Building and Loan Company, has received the following letter from Attor? ney-General Bcott. which abowa th.i* the In .?ion ne represents ia not der quarterly atatementa to the Andu other banking institutions are require I to dot "(Ifflce of ike Attornev-General. Richmond, M ij ?. i do not think sect;,.n 1170 of the tbe Code of 1887 appUea to thia company, lt is a building and loan company with powi receive deposits after the manner ol savings banka, winch deposits are loaned to thia ? - poration." .v.*) Mil; Hi Adi I. Mr. Tarhrough, kjiaa Spark" >Ir? Fowler, .Miss BeMelbSM b. clay-street M- burch was filled terday afternoon almost to .ts capacity with friends nnd relatives of Mr. Frank li. Yar brougo nnd Miss Marv Bparka t i witness the nuptial ceremoniea which bound then gether. The stained-glass windows, the ira of many dun lights, the strains of soft music. ana the ba smiles and bright lacee made ,? I ?? The ceremony was performed by tbe pastor, the Bev. W. il. Attrill, nt a few nun look. 'The best man was tm Eugene Hunt and the ushers were as follows: W. P. Hm tley, Allie rtparks, W P tndersi nb J. Beavens, W. C. Davis, A. Davis, G. w. Wooii. all Tin* bride and groom left inv medintelv for the ILrd-sireet stn' where they look the tram for a Northern tour ne length Uoete of friends wish them .-. prosp i tv and happiness. Mr. >ar !.? ough isa well-known young mai. Una city and moves amid n laree circle of friends while the bruin is the fascinating daughter of Mi .bums Tl. rtparks, a prominent ctti/cii Of Richmond. . , Mr. Thomas bowler and Miss Katie Beidel boeh were married at St. Mur.v'^ German Catholic church ai s ..'dock yesterday morn BeT. Lather Willibald officiated. 'The altar was lieautifiilly decorated. 'Tin; attendants Were Messrs. ?/ , . ?;,,. Willi* I Ic.del I ..icll Florian Tboll, Wi.bc Bchutte nnd Joseph Herbert The l nd- was in a traveling nut px u ii c ?lored ailk and carne 1 a bouquet ot tatt! blo?soma. . .j ? - 1 here were a number of very handsome presents. ... After the marriage a reception was bein. end the party left at 11:50 o'clock for a northam tabs. itu it mos n roi i jtorrn. Geographical and ll...,,,,, Society?Other Item*. Notwithstanding tlu> attractions of tennie, croquet and other gamea QB the campus, quite a nuniKwr of the students of Richmond <'"1 leajl fathered in the Latin lecture-room ves. t. iday aftemooa at. the regular s?uiii-ni"nt':i)y meeting of the Society t..r Oeoernphical and ?rio Study, Profeaaor F. W, Boatwright pt.-sided. Mr. H. T. Allison, of Fauquier, reed an admlrabla paper on [ale of Wight countv. The original naaaeof thin county, a name which it retained for only a sh..rt tune, wu-* Warroaquyoake, and it waa one of the eijjht shires or countiesbato which the colon] Virginia waa first divided. Situated neer the seat,.,ard it hits good commercial advents and with a thrifty and intelligent population is in a fairly prosperous condition. Smithfield, the county-seat, aitnatad on an eminence ab..ip three miles :r<.m James river, in Um northeastern perl of the'county, bi a mat and thriving village of about one thou? sand inhabitants. On the road leading from Smithfield to Suf? folk and about eight miles from the farmer la Kenn's church, one of the moat hal? lowed monuments of colonial <1h\^ to be found in Virginia Tradition tella us that it waa the sec.nd house ul worship erected in Virginia, and that it waa built in the time nf Charles 1 .betweenthe yean p'io and i?'.40. All of the material waa imported from Eng? land the brick, lune and timber and the timber was framed before shipment. i <? ri igo the old building was de. scribed aa being in a state of neglect in the the di .;ist forest, the walls covere I with a network ol vines. In recent yea has been repaired, and the good people i neighborhood now meei to worship in venerable sanctuary, where their forefathers worshipped more than two and a half centu? ries B Mr. W. Owen <'arver, <,f Tennessee, pre? sented an interesting sketchjoQAccomac coon. t) Ene Eastern Shore ol Virginia, especially Accomac county, ia prominently associated with colonial events. It was here that Sir William I ? ugh! refuge at the height oi" la ons rebellion. lt hu. Hu william Berkeley who said he thanked (ii d there were no newspapers or free schools in Virginia. As to newspapers, how. ever, they were soon established, and bave ince Keen abundantly able to t.ike caro ol themselves. In 1710 Rev1. Sam Ranford lefts Urge leg ? >r the adu bildren of poor pa and ti.u, established in v ? county the tir-r .ree school in \ K. . Vlakensie, "the lather of Presbyterianism," .ame as an v . and mac, where he soon afterward organized the first Presbyterian church in Virginia. lue soil of Accomax is fertile, small fruits and vegetables flourish, and the j. intelligent, enterprising and prosperous. Al the next meeting of the soi which will he the last nf the present ...liege year. Mr. \v. B. Loving, of Albermarle, will read a paper on the history of Richmond before the Civil war; Profe* ? will discuss Bicbmond as the Capital of the Confederacy, and Profess r Boatwright will sketch the pro? gress of Richmond since tho war. Hon. W. W. Henry. Hon. J. K. M. furry, Hon. John E. Massey, Judge B. T. Ginter uinl Mr. IK A. Kr.-ck were elected honorary members of the society subject to theil ? II e, Itlvermont Booming. LiNCHBi'on, V*.. Ma\r ll, [Special. 1 An plications for Riverraont lots closed to.dav with a to 0 accompanied by *M i.000 in cash. Applicants for one 1 r alone listed ? I They represent over #1,000,000 ( apital, probably the financial com* puny having any sale in the country. River, mont is booming, and the old Hill City is en. 'lhere will he no auction < lontested lots will he all.'Ked. I ai iii v11lc Booming, Dr. .1. A. Sexton, >>f Farmville, president of Paraville Coal and Iron Company, win in th- ' rday looking after then, my. The Doctor lefl for home last evening and reports Farmville on a big luxmi. Lexington, Virginie, tha Athens of the South. Meant ifni for situation, renowned for health? fulness, The centre of the phenomenal min. level ipmenl in the Shenandoah \.. The home of a highly refined and cultivatetl society. The most delightful residence town in thc Smith. Within easy reach l.y rail of the great .entres i f population. The Lexington Development Company now offers its lots to the public at low prices and up. n easy terran. No auctiou sale, bul lot .an be selected and Iniught at any time. Splendid chance for profitable investment. Add: J. D. ll. Rosa, President. Or J. Mi I). AOAIB, Secretary. V. v. Perfect Inn Is the name of O.B. SydnoPs Refrigerator. Go and buy one, and if not as represented the mon. Kingand Co. beg to thank their friends and customers for the sympathy extended them in theil loss by the disastrous fire Monday nighl announcing they have rented the Ulam lund warehouse on Vir ? there will be no inter, ruption in the carrying on of their business. They are receiving shipments daily and ex peet by the cud of the week to have a full as ?a nt of their famous reliable brands of vin. .ked meats and lard, and all Olden Ul. trusted to them will receive their usual prompt itt Commencing F Hay I7th. the Cl Peninsula division tra n leovinc Richmond H W A M. h r Gld Point, and the tram arriving al Richmond 6:50 K M.. retuning will on Sundays stop al ns between Richmond and old I for the accommodation of local travel. ForMalaria, Liver Trou? ble, or Indigeation,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Try ItellaMe Roasted Toffee. (? v. Bold i ni? In one p i 1 packages. Thc B< uthern Manufacturing Com paiiy.' Richmond, Va. _ MIU.IMKK 1 Corner Fourth a \\v hare Keen kept so (may in the past fev attending to tho wants of our patrons that we Opening of Sp re take plea IMPORTED Pi as well se ot mir own creation for < in ou THURSDAY Here you will lind n complete assortment tit ad.litl-ms to our PI.oWEB BT001 these Departments equally aa attractive as oui KAUFMA CLOTHIXO. \>o wow ktto** Wvw\. \?& Vut\v f^ ^\j^\;s aw<V Wvic*, ^vowv\\\cAv\\\x *A\o^.. \vvwv<, v>a\t\ve\ \o \\\?, *?wo\A-u\V' $ av <v\o 0 a f wrote. \*i wow'vc cjo'vwcj, awvovx, wow'W ^tatcUtaW^w w\\Wvw \\owv XvvvwV' ? uwa wow UMML\\ owe wvvWv ivW Vwe, wv o w e v w vvv\\vvov-e wvcwX* % WvvAvA, voowwx, tu\v\ s\vo\w . "WcVe ?0\ \\vc Wkv/\W\ \\*Vv; sxTh-Vv vw \\\e cv\\v ^VkC^VC w\vow \W &CCQ*a4 w\oot. "ft o\\ xtata \\\t*,cw> swwv\v\,ts wow'W **c a\ owv V uv wv* \v vwa \> c \\vw\w\cw\ yw* wW. ut*,1 Xrl c*o\. f^\\t\V vc \Vveve sv\w\\\.v\ ta mtaVtc wow vvs\k t\ut?.\'vo\\s, VvvAAvvwX ta www, o$ out eVcvV.* W\w\ ^oWve v%\\eve?\cA vw Wvc*e, ttvaWevti ivw\ \\\c\\'W \\AoX \V>w uwxow^Wvc VtefA, wvosV sfcus'v\Ac coWccYvow wow V\H'V *ww>. fv}\vc owVw, wtaVr. \vovw\ o\>ow\ Wvcwv vs Wvv: \vvvve. 'VYu txeVvkVvw fv!vww\l wwi\ Wu* vVtwVcvs whvw\ \Ww &xc\.w%v\>e \wvets. >fivv?w'\ vvtAvX. www fcYvotfcXA Wv\>c \o \\cv\\ VWwv. WVW 0WIW ww\vc wW o^ Wvvs sXoeVi w*e cuvvv\ ? ? svvwvc w* w>c oo vv^cvv^Wvvw^ A*t?-tuuV owv wwwsV*vw?** * wvc w*Xowv%\\. vw?Aw W\aww wnYuvX wow'W Vveav vVscwAvvvv.. Lectw ws \\owv wawve www ww'W \www\ vX v>w X\ve XvwwV- \)ov vynv. >ao\ owVw 'VvwwY^s t\V\v\ Wujis-?Xnu/v? owvvsW cow v*c wu w^ c s ?^v: wc v wWw.. K. ^w\w> & v!a>. &G0, Pork Packers, -AT BLANCHARD'S WAREHOUSE, VIRGINIA STREET. - RICHMOND, VA. hone S78,_mrH-lw ll A VAN A GIG Wo have slot of Fine SAVANA CIOAI onr own importation just landing, whirh a fer ?t very reasons mytt-St 0. KltANZ A I F. SITTERDING, LUMBER DEALEE 'Ai TORY AND MAIN YARD. LEIGH AN SK JAMED MUKKI. BRANCH YARD, FREDERICKSBUBQ DEPOT. rvr.timtii'r of ev.ry description always on hsnd and at low pricea Talephona No. isa. ja^-era Ml I I INC.V lt] HStOlfD. v?. April ?, ' FIYORDEROFTHEBOARDOFDIKECTOIIH, > Ai?nl -v. levi, a aeneral meeting <>f tho Stockholders of the PBKPETI W. iSVKHT dENT.rONSTRUi riON ^NDDEPOHITCOM? PANY ol RICHMOND, VIK..IM \. Hill bs held attheofticeof the Company. No. 819 east l on I HUIWDAY, Maj (1st, a- t K. M Thi ? ? ? eonai 1.1 amendments lo the charleroi the comps nv m propOM t the K'.ard nt .... Ins held tbisday. I M Biaarpif, .-?. my 1*41. Srrr. tary and Tress. HI1XINEBY. ^|lKKINKl;i. ngj. SUMMER OPENING. ?"?i K. B. MORRIS has returned from Nev York and will have a OBAND BUMMEB oPF.NTNG PRIDAT, Mwimwi. myi2? i\n <.<x?ns *c. nd Broad Streets. r days opening imr SKMMER MILLINERY ant have not found time to prepare for a formal announcing to the public that our MTERN HATS .ur BUMMEB OPENING will be displayed r anea , MAY 14TH, nf Sl'MMKR SIYLFS ai aU the new idea*. [, as well i< RIBBONS, NETBand LACKS, make ? MILLINERY PAUL' >KS on the second floor. NN & CO.