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VOL. MEW SERIES NO. 231. RICHMOND VA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1892. PRICE TWO cents; lone Swbs tho CHUT. WATERLOO OF RADICALISM, Popular Sovereignty Triumphant Crer a Corrupt Plutocracy. THE OLD DOMINION DOES HER DDTY By Giving a Sweeping Democratic Vic? tory All Along" tlie Line. 1 SOLID CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION ire tlie Present Indications and a Big Cleland Major.ty. KO BREAKS IN THE "SOLID SOUTH." Republican Corruption Money Cannot Buy Our Dixie Land. FEW YORK STATE GOES FOR CLEVELAND Illinois Conceded to tb. Democrats by Good Majority. CONNECTICUT ALSO PROBABLY SAFE. Indiana, tbe Home of Harrison, Claimed by tbe Democrats. DEMOCRATIC GAINS IN MANY STATES, rh its and Ohio GI**** Their Caual Republican Bl sj or lt los? T, tat tomes to tb* F* ont with Her 1'r.ual Ore* whelm Ing Majorlt jr tor tbe l>*ruiorr-cy Aiabaina ti ure* rn ? urprlsliigly Larg* Demo. rratlr Majority?Oregon, Wyoming and Waahlngton Bald to I.arr, Gone Against Harrison ? Weat > trginia Claimed by the H*_ ?crats I'r a *????-ll Slajorlty. Tb* A**,. lan Itullot Bya. tem Delaying the Cona! tn Hom* Mat*. om \> tann Defeated tn Georgia-Jerry Mino* sen tito in Danger ?r Defeat. V1I5G MA. Lu CHARLOTTE-SVILLB, VA., Nov. I? Returns pouring in upon thc Btate com? mit!.?*? here leave no doubt that Virginia baa gos .tic* by probably 10, From every point tn the state thi cations point ths HUM way. Tl>ts town. tor exan i Cleveland Efl majority, a Kain . le county gr. mi u majority ol LTOO, sn In? ri tease of 1,000. Koanoke City give. inajorlty, a Democratic gain moke county *? I I" nm. ran*, majority, ii Democratic gain ot M. Fi om Other parts of the I like r?-.sults are l-spoj Ths atonal deU-j-atlon will ac I Idly Democratic, as ftdlows: ,t?XS'. A. Jones (re-elected). om_?D. Gardiner Tyler. Thiiii?George D. Vu.** (re-elected). : peg I ? ? I" ? lsd). Piftb?Clauds A. Swanson. ?Sixth?Paul C. Edmunds rs-elscti nth?Charles T. OTerrall (re ?d>. B MeredJUi (re-elected). Ninth--James xv. Marshall. 0 Tucker The d? legation In tht solidly rta were i fusion with the Third Vow ?ve* _i, i nat Diaiilrt. I off ?lied. The I ths resuil For Pr< ? iv Ul; Wes * ' -frown, rs majority. M4; Jones', OH bltion tlc). db votes. PREDERICKiBURO, VA., Wnw. -. I sver rec-elvt-d 2 votes at Guinea's, Caroline county. Harrison's majority 7. -.rjwne's majority 44. va uk* * oi n rr. WAArf POINT, VA, Nov. I.?Port Hay ?ood, Mathews county, gives Clsrelsnd I s?a-*ritv. Jon-a. -Ci?a Democratic I c f j I. gal i . in l v W Jori \ Poi WU w Kin rino Itt It i Tlie Ths (an exec rn-' I '/ ?' "* ? ' l ' J r ?' - tilts GROVES CLEVELAND, rain. Mathews will give a Democratic OL! 'Kt'i STEIJ C. ii. N ? Mathews - irdlnary- \\ eav< r, 67; < ?. Browne, Hl? kory i ' . V. .1.1 1. Belli i ? land, 53; r, J. HTDDLEBl r COT H . _ GLOUCESTER C. H., Nov. _.?8 Middlesex county, give* Harrison ll jurity; Browne, ? ajor Ity. aOND. WARSAW, VA.. Nov. 8.?Jones parriM Richmond county by 109 majority ovc-r Browne, People-'- party candidate. ?ff.I I)l?r r I. l. MOKFOUt AN'f) I'OTT'-MOT'Tn. NORFOLK, VA., Nov. 8.-Chairman Younf- estimates that Norfolk city will -.'iv. _,;?m Democratic majority. Ports? mouth. 6"'A Chairman J. T. Duke pays tbe district is for Tyler by a handsome majorliy. Ni lilli )LK. VA., Nov. S.-Politlcal ex* cltement is running high herc. Thousands Of people ur.- on ths streets, which arc : with fireworks and illumination--. Thc Second district la safs. Cleveland's majority in Norfolk is 3,077' Portsmouth, 668. The district ls safe by f.,000 majority. aouTHAicPTO-i c itra P.OYKINS. VA., Nov. S.-Boyklns pre? cinct-? Niiir.l-i. >? of vni a clift. V"); HArri son, a Tyler, 235; Weaver, 4; Collier, i Demo gain tw. r USS, aboi ? !\ i 'IV VA., I Ivor i land, 4; Tyler, J .:', Bidwell, .?; Dszeadorf rlty herc !in 4_. Democratic gain of 20 h'-re o\ti RTLAXD, VA.. Nov. *. ton gives HaurriBoa about V, majority, a arge Republican los?. T Corri i il run . li the county. WILLIAMS' WILLIAM VA.. Nov. U.-Thf* ? he .(uictfat fur v small i i oiled, riie result was lams land, 123; I Fid--.fl!. 1, tyler, ryler's plurality 1?; I ti ?afn of 2. Jam^s i mi, 466--D< gain over Bidwell, l; Tyler, '-2-. Dez' -ng-ri, 5?Dezendorfs pluralli KARSOfO*! ' BUFFi ! " oil I vote i Ca ns err find county i Ge* dacd'i iln over I 13. ",. HAMPTON*. VA.. Nov. returns fr City co ? ? ); Prohibit Thli l arty, CoURr, 114; d': -Xl-), I W _k I Two pre r Congresi ? WAawics oo stx, NEWPORT NEWS, V \.. Nov. 8.-T0 ly's election was the hottest evei this place, but the city bas gone Dh atlc by MS. Tyler ran ahead of the _l_et There was al ,. .in of ii over U lhlr.1 I'iitrlc-t. i'll: DOO! NTT. "HESTEXtFlELD, C. H.. Nov. 8-Cleve .::?. Harri*' ir. S; Kid it. 123. Democratic BON AIR, VA., No .-land, 84; arrlson, CO; Weaver, IL"; Vi . *B; i.rant, MIDLOTHIAN", YA., Nov. R.-At Mid ;hlan tht* \ 1 Harrison, _*} rjUa rity. Wise 8. majority. Prohibition, 1 tc; Waa SKINQUAKTEH. VA.. Nov. S.-Cleve Btevenson, UR; George D. Wise, I; People's party (Weaver and Field), Bi Walt, r E. tiru; . publican uiai < Rel '1 ' ettrick, Chesterfield county?Cleveland, ? ; Wise, __7; Hanibon, El; Grant. 53. Vi Hi IAIDEN8, VA., Nov. 8.-Three pre- g. cts beard from ?lve Wise 21 majority. ] jveland 18 majority?Democratic gain. .n am . pr iANESVILL Nov. 8.-Lan*s- ?: le'i vote, 171?Wlsa'B majority 47?a ~( ii of Ita 1 u.ijorlty at Lanesvllle pre- lo' Republican lots of 4.. Weaver SK lat POINT. VA.. Nov. 8.-AH pn ?ts in King William, except Msgohtck, -\ 127 majority; Harrison, 131 ina- <}.. tv. i"l. ST. I Fo VEST POINT. VA.. Nov. 8.-We*t I 1 Cleveland, lil. l-S-rlaea*, I .. \ , (.rant, 18; Weavari *>? tai I'l/i.-.r, \a. _*ov. a?The vote -w< heard from ls us fol!ows: In pa, g William county In I pr.-, ir. ts Har- | a, n's majority 1* 26; Wise'* majority, j |,_ Mangohlck district ls to hear from. ]a? ilway- gives a Republican majority. ;u Demccratie gain at Lanesvllle ia 146. Be figure* are accurate. The Republi majorlty In the county will not likely ed 75. Thia is a great fain over 1S88. ha"*tovib cottj-tt. IHLAND. VA- K'ov. A?Aabiaad ore. f \ot u vot ' land, C27; Nan ij Bidwell, i; Vt Grant, CENTRALIA, VA., N ?? I Bidwell, ' . CH., Nov. . *,n King '. county ...... W< aver, 33; Men dlth, D73; Turner, I. - i * . PL . I, VA., .Nov. &.-<' the most qu et elections ev_r held i" Pe? tersburg v a.* that bl f, and I." Bturbances oocurre- at any of voting placea The weather was Indian summer like, and a large vote ; tile J a noli* .-alii** feature ?>f u> 'lay's elctlon here was tlie largs number on -I men who voted the Dem ti.k'-t. Th* y not only voted the ticket, they tcted as ticket holden si tha There were four tickets In the field, nam" I mocratlc, Republican, pe .pie's party ami Prohibition. Tlie can* didates on the latter ticket were: John Bidwell, of California, for it* and James B. Cranfell, of . Wry few of these tickets were voted. .Many of ths IC* publicans, while they voted for Harrison nnd Ke-d, scratched Goode, Third party candidate from this district, *? tail end of the )?? pti ti.-ket. Petersburg gav*- Cleireland I vntis and Harrison, LOM. Bpes, Dem i late for Conj ri as from I * Fourth dl? trict, ret* I I 2 votes and ? 'i Li.- ' rsl tim.** thal Peti given a l?*.-mo* : tion sin ? ir, nnd Democrats aro high iv j'ii>ii..r*t. over it vi* tory they ha 15 believed that Epes is elected, a not thought that Goode can ?..v.-rcomfi th*-- majority Epes has gotten hero in burg. Tl ?n in front of the Index-Appeal newspaper of are fully tonight "' returns and * ? m nv PEI * ty, 4; Epes, - rity of LM7?a Democratic gain of 'aidential election. ' I Th* vote in the I Cleveland, 212; Har 141; Ej ? da not In. Et 1 pive-! I 1 : Harrison, ? illlium, '?. rity. Third ''-; Harrison, . Harrison, ? .liliam, 1. l ioode, 142; ' . .'y?Blackwater dial ind, Ml: Harrison, 132; Weaver, IS: Epes, .'; Goode, 154 l*!a::,l district, ll.illl-.*-i. ind, M; Wi le, tit; .'. This la th.* small, st Republican nu irity ever t ?? ? 11 * - < J in this dlstrict, PETERSBURG, va.. N'.,v? 8. -Prince inty lira n don d Harri :m. im': Cleveland, 7... Goode, 119; Epes, i: Weavi r, .'7 Prim Blackwater dia "1-1 | land, Hi; reaver, 18; Goode, 154; E] ? ! district? I; Clevi lan l. M; Weaver, IS; ood v . *i <-.* of In of i n T tl SB! S .. LAWRENCEVD-LB, VA., Not. 8. unny bide, Va., gives 30 majority for leveland. Harrison carries Gloucester by 560; ?ow ne. for Congress, by 565 OR TN' -VILLE I ot vs IIICKSFORD, VA., Nov. 8.-The vote at icksford precinct. Greensville county, i., is as follows: Offl-lal?Cleveland, 120, irrtson, 119; Weaver, 63. Per Congress? >ode, 179; Epes, -UCKSFORD, VA, Nov. 8.-The follow thS official vote o.* Taylor's VIII Greensville county: Cleveland. Harrison, 4c; Weaver. 53. For Congress ? 'pcs, 84. [ICKSFORD, VA.. Nov. 8.-The fol f'.cial v*.te at Trotter's seinct, Greensville :ounty: Clers id. **; Harri - -3. For ngress?Epes, H; Good .*, Phe follow!! g In th" ofBdal VOtM ot i Second district of Greensville county: I; Haliison. 74; We.nvr, Co. r Congress?Goode, 108; Epes, .1. a Mn u rorsTY. BTBR8VILLE, VA., Kov. 8?Vote at s pieeinct: Cleveland, ::7; Harrison, 73; aver. 19; Epes (Dem.), 40; Goode (Third -IV! 71 -MELIA COURTHOUSE. VA.. Nov. -Amelia Courthouse precinct: Cleve* d. 196; Harrison, 164; Bp**, -Iti; Goode, ; Weaver, 81; indwell, i. SrsSEX rnl-NTT. I'AVERLY, VA., Nov. 8.-This precinct ej Ul Republican. 117 Democratic* and People's party. Democratic gain, 87 es over national tlection of ltiS. AVEELt VA- Nov. -.-Four pra* l 17; I gix c < t:i l gli SB w.: Oo T WI tha la DUI Co: I: ? .r* gU no: Coi bf Bta Bg-B B cin< lam to In will Sf villi rall van; Tu* S( proc 24 n H( effie ina* and _I,^!P2 ? Ca AI>LAI E.STEVENSON. cine ts ou;. In this county Cleveland 415; Epe* (Dem.) congrea l-l: Harrison, 677; I tood (Peoj le'i i con will . ijority for Harrison and Reid and ? I't.WHA I AN" I iiT'MTY. LB VI LE, rn vote, N; Cleveland, 47; u ea* *.VH*on, l; Uoode, I Full vote. vr.v ?? m. MEHERRIN, ' I IB; Wi havan ''. H , Nov. 8.?Three pr-* ? '1. v. land, 208; Harrison, 239; Weaver, 88; ESpes, 201; Goode, 54-. Sub lett'B, Pineville and I ls to h"ar from, -Tiring Republican rnajoritles, BLACKSTONE, va.. Nov. iv?Voting;at niackstone t"-tlay light. Whole vote, 147; Cleveland's majority, 279; ESpes' iiiu lorlty, 0..4. Indications show thc county ibouf I.tym majority for IV CREWE, ., Nov. 8.?The official vote it this precinct gives Cleveland 237; Har? rison, 134; Goode, 144; Epes, 237; People'* party, 10. Fi ft n iHetrtec. FATBICa1 OorvTr. STAURT, VA., Nov. 8.-Flve precincts leard from and give Cleveland, 3S2; Harrl ?on, 2o3; Swanson (Dem.), for CongreBS. t54; Jones (Rep.), 282. Weaver and Bid -.ell will not get KO votes In the county. Patrick is Democratic from 300 t" D-JTVaXI,-. DANVILLE, VA., Nov. I.?The follow, ng is the volo nf Danville In d Harrison, 710; ns , Bldw! Il, ? on, 1,248; Jones, 70S, North DanvHL Harri on, 8-9; Weaver, 14; Bldv ell, on, US; Joni -i, he.nbt oocrtir. MARTINSVILE, VA., Nov. *,.--lI-*-ury ounty -ari-v - Harrison 140 majorti I lubllcai ounty by abo-it ? . ilnat Swai son. CHATHAM CWWTT, CHATHAM, VA., Nov. L?Returns ' ti ail baan received, but tho D .ill recel'-t* a pood majority. Swanson, ; undoubtedly be el BCMMAHT BT COTMIL DANVILLE, VA.. Nov | urns indicate that Pit nn l; Danville1 Danville, 81*; Patrick, I A Republican. Floyd Ca ::i not heard from, but Indlcati * Bwgnson'a eli y trr-rr Milli Dlitrict. ha- ? rt. tOST< ?N, ' f ' savy \ te ia being polled, many colored en votinj I The emocratlc ticki*t will receive a I ? CLrl >\ ER I > A., Nov. 8 rte here to-d >x Fur Edmunds ? :? thc vote soANOkr. i oin rv. I dem ] H irrlson el 16 ROTFIflV'TlT rot NIT. FINCASTL v VA., Soy. v- six precincts Botetouri county -ive Democratic galna i r last pr' Bldentl ii "l" tion. MnNt.,oMr.rtT COPSTT. "tADFORD, VA.. Nov. 8.?Radford -riv*** 1 majority for Cleveland arni Edm is makes the county of Montgomery tlrely safe. ? lOTTM corntt. CBTSVIlaLB, VA.. Nov. 8.?newland, ; Harrison, US; Weaver, 59; Bidwell, Cobb, 221; Kdmunds. 176. ?,:, v \., Sow ..?Roanoke etty ind *>l-> majority, and Roanoke -tnty 290, a gain la the city of ,?>>), and in the county over the vote of 1888. .TNCHBURO, VA., Nov. 8.-Lynchburg es the Democratic ticket 1,073 majority. increase of 8-8 over 1&*>S. Edmunds I carry the district for Congress over ob's party by over 3,000 majority. he election passed off quietly to-day. illa a larg* number of negroes voted, colored vote was not as lt usually K on presidential election-', and quite a ? nber voted the Detnocratic ticket. F igreas there was no Republican Bom- *a e, and the fight wa. between Edmunds la m.) and Cobb, f..o Peopl' Ba- *** ate. The majority for the Democratic nlnaes In this city is 1.06.. In the Sixth 56 igresslonal district Edmunds ls elect! l ? a majority of S.-0O, and Cleveland ai.d C venson carry the district by about the ll ie majority. R R Koi'iiat) cotrarr. ?-* EDFORD i'ITV. VA, Nov. 8.-7 pre- Bj 'ts lu Dgiford i ?? inty Rive Cleve- *\i 1 a majority of 90); |] mon- precincts i j hear from. The Demo, ratio majority _j the county, at the loweet estimate, ? be 1,-iOO. I R BM ALB7.MAJILC COfNTr. | 'OTTSVILLK. VA.. Nov. g.?S?:otts- | R. I precinct give* Cleveland and O'Fer- er a majority of 76. Seottsvtlle, Flu- Cl na, precinct givea Cleveland and 51 ker a majority of 07. Ti 'OTTSVILLE. VA.. Nov. 8,-Carter's Hi inct glv?-s Clevelund and O'Ferrall Hi ir-.1nrll\ H, 1WARDSVILLE, VA.. Nov. 8.-The rh lal vote of Glenmore precinct. Buck- Ia: 1am county. I. as follows: Cleveland, er Stevtc-o:- 14-: ilaxrUon and Rei.*, _.i ?" Ulatrict. 75; Weaver and Field, 32. A Democratic gain of io. BAPPAH-TfXOCg " 'Sir. WASHINGTON, VA.. N Rappa hanu"* C majority. .m.HAM COI HARRISONBURG, va.. Nov. I The Democi i Harrlsonl grain of 225 rall will l ? ' rity than .- win I-*- i i-r I.* ratio. .11 COIN IV. v v.. Nov. I.?Court .eland, 27". Harri on, iLS; Town Hall?Cleveland, 157; HarrIson,78, Demo ?-,. 91. >'TT. SPERRYVILLB Nov. S.-1-appa k county gives 873 majority for Cleveland and O'Ferrall, and Page 400 *-nj:v vn'-oaH COUNTT. WOODSTOCK. VA., Nov. 8.-New Mar? ket, ratic majority; Mount Jackson 119 Democratic majority; Toms brook, 31 Democratic majority; Strasburg, ?mocratic majority; B-lnhurg, 117 ? iican majority. Democratic gain of Eighth lllntrlrt. *? rr. ORANQB*. va., Nov. 8.-Orange gives Cleveland about 400 majority. Kin1 Courthouse, Cleveland's majority & Meredith's majority 46, eland's majority 67. Meredith's majority i>8. ' OBD. .DI'Kii K;-IU,.. .. VA., Noi 8 -.1 county tri ia ' !le** I I Here ? jr, Bren! | ?' ctn* ', Bpotsylvania count*.. te*?eland, ii majority; Jon-/**, $2. Summit precinct? JDu-rison's Browne's ma Spot ourthouse ?'.loy > land's i Ity, . majority, 61. parses wu i.i.*,.v. KANA \ va., Nov eland's majority is ar |< ?? William. '!'h i*?iidB hla ticket ** long waya His major^y will reach I MO in thia ' ? * VA., N sured Democratic majority in the count with v ties to I ? mil iiixtrlct. per a*"Kt *-orVTV. i. VA., Nov. I tiring la ths result of ths election in Pi county: Cl majority 27; New Cleveland ma lori ty :. I ni ' ind, M. Alum Spring i ;iev< land I "em tory here and at Alum Bprlnga Pulaski ly Democratic. withs coi ? .. Nov, v Wythe land 31- majority. : 37 ma - ts will not ill lit. Tenth District. Al LROK-Jri COI MT. ? 1 114, Han land 4 Ity. "NTON. VA., NOV. h.- Th" "lay has ?*-?* ?. quiet, xxV.h hard work on both Sidea Phe largest vote ever polled In th*- city? ,;S37. First ward Clei ? <? i Wt; Hanl? on, '2','j: major.- BSCOnd war.! i *i. 122; Harrison, 290; maI'.ri'v. lal, 21 "'! majority In UM *as i-ui, a Kain of 1SS. First ward?Tucker, in, VA\ majority, 2/2. S**eond vard?Tucker, tnt', Robertson, 287; ority, 152; total, -H. Weaver and Field ecelved -' votes In the city; indwell and 'rani 111. 90. Bolivar j r-cinct, Augusta county, gives I ?! Harri on, 120; Tucker, 99, on. li'.. Sandy II illow, Augusta county, gives ind, LB; Harrison, 93. Kn*l, Augusta county?Cleveland, B; Harri.* on. Ul; Tucker, 186; Robert? on, 13u; Bid.v..ll and Cranblll, tl; Weaver nd Meld 9. Following additional precinct returns dow the result from Augusta county: olly Mills?Harrls-on, 3i; Cleveland, 68. :uniett?Harrison, 0; Cleveland, 131. lount Sidney?Harrison, 92; Cleveland, Waynesboro?Harrison, US; Cleve .nd, 38a. Fishervllle-Harrlaon. &>; Cleve Churchville? Harrison. 57; loveland, 138. Buffalo Gan? Harrison. -llgsvllle?-Harrison, ; Cleveland. 71. ftoart Draft?Harrison, ; Cleveland, 122. Basic -Harriaon, Ul; d. Hi. Mount Sidney?Tucker, 1; Robertaon. 1*>2. Burnett-Tucker. I'M, obertson, 64. Folly Milla?Tucker, 70; Obettson, 3-"> New Hop** Harrison, 9*); I. v* land. 79; Tucker, Kl; Robertson, tt. Iirke's Mill?Harrison, 26; CU". rrlhon, 66; Cleveland, Robertson. 6.1. Bolivar - arrison, Ul; C^evs-aad, '.*?); Tucker, 99\ obertson, I ' l*-hervllle?Tucki i. fertile -Tucki r, lil; ? iffalo ? Sap T .'. Mount Baste?Tinier, 117; Rob tson. 103. Hermiiai-. Harrison, 44; 79; Tucker, ht; Robertson, M. Iddlebrook?Harrison. BT.; Cleveland. 2-0; irk.-r. WA', Robertson, 49. Sangersvllle? irrlaon, 42; Cleveland, 38. l* ? - irrlaon. 48; Cleveland. Ul Spring Hill - irrlaon, 66; Cleveland, s.,. Verona? Mar? ion. 28; Cleveland. 81. Oreen*. I! ad. Mi Harrison. 119; Tucker. tS-J Roi-*. tson. HS. lt looks like the majority In lo-iiatJi ann Ktain.inn will h_ VaM for Cleveland. In 1888 Cleveland's majority was 998. amhswst rnrxTT. AMHERST COURTHOUSE, VA.. Nor. 8.?Amherat precinct, official?Cleveland, 293; Harrison, 212; Weaver. 3; Tucker, 204; Robertson. 213. County probably De? mocratic by 600. CAklKKSVlLLE, VA.. Nov. 8.-Th* .1 precincts In the lower end of Cumberland rive th?? Demo, ruts 183; Republicans, 319" Third party, 63; Prohibition. 1. For Con* Rollinson (Third party), 377: Tucker (Pcm.), 180. rrj-RXRT.Axn. I'Ul.MVILLE, VA., Nov. 8.?Cumber? land?Brown's Church precinct give* Har? rison 31 majority; Robertson, for Con ?.'rcs-., 103 majority, a Democratic gain over ISM of US for President and 145 for Congressman. BaOUKM Cot-NTT. AFTON". VA., Nov. 8.-The rote Bl May's ? ti. 01; Bidwell, IS; Tucker, 7'J; Robertson. H- muriatic gain I Vi r MM ol 41. A POBUTTOZ ? OI'NTT. \IT>'MATTI >.\, VA., Nov. S.-Appomat* out 1'jO majority, a gain of kkk votes oxer _j BUENA VISTA. VA., Nov. 8.-The ? I vote hare to-day cast was 427. Cleveland's majority is 2^5. Tucker's ma? jority is 2C'9. TTuTKOl liHill 1 UH; I MIITD STATE*, Tt-e Bssaltsaf tba El-riion Ycit.rd.j tu. 'try Hut NEW VORK, ' ? tt tho election in this Stnt" to-day the voting wa* fo? electors, thirty-four oongreaa m.n and an Assembly which will, with) tho Senate elected i I rear, name th* successor to United Stat. I Senator Frank Hlscoclc, There a ere three proposed idmeiits to thc Stat-; I'onstltulljn ol lo. tl Interest vntcd for, and Charles Andrews, the nominee of both Republi? cans and Democrats, was elected chief of thc court of appeals. 1'oiitrary to tim general expectation, tho " number of votes cast In thin city fell (nnsideralily below the estimates made by the election expert mathematicians. As early as 6 o'clock the Democratic tdraltted that the falling off amount'd to over seven per cent, com i with the vote of tout years ago. \ ariotlfl theories were advanced aa to the cans?. It ls argued that hundred* of hu visited the polls were obliged tn stand ni lin", awaiting th<Mr turn, until th dr patience lu cam.' exhausted, and th?*y ? it un. The result ls a 'onslderabl* ii thc ballots cast for tho candi i h narty. Thc I mt. d Stat".s deputy I I . nd John k Davenport's superv-MMta ar-* ai?**> h-dd t-**p. ru-ibte for Km dacreaae by th?* Dem .' 'Inn. many voters would rather forego their rights of fran t their votes, than in an/ way place th msslvss In a position wher< wo il i i. even h possibility of urn rift rnimr th.- detention and dis. omfortg ' whether juatifiabl* or nof. The Republicans acknowledge the fall. lng off In V"' ? I admit ihat the !?? ? the bootha af*" them more seriously than thc Democrat:'. ? ter ?.ufferrd more through th<* cha! i : '."nibil, ans and the ob trumped-up tharg-3 of Olegal re?i<.tratlon. < mi tha whole, ni Ihe decrease both pal (farad about equally, and th- re mit arlll, -hat-afore, be Hccordmg to tn itretiath on both si \LO, N. V . Nov 8.-0->.lr,^ to Ih* -^districting of thi3 tltv a comparison s inipra. ii able. 1'orly-oue district's out In Buffalo give Harrison, .NV, n. . . tit .-. I From the Re? turns already received from dlffereni In thl etty, there ls a I 'en. -eratic . \tll Wal I gil i 4 til.* Ropllhli a jortty of ', when it normally glvi a Deaso ratlc Dajoru. ... Ii ' Fifth ward. Harri* "n 1 a., l_'l . tn i |. ruy of ISO for nevi laud rn ROME, N. V , NOV I R 'in", X. T.. toraplete on .? ? I 443, aa com tar td with i ?> -, glv< ? id, LIM; larriaon, l I itl< loss "f 16. OtfWEGO, N. v., N..\. g, Oewego cit) ompiete i loveland ? majority of 50 a Ilemot i.ul" -_;..? ia of MALONE, N. i iload c__a ?lete, nr.? Cleveland '. >; Harrison, 1,236 a Repu BS ol ON, B. L. X. ... Nov. 8? teturns from 10 ont of 12 polling pre iit. ts in Richmond county indicate l.**? lurality for Cleveland, and the election f the full Democratic tickst, BROOKLYN, N. v., Nov. 8.-80 dls rlcts out of a total of 648 in Brooklyn Ive Cleveland 11.4'.'8; Harrison, 7,011. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Nov. 8.-120 dls >ttl of a total of 648 In Brooklya Ive Cleveland l'.,148; Harrison, U.:14. BROOKLYN, N. Y? Nov. 8.-240 dis i ts out of 648 in Brooklyn give Cleve ;iid IMBI; Harrison. 23.703. BROOKLYN, N. Y.. Nov. 8.-300 dis lets out oC 648 in Brooklyn give Cleve nd 41,470; Harrison, 30.521. BROOKLYN. N. Y., Nov. 8.-330 dls icta out of 648 In Brooklyn give Cleve nd 45,739; Harrison, _3,94f?. BROOKLYN, N. T., Nov. 8.-370 dts Ic-ts out of 618 In Brooklyn give Clev nd 51.474; Harrison, 38.980. ty) districts out of tho 641. giv- Cleve nd, 68.658, Harrison, 52.2U.. .1) dlatricts out of the 6.3 give Clsve nd, 71376; Harrison, 64.002. NEW YORK, Nov. 8.-The Herald's ilWtn says Kings county will give Cl*ve nd about 16,000 majority, and places eveland's majority in this city at a llt * over 70,000. SEW YORK. Nov. 8?One hundred and ty districts out of 648 In Brooklyn giv eveland, 21,131; Harrison. 14.181. Indlca )ns at 7 P. If, point to a majority for eveland of over 25,000. SEW YORK. Nov. 8.-4*70 election dis ct* out of 1.137 In New York give Cleve iid, 129.885; Harrison. 75.-80. >EW YORK. Nov. 8.-The Sun's bul? bi nays Cleveland's majority In the cit j* il will be 70,000, and in Kings county. sst) ?EW TORK, Nov. 8.-90O election BRM eta out of 1.137 In New York give devo? id. IHtMi Harrison, 75.-96. sEW YORK. Nov. 8.-The Dally News* (letta claims Cleveland has carried the -te. rhe Commercial Advertlaer bulletin says ?v. land show* a loas tn King* county. rhe Tlmea' bulletin says a full Demo it ic delegation is elected to Congreaa. CBW YORK. Nov. 8.-113 districts out le of New York city and Brooklyn give IVSlaad. 11,W_; Harrison. 16..43. The me districts in ISS8 gave Cleveland, 13.8*1; trrison, 17.623. ^EW YORK. Nov. A-The New Tea* iral.i bnis_*i_ aava Bi. Lawrance e*9X___r