OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, May 05, 1893, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-05-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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i <,*>
if *- \ < tr.
. - .- Io l> |*
; . x
i- i
?'? || a ai
?o flint law nM
t,etu < hla thus tur sSTSfWl
i 11 ii he hsi'i bann rmsnt
?. ii. liii
.Inly, and at. ; I
??i xxiih n
? ns
' it lir xx.i*
I. told tbs dei
. '
'..? i- ? h< ; timt
for a
thal hil
si ? not 'lirk
I .
i OHM il i i i ns i /i. // /s,
x ' '" al ??? boalla* Rswlaasi Dtagassd
? ?
i lil*
nth a
? in thc ? tr*
Thl Te?
nth ot
bl ? ?
ng mom
ror tbs lavin*
between ?
?.ikf-n, nn motion
I fr"m tht rntm
r of
: -
: ir.
? I
? o on
' I were mp
? I
? will bs li
ov-r gns
ri "1 Mr. I
? his j
iii- I* Elected Pre* iteat '>rt)i?. Powhatan
I lui,
'..''?? Of I
1 Th<?
be in a
? M. M.
nf a
? 1 Mr.
? Hlll
? m
that I with
?. tli*"
? ? ' ?
ti mury
i ?
THE ELVES' ni i i r i ms
Hm 1 iitrrtnlimunt nt th* Terania Will 1i?
n lira** Sun w
nt the TtJph
ts for thi
? til"
? "f In?
ri up tn an
? Hi'- names
i th.- Hst of
lelay ttl tr>*?
,,r ti,.- : caused bj
rere only
They will bs
In th"
v cannot
? '
i ' .
t to
ail I <?!.'.?
\ I I Walnut
i rhomss
: _
. it 10
my t
? f xx Ult
ha Pain > ;.i m 1
tn truthfully
Kan. Mr.
,. i: <-"x, tin- leading ' Holy*
- ? fur tbs trudi nf tbs utiuv*
tatsmsnt Owsns ? Minor Drug Com
??..', WOT esit Mutti itreet.
YUK AS S Cai AH El iso.
rreepeeeme ron,mion of ti>*< *..?a. inti,,,,
Kt!!tlsa of llfflrrri nt ll,-. Mr-rlor.'
M.-.tln-'-.Mr. (.1,111 Oise! lp
The rejoiiar annual mr-r-tim- of th.
Richmond Mosart a^ oas ht i
? ? ng at tl loaati
.Mr. ./.un, s Lyona, th! president ot Ott
Blunt, eras la tl in pre
Banting his annual report h! bbM ll wai
te I-- n petted thal tis mei Una.
of the Asso latloa ss.
I to be hr a lei ate lori*.* .,
tin. mstnhsrs, and that it wa! natl
thal th.- great body of tin
work "f tin' organisation waa left to .
fs.w af the ?
isl tin..',
Mr. I ,-.-,1 that th!
dlfflcultlei ol H.- i
Of th"
ia -i er.
? of the hall commit!
mittori hy i ? hat commii
? .
well attend
I nu
"ih.- hall i
a- ? ? ? .
tmmlttes i that i eh randi
?? availabli
; ible.
lc eommlttet
? ?
-.ns- iii proa, ??iiiiii" ss ?
The paying nv ? t I
tlon l ?
commit! iltlvatloi
? .-. ii been too l<
aevi ral performance! by local
looking to t ? .
which ss.,,! | pi
! Al the nins- li-1,
"ti ths -ith of April 11 s
?i ssl, it the ' . ?
i could do, The j
? ?
In their ex]
mira! I
? ? commended tho incl
lp, by whl ?
an ii ' funds, which n
The .
|.. r tn.
Th-- paying membership laai
numbered :;~:,, and tl erahlp com?
mit! had at the 1 view
the plan of Inei ?
until now they n Ml*. There
had l." 00 -
men i l"i to tl
tlon during tli.- past .
Ur- I lenl l. id si
been Interested In the work
' .'? the purpose" "f bril
cit*" t"1 ti
iri'l CUltlV
f. "1
'i'-h n-.-is- ||
h. In
I thal
1 ' ? tution wittel
of the '
Mr, Stark'
: lack of Inl
tlon In th-- ?
? would t ?
I thal
? ?
would almost Burel;
of the
ti.ld 11
? ? ...
? ?
('its- ot l- ntl that t) ?
?i the question,
to the i hefoi iuch
altering th- by?
laws could I'" ' ?
Mr. i: A, ratlin airreed with Mr. Bl
adi -1 thal
. r until the i .\t annual
t the ti ? I itlon.
it lng
the i -
dh Idi l Into thi
Which ss
her tsso years, and
11 y.
The motion wsi unanlmouoly adopted
On i '. \K-' >: Ta.mer, it
? i thal ?'
roil ste ?
ll flltl!!
-ii,. urned, nn,"i the
held B rn??"('. ne, in
ss iii, ti
The following
?it, Mr John T\ ler,
Mr I". A. ?'at lin, ti
nr.-r. Mr. Jami I W I |
? iry, rn 1 (
(Beer wi i I to i tuturi
Mi i: i Hsmilton Cshill spp ire l In
ludge Lamb
? mporary
tenancy of the
Lamb I ? '
? iver, the Vii
the rt
for rent up to Mas Ol thi!
rr,un March 15, ISM, an I
April :
Mr. Cahl that ht
t be 'lia nol
the r.'tu t-> th
would I
Mr Cahill, however, -? -i In
r of
?als ss: ll
s - -
t 01 i i i.i WI KID DAT.
?tn latoseetlag Pf-agrMmwa t<> tip Bas
Tor Barara] weekg tba athletes ot* utoti
I ,? |
hs . ot''- its, srhlch tak*? j'i
hr- |r.dl stlons ur.- thal thia, tbs
.nnual Held day, arfll ha oas of
luccsssfu] tti;,t has iver bssn -. i hers.
ii,- .,i:
iri.t if tbs wsatbsr is k tod tbs ap. ?
nay expect to see gooil records macle.
Th- preliminary tennis contest came to
, rloRe yesterday afternoon. The con
?atanta were: Mei-rra. Jone*. Ba_by. G.
Vlnaton, Peter Wlniton, McRae, Long,
surfleet, Cocks, Harrison and Burnett.
M"?*r?. Jon**. ' P.ajrby and H. Winston
?howsd Ibsmsslrss thc snpsrlor pla
.ml aa a rsattll COnstlttttS tbs Iii" I
xviii ? nt'-r ttie court to-d.iy to COBtSSl for
ri. nuaii hmiora.
Tbs "ofSntl nnd prlzo* ar" nam"d gslow,
also ihe contestant! In snobi
'i o ,\. M . mlle xx .ilk. PriSS, poid rn-dal.
ContSStnntS Ml -- I - Louth.m. 1 i,. I
and U'-'i
? y a m . thi lng 1 '.ii i'ri7",
I ld pan Meaara. ]
lon. Bu lt, W. D
' af.. I rt
?? ''
/1 .'
10:45 A. m . mils run. Prlns, gold msdal.
? " ? - met. r?p"n to aft.
lum drill
?? ? ? rdls i
safe, i
? .
P. M tenn! ? gold
' I
bf.. 1
I '
' ? nil.
Iff.. 1
? "
' ?
cordial Inri tat lon to be i ?
lin ll BOB h i ot i i ,. i 11 i ms i
the Rfehaassd Chmptmr Seftfai rinwn to
i ii ntyai s\. ,
A mt-i't'n" rf the
Uumnl of i ?
Collegs wns ii
ii uti ? nt i
day In 1 hi
f tl
?? plan of a
in ip
for securing funds. ,
P m Tb,
l"x\ lng Prank
ld, B. V*. '.
(lilli.un. \v. iv Hines, WU
Fflden. 1
mum it i s i i h is s i tr i o
nm., ri ff 111 '??? Hi n \\ Itb t (tradition
; *
I el bs unii.
r treat tot th Meg,
An ni Ilea w"r" i
Of tl:
recent 1 how
iilrv dil
un a|
u/ort tor '
Relntermenl sf Sr. Dm ls.
.. ....
i ?? ? if Mr. D
M hus recelvi
In :
titi him.
srrrius 11 s m st ur BCMOOLB,
Tha Klan, Itnard of I dinntiiin OsSTtaSMBSS
ll* I.nlior*.
Tha Stats Bond "t Bdneattsn rs
Itll r
? i<. Many of ? 1 - I BA
thi? -I f..r hon '
In th ? Men*
nf tl
li ii
lbs work xxiii i ?
rU. snd "
! ill t
I i
alulfi rd; ( t. Fi
.1 Fal
H ?
'rf li?
anne, ri
ll M. Cl ' .1. I' r
Willi '-ii i
W. W, 1
?'1 'I'.
mu un i l ? i i i
i i
? ?
? ?
ll, In
?xtr?m". and ha bnd rr"mi*"d that In thu
furtl ir dial n of pa
l not hi t
non t ICADBMT.
OrCuiiI;.it!'in ?f lli? Hoard of Trua
Tbs board ..r trust sa sf tba H an
whl. h H t i i ? ? ri ? I .
Prssbytsrlaa I
?i nt
I v. H
md J. 8. Mu !
" Pl< " ? " ?. a:- I i
il, nnd (ll
the Res, '?'/?.
ri? a
? ' I
? '
aft' r th- aSStlngll
' '
? xxiii 1..- the "tily - ' th"
kin.I in \ ll
11 ur int' . nd a
al thy ur ?
nt si i ix m i in r. t/ t tn.
Tba Ladlee Ira Wt\\ Plmmaad With tbs
ti.i i ii..,i.
? '
i ? relented
hy f
t of hi I
... , ... her vi
i will 1-- tun. ? the
'I'! ? ' '
111 for
In which tl
' '?
in the '
for all i
? r timber,
f' <r
? f.ir
i' . ,.. i i ran?fer .
A. W
I i
? .-].- to
. hopped
. ,\f. Bailey to C Wncfcrly, IN
? ? . ? '
? of 1'"'.
James Bsrros ll"i"\
i an Invll
over I ' James
11 ? ? ii nf the iin
The ' '
.-, all f ><ir al li e. Mi
Th. R|,.r ri?-|?- IU_(KJ W|,h |u Q|4
Timm H?iir,l-r?.
The rssttVS Jsssea la -.Kain on a J*K.
u,'"nt h,iU ? wran havs
?*. sad lt ia atoa.iuj
?? m tet ths h.ss.r part
? ai a o-cioch >?.-??...!.,-, ,,.!?:
n Tsa., cut oft ex
t .ara could
'";'*' r': tetts Tbs wharf
of tbs aytls Lum st Rocfcetts i? ?*__.
isvsral fest, aaa
i tominion Company*! wharf i.
i ks Of th.
Kalli ,: i Cos*.
I Chemical Works
l . tis.- t,,
' their trans to the "hefcayeaka
the I Igh vatar the OM
Homlnlon St.
id fi- Ighl ..' the Bli h
B ?
tl ilnl b) K
Th t tri-! tty i
auls ss in p. M vla
- river nt vt w< k, Mllt-*j fr rn N- sv
v ak to md lya, V
? "
mi al
? * at
... . .
ind |
f srood
freight .1
\ t' i nbts at
1:15 yesterday mornii its! I that
tbs river wai i t ri.ing
m s. ti Inches sn hour, Al Vi
waa 11
Lynchbui 11
lt 1 o'clock t r tba riser
< svas
? -'
I t 10 inches,
par' Of ll I I I
. ,.s h. ind tli,- river srtll nos i
"ill, I s> p), people were
? in the '-- of the
i fid I i Clytie Lim
AMU ll Ell WI HE il \>.
\. in il i:,...,it. ,.i , lontnif p.,ii, t in the
I .|iiit..lil<- I if.- A* .inn.." ?,'ii.lr,
Tss.-n- lay of Pea*
i . ??' > ?
In tbs K-pil
? .klux _.
ss lt ii a
for 11.000.
i ills Th."
Itacy had
m. n,.nt offered him -
Thli too
er 4 l-l | I
. ? aj| th i ionei bi pal l tbs ie*
ind bia in
m nothing.
? s . ,,,, i ,,p poiley, parawa
i, foi I
d. An al I rr life,
n do i ter than I > Ualtate
: :n of Mr. Si U | ai.-I ll
? own ii'", or b u in Im rstment
? i ibis
I in
ttl*- ' Equitable Cffe
i .. l
r w bot, Msnager,
Bl . ki, bmond, Va.
Both -.oi'-* "f lbs < blaaas Qossttew,
A | tb* chlnssa svee*
thi ileary
1,111.' ai :??? in in t'"- " ot
?; _ ,!, Pi h. -. ?'. Mi
.il .is th. <
Corni ind li on nf th-- ls ?
ition law
i, atton sst: ' d ,,v lb*
n . -Db, i ? f Con?
ine" it.- author
MU which bears bis n i
U0{l . ii -nt uted br rapes
...ii dsssrre
? "ii 'ii
si.!, ll. i.<In. I""
i ss pi, Dr. Davie**! Urer niii
Tli-r. IS Vol hi"* Mr-.r
,,, ti,. Tooth, <'.'im* aad Brsath than
; Mouth V.
I User sal tetmt with nee
rli im'l Pill!
TrUltl aii'l COmblnsttons ar. nnpopnlnr.
..,,. , . rn Bt iT'int against
whti -. fthlna te mr 'l '
-? thi ti is ' th- public rep ?-? - Ib H I i
knew ii'OD*a
Ii. ? iii a PIT.t-R ar.- perety v?-r'--:ible.
aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl I \| ra. th Ol vu AAA WOlth of ?K)dS Walich, had til" weatbei
The a. most * APRIL showers have lett their markonoui Won KNTFK OF KKDUCTION. -Inti
n favorable, wonld now be in the i i i*honde,i with nfc We seebot onere ?"? ? ? ? pronuthfown
how we've applied it! We simply stopped I "havel* . r; jf ??...? ?
to windward For tbe balance ol the season otir onlj aim and o cl wi be ? .tart right in tJMkgr
rional bareaina, and thoee who wonld profit by them hst! bel ? J}"-"- T<*
Bt the very outset of this immense merchandise i rem< t, while everything ii J
| for enc.* from il ont MM Mc, regnlar $11 and $12 SuiJ Le ofrfrictly wear-well i I " ' "*
for choice from o*er 1,800 MEN'S FINE ^WWL^CHKVIOT UD CASSIMERE SUITS In n^re* **pe. of **. ?,,.! ***
breasted styles, Former price $15. ,- ,
S12 OO
:.Hole, fi. I. MKN's riHOT-CLASS AEUwSi DEVIOT, CA88IMEBK AND WOBtTTED 8U1T8 ta aM paaata. ?
ihades and styles: mark* from f 15 to $17. _ ^^^
cg-s c O O
h. ebola, or r.xi'KA.i INK DREBB BUTK, .-* ta CEEVIOT8.1 CI,AT8,?,-al n ' aa.** Otk*, etathlaw ari
$3 50
.rill Mir dote from **At SOO BOYS' BHOBT-PABTB sm,. -^ oa* - wbto would ho a******! * bf* *? ??.? ?|

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