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f tm-M. \oi.. 7?HEM SERJES No. 7:, RICHMOND, V\.. SATURDAY MAY r? 1893 PRICK TWO CENTS . .'I RLEADEBS H I . , I CAKDIDATMA ron I *f * tKBJU si 4 s n . . t I ? Meet >"? i (MssMaeei i ,. ,.i Nwssaaaer, OIKO. ? y un ? ? ? ? ? I I ? : : ? ? ?? ? on two ? ? ? , h"SV I-,..I f lilt records, 1 laeklaa*.and thers 1 ? ? ol ths ? ?? ? ? the i B. A ? ; I, Of Ninth <!lt ttl, t, |i I c. ri.,, k. \.-\t Wi li i \si til ttl 11 ? .. ?.???? nil tilmc* ? ? ? ? of H ? win, i f tho itlon for u ? . I ? I ? ? 1 kn..ssl..: ? ssnii the ? pproval "i : ?"mm Yir? ri ths Tri ? . ed; 1 ? - Mills, Williams, i linty, ? ? ,rk*\ ntl -v.-rp: ? ? '?r\r> nf th- prsfstfifflr-. dropped t ? nt. . ty, ipeclal from with Jol : ? ? nt Clarki coun* Mail tO 1 -i cnmmls \ i , t'. ? f,,||,,s\ii),- ? In Nor! .. ? . ' n May I May three tin : ? ? ? : In N',.rtlt ? ' ? itherlne I ; urvivor Indian W ii. l. w. I I lt 4/ I U Mot ll I KS 4 ll I I 1 < K I M 1 Mit Foll - H. I t 1,il.I., ii, 1 li. ii Stn,ot. i ht tn ami Attempt I Batt Ids. ', at tin in, ? ? lr! I ? i ? : ? . : kill : Wt. ? i ! ? I I/./ Kt l? n/i / FROS I li il CU. M,,.< k ni i;" Ol Bil Stall tim Bask] Hs '"'I Pl ? '-'? NEW T( ?BK, " Pad" ' ' liim rt la ? ?! ? ol ? ?;, I 1.. ll. ? ivi i" ? n .-. dd already om refunded, mi NOT OPM SUNDA! / a i rsi mt isms ri i, % mum; the coi i 11 n i iv Rj ros 11 ms. The Orilrr rrolilhltlnc l'i m .-??!,,i,? I:. aslagsd Bstartlaaats Tnir* lori,iii.I. n. W, IRLD S* V IIB 0RO1 N'DS, CHIC \ 11' i Us | \K',.i ? back ' . ii i : ion tba - tha Lu Inti of thi ? ii Hie ii-- ? ? . : ' '? ' ? . . : - tl-'li . . ' ' in t ? ? ? ? : -i'li'ili ot t.. lutlon, un. i' m.; ' P it Palm, i ? ? f imii t in- "foin m, Un- ?'li.' r Mo? ir nf 'lin- i. |. .--I xx.i- then ad Hun ? - is ilk. n I in .Inly. .m.- tin- vai lona > -"in itnlntnn ti. pf si i h.. i mn. 1 iiini! M k. ? hp inta <" ? .i. -,i ., lopterj .. ? Ula "f n lion, ? i will I bingil ..f opinion i. exhibit ls I ' ? | ? ? .. without I her re] til-- i . t-. per ml I - from South Carolina The pro ( the ? I minor hm ? .trill, "f Kentuckv, cha ? nf ti She i ? from 'I'll. ? I ? would i ? ? ? ? ndrerl ? .tin.H.' Kl ? ? tom ll I KS I li UH BnSlnSM Dall Hill. I ..Hi-' Hon* Vi-ry How. lt.. I nm Mox i-mi-iit. NIAS' V.iKK. M.y B. I'lin's \x At m.-t Southern polnl j.r. ?\ iiiK. thougl ' ? -x ii.ii Improvi i. ai l ..:. bul collectioi : I int nf til.' - ? ? Thi I at I Itln 1 tural V"rk ll Isl t xx. ?- I ' ' i ; bsbly li". ? i ? ly to arrest 1 Hon. ''ii . ? pr oap. ? I ? ? ll] nilly !" ? ! I Til" '?'. iii ' I I IllNX,ii.lilli- Mi.'llliri I>i-iii .-a.* I I -Jilli. IK, Ila ? ra la i relative Improveiw ~.t in ? . li x-. holeaali rs hm i I ?? Ital of I Ml Xx .: X S pi ll ' "I |!l ? lodi* i avll Um s continua don gs ? ?amer sig an.I billsts i>einj? "ff .." ...,.-ii Al Baltimore cold, aral arsataarhaa greatly retarded tho noVSSnSBt nf i from ? retailers, snd tM.* has ti -l "ti Jobi il tli- ss hoi .\t I I other Pem rd ?? ? : -ti. ti Memphis, ? a is ? .s ., ,1 ts or ti i ' , 1 I nt tl" r B . rna at I trade thei ts al ! I tlrtiiitiyjlia rn, slthoug ' ' .? M, ' ll ? ' I by high I Art ' partlrulai ittoo, ?i"n ? ? : , i. ?'iii t Dal than ' il ri -.sith s OS .... ... |p ? build ? . . . .' | - ? ? I ll I I i s i \- / 11 i hoi /i/ p# Mr. f,InUti,ni. f.js.-*. BwSSI tnfnmatlon VI,..nt tl,.- Hom.- I.ul,. m||a ' I" IS, to the Hours y W. I. -rho I ll '? ( Lord ate ad ? with I ? f,,r tl I proj ?it." ? ? Mi "1 t say. (1 of ii ? ? ? r to p' r. The ipi ik.-r I ? I Mr T 'll' Kui" Lill ? ? ? Im > Mil SS IS the i ? ? Ralfpur, Mi Lord 1 ? int ? ? ? ? . ... ? ? ? Ultu PROTESTING ll ls t \ sir t Wt I Wade ii a I ur*, naagad foi tim Harder "i si . i I,,, .-I,, a Hnrnib. I A, 8. < Wadi ' I to I ? ? ? Hornsby*! killing to tin ilii.s iii" counti ; ? ? ' th" mm i : ? . employed r til I ? a ni? llir ? tlon uti'ii I l! n th. mad ? thal a dying i had given then thai ? ? ?? I ? : lal lng thal I . ? . ? ? ? i wai ? lastria*! lasall i" Itali*, BOW r nf .... I ? ? ? Infamoti fl ? ' ital] Th ttpr. ? J I la I ... .-r. "dr*. Kitinn Mfea aa aaaaa, WASHING*! - i di Al , of . . ?,)?. h. C. m W hortsr, i \\^\^?K4\\%M Hui i?h Hteeatst Isbatat OHAHLE8TON, B. ?' , Mas ", -Tim F.ri :? !'-. ns ? x fr,.in iw, for Europe, with LIM iona of hate rock, while proceeding t.> asa sv.-tit uih'ir?s "ti B*f. H-I<*na har, at,.l lida telegraphed for tugs and lighten. KAURIS' DEATH CHAIR. PMMFAMATIOMB Rr iso WADE ai ni Ai?r run ms ri rt runt mos. Mr., Hu,ria Vlalle Sin* Sing- I*Ik''? PlS annMsna saning slags Agalast sui. :.i?. No Ai>i>??.l Will he Taken. V y . Mix- "? Th"re *v*..* but in",.. '. , i '.,x- ..f any i marked th until I l'r an- i : maits. ii-- sarllsr t i which bsd him : ? ?:? r. tSiltng "f I ? ' wai given him by Chsplsln "A lli ? I In "f meeting bira u Every c, mmunl ntlon ta H ? nf ni.' being ??.< In ? ly. Mm. Hir-ls, th?> wnrdi>n s.-il-I. have I son v hlte they com ? rse I, bi i the Iron ki-- him *' ?? privilege will be I ?r. lr\ lng ' i i-r- mouth i tn iiim I-. mani ? t lien sri I tl la wai ' ? ? ? md ? ? i \x ill lim ? n< -I msn for tn ? ? ?I xxiii be lay. The -: chslr win be placed in i H..xx- i,ix.-, i |. ii,. Buttle. ? W M IRK, Mnj I T. H to tl i nit- '1 . ipn me i " ttsni i "ti ii xx i 11 IOU I xx ll I fl ' ? ? I Mr U?.-' | ip ,i lunn! to thal of Hsi given ld I thia morn! aft' r In time to I my timo ,i ? ? li r i.r n.-t Mrs ? ' H .. 'l prohahl; I "/;?/ nil,, n i i a ixxm mils. Pan lian.Ho RwHehaies Refnaa t<> WmU I n lr aa < -I i ,in Barn Irs Dlaehsmed. COI ,i : ' ' xx i' li ? fer s ? i ' ? ii to morrow nil the - rill be flited ? ? Thi pula hie mi n are di . H..' such m.-ii ' be emploj ? I n t r m si ni \ is BEBIOA I'rr a i.i .-nt Murri* of tin- Reeding (letting in Hi. l.-i.toim Wm I.. PHILADELPHIA, May :.. Al ? ? The rehabilitation plan mitti l, and n r. The i ? whel know n. Thi y go Inl The and I will ? ? ' m. eting '.x i Mr. i ? / /// MUS ll I li ) i ns I I lil M I . BassaMsnnilag sf tim Ho.iv Pestpsasd i sill N , x rmi,, r Sill WASHIIS ? I Lil. ra of I ? ? King soi ? / /xi nih i?. ii< omi'11: nr tn. it,,, gs stolen ' ' ism svnssal _Snajssnd Paansg .txvsy. BALTTJIORB, Mi'. Mn** I. Bdwnr*l W. of State of Mm db ; .c ' uni i '? t tn! Mr Lacompta had baan tuft consumption for avbont ii yi-?r. nnd bad wasto.i .ix*.ix mpldl) Vsstnrslny he strata several lott * ?*?*? on* *? ,iov' Urown, resigning his ottlci. and tl aa his wsi eht ? rf >ii during thf day, an i ss.n durtag tbs " '? o'r!.., k this Ml I.- m : *?? aroae f? ".Inc at Hi waa ai ! ? \; ir. I (j tiiln. ? Mr. L*-eotaptl wis born July _ ! In th r of willi ' | ;, ."i*- ? | ' Lt corni Thi will I . if Mr I.. . . ,?,.,.. Riv.-.s ' I the s. ir ti I four month! nineo fbi ri .vernor took the oath of olBre he has ? sn to raak! more imp.?nant appointment* than in ; id during I He has sppolnted iii * a chief ? In Riling r?r ?t OM inn rr i tits 4<. tts-. n,< Oierstajed nu Markal in "ladas. trinl." Mmi:..,,,,,.. t li Imr I ,11,,.... BK, May I I v. Whits, imlllarly kn..wi I I- S| "I! Sh,,rtis after i'i ? morning Mr. White*! .If a:. trum ..f th., sui ss ill h.- I thal Prac! I ? , ill an tit ni"nt ss Ith hi ' Mr. Whits I ? 1 me yean nin interesl The ' . Mr. White '?;..., up thi 1 moi tiing. H t by hu I., ii "I ' until af' tl ? ' th" fsllurs \ M Mr WI th* M* ? t,. th- p' ? Th.< ?? ? 1 drop In sll -? nrltlei ? 1 cunt I ? mai i t-> ur ? t v \-. in ra ?? Th" I .rook I) n ; Henry meyer takei up s V \\ I i . nth. 1 I Kiln. .... I ? ' Kimball, s' I ? I 1. ? lock, ? hal ii" atati m? nt of 1 ks firm ssiii be given -"it until !at"r. The shrink down tli- ."ii, , 111. Tun,ii,U ,,f tl..- I l-l.* in Wall ?I, .-.-*. ted to the ei ? ,- a is 1 Influ ? ... , ' the tr,'iiii|. k feared 1 rn-toam eommu VI 1 p..Mian Brokera Inapattd. 1 ? ' I ' due i" ? 1 of ti.- m u ? ? We 1 nutt <.01 . PKKKOYBB BATB. ii,- ii.-, 1,,. - rbal keeratary OeeslMai la .nil. ,1 Ibl -"lat.- "f <?" I'i 'UTI, \N'i'. ? Pl -ii ,,>? r ii to ' 1 ??v. 1 think of thi fsllun ? ??i 1 . , ,.|r. elihu I I.- Hunk I the Pi it. 1, ? SS I til Mi it ? ir of ? ? ? ' ? ' ssill I ? ? ? ? ? dsnl of ths l.'nlti I ? ? l ' ? I ? ' : ? ? ? ? 1 \ u I flt ||| 1st I w s mei I .\,r f ' ? V I ?1 sa? ll 4u.ith.'t- seawall ia leek Falls. MELBOUBNB, May I The Bank "'' ' Ituatad at ndria, In the colon) "f Victoria, ha* 'ai. i. as a COBSSqUSeOS Bf the BBB' ,f apprrhenalon In regard to Aufctrallan banka THE HABITS OF THE8EAL KR. (Ol HERTS 4 Rt,I WENT llEFORE TUE HEH li I SO SEA COI RT. The Orval Smerlran lawyer ?K?ln M.... Facetlotiii In ll*>?rrll>lnK lim rv morn Animal. PARIS. Mas 5. Mr f H. r,,;idert. rt conns. I foi f" 1, | st ams, continued hil amument I ^f.,re th* BshHBg | . tribunal of iii.i t.. ,i,v. Mr. fun,i, rt read I r the 1 iWts ..f the bbbsb; thal if a moth-M Mai wai killed ker texe ? in. (ital is perl ?? i>. nu s,,ti >n, si the sr?i raother wouM Bares aahr' ti-, ir own pups Ths po,'I,,rt of 'h" ft BM Fi v- .'on.Wt alao titsv.'.i that ascesrartly, afltf * few kai pup. 'h.- -..w ia ?' it 1 ? III ' t ? ? ? n,. - .mi .nt f,,r h-r ,>ff i tl-,.- pup ..., the roc kel ? | theos ? cursl lng si th> pup gt tg shs* I i tl at In the ss I- ?* | j ? ntng i' ?? t thin rweeeal ??ill. . i Merah I food , iin.|-.iil.l,.1ly ks rook i fart i, ms ont r many Si Mr. < ? s ,. ? . iy thal Kl ?? ths bui raveled thii ala* I . 'ung ? ii i. ritga. 'i.t tO ,-|" ik , BHttsh pi I .it s tss -ms mlle limit would he ? ni for ths protea tl si <>f KM finial! tart asst i I ?? I U trussed i srtloe sf i . , r-j. to the mi th,, I- . rnploj rd In I ikiBf , l iii.- results of I ipoa the bard H.- read to the iKBel thal ? hard "f :? it,I,- nf hf tux 'lily.-n. i i iitted aa i I of eattls .ni the i lah v In f^^ l, *?? mu - - ? ntbllag In the llmbllt) of the f?-nnil>-? of th" mali - that, i cordli ? . ssitn.'sa. "tii.-s ,,i.i arneaaats to good I nenl upon th! Maadi ? ?I thal thli power ,. possible i" . h^iween th killed ul to lefBn I ind I for thi gsneral nwin ? ? ! H iron di ? li ni Bl 'ho t rt - 1 Inquired Whet lier tn-> branding of I Mr Cnuderl replied thal he presumed lt SS I < ? "Whal -I would H I"--'" he nsk?d. It rrould bi no protection against pHagi" who .mi American aol] weald inged ss Ithoul trisl Then wan no difference, Mri tinned, bite ths sss fee fco.t sad eettte it on the pt.ipi.~ for f"...l In " pis i" Lord Hann, n. ,hih of lim Itratora, Mr t"..u.i^rt prifaeid I ths managen ent "f th" ' li an argUIQf ni in wttl.-li h.- contended thal the irbttrstors ceirM ?t ai-, aa I., n.-hrttiB Bi i conditional as to ssl, it uli'-iipj he rn-M by ths t"IT|? ?fl ? Htatea. The I'nlted Ptstea would Bet al feri with th* tnan ? ni of Hi" prop.Tty of the I'nlfed Mr i ',.nl, it thi n ss.iit un to prove th it In forci on th.- I'tihvlolf Ulandi provided everj poaslMs prooae* for ih.- preservation of Ihg Mate ss. I,- ii,,t glloered oe tag Ulanda, ii ktnoklng ,s ai foi bl Iden : ,t', i ats! mt nt ci ? i i | l ,] ,i ,,f mi and beater sa 'BS part of memben of the tribunal tad the sea* .-?I OP lill I I IllUSO t E4RCR. / lim Antin lillies \. . i r V.ititi...I. hut tl. lu ii ii I ni,.' I oat 1 heir ll. nmi'i:11>. Mis :, Ths Havaaa asst**. II" au thorttlei t.. I.- i m i long la I I tiona i"i the sprig* i ? u, iii ittt ? thin io thi i they !'>at theil head imong tbs i ? tii,,i lt lei bsi ii ilai m. aad ? ,,f iii. . th of ttl" In-'iii;. '.'- I I ' hand numb rt i .-rn.- tin AU liberal Cuba dil I . "The ? li.ilrni' tn of th ilsl putty commltti ? - sato ii,,ii.4 brotl f,,r | led it Bl 1 .r" m "In.-aa." ?|-|.. ? iii|,'.iiii ,-f the red to thi ? sil,-<l i 'ul. u,.?, at tbe tim rhraB ? msnl 'I ? f tis Key Bf ? puMtsbed Kid" dst I itatlotie of thi v.n vt- ind there arith - tlc Incldi ni rn eng te : far sj poi vier hater ?i no dil ? ? ? il qui itloa in rm ni Ths corolin ni K*M I t , urging "ii tli" 'i'iv t tl f pn ItlBg fur upriilngi i ? fonm sf the ? rupt adeahsta* I si. nl\ People l>i-<.svn-'il. M \K :!I ? M is i F*uUlla, , . retigteea .. river rm p I . ol I ( shaa Isasrgest* Kgrreader. M \I'i:ll'. M i lt ll i I aaV i uban irrsa lersd IttMt.K Of I IH-.ICMOMKTMt. ? " ? - The Tlme? i ? i a. M., u i P N . ?; i- p. . !? - gat, ra Average. re. rg i t runt rOBKCAKT. WA8HINOT< >N D C . lia** I V <r Vlr fall -'In, th. ex ?i ths ?arly rn-irn Ing hs I west* i r \ ri I -Ina: Fair; eoufhweat Wi ill ? r ' Pbs ff'.rtrt lam righi there Ksw v..rk i ut < -? >f Oe lumbla sn I Mi i Hst irbed re fr-,tii fhi ll ??? ir. me v., - ? rn T< tas. sad fraai Ihln point northward !?> fh? North >>f Montana An i. . ? pn - Mfrgl "v,'r thi iii Atlaatk coeet, aad a '? itral "ff th.- North Pa iftc , 'ri in ti,.- I?wer Laka regl m and th- Ohio Vsiley The temperature has rUeii la the At I th.- Mu. Buurl Vslleyl H han fallen In Kan*-.B. , i(i?| Wyoming Thi rtv*"*2 ' .t>ove the danger line (In feet ?n<1 'finns) ?nd rtatns KvaaarUU, Wt. CbAtb, .A; csrmsl BA; ii Paul. at; ?-* ?r0??'-1 > ?*? KwSwi ?.?: .M. ?? "ii. Helena. .Vt. Arkanaaa CKf, f?- ('^v''^ ?** New orle.m, ???; Harper a Perry. JA Pilling i'tnclnnatt. Ml LouUrtlls. 6.A. , |