Newspaper Page Text
LOOKOUT THK WINNER WEE SOS OF 7 Rot nihUIRC tRRIRS OFF THE RESTII RT DERBY. .Twenty 1 hoiiaand Peor.ta freeth* Cla.elr Tnr'K-rnt Kean Ha of Hie Other lUi-.l and tha I'alt l.amea. LOL'i-.VU.I.I*. KT., May 10. iii-: alnatatath cd I . ? was tttml ': I , 1. k ll I ? : ? *\f J AP I Jl\**- -^-Ljisc* ? tbe a _.,;.,,:. bed tv v r [ni ? B ..r ). . orld. I ii I f > -nate ol , . , ... ? Tl. ?Olid r -Sin 1 The lad in thi ? oe the 1 \ iri- i it- ? ? ' I (rom The Na! I _ com mil 1 ?nd General < iiml theil jii-.i- throng, which did I rth had dri< dbe da* ...riv.'. n I th. ira ?' alow, v i ly, and puff* of du cd tl 8 I Tl Irty-thraa 1- ol nomi the mom v "f the multittidi w hi n the j . . 1 . 1 ..ri tli>- *apla th ,1,1 movi men! ?.r attention I ?? aa wai in : .v. 11 the .iti I .Hop I ;? 1 Will j mi (Thorpe). Plutua . Mirage (L lng nnd Orth'a ? ' I- . r, 15 10 1; ? . . 1 Each ?'?:?? v. 1.1 ii 'I - _a*_pinK, I died and with ? a bili f <. 1 *-1 ? s iy aa l et.i- I riniuh ca I by hia ugly tempei ' I Ju line, and were aenl -??rms Bel ? n atrldi i i ? th.- li ri ) [came ? ?? doa n tretrta willi th.- low, 1 nay mi - v two * nus third ?!_ j the othera bunched t? > f 1 they wera in the ? ' r- hr-- 1 I krere 1 illy Lo .who ann undi pull, Into tin 1 -ti. (, h 1 hi - daahed, .11 I straight* out a \<. rap ?on Lookout, nnd tl [forward 111 t <.r dear .1 u Itehi I Im. 1 - 1 . one np to third pla. e. Ul wae 1 made hta mn and ? li lei He cul flow n ,-i length, hub could > nearer Ij I il kout. Imt could gllng behind .1 atretch. N Ihe last 1 ope of jhi n.llnR the . nd undi r iv hip and Ave opponi nt- thun ? from Lookout ? I But unruffled and ? ? ? na In the aol 1 iati 11 bli ? 1 ' ? en li ngtha 1,1 M pull Pluti -n fourth Mil ire fifth url 1 behli li r. Time, 2 *0 1 t. ? waa faat for tl . track. ? - I ra Ix furloi ling nd third 'rim.-. 1 ir*,. Brook Brat. Pal ?- nnd 1 cfc lader third 1 1 ne Third race, ] Lookonl tlr>t. i-: ? 1: k Mi . .? '1 fourth Mr.,. fll ' Ll user tr ?' iv ' 11.1 Pourth ? Kui','. > . lr,., rlor third ; ? en White ? lerick, ti ? ?M*1, and 1:21. , rttth 1 1 . half furloi |Peyl third ila..-. Roenxned al OnMonbnrg. -_**W TORK ' '? lng nt 0u_,, ' .1111-1 under the 1 weatl ? ? ta excellent el pron ? 1 ta... bed ,flr i iui.1 added -?it Sum:., Ku ? Play or i*a y 1 8 Him,1 rt-na, ? y s- fai 1,:u!' ' ' I, Ch .-ii,. Wtlaoa i' Thkrd I - li,ilf mill- k.-n!r,->ril,i , | thnt, tjCM J ,|.lr.1 ' Ui 1 -' Fi.urih race, ab Wy I . - :. Alrplai I UTella third Tin Fifth ? e. eeven-elghtba of a adie Itali" I '. l-'lr. liv ai ,ri.l. J.,, k ' bird. Tm si*"1 race, 1 ae-foorth, orer rive hurd ond, Landa, er tl Mir a hanan ?? M. 1 ania, ST. Loris, retnili. ! 1 n>r lill lei Brat, deneral third. Time, 1 ?econ I ia four 1 ulonga Ifltlla B. firm. 1 ., , .tl>. third. Time, Tinri rem, ala furlonga Midway Brat, v..lum...r aecond, .m.,:-s Ten* third! Time. I Fourth rH. e. peven an-i a Imlf rwrliritga - Bthel Gray Ural r aln 1 md, Lillian third. 'I line, 1 li. Fifth ra.e. si* ,,?. a half fuil.?n.-v Oovernor Ptfer Brat, Beperanaa aecond >ioi!y Baarn third, 'i ima, 1 au. ? With race, one nill_-__eiiwood Brat ? Vlr.len thirl. Time, 1 Hi. I ...h r*-T..rite? Win. ,;i.,. . . :- ? i favor I chotci won tn ? ; ttl ' ??"??'? ?. . , ?' ? I ? ' I ll l-l. I | . LttS_J CBAMTMOKSMir BALE BAMBA.'* of Hie C QBllltr I f the Northern omi Soiillit'i ii LeagUOO. . ll. H. F.. .I dOll0111 1 U ? I l-l M 1 i . ,,rk: R. U E. .2 *M I 1 1 1 "-- ? U ?'? I 6 0 6 li 7 : i At Bl Louie: R. H. 1 ..1 #1610161 ? I ? ? \< I. \t \\ R H i 106 0 ; lt. II ! oi ioooo a 4 -I i 0102000 a-f ftule.l for To-Day. I. ' ' ' Boat beni ' >;.iie l.-ime?. B TT E . H i ?'? ,; Mobile . 10 ll 4 ?\ Frank ' t: H i: ..16661661616.1 t '? I .11 . ? Af ? i:iii: ,.0 00161002 i '? 1 ? I er and to i i:. ii i: Marona .616614114 S.iv.u ur,hs . 006 01 12 6 ll n-li.y, WY! r ' At rs J; h ? . . Bal ? H i: ? ? - New ,..m-? Bebedalsd for lo-l>*?, , - llanti . i 'ville. - ..m. brown -i,ni. uni Yale. PROVIDENCE, K. I., May I I it v.ii- to-day: l: 1! l Brown .o o n n n o ft o ft n 2 2 7 1 . i l mi ii. . i ii I H i oi t i s ii ts int si s i. Her Majeet ? i omi,,i ls I lu- I ri elim,iv of the Opening of the Imperial laotllalo. May 16. The Brltlih impe? rial Institute ?? Tho , ted by Hei ? lt was ?? ? ' British call of Her Maji whlcb, vi.ii i', h. r i' t public ? i ted from Buck i: pi - i In good health sh,, bow, -I Im 'i ? ? , te to the in* tltu I the Instil Prtni ?? and other i the l; Tiff- Prim ? of w.i' o read ai Her Ma Imperial li Her Mu fi i ty for tbe ii ? I the wink of the I mpi rial ? ? ? hi I : * rilli ' ll ord, r I the ?' I . th tinder of tl ? gold. ? Ut ute, and ? ' draw ri ni- In 1 ? tbs euri 'i ber arrival. ? I that the di ? ? ' the Chief ' .' ' it. Siimni.r I'-iilwai Rates. U >UI8, M iy I6.-Repi ' ishrille, Kansas City, V ' item Balli | Mountain ? r rates to summer i t will bo ? ? commit pub? lic. Kt lu,iv isMssmaati, '"' '-; MB] K, s. c., May I dlaation mel to-day ?ii'-rit.s for thi No . h in The rai ? ni i enter prot ?h in maki lt la not kn ,wn will do .-un th,mr beeldel ? ? AH inure for Nli-nrniruu. BAN PRANCI8CO, May M The United ', w ,,i Mon ? ord, " .i te gal ready i ? md vm:i .s.,ii ?? mo loth Instant Bhe wi!! leave under eealed ordora, but tbs rsl luppoaltlon is Unit alie will go to Nicaragua. THE STAUI-iTON "VETS.* Kl WOMI IX DUI ,'?sr A^'fitu. rm ni i) nnsihiih. "Cyclone" Stan tBntmmk WelBBBBBi Bawl t? Ih.- Ili.iii.' ?>f "'? 1 hil.lh.-.l I al. 0Verran and "?>< raahaa Pre* sat. **TO**, VI ; I ' ??I.mill' rr I I Sue thoataatl ? iv im which - ' : " ? I I ?' i front ..ii noi ' I tl ? fh-r ? treel ! to t; ? ? ' ? oom I Dr. J. H i ? ? ! ? I Tl. ns of I frere . Hon. .1 W, Marnhull, Iii'-- ; alon ? ? T. i i ? he would Hon. ? Hon. WI le, ri f the Aui rial W . ' Thi ?? lunch In I hall of tl Th< ' ' ? ? the afflicted 1 ?'?? her i ti Mil I issi I I irs tss/sl AS I. Mr. W. ll Mun n. ..f IVI.-r-l.iiii.', Ippolntl .1 ? ... < ila No!.-.. PETERSBURG, VA., M Mr. William H. ol l . ins appoli : innum. The ap to Mr. .Munn. i - ii McKlnni attend thi In t, and will | ably make an addri I ? Itev H. W. ' nu n ate .. ? i. , i on il FTofesaor W . I Brown, - I ' Lee I'nlvei Ity, will ' ? ? he: "SI uf Heidelberg." Th I by lal I ? ? Mr. William R. m ll, wli,. I,.i to tl ! sip' lp to thi ? cati ma foi ' | with arri ? Md. Mr > of the "Magnolia ?r ornlng to thi ya. ' ? visited by a great many of our c-itl ITnlted St.-.? ? if fish ' _ HOPI BOA VMEN1 VNF FILED, lal .i. B. i u?,..' i... hmond, the hr. tm ni tbe il ? Baloo. NORP) ?LK \ I The unvi iel i. P A Pr. i made l by i ..f i. work. At the Colonel then Inti ? ni is twenl fui. a nd a .is m ide by t he i !ouper ' ent 1 fed i A Ul HUI Si, i Sh A 1 Ix. Captain Geeege Dearoana Wada Mlaa Kan? ni.- i. n ,n,.,. PREPBRICKSBURO, VA, May ll a. Of I an i Mlaa Paunia k. Wal city. w< I to daj ,-a th" boa a ? I Bte bride la tha ? - | ti, happ) eoople. Rai J, C. Ora* pei ii tba can i loay. Tba Broom la levant] s.s.-n yean old, and haa baan raanied twlo# before. Tba bride is aboal tifty yean ot aga, After th., eareaaony Captain and Mrs lr.-.-rfaux left (Of ll.. ir home in Stafford county. Captain Dea Mai Ulva ot th** toland el lived in thi* tl , ti ??? he loft bli i numb, r at of the 1 I ? ria. ot Eng-u wtth n n ? ni Mlvei ; ... Insci i . , ? ..lo ati'l ? ' to TJA ler In nor | ? ri I of M ? dolph Faust, of v I Joass, rork; M ? Mn w. .1 ' fl i : Ai tbe conclusion of the tea a - ? M i . a one. Rev. Rr. Wxea Parebaaai a laaaeb, I ? ' ? ? ? - I ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ld brought tlful ? ? -. -r his ? Y ti ema we building 1 I i opal ( ''ii laierrated. .... ? ? ? ? ? ir mei] vir. ll I. Mont, Iro, r-"n of Works ' ? ' I.... rn non levri Rotes. Ile ii well I n in. of the ry bos rd I m this ? ii building while there. . - number ? : and Mi . , . . 1 h.i.Ith. |.<nih ..I i ptal i reel. ESVILLl VA Samuel M ? . r nh he he will i I litton t" play tl i, nari it - t , | CITY I ? ind ? ? r ' I I t I.I I IO i I s lotti IH I I I s. I i i.ijile* nf I ertsiin * i t ., !<?? f iiin.ll lahls in .... i tata. Bulli 'in >-* ? I ? (lowing ? ? - ? ? ? uch db posit! they i i' ? ? ? ... whli li : ? ? ' I h- Mn* fa, . i'. ? of the ladles of tbs -street burch then will I ? ? ? ?xhibiti, i --n,,. ... I M ' md an < .- tims li BasaBae I ipleeisa. At 12:15 ] a a et liar it 1 by which s i and perhaps fatally m. whone nrime Is WilHa-n W | ' - lo light a gat lamp' ? i a mati h t,, tbs bnrnsr and "iiti'l that the supply of j-as was .-\ tainted, as a boy *ho hal ratlnguished bS lamp the nlRht before had simply BaWS lt out. and the gaaollne ha,i run ut on the grounl. Wood threw the maim aown nn i n terrine- npiwun Inmediately followed. Th- man'i toes .... i ? k were frightfully hil*;' tn i. bb i td- Beeb was lit-nlly burtasd ffirn his banda, a .Mr. Wilson, who wai exons the itrs, t, s lorsbad Hame ttbicta lasosd it "in tbi doorway. FERSUS ll ASH Ol SERAU. Iotereatln-f Karta Ah,nit Kirhmond'a CIU len* nn>l Oilier Mattera. Rev. Dr. it. h. PIM !- ? iftsr* nvsntloa Mr. T. i;. 1.- ith. nf the Theatre, left rip t" Nstt? York, and vv: An Inti "'?"? Ur>g ls in pro d chun h, . I;. M in . pastor. ? Mr. John H. K : ? ir liri Mr John !? Branch aad Miff '" rday i Tom w. Ni ii. editor of Nsal'i Buti - -i , is In tbs ? A commit) ? g0 , , .-, Saturday, to att?n.l tbe : ' tbe I '''I i' ? -ral pr ? peakers vv ni ;,?: I .v,,n by ll. ? ... I Nant-e mond, . rey Has i the Military ? Point. r|d| ' Wilmington, ? Marv ihn W. ? i 'inw-s is still Improv* I: .... Mr A W. '?'? ? . N i Main . | . ll of the 1 lionslre il 1- tn Mr. ' ? ' ' ? ' 1- I ? ? ' thr." The ? ? ? ? Baughman ? lugh -. i. -- irer. I ? (' lilla . t whl, li place they wi,. ? * In ti - ? will \n \-!.'n, ' ' ' on the ? ? ' I: s ' v | i; r ' M. T ' im bu .'am-,- I all*. '' ' rue, at ir Ir.-n ' Harri, <i la Hashlngfoa. ? - Mlas ? . ? . ? 1 ft Fnla 1 ? .vlr. ' him. I Rons Hurt. ng in - i rr- ad hurt. Feing Hankey*, Brat mor.k born In ' r : ?? lr, ii tr. ri f j. . ?rr. ? . moat of u.s. Harrtage I.'-, ii-..-*.. Th- clart ".'' tbe i i 1 ? I..hil N ? J. Ledley, ,,f Richmond; Jaraee Boil - ..f Henrico, and J, ' mer i sung ll .'. ..f i:.s bmond. N iptlala ot Hr. Pttge, 1 t. Th im is \, ? >: Pe ??? \,ii; >?- mar ried ? ? Mr i- | ,. _ Elmh irst, bi ii thai Juns vii nani It ll sahl that MaJOf J,.lin Wama wi'- tri- pnraata af Dr. Page, and his broth, r, Mr. Roasarstl i'.ii.'.-. will utter..1 lila marriage; al?j aome of hla Intimate friend!. High-cat of all in L-avening Power.?Latest U. S. Go*/t Report. Baking Powder ABSOU/TEiy PURE lOrgO '.'. O.F.'A is IEBBION. Hain ii ratlc Mayor I > l-r lV?-l.-oinea riieni, an.l Mr. < lirUmi Upanha. LOUISVILLE, KT., May H Rapraaao >ns cf the Med In annual COB* rrnrn main fl well aa In tha was - il hundred people Uni room, and fully at: le to tlon .'i"-r.erl erith praj ? ? ? Rei ublf* > .in ' them a ? fl ? ' i m fur I ' the c air. ii" l""1 The offli i ? Ten -".ark son r ? ? 'i.n. mlftee ptH ? ' - Ich un* Hy came up to-day, tl ? ? 1 a purpose, I ? mit . of Ohio ?' t!i" I'OWell I' : ? U|. ( the I ? final action In trv mlghl '...H's ? ' him. of Mutti", ? ia ' ? Club In th" fr"tn i ? - ? I ? ? I lt waa I ? ME, numil n,u:sr. Ph-reletaae Murra t.. ii? - BadaMe inother i i i-i- Ra I. bed. ? Smith. ? ' "'? ",ls ' thtlon. -MU'S ' i, ulm ii waa ? ? I ? which ' ? ? ? ; I'., ' SMITH, " I I - |! ' - ? PARIS, ld ? ! ? the ; ? i In- Ni'iasj. i|,er War. ' I | nina published the : [I ',' ' Mr. ' * ' mri! Il' :. ; Hie < iillllill-xl.rll Pata* ta *l_rei>. i'< ILUMDIA, B. C.. M I I 'il of hl_ ii. ? < "harli st- n a if ? mui i >rer Le* ** . i .-r. . Il I that I 1 ' inged -"I tl : baa nol ba arttl < malata him. o The Hank to K-miiiu' linaine**.. CIIICAOO, May IX At a nievtin? of tha -.natara or th" rtaantlial National Hank to-day lt wuk r.-.-- >! \ ??'. io laai galil aa tba bank un" resume bunln.-s.- at the ear Heat poaalble moment, lt was also re . being made by the ci te roney, I J ? , !?? |.I. Another Fall,ira BoSUHs. CHICAGO, ILL. Mr ? -,r|v?f, banking firm of I tO-day ns the r.-sult ,.f i. / , ml, al Natl .'iii |: ? placed al Hil,,!!'. through th? Chu and its moa.. I br to -rn 111 | San I ran, ?'?co Honk failure. I \x pr *iNCI8CO, Kay I of 3 , ? i- a ihoi toge of , exlot, I. C. i ? . thi bal ll ll M U marr] ? of I ; both i In nrdali h- bo l| '' ? I I mintie Bant* llflee. u ' fen a ro, nf y im ' ' li / He sill be Mein,ir- il Hay In ( BttftestSB, ? ?tivi a c., mi i K Real fra-cli ,,n VIENNA, May ll ta a thi ll ? ? d, In full ? ? Bi Iglalra Di ? Ralghti r.*ii,|,i?r. l - tpble Brevitleo, ?n od E. P. G " . U -? ii ? ? >f (Termany. On -> t CHAR] ? n Barnwell I I , ? ind Moore ?? plat, - ? th. CHICAi I . I ? ? ? I ? dn In Pul from behln .* i I ? which ' I the laM leola, . t o ll P t ' 1 . ?? I ? I ? ti vull be ? - ? ' vi wallal Raj la < staar-bta. I ? ? ** > I '. ! ' ? I r 1 ? ' pony, ' ?aka reaa aYtt md ? ' I I **i, l. ll.-n.lK.-lie . Dr. i'| ? Ltvar PBM I I I . . | N.,lt.,,, . Ni, er : .-?th thia Waob. M MUM Mil N EDWARDS HICKS nh, Kay 0, ll w i. ludkli Ml WAHI'- I Miss NANN , No i U li ___^_______ IH ll ll** RICHARDSON Died of her husband, T. i: i. ' , ? v rm t.ti-.-t. Ma] aft-i an illneoo of a fen lay* i: RI< HARD-ON 8 *? ??*'*" band, three btei The funeral will tah at. "??*? J,,hu'.-., .pal vhur. li TH l".1* Ja>? a-. .; I' M. The frtaadi vf US fondly an? invited to ott.-nl Peteraburg papen please copy.