OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1890-1903, June 11, 1893, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85034438/1893-06-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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vol. 7-i\i:\v SERIES NO. 104
ria to Ito Washington Pi<as
tcr's Death List.
t ,\ \ . .M.rih Aaka f?,r ma om.ls:
... "I Illa I'ait In the
- iiiijr.
?nd the
the old hulk
i scores of
\ |
: from
? V Li'
toM thi t-i
i. i where
. mu ii ? view r
en] ?
Inlng til" iniii.'d
Inls wltl,.
ll I ding
? p obably
? ? ? lied thia morn*
? . the
fci"!i \ H.
nj. tl
? (our
r rn v, blah
? ii wei bi
rut. and
In. l '?? rn ai taken to
".nny ..f tl
Hot Mr.
: uigh*
.w'-M'^ Kl
fH'H, mm
li la< ~
BB he
bil old
of tb*
1 fr.MTl
I the
? hoe
' l W. Jarvis, of
ll be nock per.
i win give
? ?
I lils morn
- )
k rr.
* % af1
haut ase urri.cus.
? I.f "f th.
ii of the War
lurt of Inquiry
to dt-tiriinlne tht'cause of tbe calamity,
?".nfl, tf possible, fix the responsibility
where it properly i?ionga.
-fter midnight of the
to bi I ?? .trick, aa that
"f .r. C. Cnapln, of Bouth Carolina, is
? rve? a widow And three
I <-lill-lrc-n. "Dr. Nelson." the last
Ban from the ruins, was Dr. Bur?
rows Nelson, once a prominent dentist.
"??.ho -still practiced his profession
mit of office hours. A widow and Ave*
little children aurvrre him, and his wife
I of tli*- bixth maternity,
and also of Insanity. He was one of the
facultj of the Columbia Dental
?-. imi] wm for a Irma; time em?
ployed in of tire* s-u-Keon-Gen
eral. Hia father waa a consul to the
ladles, and h'r was born lr. that
r -.. but upon the rolls ia ace red lt od
te West virginia. Micheal T. Ifulledy,
Of l.niisiana. an-1 .1. IV <..iK'-, of Mi--1 1
recognlsed after taldnlahl
I tho dead, and their identification
I rifled to-day.
rae M. Allen, of Vlri-'lnla, wan a
en. who had been hospital
h colored reel-Bent during the
th,- war araa connectei
u ltd ttie Freedman'e liureau In North
where, he was ones a justice
-f the | hy Prent
ve position he held at the
AH a in tint section of
he! W.'.S
U atti building have
? Monday, whan
report f--r duty if
I l to
' -r Ifl thC] -rive Of
n and whereaboats of the per
unable to report ICeaawhUa a
af clerke I | fn,;n the
rtment to -search the ruins and
rt tiie valuable pension
inny Ilea that are la the -Jebrta
ff rta ar.* I lg by :he
War Department to aecure another bum?
ing for ih? occupancy of the homeless
-on force.
A Kl.l.l lri-.-ati_i.Mori.
? y """oroner
r ar., preparing to e?nt?r upon a
ci. Inveatigatton. it -. ta the Inten
? n*r to begin the -n\
un Monday, hut BJ friends and
.ed "i _ i the t. "lie's
? that tim-*, Dr. 1'.merson con
I to lif-Rin th? in pi- , .nd
djoura the he-crli g until next a
ihMtiri ons were *lvf*n te the poli'-e of
precinct to Bummon a fury cf
ii and Deputy Coroner Beh.iffxr,
of .hn Invest!* .tlon, was
1 anxloUB that thee jury flhoilld
l c-f thorough business mea, as
- bave i c me of the bull ling
? ? : " nted, In cider that the
inry mi.-tit lend the b-*f,e.!it of kaowledje
?r buildings to the oprone r and a
n Inteillgaat verdict.
The folloarlng eotapoae the jury: b. h.
Warner, rea] estate dialer; c. F. tchad
Wp; William Ayre. Charles
I K< Frank L. Hanv-y,
? arpeater aad buUder; J. A. dibley, archi?
Th--* body of J. C. fhairln. of 907 Florida
i fer the jury to
View and determine the ranee of death.
Colonel Ainsworth', request fur a court
of Inquiry iain undoubtedly be- craned.
In making lt Colonel Ainsworth has
y simplified mattera foi the War
i.r. i-i a military OBBli baa
powers i by law, an-i woaM
li..- legal efl Inga, while a civ
i'i cf War I'cpartim-nt officials
could only make recommendaUone that
it emili have no force of law. The be-ntel to
,<? appointed at the request of Colonel
?ti \tili t>e plvc-n iiowf-r to make
i fnil ead free Inquiry Into nil matters
io the accident, rind lt will not
ld--I Iii making Ita (Inclines to the
- r ponalblllty of < '? worth alone
t aili hara power to can for Bil persons
. ? -i ta .1- Munn.* whether a
nm i-martial of any oUlocr "f the urmy
ney lt ls clearly accepted by
verybody that the Oovemment aad the
I .,r Department, as the executive- i
avlng Immediate control of the building,
tn.* reaponalbtllty for the
ni.unity. I'ven UM War Department cd
re -rilling to admit that the Dla
?n-r anthortttBB ore in no way to blame.
considerable Inquiry to find
under which the
rating waa heine performed,
ire thc* ways of the Govern
i. nt in hai dllhg sucti mattera
It has bean Anally learned, however.
- the astab
0f an B-BOtriC plant In the old
taken by Colonel airs
i'i c-harge of the re
- .rn division. The ?peclflca
plant, Including excavating,
ipply bureau, pre
i.v i over by Captain af. T. Thorpe. They
rer? pr? 1 Alnaworth and
'aptain Thorpe. Jointly. Bftgr constllta
? -M ve.ith experts. AdvacHaementa were
? a by Thorpe for the erecUon
f Hie plant, and the contract, Includ
-cr excavating, was awarded to Q
'ant, who sublet the work of ex
0 Iv R Pullman. Ainsworth and Thorpe
nada fre'-iuent Inspections of the work tc*
te that th* contract was being compiled
-ith, and the engineer of the building
arts Bf Its progress, but ll -i ????
? i appear that any really competent
-peri BtOOd between the Government
nd 'Tie -ontiactors. Ainsworth ls a r- ir
Boa in the army, but he never made
m to being an engineer.
tala Thorpe or tue engineer
f the lull ling have any knowled-ze Of
Tbe dang-m-us conditi- n
f their place of business wai a matt.*r
r eommua knowledge and dla
m mg the Herks smployad in the tl
rdfl Of the Wur Department
.?? Gf gt Uapaad theatre building
BB f'-r many years known officially to
? unlit f jr human occupancy, by reason
-t r-r-.lv Of structural weakness, but nlso
if i's defective _anitary eoadl
-n 1 his ls on record in a report made
Pebr bj Lleatei ant
Jones, assistant Inspcctor-gBsiara-, to
exander Ramsey, thea Becreteay or
Architect Clark, of the capitol, who
l-.-rvlse-d the reconalruction of Ford's
eau.* when the Government purchased
said this morning that he coa?
ne building .-.fa. The fact that
<- four walla remain In their proper
ieee demonstrates, he aaye, that they
.le, but the alteration
cause of the cataatrophe
i aa been found as yet who can
scribe the catastrophe as anything ei
l>t a Budden and overwhelming crash
it was over aa quick as it waa begun
s not a moment's warning for
eran to lise from their chairs.
my bodies were found crushed with
-;? and chairs. The disaster
?uld have b-j.n two or thren times more
for the circumstance that that
the building Immediately over
hud been vacated pending
ii cf the cellar extension.
Ur Graham Clayton, cf Bedford, ll
-Uin-- ?? Sa tuttr. 1
AU RU I ll I R ll JOBS.
North Carolina's Latest Newspaper Fake.
A Virginian R?cog nixed?Mr. Car
lisle'* Good Work.
Time* Bt*keatj, Raplit BniLmwo, 1
WASHiKOiO.s. Jual 10. 1*133. f
Heanes have been thicker than hacks
and ambulances as ri'ntlful an stro??t
cars on the avenue to-day, and to-night
the last services have been rendered the
dead, and soothing relief extended to all
the great lufferers In yesterday's horri?
ble catastrophe. Of course, a great many
criticism! are indulged In of the fact
that the Oovernmenl continued to use
the old building after the first condem?
nation, but the fact remains that sup?
port! were furnished, and every precau?
tion taken lo render the building safe,
and even when the present excavation
beneath lt was begun, the COOtrecUgl
gave every assurance of being olde to
accomplish their work without darker.
Therefore- irhlll ill deplore Intensely the
sad and unfortunate accident, th'*re ls
really but little sense of Justice in at?
tempting to charge a grave responsibility
to those In authority who had dune what
they considered sufficient, and whose
lives wera dally placed In the same un?
to go to a TTMnt near Alexandria, Va..
where the alleged duel wai to be fought.
This rame very nearly satisfying me,
fer although ?ome people say that the
North CoroUelOOO drive about the coun?
try behind a mule and a bull calf. I know
that whenever they go on dualling ex
i"~'litiona they Invariably Mre special
trains, anC that even th-i Jackson and
Potecaal and the proposed line to Mm
frcesboro will have sp.* ui coachea for
this purpose. Th- only portion here that
made me skeptical was that the number
of flags on the engine and tender and
the color of the bunting on the coach
grgg not given hy the eye witness.
A fishy part ol the story, however, was
that Mr. Marlin rofo*00?l to hire the
"duelling coach" of the Pennsylvania
and "di .ve behind a pair of black
*." Then COOM the last straw. The
nf, v? bl arel Wami at th?* Virginia
Of the bridge by Sheriff Shlvely and
opl'-red to "hold up." Jackson City Is
at th<? end of the bridge, and everybody
knows that Bbert* Shlv?*ly never goes
there, even when the law and duvet eui
.liney eugen's that he should. Il
might run -it M the
side-walk or iee ? poker feme through
the window and this would hurt his
feeling! cv?*n as much as did th.* Mush
i bade him break up these
Hoi UM ^ wy ls false.
Mr. J. hn (arri: bool, of Lexington, Va,.
l ai Ini | ? tor of eur
r-generall end the district land offi?
ce of f>xcel|r.r.t pay,
and requires a man of sblllty to success?
fully perform lt" duties. The larvOTOTI
i i land ofllcen are appointed In eve****
. ard Territory containing Oovent
nient lairds, and the examination of thflr
work demands naen of competent attain
recognized Jeopardy as the clerks around
The subscription fund already started
here by the Post ls hourly growing, and
the varied sources from which relief ls
coming attest the fa. ? thar "on? touch
ol iiiy marks all mankind akin."
When this administration began the
aiduous task of putting Deroocreti on
guard, as had been decreed by the peo?
ple, all of the congressmen who went
to see Secretary of Agriculture J. Ster?
ling Morton came away convinced that
he was about to "cut a WOtOnoeloo" rind
Invite th?* whole army of onVe-seekers
lo the feast, but they now bogia to i
sider him much like the boy wh.>
an apple and stealB off under the back
po li to eat lt all by him- '
!!?? ?trotted up and down his '-"Isome
office in a meaner that suggested "under
'. 1 the people rule, and v.-e ere
people." He I the
rletOTI belong the ipolll. I have the
?polio, bring on your eletore," bal these
now appear to be bone Ada bluff.-., and,
i.iitslde of sending Bl WOOthOT al.mit the
same temper Ot OT! Ol WI nr? t
with In the next world, h.* has
nothing, except to abolish ri bureen with
Mr. Robert Blaine at its
Virginia and North Carolina are long
on the "agricultural
we have a splendid suppl) r.f young
men who . | ;r:i rh" .
share Into Um pruning book and p ill
down and chop off a few Bret***,
of mixing seeds or ga teeing on thi first
":cold day" or the PfOOPOCte of early
frost next fall.
In Vlrulnla the name of Hon. S Well*
tord Corbin has been Itl Mr.
Morton with lndors*metf | as
any State or man could furnish, but never*
thelese the "gilded farmer" keeps on
acknowledging long asparagus ar. i
double-Jointed Irish potatoes, like a
try editor hai to do, ind ie* ins t
gi | that there are eOflM tenner! "h .ldlng
off planting corn" BOttl he n.ikf? *
active move. Mr. Morton is liable to ruin
more than one crop before fall.
The race for the poilti'.n <f states'
statistician is also now growing rluht
dull. When the flag fell on March 4th
the steeplechase began, and Virginia's
four candidate! rushed at the flrst hurdle
like bulli at a red flag. They, ho*
neem to be ecattered along the blind
ditches, and the prize is liable to be car?
ried off by another State without even a
ri lr In the home sf.-*
North Carolina ls the hot-bed of news?
paper fakes, and even the usually vigilant
Washington Poet thli morning fell a
vi. tim to the half plausible sensational
story, which had Its origin in a North
Carolinian'! head not Influenced by a heart
that beats In unison with the interests
of Senator Vance. A few weeks ago I
got a wild, weird story based on the same
opposition, ertd io last night when 1 wai
offered the highly exciting incident of a
proposed duel between Colonel Paul If.
M.ans and Mr. Harry Martin, a step.son
of Senator Vance, I looked Into the par?
ticulars. The flrst statement that gt
me wal, that, "owing to one of the prlrt
clpali' deficient eyesight they would
Ignore pistols and tight with rapiers."
Thli was heroic, startling and bold I
dare no* question the "bad eye" of the
average North Carolinian, but the word
'?rapier" Ailed me with doubt. A grub?
bing hoe, a maul or the reoeltly patented
turpentine tool would have gone, but
"rapier!" never. In North Carolina.
The second statement wai that t olonel
Meam had hind a special train at $100
ments. Air. Carmichael ls a brotner-in
law of Congressman Harry Tucker, ls a
graduate of the Virginia Military Insti?
tute, and will In every respect fulfill all
of the obligation! that his office imposes.
Tt v v dull mound the White House
to-day. The President did not come In
from his country home this morning, and
Private Secretary Thurber was away
i . Kl '.r.i.K. T R I.IHKirTY.
from his desk, having gone to the launch?
ing of the battle-ship KOOOOI husetts. ac
lng the porty beaded by Secre?
tary of th.- Navy Herbert CMy the
Clerk! and meeeeOgeri were on duty at?
tending to the routine work that rushes
!i.-ht.lint's offlce. There were a
number of collen, ii no notice was given
that tbl Preeidenl WOUld b? away, and
many who ha 1 ?toyed ov.-r Friday to see
Mr. ? I With th" intention of leav?
ing for lome tO-nlght were much put out
and dlr- ii...Inted. As a consequence of
the al I th! Preside! it no appoint?
ments v,.r? aOOOUnCl 1 frOOl the White
Mr. *'!.? viand hal had
quite ?.f peperi under cn
siderat: n tor several days that have not
!??' ii a '? 1 on.
An ageot for an accident Insurance
company said tills morning tl*..-.r t*,\.. nf
men killed in yeeterdej**! disaster?
Miller mri lir.ssi'is and one of th.,se
ii Insured
f.,r rv -. erare taken out not
y o?h**r?, having
-ed with the Insecurity of
Swanson went to the offlce
of th.- cu ii s.-n! ?? .'.mmlsslon t
and had a \ ? rv aatlafeotory visit. Quite a
while ego ht to Washington a
numb! ? ri* ir.cn wi.om he wanted
? in ai railway onoto! clerks in place
of some offensive partisans. The young
tn- examination, and when Mr.
I about their papers to?
day and how they stood he was told that
lt w ths before the
? | ?? examined, as the i
_____ leisv roting the oaemlne
-??.offlce clerks and lotti r
i . whom the Civil Service Uvr
had been extended hy Prieltleol Harrison
Just before he Hogged down fr..m the
Presidential chair s > hs to keep as many
of his Kepubliean appointees In office as
pc.FS-ible. Mr. BWOOOOO wanted to get the
objectionable Republican! out Immediate.
I .w ihi'Arr.
ly. and was much disappointed at the
answer he received from the onmmli
sloners. Ile says ho is against civil ser?
vice reform as now i !. and IhOt
when the next appropriation bill comes
up in the House he will vote against it
and work against lt ail ne knows bow.
Secretary Carlisle matte six appoint?
ments to day, ree-elved three resignations
and called for three others, e-rnitslde of
the time taken up with the consideration
of the regular business he ta devoting hia
energies to the work of securing the best
possible Democratic material for the
positions in and under the department at
present held by Republicans, and this
end is being rapidly attained. There ls
no question as to the popularity that he
has established for himself by the un?
qualified Democracy that marks his
every move In whl-r-h politics has a right
to be considered. The public good is of
course his first consideration, as might
be experted by those who know the char?
acter of Mr. Carlisle as displayed during
his long public- life, and while business
methods are looked for from him he could
never be classed as a Mugwump, and all
of his appointments have been mark eel
with the sterling stamp ot Democracy,
and the ability of the appointees gives
evidence of the care with which they
?ve re selected. All of the congressmen,
who have been hare in the search tor
oftice for their constituents are unani?
mous in the verdict that Secretary Car?
lisle has come nearer Justifying the hopes
of the people who voted for Democrats
to take the reins of Government thar,
has any other Individual member of the
Senator Daniel has been hard at work
for the last few days around the vari?
ous departments, leaving no stone un?
turned, no wore, unsaid that would result
i'i (,' ?1 for those la whose applications
for pieces he ls Interested. Mis hand has
been noticeable in all of the leading ap
polutmenta made tn virginia ali
of administration, and his stand?
ing in the Senate as one of tts most bril?
liant BBBBBberfl makes him a wetcome
visitor at all of the departments ard at
the White House, wln-re the President
is always given friendly and tvmsiderate
attention to the* Senator from Virginia.
Coi Krcssmen IdlBUBdl and Tyler 1- ft
fc-r hr-nie this afternoon, after a week
of hard work here in the lnt?re_t of
Corgreeamaa T\l-r aecared the removal
of the Pension Examining Hoard al tbe
Soldiers' Home, at Hampton*; to-day,
and secured the appointment of ins.
Peake, iv- ker and Hope, of Ha ipton.
BIB all Democrats.
('- ngreaaman William A. Jones, of the
First district, arriv--1 to-day.
Colonel Aletander McDonald, of Lynch?
burg; was In the city, and left to-nl^lit for
Bl I Fork, on his way to the court of
rersla, wher. he has been appointed
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleat
pjtenttary. Colonel McDonald appears
lo he In excellent health and phyd-aily
well preparW for the long and tedious
lourney he has ah*ad of him. Ha was at
tl- Mata Department to-day, receiving
lils Baal instructions as to his conduct
of comp'lcations arl3lng by reason of
the missionaries which compose almost
the entire American colony In that coun?
try. In an interview, Colonel McDonald
v in order t-> preclude ti-.-- poa*
slbllity of the loss of lils baa
- trip to Washington from his
hom.-, h.* had cheeked it through ta Hew
York, an rf hoped to lind lt awaiting him
on the ateamshlp pier when he got thara,
Pourth Assistant Pommester-Oeneral
Maxwell appointed eighty-seven fourth
class postmasters to-day, of which
-ix were removals. The appoint?
ments for Virginia wt-r- ns fol!
?ville, Ooochland county, Virginia
C. Trice, rice A. i. Duka remoTed; Hot
Bprlnga, Bath county, w. ii c McFad?
den, rice M. C, -lively, reinoired; Irwin,
i - ri,.tv |fra Helen Lively,
iv (v-x, reeigned; Middleton, Fred
It. M. F.ggU'ston, vice J.
w. [.errick, reaac***. I
<v iv Jordan haa beea commlaadoned
. r.-i- at Buena Vieta (praotdantlal)
to date from May 27th.
ThB name of the poetOfBce at Tucker's
hui. "Westmoreland county, lias baan
: to Tucker Bili, and Charlu c.
Thrift commission--l as poet meeter.
A star postal route baa bean established
In vi-gihia as follow.-: Sim ms m to Down?
ings anj l-ack. three times a -v rk, fri n
luly 1. IM.
, i-ointm*?ntS of foufth-ctaoa pitt
Wtri nude HOC North Cir-lina
The Star postal service from Plumtree
o Boone, N. C., has be^n ordered dlsron
Inued from July SM h.
ns have been granted aa follow.:
,'irglnla? Reissue, John H. Thomas.
I lion t 00 Per Ont. Has lieeo PepaaHed
I ncl?r kkm lt^e,rK?nl/atlon I'lan.
NKW TOB-C lune 10.?A member of
he firm of Drexel. Morgan & Oe. stated
o-day that about ninety per cent, of
he securities of the Rb hm-m-l Terminal
sited under the reorgani.u
lon plan. Th-* firm will enforce a penalty
m tho balance at once. They will at
.nc- proceed to put a time limit on the
Linville, and later on the East Ten
Gi'orKla Pacific, a member of the Arm
raid, had come in freely, but to Just
?hat extent he did not know. On Tuea
lay the committee will hold a meeting
md amend the call, which will be pub
lshed on Tuesday.
"ba Br it Uh Bark Ncrthern Star Oom
Down Near New Zenl-ud.
HAN" FRANCISCO, Jun* 10.?Australian
idvices report the loss of the Dritlah
isrk Northern Star, with all hands. 8he
.rifted ashore, bottoat upward and badly
latnaged. on the New Zealand coast, fte
ppearance denoted that ahe had b-*en In
. collision with some vessel, lt ls believe.)
vlth the bark Oowanburn, which was
ir*viously reported wrecked.
In Frank Lesli*"* Divorced.
m.wbi'RGH, N. T? June io
Jrown to-day granted a divorce to Mrs.
frank Leslie from W. C. K. Wilde.
Tha Irish M?eab?rs Wara a. tba Varga
af a Koroit from Mr. Gladstone*!
Peile? of * o?. ranon.
LONDON, June lO.-The culmination of
the long-pending trouble between Tim
Healy and Thomas Sexton has been a
godsend to the Government Tha ex?
citing scenes in the conference of the
Irish Parliamentary party on Kriday and
Mr. Sexton's subsequent retirement from
his seat for North Kerry have so ills
tracted the attention of in,h mo-ahm
that <Tiey have little time to ,.
tests against Mr. Gladstone's recent con.
cession to the Unionists. Had it not ben
for this diversion an Immediate open re
voil in the Irish ranks against tho Uoy
ernments policy would have bteo un?
avoidable. Justin HcCertby, leader <>f
the entl-PernelUtee, steted th" eeee pl lin?
ly In an Interview with th* Premier Just
before the coafereooe met lie told Mr
Qledetone thu ti.,, discontent of "th.*
Irish members had be. n roused to tho
point at which the leaden had become
powerless to preeerve discipline unless tba
Government should give the most explicit
assurances that no further concessions
to the Unionists would be male.
The specific can?.* of this potential re?
volt is the number of amendment! to
clause 3 of the Home Bule bin. which
have b.*en accept-d by Mr. GI ids Vue
from Unionist member-!. Nine sucb
amendments to the limit rowets of tho
Dublin Legislature have be..n oooeoie4
Cine ot the nine ? . ,inst
the votes of leventy-four Irishmen.
Most of the IriFh member! attribute the
repeated yielding of the fltniliunssg ta
it! enemies to a mere koch ot beckheoo
A few, however, go 10 far as to suspect
treachery within the Cebtnel In a for?
mal consultation with Ministers In the
lobby the Irish leaders have ur>;ed tho
argument that as the Home Pule bill la
the outcome of a definite igreeoocot be?
tween them nnd the tUrr* ramon! no alter?
ation! ouifht to be mad.- bv the Ministers
without their tlrst seeking the assent of
the Nationlsts. This orgumool states tia
Justin McCarthy was commissioned by
his colleagues to tell Mr. ill.list' ii" wfh
special emphasis, and he dbl pe. In reply
to the warning that th" acceptance f
further Unionist amendment! would be
the signal for Irish hostilities, Mr. (Had*
stone authorized Mr. McCarthy to t II
the conference that gOCttlVQ BB lOUfef
WOlil'l be adopted tO Close Hie C ?! ll III i'. t "S
stage of the bill by th" mi.Idle of July.
How the Premier propose! to do this to
the extinction of Unionist obit ruction he
did not say. He also avoided giving any
assurances concerning th" aceeptanc f
future amendment! from tii<. Unioetote.
Mt. HcCerthy'i rep.,rt of his coot* i*
ip.n with th.* Premier wns received with
some demonstrations of ffi-tempOT by the
eoofl renee, mid a majority of members
?xpreeoed themeelvei as fevoring ho*
mediate meoouroi to compel thi Govern?
ment to eel without delay lu conformity
with explicit eaaUTOOcee. They also em?
phasized the n< lir Qledetone'!
acting, ns previously, in cloee concert
with thc Irish leaders-that ls, with ac?
cepting the dictation of th* Nationalist!
as to the ; ?,? of the Home Rule
bill. Mr. McCarthy promised to Inform
Mt. Gladstone of the sentiment of the
meeting, but his pledge, hardly given,
wis forgotten, an the discussion turned
to thc Sexton affair, which quickly stirred
all the anitr.osr'ics latent among the
members, and evoked a scene repeatedly
on the verge of violence, lt WO! such a
Mi', r tunnel as disturbed th- last Par?
nell conferences. Nominally Un trouble
ooneeroed Um control of the party n?w*
poper organ, but nail-, lt wis due to the
fundamental dlflfi " I I * In the political
im ? is cf tbi I iden.
Tim. Healy represent! Hie clerical ele?
ment on the boord of the Preeioaa*g
Journal, and at all points In general
Irish politics he ll In close touch with
the priests, Sexton. 00 the oilier hand,
represents the secular faction of the
HatlonallatO He Joined the b...ird of
the Freeman's Journal at the requaol of
John Itlllon and Justin HcOorthy. At
ti..* con feri rdey, however, Mr.
HcCertby was unable t>. rally a majority
to th" support of his protege's policy In
the directorate.
The Condition of the I'rodurt aa ttoportrd
hy lorreapon.Innis.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 9.-The re
turns of cornepoodint! of th.- Hallett*
cal division of the Department of Agri?
culture, June 1st, show that over a large
part of th- OOttOg I" lt germination and
developmeot of the plant have been r>
1 ??? ? iln r and exe. _
rain, the latter having also the effect of
liiiif wuk ai A I. I.liing the crop.
me localities, drynes prevented suc?
cessful pleating and much of th.
r to coin- up In consequence, and lt
I that the ?COOd planting
? ? ' nt a failure. .\:
the Hlselerippl and In the low lands much
Injury has been caused oy the overflows.
In cc rly planting ls as?
signed as ?
Injury re
! from cut wornn, lice. Hgt
lt ls ai. tho I
? f a good crop in much <f the cot?
ton t> : rit..ry ia, boi -'? lo
Th- condition of t.io crop lu
Idatlon of report! ls ss.tf. ee c.,in
pared with K,'i last pear. The Stat" a
ogeo are as follows Vlrgl-ii.i, .'j. Ni nh
line, xi: Suuth I Georgia,
87; Florida. 98; Alabama. 61; lilattM I.
SU; Louisiana, ST; Tooee. &"; Ark*.
89; T nus show only
a slight Ineteed of a lon re of
acreage pll I with last
year. A i maid i I I
actually pleated remited from the river
The average percentage ls
100 5. The Stale per of area In
comparison with the acreage of last .
are as follow ??.
Virginia, 87; North Carolina, VU 1
Cif-'iina, tM; Georgi i
rna, 100; Mississippi. 98' louisiana.
IH; 1 Arkansas. 93; T
90. It will Le leen that the status of tho
cotton r rp. as with INO, hal
not materially chan*. . ".-age hal
?lightly Increased, but tbe condition!
have correspondingly slightly deeltrc '.
The Kprvad ot Iholera.
PA HIS, June 10.- Cholera has shown
Itself at Narbonne, In the Impertinent
of Aude, on the railway from IvrdeeuK
to Cette. and having t mmunicatlon with
the Medit*rraj?*an through the canal
of Narbonne, which traverses the town.
Dr M'-cle, of ths Narbonne Hospital,
has died of a disease pronounced to be
cholera. .. -s. L?
ALKXANI'RIA. Jun* 10-The number
of deaths from cholera in Meera y ? r
day was seventy, indicating the disease
to be on the increase.
_-.?**> .
tienerat liordon to l.returr.
N'RW y?.lcK. June 10?Oneral John lt.
Cordon has. at the oollcttOtl it of many
prominent men in this city, consented to
deliver a lecture, "Found In the *'l"*lng
Hoys of the Confederacy, snd His Per?
sonal Estimate of Two Great Captains
> and Lee." The .tate of tho lecture
will be announced later.

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