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AS TO THOSE CONTRACTS. IcTestigitlo* Committee Bringing1 Hid? den TLlngs to Light. ll EPPS MAKES 1 FRiNl STaTEMEBT Mora Coo??"?'*lcf,<>n? *? Ott' Beleln*! T*?tl (.tooT- Mr* "*0*!?ld*?v Il^altallnal** Tails Blt Hil* of a. tMfllculty With Boon. -.-lal committee of the City Coun f to investigate all runton i |o the awarding of the tire offlce furniture to be galled to the new City Hall, held in the OgOMB Chamber ll%. . .irmiin Mann and all the ', with the exception who yvaa out of the city. I a large attendance of Inter* ?. vho watched the pro ?:. careful attention. timon** wai heard. Mr. ; . i a totagrooi ' v York, June to R. H. Bott* t nd nod oi tot I morrow. rrnllfee go In tbe absence . i the rian of ot the ny. Wh n v. d tO '. ' ? I for tho i buoII 'T not . i r mitti", if . pt metallic i ?.. wit* t think that I.e mmltt* ron in i to any fi lend.** ? bad fl drinks tot . bit this d'.ne aft- r of tbl ? "; ' ; upon one . port j io wltnen i." by Um ? ' | Went i ? ty Hill. Mr. - Of th" t il tl ? 1 i ny ? tnmlt* t Mr 1 to the box ? plained lorn to lecure nine I ? ? *.?. hli b rn wai ? tin- hotel moa ? l Mr. Qul? ' >wn In the omi '.tlllc work than Mr lied, with a r rapid ting be i ii would I ulai ly I fl mlttee * account of 1 ? book* ? ii the Uh the . April, I i - > ? from Wltl th! 5:1111 of I .. I for la Mai ch, but hi 1 1 be till Willi t th! for In Apt ll. Ail the ? out of the : tba witt ? i ? had i ? '. i it Mould In . ip to tb. !?? derived ' inti nd r ld Ih. ir ? rn. Mr. lllenii 1 '.. inri I ri ' With rel the queitlon i ... v ?? Mr. Mount weeb of i ?? cern ? || v 111**. thirty* ? d elf and .i i it and hla b< mounted "i dollars ? al b's return from rt poid to .. ile be ra wi ted to Ihe Mil, ? urtner bad ? partner and a wen ? conti || 1 I * ,!|V wink. for a and hould i did not knoo upon t lt was carly In Dec! ' tO know If Mr ^ ' v ?!??.? t ri uiiy difficulty ? witness stated tion with Mr. th I : bis building 1 falls. Mr. ? told him .Hon of a Mr. Stuart. ! the < MON of y *?*? Ith Ifl > m* Mr. ' kiiow tl . ? ? aiisw. r that queetlon; .ubi declh ? it. Ndgoa: DM Mr. Booo i. s? a* tO ii'.nke a com* I **ay what og wai, but bl that be wished to make a nation. Wltnesi added that he did not think lt would be b-t for him to "THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT TO BC 'wkto m.PH ILAPELPHI A. .a ne!,ir.l? atrreed to ad ro Into the details of the affair In the of Mr. Bega, Messrs. Glenn and 'ewell barlil** bsssj the only ones present I liim. who would naturally -side iv i t li wltl Aft if Borne farther discussion aa to the vhnissit.iiity of th- -natter, Mr. Mann that lt was pertaining to the and Mr Wedder rather heal v furnished tli^* following tnforma ti-.n: "Mr. BOOS e-nme to my pince of busi? ness al the Bolt-citation of Mr. stuart, erho repreoented a metallic hook-cose in In St. Louis. Mr. Stuart a-1 i that ti,- Weddey Corn ought to bars tbe -Job, for the rea ? vi Gu-,- -ij-i bualaeee In this city. He '1.Vt that Mr. BOOS would l.e Battened with lt. and would draw out, if he was given WM, I told Mr. Stuart thal this- man BOOS WSS a bigger Har than Ifl ,-i-s was. 'I have no Idvi that rill ever do what he promises,1 1 continued to Mr. Stuart, "bul I will talk ? i. r--r i would talk to the darli himself, because I have no tear,'" ? \ then arranged for. which took place In the drawing-room or, and ?**. li- 'i Mr. I'nnz ar '? : told him tl ; !' ' any? thing. We then talked around a food eh il. ai--! Anally I atated to Mr. Stuart lld never come to for we were bora fighting, how what led UP tO this remark I can :? dd take a prophel or a tybi] ? -1 on that ,--n. Mr. Boos finall** aaked mc into 'joining ro.,m, I followed him snd 1 me. Mr. BOOS told nv. he thought th* proper thing for nv thal fi How HM. 1 i l aol give him IH ii-- the rt "f the room. I v.--old HU- to have this in a fair manner, so that there feeling. He replied, t and for ward win be nc difficulty, ?When wc- had the tiKin in i: *atulated me on ? i tba <i iftc rwarda ' This remark brought on th*- result Indicate i o while ago. Mr. hilt and then I male tba remark about tin When Mi had finished hia re? mark I orters to arith the public, bul ba was la f -i ni- -ir lenient could not in aupp '? lt will no doubt bo read with great Interest. Mr -Starks waa next called upon, who tter from Mr. Boos, dated vh. which read In pan aa followe: "in reference to tbe requeet --f com 1 say to thal i am -?? i talnly unable to meet al ii-' ur' etina auggi ated by you. * lib the b before mi -'this would not aee my way '-lear t-> n oh your city Inside of two weeks. "I - rfully ail - ar def ore the tain conditions, that other witi. ' ahnll name bi ?ii", shan be aul before mj comli to Richmond, and thai the com ln contlnuoue pc nlon un? til all the testimony is -gone through with thal i may propose ts prevent ut ? "Hoping that you will lay this commu? nication before the chairman of the com? mittee, and have the committee take such action aa they may deem ii' In tbe prem .ind Inform me of Un- same." ?'ii motion of Mr. Gunn, the letter waa laid upon tin- table for the time bein**, Mr. Btarke then made ? brief state meal to the efl a that mornlnr i been called ts the nenl that Mr. Belvia went North with the c-.-mmlttee as his representative, and tii-it his expeneee had horn guaran by wttnesa. However, be ciid not , Mi Btarke'a repreaentatlve, and if air*,- money had bssn paid to Mr. Kel? vin, - ? talnly did not know it. He did not hold himself respsnslble for any action taken 1"- any one on that Mi l'.-lvln did ROI represent the ? .., Company when be ataried out on trip, but wltnese underetood after warda thal be ha-i ai ranged arith Mr Boob for a duplicate Nd, s > SS to put in B bid! for the amount. Mr. Glenn was recalled by Mr. Gulron. ned that he had never boasted ? -a of the awarding of the ? Assistant t'lty KnE;ln<*er said, at the re-queat Sf Mr. Bpps, that ht had heard the latter aey in his presence in the com? mute, i.-un in reference to the metallic that be ott ferred the cases of the Specialty Company, bttrsnse they were strong ; , I betti r iii appearance. Mr Prank Batea being pul on the I : i ? aaked him If he had him (_Sppe) say anything In re ii wcrk of the two oom , itCS replied that at the I the committee held at the ' dr. l-ppe asked him wlilch or ti ? I beet He told him a.f the features of Mr. ' ti r, ami some fee? 's. I tr. i \s v ., ,] hy Mr. Mann ll I - ' ard anv of the members of the committee express their bpinlons a hil- on their trip North. Prom their general talk lUgbl Mr. Mountcastle favored the I r l Mr. I'urtls the ny. Mr. Bppa did not ex I i- opli lon. M-. Mann: Who paid your expenses on tbe ti l>r. Anderson: I went as expert, and nay oem expenses. The city after ? Bl III d< I UM money. Mi Whit*?: What was the amount of y-v:r eapei I *r. A About I5S. Mr. White: Were you with the party all the til I'r Anderson: No; I went to Rainmore ? BOAM furniture there, leavlnjc omndttee in Philadelphia. I re? turned home ft little while 1 -fore them. Mr. Mann: The chair understood you to say thal yOU went alon?- as an expert. Win li ? f il,-* un Ah d i yu; think superior? i>r. And mon: There is no question in my mind that Ihe workmanship of the < nile- Specialty is greatly superior. The gooda sra atronger. I think Messrs. Mountcaatle and Kpps sftrsad with me. I asked ir BOOS to make a close com in. but he did not do SO. Mr. Mann: I dd you h. ir Mr. Kppa ex uiiy opinion aa to the comparative im-rlta ol thc goods? Dr. Anderson: No, air. Mr. ?ul*on: Did you travel and fare Uk* tba rest of the committee T Dr. Anderson: So far ii I know, I did. Mr. Mann: Would you mind producing your Itemized bill of expenses? Dr. Anderson then produced the bill, and Mr. Eppi asked If all the Items were dated. "Yes," iald Dr. Anderson. Mr. Epps: Well, I Jool wanted to know, since thON seemed to be a question In the minds of some of the committee as to whether or not you paid for that la-t supper. Mr. Vaughan: Did Mr. Belvia ask you to use your influence with the committee in behalf of anyon"? Dr. Anderson: Xo, slr; no one asked me to use my Influence In behalf of any one. Mr. White: Did you hear anything about a BM loan while on the trip? I>r. Anderson: No, slr. Mr. Meredith: Were any offers made you by Mr. BoOOf Dr. Anderson: Mr. Hooz was under the Impression that I did not have enough money to bear all my expenses, arni on on" or two occasions he offered to ad? vance the money, which I refused, as I bad enough. Mr. Henry L. Carter was then requested to take the stand, and was asked to tell what, took place on the Friday evening aft.-r the Anal inspection of the metal tixt ires. IV stated that he nnd Mr. Epps hal I conversation near Seventh and Kron 1 streets. Mr. Bppi Oohed bim bil ODinli between the workmanship of the two compoaleo. h?. (Mr. Carter) told hin that he was opeohlog confidentially, that If h" would keep lt to htmaelf h would express his opinion, which h" did to tb" affect that "tbe Fenton Company woan'l in it," whereupon Mr. Epps re? plied that such wi nion. Mr. Bppgi Did I Ilk you lo vote f r anybody s work, or did you ever hear any member of tbl committee say that he had henri BM* Upwoi my opinion ai to how J e\;,. Ctld tO 1 Mr. ("arter: Xo, air. Mr. Booro: Did foo base your opinion Upon th" merits of tb" workmanship? Mr. ('arter: I did; after giving five days to th" examination of same. Mr. WOddey tb.-n asked Dr. Anderson if lt had Occurred to him during the trip North thal he (Waddejr) had endeavored to prejudice any member of the com? mittee by his liberality? Dr. Anderson: No, slr; I remarked to Mr. Glenn that I did not like to accept this kind of entertainment; that I did riot wish to feel nader obligations to any He replied thal it would be an right In the long run; that first one and then the other could pay the small bills, and lt would be about the same. Mr. Cuigon stated that he could get some important testimony by the next mir from a witness who wns ral of the city, but would be hack by Sunday. Mr. Kpps had stated that he wished to be tbe last lo testify. He thought lt wnild b" better for Mr. Epps to withhold his testimony until the next meeting of the committee, so as to give him an op 1" i 'unity to answi any statements that might he made by the other witnesses. He also moved that when the committee rrned lt would do bo to meet again MXl Tuesday night. Mr. Epps stated that he thought h" had stood this persecution long enough; that witness after witness had taken the stand and made statements refl. -tine on him, and that he had submitted to it all. If. however, lt was necessary, he nus Willing to withhold his testimony Until another time. Mr. Murphy stated that he saw no reason why Mr. Epps' testimcny should be withheld. If anything was said by other witnesses which required an an? swer from Mr. Epps. the !rift?r would bl In the city, and could be present to mak" a reply. Mr. Gnlgon said he was sure that Mr Epps did not wish to reflect on the com? mittee, ind did not believe thit. the committee wns trvlr.g to take any un? fair advantage of him; but that he thought it would be better to examine Other witnesses at that time. Tbe witness stand was then oc*i"led by Mr Epps. who said he eonf--<*? had acted indiscreetly, but had done noth? ing dishonorable. He wished Mr. Sam many to testify as to how the anonymous note had been received. Mr. hitamany said that a young man, well dressed, about twenty-five years of age, had come to the shop and said that he had a note for Mr. Epps. About Br! minutes afterwards Mr. Epps asked him if he knew who the young man was. Hi said that he did not know. Mr. Epps asked the young man who sent the not". He refused to tell. Mr. Epps then told the young man If be did not tell who sent the note he would have him arrested He (Sammanyl did not se? the note until about five minutes after the bearer had gone, when Mr Epps showed lt to him and then told him whom the young man said had sent lt. Mr. Mann: Was anyone else present when Mr. Epps attempted to scare the young man? Mr. Sa mina ny: No. slr. Mr. Epps then asked that In order that the committee might know something about him he wished Colonel Archer IQ take the stand and tentfly ai to his char? acter. He then retired and Colonel Archer stated that he had be*n Inti? mately as.?oclated with Mr. Epps for twelve years. Mr. Epps had served in the family as an apprentice and us fore? man for nearly thirty years, md that there wai no mm ever In hil employ who was of stricter truth, honesty ind Integ? rity. Hil confidence In Mr. Epps wai so great he would have sooner inspected himself. He had never known him *o depart from the highest planei of honesty md truth. He had often loaned him money without taking my receipt, md Mr. Epps had never filled to pay lt back. Mr. Epps. who had retired during Col? onel Archer*! etatement, returned and took the wltnen itand. L?st November, he said, Mr. Glenn came to him and ask? ed him to go to Mr. Goddln'i offlce to Inspect some metal furniture. He did so, and gave as his opinion that the furniture which wai varnished black wai the beit. He afterwards met Mr. Glenn, who said he was glad that he had so expressed htm lelf. In December Messrs Glenn and Bool requeued a committee from the Ground! and Buildings Committee to go North and Inspect lome furniture. He Itated that if he wai put on the com? mittee the city would have to bear the expense!. Soon afterward! he asked Mr. Curtli, the chalrmar of the committee, If the city would advance the money for the trip. Mr. Curtie replied that lt would not. A irit-iiu vance the money, whl. h was to be re? turned when the city made lt good. Mr. Glenn, too, offered tO advance -the money, stating that he lEppsi could return lt when the city paid him. He afterward* 1. rirn>l that Mr. Glenn had offered to ? tin- mon. y for the trip to several of the committee. H" rind Mr. Mount castle each accepted a HM loan from Mr. Glenn. In Philadelphia he roomed with Mr. Kelvin, to whom he stated that h- WO! sorry he had 0OCI pt".I Mr. Glenn's olfer, wbir-upon Mr. Belvln told him not to let that worry lum, h" liU-lvln) would lend him BM with which to peg Gl-nn, and the money could be returned wi."ii tb" eily POld UP. Some tim" after th! commltt"e re ? .'? I b" MW KU. Belvia and told him he didn't km.w winn tb" COmmlttei would pey the money, and that he would ICCept tlc 1 ,in. This WO! agreed upon, and the ni'.n<v was paid bim In Jakes i'i... ... ii" tried Meerai times to get Mr. Otana i . com" down to Ml Un M M to s. tri.. tri., bill. Th" bill was tinnily poid to big. Otana. Mr. Moui I rltoeaaaldl Um i.r-iwr.enf. Tb" night the contra, t was let Mr. Belvia stated that th" OMMMJt belonged to Mr. I'... '!.. He remonstrated with Mi. Belvln f"r i)"f Utting him know this re, when Mr. Belt/In said FM would ? rd he (Boga) could make : with him. lt.. gave Mr. Belvln hi** note. The re ? for this, doted April 20th, was sub i io the commit! Mr. Epps stated that Mr. Booz had overtures to him to get him to ? Rlchmon I wt in i Northern factory. Since the .-on' k t b-. thought a ' moil hav. struck tb" factory, it-s he bad henri noth? ing more from it. When .Mr : med bim the money, he, h" thought iii" moth pure. H" had I.n indiscreet. Int in caatlng bis %????" be did so acordlog to the dictates of hi- Mr. Stark" had m. ntioned f< or nano to his prerloua itatemeol ahoai tb,., ni leged opinion, ns exprCIIOd by Mr. Epps. Hut three of th. s* ti-d thnt they kn*>W nothing Of such an OpiO* lOO as stated by Mr.". If he had ever mad" inch remark! ha had more whisky than brains in him at th" time. Bl hal n i ipologtel to nfT"r for th! v. rv in which hi bod COOt his vote Bl was iind'-r the Impression that Mr vin's loan was an honest on*, and he ' lt by giving his note. 'Ihe anonymous not" above referred to -is follows: "Ho to th- citizen.-** Bank and pay note of BM before 3 o'clock tO-doy. Very Im? portant. A Elli END" Mr. Meredith: Did the hiern of that g1\" you the name of th" Moder? Mr. Bppo: Too; but I don't Uk" to cull his name. I do not wish to do my fel? low moo an injustice, and I can't prove thnt h" wrote th" not-*. Mr. Meredith: I Ml OO reason why you ?hO'lld not cn',1 th" name. Mr. Epps: Then, thi bearer rioted that Mr. Pmtoo Belvln was tho Moder, that hi bod lootructlom not to tell who him. Mr. Meredith: When you borrowed the ? del you know that Mr. Belvia WO! claiming to be repnaaotiac the Pntoa Metallic v mnaajr? Mr. i slr. Mr. Meredith: You paid the money back after th" contract was let? Mr. Bruie: Yes, slr. Mr. Meredith: Did you vote for Mr. Belvia'! furniture? Mr. Epps: Yes. on the merits of the I Mr. Meredith: Are you willing to state that you never made tb.- statements roto* tive to the reepecUvi workmanship of the two companies which Mr. .Starko attri? buted to you? Mr. Bppo: Yes; I am willing to aw tar to lt. Mr. Meredith: You recognized that at? tempts were being mad" to bribe you. but you believed yourself able to resist them? Mr. Bpi ?: Tea, sir. Mr. Murphy: Did Mr. I'.elvln toU you that if Mr. Booz got the contract you ri.1 not pay back the BM loan? Mr. Bppa: Ile dil, sir; but I thought he was drunk at the time, and pail very little attention to tho statement. Mr. Mann: On your trip did you get any presents'* Mr. Bppo: Y-s, sir; Mr. Eooz invited me t" go down and get a beaver, which I di I Mr. Mann: Did any other member of the committee Ret a. beaver. ? Mr. E- '* Y-s, sir. Mr. Mam: Who were they? Mr. Bppo: I don't wish to call their narius; you can ask them. Mr. Murphy: Do you remember how many 1 .-.? gtvea away? Mr. Epps: No, sir: I know I got mine. Mr. Ouigon: Did you think the evPtf-r* at Murphy'! wen given by Mr. Booz to Influence you In casting your vote? Mr. Eris: Tea, ?lr. Mr. Gulgon: You allowed yourself to remain Indebted to Mr. Belvln after he bod MOdl improper suggestions, and told you that the mon.v he had loaned you came from Mr. Boogf Mr Bppa: I told you I wrote to Mr. Kelvin at once, but he was out of the elly. 'Iii* committee then adjourned to meet again Tuesday night. A Blcicle 'tournament. The Blchmond 'Cycle Club will hold a bicycle tournament June 2u'th, instead of on July 4th ai was flrst stated- The following will be the events: First, half-mile, safety novice, open. 8ec.)nd, one mlle, safety, open. Third, half-mlh?, eafety, open. Fourth, egg race. Fifth, boyi' rac* (under fourteen years of age). Sixth, halfmile, Richmond 'Cycle Club championship.' Seventh, quarter-mile dash, open. Eighth, consolation race. The events will be run at the Exposition ground!, commencing at 4 o'clock. Can Wear Outing Shirt*. The memben of the police force have been anxious to wear outing ihtrts ever since the hot weather iel In. The rulei of thc board prohibit thli, io leveral dayl ago they appealed to the commli ilonen. After coneldering the matter, a resol itlon wai parsed allowing the men to wear "outing ihlrti of white or cream colored material, neatly laundered, be? tween the houri of 7 P. M. and 7 A. M. Some of the offlceri say th?y will nick to their old ooitume from choice. MAJOR LEOM E. FA fl E'S TVEEXLAL The Train Hearing Remains Will Andre Early Thia Morning. The train bearing the remains of Major Legh R. Page will arrive from Chicago thia morning at 4:26 o'clock. They will be accompanied by bia sister, Mlaa Lucy F. Page, and Mr. Roaewell Page. The remains will be met at the Chesapeake and Ohio depot by frlenda and a committee of the Bar Association, and escorted to the residence, at the corner of Fifth and Franklin streeta, where they will He until 6 P. M. At that hour the funeral will take place from St. James* Episcopal church, and the Interment will be In Hollywood. A letter was received on Friday from Major rage by hia family, which waa written on Wednesday, In which he re? ferred to having "one of hie attache" while on the way to Chicago. It would seem that he waa fearful of his own condition some time prior to his death, and requested his family, in the event of his dying suddenly, or ac? cident happening to him, that they would at once notify his close friend. Colonel Thomas Tahb, of Hampton. This waa sacredly carried out, _,nd Colonel Tabb arrived here In response to the summons yesterday morning, and took charge of the funeral arrangements. The following gentlemen will act aa pall-bearers: Honorary-Judge H. H. Marshall, Judge L. L. Lewis, William R. Trigg, James Pleasants. F. M. Roykln. Judge W. W. Crump, Judge AV. R. Staples, Major Lewis Glnter. It. O. Pegram. Charles S. Stringfellow, Colonel A. S. Buford. John Purcell. Oscar Cranz. A. L. Boulware, John C. Shafer. E. TA. Addison, S H. Hawes. Major Robert Stiles, Jas. Alfred .7-mes, James'H. Dooley, Isaac Davenport, Jr.. Alexander Cameron, Thomas Cr. Pey? ton, Charles E. Wortham, Henry G. Can ne.n. William L. Roval, Charles E. Whit look, Colonel Archer Anderson, Captain Thomas BUett, Charles V. Williams. W Josiah Leake, John A. Coke, Orin Cot? trell. E. T. D. Myers, AA*. Miles Cary. P, Lightfoot Wormcley, George W. Mayo Alexander Coke. lohn Dunlop, Hon. S II. Witt, Henry K. Terry, Wyndham Mere, dlth, Judge J. C. Lamb. N. V. Randolph ami Jackson Guy. Active?Thomas M. Rutherfoord. .Tohr P. Purcell, William M. Turpin. VlrglnlUI Newton, Blair Bolling. Frank Ii. M. Gulre, Pr. Lewis C. Kosher, Frank Chris? tian, Fr. Ed. McGuire. Ta.ewell Ellet! Bund I/ewls Lightfoot. The following: gentlemen have beer requested to represent the Par ASBOi in? tlon of the _fty nf Richmond at the rhes apeake and Ohio railway depot at fl 2f A. M. to-di-y, upon the arrival of the re? mains: Judge Hunter Marshall, Mr. Eugene C Colonel R. L. Maury. Mr. S B. P. Patteson, Major Charles S. Strim; fellow, Mr. h. Rand. Wellford, Major R 0*. I'"rrram and Mr. Jackson Guy. Me-nih-rs of the Har Association of th* City and other members of the bar ari requested to mc. t at St. James' churcl rv |:_* O'dOdl this evening, where the> will form, and go in the church In - hr..Iv tO n'te-n-1 th- funeral. All members of the IVir Assori.nt(on an-1 of Gu- har of the city, are reqUCSte. to tnc-i't on Monday at 12 m.. ct the rooms of th-- B tm, over tin Merchants' National F.rik. Jo take suet action a? m.iv be Bul table with to the death of Major Legh H. Page. ( lllircll Aytes. RSV, Georere H. Ray arly, by request, preach a apedxl sermon in Union-Station M-th.-list I I ur h at ll A. M, to-day to th.- r-ie.-l 1 ir-'.--r of luul-ls. The membera of Damon Lodge, Knigh** of I'vthias, win nessi at 4 o'clock thi? afternoof and proi *-i t-- Leigh-street Bapt-al Church, where divine servlc ? In honor cf Pythian memorial dav will he bald "The I-h.--ti-ry of Heaven," a subjeel which I'r. Tudor Inst Sunday bandi-* with wonderful power, win be his thom* again to-day. At night h>* win preacl on the Tragedy of joseph." Th? Baptist Sun-lay-S hool ASSOClStlOT of Richmond an-l Manchester meeta a ? o'clock iv M. nt Orove-areaue church Rev. I?r. BUS, of Baltimore, will be SS of the speakers. Borne "f tbe aocial aspects of chris thinity will l-e considered nt the Unltarlai services to-day in a sermon on "Chris tian Communion-." Weat View Beptlet church, n.-v. W. I' pastor, preaching at 11 a. m. an I r. M. Subject at it a. M., "A Brief His r Virginia Baptists." At the First I'.aptlst church this even I", th.- Ri v. Rober) IV K- rr, poa tr -f tl.-- First Presbyterian church win preach the annual sermon befon tbe Toung M-*n's Mlasionsry s.,--ic-ty Thc so- lety will -attend in a body, a sp.-ciu programme of musle of high order lin arranged by the quartette choir o ti-,-- church. The ni- n's meeting at the Young Men'i Christian Association this afternoon a i o'clock win ba (addressed by Mr. J. D K. Blelght nlng Sunday, the isth Instant, Rev W. Asbury Christian pastor of WaJhlng ton Methodiat church, will gtve Of talks to young mea rit th- m*-etln?: at 4 P. M. The following subjects have ? A: June llth, "Drifting aw Rowing;" June 2T-th, "Ill-Spent Night*1 July 2-1, "Joy and Judgment;" July '.nh "Oneness." it ls expected that th- asso elation orchestra will be on hand at sad meeting. Want Ituford for Governor. A number of the DemOCTSta ' Third precinct of Madison war-1 in- t las ev-nlng at the city circuit cnurt-rooti for '-h.- purpose of oriranizlni'; In favo of r-iioncd a. s. Buford as candi Gov-riior. Mr. Andrew Plzz.lni wa called to the chair, and Mr. Robert Ar cher was made temporary secretary. MBasia iv I- Munford, m. t. clark and AValt.-r Wilson w-*re appointed commlttfe on organization. They r ported that the putpOSS of the m---tlri was to OrgantM the Iiemocratlc v-t-r of the Third precinct of Madison war who are In favor of a primary for th ?1 of f*HrgSt*T to the State Cor . an-1 who favor the nominatio of Colonel Buford for Governor. They Offered the following name-s. whic unanimously adopted: Preaddenl Andrew Plsalnl: Vies Prest-danta*. Alexei der Cameron. Rinaldo Orsl. J. W, Wilso and I'atri-k Rafter; Secretary, E. I I'r.s, hal. The meetlnjr was very harmonious, an promises a -Strong fiKht fur Colonel Re. ford In the coming contest for Governoi They IVe-re llanqueted. Colonel Murphy tendered a banquet t the- loathers Shoe Balesmetra aasnrlstlo last night. Everything was most dell clous, and was temptingly served. Arnon the members present were: Messrs. S P. Moses, of Boston, president of th Association, who acted as toastmaster T T. Merri.1. Heston; E. M. DeCan. Jr., 0 philadelphia; M. M. Johnson. Boston; J H. AVhelan. Jr., Huston: AV. T. Moekhe. Rochester; M. H. < il-endorfer, Richmond E. J. Mayfield. Richmond; Jamea h Knox. Cincinnati: V. S. Carlton, Rich mond; Ike May, Richmond; 1. H. Skate* Boston; Ed. F. Moses. Boston; E. E Kehoe. Cincinnati; E. 1*. J. Carver, Ba timore. and AV. B. Hancock, Boston. Hp-.-chea were made by several of th members, and the bancjupt was close with a vote of thanks and three heart cheers for Colonel Murphy. lade ta at Home. The Richmond cadets from Flshburr Military A'al- my are at home for tl iummer. They ure: Captain Dorsey 1 Morrie, Sergeants Leroy 8. Cohen ar AA'alter P. Phillfl'"*. at*'. Cadets John I Andr-ws. T. AVIley Pavla. Jr.. Henry I Eilyson, Jr., and Robert Mayo. Orderl Sergeant F. L. Pearsall, of AA'llmlngtoi N. c. and Cadet I. F. Hicks, of Wa renton, X C, who were the guests < Cadet Andrews, left for home yesterda: I.I- .tenant M. P. Papy. of Georgia. < the same corpa, la still In the city. Newspaper Enterprise. One of the best evidencee of the wort of a newspaper ls the abUlty which displays on occaalona ef great erne gency. A eaaa in point ta tbe manner in which the Waihlngton Star gathered ind published the newe of the recent dliaiter in that city, comlderlng the limited time which they had to give lt before going to preia. That paper, on the day of the accident, contained about two paae8 relating to lt. It waa alao splen? didly Illustrated, with out! ilmilar te thoie In The Tlraea to-day. Thia diipley of enterprise ls merely another proof that th* Waihlngton Star li one of the beet newipapers In the whola countr>. Paatora' Conteit. Round trip ticket to the World'! Pair and KO cash, to be voted the moot pop? ular pastor In Richmond. Each glan el ?oda iold at T. A. Miller'! all-night drug itore entitles the put chaser to a vote. The following is the total vote to dater Rev. R. N. Siedd. 2.302; Rev. E. N. Callach. L233^ Sf* W* W' -^ndnim. 1.511; Rrr. M. D. HoKe, 9K; R?v. George Cooper, 711; Rev. VV. K. Hatcher, 597; Rev. J. T. Fair 602; Rev. J. K. Maion. 4M; Rev. J W Reynolds, 417; Rev. H. Carmichael.' en'; Rev. \V V. Tudor. 247; Rev. A. Van de Vyver. 256; Rev. Jabez Hall. 211; Rev. J. Y. Downman, ITS; lteV. It. p. Kerr I?-** Rev. J. B. Newton. 1157; Rev. L. R. Maion.' IM: Rev. W. J. Young, UL No vote pub? lished which doei not reach one hundred. World's Fair. Next Thursday, June MOA, at S P. M., the Chesapeake and Chlo personally con? ducted World's Fair train will leave Richmond for Chicano. Parties desiring to accompany this train should book at enc-*. Everything will be flrst-clasi, and your accommodations for six days In Chicago and various admissions will be Included in the tickets. Call on or ad? dress John D. Potts, division pasienger agent, Chesapeake jand Ohio railway, Richmond, Va. won nY*prp?iA. ? fndlgentlon, mid Ftoiaaeh -*li?>td-T?, take BROW V*4 IKOX BITTRRH. All deiler* keon it, $1 par bottle. lirnnloehM trade :car? md rrosaM red llnegon wrappar, DBATHt. FAGAN.-Dled. nt th" residence of HM father, IMS id itreet, Krl-Uy mornlntr, June nth, nt Otu o'clock, PATRICK HENRY FAGAN, In th! tOOO) tv-third year of his age. Eur,, ral will Ink" place SUNDAY EVENING at 3 o'clock, xi St. Cathedral. Friends and acquaintance! are Invited to attend. Philadelphia pupers copy. 2t* FKLTHAES.-Died. .Inri" Huh. at C,: '_'< i I'. M., nt 'lit Temp!" street, CHARLES ANTON, beloved son of A. F. nnd E. M. Fi Uh i'i:-, Iged tWO yean and three months. Euri'ml rit Sacrd Heart church MON? DAY, June 12th, at 10 A. M. ? AUCTION BAUM. MONDAY, June 12th, at 6.30 o'clock P. M.. n net lon snle of frame dwelling, 1W4 Chaffin street. TUESDAY, June nth. at 12 o'clock M., trustee's snle of tract of land In Hen rlco county, by R. li. Chaffin A Co., auctioneers. TUESDAY, June 13th, at 6 o'clock P. M. commissioners' sale of brick ware Twelfth street, between i'l.iy and Leigh. TUESDAY, June Uth, at 6 o clock 1'. M, ll of lot on Twenty-fourth ltre"t Mtwila Marshall and Clay, by H. A. Mci'urdy, auctioneer. TUESDAY, June 1.1th, at IJ6 o'clock P. M.. commissioners' auction sile of brick tenement on Nineteenth street bitwon Brood and Crace. Ni WEDNESDAY, .lune nth. nt IrJO o'clock P. M., commissioner's sab- of brick dwelling. 1 ? *-*' 1 east Clay sn. ot, by Hol? well ,v Harman, auction, WEDNESDAY, Jeni 14th, at 6 o'clock 1'. M., auction sal" of frame dwelling, 719 north Twenty-eighth itreet, bi I neal .<- liayle, anctloneero THUBSDAY, .Tun- Uth, nt ?, o'clock I'. M., trustee's sal" of brick dwelling, '.'12 south Third ?treat THUBSDAY, June IS, nt C, o'clock P. M., conunlnloner*! iale <>f real eetat *i Main. Park avenue and I*-*. Dis? trict, by Ch"wnlng St Kose, auctioneer!. WILLIAM AND MARYCOMMENCEMfiNT The c.|..'t rr,Hon of th" TWO HUN* DREDTH ANNIVERSARY "f Um char* ter granted FEBRUARY 9, IBBS, by King William and Qi.u Marv, to t'le ''fm school and COtlege," at tb" middle plant.i tion. Virginia, luboequentl* known ns WIlltaBMburg, will (ak.* pim" WEDNES? DAY, JI'NE 'J I. 1 Vt. PROGRAMME. Poem by Charles \V. Coleman. Esq., of Williamsburg, Va., nt II A. M. ? ?ration tv J. Allen Wat';*, Esq., of Roanoke, Va. Banquet nf alumni nt S:."V) V. M. i.Kl .l-iit. DE EXERCISES, SESSION 1803*1)8: Rev. James Y. Lair will preach before the Young M. n's < 'iiristnui Association on Sunday, June 18, IBM, at ll A M. RiK-ht Rev. Alpheus W, Wilson, of Hal tlmore, win deltver Um hool Mfoo on Sunday, June ls, mi.-!, ,-,! | f*. M. W. B, Alexander, Es.| , ..f \\ Incheiter, Va., will address two literary societies, Monday, Jun.* 19, UBt, nt Vi M. The Phllomathean Society will hold Ita annual celebration on Monday, June ID, itse, at I P. M. The Phoenix Society will hold ite annual celebration on Tuesday, June 20, lKi'i, at s P. M. The exercises on Wednesday, June 21, ia above. I I.oil exercises of the college will occur on Thursday. Jun" tt, UBt, at 10 A. M. The final ball will occur on Thunday. June tl. I*'-'*-, at I P. M. uraloo rates on all traine from th.* 1Mb to the 2.'M. Inclusive. j..!.\v,n.i:U.V'7.*v PERSONS LOOKING FOR A ^g HANT'SOME Summer Hat or Bonnet Will find the CHEAPEST ind PRETTIEST in MUMMED AND USTl.IMMKD iii the citr 'Mrs. B.W. COSBY'S, j?*'.lt Mil EAST BKOAD, ?MILLINERY REMOVAL SALE! Commencine THU1WUAY. Jun* lal, I tell mr en'ira atock of inillmarj al aol t .oat TKlMMr.D iud T\NTKiM.MED L NITS aol ITA li. -"l.oWJEhA PtATlffcK*' HliillONS. VEI.VW8.LACTL8. ORNAMENT*. kc. Buch ?ood$ m I biT? to ordir will be aoM it reialar i/rlee . _ ___ 1 bia Ia i raal ceirlae-onl aili, aa I will move September 1*1 lo Ihi Urgi atore, *0 uortlj Pirth atrtei. near tb- e??ro*r of Firth, ind Uroad. formirlr oooupied by Aour^nroaay Prlc* * Co. Mrs. L B. MORRIS, 621 east Broad St i??---rr , m ?~ \r Utile* ALE. McGill Catholic Union, BENEFIT UV THE Hl'lI.E V< > FEND. CATHEDUAL HALL Thursday, June 15, '93. i o'clock r ML a___t An ittractiTe iiroitrimnie will he rendered. Adauaaion IS telita N? riaervid aiita.'t _ ERNON C.SCRIVEN ON WOOD. V UN W-UUU.,;; Z ctr^^T**^ r\oQtuZt\)iKtt>pio. '{??