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FOOD FOR REFLECTION OATBEEED FEOM TME RELIOIOVS ABD OE FE RAL PRESS. WerAk of and Jtort.1 fcn bj e.-ta Which Are*. Worthy Allan tlon from th* Thoughtful. TAITE ASD LIFE. "AhA what ls loveT' I ask of Faith; "Silence for smiting." clear t.ho saith; r .lurk with bruises, temples crowr.- 1 With Mien -.horns that prick and ?wound." "A hand outstretched to cling tor aye, Hy nun with Bpear-polnl thrust ntvay; A side deep Rtabbed; t suffering breath. Vocal with pardon; then a death." "And ls thia all?" I ask of Faith: "Nay, n.'v, not sn!" that spirit saith; ?"A ton'h of shadow; yea, ol night? 'A resurrection full of light!" A H. H. Self-Siifnclenry. 'The Stole phOoooph** laid great stress on self-sufricleney. The Ide-al man. nc cordlnj? to the Stoic t-ni-hint', was he who should be wholly Independent sf ss> t? mal circumstances; iintroutile-1 by hu man passion and unaffectcel by earthly chnriRe-; to whom puln and pl ahould be absolutely Indifferent, pals be? in* no evil and pleasure no | ioi, bot all thlnr** Alike to th.- Wise man, ac,,, ti? ing and defying them. To say nothing, however, of the impotence of Btotcism to reatta***, or eve?n epproxlnate, its lofty and anstere ideal, there i*-. notwlthstand inu the- seemini: i eoi.nbtaaoo, the* greatest possii.ic difference betwees tb*- Stole and tl,,- ClUr-Stlna s- lt Hirth, l-ni-y. The * n was born i-f pride; Ive- c-thc-r ls tl.Pr? eprint? of humility. The ono. nlmlnj? fit apaCbjr, eonnted Bysspethy an evil thinp; the othe-r mrik-s sympathy OM of the virtues. Th** one bad lt! ? In the extinction of all human t-? I Inp; <he other has Its Bssence |n lbs vUnllzlnR nnd encrt-rlr-lnjj of th* entire human personality. Th.- j of the one was thnt Bf progreeolre death; th* uieceas of the other ls that of more .jbundant Jlfe. Ftnl.-lsm md man nu hnpoaslb.! task; none could perform lt It -ros too difficult even for Its own loeaader and Its chief advocates. Zeno and ' leanth.-s. Its fir-t two paders among the Greeks. SS also Cato and Sen? eca, the two principal representatives of lt anion* the Homans, elled by their own le, the world of external rlrcum etaneee bctUg eoofeeeedly toe much for them. Hui the fhrlHtlan self-snftlc li-rnv, impoaaSble of ahoolata attain? ment the Ideal of it may b'*. ls, sersrthe |ess. -me in the learning of which the humblest disciple of Christ may contin? ually be- makin* genuine process."-Re? formed Church Messent;'r. Ile Cnreful How Von Vow. "Po n-'t bs hurried Into sin bv your me-?uth. If a inesSI-ngSt come from the pri-st f-.r what you vowed, do not tell him either he or you were wrung, and try to get out of lt. Instead of pettlnrj a blessing, you will, by SUCh mockery, bring down the arider of <?ck1 on yourself, und rouse him to destroy your prospects by mJalnK away your health or by upsetting ytair plane. De careful, therefore, hots F'U vow; for la too many words, ae la tl I confusion of a dre-mi, there is alway! vanitv. tatt f'.ir thou Qodl To do so. however, implies a belief tint <"od rules the affairs of men; and, since this ls BO, navs the preacher, 'if thou aeeat the op pr-ssl ni of the poor, by violence, extor? tion, pillage or fraud; if thou Mest the *p-tfage "f all Justice*, and right by the authorities in a pastis!!., do not give way to fear mid wonder be not In consterna? tion for over the Kreat man wtio op? presses the lowly there stands a higher. Uko oppresses him In torn; aad both bav! over th-m a still higher?that bi Ood, who will call both to account. Indeed, even tte prent king has bound! net to his power, for he himself is dependent on the Industry of his people In the Held.' "Nor do they need to wonder nt the great Inequalities ?>f man's lot. All ls not Hold that glitters. There are compensa? tions fef poverty. The man who gloats on having wealth ls not satisfied with what lie has. after all. Th* more he has. the nTore he wants. Thus tb^e'craving f--r wealth ls merely folly. Ah rfcbSS In? crease, expenses prow; BO that a rich man has only the nnme of being so, and can but look on while others enjoy themselves devouring his substance. Even the hum? ble* Mc ssl-rtK Of sleep, which ls not denied the poorest -slave, whether he He down hungry or after an humble meal, tiles from the perfumed chambers of th- gi- at. their very wealth Ailing th-m with anxieties that banish lt fr-nn t',?i_* -aitken pillows."?Kev. Cunningham Ueltn-a. D. I). Itlcht of rttl.eii-.hlp. "It should never be forgotten, nnd for mys-dr I beg with all due courtesy to Bay I never Intend to permit lt to be for? gotten, that there ls no calling, however conventionally sacred, which In this land deprives a man of his right of eJtlsen nhl|>. nor of the freedom to exercise that fight. I have heard lt sall that for a mlnlHter who claimed some sort /f lineal descent from Apostles to hare BV" B BB opinion, and much more to express his opinion, about political reforms or the best methda of securing them, was a m*-st un a post ol lc business. It is a fine satire upon the errand on which Apostles fist went forth to their fellow-men that such dlsnml rubbish can be talked ,,r written, and it ls a still keener sadie upon apos? tolic behavior that, by any sensible peo? ple, lt can be believed. There ls a scene in the life of Hie grand-st Bgure In apos? tolic history which Just here ls not lm le? vant, it is at Phillipp!, where st. raul and Mb companion*' bSVS been unwar? rantably Imprisoned, -ind where, next morning, as the story rims, 'the magis? trate-.,' having baa oom conscious of their blunder, "sent the sergeant! (to the nl eon), Baying, Let those men go. And tbs hasp BT Of the prison told this, sayliiK t-i Paul: The magistrates have sent ts let you go; now there-fore depart and go In peace. Hut I'aul said unto them, They have beaten us openly, un-ondemned, be? ing Romans, and have cast us into prison, and now do they thrust us out privily"* Ts.iv; verily, but let tlie-ni 00SM them palVSS and fetch us out;' snd tin- point of the whole story ll-*s In the fact that thc sturdy apostle BtOOd like I roch upon hts clear rights a_- a dttsen, until the cowardly official--. It **sejroMntatl* their kind lu many another a-. crliiKlng obsequiously to the cell and eel their prisoners free' ' no mun among us all, gentlemen Satan the lesson of that Inspiring Incident! Neither you nor I can be removed BO far, by any calling or station, from persona] con- ern for rights that we can afford to be indifferent to their flafwass. Neither you nor I. BOT any man . where, can afford to be so subUauued by hls SSSSS Og his tradition! as that he Bhall consent to remain sPent when oilier men are wronged, whether In their persons or his own. Such a one ls a coward and a renegade, whether he be a layman or a priest."-Bishop 1'ott.r. II I-tory of ('liri***. "Ir the history of Christ there ls a wonderful absence sf custom and a won? derful presence ed principle. Be did take Into his bandi once mum itmbliiui an-i BppOlut a memorial of his life, but th-* great eolusns of bia words were thoee of aa htflntte lawgiver. Hs is the li? vers.* of many rellgh-ns. for he ?*aa BM tenth custom and ulno-tenthe law, it tit to h. boped and prayed that the sew aer.eratlori will behold the matchless Beauty of Uc-d ?.n.l nature and yield up mind and soul to those nodal, political and decrees which descend from tb- Infinite. As the four rivers ran through the Carden ad fc.lcn not to de? litroy lt but to quadruple Its tr-es and toSSOSBB. MUS and dew-drops, thus the laws or being travers* man a later Men only to make H a grander arena ?tor a race made in the l__uwge of Qed Th-Tft ll muny a beautiful and ToluaWa ?stem In our world, but can li io iu WI rn- ai a low thnl creates a hirth ZnTnod an.l womanhood. Corfe- mos ? ^riirurt^'i^L-'i Mort! B??? greater md huppkr Xor ever.'*-Davld Swim*-_ Taaronal C .n.ecrallon. "On*. OfOal BO!*! Ot the times li for rich JJ. JT, ?d.-nt-n-l th* dull*!, Che, tlJwilth m?.v he a anare and 00*100. med ii for BtretOJ chun he* to dlS-hori*. their DbHBOtlOOl la M" mZT'o the weah and Mraggllog. After Vino- In a r.-rtaln chur<*h In New xZX !no?k 0.3- wKh esme 9MB,.I \ ri,,,nev lu fn minutes after the aer 1'L' That mlRht BOM KM missionary .. r...i and endleu other ble ::r,:,:,,,v'.-i Then-** ?.?..* ,f all ls more personal consecration* OD ,,r of ev-rv one ,.f un to Mf-denying L.'.rvice f"r our crucified Mooter. 1 mu. h ll ve '!" U to the legit and fOOkOOt, " ' mo*' Tho?a om Mooter'i watchword end coll lo duty I nana*,, deM ? Iso* *?'? owe te Um poor, tba feeble de goRty nod the perishing. nod blip oi ??" '" WW the debtr-T. L. I'liyi.-r, in Cbrlotloa lotoUlgoneor, Self-Vnse. "Think ns tittil as poosObtl ObOOt any ?Too.) In yrirr elf. turn your ey.-s I lutely fr .tn on** elem ot your require? ments, your Inl nf i>i;ir.?. your iticceis, your followtog above ail. pp. ?k ai little ai pceatbU aboul yourself. The ii...Min.V ' ?'!?. urselvei like th.- putting of a li>:ht'"i torch i" Ute dry wood which l.ns been laid In order Vr burning, rtoth u_ | ?. ,,,,,s ihould 0| n our Upi upon this lange! I ? ??? ? i'r '?' ?'" ln humbie confession ol our ilnfalneai be Thr Perfect fiihe "So mu<*h "f th! oobleal Wi which the world nei lUmtlr******-! m with its pertlal peoe; M many of tl ? :,re vj' ll r.r,Iv Up.Ul '?? rt!In I i hoei other stdei ihrunken, tint and small, that If ni.iv !"? Well for ? L-l in dwell np..11 'li" pl. tura "f nn Vi maalty H ;h, tull aod itrai I ill ,; plate oo viv lld!, ll of human life, whli h ? omei down out of heaven from Qod." Phillips Drook.**. RF. LU, IU l* SOT ES. Nemt In tha tburchea Cloudy <?>u drii-e.l. At the meeting of tri** Interootlonel Young Women'i C I itlon at Toledo Ohio, a l tented by U\r Britlih Aiaoclatlom to In a World I Foong Womel ibu, ai !'. aod waa a.. q ted by ? he convention. Tho larsen Presbyterian ehorch In Kew Totrh it- Fifth avenue. l>r. Ioho Hell ut pastor ft i . LAM member! Hs bene* voliocei lent year wen l.*'..7.*r., and it** eepeniei Mi SI Tin- American Boptlil Publication Po lle'y ri! 1 '.'liver lin* ijrotem of Sunday - ither than the International, with which, it waa Mid, th.rc is wtdeipi tion. Barnool A Crosier, of Pew ?reola, was re-elected president, iri the afternoon a new "Chapel 'ar" wea dedi? cated. Th" establishment of Dubuque hs a Roman Catholic archdiocese, mahn it thi fourteenth .n iee In the United Htut.-i*. it i ide! lowe, We Lr..ska ond Wj ind will be one r.r fii'.' most Important in the I Thi iii. unit.'nt. Archbishop I rddi d over thi Dubuque for twentjr-elghl years. M ei ie hai conceh ed the ld* i rf holding a christian Congram in Jeruialem In MS9, in rel. lr.itl- ii Of th! nineteenth century rf the birth nf Chrllt. A D lng of the pri, ? h"''1 In Phill delphla last week, nt Which Ihi Rev. fl C. McCook, D. 11 , i lonel .fess*, j.;. Payton, ? leadlna adi teat! of the ld.*.!, set forth nt length the real in favor of lt. It li proposed lo hi public meeHnp July Ith in Philadelphia In front rf Indi, !' di, *.*? hi* h adopt resolution! in fst grass, and send them to the i Of Rlilgtoni H. ' ? S>-ptember for approx .ii The death of the lb v. Mr. M. All, M loni: associated with the mission In Paris, which bears his nain.-, occurred in Qlasgow. w.irii oul ly long, Aevoti 1 lab .rs he ind refill h. d to his home, ?? ii** Intended - tm to loboi foi ir- ? beloved minion in r.iris by orgoi aod developing thi ? ipportlng work In 'Jieat Britain. H.s work was one rf the innst e\tr.| \ ml'*. prisei ..f the modern cbureh, both method and ns t<. results, and was ona of th.- earliest movement! of ti..- kind undertaken by svangeileol Chflitlai ti..' redemption ..f the clasm ot * wh i see,,,, d v, bolly li.-' to thi ' . -l-l. The Brooklyn Sunday-School Unloi Its sixty-f.'iirtli anniv-r- . tlon OOd porodl "il grids) Ol last w.-.k, nnd extensive pr.-pr. r t i'.ns Wen made Vr lt The day selected wai later In Hu week than iver before, the paradea usually taking place on Wedm da] it was decided to tr\ ti.iperimenl . f Friday, in the hopi "t latei fi ring less wlin w.,rk in thi public arni private r h There wera iii- usual addi ? music In many church! . and tin* childi*! n porodod in a doo n didi rem di* the ppoopoct Pork contli . the lorgool ani noturolly ittractlng then attention, sixty thousand i hlldren e i tlrnatsd to be In tbi parade, twi th.m..-ami rf whom aseemoled on th of prosgeel r.irk. A number rf Congi elations and ('"iifer.-ri .*? bavi ? Hon on iii.* pr. ?om for .'..ri (bi An...ri..m Board Thi N ? \w'1 .a.rn- ii has nominated tho R . i. Meredith. D. 1'., th.. Vv.,la, the Rev. E. B. Furbish, John Dunn, Jr., Esq., Cbariea A. Hull, Esq., Marshal! Ayers, Wag. The Menachusett! Confer eoei hoi nomli er of Plttifleld, the R . l... u in b Clorki "t" Belem, thi Rev. i: , of Booton, ti ?? Rer. Mehi ml di i of h st.m. Thi lows Inoted It. A. L. PrliMe, Di i: s HUI, the Cherlei Beard i Hoi S K Smith. AL the Int-i natl mai < 'onv, ntlOO rf foong Men'i Chriitlon Asso. tail , liana* reporti won lotions, showing nr; berohlp .-f M5 KB Thej employ l IK paid "tlic-rs. own WA 1 lill Iii . '?'i ""land ..rh, r pr pertj ll . I all debt! (Including buildings) to the imoonl oftlUOI,a-J An aggr. attended the young men's i.-n meenri'.'s during the year, and yoong men'i BlUi i Issses In . f thi growth nod of nm ? wink lored yoting mee, it was tated that l?" work la AMci assuclatlons in educations] Institut!.ms and live more were in training V: .sam.- fl ll Hewars ot Ointment* for ('alanh Tlmt Cnnlain M*>rrurj, us mercury will gan . Hm MOOO ..f eaxeil and complete! th.. wool! ijrotem when entering it thi the mucous surfacs. Such arti should never be uasd eacepi sa i tkms fr.-m repuUbll physicians, a. damage they -Aili do ls ten Md te tv K'M'l yen csa possibly derive fruin them. Halla Catarrh Cure. ?aaaufOetursd by P. J. Cheney & Cu.. T.?le,l... ?)., eootolni no mercury, and is taken Internally InK directly upoa th.- Mood and mu aurfoeeo ?<f th? lyitem. In bojrtag Hall ? n\UiV\\ C,r" [" - ''" '" ** "'*? a?ulne It la tak.ii Internally, and made In Tole lo ohio by r, J. Cheoey *. Ca Teetl niall tree. tnmii *? druggleU. price 75 cent! Ver TUE LITERARY WORLD WEEh.LT CHAT REGARD'*'* WRIT ERS asd nouns. Mlaa Hoe-settl Winning Iteal Kawoanltlon Mra. Hodgson's Flrat t fTe.rt in Fic? tion?The Only Be-al Art. Mlss Rossetti seems | !ng rfi* r-o-nltl-in only 10-day. WABBA ''"--'"I his lifetime bhe was ,,y-tHlni'l""'"* bj ne ,,t h.-r brother, Dont* ,;*:!'ri"' Mr. Gosse, who BUlhll lur the subject o an appreciative pap'.-. *.c Her literary | too, seemi purely I'ngllsh; ther- ls har-Hy a soil t.-.rv touch in her work wMeh bstrnjn bel i Bm i '!"? stage in j l M"r to mj s.*if, ii, wordi wM h ih! bindii Klv to the public, Mi Minim* -1 sp BOOM v lltiabl! Irni' of h.-r mrllSSt bi ai i wai I '? - well es foi Oa! rlel, whilst oui ??.. hool' v bb cv rythlng, ll ? the lever snd cultivated psrei all, I In i mt . ? ? little) m. ' th- rn. and ? ? I with a grain -if I lit, lt li Inti i tin i one nore < the possession ol ? If anj .ji alom ? Borne n London, 1 j . ? to aa ? n ? ? iii. am on th* but i-i th ? I. m.-nh es . harming I ? Up in London til I was i great git ? en, wh- n de of prim relnde ti . ? foi inly bad. M :?: li,-- pr:. Burns, and -?' mai i ot writing ea I -l ii] poon nomi ? ''-'t io-] I Bhe ' *"rr h hi i Lin-1 are bid o and the ensuing i- mirks dealwltl ? - criticism is occupli i ls bu. ri rli s,- admlraU) origil i aa hi rs, that v ? Hot i -: . Ihi ? . eminent for thel flow of coloring, th-ir rivi diction ? ? ...l ton of whit h Li appreciation of I pleaaui ? ? - the Impreaaloi which ii comale) the m ' -i--." 1 ll FRARl i un H IBM. k IjiBapalliallii B>rtmm ? loareeol flratl li-.iilon. K ii Boyseen rn ? rltii ism Value." but J st what fl o lt! ; . en de* rib critic he i-f I "An author wi bile writing; nor di ee he troubl out the opinion of lb primarily upon the Insight ' I tellectual equip. fl for 111 ll . if aii anon) ntleman wt, ir.- l-l--; Io ni-. i ia] if such | man linds me dull an-1 * I : -l m monkey ?:, n --r men v it of the perennial cha,ni- --f women tv. .-?ls ll a of J talnmenl n- ?? r alumbei i; and tl i of crltli who, lik-- ti ire In such i but Inf) Of in...rr'|llit,I..S t! ol i light jr. on tl - h..nd. v. ht tii* i anonj mott! o hlms-lf to be In ? i ahould be I rea ? ls ala ? ern hoi whee it a .nd ] revii-l :? Hy I an i fr un .. klndn d pofnl of i lew develoi sour i. . l abo* maturity of Judi lal ion if lt has tl i aeplratloa "i Iii "The old religion ii- di ? roath the nea i leala en f dh I nn pi- r i sa bs of life nnd tx B ri thi ? ? are nol - uta ?ita * . . ra fane leo tf men wh ' h. len nee **?*_. thnt of third mle i And I to ll ur- n wh * I n--.m.-n to mah! then Intel li - l. adi ? ? .in ? li ad us stil - attn.). lt ka I ll ti Bl V ) ! -. irl in paat timi - ia i in i pread I ss that arl soeds n Hon, ni no _ dd t, no I- auty, no si ii ?? onfroi Ih i h ls t.i pul --ti - uivns what ever i that b-ad. th t-i destruction." WEB. ni ns t i ix ni ni t. She 1 io loaeal .taniiia for l'elurn , Alua. Ia t-cr autobiography, "The One i k-i t of All." Mrs. Burnett tells of _M non: "With v. hat care tb,, ordinary fools-* i with wh u discreel pi - lions that it sh ,j| >?. ff ,|,L, :i .\iL mt. and shad.-, gA ^Ot miUg! ti editor the Instant le baw it. Il -w Ur,. snd round snd liens am ii Isttst w.i ?asde ia tba inp j lng As editor who wi r-rtii r. -j -... un oataract might nave res lt half way acn-ss bis palau il And th.n the letter that was written t .--- -11.1-111. the vi-nt'ii--' HOW it WI ind reasoned about, an 'As editor doss sol want I know anything about me.' the ..mall pei lld, 'lie does not know me, and 1 d-e-sn't care about ene, and h<- won want ls bs -Voile-red. I shall Just say havi Incl.*., the etampe to aend tt manuscript beck with. If he dooi not want 1!. And 1 shall have to speak about the money, foti lee, I.dhh. if th.* stori-m are worth writing, they tmmt be worth readlna. ind ?r ,h?v ure WOfth ,?? and reading they must b- worth paying r"r; an<1 lf ' nol worth publlablng nod mading I ry are not worth writing and 1 bad better BOt waste my lime .tl them.' Wh. ri. ,. this cl. ar and i ? point of rtew it would i,e ditti.nit to my. Mut she wes fjulte definite abouf H. The urgency af ihe *gtoatfeo bad made her definite. Ptrbopg at a crisis she ' ?' nut lt was only at a crl-l. And after icrloui deHberetloo and ? rewriting and elimination, the following 1' Od re Bnd uiiiiilstakabl.* <pl ? li" 1.1 in a roll of manuscript with enough extra stamps to have remalled I ups f,,r the re*urn >.f tbs accompanying ms. "Miss Deeborough'i DMBculttee," If you do not find lt suitable for publication In your magasine My objid is romaooratloa Youri respectfully, P. Hodgson.' " jveit iiutiRs ri tt: iv fd. I'ulill. .il.iin from 1'iitimin and Ma. millan thk ODD WOMEM. By Qeorgi Otoo* lnc Rt w fork and Ll r. p.n. lun | ll. For Ml! b> Wi lt, ? *.i S Co. Any discussion of th" mi." | ? to all clamm Tb- aa* '?ii Women" l I this -in. itl ri. waging ri '. ? - ? >ry whli ii t ih- meant of tri thrilling i i lld, I - cores i go to 1 itltutlon wh will in th. n, for i p. : reel ' ? likely i ? Io fir-- ?-! iti the . i ?ted spir rt genuine love mal I an Indiscreet r ? ? enliven th>- in' k, all Of S hil lr though, morel." 1 te ls a ino- ' mandel one elven in .m... koppin ? .di of you: r ' ? ? ? undei i" I... k rd to nv, .: ? In Mr. '. ' mud- Vr ev-rv r- lion tinder I I ' much . I lust ill '1- I >n what lov* r.-ally il. ? - lng, and as ni.-n 1 In thc ur it.- knov "The ? i lan by maj I-' rt - pennili th. ir i ? re great I thal ? advim ; ? ' * ghtl midd!* ti i 'i.k. n ? i tupi - ler. N. I 1 :? the I - . . . . . ? ?v, which could pm ki r and reid within an i li h n- tlllatea with V !? I ? ? r ( I a ic m. ? author ,,;t I'oriril'*. I . moving oi ??tit through th.* mi ? ? ? from beginning I '? ' ? ? ' . and r* ?.ut if ul. 'D r, it is de "f telHng wi i thing for i ' A ?_,-. ? ? ur.* iii 'lu ? ill ;.!? ...- ?. THOUGHTS B) ? .ii.nus ii. For I i'o. i r ? ? Ti,.. Imple, the English p - Color, I*' "ile rs I .?f ex.; i |hr little I : ? lue nt of . of "Vi emt. .I l ,ii*r- " without picton hal WI ar-- tO bl intro.]. t ld 'ttl... i ir.1 will 1*. brOOghl out with ? H that lg i In ttl intro iu. tlon we are told of the ? Intention to ipsoh <>r hoi I ut om "f thi u of this ut:;., book, so i Untj without and within. Im tb.- . often led '-'i th! novel modi ot pi rt told them ? Lora d eaton i? breathed forth on i .thy with l's stern ad wintry ?' for the woolag tiittsi .iud bloomi ut (be . tillie. 'iii.- .i ;? it s-.i ited of ..rt lt; tone of tiie book ls h.] -fui. M. H. BINOingRLT DKLUDflp By ' TOO Heavenly Twins. Apple own aird Country D & Cn. NOW Vorl< Witty " Sale by West, Jobi * Ly all thor tOO'l Appl-t ?..?nts. & Co. CNKOlfJlVKN-lly Anna C RSlT8**}DBRr--Th! Anne G Kills. alder Hook i >mpany, tit. Louli, Mo. For lale ?wid?*ak*ri. itescRANCr: sta rrM r-vt Manager Krw.Lt.. AMi-tant *-a*ia_-T Ai.*--*ei ra II WkaT. rrinc pal Ofll.a <***"? ss Ptai am-William rraaara, New Toss. oeneral ogeai la V lrginle lt. c. VT bi uar. he?i-len-- -Hi, HM'-.-i-, V,. t?raant*-ed or leeor nora ted- H*-:PT*-.wr?B f*. if*4i. Hu?,_e.?-<'cro__a l, MU. II. ASSET& Talia of real oafate ownad by the company (lea* oil, tba amonnt of a_etiin braiic**- theron,: . . ACCOv !?Tor _toSMOS Till UKITFDyTATBa. AJ*n OF TH'S r*TATB *t*D Or OTHBB HT.TKi a*i- aiso or Bowne or I.tiosp-oBATti- Crrue i*j tins staib, a.*>. or ai., oihib Bonds ash Bi_?.a_ ukuu __._-j_.t_.-.- at^iax^CourAssr. A WLSHB Total 30 .OOO 00 so.ftoo no Tain*. l*nit*l S'stdiParj-Iat-re-l Hewart. Ron-la. ?laal*!*' .$ J- ? Akron aad Chl-eeo Junction R V. 5 par pani Bon-la. dna Baltimore and Ohio South Western h. K. 4V_ por cent. Jtcri l-i. Ino IWi . . 'e?t-?i H. K. of NVw .Jersey ** tir c*ent. Bon-1*. dna inn. . Chicago, Burlington Quincy P.. K. B per cent, Bondi, due iw: ...... ino,ot? oo ChieMo.MUw.Okee anil Bl Poul a. B.fTeraalnab spit cant. Bouda, du- :**i* . ? ? ? ? "VOOO 00 Chieago.MUveakee end SL Paul B rv C fc P. W. Dirie. ? lon r-i-r emt. Bond*. Ju*;{*'i. _r.,noo OO fbica. >. SlUwankeer and St. Pani ll. K Coneolidatod jet cant, Mond., dna tor. SO.000 00 ( ; -ego ni N*it_ Waitarn R. H. '-percent. Doti-U 1 .. . Tl.ejOO 00 Chicago and North Weatorn II. H. 7 per cent. Bouda, 'ina -o, Hock Island and l'a- it c K R. 6 per cent Pondi. Clertland, CinetBBati. ? hf ate and Bt. Louis I, 1. ?e | , I ? | ? l - - r -- n 1-truer aad Kio Mraud? c. li -, per asm iv n ls aaa I *??' Imtranai 'lia and f.neenneoH H., p*r la. If Lehigh '.BllT O' New lori-tH ;?0 0' Lehigh Valley Icrrruna. H !l ier ,-,nt. P.-nd*. due mi. ] O'lll" Mich tin ' cort. H .. " ; ir .t Rt n :t . rank* I ik ??? ? | ? New \ tod Rudson Hirer it. H. T . ? New fork. Laokawanna and V.c.tern H. H. eent. . r_ Kort Wayne and i hi-ag. lt. K. <i naran teed . . la Ti R. 4 per cent ? ? . H. il'iarBii'aed t per cant. Bomta. due itaigl. au..?? ro ? Q ' ? I T.t-al iUr.el \*, :-a. ek> AB I m.wo co t - 0 uah m ,i I6.-O0 oe *..??- 0 ?-%*.*< 74. mn os - . I I I 0 I Total nar and market value 'carried ont at mar ...tUfajMSflO I*..-?,??-; ao iTira-r M ? ^^^^ kel Talus). ^^^^^^^^ t"a?li in rhe -?otnr-nT'- priacipal eh-cei. I Cash Lal-iin-iiig ??> the coim-anr dep-iai'ad in - H_ Ph tenn M .-luz.? - National Brink of Commarei . Ll * ft v- t iork life Itunrance and Tru*t Company. Bank of Montreal I bicagi .?. Chicaao National Ben. , ... . *.-' lr. r. mk of Dan* ll allfornia bank Pan I res di ?>* '<\ 110011-,n Tire and Murillo Insurance Co. Bank -? [ntereet dee end < ??lutied in "market value". . . a* written ii -.on not mor. thau ?Lr^c.* nonthi da < tat ll . :- aa ' a--, r . . >a>ei air'* !;' '?'??? Uni:. I premiumi tbi . ? - ? The gro*. amount of all the ejief-j of the couipauy. III. I.I.VPII ITIK-l. ? , laimi foi? -hilted -tri anpaid loam -lue an 11.-' -..-oms duo ... i c. ur m iimi-an.o. including ai. ra I ;esnt. coat*. ?l>l O' Total groei amoni M . . t i ? -? . Wei amount a rsnnlni - ? - t ' ? 973 U ? ' roi-ei-ral-'.*-* ipiri sr fr-.m. Ja:-- rt pt * |I.I u ear,. [ire rata I ,784 IS la ?able and nariaatiunrlska, *}..-?? ul-. mitimi tv jer tonV..^^mfgmf^mf/mf^mf^mf^mf^mf/mf^mf/mf^mffm^m\\ Total nnearne I pren.. ?' Amonnt recleimal ? by ike fnanred aiinlnaarai cent Of thl -ra. ace ri . arlee,rent, a-it.-n mrf. anltur.. ? All c t lo au?_'e an-l I . . rmuu ?presalaau *? . ' ' rai stock snd asl ssrplsi liabilities. At-grt-gAta amonnt of sll IW lU-BSV iuoladlng paid-up ospltsl *.? aurvlus.??? .***__i^--l^--_---^------^------^---H it f Ecmrrs Drnisa thk i ? . l al close of lae* year ...I 171 ani ... .?. ?fct-olleeted , 9 ITI,W 88 atm on rilke wi ? nt, - use of collertmu at . poer I . sal an i return pre ? 5et aub actually rc ,-oi'uins (carried out)... |*#,7*ie,*H-S IM Mai''in aad a 111 I I.TI1 '. He-ived for interact and ciiviiliti Won-tocks an : ? ! from ei I rn cs'l fri rn al othei i. vii Kt ti - iel Ol belau ? - - ?. . T- ' r i - r; -? i ? U -ggregateaol int of receipt* actuallr ' nu. the year in ca<h. ,. I : i ?Hy groa-premiurrs In these Item* ii rr.cut tl.- aggregate of ?.l ilia premium* Are they ioi- itemeut.' An-twer-kei. V. DMBUIlSEMF.NTS DIKING THE Yt.Ml - in i lui*. . MM Oron MSOSni actnallr paid for lol ag a . I tr on lo-i I I, and al ewonni* r. for rs '? * . . . i -lunn, thc year forloases. I i aa^-B-_B__B Ta- ir-- ? ?? Paid for rttati aud local un- I - A ? itu el fire ? ? j-ggrsgstc -SBOBS Sfl - r -nu-nta during the year in ca?b. ' BU8INE8S IN THE 8TVTE OP VIRGINIA DUBING I te lo-. . -^^^B^^H-.^.-.-^-.H-.-.H-.-.IH-.^H**''' |t ll) <t ? ' , ??/? fTUBl c UABXEd AEVisU.. >la_a_or. 8iib.crt.eed and .worn to before me th.. Irih day of Jsnoary. WJl^^ ColBm|M|af-|l B. C. WHERRY, iel .au m t. BOB-C-C-k E. H. BOSHER'S SONS, GAftRtASE MftRUFBCTURERS fal'. ?Bd tee eur .atc* ettioket J]CTt)HlKi ' rVkftOSk and CAJ'.T-a Theist* aa4~ebea?aet ut Ul Mir. e u Amt:u_ '.u? m. ,/ M work ~Bep*_rtas aJ I' .Ugagy ti one ka tilt at-a-an asv. oVktren, k ks MkmtaBaamkhntt ^**ef__ a ?B-CB-f ga