BBk*m and Dunn's 8al--Mlss Nelson Wins
Agaln-Dr. Carter's St-dllous-V-r
glnla Horses to the Front.
N no part of the
Old Dominion ls
the high-class
road and trotting
horse held In
higher esteem
than In the grow?
ing city of Dan*
vine, taken
tobacco interests
flourish and pro
bably more fine pleasure teams are kept
and a (Treater number of amateur gentle?
men drlvera guide their chargea down
the road than in any place of a like popu?
lation in the whole South. An esteemed
friend of mine, a prominent merchant of
the city on the Dan, wtio derives great
pleasure in owning and driving Rood ones
at all times, sends me the '-.Mowing
newsy items: To beirln with, Messrs. C.
L. Warren and H. W. Holcomb own and
drive dally the chestnut gelding Charlie
Preston, 2:34 1-4. Mr. Jc-hn W. Boswell
can be aeen out dally behind the nand
rome bay priding Harry, hns trotted
three heats on a poor half-mile track,
t.ik-n right off the road, in 2:4.',, 2:48 and
2:46 1-2. Mr. J. L. Edmunds takes his
afternoon spins behind the Kood-lookinp*:
Mack mare Anna Bet-tell, by Red .Taoket,
son t'f MsaeeafSr Dnroe. This mate ls
fine Individually, and can go rlKht ont
and show a mile In 2:4.r,. Mr. W. A. Hol?
land- owns the handsome cheatnnt
Maud tm, by Alrnon! Boy. She* trctte-1 a
mlle In 2:43 at three fears old. Both
Anna Beth'-ll and Maud L. -were bred
and believed to bf* In foal to Mr. Charles
D, Noel'a handaome yoong atalllon Extra
llght, by starlight 'sire Qreyllght, >*ll 1-2.
ftc.), 'lam Vlole-t (darn Morolleht. four
-1-1 record of 2:2S and uini M. nt
flve yean), granddam Miss Barton, by
Imported Troetee.
Hxtrallrht ls a irrand individual, very
handsome and stylish, possessing tbs size
nnd power I" go down th.* road ii merry
rbi- Mr. Noel ls an enthusiastic* rr-rul
)t.*. and ame,r.e.' ethers in his stable ls
the promising thi*ee-year?old coll Nelson
Page, by -Prince I'.<*lmont. out of Xwanan
noa. by Melville Chief, -:?'-'-. next dam
Liny L. hy Woodburn Rambtetontsn.
Mr. o. w. Dudley takes his airintrs be?
hind Mell Lady, a bay daughter of
Bolt, the .ead felon Of thc gTSSl I* *?
JiiKton family. Tl,ls mare lr* one of the
finest roadsters io be found anywbt re
Thoueh sired bj? a thoroughbred, ."he can
trot a quarter in forty seconds, io A
) .'i rm aaay half mil:- In 1:_.*..
i ,f the I---' kn--wu road hors'-s ir.
tho cit*" is th** e-hc-su>m gelding Chere.k--c\
i.y Dod Jacket, formerly owned by Mr.
Charles ii Conrad, ani bow in the stable
of Mr. J. P. Arve, cherokee hi's started
in a number of road rr.s without a
fintrie defeat. Mr. Charles H. Conrad,
thsl !ii? purchaser and ac-ompttshed
<.wrier sad admirer of the lit;lit harness
horse, does not rids BO fast HOW as when
lie- took hts afternoon spins behind Chero?
kee anci other frist ros 1st is. Neverthe
le-ss. Ue takes j-le-.isure* in seeing oth--rs
v down the road while seated him?
self behind an elegant coach team made
up of a pair of bioun geldings, one of
them *>v <v.nut Wilkes, sire of Qeori
'i'll. &c The road brigs i-* of Danville
comprises mah** other well-known gen
itlemen, whose nemre ami horses will be
mentioned at another time.
A draft of yearling and two-year-old
trotting and pacing bred colts, fillies and
geldings were sold by public auction it
[the Exposition Qrosnds on Monday Issi
The ld was consigned to Samuel B. Nel
Fcin. of tilts ell y l-y Relgei -\ D
prietors Thornhill Stock Farm, Midland,
Texas. .Mi-st c-I Hie- off.'rliie.s w-i-* los
In flesh snd unbroken, while ti.-ir i.r'-.-<i
leg WSS apart from tbs blood lines which
Irule th" fashion at this time, consequent
ly prices ruled pew. guli-- a good at?
tendance witnessed the disposal, which
Included Me-.'srv ii F. Chsffln, Cl
1*. .S:"k.*s. J--sc*ph Bassite r, William EUI
.son, W. ES. Grant, Buck Page, i-r.
jenarle s Siegel, W. H. N-*ison, James Bell
'wood, Harry Beattie, Janies IV llurvle,
Charles H. Ejips and ott
A lay yearling filly by Vlvesse, son of
Alexander, l-M '.-4, fill *., (lu
hld of William A. Walker for
J200, the top figure of thc sale,
[while Mr. Lassttsr secured a two-year-old
black ec,it, hy Vlvesse, for $40, the lowest
price obteJned. The fotlosrlng is a mi
tiid um of the Baie, witta prices attached:
Vassle Wilkes, bay filly, foaled 1*:*-'. l-v
Vii., clam by George Wilkes, William
A. Walker. $200.
Bessie Dunn, black filly, foaled 1892,
by Vlvesse, dam by Leonard Drake, S. L.
Gc-wan. $1 ".">.
} ansv. l-rown filly, foaled IW, by Harry
Almont, dam by Dictator, William Walk?
er, $195.
Belle of Thornhill, brown filly, foaled
by Vlvesse, dam by Sweepstakes,
Joseph Las-sit,-!-, $120.
Maud Collins, bay filly, foaled 1891. by
Vlvesse. dam by Brown Pilot, Charles N.
Goodman, $'.'"..
Laura Greene, black filly, foaled 1891.
by Star Hal, dam by Billy Davis, Andrew
Krouse, $fi5.
Never Smile, bay colt, foaled 1892. by
Vlvesse, darn by Fergus McGregor,
Charles N. Goodman, $i*7 T.O.
Libbie H., chestnut filly, foaled 1892. by
Vlvesse, dam by Haw Batch, S. B. Nel?
son, $f-0.
Visas, black filly, foaled 1891. by Vl?
vesse, dam by Leonard Duke, Joseph Las
slter. $70.
WU-I Almont, brown gelding, foaled 1891.
by Harry Almont, dam by Barram, Ben?
nett Bros.. $100.
Fanny Rosewell, bay filly, foaled 1892,
by Harry Almont, Sam by Joe Young,
_:19. Gentry Bros.. $10.'.
Gerthwith. bay filly, foaled 1892, by Vl?
vesse, dam by Rushville, James Bell?
wood, $10.
? ? ?
Among the entries to the training stable
St Ace-a Stock Firm duri,,ir th- past
v eek was a shapely brown yearling colt,
freah from the paddocks of a rioted N.u
Bagland breeding estahUshmsnt, known
C,s Ridgewood gtOCh J-'ann, wh-'re that
levant show horse Quartermaster, 2:21 1-4,
the e-one-neror in the show rim; at M. I:
son Bquars Garden, of the greai Mambrlno
Kim?, bolds his court. The youngster has
been ohrlatsned Billy Moore, and is own?
ed oy his breeder, that well-known expo?
nent of horse lore and pedigree expert.
Mr Charles B. Stokes, of this city, v ho
bred th* youngster's dam and owned his
Tanddam. Billy Moore ls entered In val
able stakes In the North and West. Both
nla breeding and individuality entitle him
to consideration; got by Quartermaster,
dam Winnie* D.. by Hannis, 111 2-4;
granddam Maud L., psffng. by Fly?
away. Winnie D. ls full slRter to the
fast chestnut stallion Whitby, with a
record of 2:_4 1-4 at the lateral galt. The
blood of producers and performers of
l**c?-horse calibre enters the pedigree of
*Mr. Stokes' handsome colt, and under the
watchful care of William Baal we hope
he may fulfill the expectations osatrsd
In him.
? ? ?
One of the moat remarkable Instances
on record ia that of the versatile per?
former. Charley M., owned In Texas,
and considered one of the fastest pacers
In that Btate. He ls a chestnut gelding,
?nineteen years old, of unknown breed ins,
nnd s branded broncho, but for all that
he has a half-mile l*uru_lng record of 61
seconds, a trotting record of 2:24 12. while
last year he got a pacing mark of
122 ti. This season he ls in great shape
again, snd recently paced a winning
hsst evsr s half-mu* trsck in * 2J st
taylor. Tsxaiw whleh goes sn record aa
the fastest beat ever paced over a half?
mile track In the Lone Htar Htate.
a ? ?
Miss Nelson, 2:22 1-4, the handsome
daughter Of Norfo!h, start***! Iii the 2:29
,1., ., al I'"' QeatleOaOO'l Driving l'arlc.
Beltimore, on Wednesday, and again )f*d
ber BeM home In stralrht Ivats; time,
g '-S 1-2, 2:26 and 2:27. H**r ability to win
was nev.r In doubt from the moment
th" moram orara celled. The cbootnut
mare MemoflO, that Irove Miss Ni
out lil 2:22 1-3 last week at Pimlico, could
give her no race this time, MfOH-ttlOtly
the racy-I*.oklng performer from Vlr.jl ila
trotted three easy miles with h ;r ears
?.ricked all th.* way. Bot owner. Mr.
Allen K Dorman, was present and wlt the performance with a br^ad
smile resting or. his features. Our con?
gratulations to the owner of Miss Nelson,
io Joe Staion, h< r driver, and here's to
yeo, Mr. ? log Chamblln. the master if
Whitby farm, where the bay mare's
sire rules as premier.
? ? a
During almost any flr.e afternoon on
th.* driveway! leading out from the city
a handsome bay geldtng.poe
\Tgt style, size and power. rtddOO hf
remer, Mr. Thomas N. Carter, ot this
city. Tb! horse referred to bears thc
euphonious name of pelham, and has
good manners both under tho leddll and
In linnie.-**, bf Ins perfectly at home In
either place, wnether goldod by thi Ufifht
bOOd of OBI mistress or responding to UM
commend of his master. Pelhera wei
hr. .1 l.v Dr. E. T. Croxton, of Kirs Wll
ii;..m county, foaled WT, rtrsd i.y Patrick
ll my, Jr., a descendant cf the noted
Vermont Black Hawk tribe, dont I
a line man of thoroughbred lineage. The
Black Hawk and thor nibbled strait'.!
in Pelham contribute ityle, finish ead
stamina, ar. 1 h ll H of lila stamp are
always In demand.
? ? ?
Mr. T. William Heorett his the follow?
ing boreel In trelnlng at North Bend
Karm, Charlo! city countyi
Whitby, -'-I l-l. pacing, chestnut stal?
lion, foaled ]*>*;, by Hannis, dam Maud
I... I.y Flyaway.
Clendon Crown, colt, foaled VMS, hf
C. 1'. Cloy, III*, dom Springtime, by
Ulack's Uambi, ti, gran.Liam Sera
toga (dam Of Sj.riiij,' Doj hy Neo
Pronk Flmmons, chestnut gelding,
fooled UM by Alchemist, son of Aim .nt.
This horse Is a pr- n pei i ; he ls large,
bondeomi nod ipeedy.
Han Wilkel, Mack Colt, foaled 1SO0 by
Defend.!', tM, dam (Joldwlng, by Mo?
rion, tm,
Hay colt, foaled iwi hy Ooirotreot
Wilkes, darn by Dauntless, sire of Gen
? nil Smith, 1:18 I ?:. I
chestnut colt, foaled UM bv Red Cedar,
dom Aldina, by Mambrlno Abdellab.
Angel na, cbeetnut gelding, foaled lvoi
by whitby, .lum by Drennan,
Miss Thom] ion, I ~4 1-4, brown mar?,
I \ea_ by To diet, Jr., dom Prtmrooe,
. ii ??!.-? Ham bl eton lan, grand dom
Mellion (dan of Roy, IM) by Curleo
Billy Bowleg* boy colt, foaled 1S92 by
Shawnee, dom by Mlllboy.
t ? ?
Dr. T. P, Mathews, of Manchester, has
purehoeed of Mr. A, c. Bruce, i
county, a iin? combined liddle nnd bar
she li ;i cheoout arith I
whit! feel and stripe In the fare, fooled
l *>*?>;, eared by BolU! out of a mare by
Telegraph, i member of tbe noted laddie
8 trihi known by that name In Um
northern part of Virginia.
? ? *
Dr. D. D. Carter, Shenandoah Trotting
Stud, WoodatOCk. V;i , has lOOUOd hil
stallion circular for ixd.i, arel In the Hst
;,i '? I., be found iu* h well-br ii
ai M-.1.. Wilkie, by Olmedo Wilke*.2 v 1-4,
.lam Hinton, by Harold; l'rlni<*er, by
Hiiin-ir (son of Electioneer), .lum Po
tlence, Onychi V' Long!.l (son of
Onward, 2;2", 1-41. ilam Henry Mold, hy
Ainu.nt Sentinel; Strathmore Allen,
Ethan Allen, Ot, dom Confidence, by
Si rathmore, and Purdy Chief, by Sam
Purdy, IJOl-t, dam Chance, by Stone?
wall, son of Alexander*! Abdullah.
The brown gelding, Hay. IM 1-4. hy
Harkaway, owned In this city and a
member of iooeph stilton's strim- ?tarted
In the 2:27 elars for trotters al thi '
tlemeo'i Driving Park on Friday and Rot
third money. The fltst heat aral I
in 2:24 1-4. and Staten finished second wlih
Ka* , wboae time was only a fraction of a
'?"iel Blower, whi'h' s lhat Hie
?mooth, rocy-looklng pun ot Horkowoy
ls rounding into pretty fair What
later on. v. hen be strikes OagOOd .lay and
track with staten up, is liable to lend la
the 2:20 lis<, like his stable companion,
Miss Nelson. 2:22 1-4. whose Capacity ls
very favorably commented on by several
of the mo.-rt prominent turf Journals.
A recent issue of the California Breeder
arv! gportareen has tin* following ebout
UM two-year -.. ld chestnut cult Clams.
owner) by Richmond portie**, for whom the
Doll has won s. viral races llrst In the
Itohll of I'.-rnnr.l 1 roswell end OOO In the of Rober! Bradley: "Clarua, bred
at Roach! Del POOO, by Ryder All, 'lani
i. by Wonderer, beat a fine lot of
two-year-olds at QraTOoettd On May -ith
with io to i igalnet his . bancea. w> pre
? lil -? 1 that this youngster WOUld be ?
good one In n loni? article on th.* Rancho
I iel Paso yearling! in V<2 Tm Hie same
date Joe Kelly, another Californian, by
John Happy out of Alannuh, w.n."
John Happy, full brother to the gr'at
race horse George Kenney, by Imported
Bonnie Scotland, was purchased by J, J.
Carroll and Huber! Harper and brought
to Ashland, Ya., where he mad- a Dum?
ber of seasons, after whl'h he was bought
by J. h. Hoggin ami token to California,
where ns a stallion in the great Ranoho
Del Paso stud he has been bred (i
roo,] mares, and lils colts are beginning
to show ui>.
The bay mare Huey, In the stable of
John Scott, of this city, by Abd-el-Kader,
out of Dimple, by Planet, ha** dropped
a bay filly by Kasson. Mare bred back to
While none of the high-class ev>-.ts g|
Morris Park were won during Om hist
week by honei i-i ed " owned In Virginia,
their operation! bein*- co.ifin-i te the
half mile track! ol '?: luceeter .ind Vorth
Bergen, still the rrtohlee ol Hebert Brad
lev. W. If, darth ir 1 C B Medd Ol .1
furnished erlnoare. The Charlei City
turfm'tn start-d oul Monday by -
second money In ri rue at North I
Kith the buy mai.- Virgie,
by King Bolt, whili C. H. Mod
nut gelding Malton, of a like lg
by Ike san:.' sir.-, gol s. or ?! plod in a
a dish of one and aa eighth mlle! :>t
i; Inmost ir, where \V. M. Garth's chestnut
colt, Artillery, irnt second money In i
i liv'* furlong! on Tirari l iv.
During the BOOM afternoon at North
Bergen. I'larns. In the stable of Robert
Bradley, captured aa exciting i
four and a half furlongs by a heed. On
Friday Virgie, nt North Hergen, gut Brat
money In ? race of one mlle ,
eighth, winning in I galop, and finishing
six lengths ahead of h<*r nearest <
The following Item, clipped from the
Pt Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains
Information well worth remembering:
"Mr. John Roth, of this city, who met
willi 00 accident a few days bro. spraln
Init-and broking his leg and arm quit!
severely, was cured by one || eenl
Of Chamberlain's Hain Hahn." This rem?
edy li without an iqual for iprains and
I and should have a place in every
household. For Hale by Owens & Minor
Drug Company, 1007 east Main street.
The IteM.
Thc real value of Investment! ar" row
being felted, ami, fr >m report! of every
market, we find r ii estate steady and
In Ro,,d demand. Nothing is bo vite and
tangible as good ren:-paylng peopwty.
Jackson, Hrandt & Co. are active agents
rk Ilka boat/on for heir custo?
mers, and ore worthily gaining the con?
fidence of Investors.
World's Fair.
Partlei viii ting the World*! Pair can
receive cheap ratei from W. R. Harwood
ticket broker, IM east Main street. Cor
rupondiaci promptly attended to.
In 17M the Masons in Germany obtained
s charter, empowering them le<rally to
convene ttsfr 1<?<1k?s and to tra: of their society, from ''
of I'russia. Thi.-, charter wns ntl
radii--I aad COnflrned by the greatest
Mason in Europe, tbe Emperor of Austria.
Masonic orgsnlsstlons throughout the
country are now enjoying an ali
paralleled prosperity. NeW mei:ib.*rs ru
comlnp Into th.** fraternity ls gr
hers, and the resources ot the Institution
at this time are far in execs.- of any
former period.
OB Fein nary 1 If ri last Thomas II.
Brown, of _Hoven**tDo, N W V-irk. was
I a Knight T' Isf at Gie a-,*-.'
of 1".' years.
The Hawaiian Lodge of Masons, nf
Honolulu, was darter--1 by '??? Onad
IrOtlfto ot Callforiii,,, M H- Baa
hn* s menah * ip of n'
Benjamin I*':,,rrkliri bi om: a X.
an early age.
Ma-,-:iry was first introduced into Tur?
key In
Ths annual session of the luprenie
Council of th" Scottish Rite, N
Masonic Jntlsdli Hon. '-'?Ill
? ?til* ego, Beptembi i I *. ! ?'? Eminent
Masons from sll parts of the world v. lil
The Courier, Dundee, Scotland, says
that a Lodge c.f lessons coi *
place on Sunday to confer dei
-ii for
America the _ex| day. This SCtloS Bf
the lodge hna arooasd unfavorable com
Ai.-,ut half of the "Colombian Guard"
v 00 ";- Worl ls Fair
grieiinds ar
rotary of the
Odd-F< Hoers remo*! ed from
Columbus, Ohio, to Baltimore, Maryland.
The I I. fj, fat
I In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, os tho
third Monday k September.
The annus] election of officer, of Bi-h
mond Lodge, a. iv sod A. M., Issi Tuee
day night i follows: W, B.
Wortham, Worshipful master, A. L,
hi, senior warden; H. M. Boy-da,
junior irnrd fieon 0. Pli
trsssurer; EL iv Bm sd, , W. N.
Curry, J, m. i deacon, ric worshipful master
the-n made the following ai;
Beys. Proston Nssh, rV. kv. Landrum,
I.. Et Mason and M. ?'? Allen, chaplains;
J. W. Quay, D. \. Brina, J. W. Hall, H.
F.. Bast, C. B Wslki r, H. T. Fltxhugh,
C D. Hudnsfl nci w. r:. Horwood,
? . i v w. Dunstan,
steward: D. IV Colll I, Ular.
After the Inetallatlon Mr. Dunstan on
behalf of the i laster
Ve ur g Jones W mas?
ter's Je**.v.*l. ai..I a i,,-in-pi. red
The 1 ?!..| v. ul unit-- a.-. ith the
lodges ot the city ju the obearvsnci
Bt loan's day,
Th? Roygl Arcanum ls making a great
?bowing In Virginia. Rsportl
various conn Iii show constant ?
: ti.-n of every
council is extremely | I
Another organisation, which has coxae
m stay is tbe Junior Order United Ameri?
can Mechanics, tv lively
yours;, it ns)
membership, which dldet organisations
might well envy. lt will continue to
grow, for the rn-ml I nthuslSStle
and untiring In theil devotion to the order.
*i'h" Knights of -Pythia
Tbs lodges In Richmond are num* -
and well attend 1.
The various lodges Of the Independent
? of Odd-Feilowa >>t EUchmond snd
Manchester will hold th-ir snnual i
m.-rial services at Odd-Fellows' I
Tuesday evening, Jure Mth, at
Prontlnsnl Odd-Fellows from the various
' I the two cities ?in deliver ad
? in rasps* t to I
brethren who have died during tl.-* I
Grand Master. ThotOSS N. Kl ndl-r, will
? rs srlll be Hon. J.
Taylor Dlyson and Orand Represents
tlve George B. Davis will represent i:
mond Lo. re, Nu. 1; ] | .1. I >. IC.
-Sleight, Friendship, N dn Prank
Cunningham, Roane, No
w. T. Jolly, chaplain, Cspltal fity, Na
There win ho -. very large turnout of
Odd-Fellows on this occasion, as it ls
of th** rr? bran,
and in which they take pride In
< nM Pellowe of Virginia i
ure in looking lacie |S the rCCOl 1 0< this
year's w.-rk. as many movements frill
be n. ' ' this sdmlnlstrstlon that
will, no doubt, in future, i. ter?
rica to the order, and place it proud
people of the Btuts.
Th" rnost lmjiortant movement ls that
of th.- organization of the "Odd
Temple Association of Virginia," which
og Ina!
If the 0-flcers and trusl I f -r
snytblng, there ls no Question but whst
if they are let al se,
encouragement th.-y deserve, Rii bl
win toon hive another handsome build?
ing; The proper tl.lng f-.r tl
i Ige I -1*- in regard to this movement,
ls t-- give lt all the so],
encourage the mr.11. r In every n
The following is the n.-t of officers and
Thomas N. Kendler, president. Bkh
mond, Vs., Hill Mool i| lie, I
lent, Richmond, Vs.; D Carpenter,
second rice-president, N-.rfoikv Va.; Chas.
Pobilg, set i in. Richmond, Vs.; tl ?
R Ramos, treasurer, Richmond, Va.
Trustees: Georgs Et Jones. Richmond,
Vs.; C. VP. Morris, Rkhmond, Vs.; Chss.
M. Walsh, Petersburg, Vs ; G. H. Hutvey,
r, \'a.; D. iv Slsnsbnry, Alex
sndria, Va.; N. E. Whitehurst, P
mouth. Va.; C D Denlt, Belem, Vs.;
J. B. Lay, Danville, Vi : John T
Cape Charles, Va-, and W. EL '
Blchmond. Ya.
a charter will be aaked for in a few
days, and the officers .and I
then begin to solicit from the men
and various lodges for the temple.
Richs i be the borne of sll
orgsnlsstlons, aa weU as the
caf.Hal of the Slat- . as lt ls m I
'han a ry Other Cit* I
snd the coat for bringing the rei ?
tlves to tills point is much cheap
i- -i li s, *r.can outrival our Rich?
mond ne >ple In their I The
Odd-Fell inxi -ns to
home h.-re. an I they will baye it at no
distant day. |* the Terr. J*'.* Association
is given thc rt il merita.
West End ' 1 Templars, had
the usual Initiations on Monday Bight
This ls s growing lodge, and ls exerting
a bene -ti. I'll influence in thal part ol tbe
city. The material of its CQIBpO-lt_OB ls
(00 1 an-1 pi
Thursday nights ar-* given np I ? tb*
meeting of Jel
This;e e.n to nOITOW
June 12th. will go ti
Snd entertain St.-.r "f ll. 1- I
good Urns i- promlooil. and a programme
of Interns! ls exp
ene of the moat interesting lodges ot
Good Templars to visit ls ".
Home" ! -inposed entirely of oid
e lonfedi n ??<? veteraas.
R?r. Dr. W. W. Bandrum will, on the
fourth Sunday of this month, preach ?
-nee sermon under the auspices
of Trinity Lodge of Qood Ten** V
nt l*ree an-1
held s Isrgely-sttended
m-*etinB at the Masonic Temple Friday
evening. Right Worshipful Wtlllan, Ryan
district deputy grand master of this dis?
trict, visit d the lodge In his ofl
paeity. The following officers were elected
for the ensuing Masoni'* term:
Richard w. .t.-ffrey, worshipful master:
Harry P. Smith, senior v
T. Thornton. Junior wsrden; ll. I
tr-Tcji-..-: Benjamin T. August
secretary. Dr. Benjamin Harrison, senior
?i, J. T Ia -vis. (nullor '
The worshipful master made the fol?
lowing appointments: B*. B. collins,
tiler; Rev. George Cooper, chaplain:
lt v. W. J. Young, chaplain; William
Krous*. purveyor; F. A. B. Thornton,
Steward' Tames W. Sharp, steward; W.
.1 McDowell, Fr--derlck Jones and George
W. May, stewards' commltt
Fraternal Bodrre, No. td, will elect offi?
cers to-morrow evening.
There are eight blue lodges quartered
In the Temple, and of this number seven.
If not ail of them, snd Lodge of Strict
Observance, No. VU. of St. Albans' Hall,
will unite In celebratLtue St. Jah-t'e dajr.
June flth. All the lodgei in the city are
Invited to participate In thia Joint celebra?
tion, ind thou Intending to do io are
r?.wed to appotot a committee of one,
Wltli in alternate. A meting of this
J'lr r riotnmltti.. will be held at the Temple
fto-merrow evening.
Ubdrtai Lodgl of Perfection, No. i,
A. exp A., Bcottleb Rite, will meet Mon?
da v. Juno 19th. when there will be a num?
ber of petitioners for the degrees for
r class. The Fourth to the
M will be conferred
during the autumn.
Dr. James C. Hatchelor. grand com
mander of the Supreme Council, Thlrty
tr.inl .legree, ls critically m. His health
: poor for some years past.
From Across the Itljr Pend.
Governor McKinney has received the
fitlowitg communication from Mr. Jihi
Meredith Reed from Hurls, dated May
"I have foot rei.dvd the invitation of
the H. V !,??? i' nip. No. 1, Confederate
?* nnd r.r th.* JefMfooa Devil
Monument As- .- lotion to be present at the
relnterm* nt of tie remona of Hon. .W
Vivls, whose distinguished wMjw
ls my cousin.
"In this connection there ls a striking
nee In 'he fact that on
v next, i "c ration dnv. .;. nero]
James H. Buitli, Amheeeodor of the
United Stat.s, at the invitation ofLgfgy.
. 'te P gt, X". IM. O. J || r.ikp
patt In the ceremonies of thi decoration
of the tomb <f I.. Upon the per?
sonal Invitation of Mr. IVnry H. Adams
and myeelf, who are the representatives
of thli i oat
evidence of unity of spirit ls a
happy rr country, nnd I deem
Of an a" th! highest
Mr. Read hu-, b en f'.r- teven vears
Unit! I ll: liter to i i 1 he
was Coneul-Oenerol to
Preace el Perle dnrtns tu.- Franco i ier
v.rtr. Inelodlng th" siege of PorM
tl I r-lgn of thi i'.immune. Iiurlnur
for Oermooy In Prone! .".nd Ab:, ria. and
f..r bis efficient lei ? i the
tl nr.Us of the I ment
thi Oovernmentl of Germany aud
Pro neg,
TVI.I.l; lill: (iOVI.KNOR.
Tho South wi-it Mi.mid Karw be Ileinera
bored*?' lie Reasons,
To the Peopll of Virginia: Since 1776
Virgil Qovernote, Thi
s .iii; ... ii i bel %.i.'t nc
tlon lying edt of Lynchburg, ban liming tim.- had but t1 i rero*
ore?vis.: James h. Preston, l nu id camp?
bell and John h.. Floyd, Hie letter bi
?1< ? ti d i-i iv. forty-four yean ago,
Valley haa lind tw.. i within the
? 'Ann \i/?: Leteher
h.'iiil.''.-. .nu i,t they not now io goner*
l yield tb" honor to the Bouth
wii..ri that eection preeenti a can.:
In every way withy to fill the poBltlonf
Thli is a urowhiK. developing portion of
the BtOtO, und much depends upon It In
Hie fi.r.r... Ho; fi * ,.;'t. , ,1 , ., mons
havi i ? ea held by any ot iti cl
Th.* fainer-. DOW ask tl i retie
to favor with the h. nor this
time. Will lt .1.. i- | We believe our
fri.mis nf the lei.-,ii fraternity will i
i.i.*. ? this claim, . they will
i;'*t in ti:.* h.-vt apportionment of honan,
-Generalehip; Bvi c >urt of
eppeeli Judgs . ? ithing of all
ri*, emu.ty and corporation judge
shlpo Of all thi greet economic anea*
Vms which Occupy th" public tl
and attention at thia time not one is of
Importance nod mon far
lng than that looking tO tire relier of the
igrlcultural eland, for upon their proe*
perity depends thi prooperlty of ell.
Then is a growing ?eotlment that the
11 I ?hool i i... adminlitired by
one in sympathy with tin*- ?
and lt ls not an unreaeonabli demand.
Then hoi been no more prtwperoui pe?
ri., l in th" hlatory of Virginie than when
the far:,* led political power; they
f ul lllty ead honesty
In the maaagement of Government, it is
t ilr | tivy 'Alli da so now.
'1'he timi In come when they
shoir'.i be i '.. end they Have In
, abundant
? f bli btOOH to fulllll nil the
roQulnmenti "f th" ofllci of Ooviraor.
lally should thoee who lob* i In thi
i foundrln "f ti-," eitli ? join
ii their fellow-workraen on the
ii in elevating to 'tis high ofllci one
who is identified with labor la tb
Lteutenant**Qovernor Trier has n
- in th! inf.
of hil Btoti Wt i. ri q titi i youl h I ?
tend th.* < loofi roy, aod ai
his country gallantly to tho dooe of the
ciMi war. hu record as a public ler
?nipar.s favorably isitli either of
As fir
? 1 in the Senate of \ IfginlO.
. served in other i oet
? bono* and truet, aod was elected
nt-1 iovi r ri ir In WM; In ell which
poeltloni bl hoi discharged the duties de
: up..n him faithfully, efficiently
? the satisfaction <>f th-* pe .;?!>*.
Mr. Tyler le a oma of ireol aod untiring
senee, aod li thonaghly fa?
miliar with the WOOt! and
of the miami of the people of
I te. H's fri. rids throughout the
Otnt with p.-ide tO bis .'"cord of
public s. rsl e, ind call upon their fellow
? i his support and make
hi,;l | ? vernor of Virgil I
June *i, MM._
A Cmtd "f I'orrrctlnn.
Editor Abingdon Vlrgloloni
,\s ,-n "ii friend of the Vugtolao 1 hope
yt n v.r.i elloo rm ?p?ci "j correct i
nt made o;i court grten last
court day by Mr. Q rgi W. Minter, of
Ibis City Mr. Minter, Who ls rm aid".rt
. ? of i olonel < ('Ferrell, itel -i thal
Colnjel John U. Pun 1 wei rh- orly man
.f influence in Richmond for Major J.
' k icw Mr. Minti t's wind capacity,
Ihlnk he would make ?
fabulom ' ari reported. I
I Mirthdll M Ollll* rn, Mr. v I,,
re, i reeidi 'rt Pli i National llnnk;
i. Chrlitlan,
er . r ; 'omi I ! ?
? ? ?
?ir. \ \i ?? ? n<, member di
lard M. Taylor, mei
m rn; Mr. Bot. Bloom!
a M mtcrli . M. H* All p. of A
, a, who are all OCttvi for Major
r, Mr. Editor, if your hu-nlle ser
| dM uh think !*r- lr id more lo?
ci)- of Richmond than
.V. MlnHr, he would leave at
for Oklahoma. I am for Tries
m unite the formen
of Virgin) mn Booth
Virginia w ir's au ! '
?covernonhlp, ind I om gilnj to h-lp
t it. H.'-[" ct fully,
QEO, MeD. r.l.AKB.
Th* Alto*** of the Plltluqg f-'iuals that of
many tea cent cigars. Try them.
The Virginia Safe I>?*i>?ralt and Fidelity
acts as ex- .illustrator, guardian,
or individuals; Issu.-.s potlclee of In?
surance, guaranteeing titles; recelvea val
U ibles on storage, and rents the most
approved safety boxes in its thoroughly
burglar-proof vaults.
Sufferer! from Indigestion prefer Pre
tlosa, became it ls not flavored.
The Plnnter'a National flank
offers every facility to patrons and so?
licit! the accounts of merchants, manu?
facturers, corporations and individuals.
Don't be Imposed upon, oak for Pre
tioaa clgare, and iee that you get them.
"The Time to Buy is When Everybody Wants to Sell."
Thin will -nre'v he -, Hnrr.h Week in Mat.
t:n.9. as wo will gell a ipeeial i;nrc_*.-e of *K)
fnll yard wide, <?t" 1 elgee, beautiful bright
colors, 40 yards ia a ; lee -,
Actually w-Tth fifty cents a yard.
I'alcuUte what a saving this special price
with carved black celluloid handles (very ei
worth f-'-M.
Tl tte Usabrellaa aro _nj.ranteed nf first
quality: ara ????*?'! ? th silk: h&T^ - .
erel ringa-, silk 001 1 and and steel fer?
Also.BM Flack Olorie Silk Umbrellas, with
twined natural rina ir-n Iles,
Al*o, sne^aniiite imported Handloi Olorir.
Bilk lmbrella.1
AT SC..3.
Winnins aa .Inn- Rotee,e.-iiiinite!- *lainfy
and tciuclittd with in .iiriiinsft and es; nt tliat i.
charming, are om diaplare of
wash i Annies
this week.
rno new p-.tterni Perctle. new pinks,
bl nea, r.llons. freons IsTendera
White Dock, worth tte, I e. >*?r 1.
fiery I'u-k. wh U '*c yard.
'A uno Du .. i ,'.-' itrtt e.. *,M,c.
I' able Ve .Ith H-M-iack n_. IMS*
Solid linc., pink, ereS-S, white Organ liss,
colored flowr-r?. i :r*
potted Swi-iei. .-.-'.oree'l Bowen, lSUS,
Mama Clothe, esahnure finish, lilac?josi
like Printed Woi-l (ash mere.
l'rlnta jost like Parcel's
feces Percale .nias print patterns
for waists aud wrepprrn
Kiter Filigree PrstOffhsph Frames for Oabi
net-nue Photos,
Every one hearini* a ap. ,
don't bc fooliab uiioimh io Im*
til yon hav.. seen tb! assortment bi ra
Laundered Win:., itlfl collara inl --offa.
? bosomi. ntiadeof ina Irt, ,
l ink-, lavenders,
tS*c. EACH
for any size. Helling ilnwhrn tt %_
ri Wants,made withUtri Ur.. ?? I
pnfled eolian uni cufla. ia
blcgl ati'l fr.'ina uot pints 1 Ucl > I
Fleur ul Wsti
l'laiu White In
t EA( il
Iriah Lawn W a -? * ;h psttirga as] ?>*.
not buy hy the yat g styli
? \< il
Blight Illus I'liainbrav Waist!, --Inti dollied
aeTi nt... a il v,c of W'ti.ta,
Boft and l i
' a',ii.rt. ?
| WO DOl LAP -ash Kl
Hoi Chioo Balk Waiata.whit! d
i . ari.
Black Rank Rilk Waiata
iu le, made
ii s yoe du i' ?
si Bi ai. .vv I *.:dl ITENN
made of ali i
I k an I white. fartMt indi i
PBii ; \ il
The materr'l weald MM ILM alone.
iiiii*. io nev
risilf Wool Fast Black, no.
Half-Wool ii-*.
hm lnel
1 . iialltr, ya.
A royaler rv. .iimliir for Me.
I orJcd I.Age Haime, ita.
Suits to Order!!
alf Sf
I (lg
' rf 0 0
ft a n
9 9 ft
A ' ii
Miller'a Agent.
MT-S-TI ll ir ssw r I Sll i I
Y"ti wiii want a Refrigerator this week sud a good one, too.
CHARLES G. JIU. SON, Sole Agent,
_NTo. *_._31 East Broad Street,
_N"o- 18 C3-o-v-e3?xi.O-i? Street),
Sdi A??nt?arthe fcthmond Cedar Works" Celebrated MOTH-PHOOf
^\ Chichi tut's Esouss, Rio C*ost
Ija-I... wk l>
Uttmt wiri -life
ictiNAk ano otH-iMC ru malt amfa, mm,*, ttl fthmiu rm %.?-**- \w
,-.??iM CW CU_?*u* . _*f??k lil mimi t'mmd I* K<mI -vi ?feU *e***-*-*_? V
fe Cw ?*<*??. T_k? m ?e_??r kia-. J'-*-" ?c.S*-ejifc.?. ?**??* ^___?_, ?_
All .i... ta punt md kssai, rut
rrttani. tn tamgereee tetteUtr
o-MkL ucl "-UIW tm, ImAite.
*IH?5-?jSi-HS*^ '^-^^'^ii^^