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n. soon CARWNGTON. mU WI ll SKOWM ' IMBI I "I'D ,,1111111 I rsi I RU 41. I r, BfcstSh "' O" I Keof tbe !*..,.ular ?aa v.-.. t-??>?-''?? f..r i\,r i .m. ral. Mt I ? I ? I ? I , I ' I i ' ? ? ? ? ri in ? ' ? ' I a ? ? * ? ? ' ? ? ? I tit. ' ll ? ? ? ? ' '?? ? . ? I ne. ? ' - * ' ? ' ? i f Socdsty. ? r Which will hereafter bt " ," '? yea-.a-o^ a ?mmij__ t_s following : fl were ell '' \ fnr the rn^ulnrr year; , i irani . BV Mr- Raleigh ? '.dent, Mr*>. E C. Minor; Mr-.. H. Tun .11; Corn retary, Mrs Stephen \I r^ TOWBtt The ' ? ? ani I rJtaa ap by tbt ' i ? r-stitutlon aad i-y ? ? Th- its tl their di?po?.-?l IM.iWi. "?1 tO th' in OOl ' ' ..f the re ? rr. I? I ?'ion to fix up the Confedi : on*. tparl ' ? ? i h of the /". HI F I Hot FR 4 I OM 1 Si, Present I Te Mea.ii rea S.ij-|;e-.te<1 In < ?ae the i"".?f Appears. aiarmin-* amount of dla** nts in thia and ? a, whir-h. in the opinion of Ih.- to ;in nt. ll tl on \s bb h ala it Inctly choli i. tbe Brat ked 'i he ' ' '"dlly ? ? \ ? .I ng, said a . iain tbe i ? -hi dlarrho food, and pay emp? tor ls ? ' ??na. h ' ? lei i phospl inks peculiarly Mind i (lc opinion I . lt ' * an ail' r ' ? , th'' ? IpproTtd ito* uni-.. f the CH ' ? ? la*-t - Ind up 11 ? Chalrmai rson, McDowell, mmlttee tl I lu The .?r JI.'m.i f.,r tl when the ? ? snd d' ,\\ n they r approved bj ? i the ' ? MS '" Bim* tee. Gel ? khan*, i ? .1.93 ' federate V< teraaa lt Reasloa. Hall ls with Col* 'nand. ? ill. John Murphj rrj,,,, taken by mp in ? ... In rel lon of the I ? ? ? lopted providing thal all r f the 11 rand ? lamp shall ? lo a ? Camp, submltti ? Ighly i l'h the pi He | rlption "f the mann iiii.iiie to the kin , .'? "f An Inten run' paper wat rend in ref ? ourl. ..... mp 1 lin- l ollege I unlit. ? v. iii bs hi ia In the < hapi i nnlng to-moin w and til neal Tl ired will be ?! thc ? ? hlch will 1 l b) rr i ri, 1 '. I ,., Of Juni ?? ? K I ? . ? ? ' i will .lin ire the literary . Hon. St. ? li ol. per, when ! illy Invited to attend all of lb. ? I Baas-Ball rbis vu.-n.a. The Tri ea offered r thi ? ' I tn,, ' I Vir? ile,! ..ii'.-h' i the rm will be In tli ? .i ? Hiiir* a iii play al (aland Park, ? ? I tx ? Iii following 1 I_^^^ i i sperti I raaafsrs. Richmond C J. Mailor*] io H r | due, 24 and Noti ll -' mn. ? Laurel sti ? ? . ? ? intlln to ii i feel "ii ? Short Cit ? . during mr life, 15. _ i nt Glrcail r.turi. ilt roiirt VCStl rdav a granti d the Btu ton . , rr || tOCk Of a hi' Ii ll sss l han HO OOO, nor n; i Uv ided Inti ' .i"" sa a The < meera for th- ' are: J. . Tallai rt.i. pn ?. Wadi Lamb, Th- abova arith iv. i. t i;. aa are ni mi d as db ? 'Ihe Kaighta lenplar Seel. Richmond Commandery, Knights T.*m i ii. mast to ni rhl af tb ? Masonic Tam* ?!? iii.- usual data "f meeting in ths "iirtb Tue?..lay of aacb lliontl: i) Juna, when, by s*..-'iai arran **"h I"-*- Molay I'ommandery, of Boston, hey meet on the 17th of the month Junker HIM day?when each commandery .a._. c-bears for Lbs tit'fl nj yeas. ELEVATING YOUNG MEN HIE NOBLE WURR DUSE AT THF AS. BOC I AT IOS III ll.DISO. AH Department, are In a Klanrl-hln-; (on ditton anil Well I'artrnnl'c.l Un-neroT, thr Institution la Badly In BontX Mr. Oeorge TlbMtta, geaeral tecretary af Uu roung Mes'i Ohrlatl ? i I '"""? has just laeued th*- monthly of th- institution for Jilae. whldi tnins som., itv IntereatlBg al The a- tba building la F"o*. and. by tCttttl count, an rr. I 'ink- M-n s Chriatlaa Aa* itioa per day througMal tat Btaklca a total of UA,AVt. Th.- wort in all th" el, ; |l OOBtlBUa tnd i).is rear pronil t h?- moat bat i Monte ar** n"^- I ? te, Q of i d to . ink'- the li future In I un throughoul the Unit. I The ? i refurnlthed with Ma. hbo ir I iking ? i _< ' Ih lit H"ik this fall. c ls eera In i.;? Inatrun ? r..-"jlint-\ ti - prlnclp il ? ticket! for the full pri\i ol thia deptrtment tor ? ? dollara. ? ? ? vinci, In hi** ad* ? of thi I I rig In Ka Imi ? ? upon Chi I nil will eek not ? oi.-r ? them to th'-ir oftentlmea di prlve. "f iv ' flt them I ! Of Chriatltn effort .Int* their ? r efl men for ? ? il In the dil tttes thnt i . 'I'M- li tnd ti-'in li ' lltlon ? nor nj".ii the ? work, tp* itlon ol ? building tnd thtl bulldli following A an Vt r. i . . Montreal, < lan. land, '' . . . i . . Sun 1 ? . In Richi si ripl than latlona In mond thal they will if lt ls nol d< ' | r . following ii for I * ' ? . nnsiiim. takei ??ii month! rellgloua cn 'hs, twelve montha, aelve mont meerie, m. i ? td ? ? ? ? ? l"'"k.s tnU'-'i ti"in Hillary by m. , Total, i lon, 108; i ' . . elation, comprisli winter tnd I ?, form .in I ? naslum ? ? ? tctt, evld thi par! i-f the m< mbers tnd tl gj mn itlum lt till it , men In i \ ' practical lc were well at v.Viii showi th,it tn tt.' illy a ? ? Many j oung mi n, rt led by In hiph I'-mis of the :.' teilta n iiti'l numbera of buslneaa men wk ? incut of n v, ry ? i in its work, tnd I ? fore. Thc equipm tlon given is lt r.-.- i ttl ged j i thia Rall of 1 tnd Recreation" within the reach ol the- Mir .nu nie-n Of OUT community. Variou ' ' ? linn mc im has ? ni pal t In thi ? publicly through Itt I months, * i ? ut Of lay. Any number a men may . iroliintarily stat.-ii th.-ir pleatun : 'ii tl the Improvement ? i li .ii condition of their b ? '., i by the ? indar On i lon of .in Ata< . latlon off 1 U ti cpi if pleaaure In theta tripe. ci Club la la a thriving eondl lon tad is growing la popularity arith the ow h. The .rini. n? na * nv tad tins been the bm Ite a numt'c-r of young mea .i thc- Aaeoclatlon it has paid tts own i.iv tad a- a BunuBer attraction la a : in-t to Um Hob. Tba gymnastic and athletic aplrtl ..f the la* md Um roung llea'a Chriatlaa , ferd all ta IllUea n th.-s.- lines devoid of evil aaaodtUona md Influence* and at t f?*e aeaalaal in ts-lf and within the reach of every yottBg nan. A spfrlal BUBUBI r ticket has hoon latued ? ir thc- baths ntul bowling ,ill-\s tro dollars for three months. Without doubt there are no privileges In tht-! issoclatlon more sppreclated during Ula ot weather than that of the shower and pray baths. Yiuoi aaa la wear/ with the burdens, and h<*at oT the day. to atop |n tn? rr?,\ gymnastnm and t.k.* a tara si th" bowl lng alleys, waking ap the whois systsss, ?.tirrinK np tbs liver and making the | to Circulate d' '~'n * ' r,ol waah down is ? srtalaly i tltutloaal, and nothing more whole*.,n.,. and de llghtful._ / TttMT RlU ACCRETED, (olonel Mnrphr BOM Mu.rtly Own Ih- Tlie?lre. Th" ni, hmond Tbtatia propsrty was t* r'i iy afteraooa, I oaf ! ? ' ? ; .john to in '' bu npaii i I ? Ther- ".*? rs a gOO 1 | tal wheo Auctioneer Brown stood in ,1 .-lie!.- n-'-ir tbs fl and offered the property for sals Hs ie | .?: bj reading tbs t I* ? -. hy's 1 md sgala moments. Mr. LerOJ I I V ?* 1 ?*****" "it t,, nee I Murphy rn Mr winiam H /Minn. rn.mi. who 1 ?* the ..... in n ? .-ills the autlonesr stated meie th <'olonel Mar* ? "Thirty-eight thousand, five bundi Ti the orchestra .-haira rrlth ta? ff .ni them, and the j ? : down" t" ? Mr. Zimmermann war. al the door of . hut t,,',l< ?r'P(| frmn doing ' ? baa for tl ? . . ' " Bl Zimmermann tirade Hs hid ,,f * ? ? ' th,- Theatre for him. rt Mr. 1 ? ' r him to ,i . i.ut to allow Colom l Mut ? ?-. -ty. It ls, for the rourt ? Mi Leatl ? ? ? Th.- . our! a iii Murphy's bid. Colon' ' li- WOUl ' Murphy will In ? tht sale ? ' 1 as to i ' no |n* ? ? lld lld bidding m " Mr. Zimmermann dil fp'rn '' ? ? ? ' re. lt F 4s 4 s i ENTERTAINMENT. Curfew -hall Nut Ri BB '" Slghl Waa Well i ... ntod. ???din- th." Inclement weather ? Hall, I ? linn* To-night!" ' rmusinn ? ir some ni. Thc fol ; ... Mr. IM. C. - rt, Mr. itlei M :.-' eld, R ? ton and ?' " \. I.i n , oin and nv v exton, 1 Oliver Cromwell, Mr. W. A I ? Uri Phillip Vi ?' VV I' .. i Humor, Mr. I I' A. Kit' hi-. A. tl VI. v. r ..ti Trial Vr Hi- Life "Ai the ringing ? few shall not ? nirht!" lo and Lizzie Keck; solo ' I I Miss ? ? panlst, ' dr, ?ht." ai tit,si i ssl i s 11 i hit/ rn. Wammp Charles Watklae Mat His Heath in a Nii.i.i.n sf gases ? man, nlne ' wa.s alni slantlv killed lr In I ' ? ? ? meti i Upon a : .... . ??? r in ihe lot just outside tbe prdnul rards Watkins, ? ' I t*OUng man on th lng his a vlol.-ntl I > summoned, ,s. hut ? uk man dil The fa 1 i..,-. r lt resident -. ? .\iii tal Mr. Watkins bore an? ion. I! ir ths ? / WO MM A Ll tims i bs Dept- no. ni I siled nat A Mil .-Uar-m I ai.-r. Tht Are llarm turin d In from ll : , **ptoaton Of I lamp " .1 li. I'. i tory, on Twtnty-ti and Franklin. , S'OS. 1. 2 and 7. and tn* k Ho. I ?? ? I .virhoui trifling A Mill i! , rm w , cplosion ip in the Bath-room of : mulshed h- Arm bt Mt Was dain igi d to til- amoaat of VA "Bli"* Vrl-nii al Hume. ' ' - 1214, i.y Korfolk, has .n broughl l.v from Bait?aoi tbi I' -ir Ol The ii of Virginia I to appear la PhOadalphla on h.- .'mb "f thia month ?hi a the 3 _ ? ma 1''""". at th- ]'hil delphla Driving Park, and it ic predict d that Norfolk's Krratt-st get will again iwer bar mark. Sh.- ls pail to 1,.- In btttSff I .million lian winn she writ to Baltimore, WhtTS ntly won considerable fame for eraelf and a mug little purse for her wner. ifter s night with the bova lours for a clear _*__U-Jromo- bel uar. 1 BOAM) OF AGBICULTUBE PRESIDEST ASDSECRETART ELECT EDiEOR THE EEBVLEO TEAR. Boar.1 of Trnstee*?f the A*rlcultural an.l ?eeasMatanl ifttltaa-t -Tka Moruiai an.l In.luitrlal <*, hool. RALSIOR, M. C., Jun.. || ?ptfltl Th" Sl'''" I - lian waa in aaaaloB to-day, ant ta r officers wan held. Mr. john Robtaaaa wai re I Agriculture, ami Mr. t. k. Bruaer eecretary of th.- board U ure, in provldtaf addi* ? for Um Railroad Commie* ' t front I - avalla '. I -! erith Um of pr ivkttag th. . he-BlCBl department, tnd ition to bul .I .. stortga r om ur the n ir of Um tural bul I "? ,h" a building committee waa tppotnti . m\\\ \?. fane during ? - rr. Thia i ? ; ultural rir"1 ttl . I Pt ilty lt ? ? - of Con trill 1"- B ngtoa fur tl of a military ? ? made for ri i ? ar. An In ... .Ung of the I Normal tnd lt B hool was hi ld to*day in tin* ? it.- Superintend, al of Publle In* his re* p.rt "f tin of th>* ,; tnd Indu itrta mendaUona for the coming year, which will begin "ii the ld of 0 !? '?? k!? ort the ? oh Important - r the coming md for Increasing and strengthen illy, Thc | ? ? ikea the n. ? ( normal In ?i in the THE HERS' tssm linns. A 1'rlminrr lt*-, a pl ci i .-il MaclUon (miiitv ??w et." n in Othes Basra. a .--Hi;', ni n of ?' North Carolina will h"i-i i's tnnti vention In Ws i ni st Ula An interesting talnlng pro for tl . .. ville Ol ? ll natka The ; rn Sheriff i ? -s f. ,r the penitentiary, I a re l and t Stati I the flt rc-\\ .i r.l off In the prohibition i li - tlon In M county bj .. Ingly stun ll ma ??? ind wife lc : . v fur the mc f Vii ? Bummer. Th to RI hmond next it r /,. B Vance hts broom," hia ? with the V ? ? -k. hr.Ano t n lu DBA ur A If on II.Im Drat I. limn a Itmiawar. Anothi-i r.nmitntir Marriage. WINSTON, N Ne*a-s ' ' ' I n mul ? tnd ? id I nt n siinil : ? ' ? ri le*r \ |'l UV. ti Ightened ai the i ii w tad rtn tn ij Th * _ ? hen iii" mule threw him i il. ng ? e- de foi 'mi * hr >ugh . rlth its led, In Winston to da ?. tl ptrtlea, who ?? being Miss Sallie Hoi tuan. The Cerent I ? ' ? R s Hoffman, of R ? A Pretty Benatt nt Veldea. W ki.i" 'N'. .w < ?. June ll brilliant german waa elven here t to laiii--? b] Ihi ' lermaa <*lub. ii i ir \ B ? ? - . harming ?? of t ? tl. Ipat. -l ? lillian* of Halifax, with Miss .1. T Q. I' . '.li Mlaa H. nnle < 'tpell. Mr T C H with ." Taylor Pi I Hil wit Mr. C. G iv. " with Mlaa V. L ? I Mr. KV. i w re i] tlr. Shsr; ** KUM in a ll ii nit way. i KM, s < v. June morning tb il - ? ,f this - whoa the i .-I ran agalntt I i fl Cotton Mills. Mr ? thrown out with greal vloli i I, ,m t hi. h he ii* 'i ? ir a h. u He teat to moura his untim*' I ? ithler of th^ Lank in Burilngl ried leal church, Haiti'* i. - Morriaon. I i.. Curri. v In Burill ? ?f hia parlahlonei ?.?.ith Irtw hi tlon. Th.* 'sato Weweri raptured. ivvi KTTBVILLB, NV C., Jun* U ?*-'? - ? riff Smith tad UM left her ? I" purault tpVirs. telegraphed bach I y from i thai he had ea eal with the tn r. fruin McN tn <*?? Hull The d-Btant ?? rr. ? is tboul f. rty milan, tad Um irinjr rain this morning wUI ll rival of ti ? tfora ml lalgltt. On aBleT.-le Irom I'lillniielphla. Mr. Paul Qwaet, a prominent yoting busln?s.s man of Philadelphia, ls in the city, visitinK Mr c barlee Loefler, of tho Bergner *. Bi ' ; Brewery, oa Haneock tpert bicycle rider, tad Beetled Um whale autaace between Um Quaker City ami Richmond on hi* wheal. _ Lieutenant Senx's ('nninit.-.ion. It has b"e*vn sta''"l In a Lynchburg paper that Lieutenant Stay, of Fitz Lc Ticop. who hr-1 r-.t-ntl*.- be-n removed ftc m office, had pissed ? BBOCeeafal ex? amination, but that his commission had beer withheld on account of the action of some of the staff officers. _tyjU_._j_.t-Gene ral McDonald Bald yea* terday that there was no truth In thal rep,,rt. H., explained that UM Issuing af f Ueuteas I b. ? a delayed by th.* unavoidable al of members of the boord from different aaastlaga, but that ths report of tl h d le.-n submitted to I aral daya ia i VERSOS i / iu. i.M FR 4 1. Int.reatlnc F??ta gbSSJl Klel-in-nod-. mi? lena anti O?MC Mullera. Mrs. ii emt B ir , iar, with 9 I Brea, ara if *?? ''ii tala ,i ii ii iu- ? ? ft, was In th" Mr. L T ii berta i for some time, | . Th- t. h.iv- a lr-.): pond next : - Washington Arnold, "f M ii s at th- West Vi. as Ba| ti-t I o'clock Mrs. .1. Keller, wh i has asea on to her moth. r. Ml return."! to Brook!] n. N V Major Jai went to th- VV '*? and aol to the World I Pr. w. c Munn ai I -rue t. Point, w?re in tht r ? Da c. v. < f,,r All-Khar".- 8| ? .aili tie all thia Mlaa Ida Robb dunn. ' ? I I Dr, K. I.. Tritton v ? is now snd a K H ? ? ,m vv T rrived ta by his Williams, nf N ,,:h . ',,? Mr Reginald **?*?. alki i on bis I" trli t> itlon "f Mr. Cliff Mahon. Tile ' i fr.>m th- Junior A 1, ,,f the Hitch ? Sheri fl 'iii Pri . Wb0 111! r | tO tWO ' Th'* ? lc "f ' Method l will bc held a' Provldi ?:? ?? Fi ' 'hi i d- . v to A I.ii ? of tn K' ts I ?' I th" Indi i'?? 't i I', . lp. brough) "i by Nea ton and w ... i and I him Individually, ber of ? i ? ? a mi un i week ' Slat, s I srlll i ? -ni ? will bs "Drifting There will be special ra I 'r. A. E. Did ted s ? ? : '? ? ? hun ii. E. ii I k i . Hon. W. v, Bak Hai.k ? In ih- | | lishe,1 A. I. was omitted I ? ? ? i .nor in 'i ? Man 11 ,. - Hill, ! vin No sion. Robins Whit!-, k i ,. Burford I Herrell, Ross Baui ? ? aad Louis Powell. The Jeffi rson Fl pi nie I n will coi i tl i lollsrs will be pollti. i les will h.- In areal tits will s Th.- club ls In anti' Ipatlon tune. P. Willi ? ?... mia* I ? ? ? N.iirl". all "f tll-lr take til ? ' '? ??.pit.rd by blt Krill-** ami ' ar Hm -Led. \ ir In I ? tbe Eighth bath th.. ad tl Ti nun ? - ,i of th- cara bad ... : Ht Of the ? neal ? -. undermlnli I ' tl. ? car, 'Ar-, kr . ? ? From all tl - damage ab r ll..- Ians Vnilnilaii'-e. Pr. I! I foi ? ? ? wned by Mr ugh, wh.. ? ' ? ? ? gs h. kin< rsl il lt I , na tab ? Krederlrk.liiir.* Vote-. PREDBRICKSBURO, toma ld Spacial. Mr Frank Thoa Jonathan Thomi bia b 'in-, ta th r a ! r"' Miss Al ls ii uni ton dau ti r of the , isorge W. Han of this etty, was marrisd In Alexandria VV- lr.- - tay ni-ht to Mr J .lui CttBB, The I,r:.le Bas nian> fii-nds bt**-. A Colored B?y Drowned. WARSAW, VA. J !".- I'i Special.-A colored boy, named Shelton, waa drowned In Gardy a mill pond, tn thia county, yes? terday. He waa taken with tbs cramp while swimming. MXDAV (III l? H MIT ICES, rw-FIRST rRF_tHYTttBlAll CHURCH, 'corner i.rare and Madiaon atreeta. Re*. II ular P. Kass, 1?. !>.. paator.-Hr. ncaa will preach a? il A. M. Ile*/. Os*-a<?s Cooran, D.D.atl 14P. M. r^Tiimn rv i-. it.rivn CRUBCH, (corner of I wemv-iittn and I'.roa.l atree.r, Morning merries i ni* aerviee at I .'clock. tt*-Wl*.8TMIX8TJ I.K I UKSltYTKItlAM (dil lull corner .-.vcaiuore and (arr at 40 ? s indar after* ... : ? |. At rvicea e*ery friday at - Babbath-achool HIM a. \i. v.l asleoras. IVOR Al ! - - ! I. ll. I' Pi;F**UlYTKRIA!f ( HUI -il tia, l>. !>.. paator. >. ts mt '? i \ vi ,., i ?? v ; | ,.,,o.'k P. VI. Preaching in lha ni .ruing by llev. .1 ona LlTn ? an 1 a* night i li-- *\s'b auniver -aiv ol tin loreign Mia-ionarv Inion of la*: H. er lr - rterr -?? I'S h> li and an a.ldr aa will bs delivered br llev. R. V. i.v*-. .- ' h.u4 inisatoa. ta*-eil! IK'H (il lill. ( i'M 1 v\l"(Parlt STenne snd Harm ? i Rsi J Gal na 1-ior Preaching ?t ii V M. and i l: M. io- the t a-toi I ecture .rn W* dneadar at s p. M. Sabbath achool me.', at < J) o clock. Sat* fm-mid a cordial wea-onie to i ?>s ? i mi-it VYa?liiin'ton and It-***** . i ti I riuav munt at S i bj Re* ic. arawan, sabbath achoo tl La l?"s*r J A MKS METHODIST EPISCOPAL i III I'i ll corn r I w--nt. iiuitli an I Mar.hall <, llev. II. P . pa-tor Protea ingatl V M and -?: 1' M hundsr-Sel.I ?' ' A to. Pri ? lg Monday anl Wi .ii adgj atSil.i.M. MTAL1 -.VIM'' '' '" ' lt [Kilt (Madlaorj j. v Dowxmsv, rector. - nv. M. an I s |'. m. Minder achool tr ? -i \. "I ta te*-vn>\i vu \ i vi. I PISCOPALCHUBOB ? ? uti, idid la-.i ! itreeta . Rot, .Iob*< IV ol si ' 'i A. M. L M ar. i | I'. M. Seat* frat. ? -.! tar MOO RF MEMORIAL PUOIT.STwr i v-i "i vi. (ii, ral itrsel epas* lite tl i at 11:11 A M. and 1 P. M. v ll. VU wh. como ' ' ' thad them. trsi JOHN rtPHOI l >l VNTEPISCOPAL (111 l;i ll itwaen I wenty. ; . Ll .? i \Y. Urn. al ll V M and 1 i M V..a hal invitation and welconio for l I w. , i ? '-' ?? , ' 'i \'- i. Dena? 'treal, I..-, i i K lk a-.-1-itn.ut. in charge. * \ KL and - r M l h? I'uoiio toms I * tWVVFST i \l' I ll-si i 'f V I. MI--.ION eor n and 1 ???: ards itreeta Bandar. ind .hort ad irate i , " p. ML Wsli oms to au. laoaoa CL Aat isa at ll V M. ami [? vi vii nuu'ii. . II ll R, I.. Maaon, i-i il ricsst ll A M.; e?cuitig ti ?pai ' in tem (corm i Ren ri. and i treats), Hov. I I ar sen waa at u ? ' V M. -ri- ] *>! ,,,, | nil aa. lt*...lia. tr I RIM r\ MEI ii "I IT KPIBOOPAL i Hi I md ran ntietk i ? D.. | a*tor. - satoi ?t il V. M. ami ?bl ?>. r. i.-e Vf la \ ai. Bsatt true anl n I .ri IO lall. tri'ivr -.niii n vpTIST ciintcil itreeta . Kev J. I . li, roaching Kunda} at ll A. Hunds***scaoo| ai ? I ?'. edneaday nigh*, tasstlag Friday night. Mo'oli ta :.- i i i, ri l'REE'1 RAP] I ll CHUBOfl ttfth and I.en.'h atreeta), , aatoi ['reaching Sun il ba i astor Mm. k. ld li, .ri m. isl in. Wad li,ubi al - BO I r li, r nie.iU night at **< o'clock. Ali welcome. ? RSI RAFI l-l 'IM RCH cr. I'.roa.l Hill I I . i. I laos .r C..I t ll, i>. I' V. M. Iiibia I So -?! i iee at night for thi Collage comm i. m ni ni mon uv ll. v. ? > N, o! 1 hllad.d|>lii%j?.., ia-i,l o'.i WI NI ' RAI I IBT (ill IICII, > ttiel Beech street) I). I?., pastor? Preaching ? i I hore will be ll > ng io tb,-annual sermon o i**-|. i:u \ i' -- i I. i I i lETHOOlffV CHI I- I and Teeth rtrtsts**, \ I.a. I?. I' . pastor. s,.rTK-ea ? ool, ' n a. M. Prssch \ ri'. M bv the i.a.lur. ?I ' rall M.- Nol I hat i to One Place.' ftervleei We-1 nea. i in-.* meeting 'I bundar r un*., ra ant vmtora cor. I Ml wu METHODIST CHUBCB. Gra<, i i ourth mil lift h lt?.v. -i 11 ??. li I'., i nst,,r frospswi Hst. 'iliiy at ll A. M. and i vi in ".. .v. Ineadaj at HUS P, M. ? i:ri-ti:,it lie! mn prayer meeting Friday . . lora welcome, PLACE Ml I IKiUIsi < HU BCH, fran lin snd Pins utrreu . Prsai i? in. at I V. il mil H ISP. M. b] the -,aalor. Morning ia! jset, " I nu li repeated hy r>"iu.-a:). , ?? at A ii.-H. .ii \ St fl V VI < a*, iu*. t vl i , ayer meetim* M'ednesdar l , .u'l in- tm. I ri lay ,i - I' V. _ - in\'.i"V.-iii.i.r.i mi i BODUf - ol' -I i in lu ii sol l ll corner Vfaab*. ? - Rer w vsm an < i bing -ii Honda/ af. i y li... pastor. Sim. liny icho la V V|. V|,m.lay at * % p. M of lbs .oana People's ty of ( I ndesror. Wedneadar a" - I'. V ii, ri DS ? tbs pallor. I , I day a' ' a. tf i -i REI I METHODIST F.PIS i OPAL Vi ll. Rer. K I Ji i . ? ll lr- -.'bing at ll A M. an t :ni_ Wed free l'ublio cordiallr Inviti ;??! tr lin. ll VNIi I'VKK MF'IHOMMT CHI IKH ['reaching at li K. M.amH::.*, p. M. IS Pallia* Sabbath , i M Fi . ? i mi ."nig We.iuea. (U> ni? . f-TKEVEN I li-HTREE'l ( ll BI1TI A M ( IU lu ll. I i ...tor. ?Preach. in_ a'. V , ..a : P Sf. Mundar V vi i . i in I a ina'-or no. \\ Prarsr mettlag 1:11 r f'irols ll a to, V ta' Ht .vin/ i IrcU 4 I*. M Fr ids ad IARHIIALI .1.1 l-l ('IllUHTIAN <-h,ir, ; to ml * . r. M. vj -*iiiilar \ .1 1 i?v.-r-me?Hing Wama ta lari ii.-. I SOI vu 1.1 llllliAM HCBCS ..-?? ii liroad and (.race . I., v. J. C. Si r ? ..*ta at ll A. M. Bundey icUool st i U A. M. i-.^?cial .-? rn lu .' i r. .1. ta*" I Mi VI.IAN tE .'.I' ES. lief. Lr..ros 1.. in*. a preach in lieividere Hall, if.' S I' M subject: "joaua" ia I How lit inn i -lil. M ! - -* 11 * N roi.SLR al ari |tr?< ta lit. Ir.tin. ty afternoon at I O'cJoSa . ' V| , ],_. , da . 'I bur- n an thu. Si ,? as ?ra, u ML <.i.o*aa and c?. oms UP OF SCHOOL 1 I 'eiiiatid for BOYS' BICYCLES! Wa have linnie o.r ;-ual i<reparation! for tin- tri la anl m.. .bowing beautiful litt.e ati.< machioca at $16 and apwarda 1 Le "LITTLE SCORCHER" AM) i hi: "CINCH" sre the favorite*. i *. ..i*ive amener for Colombia. Rambler, Rem ugtou and Ma;eatte Safr-tlr. \vr are ?ho-iii_ a i-etitif il puenmatio tired wens machins a: t ll i a-.nae 5i.lbmsi Cycle ami Sportloi Depot. rBO-OENB ^ *^ dat