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yale crew victobioo MICE Af) ATS t lout I RIP MPH AST. 1 r A rm I un t Ul usos. I'.otvltt ot tm l'unoll.r and Trotting Kare* Hue _M BaABm Beth **aort'i ?,?? v??ii, ?nii,*r _Naaaa, HSW LONI) v ?' nae I Th.* visitors In t' '"rr s ?,v: learn 1 ? .' r thr Tale-Hai f the first tntl-i. At 3 at tat, mai Th" Um ; ?aw th<* rac. '? - train ? fi other i Inta , i t obscuring t . t' fl Mtfl I can T ?.- ! | I ' ' in I ai ' atari t I An i from tb d Top to at 1 ? n In n I actlj rim* ,! * i ? ll 0 IP ' ' Jance la-. ' ? i the 1. Tho ? ? ? t ill.T with ? ? I .. uniform r t galts ever ti ed 1 Hy If - ? nt. A ?? up about : blew n .- r i rr I ? ? nat th. > ? arly ' ? ll . the i ?? n i had i Into qulti ' ra i v , ley. ? laing wen Bob Cooh ? i ? . ? i nt th.- . a.] of the nd Balla until I ' win. ? r by I ".-.ll 1 ' ' In "le 1 blue i howevei '?' ?- the Ji irvard bl ides stt crin lu! *aWUL 1 e han Al ii n la* i ? ? - u'o i , ' i by nearly . -Iii, ? ? was . . and to prlnd 1 ip the , . ' ? a winning . . a trifle, a. ' the moat uni SK them ? I bout. Ili? I ? I,. ,, ? ?n lo .n I, ,.?,,. i Hia body tm. rrl,,. efromcaatala r In Il va.i the w,.nt up ilk-,-, ,??. ' , <? -it a fe W ieud ,* steady --BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl*.***,. w,.|?|,..-f,ii C N D Pl i M Cl F> I - ? K\ I A I. ir 1. ? 1 r I ' ? I tl ' Un St ' 1 Nt l ? ' J'li lr w tl Al Clnt M.,I I Bal i In i . a. U ' ?1 *or. and I It Wf NT. elli ttirli. I tc th, of Di cr., nol j. and a liar co A tl ? ?Uppo* nrl.itr; v ? 1 held a thorou VV \ ferd, i Vt I ? ti,,i a dc ia ar 11m rs ash aol h tun i ar. *itn?i hTaatbe Order ?t a_Maaae-Mad Beg/, othn art-MMra. BtBW I ? ? ' i for to-day i itbar w ia ? tn, hut th* ti : - if,, t aiBBBMlllV ^^_, ..Ul The Rpr|? ?on or IntirnidaTlori 'iT m*_,den?- w?*? -_. -Prtnif st.L-l' k Kht to one AUrtera. U^*^.*?--*-. ""* "ve BUB, aad waa he.m.vt*. to J" ?*-*? **?** ? **** flayed at eight to W.BA1 five. If.- and Bl itt Bide alternated In th* h en-Mr. t, ti. Whare St Maxim passed ,r i weat hy -> neck ?\,x. came tbe Mermaid etakaa, fer l. ,1 fllllea Lady Violet lad from tlc start tc th.- <r,cl cf th- Miff-rh. .. -, . am.* through, and ill a rattling flnleh aroa by a I j., tba Btta tam, Gu- gurplua s'.'ike-s, v, tnur waa allow. 1 t,, take tbe until they headed fer bon. MM* ? ? load, , ;],, ta han,Hiv. i || ?: raca, tl ra of a adie ... flrat, <'"id Dollar aecoad, Btave third Time, 1:11 I ??? furlonga Intimidate ciaiiiiec* ?ecoaid, Packaalft third. Tim'*, IEL 'third nico. Utrea qoarteia of a mile? Tlc* Sill;..- stakes St. Mavliu flrat, Riv. : . DI r,t third. Time, :.:t. f'eurth rm-o. milo .incl a furlcnir. thl Mermaid stakes tfternoon ... aecond, lilaa Maude third. Time, , mlle .ind a. furlong, fin* Hnr Kmln I'.'- Aiiln.r Mci "iff third. Tin ? I one mil on turf 11 :? -. i.i.r.-.n s..-..iel. Madrid tblrd. Time, l-aft Ti,?a Ovtteabarg Wlwatmre. NEW rORK, Jone IO tallowing are tt;, r* snits cf tr,,. . . I Gutten ? r ..... ?>, , . .... I Fidget third. Time, I race one mlle Anna Bel i. Hlndoomera third. Time, : *'\ and n half furlong-? I 'I, Mc* , on.- mil** Kentucky Lady -. third. ' 14 rive furlonga Pauline fir*!. ,s thirl V I Guard ? third. . ii i iso it tu i cns WIBCOXBIN. it*, virginia* Will Play To-imj OCkey linti Belara. CHICAGO, .Tune | lay in ha in'' r ? '..i'i toura unenl HU* ? ra, it to i". Thia throwa tba ' ? l tin- batUe tyal Of the* week will OCCUT tc morrow, hen Illlnola will rr... - -ii the ' m \ lr . !:,!,. club-* ? | National I,angna Oaaaoa At Chi K B iv .1*01 , u 2 ew "."rk .100 0 0 0 0 I 0 5 1" 2 ?I it. and Kif avlea, ] I I Ki Hy. At HI R. H. E. ttaburg .1 -T 1 0 I 0 0 0 t ll i:. 4 I t I 0 1 'll ls 4 Killen, Qumbeii and v Haddock an i Klnalow. lt. ii. c i .110100100 '. V, I 10 0 4 0 0 l 0 0 I :. l m nnd Zlmmer; Vick i *i> menta clnnatl: R H r , .o n 4 n ri o 1 fi ? ? ? 141000 401 ll ll 2 i ' arno, rlaln and .Murphy, i Farrell. Louie: un i: .1 f> 1 0 ri o n fi i -tens .3 I Oli Hawley and Pleti OUISVILLB, KT., fun bel I . ii,.vv tke t mi,. Itaad. ! lt I* ll 19 L-l .? n M Aver. .' ' i ., -i ; . 17. .470 ,41' .4." .400 ?tai ladelphia. . ,'it . M . :"i . M , . .-. . .'i . M ?ional!. . || [** . *.'! . L*0 Urilla. ii ?.iiii~? tckedalad for To-Dh-. ka al Chi ?okIv i Had. Iphl -* -i ind - v-Hie. aahli ? n. Innatl. *?,,iith('iii l.,*?igii(. (.nm,.*. l: H E i ." ivlllea - i Bom. rs. Atlrc n ll IV .I ' 8 11121 13 18 1 ? I : 1 1 Murphy; V I'll'. I'I tn. R h i: lea !7i K h; Dan tid Tr tl th r. ho ri ? f r Of |.i, la ? mo T ' lng 171 In riro urn m deleoatea, i? i.p< hi-,i to Maka aa Opoa, iianei t, limul Plght WPORT HEWS, VA., ' a f. ? ling cf dlaaal d the r.-mks of the I party efforta mada to I iri nfllcting ? mu'-li aurpria. was fell thal two rall d. :?.,-. w ? cn,,v nilen to-night, The selection -. J. il. Crafford nu tnanaa rail's campaign In thi*. section did vi of the Colo rb. n it ? thal the wlal cf bia warm* st BU] port. " vv ? , ? be* mpletelj Ign ri -I. th. fa. tiona! fi 11 inger. cl ? t araa arrange i by one er ??,, the regular orgai I ted to ther he liked lt oi nol This ? ? n widen, d th. br. ai h be i tbe anti organlaatlon In which the situation waa ,. I li aai -I ? i led to make an op. n and the fciicvv lng del. pit. a were to be preta ni ai the convention: I .i Barba ?. Bick* ,\ \ i 'oben, . lan n. t W : I W P Ball nd Ait,, ? IM],,,. ?Ck, .1. A. Weller, KV l: Vc ? hiles, p. j. Mugler and w K :: hy tin* regul ? -,;?*?- \ . I . WV T Mess, I. , il J. i.v Will alf million fe. I ber ls tv.-.i f,,r building, t.. he b iro in tv (e the Dutch Process i ><> Alkalies ?f oa V Other Chemicals if ure mead in the l-r.v_.-_fion of K IV. UAKEK _ t'O.'S preakfastCocoa i imie and tolulite. ' |Vfj lt hat mn rc Uni nt line fimei ?I I,f{ Ute U reitLi th of Cocoa lt,neil J Em wita Starch, Arrowroe* or Ajapwrs.Ui.ur. .imi in far lucre eco. ciuOnj '<?:** Hunt one cent ci tun, Itcious, nourish In jr, ?__ E.v?Lr Old ky t.i e, rn ittrjnhtrt. -ER & CO., DorohMter, Mut, 1: Incl h ti di ? hut ? fren littl, Th Th rr.-a Clev. cf In TV. c liri,-. c-ern cents firm. Sun tl. ula th,,i : wirh Dall v. .ir . a' I I. Hell . ? Who calv If are sn ti.iti.ui Mobil a- f , . Bupply ? ?? ! At ri ? ? fill. OW divldem ttlani ? n N?*j--ro I PBTB1 Oovarnoi McGill, . ? - h .ld a I : 'iv.,- sr Toung m ti.,- state [?CS, d tc Jul-.- aasi The ,-,, tlcii ni'-t nml and i waa delly president. MONEY VERY SCARCE TRADE IN THE BOTTE 00X1 AM. COLLECTIONS MEOW* XRmFemmmwa In Bhe Mower Mothal nuet tba Prop In Silver-The Hltuatlon I h. hans*'.? In taalcrn i entree. KEW TOKE, -Turi" M R 0. Dun & !',..> weekly review "f landa win nay: Xba cloning of ths Indian mints agalno! stiver, t'1" WI la Btlror ballloa t<> Oe. la New Tort ?''' ! ?"- ' ht al London ..n iy. tho fall in wheat ta ? l-le. at Chicago and Ee. ni Mew v.irk; th<* rntlona by atfai i ai I aineiters of Colorado and aeons other . ||.. r prodadag BUteo bare ? ida tho j , - v... , of lah ? ? it i.s ofBdally oaplnlnod thal it i ? not intended by tin* Indlnn Oovernmenl . f'.r t-llv-r In n i il ? tw, .n india nnd England it: action is commonly Interpreted as throwing on ? arketa t: ? . - i ou <.ii\. r which India al sorb* ?! inst |. ar, and the stoppa*.f sth ? r pur ? ? meett Later Informatl n haa ? to light tha fad thar tl . lal fu* ? i in low* r rates for foreign ?? i ii i ts. It Ih believed ince In " ? rted by ha nctio i millions I prompt ned live million**, to f j n. But tba eventa of he we* k h '?? ?? rei den d it unu ? ? . : ? ? ? futu he mon* ?? i ni time don I tmd< ? reek, ti rest ri i ted v - ? 'ii it Baltimore for 11 - ,iriy active wboli ma da renae In coll* ' In only lemand til I pei ar Kansas City lr* fair, lui! .rr.- very I ,\r Ni w Ol '?? rv doll, . uith mk** v.-ry oonservntlvi . "ly of ? Mobile is ample for b trade genei * I ey tight. Ba* ? i ? des larger trade than usual In dry ods, hardwai I ns. ?"nt tho country, while ina nr.- slow nnd failures numerous, B condition Of legltlt* aa healthy, and ho] ? int i thnl thi a ? t hai pai d, Th" . r la w arlll bi ri pea led ind nty of K- ? iurage i i . producta ??' ... Wheat 1 ? i "f the -I'. n"iifh i ? supply In .sicht yery 1 fruin the ? ?V ii f the last seven ber, for tl ? week of i isl >? sr I fall un - Continued Btrlagencjr In the Roath. row will Ba) Pres* srket, 'l.-nt to the Jul ii p ii Mlvei Call is Fri ? -. to twei ' l time r. nts almost unatl ? ? ?ic firmer, linville Of 'tn. k* ls : ? rts "f .it the lsr ts where until nov- lively illr-tnr I I fell lor radical Iti.r : in t. ern c* ntree. .- Smith report ? ln dng string) ney, bul al the ?land, < 'hi " , city furnish i ? ? Kai aaa i ther "loweal ," with a d going "ff iv Bog ?!. l-l cen! ? and Hy, Coffee i an advance of one fourth of a ? um ls mill nntbi I ked Vr h ance to da) ? ,f telegrama fr-.m B BhOW thnt Bl rn Bt Of the] riv In tbs E lon h is BbOWn r mont At Mi -r.i his I ted, and tl lr lei - 1 still further at Ni -.. i ?? extreme csutl rn, ,s __a. ? le thrill last it this time, and rted an I I for bli ghi money I mk** en lng taking i ? arni thal e to supply l : - - ? Oal nen nedrie ? . ? and hanks of tho '? a hi n tall, collections slow, nnA ll ? ?? m.'k' s j ,, eh ...... j,, f j,, tra I of moni y li liam i ondltlon, sloe collect! I and j"! ? n. aside fr >m liquor of their stocks n. ss. men ? ' | i ? ? ? ? ls. i lobbers ara Belling freely, and ?taren - ? -v Bc. ESlt:.S Al los 41 I FRI I ll. dur it.,r? in laSSlBB Corkade Kltr New* In lirlef. IBBURO, V v. .1 ms M. Bpedal " McKinney haa aa of ir.- r j.,. ,;,,. mi pg, __ ot thc Pstornhan Oroya aa aa i.i mei - T|,. ? n was forwarded lo tha 11 Pbs (Jr.-v*. will meeting on Monday night neal Lieutenant Mi Dill's sw censor. it.* executive . ommltti e nf the ? b's Christina A peoria tlon have wi ta bnve tin- encampment of '"'"ti whlcb it oma pro* i- -I i al Hnmptoa on the 17th of lored State Teachers* Asaocla laat ninrht at the Virginia .Vor Kolleglate Institute. An address ered to the association by the Professor Johnson, of ths Vlr Klnla N'nrmnl P.-hool. Varloua repoi mere rereiye.l and re*ad. Judi,',, jj. a. Han. ,,.k rend'-red Mn opl lon to-clay In the milt ,*f Broa, Wiigbl a.ainst the Home Inauran ? ? paay. Th.- mill waa decided lu favor th- plaintiffs Thia suit irae hroughl recover the* value, amounting td HM cf eartala tabac -, buraed la Baltlm barbor June it. i- ?: Ray. kv. a. R, Go. drain, ''n,l! a Btudeal at the Th. ologl< '? s': Alexandria, who baa beea a i Blahop Rand .Iph to the re. t ?rahlp . st. John's Epla< opal < bun h. in tl win ent-r upon his dutlea bare "ti the 1. cf Beptemb. r n. * I Kev. wv i:. Bavaga, cf Taaewell roun-j w le, has accepted a i all aa t,,r cf st. I'.mi's B| ;- *i ??l ' burch i Peteraburg, win arrive here to*morro*. morning. Mr. Savage will a charge cf tbe ?.' ? ???! Bb. ph. i I , burch la Blandford, where he win pr -., \ his first aeraton Mayor Chatiea P. calli, r and ti ii.-r win lean to morrow morning for lb. Tallow Sulphur Bprlnga. Mr. i: !? Barham left for Waahlngtot tl,l? aft r* Mr. Jam. a B Blai ka, eoramla the re'.elllle. S;.|,| th lil ifl 'hat til' total value of i . .. ould ahoi la tl ? Ung th.- fact that i valued nt Jj'. OOO formerly belongil Virgin! ? | ? ile. I ll L OMEONSI si His mi. (lot txer, leoa af tba. InatltaHoa Otbor Prim-,* Ullli.m Matter*. BRBNTSrvTLLB, v | . J n H BpedaL Tie- ' doa. i r plano by Ml 0 ? Mlaa Oaboi other . . ? I Rector and ll waa man, ? ? -. a bli ri I. Me* dala wei Lulu M.-..1 and ti tfter the ? the chui aero In* ? ara, without ? ? ?y. Ti,., fai ? ? ' ? with her parents al irenl wli rialtlng her, to town on ? .17. was ? ,-? in ti,.- ? hone -an off, ind, I ? ? with tl Ically, run,- li ntacl ? brown Vlllflllla New* Notes. NORFOLK, VA., Ju ? ? ? .lumbla MO. in the ty Intel th Mr. f .Yew V id, d' r ill w tv ? V ? ' 'tv. Sales ol Inn-.- lolim. ? AN'Viu.i-:. VA . lt ie looa. 7 unds; Fame ma, ;?. m favor ? ? - undo. i i m. i s i i > / ir*, suns. m? Oat bored Bona aad lhere m.i I CMiilr, ,,? I hr,,ii- hon. tin- **.il? ?k. ? ,,f Trinity ' farm I - ? rtty, and ' inna M. M rl,,l In Wai ' Hut i.r. : lr hall. vii. r county, '?? -\ from ? i i - .. ? -.liar .-, In Spotaylvanla countj. i -thr.-,.. ? , Southam] 1 ? ' lldren of ? ? In Hill," ur.- ? I family. '?? Salli.- .V .la V. wlf. if WV T. I. cf J., ' . (??iiintv. Va., and ala ?f Mra ? | '. ? ? ?? riv. i ?'"?????? , ? ind H.- w ind Wi half-empty laudanum bottlea were near I rr. B Baker, a hlgl ly-i ... 1 ering uin aa ,,f a. ? Mr. ri. He ibout au ? f the >/ i ?? from 1 '. ? ?cunty. ' ? ef. Wed ? ectlon. lt meaaured i l;, tc t-r i '?? the Fair. Thia . rd of ll ...... ? -'? ih K ndall "i ???' ? A man. living aloae, Pauqul. r ,-.. inty, ?!! i He w i>. r ,,f Btrlblli ..!??? ho, vvh-ti , ??I-.*. I tlc* v his . ,. Implored ic iv e.I tO r. in tin. "What e tn yu -m.iii<i.-.I tba O-Bcer. "i caa bold gt se' - - .ti." h.* I i[...ii th- rr..rind, after the flgbt, found with th.* borneo1 bridlea I In his h.ti.l. "d, ad upon the honor." Many Person*** ar* tr ten rom oTerwork or hou*._old cares. rn's I roi* Bittern Kebuiid* ihe aida dlftttioD. retnor*. ezceaa of tilla, aa malana. Oat the itu-lae. m. 'i ? d ?' A Wll ? will be i .'itv , ? I I ? mair Th kins ' annti ? ? gadge ci\I V. . U I lian .-. to wm fendan algae ea Scott, ba ret; Tbe ? ? '? l r'-talr.e. wood 1 III.s 1,1 lntereat AS-SOIJLi'S WORK OVER TIIE NORTH STATE TEACHERS END A R ene rn itu hess ioy. Vroteaa.n H. I*. Holwood Preel ?len! and ft c. Harrell .Secretary. Interealliig A.l.lreaaes. MOREHEAD CITT, N. C-. JaaeM*. Epa ? lal. Ar tho morning **O0OBOa of the Teaeharaf Aonembly rrofoonot n P. Hob* of Oxford, wen elected president fur tho next fear, and ft *;. Ham ii, of Rnl* elgb, aecretnry nnd I ran wu af tow the !? nth time. Hon, J, C. Bcarboroagb flollrered aa ad? dress ..n ? "f Tsecbere." To? night tba teachers are hnvlnaj a munica] i,in,iva! itl tho hall. Captain Deneon, "f Raleigb, made a lng ilolonel ft l;. Harrell with a gol I watch I I nar* I Th iwed that ! ft V llarf. ii J I ? ntemplnted making Rev. Dr. I: v i rixon, i ' st pi I nt, b n ho retli I tr m t- aching and re I 1 mini the Ai rtatlon do* ? Practically to-day ended -til formal Hall . i ? l ? r ' lill n-xt ? ri, | been very little been given to the I I the ?? Icb ie stereo! tent terdny four fishing parties went ont ?nr". with ? irv luck, catching over 1 I fish of vaiii ndry kinds. fr<im half ip to The foll I'nr :-i f.air I,".its; Mr. J. S. Wynn '? Dins ' ixvllle, Tenn.; Mrs. Shir' 111 Powell, mond, Va.: Mr. V w. s. C.; Captain drick. Raleigh. Tw ? ? the *rho hotel last night ni fort of thnt I l and i romlnenl ? ? ? mnie F. Davis r l wife was performed ' ' The : ? promt en of the stare in . ? of th- m will remnin for I ' come for K -.ilnlm*. dancing and flirting, are Jv ? ive ... pier, The wonderful ... Ubllme - | ?? tout no* i minn init night wns i I ec t one, ? I 1 . -'SI . Mrs. T. H. Ir. Will WI Igh: Ml ? oro; Mr ... . Ir. Wool ' ' ? ? p; Mr. A .-h. \ / ii /.'. i *? *> n. *?' u i m : c. din Inns*I..i. Delivers s I ??* n i <? la \>>iie viii., .ni,-, Matters < . ILLE N. C ihn M im Virgina, delh ri "The ' ll Of .Mar'' ? ' ? ' .... le and ible In ttenl ' i kindly Inten st In I ' ? ... : ? lines rum ville, ? i.-vllh vlng here for - tl ? ? ? irller. Murphy division will ? ? ' rv MU ' liv. lt ls l diligence on the part of ? ' w. hers" elation n sumed Its nest iii" this morning Dr ? night, :? ike ! his al nd li wry could ? rory ? I to 1 ' ' : of Pl lent Mad talki piotnis* ? r,. bs very Inl ? - REI l I I I BM tl'lo I S 1 FD. , Win.1..n Vmii' ? I'm,, for Hie l: _ Kail* 1 "inmi Mill*. ?i IRD, M C., -i mi Tha Mi-,- t ? m.. jn ted two ? waa i ? ld thnl an I il., r I ? done, ed an Inju ,? further pro.dinga upon an np? oa for Btmeal of ? ri ,* of the li un ? ap to -I >?? bel ? J i Iga R la? the plaintiffs claiming thal a r r. i ba ai pointed by tha eonrt d np tbe bu tho de* im h-id thar tha original a-* ra. J. A Long and ./. __ wara legnUy appointed nnd nhouid I . ? - loee up tl. rs. frntarnity was Maj .r .r. W. Orahnna, of Billa nd ju.*..- Parl ? i Durham, btoi ? J by the defendants: Messrs. llay k Haywood and Colonel J. W le, of Haleigh, repreaented the a of E. H. Lee A Co.. and Pool 1 RI Itl tl 1 ' * : it, - i ? F Al Ire In ? of \ F b BJ tl. ke F - 287, I Mon of wa CAF reside I. ? \ INO UKI Laurel fant 'I A ll . Funs July ls RICI MI VI * Sun net! Morning Kreuuia* I'i .KT * - I at* ubi more, p fV-atii* ' Highest of all in leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Govt Reno t'"?t absolutely pure _, Mortng, Colonel Hew-.*. C. .Tones nnd Mr. Et) nam, i ( ? *harlotl H ,'h. Bprlnga & .',,. of I was for the Merchants' and Firm*-'-*' Hat! nal 1 ' Iharlotte Very able ? I and of th,* ,i nanine I la I dlSC UM His Hcer.or held that th- t>n ?:hcui.i ba pul In 'h** bandi of * ai i Masai ' Graham, and A. C. I I by the court aa ? 'i'h.*ir 1 nd a i Bled al 196,000 ea th. Th.- indebtedn. i of I ompany ls i.*?: | ! ' elalme,I thnt ti: will fully the liabilities. On Their Annual ( rtifsr. Tht membera of tha Virginia v.irhtina arlll *' i r t tl ? ,,v er i i ibid rails ay this afternoon for Old Point, from where srlll "Sal will Indul : The mee swill po on the ei ? : I ?? pal and Mesarn. Il WV Kirk I .i. i: Turpin Much to ? ton will aol ba il lom itt.., .ini, i- -oarslaaa. i . ? danville railroad aili ?.-iI round-trip i.-k.f.s bet Ita line at great y redu li * ;ll furnish full ? ? t turning until and in. ludlng uly ... UM, *?? a Drink In icretri tm i ? ? n- ncarBATg. Fr. Ch er: H B. Dai . . and lol toling drink in f \ bet D ry mu. . a Ith ll " tba I , ct nag iir. Davtd'a Iver Mils, mild, hanni.-ss e box, of r H. ? MINOR ' Bond, Va. lentil, ,,; .lal, ,,i Ol,I Paint. I. for t Ichmond I the | ...... a,h. ! | . ' ?? n Nor ?. July, I ? of I rfolk for Vlrginl or full Informal to H for dtbpbpiia, Ind!?**.* ?:. and rd. ra, u_o BMOWtV* IH..N m I i BBS. n kttr, it. tc ni lae beg ? ce v mppca tun! frcr- ri build . ? i ?ll'T. ii and ainL ? Dr Malaria, Liver Trou le, or Indigestion, use ROWN'S IRON BITTERS U Srld'l I ur -ties visiting the "Ar ran '.'. | ? ' ! rtreet. ''?r Bt.Cn. Onl*- ai .<> d trip to NV,rf..Ik -at uria. ? nt. ? n and im'a I'll!-- with a drink - _ b BATHS :ti:i: Die I Jun. - I bl ll io Sr. Paul ? a i. w w.-eks, WILLIAM formerly In the employ of re-ma ll ia i Saturday morn ? Ul I.I.I KB F , st ,-hiV: : eigh* .IV s ll KS ! ? lr. ./ T IULIA, iu .tighter cr Charl i ii ? ral fros ? . p. ht -. Juno I rHERINE RICE, la tba ? HAKIM! I "*. i i- I i it.pst K. ?i'll I'! ILMANA i. I ? " . i M i'.' tt! Da ii ,i Rna. . . A-' WEST POINT, JUN A UKI V Ki? -.hip Balttmors, Baltt* i saii.i:i* ,hl|i IV,!,i,ri*.re. II. ni.-it. I: tl*l iblp Kim City, Marah .ll. Walker*. trgo. These hnr eap*n!e? ar reit in ts houri wichoat fatrrv incoUTenianos af/e-tion* frniLll j iu sbicb Cubeb. tail. o J \ I ? ' Ei I . m V I -I Cl Qi Iv ? ? li El'l iu_i I 1 A' - day ta la vii I-* I. Il M. ai - i . tw C-i*v, ? A M tar ( HI in. iv M. ttr churc hr tl - ne-cda ter? rill I ttr I ? * dav it i I tr r*?-en an I h I I. ir. e-cii iu . ' fill lt 1. arth i IK, ri A c-cr.l .-linday .**. M I A heart IW 1 < ill le - lie* Ju I twr\>, < .11 le ? m.- ai 'Jhut* rn tarps [corner Inn at i cnarital, < .?*s ru \\ e-,|ll,?. Ina ii;; 1. , -i.u_:i tat tr-ni (c mer I valli | na ?a-FII and ls* I>. D.. I nar* A i -hool at ?M Ll a i n i \i PBSIOM inn, Ki. hm...,,I. Pred?rl?-bab*arg aad i 1 ? ?? "i * *a*Bt**a-s] 1 ld e I Richi BAJA, Ths Ice M ' Times .," _ M ?DA1 i iii Bl ll Noni i |, revFroNn PRESbj rERIAN CR17RCH Pf* i' ?" ?"?ys i ? ? i ran.*' ' ?' tr-c. RACE-RI Klll'l , ... ck A. M an t , r ; ? \\ ]? s IM l nv i ii. | , nu ki ii ? - list ?>? P. KniTH, I'I' ? ? Ba il A. ll. Ail we 0 tar-sr. i ki, 3 HI iHV'i-i El i ii: I.i ll eorner I w.nt* ninth an IMim . ; ? . H. P. Mit. hi . ? .?. ns nt ii A Kl hn I - ?- !? M , i A E. . ? M trw r. sums r i:. .mv. -t ??? rear lilacs . Kev. J \ Doa ?m*.. ri Bl ll A. M ar, I 8 P. M. , L M. trr-M(.\i MENTAL EPI8I Ol I l hlrtssnth h I ? ? h- K. M. aa 1 i . ' IS lo all. fMOOR E Ml MURIAL I ll I I- OPAL viv ? ii i . rte the Park Bel i hi , l - v ?? run and .eu-. ? tM~T, *in ?> Bl \ ? JrV-,, RA! I . KB omer beverly an I ll. and * I'M li- - tr*8T. I I 'H i ll 0PA1 I! K I : ? enins prsyer snd i . ? * * tt any of i i. ' fV* r< BNTENJI N. Bli ka hy tha " P M. an<! li . w rWA ur-- i BCOPALCH roil mid i irv r. . . M mi ! i- - I ?.dm il at I r P. ll lag, I Al. i ill Itl ll BUL"] I > V r I P. Il ' "PIN1 :, r i : ? i'ra.'M, pa* tor. Preaching ' Ihe | sal - A. M. ' ? _ ? - Bnnda - -i i SEVENTH i . V i ? ' It! ll. Ben J ? ki i a "I ' IIARBHALI i 111 r I M. BO li- V UH. ll IA NI > PARK ll .. li Preaching 1 ? " I*. Ii k. I 1 l-ill s||.i i i ! ?r I -.. '? I V. .- . ? ; a. I II A '-I ii : - Lil ?. kl - '?' 1 Mir. ?n a:, I **!. ? ?l ? * w*. .ted hr Mi **? mri ra A speen ' I luIK. I -l.'?i Kil (Broad al * and Ta \. M \ -I ri , 1 .. .tra*: k, iu.ui-t.-r. in i ?. . ni .ari i y ir.v-.'? . " KIMI! METHODIST I ur. -, * . Rsv I' * I i ?? ,' ? ? BS I y lbs i Bator a*. : \ M I ?? :, A ii I free ? tatton i ItOAD-ST REIT V r .iii sud Tenth itrseta . ... li ii , .... . -.v \: ; ? lt A. Il ? ' - ? 1 ? ? ?? *'.ir - nd Ilia Ha r nan Sm , | ; thar . i.h I I Al I Ml IH0MS1 CHI ? ? Irescs i M r the .?*???' , ? ? '? irita '1 ' .** nod* N M rel.ii.: st 1:?? P M Ciao-t li itv etMrlJl*. M \ sr bishop kl ' ? arvacatio ' ' I LLyS tt 1ST PP.ESM M ItfAN CH l,race uni '"*' P. Kr-ku. 1? l? . v ?'?'?I Ur Cb Bl :i A M sn I '? P. B. :- M'lVI I BURCH <*or ,fib ?treet? . !*?-/. li?oa.*S t ?alor Al UK M . **? bl*/ of WO t n ?*> P. M.. Home Lijtht." lillie JUA M.