Newspaper Page Text
HI-; ni kati;]-: LEASED. F/, /, tull ms i mu i WILL , , ,??, s-ios i ii is umis i PO, I * h I i . . ,,. tl,.- l.....*aln_?'"..t* Kin** I t j... k-*l '?* ,,,, | ,,,.,, ri ?? ?.I'm a I rttre Will , ,-.11,1*' , ? .?tll< Al Alt. n, (lon*. 1 i Mt. ll ll,I. it I in the ? : ? ' ' I i * I st th. ?.?.il! be ? will be ? . thlnka hts 1 l ? ' ?? ? e rt ? ? l ? ' t ' I : I ? ? ? 1 <t .1 ? mimili' - r ? ? ?tl hil. ? ? ' ;?? in Hi a pal I "f tli th- ai ID feir i tums tor eecu Investments, lt io plait., clour bu.lriee. proposition, nnd ye tan ras.Uy see how we atsnd. Our fait la rh-- Booth i, ?eat, and w*? d**mon strats thal I aoaaon by adding -i r.. mir Bonthern elrenlta ao ih?t give companies the beal "booklnga' ? ?; .1 i- nil rbjbt na a n |f yee glee Ihe i Ba Worthy ff ond attention they wtll ii I tbal i" Ju-t . i * ? '? gd Ul AO With Mr. * "nhill Tbs re to bi r.r unusunl merit on ri,..ri im r 1" fOTS - |fr. ki nw. la ? i ? ? Rich mond ? v f- ir .-ir ison, fae ea ' r thnt pl | ft for 1 r Tori Int.*. This ls, i ? ? ? ' ? maha him . ? ih.- The brilliant ' Mr. Cahill wUl spend th* sommer Bl ? led. Mr. I W I Mi 0 '? to th" advertising Ira, li leer, will rena* r the music. h. THF nil 4 Ht r TOi ttl HS TA*. Shs Developed Booed af Twenty*Oas Mites nn Hour. Th-> t\v.e ? ? ? an ' r Poenhon tbs Virginia " Har? lan Hollingsworth ? ? rn lng the ? Norfolk ? ti ? rrlve at tha P. M. at tl This ? bear to th.* ... rs upon ?n. .?Ml went v.en and sn ths tr'.i> n, niirl . ' 1 Pol place . - , ,. : The I ? ' > Rli li? ls 'in- to arri fieri The pul nr" In visit her 1,.-tween tti*- hu'irs nt :, ? trip i,nt ,,f this ' itv will !,<? N'l.rVlk and he win |< ? whi'h pron to tx ? ' f"lk nt >'. AM. I ? July at tl ? ,v moi mr . :k. \v i'. ? ? ? da nnil ? will prei * ' I In thi ii s] t s tos xtriii sn. ' ? ^^ I-1,.,'? Iii i I.iIh ,, I e.i, |>n ,.,i, >? fi, ion ami i h. ? \'." A Plea* i i.i me, ? I at l ' .elation after ln tl w.n. t, Mrs. Thoi l ? and the Weet End and Ri< h Thei ea ri fi om Kui.hi on account >>f l ? etan The Ri* hmond ntertalned mg by " Turner and Walker. . Mothi r" ? March." by Mr. !.i by Mr. w .i ik? i unfinished busli l len al ? i ii. i irenll Coan. In tbs < 'hy < 'ii. ult >'.. ii t yt ju'K r for the plain* ? r ii. Briel, ? : R H !'??.. ; in the coupon T. K. Elletl - the > "ommonwi sith, \ > i ? l for th.- petitioner, nnd the ind Cl*. utist Daanlell I C. D. M. Cobb 1 - ? ? ? Ucl **, .is i lowed, ?" i : r further ' I ? I Joli! (ur I'i they will ' ? Mayo ? ' ' i v will also ' and Tuen* Appointed Cenanl. who notified hitn thnl ? onaul of the Colombian ? poi i. .uri thnl ho i m B alee. il ,i reply, express* the appoint* v, hara i- Rer laataaif Mrs. Maaate \'. Vent, of Hinton, W. Va. to < 'bli f al Polk a P it poeelble, the where r bei I ii band, J. ii Vent, a bi left in nae Jane fth la aanrcb ol arorb rlh-.l him hs iii f.-.t tall. Weight HO pouoda, rory >irnk imir an.i llghl eyea complexion and a amati IIk'i moustache. He la a railroad man, and has worked In Richmond befort. liENKI'AL MAURY TALKS THE LOTTE RT PlAt lt WABOTTEEMM HIM, RI T ME DEI ll tl th. Tlif <.nllnnt Soldier Hnjti M? rr?f?r? Going Havarti to tl,*. fir av* ??* ll*, let Tl,? ?altey ?.'!<?.<?.<? Pea Fear. Oaoeral Dataey El. Maury reiuraad t<, tba city I ? if: tn Ll ?. w bare ke sr* Bl lo attend ti - Virginia -Millt.-iry Ii, UtUte Baal I lound him al tke kv ataaoreland Wa." loofcl | a trip. \\ ii- a i hS lead !? ... ., i I. ? ?? : v c ',,111],.,:.-.-. t,, dee line I that ha . ? I e_.pi waa w., . . ifter re ci h lng Oem rai I >sbn. y li. : ? nu,iii,ac I aol di er on I g ; do) lc und rstood Itered tilm a ?-. ian it la snd a. - compllahed diploma) al by the ind i' i.*-- si ? i i "I nm * whi,-fi |_ BUPP -I to I ; to one i ? which - ttii.i lottery li ... I .'Hil ? [ will I salary I lt. rv." i n a posit I thal the ti -ii directly, bul thi nenl ? man known li ; ? ? iv- hmo d ' _ iii i mr ? s -i sins. Tola-fits iii^t nltod Confederate Veteran. to titi- I itv. ? : A 1 ? Taj lor Strati of I I Si General Bi ri ..f tv The motion waa ui ? >i. I ? I ... ? . favor ol early In AugUI t. II ? wives ,l rates I : cf the ? i ; np win I total i ? Irglnla lily. i ' ? tain i ? A Bi, Jr., lng compl. te wit In: i ii i i n mu i ii h. A Peed Peal of Rentlns Boat asea Trnn. SCtOd by \ Mil,>ci* T.i an. lt.*.. Quite a number of ? nltte rn - of Imporl The ri w <' 'nm hui,.nt and R ' timi. Colonel nw I i Mr. wv J. Mci .owell eula? by the - commit! City Au ru, oflid ila, With ri i ? *, of b wherever lt i ? i i'.v rm.. ly that time aubmil tko di air. d I The Comml ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? tautly ? H ill con ? iryi'i,' : laid Ita i I" the litti.' day afl : n Third ? , : a ti BALI our tt ts as) i i ii. t isstag ? -oreleaa Meld faeasr-lajral tkai I , ,.,,.t lng lii.ltliili.iir. . cf Ike ,lliTt*rent - ? ? y afb moon Dr v. v. . i*. J. Todd Et iv RI i iv .i. B ; Mts .1. K. (lill, len l ? t tl i .ti ?, rc * h .1 ir-1 ?Wtora on th. f lite building, and sh..ttl. c o .loci- ail repair. ?! t" th. ?m. . nu took h.-r a- at a' tke tka tuns cf a liv mn t ? ? th- atngina *-f a hymn. Dr. "v\ I. Young, of Park-Place UethodM church, offered prayer, sad Mr. Anderson, tka teacher *,f th- boya, t.."k at ones charge cif hi* ]>ai,iis ii,* aiamli . clareta briefly in arltfcna I apelllng, kc., for un hour ,,r SO, und thc quitted til, maelvss in asm naanner. it was the onanimoua opinion of all presaat tkal bi rar before have the boys stood a better examitta tlun. Among those who deaerve honorable BjaaHOB ar** .Tohn T/*!???..*t O. ati'l Nimnv K<>l?*rf<,. Th.- Institotloa wss found to be In ?.-ry good CondltlOO Mta OBI, and In ted with rr {tad that, after a good ?! Ilfflculty, they h i* : l In getting i I 1 mi lr: i B, Whleb BtOOd weSt nf '. hav ? rn down, and tb* larne > ,ri i* tow In Si ' onditlon, a di b brit h ? , ? itidtng baa Ix n ac* ? i ;??. ? ,.. nsyltna, the gjooi i Boob i hum? by, whlls '; ''? "r ?i" ' I :' Intei tlon >.f rtiends of rhe ?r funds for Inn In th. ,f tbs yard, which may i ' ? ? * ? i,, jth, ?: mads 0.1 rlnj few days is ms I- by ? i I t'.i I t. ntl TtXRAT. The ti.ii.-u'.- Taaes sad Virginias r<> i*inT .,. | ,r..t HUI I The < : th* Virginias arlll ? iirii Parl ? teat for bonori ? lt will I ? i I : Lock wll wlnn?*r*?. ? ? burg this afl ? ' ' ? ' rs. Th. ? man, I t ii I : h< - Delighted I I dlenee nt C ii n i ?.-;-. W. *' ? ' ? . ll r " i., tl. .1. I Ball, 20 1 - i ? ? .1. I ? , 150 fe : I I Will rg, special eomml Gerar! r ' ? : i, Bari ? ? i Pei A Sen Pablic.' ? ? timber of sine of 1 |] ? Mr. >\ liam r .-i'i. ndldl ? ?iii1 In wi,hi: ' ' I 'r ? ' ' Inia Navy in i nf .-'lr \\ llllam K'-t'l ? : ' Mr. Wll rt of the i ? '. 1 ? in .\, Bleetiea <?! 1MB* No. *>, Ju*. ' W. V Wilkin W. . W. II. Ki pkln, r ? W. A. ? timi. : ? i. ' .11 . r. W. Jaw< i Kt N i Kiata Ubrnrr. The M ' ? the Libtl ? _ ha.-* been pi lld -.?1 tha ia> ? i .ri. 'I ?? .11 new go ni- Without any Kr _ _ Vera et th** s. p. c. k. ' ? tow Pi ci ? \ to Ania I Thunda] I i been badly ll. was kl1 \ aetter whli b I burl by an i li w.,-. tu d pei aaothor t ont hs rm ? i? worn i by Dr. UoydL un Mr. Taylor'a .lir.-ction. TUHari ai lae 1 asttat. Aaaaas the Mattera al the capitol i wert tba teUonrlog: Jethia R ? Mecklenburg county, Dm .:; S M. Wa,1.* of Los county. * delivered Houston Myara at the pawl Kary, sentenced to five years' Imprli ment for murder in ths second degri PEBBOEAL ash ors ER Al. lnt-t->-ttn_ Ynrtt Armut I*. I. htnnncl'i Cltl aaae tmotum atsaases. ?Ira. A. kt Roatft, of 200 west r?ry la visiting Mnda in Kssex county. a Andrei* Ptaatal -And family tay for Paathet Oap, Balk county. 'The ? Irk of th" ourt ISSaSd ;1 tnari *,- to George Talbot! sad L? >? t. Bolton. Mr. Scott 1 . Pr George H. i: qr, Of this . itv. will attend ih? summer % ol si tbs fni*.??rsity ot Mlaa Miry Bkaltlee, of ptsdhaoarl vir - tka Misses W'sddlll, of .v ? ?-. Twentieth Mr Louds K. Prsaels, .Jr, ha? lott tot ? New *t ? r, m, snd, urning, win visit tl*..* wv,rid a l'air. - ? . Of Jul] | | | k | _ in.lav Dr. Jamas iv y rad his at KM ta caa bow lind him gi li,,. ? foi ? marrti '? ht, of 100 south Kirs' to Dr. James Albert, of Weal ? ? 8 H. Cart, r, nf . -.,- ? ' Mr. Bolling ' ? | Ho., Hill. . iv Hullta ? ill ll fr 1 ? of muoh-n, was Issn. 1 |n -.'ti H. and Bu? ll Reed, of RI hmo i. \ a. ? Irat and t itios- living At tbs 1 lot of i ? ? 113.75. I - is (ha ' I \ ? B I expect I ? I ? ' north ? t Umbel ? ia, witt ? ion. prlntinj 1 r ' tylor dc 1 : .1 i. ! ri in? ls .'i. .." m iii; ? f ly, i rd; a] Ise i r i.. kal l: as. li er; ?rv ip. Ct a '(! I ? K t ? tl ? lad toa * led 1- I ? Ina der ream i-:. iuty sho ten lon **?. < hiin-li V ( Cati r O'Rc Illy, rf r. who haa I ? ? D I'. sill ll! H. ... , i . IV M. Th- Rev. M. Iv Hoge I* D., wll I fiurch HUI. ? St. .Inti'*- V i Mundi will hold theil celebra by v i intc In mci. ? .v 111, doubt * Iture raiik with t!,,- ,,1,1, ?lit,, i* i ? Th- Bl V ? mt, <?. wi mornli tress at Ora. A ll-,i. Ali-i.t ll, nil-,,. I i nty" lm I : - ? will i ' 4 genial climate. The feel ?Var tl every reape. t foi in in Henrie Rlchmoi ? : mai facDlties sum . eminent, snd tv.i*: .??[-. is ely lily -md t! ? . ? , med rk Wi ? (rent, J. Vt I i James H - .viii, h is f,.r fi- ? I fl rn lia- county ell Co. Mr. B. 11,111. llll|ireiVi*IMe-Ilt-. will n the t.'iii-iir . s un. ? , at t! will Inclu entire i Injury ls conatd I ? ii fa Our ni Hu* Vest. In thi -.l-l! t'i li.- I',.' *. W I.i: - ' ' ?, eui :r. T R a Bal . l f...tu tke w . i ,-? v - i \v, ? it out to Detroit to ? u .,f Um ? ,,f American ti tired v. iv ?? *?**?'?? *tsm ,.f Rlchm lentatlves ,,,, ti.air wa. horns. Mr. ?lyda B w ? ?? nar seer-paper atna, retui Chicago Thursday, aad Mr. Wallace is e?njo>ing the delights of c ducahtaa F*ir. A late llfw Hail. Tii'Te* ara* tr- .VV aiMUt "ti" h'111-1'- 1 eighty Inmates al the Coafadarale I - lt,un.-, and tr; lay tn applicants than can be- acrommoda It ls the purpose of the directors to b a larg* meas hall in the rear of the a n m, TM*rm7,n,f "om* of ,h* Pwoeai *?? siii i^haSJSd .u,?' ' Ti,*. rian-Menl MtaMlea. .ii*iiMi ,, . ' f ?>"n ..., . 'v1"''- - temar .''' ln 'hie city ahoul i ; ? ar* aa afoituir.l ,. ,i.' ' ' leehed "il furTtocSSK -?:.?: *???? I- reaardiii -,".,' " rein ates ' ? ?':?;. ??? determined in sn :,*,???, . f n added to .- J -??Mendo ?rn, ,.,: SK felt l^and. Br. Lnnarn-n-a facetiae). ROT. Kr. Kan it;.,, ? iii . ,. .luring the ? c first he will p, i.i, ;. J i - thirl . i , madison county. < m BeSU l*he I,-. ?? | ,,? ' '' ' ' Pl I I' ' Fl .lu. I, I KM . ? ana ihe lim-.- , <<>s, is,, ;,/,.,.., JJ <sr UM SolaBgtagto A.gI ..?,,, t,ff(.rril ,?r s. '?"- latch ..t Flan. HAM,,- -. , - ' F. c. Ray,, lt work on ' ' ? I in- -. . ?? ? : lay holding thal moved I ? ? ay ? ? ri di ed to sd in thia ? wnn h motion was sustained. On contestant was ? ' md ti,., ? '- term on motton of Monda] in July. Tl loni " ' ' ' ' ? 1 ' *"? sppolnl Cai Wood bl '" xv Sl1- ll IJ ts <*"m ? nie hun.ii. 'iii' A J F ird, of Richmond, 1 i: Mun) I went mi i '? by Mri. K ll Cl uk-, of City, .. unty. it ess \*iii drawn, tbs limit, we und | beti : ' ll h Of Ssh r ? the seine m-n th arr mch higher pri state* n cents p* r poui l in Ball I's' Club arlll tah* mp the lt Buckl Tbi re will b* The "tli.-. ere Joseph Outten, | I Whit in ? I Worsbam H 1 bey will b t two wi ? k DAM to is,, ITOBM, on- I.if., l..,it an.I Crape an.i Proper Redly Deaaagetl, STAUNTON, v.\? .lune | irred killi, eighteen miles i - i and rv a d ? le irned, was'drowned ks' Ml li d bushels and ano) bundi l ri bad I -i. -,]. Hall of , IB ; il I tbs rain, and the ,1,,, ra ead ol ber ero in that .-j,- re ni | j Thi .-n heavy rain** t |, ? - li U IS, IF SAW. Kni-jiiu ..r Pythias Bael otncara-Vi seaal Potatoes, PREDERICK8BURO, Jiu ? John H. i t ? | a ott ? ail nams son Burnt lng a < r from tbs ' I States bi sty. i I tha a ithot Itlaa I ta ot Pythl inn i ' H. H. Oravatt, chi ler; C. A Kirn?, -. I r. W, ii. Brillia, pral I -.v. k, J, A. White, * died yeeterday at the reald I I r.:-y, in thia eonnty, a. renre Hon. W, A Kittie. Jr .,. . | ..-,1 an ? -ri to deliver aa ii..; the Virginie i ?? Washington, l>. C., whl* b vin gtvs an oaaaialoa te thal pines ea ] unod. y. i>. Beana, arba baa been <k [ Things That Now id* ng te ? ka v Demand Your Attention. THE BKbT GOOL G. W. ANDERSON & at* i-i ?s' ?mi SOU tba ml lol. ur. ted. utld iain PRESTO FINE ART ITo- 18 Got wok Afant far ths Richmond < na I sti-k for several daya. la eonvaisec*!-*. Mr. KV. b Marys, son of es-Lleutenant rarnor John L. Marye. left to-dsy for Newport Newa la accept the position of deputy e irrk f.,r Warwick county. Mr L A. Skinner killed s few daya I aro two pigeons, which on Investigation | proved to lc* carrier pigeon*. On the leg ; banda were numbera H and* W. Mr. Frank K Tv Ier haa commenced the erection ,.f a fine residence near the ' Miry Washington Monument, whick ba will occupy as soon as completed. Laaktag fur ?orri*.*. DOTIR MINI'S, va., June tO.-Sr-eelal. ' iris Hopkins, the y.ians negro man. who. thr,- w.?ks uko, attract* Mr. Henry Parsons, timekeeper st Hooker A Phll llns* brick-) tri. In ymir .-Itv, from tits effecte of which Mr. Parsons dl*-d a few days ugo. an account ct* whivh waa pub? lished i" The Tlmea of yesterday, lived at place for Boase time*, and was the rack 'inarry near her**'. ; .v . officers of .he u? were yesterday on the March for him. hut without suc - euii sspeadeal knowe. Mr. ?'oir th- agent of the Chesapeake a I <>hlo riilrond at Lees, died on yea terday. Tha d. isad ams popular and highly reepetted, and his death haa cast a .' on over the aelghkotkoafl. The district conference ..f the West Hi hm..nd district of which Kev. Pr. A. ?: Brown, of Ashland, ls the presiding <*lder. will he h.*ld In th.* ,,,i|,>lnln_: coun tv of i.,?ii?,i. h.-irinninK Alagna! Mth. at Apple <*.rov- Methodist Episcopal church. I which Rev R li Mullen ls pastor. i * e> opening Barmen wm ho preru-hed by Rev. R. T. wilson, of RIchmoaA Orapa in **imiii- httlrteal, MARION Vi, .June SH. Sperlsl-Tha Wheal harvest ls n.,w In fe,ii blast tn thia sect lon, and tke crap ls not as Rood tlclpat. .1 Judi:.* .Ioho v Kelley ha** urante,* the petition ?f Messrs. W. <V Pendleton, WV Wright arel other-, praying f..r sn Injunction stopping the issuance bj John w Richardson, trustee ?.f tha town of Marlon, of I- ? ' t*_ its I'onds to pay damages to property owners along the protected line of the Marlon anet Rye Valley railroad through the mrpc, r it- lit,tits, requiring et them a 13.100 bond whi. h. wt tills wrltlnK. haa not liven The principal it-round on whick they usu th- Injanctloa ls that ordering tke t-wn to Issue eil paying this damage was iiie ke. Our community is aaddened hv the Heath "f Mrs. Dickey, wlfa sf ear aa> c :??. Vi T 1 Mckey, whteh occurred al her home here at IO v on yeetei day morning. Mrs. i malden nanaa was I'm,har, and h-r native Bi ita was Alakaaaa. Thara Wei.ti our streets thia tr J ll nillir,ie of the t'nl versltv of Vlnrln'a, Professor Oaorga WV Miles of R ,,'f ,,1, Colonel A. fl Mil? ford "f Richmond Buford la looking n'ter bia In .vis section, and betna i gel tl. man of dlKnlfleti and manner, favorably .Impressed cv horn he | I sn ah vvrlns the brow A mini*-*- ring angel th, iu"-Bromo Seltzer A al of ... ? ll. nf ila ,i ty li? ls. i ? al ? IB* ? ft rik ir In* al. ,,f loll lite i . i.??!,., ia rs sd naiad ts ?!?? World's Fair .lilly I Mt ll The Cb -,[? ika rind "hlo have con i , run a se, * l personally coo? nata to th? WorM's I'ct will leave RI. hmond at 2 P. M . Inly iMh. , . I !' If. neut afternoon. i tke Brat i"*rsonally ? - I i mr of .lune- lah speak In high terms *,f the aaanaar in which ti mdled The party i ivtng virginia on July lttn will 1," localed at tl,- Hotel MSCCa, which is Arat-claaa in every particular. Pull information can t>s had ut the ike mil .Hilo Passenger Office, l t Main sir?t. < nnfedarataa Veteran Reunion, frMrmln* I, ,m. Ala, Pot akora oe. aaloa the Richmond and Tm* viii- railroad aili tesl tickets io Bir mlngham, Ala . sad return from coupon on Ita line, nf a rate of one first Imlted fare for round trip. Vi kata on asia .Inly 17th to ,9th 1n ctuatve, R.I ret urning until and inclu. inn July ... UM, 'll. k-'s will he sold from Washington T) c., Richmond, Burfce-rllle, South mts i Lynchburg, Va., Durham and Saicn. ,\v c. ?n .Inly 16th In addition to elates named ahoys. Fourth July. t The Chesapeake and ohio offers many va arr malone Tou -un choose i,o. t .*. ? *n tha m.,uni.tins anti the sea-shore. ' ll-kc-tS Will he Hold on I . 1st, -I. .'M gad 4th. ?ood for return until July **th. Quick trains via Okesa* I Ohio to Norfolk and Lynch* Old Point and th- mountains. For Bundey deepest, order Moeata'a ,? t, . h.tata, lemon ancl atrawkerry creatna ard lemon ice. 'Phone HT, Ul ???,?! M lin street. s WI I SI Ml vu. 1 ATl'RDAY. JI'I.Y 1ST, AND THFItSDAT, IUI?T A. HM A ORAND BALLOON ASCENSION AT ICVflM PINKS. OIYNM Bt THK Will AMERICAN IIAL!.*">N .ciMPANY. PBOF-RMOa I'KTKlt PI.IM, Manager. The ball rc ii iklnif the ascension of four thousand (4,-00* feet PraCeaaoy h ani his Bat Ned, aero 11,- dog making a parachute ii p from Ike balloon two hundred <?_j<j* Whli h Professor Charles I .ti- dist sacra ,,f two hundred fher, thea making hts daring ,, ,i fore most parachute drop, dropping ? of four hundred i4t?i> feet ? i -ii ana, cara leave Twenty* i . tta avery half hour dtw lng th- after! Ker- fat round trip -mly 20 centa; sd tnlssl-.t, to Kr*,in-!- fr-' a takes plai?e at ? p M _ Jyi ?*ANTED THREE TSKPRNisilKD \\ KOOMA Butt be I einve-nl-nt to centre; p.iss.-B? all modern BU renae nahle Ad dreaa with ? glan sn<l price. a. kv |. tn* otana, Jyi-iw SPRING CARPETS. RUGS, MATTINGS, LINENS, LINOLEUMS, OIL-CLOTHS. fl and i.owr.sT nuOM SONS; - - 1204 Main St. Si '-^Ul " ? ' " ? ? ' "' - 'ga B*amsrrve*uL N BELVIN, FURNITURE, oedgr Works' Celebrated MOTH-PROOF JLhnM CHEST. I -iH-i