vol.. :-M\\ SERIES Na 1S3
, / i 7 4i, r tWFAMFAWB OM the
X Notable I", """a* In BmB N uml.fr ut I on
irri>"." ii.?i<? Vlrgtala ii.*,*
tho I ? ?? ?l l;?-|pf, .filiation.
'J mri I no, 1
I ii.lv b, Uti, (
rt the
?'illili: trips
for ?
. i
In rho
I w I
> -
? . <
a chi bee -
ile lr tv; ?
: I ?
- ?
appll* d
' ?
? ?
iii. y
ll Ile
. . ? -iel of
I the
ind 1 ? ?'
i In Cm |
! '
'ill! fl
. | ?
n Wll
" lt. will, Ms
... Hi
nd tl - ? - ? ? Columbi!
?v ' ,i rival
' hil mldOftOI nt Univ
? ll ii thouKht ty ho enjoying a
(Ubina, v. hli<- on the way mi.
Mr. O. E. W'lil tchum, vt Roanoke, for- j to
m.r' k. Tn In thl I few
Hi tel .l"hnt?n-i.
Mr a i. Woodward, Jr., hai returned
from Mw
? rned to the- e lty
? .'I ;?-??<
1 iw lllanu matti up thi North
ne .1. b .mien in Um
\ l: Ar, lr- a - ot R il- ll h. .*?-'
ii wibv. Jr., of -Salisbury, W. L Ollben
c-t M< rkavllle, uro among the Intesl North
lo snivi '
mi* ? i lui r.e.. of Elmwood, N. C.,
iif"h Amii snl i' ':.-"??'le
rl-iHji poatmaster! to-day, of "Shier,
? ?
? Claf-tsrille, Mee _]<
ii Owen, vi- ,r. W, Bi ?
i ? ' . ? i - .ii
i. H Riner \ i ? Indiana I
ty, T. 1 y-- ? .1. K. uv
:? ?? ? .. dudley,
? bun:
' VF. lb-i.dri- k. vlei D, J:
N-. Nortl , 'n.-i teri
ii. L v?.
-> ??
\ / irs ii/ I HF SALT.
Telling <1><* Tw.lv. Inih sl,,.ll? Marie liv
tbe * erpeatev Ceaepeay,
WASHINGTON, D C., 3ata r
i -. ordered to
v..tk i ihe win bi tl y ta
l ? it* nniit William P Da) il i i
? i * . duty ns
. ?' . mboal Mi
rvi Hi
win ? originally ?
I ? IiV'i-1
- ? ? lilt
eh nrni-ii ? belli,
I nt the ni I, In
" ' ?
d< ii.
? ? ?
sill in* i
of tl Uni
' this kind tested b
i highly suc-i'i aatul.
lint- ri
? .
per i just
? * about il
ily -lightly
? . : i
? ? laid thai
, -milty, an .
the i
j-.'iny. Il?
lili about their being a .- .
v but
thi j* h...i proved .t hi
I In i
, 'ibly
? "ii Tues
? I
' mpany v. - ni at ti,,
- ,
dock trial
the I
? ? .
her fully
. trial irill -
Ti on Sick
: of the bulk?
il --lr th! ba l th d' Ck, IO
snd lt li
?. ni- nt thal
i? comp)et! in
'i ? i ul ber In condition v* iii tal
tlanta bas arrired ni
if May,
lotion In that country wai
it its ? to the N ir
- : ? ? a ni I-,- thor
for a for
; si thi Inti ntion of the
Navy Department to havi ti-T taki th.
?k naval reiervi on their annus]
iTt.li-. bul aa it win tah
i thli plan bad to b.
Lieutenant T. M
Fork, nrai bel
. Izaminlng Born I
lion t" tl
: Ban Prat
tardine) * .' lay for
ll leavi th< re ir
-ton, with
? ral
? it the in*.Itation of I
the Atlanta
or thli pur] of rc
ted thil
? i i
ill taki
?ra th.* re
k.A In I The
'i: i Ini -rt * hlch
on the
mil ?
'.ile- it li no
? . ? r .. ight war rt *
nd I ,; ? ui
v- ri*, it li -aald at tl lent to
. improbable thal thl Mom
. ? In Um
? is of a ;
.Instil'** Hatchford'- Condition.
in u critical .-..uin: ?
constantly I ind rltality,
find it ni
? . uni Ko Information li
. from Ho- h<-!|>. . bill it is
? tn-, utin continue! to retain
?? mental faculties, though obliged te
cc up nil moth Hi li nlso rsportsd aa
,w refui ng ivsrytbtng ,xr**i>t lirjuid
Sp-nler trip Unwell.
york. July i. Speaker CrMp
I** s .iii.wh.it in till*, moraine Bl lha
jfftiin.ii Kongo, in atmt to rsgupgrati
r ii few dayl hf nrransed to go down
Long biuich lids afternooa.
STATE ni t utor Hiv.
rsl,rn Cen W.irrr AW.nj* V?r- Well Kt. en ir
lb! Mimas Oe flooi Igalaittbel aeon*
.lit lonni Ro***OOl oflhe Mirer l.iw.
PUEBLl?. Cl >L . Joly ' Coi
rn.-n! th.ir
will effect tbi pra< Heal I inbru] I
?r, r ? f fact, If ?
i !iv*-r mine in <?? lorado n
the next t, n day!, thi dept*.
bi urlnm, i ni -.si-?.,., iixty dayl i
Ota ' Mit Of ll" m. ri it.viv ? 1 H Otlld I ?
.. i in otb - .
would I..- rdmply to ebal
of Induatry.
il of .'??i I
.-, .ni ..
iltural 1,'iir
Ti. ' min*
- ?
. Ung nil lr,'
? ' ? .
output, 1
? ?
indi, try, $34,000,00 I minor
iwh the totai i
At i ? '
bj -v tl ;
lhly, Ihi
employed being v,:t. On the other I
th.- iron, .
I over 2,000 mei i nual
pay-roll of ot? r v.
? if lomethlna more than 16, ?
i ? in
1 men. pa*
. '
. rth of tr
and elaj
pli fluent, with n pay roll ol
r r better *
viii, unaubatantbtl
? lld bi.
Ar,'*..nat i ha V.'-yienl.
nn ri
?rt illver
... ? .
ter In tl
Ind "".y an I rub rig the v
rb 1.
To pn ' nt I
? ?
commet*, lal bod
... ...
-Tlef? ..f th'- \'
South lo appoint ?
? ?
be known
Of the r
(iii Int*
- the rn:
; ' tiley.
The II .1 le "-olver O.ieaiL.n.
Hon In ?
Slr D ivli Vr
under thi i
the indian mint, :
Would r ?
? ? ? ? ' ?
ll v.. civil t
would ri
*- I v .
M VDRID, My 5.-1 ? ?
? -
Spain did nol I
i-dded tl
ireardon tn f-iiv.-r trould ?
Wirer Hlnli-r.
/:? trios is i u r t m tsi m.
UV. i iii?a t'i.iii|. irr.l \t ill. tim r*-;itiir Period
of I ...I Vi-nr.
. pur
l.ffei lld i
Ul be
I by the
not then if I
.ii lol oral ofl
but l
nun J.7 ?
nd, tat ? ?
mid, ll
i bi ibout I
a b< ther tl
er offer*
.iw as ?
rhlle for < i tail
?ar thi ? ? ?
I "f tills
ear of
? iver bullion In .
i. Including thal In
I -
i >,. n.t gol l balun ? In tl
the abaen.f export!. .
I by Barina
ew York, two wee! ind lu
nv into ' * teeR,
raylaaonataaai Eotwioa BwniieIrbf " >'
tienerial Firle*..
COLUafBlA, S. '*. Jolf ' ?**?
ne.-n.ii.K n Naaatloaal ru.-;., i
tr. ut nt .lr. *n? ? I I - "'"?' w ,h"
cation of the reunion of Cot**
-. the Evening Joun ii li
ll.li: h-s the follow ir,.: "i i.'-r
tn,. rnOOO, rind th- re in ,
m thc r.inks Of the roforOMn ' Il
M , v]. ct< d th.it tt,.- morning poi n *
,,,1,1 cootala ;i renaatloa|l letter from
,. i,f the stat- officer! preferring grave
-r one ot' th.- hlgber otBciali
.it.-, hut lt did not COOM. The
,i\ ...m.* from ihi inr": and ebnnnad
vii's of tb! refotinii.- that lb MO ll I
tl.- anplaaaantnefi i-xlstlng bftw. .,i
it.d Slates Senator J. L. M. Irby and
Uulaot and Inupector-General il. L.
Parley, snd i j "?' from th? i.- - m
tai publl prrlat
?l nounelng
the ipplying
irj tc nn?t to
him. Ii a personal
I. It li
III. by the* '
? ? ?
? -..li Ince thal timi
te from | - .
? I H Tillman,
r- fl- ctlng up' bile In
reality I
t ts l ith
I lopmi nts
. nt not
?roxi ?' ?' i u11 ut t.
Tb. Findlay Cont Hank af eflartUa, Kan.,
i ? dm.
I ? ....
< i ? . ? Kan . hw
- ;
t ? i eui laapsaSTi,
O. P. H. Bast
Fnllur.. of a PSpar I --munn-.
H .RTF< (RD, Ci ?NN . July -. The
Hanmer -?'.
lng about thlrt:
tal.ll.-h. I al
. .
l paid i
; i
Other Baaka I I lout -i
' ?
r !
' ? ? Of 1
' ?
.' - i i ?' l nt, KV.
II ? ? eui.
I .. !
ni full.
DE hoi ) s s i i i ts i HP! ii, s.
ii. \\ ii ia adi] EU ? a.-' bj ihf Paps
moi i .it \\ i, i Bleei
] Ret
.j I, "not to
?lu ni I
orin. I
; Fatl I wi
A nt sr I ll I oo i, 11 I 1 h.
-ni.-I to Life I e. ]>: la..111111*1.1, Hilt
I ? . j. -.1 Mini \\ ll, --liol.
Ml lilli.'.. AL \ . Finchi r, a
Lg f*hot
n-1 ki.
ol mia
ame ta
need for life, and
rison I
ld to hold -re. bul inst
; ? ; ittei
1st.il. Thor ? ' int i
I'll,, bl r siill utt.in;
him ri
?-?ond t. rodi! in-* d' .'He
AM i upi: sin su ti inst:.
In- Hourn-.-* mid Used Aiiieuig Hie IVo
i.i. td Weaaata Kmmi.
TOPEKA, kan., July I.?Uamat Um
(Weal n I u mi ri ? In ni I ta
o van i -ii future thai * ntin i
?:. jij l- populati i. Ti ?ter
tv the county ? f Wi?
lta, L v tt, Orsely -ml other
m t ut I.? -il and IM ? 1
ivonttoa ri-, aeaaa csatral point,
whi.-h an appeal li to bi mad I
overnor LeweUlng '" Immedl U<
ie Legislature t< gether to spproprtati
m i. for provisions, I I und sud
beat ThooMM-si "f poopM will bi
reed to if.i'.f thal notlOB uni wi ail li
v.n tbe-tn nt OMA Many have already
eandoned their dalma and gom to Ukla
AMI sllttxt ER FY FRY h IS ll OF MIS
si ie un the .-'nun I .
A ll-mil-t...|IaII(| ftghA Followed, ?n.l Hie
"?ir ii cc lr. | onliiine.l ti.lil the foll****
".Vere I'eliiforre.l I .orien ?w?.
PARIa\ Tho ody ol Kag* r, tb*
yowng ni.-m billed darlag tba tr rabi! kal
and itudant! In
. nt h'l'lie to
rania hi tdrotu to-d i
trod Hr-- ri -tan aron ?
ndvaatagi of ( nt of tb bodj
1,1 coaatdera
1 I li ir.insf rriiiK
ly from tb t tO the Lyons
iiilu.i', >' iti..h.
? y hour thiri morning tho
in a ir md toben to tl
i r unfre*
. il*, rs who
law th ; aid v- ry little attention
to it beyond lifting theil beti lo
un,.' wita the 'Mst.-rn of Minting th!
di ii 'ti ii |i -nils bl I I.
.md th'lr abettor! In
rioting dil not know of thi I
t' i Al tire day wore on, tie- rlotara,
I of M hom 1. ?
wini ile- itudenti, gathered in iii" vi*
' Inlty "f th-- mark' ? dis
mil' rs ..,, urred be?
rn OO! .**ii" ir i th"
poll* ? ,>n tin- otb* r. 'iii
1 of Ihe r
th.* .itv. the i ? being '"it of oort
r work, ii
? i numberi on i" th
? rr , rious
' '
ed that I . th
at any I
city took ad
of ti,- itu
to J - Vii In t-. CP 'i- dis,,ri. r. uni
I -iii"
' the wi,.
| |
1 the rlota that bot
I bamber
II. Du]
it crin
der irevrilh-d. NV!
tlon until Monday.
orderi I nount "f f
ever, v - but the
that I ? .? iii put
down .1;
!? vs i- ? rou 1.
?. trom
ot Imprlioi
ral , ll
the 1 ulevard
il Mi -
' .: 1' 'I
itlui" a b
li i lu th ? sb Inl
tt ii o'clock 1 .1 v - n
?Mill,I ,1'
Lui In th- dil turi
REsi I IS,. I ll I VIKI I.s.
imi i:<. everiaa tha* r.o.iira Temma la
(rriiu'. lolll.iv. Yorkaliire.
IA ?m " v. July
Og tie* llt/lng mir. '"* ,h''
,. ihs i.f tbi di id irs betug poohed ai
apidly Colliery,
.:. \ orbahln L - vening
. ? i bat
i t* n
I g gt! ne ' : ' : "" ?""
ury m bab r< r, bul
When th . ? r
it tbl itiou-.h of th" lit th. |
0 has
? - - tj but l
? tel. sr
th. purl ? I
pening tri** I i
Unlit ir- a and om
. the mina. AU hopi for
?s tn th- i ? '
!;,s nf thi vi,'titus ai"
,n idly brought to tt. Thi
? ? ith of th" pit
, h.m nm brought up aad re* I
v th" relative! and friend! of the .1-a 1
Th.. Dally NlWI iayi lt understands
lat IO response to the dOHMtUOO ?
Munberry, Brtttah Wnlater af foreign
Keira, ti,.- | limn of Turbo) ins ordered
ie liberation of aU pt th.- pirooi
i< ted nt Angora of ledltloa. Telegram!
?om Oaoatantlnopla, bowovor, only m. ir?
on the pardonliiK of two of the prlson
Aiii.relii-lt Ht Work.
SKVILLK, July 5.-Thl? etty was In a
tat! of inaallUl alarm all lam nlcht.
ad manv of tb! prominent orti, lal real*
??ntl dared not leek their batta, fOOaiad
ielr laabaOBCOf would ho blown up.
The excitement wai due to the fart
nt Anarchlita or other lawleis peraona c
wort nt moth In vnrinin- psrta of the
tuning tho rx|.i..?i..n of petefda,
ibitandlng the ntnordtagi? vigi
I thi poiici no irrssn wen made,
"* In fear and trembtlng
Righi Khali brinn* a rep?fitlnn of
th" outruns.
Hattie ,?*.iiip ('aa*pat*down.
VALETTA, M.M.ta. July 5 -The bat
tleehlp ? rn, irbiefe run Into and
sank the battleship Victor*! during tho
- of the Britlah M.-di
t"rri"" fl Off Tripoli, Syria, ar
''?' I ' ' rti i bi th- kal
,! ' ''' '' ' SH i full extent Of thl
damag! luitslm i by thi Camperdown ta
the colllsl-i-i has i ? j.i ,??,i? public..
Eteetlenof tke Relehitag.
BERLIN, July I The Retehetag by a
targi ir i ii* r. Von j. ,,,.
?ow (Com rvatfvi | ? r> tfd_.it Bar
l'-'iei (Clerical), ; ure til mt, ard
li* rr But rklln (N iti .ii Libel il), i
s,. i president. The Ar ,y I'd trill it
Introduced Into the Rsivttrtac on Iriday
I Inile-ra in I rune*".
LONDON, lui] I -Th* i ? t e^y* (**
therl have been Td deaths from -'h..kr..
i" "'" ?? of Franc o Mnd Maj
? I f.r wseki iii dsathi
from thi ismi dlieaae in Mern Mn ll
in ' '? ' tnd ll in Toulon.
Story of Hie M-.terloun ENlappOMgMg of
ui.* Drabs.
NEW TORX ' Tl. Bvtrltt-f Pun
kama I uh , twenty-arva-s.
I M. I'rake,
the ii un--air- banker, hai HrngpiMir.
louiiy, and h* r | * rrteadi
IUM ef lt. They
l ava uki 1 thl i ,,,-h for
i ? r. iis ii., y v.iv i,, ,? . mswlat
affecti . lusted with
-Samuel iv McOil lld r. who lp
? rear younger l .. Mg.
i.ii n- v i- s nd to havi made n tri-,- ral nf
town St B time Con tl Uni; with the*
.-ie., but u ret
there baa I a no ri that they
' iki n thl m.,n r Into th. ir own
li: i.-ls ai: :
McG ? ? teem engaged
to !-?? marrii -l about i rear ego, but
v. ith.-it the . on -? M ..f 1- r parents When
I to Ml ? 1" ck. ..
full- r he doubted th-* linearity of Mc
affectlon for tbi yiri, and f.r
I. i-i- tl*- ir . i M.o'*-, eu rn-,?mint, lt ll nl
1, of her mool ii e mdltloa,
' - I it on.- nf tho
I Iway lilt Mond iy
night red ' ' 1-" .r.-.itlv n.l
I fri. nd th it sh- and
I each .-th- r, bul that ber
l their union, and thal
n fr-mi home. She wai
e, bul t-'id thi friend
?hi ironM
i i- ft u_s hotel
pron i ' - r< turn hoon . but.
i there. When ?li*>
that the i
111 be taken to i ? il r ia n
riTO ic?/ Ne, linus MVEDEMED.
No rim'to t br l-l.oi i io of Um B r ute Psnai
at Work.
UDUISVILLB, KY. July la?A ipodal
to tho i' ? from Pad!* th, Kj
I Vally ' ll. Ky..
?. iged t*ix
II ill} tu ir
Thi girti
: -r Inri n t - pick
I by on
ra ji
ind thei 1. erith th--lr tin
if roughly
[deneen of having
i 't>- feet
, I bid In I
? -if th
brut- a rims, but Um
f thS 1 :?'" man,
I II' -sT".
There li gi l Isrgi
' ,' -
pril li - aug) i there wi I
ruble ' ar Crsikrs.
NEW rORR, July 5.?At
bli - cr bu ur.- tinman
City Hall
i*-rk. - . lari I on a ran
UM th ?
grip, snd the brok
r picked up - on UM
track nhl i l. ton il :
md cai ll i fl wi Near
Paul's church-yard, e,n Bri
' ?
and a numb. ? ? i wiri
itandlni I tl Ml e-.-u
t through I I
behind lt i ' vi- i bot 11
i *
When H ssl nen thal nothing could
, rushed
? ? i notified
ii The
-nd -thl
?iu below Trinity
led fdr
I'.nle* nt Hie- Fair (.romula.
CHIC/ ited sta
Worlds Fair gr undi hill
When Um
? - ? v-.rks wai ' thi * lo
! . nI]-V .\ - - b .rni-'-l at th-*
f,,nn, and ii 1 nnv mort oi them
from coming up thi ll telling I
that it wai not I ll itated
ll I In th
? pig won tram
i . I Fifteen i.I?i- were Mal <*o th"
In ami,nj ? : en lt wss
.-,-. r. N'-.uly all of thom bil fainted,
ind i.in- of thom ??? injured.
Kill.-.l br Hit rtnant.
LLVILLH, ALA., July ' I'-i-'i
,i Henderson ---rn
i at Haley
? m t' nant aa i.i- firm. A dispute irose
m? trivial mati r; whereupon the
? nani pl ked up I ihot run and .-rnr>f I"* t
bato iii** body il Hswd-rsos.
i.ath resulted lagtaatly,
Mn-Ib<r llruiik'n TMW,
INEZ, KV.. Jol] I U ;,t N'"' '''?
Andrew Farmer ihoi and kiiic-i
l ken row. A
I Farmei to Wolf Cw -k,
... bi wai overtekin
Monds} night snd lurrounded In th-* a*
i arrest Fara ' ? rg' ?
.. i , man named Thompson were -hot
:,v him aad fatally wound i Hi i** 'tin
it larir-.
-. -?--??
The Ig-M-A. ? "iiimiwloo.
W fiSHINOTi IN, l? C., .I'!)' '? ''
rrata who waa --r-i-r-d tease time ._?_-->
. hold himself in i
ne gunboat Macbias, received orders
,,.,i 1V im pi . i to PoHsmouth, N H .
:m- . snmand Ol thSt venel.
: a?, ba no bee ihe Pori
.rd UM M v Maa will bi pindi ta
al.-5lon. and h-r MMW tknBBM ordered
. h.-r. _m
Sei-retar* Hmlth"* Vacsilon.
WA-TH-NOTON, 1? C., July le?eSeore
nry Hoke Hmtth. ao.-ompanl.il by nrv-m
?.,? .,f bin fa-ntly, wUI leave W-shing
on n-xt iatarday tor a tour of th.- W.nt.
Ie will viHit Yellowitone National I'arlt
,ii.l aavete) Indian reserviUc-ii. and ei
M^cta to return to Waahlngton by thl Ut
if Auguit.
Ry Fulling Through rn Mk/I lu ht While le
Allen.lance I'pen ? *!erling of the
itu. n,?, From Over tha Itel*.
I'LTLUSili lt.".. VA.. July 5.-Kp*ciel.
?'aptain W. Henderson Kanes, chief of
poll,*., nf this city, was almost Instantly
killed to-night ob.JUt 'J.Tri o'clock. Ile WA!
In attendance upon a nie. Un* of l'< ?
tersburg Lodge, Sn. 237. order of Kike,
whore hall fi In Wright! block, on Hyca
ni.ir.. Ott Mi About the tn.ur itat<*d bl
?Ot ..ut of a window for thc pur pole of
netting Kimo fresh air, ai lt wai very
warm In the )adgO*?Oaa**, and in doing
io ba fell through IBO Klan skylight over
the dry goods store of Meyer A Son to
the flrst floor, a dlataace ot between
forty un.l fifty feet. Ills head struck
tho counter In Meyer tit Hon's store. Um
\y is fi ry badly cut and bruised about the
h i I ?n<1 face, and <ll"*l a few minute!
after helng found. Tho news of the ae
lid.nt spread very rapidly about t?.? city,
arid In an lhere,ni>iy .short Hj**a he
tw- n thi-,.' ind four hundred pooali
li ml gathered In front of Meyer A Hone
st-r... anxious tts learn the pirti, ulan.
Captain Kmics had been chief ,,f palm
fr the past tlve years, nnd I is wi|.'v
known not only In Virginia, but In other
Stat"*. Ki wm a member of Petmburi
Lodge of Klks, Kiir.ka L...Ik<?. KniKhti
of Pythlaa, Mooree Lodge of Odd Pallowo
nnd the Junior Ceder Halted A wirti alt
Mechanic* Hi loavM i widow with ll
chlldn n.
Viptaln Knnes hid .iln nys t,il?.>n a
very active Tart In r<.|ltl.*s. and wai
popular with all who knew him
Th., life where ?"aptain Kan.*! wai
killed ls the mme wh.re First Lieutenant
(leorgi Crltcbon, of th.* nollci force,
met his death nt a tire Iti 1?v*r. which .1.
?troyed th- iron front building. Ll. u
' n mt Crltcbon was killed by a falling
i l sj IR Al RT OKt, I st/ 4 I ION.
The Hoad lo ba s,,i I If no Villain lory yian
la Offered.
KIW Vi'UK, July 5. Mr. H. II. Hol?
lins mad.- the following statement thli
morning in regard''to th.* OeoraSi OMtral
reorganlaatlOB icheme:
Pi" old plan of reorgiinltatlr.n of Ihe
.'"ntrnl Railroad and Banking Cotapaty
of ile,,min having been abandoned, a
committal ."inposed of Colonel Pbhuay.
ll M. Comer and F. 1*. Howell, r.prc
' 1 ly tli.lr couinil. Mr. Adami. met
certain number! of th* old reor*rant**a*
lion committee, looking; tO-*an adjustment
if tba differeat latirooti latnltro4 ami
hilly that relating to the Moating
debt, which wiis due July 1st. No formal
, lion was ink.ot. Th" magi lng adjourned
Until to-morrow.
It wns further .it.it, 1 at ll dins' ofl ? ?
flint th-* reason f' r tho abandoning af
ihe |.*hem" was the opinion univ I nt
by the membiri of tho ComndttO! that
the norning! of thi company did not wsw*
rant th" IrmttBg <>f bonds to ih- ext. nt
formerly lapeeted.
Th.- reorganization icberm whi*n haa
t.ii thrown i.-i .s lr ipi-n tl. at,;.' and
I.. i th., approval of about 7". per cen*.
of th.- stockholders, Involved th" Issul'ig
of bondi to th.- ext-mt ot M0.0OO.0fd, of
whl, h M6.000.000 Wet*! to bl 00 pref ired
itock and ULWSJMS pt) '"tunion. It wal
estimated that this propns, d bood Issue
won'; m,.r" than cover th" outstanding
Iii- old OOBUnHfOa consist'*'! of Mr. If.
n. Hollins, chairman; Oeneral ntigerald,
lamei Woodward, James ttttlmaa, li ti
ll. Beblft, of K'.ih.n, L.i.1, gt Co.. l-'.iiuiu
uel Lehman, E. Pmaliaa. of iini.il i
i'hia; f. m. Coletoa, of Baltimore, md
j; x. Rolllna m..rs*, af M alon.
Of theee gentlemen only Mooan. H- I
li.is, pttagerold, s-hiif aad LobaoM geri
pre .-nf. II. M. *"onier, pr,rMdeOl of lb!
? 1 ind r-*i-.i\-> r, waa ul so praMBt with
C. H. l'hlnliy. Boan F. How ll ml rS'iin
Uel H. Adams, of Savannah, who .arne
up from Savannah reaterday, aad -.re
stopping at th" rtfih Av. nu.- Hotel.
ri ssas* no quorum at the aintlaj
this morning. A gotaay Bteatlag ir..iy
I ?? held in ii day or to ? ?
Th" rood win he .sold under foredoouro
ie xt i lecember tf no ?
y plan has beoa pu* into ixoeattoo
before thal atl Tbl ayst-m over* 8,100
ri Iles Of K r I
Colored 1'enple at Hie r'nlr.
Ii, .vv r. ihe colored 11 "pl** here
li,si" organlied t' r tbl purpose ,.f brlng
r il,, lr ro ? who Uv- In 'he
South *., lil" Lair Tha twelve Southern
>Ui\t' s are to he arorbld Op and an ,,- |
. nit] i given by 11 tap rates ta \i?it
ri," Monea root! and the lines
red by tba Chicago ;*i>>i Bdrrtatni
Illinois hav h. en the hrst to mik*
favoroMi mtn it la aapaeted tl run the
incur Moa abaul Aaguat noh, and
the cheap rut.s nr>; to ...ntlnue fur ono
Another I onl IOllihliilH.in.
NSW TORK, July I Wegotlalloog tor
kIiut riKre. n ia I to !"? nnei
. and Iron Cotnpaag and the
Bloat Iron ?>'?? Steel Company are n?.w
In progreaa. The beeli la ih<- division of
territory, to bi mad! nvoriSog to <>ut
I ? ? - ? .,'..- Of Ihe tWO
Inl r< -rs. iii ; rt* ?? at which
theee i "nr; i I " ? MtHao their
ntl "l le ot, lt
|s believed, vi lil ? i.al ? Ive
ll.io. _ _
Rtroeb bj l.itxhtnlnjr.
hOUIl M tb! ?' ? Cl UH farm, four niltei
..st of this place, wai struck by
lightning at I A St nnd consumed. Klve
perioni were bumed to death. Five
One, Mlsr, Hole ria, ll
bly fatally hurt The d-ad ar**: Mr.
Babcock, wife and child, "f silverwood;
Mr. PrOaft, Of Kosteilri. ani the Uv- yiar
Otd ion of Mr Vt'ns. th.- tenant.
- ?*>-?
aili.k? nn*i rwtmw,
CORBIN, KN' . July '? Whisky and pit*
toll if'- I" their 'd-adly work yesterday
at _ j nanci In Kana ".unty.
Woodbine I.hn Mareee, Jnmee
la and Dempoey Rmltb were killed.
It la thought thnt I-: NM- I 'i did the
killing. He has not OOO! nrras'.i
Yr Virginia aad North Carottaa: c? n
er.illy fair Thurnlay; COUtlnttod warm
gouthw.-sterly wimli.
Weather Condition!: The t-erometer
contlnuee lon In tba central it'M-ky
Mountain region. The depreoatoa north
ut the Lake r-Kiona has moved eastward
to ihe Ki Lawrence Valley, and th** ha
r.un.t.r bOI fallen rapidly on the middle
Atlantic cult -Bid tn th.* central Mis?
souri Valley.
Local thunder storms are reported from
Kew Engtand, the Middle Statei and the
Lake regions.
It' shower! ure aim reported from
Iowa and Nebraska. Warmer and gen*
?rally clear throughout the central val?
ley! tn the Interior ot the Southern
States. It ti cool?r In the Northweet.
fl.-nerall y fair and continued wang
we.ith.-r will prevail In the Houthirn
atatei. the Ohio Valley and the middle
Atlantic statea. preceded by local tkua*
dir itormi to-night In New Tork (tm%