Newspaper Page Text
THE VIRGINIA XS BEATEN grirrH*.v? was with and ambebst HIT HIM FASltT. Oar Toona t.lsnl! Intro.!ur,.! to Ilollow Ky^Defe!! M...* I>?*'-"?' Volo To-lloj or Drop ont of EM toole!*. CHICAGO, TEL. JMy 1L HE fttWMM gi?n'" from Vligltala, who beretofore c?rrlal nil I then in tbs Intercollegiate ! , r | to ft Itt* - ,'. ,y SS lr B ' tha Am* i_ * Z ,y^_J ! ? It m wM y etas a done \wr^_^'t_. and the Maa I th. rnera tr r- I of the 1 Ko dui ?'"' " nfl,r gufferlag tt '' , n tl ' * clinched berat after tha Vlr* ? Th" ipled with Am j . a ? .. n ? ' ' tb a i sr.: ! " ' "? '?'' Stephi irs hoi ll ? . . r, nmi on I - smith's I Vir" , r In theil , * ? ' ? ^ 1 he : lt more rui I ' four gt third on IS Al* Jen*** wll'l tl- Abbot! | ... ! i Af* I waa l oft ' I of I ? r r got 1 than first on ii With o' f ala tme i them In tha*- Bf , ' ? pull* l tl ? tba tot In ihi ir- rana i olumi i I took ? Al* Jfn's alngl ? ! r "n Jacki blt. Ia I ? ? - othi r ! ll reach flrat. J blt aent Col* I tun! Allen followed on Smith's - . ? plicated " ? ' VP ??. "rf . ll, C . 0 I I . 0 Smith. lat b. 9 I b. l 5. !. 1 i. f. i : . I c. f. 0 AMIL L IB fl fl P.O \ !' 0 fl fl B 2 7 71 lt lt. IB. P 0. A F. Hunt, lal b.1 l u l f. . 1 ii 0 0 . 4 **. I 1 1 f.'i t l 9 1 i B. i ii r, t.0 l n H . 0 1 ; . I'.1 2 1 * . 2d b, 1 1 H 12 27 IS I Vlrninlae . Amberm . ...100 o S 4 o 1 0?1 ? ? arrara ? Virginia, l. i. i . ll. rm t gut?C |. ' I - Two 1 tt I Rhett, ' ' mlth. Of Arn 1 r ? ii VI ,!!...' Time of gu,mp, A '., I- Bottle 1 ? n .-,. Tha Ka' m I,., g bard* r, Virginia and I far, a hilo . mm,,nt yee* t ? le ? i,,-u.- I,, en In i fi -rn the Initial i- ami . : r. did they will be then Thi y will t?.? *- a i ? morrow, how* : abowlng. be tht lr batt! rj ral baseman, baa I for, timi arlll I.ri ? .. a donen othera erlll -.?. bile i'-' i I - ; j layera nnd :? Cartel pit ? ? Mara] all, cati hi r; Hum**, ; M Quire, Ab? bott, abort ? ? Tale, .' \ a '.non*. I. te ball | ni waa a I . wbea ' ' i it tttrtONSM i c Rill t. 4 il es. Rrtnlla of the I ..m.-.ia In tko Nollonol L*a*>u? Oltirr Ililli (.anira. 1 Ti i .-i'i RO PA., luly IL r j) 1. ITTSBURG : w irh N IW \ ? 9 | M 1 t ti <> ii t g i 1 not . ? bl] in tba fi -vi. i ? '. ;. oa left* ? i Sch ni n i ^A la mi h a .I in * - r - sor vat be waa to Tn*,*- xe, the wool* ofter the mst inning, i ' Dr Darli ? waa aubetltuted The * ? an m is hit ;it will ? 'v. n mv si by th ? The in Beld wi is a .. i w irk W _*Ma, Dono/ai '<? a, iding ..- | toek'a itUng ? a ..-? ff jg i,,'<.*.'url-' mi noo-u it i Hew Vila , | ,, | :. ? 0 ? ,, ? ? j Balterlea Oui | Miii,.r- Da*rleaL Bclimldt BAA I 'o)|, SIoiIb a ari, i ??? Baa*aaeeea, tn. C1JCI.NXATI. .vi- u :l.,, aimtAi The II.,;'V, tbe pitching er T.i,- ***? ****** MOO out by ft WAIt ot Mullane and Short-atop McOraw. Tho fa-irm**r tr!?*d ta> hit Latham erith n pitched ball, nn.l th** tallar dolli ; a,I, til* hand with hi*, ratb I after be malt- a bead HrM alida into ea cr-nd ham. Weather clear. Attendance, Seora: '? H. e Ctn. Innatla .... ItSllSlSi 12 12 fi Baltlmorea . ,..t ????SI4S?M I I riea: Chamberlain and Murphy; M< Nabb ami Mull iir.poki.n, ih; 1 oalerllta, lg LOUISVILLE July ii The gmartg Sw a tbe Louisville rui! Brooklyn teame to Say wee an old-tin ? h on nM.-. bul th.- Brooklyns had tbe beg! of lt Stratton was trik-n uni ut thc Lox nt th., ead of tbi fifth Inning and i dee pul ta. Tha* Brooklyne ai red bm it off his dell very. Tba featurea nf tha- game ware tb* Mutts of ? xt ai 1 tl ?? 'iii -oii-|,| pia* li Tom Calcoran and Plnkney. Weat clcudy. Attendance, IMS I trills . li I?-IS ll 3 Klyn .OltlJMltl ll I I afterlee: Rhodes, Stratton ami Erlm; i. ly and Kn Chicago, i"., WmahtaqRMm, ri. CHICAOO, .lv- 11 "Cyclone" Imrya-a w i<-- I nuuk tba Colts bare run ?; thia ?? ? ir. Anson's men fattened their batting areragea and ??? ill, McOHl 1 !t bed a auperb ??? ami in s.-v.-n Innlnga allowed v.r 1 lilts ur.! 1 ri balla, li ? h Ar*-r ,n tr!--,) Parker, an -,? r fr.,m the 'i' ?? leag ? ' up and ? NS. 8 -rn; 1: ' - I '' I 0 1 S I f ? n .0 0 -',72 Parker, Med river; Duryea, V I r. ll. Mr?" -li..I. lg; t CLEVELAND, ? ?. i if IL Nicholl I hard I lay, 1 with th" inmost eaae. Batter than tl ? ? 1 .... ?j, and Virtue ; ed : with Tebeau 0*1 first. The tatter ittlng In ala ' Idlng !?>? both t*n;;i? was n. il i: Cl* eolanda .f? 1 * n 2 '? ' * I ll 1 ?s .00 01 ll 00 fl l ll 2 mg an 1 Zimmer* NI n*. 1 Bennett. gt. 1 "ni?. <*>; Philadelphia, '*. BT. LOUIS, July 11 Vickery pitched ? 1 hard by the Browne, admirably ? Louie outl ? I i'i" - ri work. Atl H 1: St. Lo ila .1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ? rt I U 2 I 1 ? Bhar : ?'!? mente. Row thc t lui.. BtaaS. ft n L' st. I : Iphia . 41 r-i . Ilrooklvn. ' t .1 ? I. Aver ' .M* .' .11.: I ? . . ?: -. ? 1 . .1! rk. . ' 1 . . . . 14 n *. mira s, ii, ..lui,., I f.,r liill.ij, ' ' Hie. ? urg. ? ?.a.niiifi 11 League Gaaeeo. rt. ff. l .1 S 0 0 5 0 t 0 0?11 ll 1 HOI ' ll. es: Blackburn and Bl q . nd Com gbtoi R UL. I OJ 0 0 ri n ri 0 4 | 1 I Earle; Cunningham ati'l 'V L . 7 . 4 b and I1-. I* n. I! E 12 I sn; 11 tl TEE, 1 H 1 n 1 s s 1 r. The Osma Little < *>ii 'lui*.*, iii*. i...rii !,.i.' ilk,-. Tho Other imf Eveote, Ml 'NM' 'l'Til PARK, Jul) ll, ' y*~r****?_SS_9\ '' Or \ i * programme and at* tendance wera all *%h il lieut to day. in a ' ^ }\ the race for the A ix ri~**^ Lorlllard al __A I VT" \\ %\ <? JuFk^**- ' "f '?'"' yPar /AAm\% ___Wi_y] w,ro i'""1 aRalnst f_m t J^'VVX mother. Ii ll al \\\ ? dltloa to ins tr.' re Vj j ' \ I I aero five other in fj meam j \l_____, ? reeling even! -naVaaaV* ^^-*mmmr irlong Kingston and ? the only onea had the ni rve to i"*t on Tormentor, %\ I !>? went up t" |8 t" 1 Wbi ? i.n* .--I admirers y.. .- ill over the rim:. ? for the tali nt. 1 >f the poor lot entered Ci iii 1 'olt) ama 11 won by Roi ? 1 Reed ti Ith 1 nae, Pirate Chief capturing tbe pl 1 The Lorlllard ataki irpi lee ?'"? I ointment to many. st. Leonarda, beaten by the * lit ti.- colt sir v. -, an out - Ung the place. Tha fourth race, for the Control etakeo, in eaiy victory for Jack of Bpades, wi", set n pa ? to 1 .it hlmaelt throughout Dlac* uni i" ' foi the place, av! made th" running to the Ri atralnl w< Bl to the front ami \*."!i by a 1" ad. The last 1 I : getting tr ' ll ' ?!*? furlongs Torment third Time, ? I - : ? ? ! third Time, Third race, mil.* and tv ? Brst, 1 ' . ? ..- rda third. Time, 2 li 1 I furlongs, lek "f ' ' third. Tim- , ! I ? . Bool I sim ti ran furlonga 1 Ural Rona 11 * ? ton!, Poor .' ir ...i Time, vis. BOBBI i ti m 11 v / r su 1 h.s. The Qraet Cell Captarae thc Diesel Btakee al ? bleega without i rion. CHIC k<u k July ii Tba Dr ai was robbed Of Int'T'M ti-.!.iv ? m't'.it' hlnj * ilcCafferty'i , Helen Nichols and Hugh Penny. Nevertheless, even rn rr..-' Mort Ho by the bool era I e of bia po r anon li 1 on Saturday. th! rr : . t. .*, ll Og! W, H* min--, iii Canadian, a bo owns tl we* k, mini.. "killing" to'lay with Coquette, who \* lou b from I imii! ,n. 1 ? Vlenl (filly) Brat, Hampton Becond, Wed* ?.itt third. Time, li 1*1 I race, ala furl Eclipse Brat, Pira*] War,; aecond Dec*i Iver third Time, 1 li Third race, the i?r.-\. 1 .. ,.,,>.. .. Morello mst. Tyro aecoi 1. Buck McCa ri third. Time, 1 11 1-2. mlle aad aaa t ??? 1 'oquet! ? r ?. puryear i>. aecond Phllora third. Time, ISA. Fifth ra"o. MM Mlle ami seventy yards? Pilnee of Darkneaa Brat, Kiley !econd Strathmeath third. Time, 1 45 \-%, Suth race, four and one-half furlonga rr-.*. Plrute K!n* mornn*- ??r iliu-a third. Tina Winner, at r.>t-.>??? ??-*?*. MW Ve iLK. July ll Thc LrlKhton i*,'-,.'i, races lo d i) wera sa teBoere; ',.-,,., r... selling; nevon furion-.* - Boiwood i r* t. Mf-rguerlte second, lizzie ai. imfT third. Time, I '-"' 1 - ??';.,?,,,,,.. four nnd one-hnlf furlonge, aelllna near nee Brat, Iceland aecood, ?? , third. Time, 7 l-l l,'7t?. , . -ix furlong! m.i vt Daly Bret. ' ' M """ar .,..r,i Time, ItH l ' ,'. ' .,. . and on--hnlf furlong--. aeiMng. Oertle first, Violetta sea Min thlr-1. Time, -- ? ,.,, ,,,... mil- and .-n-- furlong Dlca ,,,... cir. ular Second, Virgie thlr-1. ?*]' j fi ,? I ?e'l 1 - ? Sixth race, aaren furlong*- ieablrd flr*vt Oettyaburg eeeead, BUaanrd third Time, ill I II.OIS 1 i MEWS SUI FA. |fom? r.nlt.ere.l Mere amt There an.l Barer] arliere 1 tu oiiRfiout Hie Slat... ,.,. rty. of Virginia, haa , - 11| place ? ?* Ina. ? toe .>f land - -jn jv i. Rich, f-uperlnt-ncb I I f ti,.- -Fifth dial . ni. I |pb and family havi . their summer H fr- Ight train. f Ali i city - talk "f ? - .nt. ? ' ' a dna vi In nnd have beet . *,. -.ri the : 1,1 redericl ? end Pol miles ? irir. Dr. John T. Fltahugh, a weJl-ki lat, died .if Rai ld in on Thui He '?? ? member of the I ? . ? -l In almost every battle froi Bethel to Appom i Th*- ? I ?? Franki ern Methodist church will be laid by the 1. I tl ? I intern Buoi v ? I H Ray, of Richi di ii\ er an oration on the occasion. ul tl ?? Northern ? hus fur. the rains of laal week i in time ' In thc Valley. Mr. J. B of Bluel while .?it Cl fell from a boal a few I drowned, lils I Va Mra . ? i-taln ? purchased lt In trablll will In pol 11 Pi quantitlc a to Baltl from -'iinir The crop lltles about one-third of the frull ls decaying : ping I*, tl Ttl. r-- ls ;i full oui thal Hrs! tims I Roaa Mari In, the n ? rton, V :rO\. on Batui inty, f..r the murd In that count) laal >? ar. H but ti is fi .1 v- rv 1-lti- r Inst him the i Vlr * ' ? to :- I ' polnl II ? ? ... na of I ,1 .., po tol . . , a pri randi lal ber of ballots ts , the Pn aident I - still al lt i> reported I I I ? uti on th* lr nf ii the last ' il an ii will be a din ? capture them, ns ? tri. In thi of any effort i ?. I The body ol ::. Carter, the ? an ? i Friday i by strai I ,11. the burial t - taki and | Mr. i a in- mber of i waa i ral. Bartel ni Mr. i\!.-r other Rewa. CH -RLOTTl . '. ILLE, VA., J ll] lt Mr- ! Pyler, of v iii m, N C., arm to tl for Interment ? rn and i high character. 1 ighter elf .Mr. j m Athlna, of tins city. ter ol rt Harler, i i-i Bein ? ' ry Hllllbrai I I : tater of fha ? f.-r '??-i'i of labor tins afternoon. ' * li city. I ?? ap] Dinted Tl Wi rh on tha new wblto public ach lng will bc second to none In the In all ymir Outing. to thc W-.ri.l's Fair Seaside? Mountain! - *o+/ with you. Illness frcourntlv results Irom changes ot feen, water, climate, habits, etc., and the rcmedy is lice ham's Pills. THIS IS SQUARE WORK. A rol'SDATIOS STOSE, TRVE ASD TRI SIT ASD DPIT LAID. And Noaa* Miay Thl. ITudaalah'rg "** Vrn'' rule,! by the Craft.nirn le> < omplel ion Aaaandfaaj tn h.- ornnd Flan. A vary large ?? turd aaeemhled al tha corner nf IVanty-fourth and N ati yaaterdny afternoon al \M -"Mock to attend the ? \. n aa i --n tho *' tha Inj lng af tha - amer ita ifiv n-stati-m M-th..i,st church. i with M > i. i, ra, and a character. Henrico a. I*, and a. M In a and r- ii-i- rad I M.i riv aoletna attm t. Tba man bi i ? 1 The order of ? printed la tai I Bv ' ? Tl A tit r pr- paratton for I ? by the lodge the chapl iln ol i -i of Hr. i- I asaleti I Tba Itel of ? la, which i I la .-.?itv of the i A 1 numbering MT; a hi f tl from IMI ? of the pref ? lal ? ..... ... mmit te ta for i li and i ' ? ? ? t ulldlng and l the new ehurcn, an I plOJ ?-ron by i I . | . of J ' chur nial - r v. f BllVl ri of thl of ' \i.*h ? ?? procc fl \ - . of th< ... ? i by i: Vlrglntn); f the Wll i by Worshipful WV M V ? ? Ier. master of H Hechlei ? ' ' H. B, Mailor) J. P. h, by his K. Chambei ? i: i.- ? I ? wini ? ? ? ? of the nee ? ? ? BtltUl *, i. Of e ? - Va ," by F I by Mi bill, Conl ' M : of Met by H. iv Blunt; i ' " ? ? Bowl CHI w ..Ci rn by Mr V. A Creekn ? ? by a. B. Martin; i ' ? I f Rici '--1 John i ? ? ... lei v." ' I ? I k foi ' ' a nd Quart }''.': ? ? the J Christian I by F \ K ! I ? worth, 1717; Dh ?? M pt ? ? M. a. tn coln ..' tated Hlaa Fat nie J | After "its another hymn wan -skillfully . u orshli fui M ' Senior Warden, arl tl n-1 the .nil tba pluml v. br poet.! .irs at I I and < -'I'n of tm performed a number of ' ta a, whleh a .*-?? tonowi i i a hy nn rrom the e-hoir. wine and tO wen than poured ? ?? atone, Uti -?? i \- n mt s being ntersperaed arith ha atone, a ba h a i i. -?- of *r mit.', having been i' n l In thi ? The Righi Worahlpful, arith thi lani r Deacon on his right, than ei? leen.led from his position on the plat orm, gave three knocks on the stom ?rlth hts gavel, saying, "This ts square fork, true work, Just such work as was irdered by the Moot Worshipful Grand Meeter." Th*yth..n returaed to their at** Tim work -,f th? Masons wa! turnM over t" th- pastor of ti,.. .*hur.h. xvii., trunked thi lodge in graceful terms an.i then off* red a fervent ora] -king ? I'I Bslng nj..,n th" nol.!.. work of 'ir* church in erecting po baodaoma an edifice, and returning thank! for the noble effort! <,f th" congregatlofl herato* fore, Rev. Er. W. V. Tudor wns tham lntro IBtOU, and red .rn eloquent ad lr.'ss. VERSOS A I. ASH UENEEAL, ItMeeeettag r??-ta Abatal Kirt-innn.i-* CSttU j,.|.a ni..I OtfMS Mutt/Ta. Oeneral Pttghugh Lee i* in the city to day. Roger Gregory, "f Kim? winiam, ? ? Major W. ?' Jd : Sta Johnaoa win i. ave this ' I Annie McOu ? ? . ? trip. i ? -. .iv The ? Mr. ''. I*. 1'nnf, rth. foi Rich* Mr .1. ';. Plveash, ono of L ? ? rt 1 ! a martial ? ' will f and wit' Mi Mrs. . Mr. Mfr from Cha Va., whei Mil : WU ' ? ' Division, Uniform Rank, i P., ri lo ' A ' mina* A. s. Buford foi - .-? tli" - ' ?? hi '.l on ? on plans will i port for t rvant ! tal Hall . :i ? rn county, ? ? ' Mr '>'? H. !!? ily, a hr' to the ? win ? ? I \ ; on .*. ? ' f.,r BtlOB '.\ io Jail ? I ... r "Olen Marye," I mty. I which for Mr. I! \ ' the sculpt down and i Hi lay. . ? and Mr I Iward M G i ' ' ? M ? I ! l iii white I ? | ' Mr '. 'ii'-r. "he* Plighted riwir Troth. to Mr. I II for 1 ? V*-' V ? - 1 u. . and w: - ' * ? ?n. The ? I ally. IV,,|,|. ?? la ? s i tate* ... . , . will be I etty. Tl I ? Pour! ? - Hon \*-V |ect to a ' man of HM "ru- i :.'?'. ir! -ri I The only ehlld Of Mr. J ' ? I ? Raleigh s m ' companies allow five pa>r lent 'iv "nut fram i".n i ?-* on bulldlna! that have galvanised Ira i corni' i rf **.l Bend for or 'phone Thi maa N Ka*miier. and get wood coralcee tik**n down and galvanized iron substituted md save this (l:e t>?*r a*ent. allua omit, which will pay you for the cornice In two Highest of all in Leavening Power.? Latest U. .S. Gov't Report \^A*am rowaer ASiSOU/TECt/ Pim BANK REORGANIZATION mr COEDITIOXt rsum iriinn lil Kins WILL RE FRIsun st Of Hie Fniieel lir-t National Hank of WI niton .Gosaustsetoa National K.a hniin-r ait*, n.iworiii laleMea. WINST* IN, S. C., Joly IL ? i V ! . tem daya arlth tha Comptroll r ll il af B irria, thia ? Ity. Wulla ? itlonal his com ii fr.un tha ' . a hlch ba . him ii- win ? nt ;i aalary of HO I with aa I are compiled with Mr. Bunton will ba pi Flral - og al lea I thl tiru- of reopenii . r with I .; I Third. tia * * be compiled with In thin-. ..... ? win so,-me confidence .'? 'I..U ls li m.--t ' ' . atockl them foi l ' ? ?n hi .ton called upon W h-.l-b r li I. Th-* rill lend . ill the thing. Mr. I in ? ? . ? : ? health ? ? WATALLl u mi / i i 9TOEE, hseldoal ta Baperla-eadeat ni i be Oraalte Qaai ry PAIRT, S. C., July ll. .<*; . III Ini. I from l i i ? " ni* In uncom ? ? i ii ? ri th hts um bill I : .in for lt bi ! I ? ' ? I Two I th- ir n the ? Tho ? Ikln Vail ! I are all bl * k ? Injury //// tn. / il ts i n ro rv ...i. f.r lin. DafhBet Hunk of ga? ll ,-..?. I llth?-r ai a'l-i . Et .LEIGH ? - ? ? ? H r - l City ? I - ? ? ' ? ? rd i I ? _ nir. sm ni fps m n t si ic I littery Ball Caaaplla_eatnry ta haa simm iroe.|>? tai Moroka td I tj ? if ball ? First ! rgtrnvnti ? il KV. k j iii .... Ed i I- unhera health ? 11 ? to make K a Mr H. A. Inman, of Atlanta Qa . ?i'l ,. ioor a Th* moat icmlnfnt marrie-i ladiaa in the t_tat? .11 act as Chaperone. Captain John o Wallace took charge ot ia pagfc-fl-M to-day, and negro rule has oded hers. Bobbed a I armer I ? ' ' imo to 1 | r ' ! - ' ? ' ' ' r> I Ul cHver to thia coi ' r In all l t ? nt MHs M., GRACE Ih I Ifth etre* t, al i < THIS AFTERN! Interment al Peteral urg ? ? AH I N K l**UI I I*. I *??< t mKUTUBE ALUARA * Sun rn***. 5 nn j il .-. iy*aieai i n ,1 nm. Slornrng- . . Kveaiaa I'i'i: r cl v. I : Norfolk I ? I S\1LLI> I ' ?' - rOR FIRST WI'KK I HOT! md in ord I His irs iths ashton ai. ? Imir liv investing in tuitable to th.' weal lr'-' isnnot bs duj it !" ir. Bammer Neckwear ii des. Straw Hats by .'? ron 50c. t<> higher fi Whit.* Vesl | iii S I iiiiiiil.' Breasted. Miller's I taexcells I . and I ai-'ht. Suits Made to Order, ft WHITLOCK k mi OPPOSITE P0ST0F1 kfr GET THE BEST. 3UNL0P PATENT FLCUP. ?> il MAMl^ Hore Bread, Whiter Bre' -2 Better ' i K- Kit! -**M-*tf*i Q I lian A n 1 -* ^-*5Sy*JA,,k V"UI '? Ziffg^rN For IL IVAiUIER MOORE & Ca, Bi ? - yggt PATAPSCO, Ik Premier Flour of Al ! the ' t! unrlvj .. . . I I I-U9ib Year ???? Mi PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS, \, i*. iad >' irind th- eream I iiion. J ..IX 1'AMlLV j. A. GAMBRJLL MFG. CO., OFi'ICB^No 214 COMMBmCl 8T*.