Newspaper Page Text
WATER HBTERS AGAIN. t ftenyol I *"?> Atium-nni iso x,.,si i ?"'? TMI m ri BCMABM, - . -gea-tng el *?*?-* Beawd '<f Ai<Ur , ,...,?i Deed ..( Meiiiin?* ? Dlegeael et, ? 1 ? w ell, . iv!.ir. Tur ? ' ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ' ? * I or In ? ? ? ? ? ? ! I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' , , r i x i, s- i ssl i i i i i I . .1 1 ' ' ' ii en P i '? I - t the Bight -retractor va*, a__Cd only. Moia were i. and would hara haag add<*d but for want of fa \ uaed for i ailing .1 attention ->f thia Inatltute lo thc areat work -before it the helping lo mnni a friendleoe - iivm. which cannot lt* full measure "f us-f : .f lt- r. i ll il of Inatrumente, ap ? -.*. i, . t ... i-f n un ? a iii' h. a hen ll -f the ? ; place the Ini - i basia I thei ince ol evi ? y ,-n*-h thi* ? L We I I al 1 ?f Wi ehaii have more applicant! than v. ? | t ll ? Many of the cia ? "The Uhr.irv fund la noa ; B1U ll ' "In clo ling, it ' rom:, / om isn BVS IE EBA ms lier Alliance i? i.-e...i t.. Recall Theae I., i i.rir emmett of Cai Ich C nil Poi ? ..... , . ? ? ... ? ? ? ' ? ? ! la thal the | lulent dei law ? ? I ? ' ? ? ? ? - ? Raaanat na Munch mil. I with the ? Iti -l much ? ? ' ' Mr. .1. Vi iii" 1 the ? i ii \ I - uri. the ' ' I ? the md < ii K. I ??? ' Iii* Hamal ? ? rr ' ' ' lowli ' ' ' ' .1. i?. i.v .. -i... ra. ' Vi .lilli ? ' ? ? \ Minor; ? C n ? ? p ? rna , ?? i ?!. leets, ; tan Club 1 9 i Kcllcj I . Br. G R 1 * i; . rr ? bunine*! thal ba ? the next and the club ad re mara ani aa inners preaeat. A *vonde?rfi_l Stomach corrector-nDee 'ham'a Pille. SOLID FOR COL. BDFOBD XtAMCII ESTER A N D SWASSRURO SEEM SEVENTEEN DEL EU A I I.s. t l,a-?.i?rll?l>ra Apportionment ? ly nc li a ( a.. tu He r<>alp.>iit><| ?|>eialli f.r Mri. T?/lor?Oft!re ra Inatmll..!. Ifaneusna Bonan Rsomonn Tmns. I li Hi l.t. sn rr. bi sn ii Bi ? ? ?. * Bi ? ? is I al king politics "n tho i tbe political pol I- ??.!'? to I - 'i be ?' i ? finn men ersrs Im lined to ; ? ny of them rei meetings in the various wards ral hr ?.iiiitam frere ss dis? appointed as they ? n it ws that M Bu* ford and Bamnoboro bad In " following ? ' . . r _ h. Pltsgerald and ? Arthur c.. Evana, R C. ?V1 'J i. ? . nd V .'?th KVurA 0.1 . . I a waiko ri ty across the : < i rall, In Swat 60 to G9 In favoi * I In I C. t thy ? In the lead, but ? ? with thi ? ? ? as ? 17. ? ? ? ? lil ? I ' ? ' ? lt wi ? ? ? ? 1 V ?i an ? Taylor dl< ? \ v. the ? W. Hamp! ; C, : ' Mon ? ? - - - tl l h. 1 J Vt . ? - In i ' l Instrum ? by tr ? '? ? : r Mr ? Thi - ? ? ?rit)*.. ' rt t thin lt ed I Of < ? i VJ M irtln, ? f tl to vii ll fr li nds iii FarmvOle. ??.*. !?* slsti r. Miss Fannie i ? L. Marl lng In B iri th* ? Ko* Ung, of Notfolh, i** ? nhenshlp, of Lr ". . ls \ : i -. of this lira, C. m. Leo and baby and Mrs W. H. N ? i itt. rburn ? I | R ir. ttl . ill of ten ind < Hd Point. Last Sunday f i baptising al Orenite. Portys baptised. afr Lnwrsnke Uniley ls quit! ni with 1 fever at hi! residence, on Thir? teenth !treet. The Tidewater District Convention of the- Chriatlaa thnrch-g win m"-t in a three dal ? ,,t 0?*nnrdla-n"-enoe iv knajmM M Bertral <>f tt.- preachers will ba han and remain i.\-r Smi-l.iv. ?it,., funeral of Mi* ni H Jewell t'-nk gerda) morning .-.t 1-. ,. ti." Central Melhodlat church, and wan -juiti* largely ath i 111 I stn 'Ul tl ll I itiitt f.,r relats, lr nebea ?e.ei O-aaaea Ma* . h..r.i by the I awualttei. Tha Ccenaaltti I r-uii-i 1* . . i,. I 'Hy ngnn Th* r ? III., nrf-r. Moui ? nnd Th ? ' th?* meetli . for th- i ? f palm : . for I ? itv Hall. Cd. ? ital sta' tho I ted ta him I ho thought that it m.. ! *...:.' Aft* ? " th f Mr rded Cul iw stated, ( * '. U . -. it. ?' Co., ?1 lu ? tl a furnish" Mated able mit ' i.i-. price fi i ? Af ? Tl,ea . r ' ' . bide for thi ? una win ba ? ? ? i for norh ? ? .Mr. ? Af I ? i.. :,..,i ii, -I i ?. .-f : .N'i-r i >r. M . ? ' ' N'-ir ? ?? -Inly of ' ' ' I ? ? ? ' V will 1 ' rtln, ? ? I ? may ' All of tl the i present ' Marlon. i ii i aadldato. Al ' , and ' ? lt I t Ml ? arith . i. . .un-1 ?' I ' ' r-uiiii ? i.f ? until li ? ? ? ? ?la f Ml I : ' I of hi r banda t hurt. . ri ? ' flrera ut ' ? Brown ont, b rt i ta badly i up. i ichea ls Hroo i ttle I.nts. gi. i ae aralon i m. .? trip on 1 unee rt the 1 Irglnln Naelgntl ' tor Frid I dy Mth Loarinj h-Tf on the BOW I- .it I'" BhontM at 7 A M.. one may visit any landing, to an-l Including Claremont, and return cn th AH.-I the same day, arriving in Rich? mond about 6 P. M. ALABAMA'S RESOUBCE& as is 11 ri si i si. f ni i: si /.. MH ir li ry BOT EEKOE JOKES. ?ti.ii>.,mw. Afftaraaaaj i.?iiiaian?, MmsOx iar. oiina, sunni i arallaa and flrgtaea tviu ile I.a-pra-arn eil In tlir I''.i,*' r na.r Thomas H. Jon**!, of Ala hailll. bal Sent I i John EMI sr which ?iii bs pnbnslM 1 I on;.i in the : n ni iii i*t t" be I tributed a* the world s Fair. Tke paper, whl* ii ls n rory Interests. th.- following ISSdIng ' "ai ii,an; i invitee the Immigration of capital, ski le I labor aa 1 ? at< 11 rlss; In* mea \sin will add to the strength g of tbe comm 'Alni ? tered with . snits tir ship among ti., comm . ber In .. ,t that sat mis* ? ndltlons rn llton an I 1 ' .. '? - Bl ' ? -Aith th*, in f youl ? ? ? York, yet si 1 ? ? r | treble ? : ? ? i by ? irlfty ; "Prior t" VAM the Bl ii,j.: the d ? ? ? I they that . ss over! i new ui nilli, i. . ?,*. ? re fairly i : sim* . nil UI1 I trhen tha* I from tl iii wrir ? ? ' Li -'. I from : ? . Stat -' yield !? .' ?' ! fl | . . to 52, and the tal In* 1 ? . ? W lnll!: ' ? ' ? ' ' ? ? ,.f the ? ' ? ? ? I labo ? - ? ? ' ? ? mery . . i . ?h in many "' ; ? ? . ? ' : ? lifo." ? held In this city in Air ? ? iral re Of th fol ' * W. Randolph / ' - - ' H. ' ' time. It conl ? ? ("lb Mar? lo**" I In this i ? . ! T ii vs rune's ' ? ; may bring .nt. The ' mpleted ? ? whlcb ar- noun i In si ? P? They have I Vlrginls In the san. B A I ? ?;; PABS ims wi: I tn lo.'k. VIRGINIAS TS. RICHMOND COLLEGE. Ir sMl mWBTMBM it-lsKAsrs. What lauar, Thone. Willi a Yew HlnU for ihe-.r Oaaraaaa PraeesnBhea-.Vtde u Waheu *l?l#. ' 'holei - i - namer -ii ? Tt, ><*;> Ot ? ur i-rin- Ipally during th.- ,-umm*r and Butum - k ii ra - I r i.l and audden i billing of I ly after expoeui (???rt.iiii aubota aa wfll produc ? M ta - ? r tiiiu perm na, auch, f*-i inst i mw milk tahen arith I r abell Ssh. 1 le god with milk, rice pudding, cream ; cream, when Unripe and over-ripe fr ..- ? ? ?rtth large di -111 e auea lt aep. in a '-lin'.' ,,,-,, x),\m. i, nn en i mer dian ... ria, eewer air, or lm| re wal : ' 0 : ' tort MU. Medical rn In modi ? ' guard i of the kind Honed Tl ? re ? ' - at hil ... ... 1 . timul ia Iti I . I tn I i ? I .. ? von they are Huked for 1 ' motive ? a not foi L Do aol be Bg "UOt ? - U...1.'-. r,;r. ' ' I '?' ?? : | I * .lr car W R I! ir v ti-'k-t bi ki _ Cor re-n ? i di nea pr i ni ii... ,.,. .. by con. ditton with i pille. The ? i i box ol ? for IL WITH THE BREAKING OP OF SCHOOL rome' thu J'eni-n ! for BOYS' BICYCLES! We iisTi* m-teU oeir ii.nat prep-rat ions for tin trade aud uro -h..wini: heautifni little pneumatic machine* at tv *ndupward*. Ihe 'LITTLE SCORCHER" and Tin. "CINCH" ate the '_-'>rite?, I ^i*!n?ia*e teeney 'or ('o'.umt'ie. Rambler, Remington encl Majestie SaietJea We are -l'o?;ii_ _ beaattfal pneumatic tired mena ll r.c'h 111' ?t M ca*h. A.K. & a E. SCH/.AP. 519 E. MSI ivee and SpcrtiD. Depot, .'BOXEM* deo Grin's $3.00 Site TheM ihoM aro now better made thin over. Wo have more shapes ami moio Lifts. They aro ;i- Mini, th as a COttOffl niat.o shoo ami will wear M well. For gen? tlemen. Grigg & Cross, pace: block. j. a. qbiqg. c. f. croh3. in. lin iiTiUI I. AT COST! WE WM.I. SELL, FOB 0A8H ONLY, Commenein ? MONDAY -July IO, (i\\'s ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES', CHILDREN'S ni GENTS' OXFORDS AT COST. Al.I. FRE8H QOOD8. TAYLOR & BROWN, 918 E. MAIN STREET. I* OFFERING FOB THI BUMMER MONTHS Chamber ile Parlor Furniture AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Iceni foi ths Celebrated st ri __, rx w I n dr y-AIR RE* FRlGERATOR, THE BEST ON THK MARKET. Matting, Carpets, Baby Carriages and Stoves. If Desired aril tell oh tbs INSTALLMENT PLAN. Iks LARGEST STOCK IN THE BTATE to isleol from. Warerooms: 1420, '34, '36 and '38 East Main, ..... ,,r.... and 22 Governor Street. .-. dub fl rn, B. H. BOSHER'S SONS CARRIA6E MANUFACTURERS. Call and ame nit lara* ?*t**k of VK/TpRU' PHAETONS, bUOOIEB ?nTCA.RTB Tho ? issi Ul I et.rt'ntH ID ill* CUT. coull,l?rU.f tal* ,4 USU If St work Hopkins* inl Repalnrltia 'Ina* la tUt ham autlM- Sn lat. .At IA-IT ta tUC-, s i .-ia, A lt Htul.uiu.iii. tafaTaa rca ?irvwa. U V, A tnt %i> ll BELVIN, FINE ART FURNITURE, 3sTo- 18 Go-vemor Si^x'oetj, Sosa A^ent far the Richmond Cedar Works' Celebrated MOTH-PROOF RED C?0AR CHEST. fl I.Y V TIMES LIBRARY COUPON. n.I'.'K. I, !"etit?. I?.tr pelee to *.?n*i?r ot a, * OlHiOIU. n a-a.nt*. ? > \- ill.UH'.: OB, ft STORK OF THE UABT. Hy Is SUsrax. ! IA ? ? . ! M ' ? I fkWJtt. INDAL. A ne'.f work Ly J. M. Bal tan, SStbof or -Tbs Little Min* ' IHKH' IB Bl N iniiMti, IUwth .ana ? r I ' I LIFE. I'v U Kiara. v:\ PROMETHEUS. Hy Mk**, SiiEU-sr. Of GOLDEN I'I I US I ta. y as old m\nv Bj Vanuatu Bawnotwa I I! 1 -i *,!'.! Il I I . ? UltU ll'. Mr JAYS Ol 1.1.IA. i-y ? ? Name. ? Adare*** TIM I'M'AUTMF.NT. fFatcb Ihs lift cnrefnlljr, i* mw hamk-. aro eonstentlj added '? * ?."??**, -._, *a J_m _\ rm_\m_\-rt__m__tt_\m _\m _\ m_\m JJ aa _[t. _[m_[m._[m_'m_[m__m__Am__a PBE1 B00I C0CP0V-WEDV8EHAT, -JULI I ?, 1S9.1. il -fr -... . i ?? .. foul .ii>-r*iit .Istsi ea4 i*.ii: * i N i - I > tins, w semis lbs Madel to ons roV* y . i . i li ?-. 11. ?> I ? ?'. i itrlbaiioa. Ctr* oitut be I | pen with fall um alee atti temana Mean a Sams. .Wrest *.<iir?**. I . . ht?t*i . ?i ' of Hook. i 'Musher. t\ rsee "TDOES B0OI ivi uumi v. Btshtrssnd Timi.*. lUchmoad.Va | ? *a*r ** na** ma **'mwT*we9*me^ asl^'SB^"SaT^-a^i^aW**aal^aaT'*aW^*'aat*^aat^'*aw'*sW'*^at**aM'''^an* SAVE YOUR COUPONS. < IATALOOUE: **. Mit. MEESON'.. Wi!.!., hy II Rid) r II;*... '.?-. HRS H/AR_rURTON*S COMPANION. b> ele. 21. Iee >*aj( ,', AN, !?> ? '.ari CrOftOB 22 nv* SECRET, by Carl <'r. r*t,.n. ... IF sin; mi ABIDE, hy Elinor Wree 29*. BETTIE'S MISTAKK, hy dari Crof t.m. tl HER NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR, by Bre Pearl Palmer 2& TI'S AM> DOWN'S, lu. Carl e'r-itt-en. ::i Ul NO LE !H.aux AND DOUI Ll Chartea )-. , i ri.. A BURIED PRIME bv ('lira Leaaete t4. Sn THOROUOHFAML by CbarUt Dlchena and Wilkie Collina. il BETTER DEAD, by J. M. Harrie. tt UNCLE JACK, t.y Walter Beean*. 41. THE HIIADVENTTJMM OF JOHN NICHOLSON, by Robert Louie St<-veiieon. ir, HATTI A TALE OP A CARAVAN. bv Reheel Buchanan. ah ??TWEEN two mMk\ by Bertba H. *>.Y VIC. by A. Ilenrtmo. '.i. \ LORD GP i'REATION. by Eva Pear, Palmer. -Tame book*- lie nf the " bmdv '? ala*. _??**>.. ant are "???*?? ?und la Beana* They are printed io lance, clear type, and on eicellent poper. Tho order or anv of these booka, with tba ooupuna and atampe. or four cania in coln, can, If' de- Table he left at The Tlmea office In paraoo, or glren to auih.ruod carrier* onlj of The T.tnee, and the booka will bo delieared. .