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?fh*> HW*. VOL. 7?NE1R SERIES NO 12!). RICHMOND. VA.. THURSDAY, JULY 13, l?fc PRICE TWO CENTS EASIER CONDITION. PARKS Rt' fi vu,, t Ol l SI Its OJ i 1 RR ESt T. , Bomba Beaslttlag < ?rreraej saul - r.n. - lom. ol ii,.,, r.,ila Km. I I ? ii,1,1.-,l \*i .-. k? Ak;... . : l ? - ' the un ? ? ? [? ny. i n i unit i ta, i ,. .... ? ? ? I ? 1 ri l.< n 'I um i '"1 thi. Amonnt i . ,,, i, ,l bj 11..- sn. i in .., I WA. I ? - / ; I \ ? ? ? - I -? ' Will ? in . p i sim I EU. i meter* In Iff Iseoasla '' t ...In . ? I fall* ? ? ? i.. und* r ? ? '. ? . ? - . until ? > ' ? . ' ? b ' the - ! ?? ? Basia! n i slim ' ILL, i ni " a confi r il iii ttl- Superior court i ? pei cn ic ,\e,i'. i i.i. j ii] u C ll Barnea, mar, al No. ll f i I I.- Ml -*. I ily |] Tba fail I ? No. i .it ii.** ? >HAM, Mi ih A Hi* lia ? M ? ? H ? i w Barrow failed < n Th ' \V. -l I ml \ lc, AI Inn tn. ati,wv \. OA., Joly ll Af" r a i --ii End, ? n --f trr* latter city to I ritly ? ? arith ne virtually a parl of thia - Ity. cation will | lite icu Them ? ? ? ? ? li abtei] f Vi ? may ? v for the I pi ? . ity, ABM on pi ti t 11 sis Hecr.tiitr llrrlirrt liml-lt- then Slmll r.. I,.?-;,..I l.\ td.- Ilniar. rn., en. Inly ll ? I Hi" 1 . ; ? "tn I'lnin i Thia rora ol I hlch ? I ll ' ? . -li.i ? m. do anything with Hon. Tha , ? ll nol Bt, ' nolhwlth . : tl nial ? ? nei i ? ri mum i n i it iu in i a i ni u t Aboal I.'.."- - ?? llinil ol Iii.. l?..|.l<-. LAI ; PA., July ll. Tha ? nal 1 : ? . ? ? Iv, ? i mi Mount lr< mi : | lo thl c. . ..rc n tin* time .-inn UM **? r\u-1 i Balla i imi - h. I . thal ih. re wt l -? i -rI, in and h. v. ? Into tha building i i ? the 1 _ ? ? ell B i * ? long and - tha funeral the i I at the ho : ii ii. Rlaaer, who - by. bi *.?? io 11 ro ok ibu "* iFiisxFii Unala bbb WMk ?->uiii -Uraetieallj s,,i,.p-nit?.ei ?. ii Basalt, NEW YORK, Julj indatlll hi* ia tn-- Smith An., rk in trade ii. ? ? to l'.r.i/il in cipher ? ? : the . i I ? :' I' ' pori ? !*. Rio I ? Un- linn : i ut "ff fr..iii all with Il IRO lull ll If i allot hlhs i ,.,, i , fsa i m.. I,.r lanae Rea ene Mr. Clevelaad iii.i Nm \.. ...I.pim, it r i.-rt. . ...ii BUZZARD'S I. \Y Mi I i . I'.M 'l mp un' -I ? '.'? -.ii ir. Bi -..nit. he i: tri oi ? [Sandwich ? i i it i -.i ?? ant lum* ? I . ay tc tin- fla-fcli leiiutely bec! to Oraj he *?*- iii remain until hi la for Ul ni si ?!? i * - really been a homelike dei ?.'. ai Ora) Qab-ea Colo. ? i i tr, Rrj ? ? b ??? ' tin entire da* arith bli Immediate family Mra ii tri Mr. Cleveland '. i i.i.? ..*. ? r fur lil- in ul. - ? Oiluvin Allin thant, ?'?' YORK, July ll i-tivirt Alli-n, fifty three yeal? al ena time B f-e naoua a- tran, ciii-,| nt Pun Lee l__t night ot heurt tremble. THE VIKING? WELCOME tfRF AT ORATIOS in TMMNOMMEMAM 4 Sit Hil I ll ll tSTOEIC f RAFI. I iiplMin Kit?n*lr.l th* I r.r.lom ,,r tlir I il.T l.v *al*j??>r ll?rnaoli. DaaaaSM Sanwwly AreeBeA iiil' '.\.,' i. .lui.*, u i-:*.. ri naen I the i . ? ? . areli otne thal veal rmi lo-dej to Captain Ma ia Aa* eraai of tl ahlp. Whan the striped s^? i ..f Uv t.-,:ii. m.i-i- in ti,'- llb* fl ? loka r .r- Pied, Nv!,!- ii bi ? Columbus, ai hai bot lo 'ii.-. a v.,, - ami I thi .,f ? .ni;,i.ii and I tin.,: f people I tbe lake fronl on the loni ? Hotel. Il Norm men and Viki* . ; rho wai ? ii.,", i it | Hob. v Inlatei i?> I uii'l tbe principal ol rld'a The captain ai I ci a.n board the 1 ?'..Hr* rr, liini ll . . inriipi res thef the Nora* men In the cabin. theil "\ ! ? - ? ifter ? .. Mayor I a.f ti. ' ? id., nine*** ? ,ry Tlkli ? ? Ity "f < 'll! ? ll ? ' ? ? ? i . ? he ' ""l In Ihe ? seyi r I by un rn rldenl thal proving ' - ? The whl. ' Lil ' ? f ul? tu',, .li. Arthur * ??-'. whl* h i in tl. ? with Tl ? ? ? th" ! to tl ? ' en the point nf 1 nt F i s.i i m i ms t n 4 i i n. -"..ii t li tiir..Uni. Wm, a I*,,Int in lin Ililli," i ... ,i B 'i Ila '?' 'I.VMl'.lA, B. V. Jul i "h.uni,, i - Ij board ol lion for an t., i ? r iho Slut,- ii'pi ir Tl ? ? ? Th. complaint clti ti .n. ii. ,| Vi tbl had pi rlcal , taint, a bi i w vv i. r had 1 to tl pul ? . in '!"? pul ? i. bul the al . I lt Ol ?! of the ci nit. ? action on il"- i a writ of proj furthi r, ii in case i ? "V lr. I it the i fun- ? ? tl .-?. | anil si tbej i id ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. appoint* made ludge Ol : ? . ? I I ll I l i rn- COMMAS MS, Wsseatsej ii?*ih..ii rafcaa Satan Ualoehad* I,.. Merna mb.. Sere Ht .*?*. WABHINOTON, D, C., July ll I i .s taken action ls i i.f import i Hi per* ?ii tli.- suspension of thi -. . I to tel of ths South Atlantic station, and wUI allow hun v remain ss - anim . the League Island (Fa.) na wm probsblj result In .*-*?-r?? 111? tr romano* Sore Staunton v the Booth Atlantic *-v inni. The Secretary ab i un order mabins Captain Howlaon m.m.I,mt cf ti"- Mare Island '*'.ii l tiavs >ii.i Th.* Captain baa bssa In tempo* rary comm.m.l th.-'.- for loane tlsse, aad it wtu fully experted thal ne a aikl I relieved hy a naen] otBcat ot tin* rank of coiiiiKu'ioic, la view of the Inri"! lance* of l lllty of the ] ' ''"r* waa ? ?uin.-l by two 1 tis 1 mand. In the hret ? apia him ? lard whli ti ot tl .. in? ri..| ry of tbi ; i til" thia Ifl il.,. Vaeeata Dleperalag, Th- di-. that | ttclpated in tl* anea, . ? - th glob) Ti ? tito ?v.. Yorktown, ? ..- ia pain! reek. If ? J. ,11 r: Uh- : ' ni-.ii l*i * ? ii l-c Mill I and j i -r ? Th? rn wi - ,-, f..r Ul hine; Comi-i : r ' la ? : ti a i I ? lira nt the ? ?n in ?'.Ile - Cal. r tarill be l ? ' Tho l ' * If I.r ' I - ll. ? - m isstsi i iu -tim BEEB. ,\ti_e.t.>, i-i.m.?????. ? I '? Be*aM , i il., fhlea "" I'? LA N'T A, ' t I ' I ? . ns ? . : lli. in -\- ll iii awn Bal bj ii il?h?l ? ? . * . I | _-,- Hi.- |[.|i.*:il e.I I be Kl l*w. I '. 1 ll I'.il.i.lli'll ld I I LD ' ' ' I *, ,., | x - '- --! I ..ll.Ul. - ? ? ? : ,. ? n |;,i,.ii lin- Nc .Te..-. I: _RDVl ' 1.1.. Kl . ? ? ? ' ' ? ? llr. II..ll On s '? I'' "??? Irutli. BHINOTON, l' ' ? ' * ' ' Hi il I nun Umtali rm**ht eil VRLE.Ti >N, B C., lull U ' all an-l bia entire famllj rda) ! ? I i thei ? ?!' ill] IH- The phyal ri ? ma -ii-t fi Th- family dined >n IP. M. "ff gcnip. ri?, peck kai -A-it-ii-j'i'.n. rna affair la a m)?tery. SEXTON STRIKES BACK. Itt OFFER t RI soi I ims CENSUE ISO flt AIR ll AS ML tl. ER. Mr. CHreSeteae AaaaaaeaS u*e iTOMmwnl <>r th*, in ami.*int ?,,i, bWettammt CBaaee 9 or ii,,. Weama Kui. mn. LONDON, July Itv?Mr. Theasss Bss> ten, ti"- anti Para lute l< id ir, abe re* fri--- i i" ni,.; ii,., ord* r of th.* ehalrman r i.v th ? ,.\].i-. sstoes stttlai ',f ti,-. Maaaatttee "f th.- wii.,i" ,,f th" Hom made by in Lr.,.In. k, Conaet \..'i>.. . iu tb Wllii.ll til" i . i. ?-"'i *i ? 'V iii th*.- a tton Of Wt. Mi him, anl la dat! i mn, i. i; '? -I.,. Iq I it: iii.- matti ? Mi. Melli r li."i imi. . m SM. pending for di tordi rt) an i if of Mr. M Til" Sp ; til it Mr. a i i-Vt, undi r th to | ?i-'ii ..ii th.- sui led i" th- conduct ut Mr. Mellor, ? lu- would move ihe tai -iiiiii'.n v." ? ; -if the ui.-.I.- limi ni ai.-* pending him. Mr. v., (Radical), member : a- ; ? .? |U] I I I hla al lo | lr i ? iii .'?: ." * t - -1. srbltraan and in esceee "f i.i y. Mr. darb . ? .i motloi I '? ' OOO I' -' I ir.lOUOt ol rir. cb liiiiiiin. ir, I Im r- is to ' omp< I Mr. ll ? l? sad ?>" i ... jj iMmata, ? into c il ai t. ii,- , is the H nu Rule 1 r ,* u,,, ' ti ,11 nf lr i Ll li"l I,.- . rttllll 'I I" ,i , - lined i ? *. itlon <>r r.-s..!ini ? . i . ?... . \ .1- .,r appro* i ir,li,,n ? ? ..I in tb ! ? - ' 11,11 g ? ,ii in* I or I ? ill"! ' i ff t ti tri will to I 1 ll I Rh l Ol t I IOS IS RR 4/11. tdnsli ii MTaldeqhalh Raised s Oarera* m.Mir d || M..Illili- l lu- I "il LONI* ?N, Jul fr 'ii, . | ,\,| ? I I ? i by ri ii'i i w hi* i. * rio Sui. 'I'' to with t - .-ii the ? ? being \"i> limit* iv i ial Bm* ipelled to i - ' I |< r. The Hrltlnh twin slo ip of - iuni' tn tr of the J upi) ' HI I I liol I R I I Fl lil MIC, st. Pstarsbaiu laid i" Bs li r. Baalth) .i. i in m iiadj .'i Othei i'i tees. ST. PEI ilthy ' ??-,ik ' ..ii tbs ? boh ? i ? Ins ' i ? a ? doubt eb ti i in M' BL'DA I : I . 'I he :. - DOl . port! i. ?.H.s. loll il ll Url 's *<* IU / WS iUlURAt U. Oas Eastland **".i iweety-Sve ataaateea mill *??.?? ii.m.ti.*-1 i>.|.ii'i.-> laval tedi Bl .\!i:, .Inly l-'. out ..f tl - rtltuting lb Vlty, .iti, I About i ?' ot the in :-i conti of ? -? alli dei resign. nn: sn i i R CRISIS. Our I insm I*' Pell* * Psaplsi **?? h> ni?? mul Tariff Lawa Blaased Ne lt, LONDON, JW 0 Tbs Tin..***, ? The action "f ir-, ii., ani ??' '? *'l.-V.-|.IIi'l ll!.!"!> I" ble caused b) *.m< Hey, i, r . . _b -s p.-t*.---!.>ri i< heme si I Klnle) terlll I ?"??' l >. nv* i of ai tated ?lolencs if tbe SI law i? repealed will bi - ?emly *uyi>wi>. Bach deeptratfcm only pavem that the ?Uvt r moi ? FlKht the ground of political ? ? '. beth th?? ma ? a sr., un th.a d|d? li rtaa, wke an re* ?"lv"i ' ' no loeaTBr th* Mtvet wed Um ame en ictloa of Amat oualy ratinkan ln 1 -atna th- mia-* ti ka ? atabtllty hus ! i will defy I In the rm ni the ?v'1" "f ' il ? itxteen penca ?? ?""'' ' i expert av ntal ? , . ,,. ,Wl.,.M Am ta ? ., l(tf ,lxe(1 Bb. aol uti ly fon Un* l.-.c-r-'ini. ,| WBg So Ni",-. . F'isf 12 ???-,., qtaaatloa af Bl .ir \.l- Iral Lal | ot the Kr?nch '?' I been ? th- Nea s s authoritleaj ? bu n turn I t" Um ir n-viier. ' " ? up to-day bi the I 1 -Uk-*. r licit, .il I lt* lil li fanaattoa cn the i il Slr I ' I I I Ore] ? i ry S**e 1 In ta? it i the i '-.iviTtiuii'iit had ? thr reportc i ? il LAaaoraati and ti * f?'iii'.>ii.uici. Tn Pref eel Honan in?fn?tn. BERLIN, 1 'I- peat* -,. ? iii.m . n, ordering ' ha arar aklp ? I,- itab ta ita in Bl Bf in I'lviirh and tb ? lr, BladMeae D ' nnor. 1.- --. I -l IN, July U " '' - 'irr> tit ' ' ? nd a land I .iietri. t. I tl-in In i .. \..|.i ih>* meer. LONDON, July ; ?"' ai af the ailveer win loaa laaanaaca, but will - i i irena,_ *i:in\ n niiiN i ram < batafA. |R| ,. BOYPT, -FFs ll md fort] ? - ? ui.'.i. mon l >i io lissi pi m i i ins. Meaabara al Ike Palawa hWauMnp hy tka s,.,!.- Oae linn l oi,i,.ro_il..-.. ? >*-*, N. < ' . -luis ll | tl ,,f t. ? a tv.i the pun i idua : ..' tkl Ni i are a unit de, and wa in n. . tlon Will . ;? 1 Ul Ul-' I i-i ? luly ir i tad ateel i workmen ri | I-i If. , cut cf ;. a Iron - . Dtnpany'e ni-n. will ala wai laj bj tke Findlay mp) ? ?ii him . -1 tie ? ? , In ii ., and the milli M ? thf nu nu t s i ii nuiir. Alioth,.- A.M.-.I lc ih,. lint ..f ttin Beat lei Chicago a Bil .-Ier. CHICAOO lunn. ' I In the cold al i ....san I flt i i.y their \ itory waa i I trnlafl lha! i mnd and if tba Wei |J IB ei i tha ? Mill \....lh.r \ 1. Uni I I.- ,1 bl : |- I! ' ? A -keeblafl lt una na*' Aaaldant, ? RAAB* S. T., It?A -r . klRf li ? iiii-i i ? Mra i , . ? I"..- va, tr li u ! thi'..- I. but Mi I ? ' with a projecting I tl |uet a ? i will : Injurl Ftaeleg Free* tke lek. i. . ant ft ri fl Fad 1 the 1 bul i . ? ..ii : | I i| i ? mllea out af the lint! - -llMI it ls In-.i .rn- P|y? in I'ruireloH. PRINCK vi ? VJ \ v v .,,? i. re broil bera Gus nftei introl foi raanj M Hal ..mi i- urn ii ! ai.-I .il- > ce. Jj I . -n.l IS io.(HO. At ' ' " Ucl. J arty burned ? ? ? ? i Ih, lunn fa mi Hfl-aleil. ATLAS i A QA tl tile hts lani ?? < F i Bagwell ,; (]0n of Vi.*...- debated thA tariff ? 'i 4 tariff fr:- ? tot A tarli v. ? ; i. nt a Laffi row ' nt. Ofllvtl ( ml il Hetul, BRI DO SPORT, CONN., June ll Calala cum ? thli wieta i . of ?i tath **.'? Inttan i .-? had b-en Invalid f*>r over thirty yearn. He .i son and two daughter.. MEROLA'S PLOT IN PERU ENDKATORisa TOOTMMTMMOW the pr use st cor ken wry i. Already Proclaim* HlmMlf II-mmI ol m l'",p|.i"ii.l li..\.rn,..riil Kit, ,r .,r tht* la Nlltf, PANAMA, July 12. lt If dal!> li--.*..iiiliaf more obvious that aerloni belltksl rr : blea art* brewing lo Tiru, lil Matta, i-f lime, recently pubUsfcsi S lettti iistut Arequipa, which ?-.* > *?. arc rUBSOrs alarming to a eil.ila exVnt thil Doa M...lan .1" ri-t"!,. wiro i-ft Panania foe Quateaaato *? *h"rt time aso. landed in Chain norn*' day** last week, and lt ls confl.l.'nily assert.! he lu n?w In Camena, his ra i nn.| it is cvta ?.Minnel lu- ie bed >* Aj.i ili>a." Ia addition t.. mr- st.. meat nines Uta nrttval here if tan Warnie** rumors hav berna current nut i h)raia is nally In Arequipa, an.i lin |.|. ,rn I lum* hen,i ,.* a r*twvtetonai tb ment or ?1U t^tor, and ls aHemi'lpt-H to brow th** preaent Hovi rntnvMl. Ilia I urp....*,' ls to control the oieotli ne and i u* MUS his own r.iiii -I tn i 'nu, ? Tiu. tunable in sUve* baa ? ,.?. ?> mn* emt consternation emoatj our v - men, who tra le In i ount ? I Sxotustvely stiver-using communltlsa av* ii til" Improved quotatl* ? few daya have failed ta i Ths prompt recovery lu i , vented or poetj I man) antld failures. ? A MURU il ID UH StHLI. An.>thr>r Uni!,. I mi, li,,I In ( lt /, |)*. f?r the lama tn.i < itm.. OC ILA.' I'l-A.. .lulv IJ \ I i.irkm v..i. lp lathed shortly tl lay bj Ihe i , snd il tina Mlaa Pana* I' . ? r ? .1, ? Hon snd utan ? : ? i nome a sr via from v.* viii.ii Larkin md tha* i ri. i ii m ? by ttl" bridle, mid . thi i ttggy. \t th** led pistol h ' li". Int.. Iii.- dens** and Uk iv iiie.un pushed hti tiiiri""." k..ur dltfsa al ie* ? ! stace i.n tehee im,. en.. ,.| bj ni" lynching i'lhs.-h, bul nene >'f then were Identified ss th.* aasallaat, Tn Ami i..1 .vii. sss eapiired and tehan hi I M \i,\.iii'li-r. vt im ai "in-" rt "i'.u I him un,! his feat arse, tl ir startling ai I ii appearanoe tsiu.'d esaetly artts thu description whl.h sh" h.I prevtouely i' .ni'*.* livens "i' le a Ires - he 'I- i"'t on nw- edge "f loam and iv body riddled erith bullala, ll was ri i ' uh" fin the ii""--" Broun.1 Ihe cul neck when h" waa awuag "rt The rope broke "mi th? Beere again sSJSetsd t', this tin", successfully. Leefcla had i p'-'t v ttl. f ami round or >"k about Deals for a >.-rtr "r two peet, ?<id i, ii fi" ii. ntly been neal te J.ii under the nama ot Whits, 'i r,.. tyacktafl l* K'-n'-r olly Juetlhed hy arhttes Mil Meeki bMfcs A Negro Murderer COLUMBUS; MIPS,, July 1- 'lhr ne* ??" Hem , '.'!? :?..'-.?,, ?? ho si '?''.??l t?. death Mr. Mtnober on Monday sight, ??'** taken fruin the officers to lay sod bent I and his body Shed with bullets. laajtharn Idsentoft '" SmbMBi LOUISVILLB, July I.'. Th.* BoMthem i i. it Ional taaoclatlon ts ls gesslea hers tn lay, prominent >"l . .iii * hoing it. I'r.-sid. ii/t W. S. HiHt.r, ut ah mi.i, On., called tbe session t.? order ni tn o'cl ooh ihts morning. Th,. New aTatui atlon" wea lha subject lieder discussion, which i .i i,y profeseer i:. ii. Marti, "f L uri.', ami participated la by Pr W, F Prlci of Nashville, Hon. J. h irwin of tst. Louis, Profeasor ? M. Root of Htrmlngham, Profi asor Dsl ' 'mb ..f the Agricultural College of Ml Mlppl, S, ll Smith Of K- lilli' Uv ?, t\ ? K. ll. (Ccbola "f Alhinl.t. Thia wea followed hy a discussion "f "Ths n- -' Means of Pmvldlns Moi . tlon for Ta ich! "? tine In tbs i'i id led by Dr. William ll Payne, "f ;. ni t.tfli"i? wu ? re* ,.| ted, Miij'.r l'iiihr Bralga*. WABHINOTON, .inly f.*. Major Puller, i ir ihlrtj ft ar r ot tht I '. pst i ii" nt of A. if .iii ii '. lt ? - ... I - -1 tO t.ik" effect i" da) li ss ah y oepti .1 b. .*-? i tan Morton in n rei i Sat ti ii. ,n i t , dat Mr Prank i.\uir*>. th* ? i i ,,f the dleburelng office, wan sppoli I I -Ihk officer, Mr, "-'va is h ia h.", i . ..riv i sealy y>'?rs In tha. servl***. nf th" il- I .H'ti" li! lint tl** nf O'- BsySI llfinrnih'Tt <l. TORONTO, ONT., July 12 The Opens** . i ita i.i brsted th* nnnln r sary of life battle of th? Hoyne to*dsy in ni .ra* snthualnstls iiiitiin.-r (linn uaiint. I.ui:.. de monet ratloai were held ai mn*Sj i the eouatry, m;w y.'HK, inly ;: Ths Ot agetaen ot 'tits city, Brooklyn. **n.i lerai > Citi ! ,i ,i ? ,- i! .h. i |.;. ni.- to-d in com* i'll., td Boyne." ? Kari h?i tink* Mliiirk*. la Vw Mei le*, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., July 12 Two r.i- *steeks wean I it i i ?. ,,, i ,' " . lock thal i" 'Mag. il v ry strom/, hm the n i fotlowlns s t"w minutes later, -i l-i .l.le by I* The rsadaseee*. r. rit semi fr.,in th" ?*??*-'. wh.r.- an ex .ml lt le thought ii,,,i the vi' .rn ? i? .-"Stn in .tui,Hon. - ? ? Halirriifii l?r***?uril. CHARLESTON, S. C., J '- BJ * .. VI,, rman h I : I Jobs B w* ? ' ' named Marr) '?? I ei lha oar, drowning .. ll.r -: I"' II. KA*or Of rnfHiinMi:rK,ii. The esterday wa ia f "Hove! I A M . 1',. ll K. ? M . fl. 4 c M . i P. M., ... age, IT i-i TA KA I ll IK I (ll* |.l Alt". WABH1NQTOM D, C , July ia. Bm* Virginia and North Garattaa: O.-i" rally and wai mi r, aoatbweeterly wln.i* Weather Conditions Thi* storm which was central lu UaK'i.t this uiolVlng has moved t" in- uorthwar I ..ixl ths i>res-.urr baa nil-reused prgeeralti thagrgnh out th*' Ml ?? hf nuiiio tain JlHtrlt le. ard In th<* Southern State*. Tbe barometer contlnui-a hia-i on the s. 'i'h Atlantic Coast, but ll hus tal,, n si nw ly In thr Nutt hern States east oft th" MIsalanlBBA, The weather loiilliiuea fur, except near th?> Gulf. Toast and tn N.-w England and Sew York, where l?M*al ? howers mu* reported, lt ls warmer tnrouKhout the Central Vu I lt; ye, the lake regions, th*- Middle and Houlh Atlantic States, and oeefef In the extreme north uni. Warm, fulr weather will continue lu the uhlo and tYniral Mls**t.*Mlt'pi Val* Ilya and the interl-r of the southern Statea Proi>ably warmer and fair weather will prevail In tbe Middle and South Atlantic Statea