Newspaper Page Text
THE BBOOBD SMASHED MAID MARIAS GUEE A MHB AS I FBBS1T TARDA IS 1.40. Kanalla or ?*' Other Turf Cont#aU~Th? nasa Hall BBBSBSS BTsa-h ?n<t Bsoth. Other Sport!-*- Kirala. CHICAOO, .Tnly IB i/riinr'Wi the slakes Ibo prtnclpls r I ? ? i IngtOB i'ark lt B shadowed by ty, ' / ~_4? \^\___B_SJ____BSW^ - ,1,1" lil iv is rn .Thorps up, ran a . lr, 1 *\ I ' : ' ' _nd B half se, irir-d toon during tl mile. T) ? ' ' rn ,, . Tha Qnl-Bstep stahss had a se 1 ot ? r nai .'. b. Summary: First rro e. one nile First War! ' Joe. Mut; third. Second rare, mils and one-sirti ? rd rnr-e, thi ' ' ' t. rear old*, oik I first. Tim*. !'.< n mer. mila and twenty yerda - : Marlua : I ' Fifth ? rafe O. flr?f. Hm/ second, ] third. fi!>:!h mc", | | I, erith I ir ml" ' ? . . ?hird. '. IT 1-2. rf OOH J ROIS AT DLIROIT. flin Crowd* Wlliie-t t!,?- Thin! Dur's Unca of th.- Blss Rlbbofl Masting, PF7r."IT. MICH., Ji ' ? 'thor Ms I al Ins; I'ark ? third 'h" Itlue Ribbon rn' ' i bed fi to-.k ths fifth . bul not nlthonl worhlns hard for then- Then i ? ? ly taking in i' the f likes The far irita ti Ihe the Ptart, ? *. bul could di ? ? ? th "i seventh Bel i ? . ? i that i willy, nod ths her the heat. Tbs two 1 s In t ? ? way. in the first i ? f the pace was a | fturprlae to avery one. Airs i Bwifl Hem l favorites, but R a fifty to L took t beats, and over until to i ,r.t Of darkness. Tl is ? ss,nt ovr-r, Walt, r i g| 1 Hlgl ' i fer" Hi" | ! Wilkes V. I f for 1 Night- j ? . Alvan arid Walt. ? I 149 , 1 ? ?:- ri" ai l Lord ' .111 j h and m.rt k Sirius HO. The brot ? ? funlln ! ' 1. 1, ("hristn ,;u'-en 3. I, 1. ?;. 1, 1, ?!, 2. 2: I Wilson fi. 4, 7, 1. r.. 2. ::. t, ::? Polly I. 3, 2. 4. 4, J, 4, I dis.. ? '. R. S. r,, r,. dis. ' ti-- l' 7, <:. .. -t ."? .it. sn; < ill rette n. lo, lp i. i. i. -i ?3. C. | 'Chit.' ?'ap j., r- . i iilk li-, dla.; Ri : i ? ? id. n. dla ; Clara J. 14, dla, I 12. |:M M, I ll i i. I i. 2.17 l-l. . ? ' ? ; 1 i Wilkes J. f.. 2. . tl. 4; J. ti | i Kins I0i ". 4. ll. ' . rle N. ll, IO, S. l I-., li. l! v. ?:.?; ii, Medlo 1. I 14, IS, 1 ?. 'Ls.; W nr nith ll, ll <L ? ; Brie Girl dis. Time 2 ll I 1. 2 ll 1 I, ? Jl.r.ii iiinfln 2, 3. f,; Wilson ;. 4, 2, Henry r . Alvin Swift E, 7, 3; Lbs ll. 4, 7: W. <'. W. 1'. *.', dis. 4 3-4. i . puree B,?*- (unfln I, I; Nh-litiii; .'I' 7. I, 1. I.ltile Alh.rt I t. 1 . Alvin 2. I, I. Lord fiiriir.n fi, : s. r. ?.-. Martha A\ ilk's I. ' | irlus ?, 7, dla, Tillie 2 13. Ill .1 4, 2 I.i 1 1 BOAB UBlORn IIEATBS. t M. IL-eri'? I.unrtte isn.l T?an)callne flo IS l-l Mlle. In SB l-l Minnie... j:i;ii'.. PA . July IB Boa. Charlea At. i is brosx-n read t? .im. Lnnetts nnd 1 . ., .-line, brok.- i ? -I Mils i s\as for n xx airer of J ? ti.e rfjjntnncs from Girard, ia., to Mr, De. is barn in Mis lits, sixteen and u half miles, uni tl,,s tlina BllOWi mlnutsa Tlc dhrtBBBB Was covered In 49 1-2 mln I team waa quit.- fresh when lt Iri ami stnos.-.! f distress. Ti r,i !,.-ats th,- Boston twenty mile track record, xxiii, h i ? _tes OS LT OSE Sf AK I. El EST. lorinaiitor, BBanaSrl] ami Meddler Make a. Ileaullfiil Itnrieb lither ICncrs. NEW TOME, .ulj it' -Ths presxaauns nt Monnsouth Pnrh anl* cont I ? - ikeS. It Was the Ti st cn t! - ' Butted in ,'tie of the prettiest finishes Imaginable Tot tm ntOT, st .un.-ll mid al idler iinisiii'd c.. s"? aneri lg I ? 1. The fourth nico im.s next in lm I * '? d - ' une In on 1 ' ' '? ' t t at "du Certainty ai-: his :? .,V| cl, ami th, n Vouhk Arion, ssh" hnd tr.iiin | naads a rush an l finished ihe Job. Winning by a bead from Don Alonso *'V 1:i" ' ,ona ' "a* tl> Leut Certainty a leti"th f-r tin- ; Ki-.el.t h?'l . ? k .ct for jllm n ti,,- second raes, ile h..).] ,,.? k ,?,,? ? stralgbtaned for nonie, ami lien cam,, throne,, the bunch ami wofl Ly Lair h Fjonsth from ti,., [mn Mas;,-, xvbu ss.,a a Bach in fi,mt ,,f J,,, K . by a it. the mmi' n. Arno, in the fifth, looked a xsin to the InM furl,.,,,. ,vn?,f. cmexiu. .. _ iTa *?" "vrh,mU* '">?? aannlns by her up made third Juli besting ?,h* f^'""^' nart no <r"-We In uat race Bununai wr.Mrr;""' ""' B ' "lK-?. "ve fur let^Sral ''Vn '"',' l" ^^-Klnt,. Kst.;T_ird.i^,1:r;ir1"^ ***** s Third race. Uv. aud * half f_rlongs ^', M I Ks Bl 1 lt t J tit I Mt i M-r Ns l B'i A At! Prli- flr?f. Half Min" second. Harrington third. Timi Fourth race, on" mil" Toting Arion ni st. Don Alon/-, second, Certalaty third. Time, pi: i i. , , ? . Fifth race seven fuHonga -? ndus firs,. Arah second, Bpeenlattoa t_tf- Tim.-. ,-;,ce. six furlongi Jullen first. .... i. ri ki a third. Tlsse, ... . Onlr One Parnrlte Ulna. QLOt'CESTER, N. J.. July 18. Oflly r ,c rfp Adair. In tic fifth race, d li" was at almost Ibttive "dds. Bummai ! nae b ,if furlongs - i ? . : t. Hst dina M ft third. 1 im-. i -' id n ; ? lusrtei fur* 1'ilion J. ,,. i>. third Ti, . .-.ti i , I,- i' iir fur* . se md, G third, 'din-, 1 - I nih ra ' . MX an 1 ? " fur Air bnfl talnty thli I Ile furl -itrs - :. i ? id. ' | oi a-half furlongs - pl, PUB* . . ,81 l 8 Tit" WtoaeiS nt brighton Peach. BRIOHTON BEACH, July ll. The rac-s c ure: ... ;.... foi longa It Ilg ii Son ... third. . i 8, five furlo: , ? -rd. Time, Third r:)ro, mil" nnd one furdrm ? ? Kins ''rub BC OD !. F IdellO third. .rfh race, ?-!t [furlongs Geraldine -, I Idiar third. . rea furlong! Wallace first, IJi ls Sun third. Time, . ? CB, mil" ftti'l a n,ii."irHr, ..vcr King S >!.,m,>n I, The Duffer third. Tim-, |_8 l ??. ri,ATEi> CMAMFIOMAMIF lull. l-l.lilies Hat the Senators All Over Hie Pleld-The O'hcr Hume*. WASHINGTON, .idy !!>. HILADELPHIA . ?f tH A BO* WltlI th" Washing tons ? ting th.-rn all ? tl Bi ld. They i champl on ah 1 p ball fmm the (ya* "'''' ' "!" Senators WBTe gave rtOn man. who has som.- ; and he did good work. Sullivan .ind Hamilton ? running rhile Deleh rrled off tbe batting I ? rea! . i: H E n .fifi sfinofino-s I 7 I?14 ll 0 '.:..:t snd ! Wa-yhii lg,., ISj I'.rooklvn, S. I ALTIMORE, July io The Orioles it ii.? ? ? i tha i ..v. Brilliant fleldlng bv ? . tim,' than the r ?? ld Indlc, ts Bul fix Brooklyn!tee reached the ? foran i. l ('t..ic secui Ins hits Ci tasy mark for the Orl f,,'ir .corine, and I irke In the rll B. R. II. E Irooklrn .1 i . Bal timor. - ? i j 11 x?U li 2 .uni Klnslow; ? ud ( toi kc Plttsbarg, IO; Cleveland, fl. CLEVELAND, J loci! team ?ouid not bat Killen safe to-day. The rnougn, bul invariably v. of to tome fielder. I m f. ? oth( J Ittoburga did nol hil tl ? j were lucky In their Mrs. nd i ? twi en hunts and two or td | ? ri in the ll ' levi land COUl 1 i. "he Oi Idlng of both clubi wes ? hough tin- few- errors thal the Clev. nada iv. re i ostlj. Ti - in'i -.-. was the ' 1 the bell over Van Halt ? i i for a berne nus. .': H. E. '!? vi land .fi l l 0 0 0021 6 il 1 I .1 1 4 I Batt, rles: r; kh . Loulsvtlte, 9] Cincinnati, ?. CINCINNATI, July 18. The Louisvllles gain downed the Reds this afternoon. ? i ii." Ri i u d won the P H E Inclnnatl .2 OIJODDI] (j 14 i ?ouli rills .noir?! .12 l h.-m: Ki:.; and Vsughsn; strutton 'm. It.tstoii.JI "; V'ftr York, 11 11. NEW YORK, .Tn' ? the ttlng the ball at ? r time, German pitch '',??? York, and did creditable work. Bev rsl of thi hil ? hii.i khould have een easy nits, but ten. Ward's men c.mid not hit Oastright : b rather dumb hi.n Mi rritl had lila inmii Kpiit In ths tiftii Inning and gave ? Bennett. Wilson. Kew York'a . d ui> strongly. Fully IO 00 persons were present when in. Baldwin nd i. proved a btsbI ! sttery for ? v irk, tho B* prsctl illy bi Iph ia w hi n hi I runs. the other band, a ? nie): P H 1 1 -cv .1 88181881 ''12 4 ostoa .0 11?U 18 4 ? ?. i and Merritt i: ll P . .v Vu iv .nf. ii a 4 ,i l o n n | | eton . 18-8 7 8 Batteries: Baldwin sad Kelly; Btoley ? How the Club* Stun,I. fl ni >a. Won Post. Aver. diia. ll ?-?I tatra . ireland. .1". it; ttibnrg.- ..'.r> . / . ininiiati ?. ::.' I .Ci in iori,. 87 81 Mi ! . -> . .4". ilesgo.?. SI ??'. .i I I'iui. re . -0 :,'? AM -..Innniou. M 4! .ir, islsriUe.. .Sd (. un. . s< la.-alilla ,1 (ol loll*-. Ve\v Voi-k af 1 lalttmore st Brooklyn. aVaahlngton al Phils lelphla. "lev.-latel at Louisville. Pittsburg at Chi Xniiiliein Lsagaa tinnies. Vt Memphis: H. H. E ?tnphls .'JOOOti.'Kl (IO- 5 _) o iery ..010010000 I 7 1 latteries: Whlttroch snd Rogers; M, - nty nm! Twin* b un. it Nashville I 1 d ? I | ? ? . T>. |j j? ishvtlls .802002820 U 18 . rmlnghi rn . .008 ".I .: | latteries: Kenan and Sommers; Puk,-, ,t Ung sad Barta, BeCOnd Camel: 1{ J| BJ shvttle .00000S2S0 - | \ mingham . 0O0OOOOS0 '> I latt.-iles Miller. Holler and Sot- - tyera aad Earle. .( Molal,- j. jj ,. l,;u> .1 4 051022 0-15 21 1 w Orleans .0 0 0 0 110 0 0?2 t) 8 dtterle.s Daniele and Wells; Baker i Baldwin. t Atlanta: RUE ???''?? .811 0 0080 8-10 ll i Savannah .MSI 0 a n 0 2-8 ST . r-l.-a I'cwald and .Moran; guarlra and Connoughton. Af Macon Hirst Kum"): ?? ?. B, Macona .2 1040431 0-1 fi 21 io Charieatons . .M " > 0 0 |_ 3 5 < Donnelly and Kidds; Lucid. srmstronK E. II. E ,...1 ISOI0M ll? 4 fi 2. tona I SSS I.I IS?I 7 2 Batterii 1; Abbsyead Field; Hatflaldaad I CHATTANOOGA -T",v ll -In fh* Au hnlf of the seventh inning to-day r Stallings protested agsxjnel thr decision of 1 mplrs Sered and refneod te continue to play. 'I'h" ?.-,?,,,,,. nras then as ai l< l to < lat' U a BCOfe of 9 to 0. I iii|.lre Mclaughlin Kalil Off. WASHINGTi ?N, D. C., July ll Owing xslfh th" work of Umpire Mi Laug] lin In l ' . Itlmore President young Las tempo? rarily Lill Iiim off and! Snyder If Mr. Y Ula Will b" I Stanalvfl Tnrn! the Talilea. BTAUNTON, VA., July ll Brisclal. Th" "ri" of bel] between Hie ni snd Stauntons sraa won to* ,| ,i bj thS Stauntons, tl,- ? inttlng five to three. Ul bs rs 11 n ri:ti rio nm matched. Goerse nixon an.l Badly smith to right for a?.(KK). OH1CAOO, Juiv if. Th" Columbia Ath Dlxofl illy s'tnith to fipht for the feather* weigh! championship of the world. The cut. st xs-iii take place in September for .foin,nv Griffin and George Johnson, the ll ; i! 1 pugilist of England, to fl^-ht la Oc? tober fr'.r a pures of ! Accident to fir. lirorze ff. Stone. IPREDER1CK8BURG, V I . July ll - Bp, |g| Mr. Georgs W, with ? While tr.ix-' i the public ro id In lari,-" li mt' fi ll from B him on tin- bea l and I 1 lin lr - I a friend, who 1 srrl to ti ?? rerldenca of Dr. W. J. Wallis. mar ly, when h.- revived. Mr Btrne la nil: in a critical condition. It ls aup 1 os.-,1 that tL" limb waa broken ly tbs ? ? hold. Miss A I died al h"r residence ll ? Mrs. ! tters Widow Of tbs lat" ' -. is lying 1 rltl cnlly Ul -''t "' llfton," fa city. ?-<?? -, Rottesraj Rews Notes. CREWE, va. July 11 B].lal.?Rev. W 11 Milton, of ? church, has ret'. 1 % ,. ,. Randolph will Lc her" Ihe first ? Srmatlon In thi .! church. Rev. VV. ll. Milton xslil hal day. Miss Bessie Cheetham has rcfurne.] fm! ' 111*1 after having sj ,..,<; 1 di ligbtful s , ll to b, r fri, n 1. Miss Ui tel 1 e Ba ." 1 1 ls 1 ?'?Inc: ts now In readiness for the takes place I Funeral ol' Rear Admiral KnclKh. WASHINGTON. July ll Tbs funeral ten '. from St. John's I ' Admiral F. A. ? neral R C. Drum .' h. 1 ? iptaln B, P. Lamber on, Medical A. a ii .-hlintr. leneral 1; C C ird, Commodore T D, vilson. pi ir J. A Smith, chief mas WU . \ k. Michler. Tic ir.- ? Oah uri eenie ?rv At tb, ? illy, a -. of marines fired B 1 Hey of ? . .-?,-. Wari! the sn, minn Law l!e[iea|eil. LITTLE ROCK, ARK., July IB Ths f Littl< I: ck, ( ig of all ? if-haslng elauss of ths Bh< Ivei las t' LRUs Reel 1 ea?ue did likewise. ffesi vireinin -hegeavoiaig, v. HEELING, av. VA., J ntlon of ,l lrjrlnla 1 ? r Union ri s-teri.-m ' burch, arith sty in BS xs ill continue * 1 va. Itrnr silmlra! S rn 11 li llr-nil. ?????, MILWAUKEE, WIS., July ll A spe al to the Evening VI la mali tr is- sass Rear Admiral Melanthon Smith, nlted Btati ; navy, died tl ? tj ti.!. -, afti r a tv Judire John Hancock Ilenil. AUSTIN. July '' 'I '''? fohn Rai 1,. of '!'? v I - ? from ? his horrie, near this tv. this evening from a nervou der. _ | gOOBlMl N'. ll IJ?J xir IV.mian Worrie*, llersrir About a Koa! I'.ov and Her Husband Iloean't. There xvere original]) nine In the party 1 of a sudden tbs i.< rvous woman mid; 'Where's i.r' le bed disappeared fr'.m their all" as ddenl) ss | IU t, arid the Building just nt that ,01. Win I" could hS bS f ?Ob, 'L ir," said tbs nervous ss.,man, i,;,t do sou luppoea became of him? m ros - k for him ' she com . X n? rvous rn :: UBI Le faUl William -! irt< i out Just to keep him s return ths ? ti. in. ? parts bs ' tims In fl li ill I 'I "ll In th.- M ;? 1 rn!ri 11 _r some "f ths beautiful irble ? ks I I : as right hem We'll xx;iit tut lit. rod n"lther id ro? bb, dour! lan'l this dreadful?" ehe ex Wby, ms ?! tulnted her hus 1, "they'll find tl Oh, Lut thh ?: it on y<o_raaif," h.- re Why, Hem IB you say such au things ' ? 1 1u.11. 1 aever worry S blt. I declare, thia ls factly awful r ked first up. then down the le, -training her ayes to pteh oat of shift i Bbl. |. : . .sal! hers 'r,r ni" a moment, Il"n vxiii your1 abs tina!i>- daclared. "Vug ik after thea- Don't laugh, now; this us." A liv. they'll find their way home If I So lees us her"." So, tiny won't. I knoxsr they Won't I risht h-re. I'll go hunt them i" w.'nt. I remained there possibly a half mln Then he waa heard to mutter. aj, what a splendid opportunity. Guess chase myself, too?after a glass of '." and he did.?Chicago Newe. recham's Pills ere better than mineral era ANOTHER FAIR FAKIR. SEVFR4I. FROMIXEXT RICHMOXD LADIES BADLY SWIXDLED. Prettr Bamplea ol Fine Ureas Gonda at Nominal Figure* !Vcr?. Toa, tirrat a Temptation -Vi lier* ls Mhe? Another r.-al liv- sensation. 'Tis the same old story, and a BBBBbBf of pr,,ml? le nt pi deni ladtoa ai- poets* in this worlds goods aid chattels hy reesOfl of thdr fXMB?deaeo In a rather gOOd-lO woman, who talked BBBOOthly, and then nianaj.c'1 t,, mik- h- rself I "''SS Jost at ?!.-? tun- she ls badly want. 1. About nine weeks Bga a woman calling If Mis. Kat- VV li ? la'. 1 arrlv 1 |fj the city In company with a i ii j ?? irs ,.f .......t u n.,m Bbs ? Ernest Whsalami, and i , I him to be h'-r son. 'iii. ??? bbbb arma rather pleasing looking, tv.-H dlSBSSd, uni very triking In manners. sd- appear. 1 ? ni.., it thirty-eight yean of age, short, ."fidnet flgars, small btseh da. k h-*Ir. I,-sprinkled here aid With irray. Ti ? ' i.lack hall - a very short opp. r Hp. :." 1 un* i?ry low forvh. ad 1 ia en ' board a' Mr corner of Beveath and FrankIla sn Sli" stated that her hus: | and that sile w ,s from .Ww fork. H I manners an I gem ral i ? attractlva tint ? ra a number ??( people a t 1 ' Inti ' ? lcd In what sh.- hal t., t-ll. Some of ti of h-r conversstli nal ; the ' ' '?''?' ' well ac? quainted with p, op|e gnd ] having ai-; .ai mattera and*numerous other subj. Th" allegi d Mrs. v. If to i? a si amatn sa of high i tation, and, ind' I. exhibited some I tif-i! j iseea of a irk, ? bl I to ic-- mads, in tl rn.irks sh.. Btotl ?! tl owned an Interest in a -ir-. . - . Ilshment in Nea llahmenl bsd n ilgnment, and ttl- gooda bsd 1 low sh" herself I much int. rest in her friend's well - '-.'I determined to rn il son I I | Way ,,f i to 1 nal In* t- r-st in th- T., supplement ?.s in this direction i I'll.I'- 1 a Him!., r Of I which wi - l pat* ' silk. Th's, vcr.- p. a tiornii - thal quite n nui ? legi 1 li ? tlon to I l< r th- |.]x if surprisingly ion ? ? In Rlchn i?S nominal j tl . ,,f _? , ? ' ind adj. sho id hai ? ail ( ?? a roman of i lerful. While at Mrs 1 ? whi- ii <?! make \ ? Mrs. '.Iel. ; . eminent n h-r. for rhlch she i Imme iatdy sent tl 0, lt ls bel that an ? rfier. ll Rich* lond. In rere n>.' - at I reek, a la ly wen! to I .. h.- ord-r to arr ontlnued for some time emend. I r her money, when I y ii ? I I a To mal i a long 'rt, on 11 | week .Vi .uk was In t'.-.'l repair, an,!, n >wn town t I ? ?. to %\ !" lr I* g .in cl trom a ?omlnenl Franl of lining ?? rd bill, wi ... .-ir-d with her, whethei er pas back thi rowed ,,. ,m quite a number ? |n -,v much sd ' ? vs in- u r, the foi ? n, fr..m whom m 8 mad.- some purchases upon the |n v plsn, whel ts < 'lara M ? ? ? im-r for umber . n) I "of M. Tomllnson, in ?? I ls I at lleve si. li(i k. foi " out Hie city by the i the Impression thal she I i thal I Ll a nn acquaintance in ? il \ Tr t to i .... in tl ?i | W ter ls I > oplnl cen to. Wherever sh- hs r ii rk, sh- !? H | i.umber of Indignant v aeqn I I Pr : In a very I me of mind al Tn , r cai tha lirst ? - Ca -* a .ir n n i xi 11 n 4/ runt; i rv. - B? Incition Which j* Hotherlng BSSBS ot Hie P.e.l ?.ur??er?. ? Irak al the Arlli lt. n laal Th, ire out a !,'m ung mern? ot ti W! .ng Hera ll mn nf troops twenty-five mll.-s QU| UV BL A I Tha usiy with the rear of tl "hes t | thereof. 1 To ?ts the r.-ar of tba ? ? lumn ira ths head originally was Both the I .- . Bl Bl .intform rat- of "-I" I d. H ?? ?s ,l,?-s . iP_^_^^ looks simple, it- young N-vv Yorker ^ I lt was simple, and thnt 1' didn't J^,.,1 ? a mat?eBMitleal aha , courier lourne I tulles adi man who tua.le th- bet With him a Philadelphia-, and hi called 1 -,der, i tee ber of matbi [j ; ?d te t?- tba si 11 in ,,f' .junker city. Th- profeeaor Sgured ton. t a while, and sall lt was plain that fer! courter ooverad over tifiv- mids, bul ur'' bow much more he wouldn't nader- JV,,', ? to s.iy off-hand. tim ?? maa fr->?? Ootham was not satis- wit with the Phlladdphd profBBBOI I r'I" lualon. so on reaching Washington ha Jf'* ted up Professor Oorge HUI. the dla* c to the House Irrigation Committee, rerri un exjert In mathematics, who, in mat , referred him to Professor Wood- of i. ot the Coast and Geodetic Sur Hla answer waa sent In and ap Chi Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report /ABSOLUTELY PURE I at the bottom of a Ionic sh : ? i ;?? ' quutlons. (I ara .s- Vr.rk.-r is nol I Before giving np the H'm ba is gol ? t bs Opinion Of t i." pr ,(? --...r of mntbematlcs of Columbia Coll it win ll rs an authority than tbl ?hake bia belief In tha correctness of his own riptterlBg. xvhich h" admli done \xith ths hslp of quad tloris. Washington l OF AS t Si I lt 1 HS AUB. A Cnrtous Cuatnm Which Prevnlli In Rasela. There Ls a curious custom in nome i Win n tl . lush* ter in a fa tn ii;. ber , , ? iii is In ii- r honor, '.'hr- men i ? I of tills young girl's Whits satin sit] : Th; -formed, th" ' men - ? For all the Rua ' a rubi - tlon lias always 1 quite ! if they su.d in finding s Butte? rer I."- much tims In carrs Int.' out tlnlr pl Wltb fee their ? ? much lah women ?lo. This is attributable ; their being n Benita! y prim ? v mitti.. If ! ls nnmarrl. 1 .nt ir, lt ls said f hei ? The Russian men Ung a ira H's age. They ur.- dh 'I spin? sters. The] ? ? forty ls ths ?'?a's century. ? I ?? women rei ? ? 'Lan the Russians, Tl,.- French mothers ar.- ,-,iso \ ..f th. ir success in such if a young womal ? ,rrv bef,,r.' tl of tv Sr?v: "I rnenee polite expression tally plain English, ' ' In their .. " name sooi ? / ? k German i who married in t. ? nth year. When sotne '. Irl acquired som" expert ' .... ler hl'i Mall. ll A \ Hill ?/s 7 v.; s; yt rs. r lie. M.,,lr 1 basga. lirra as In Other i billa*. Of i |*enern1 ' ls. I Mon ls ac I ? ? ?i Wash It ' ? in makli I ? . . ai : ? ll ? Of a sudd' I hy or ? xx..rid left off tl ' . | v but lite tl: I a sort "f pump h . then a ld ?? r still a dlfl d' s rii ss .-r all ' ? ,1 be au.afullj II a I-I'ii - tl" Lass | through all sud ? an, foi Idenly ? ? ? any I ren til ll I l 0 i " ? t i r i . ? i ! a li. I [nt l. > B| Ihe Hoses. I. ke the breath of love In the -norning of tia y | ths air Uh fn . dull II. arts U ry with winter - r.-;.;a I r the lin; "I r itlful ' . Le tOld tl III. ' ll. i tenderly slr memory still cllngeth like some IV. ion il- '? Seth, ' I rain, sun : ? at have ? -. | h t , .illy of our pla of life. _J a v, j 11;at. Make ll,,.ir lo D-Saud loiiraelf where malaria restive that rX. ? Bitten Entln ? free from th.- od? ious and the', are i which i h to tLe min I quinine, s more effective, ai even scant, bul lasting, unlike those th" 'iruK. There are portions of our none more beautiful and more ll.- which at DO -s.-as.m of the \e.,r entirely exempt from the malarial arse. In auch regl .ns Hoatetter'a nih Bitters has undergone a con loua h st f..e tbs peal i ts ss hi. li has.- establish.-.| Its itari..n tit yon I all .as ll ., >rise against every form of malaria! ase. For aiousnSBB. also, lt la an nowledged apactfle. and lt la a potent edy for conatlpatlon, dvspepsla. rheu Ism and an lmpovarlahed condition .he blood Idren Cry fo^Rtehor/g Cwtorla.11 ?-** A s . < ri lea Iff () 1." ciel J".' DB VI liv DUPUY.?Dla ' =? Qraea streer, July 19, ISM in th- tifc suth year of Pi tWHATAN !.' DUPUY. from Ol Preeby* -I church FRIDAY MORNING at '.. HAILI:. Pied, nt the Kxcham;" Hotel, Wedneoday morning. Joly doh. O'clock, rAMES GIBBES HA1LP. in the t w.n tv ? li it year Pun-ni this (Thursday) AFTER? NOON af -? c. from .-'? church. Friends are Invited t" atc MAXI SK INTKI.I.IUEMfK. IOKIATURI ALMANAC Jdr 8nn ria*?.! ? " M -ti Beti :: i I'll Sin Tts.T_7 Par* length... ' rim. Morning. . .... IDtM. Cveiimg. . in:.-?:. PORT [NT, JULY ' ai:i:i\ | ?? , ruo. SAM Imore, Benn lt, Belt!* more, , rgo. AH idv -ll.u. FRIDAT ' 1' M., au.i loi iw el Ung N Third sti BATITRDAY, .Inly 22d, nt Chopped 1 ' county, by TH ll BIM UP OF SCHOOL Cornea the Pemanl for BOYS' BICYCLES! le our ntnsl preparvdn*. for thi? tm ... H. I ho "LITTLE SCORCHER" AM' CiNCH" ? i. Bi I ?? \\.. are 1 nit-n * ll & C, E, SCHAAP. 519 E. Broad SL and Sporting Depot, ' DAVID I\. AINSLIE, RICH! I , M.PH. - I \ ?- ' -i ' d' 'A'lI'S |) STRY - 'A (III.I ' ' ? .'.'?- * BANK ITATEMEK-S. , N of inn 1 L'S! [i Idle I ...IMA. : ..MU (ll! I t ? ll i Ira! National Ba ,19 rrt .... , ? - i leckA ?n I ,,?!.er cash '.- '?' '?kels md pennie*. ?. - 0 isl-tend . Total. | I X 'll 'H. ld in. e I . . ; . ? ? i v ?reel >.: -, advauce . Total. . t iTS or V HsSBIi 0?SBI I B Bl ll ?'??? I :.ainad lr awear thc . itate : .!. 1 ? th .1. K " :j 1 llhl'.C. Come" ' \ I. BOrLWARR. HAM Ai. Kl). '. st ll il l i ll .ail. I -. UNTAIN TCP HOTEL AND SPRINGS Hoi kl.-Ii Lap, Pl,ie Cid-. 1) ii ll ll t.ll ll*. I . ? \ I.,-, e ~..l I > > . I. ? ? . aa. Pal wa'.-r. . ..too*. \ . Va. luc ridge springs, Virginia, ENTY-F1 LHON j M'i.U SA?_ INP i-tf PHILIP r. 4-KOWW. PKNKV SPRINGS I A I HS. . .NDOAH COI NTY. VA. itlona, tiled, nery; excellent music; relioed so V. .Send lur a-atalob'"--*. U ''? Jy'J Itn rou B-JUS, OR I ? ? ? ,\. iMICAL TELE* gt fjpj ! la , - ? I trui RICHMOND OPTICAL CO H ft ld ? liroad. % i.leheau*'* rnfiua Dtaateaaf Braal. 'ennyrqmpills i.i ,a> ,<i ??rf \ X.M. , Iny.uX lu , m..d .''.??> I lc I?-al ua iitld u,c..c\ ?I? ?H.'. ',.'.>_ Tait* M%S<fj| ai* ?thaws .('A" Ufar**t .wl.,u? dtw .,.... - - - ta^uM?u a i:,, \. f f . i. o - Ma,* ge. itttmatuu ??al BBBWi li Utmrn ?' i?-. WI tr. waaa.1 IT_?i aTOeVYMi-w. ?> Wm .h?^-*l??BBl0_Or?B#aif?; -/lkl?h**?-?U aUUwlDi-saS -**?--a_B_-___-* ?*. -_Br" fj Pat roi mn N -/ WI,,, /, w,(.r Of the Brooklyn. N and ir sx-.-rks . ' ;?_:*; "-..r..,,?. Hood's Sarsaparilla and H'-iod's reis ls ? Hoods Pills FOE THIS WEEK ONLY. Ladies' Russia Calf $2.75 Oxfords, Now $1.75. Ladies' Russia C Ll Blucher Oxfords, were ?2.50, Now $1.75. Ladies' Tan Hi^h Bluchers, were $3.U0 Now $2.30. Black Oxfords and Blucher Ties at greatly ?educed prices. All Summer Goods iVAY DOWN. HELLER _ CO., 317 E. Broad Street DON'T Bs witl I, snd de not silos Ben? in and . t , ? ? ' X iran'. ? I I re of it ll H Ol' VIKUINIA. In th" Sooth, li I I uti IND 1 IOU isixi, ? rsi psi nal and anassl PoUctss, h to ( ? ? HI II Kl .'>RS. . mer, Thoi T ll.,iris, Jr HERBERT A fLAl I ..... UOMAS Bl 'I.I.I.N' . r IHN BLAIR, ? :"res Scrofula bi ) ? 'her I.S ' ? ? S of qui BSS-tb, -a il ss . INHf&fTED 5CROFULA Ciirrd c. f IHtle boy nf ?* -Cf . - i ? itisaaae reui_iu. i [esl sa i ; ? CKXXXJOOCOOxJ In all V'i:ir ? tr> the World . i Mount everywhere, take Beechams r_stela*a) \-*\ 1 I /-sr from clianv ximiaie. rkabita. cai . ? reased* ii l? fXXJOOCCCC fl>_ . A PERMANENT CURS^ _4t______HHnS5S r&%-se_?^