Newspaper Page Text
?niK CHERUBS WINNERS mgrCAi ?'' BBa>_tMa_aTJ ' BOM mr 1 T r, ku r sKinrits i i si f BMAT, I ., .P'"'l IBW ?.??r>e and , ,? ,.i,? --aM.ra.llon SB tha -,,.-. UBtsea Tresant. ? o went ' : | ? axing* I . s er Le . 1. I p lo ;? and n tl ? Inning. ? fiftl - ' \V,'| e ? ri.ks in the -ith re Mr. I ' ., ' l-l the ' nins. ? ' ? ' ' miLle ? i un, ? ' ? ? .... ? ? Darby ? ' ? ? - ? ? ? " ? r lt had I ?? ? Me is : ? ? llttl" have th, ? ' - as the A : ' '" 1 f . ishlp. p. lb. 1 ' R I'" \ ! Il ft . IS] ll 1 lltir ' ' ; I His pl,. ' ' ' . night. r, ream has I that city mint', | T_.___0 catches ao ad _ a_ir ? jll?-? team, met with ^"U *ul**? *t tbs Virgina bou\ Ar ss . lil Mi 'J , ? do sb 1 BU Club-house Tu tha delights . of H !n a i frith a ' 'iii ?i. tie f,||. ;,nd a pi tin cut in i He wi | tillie to (ollie. The Virginias and College teams ploy HUI Psrk on - i inti nm i ah i mr Msw io r.tij.ty the Orval > iposltloa ?' Ni,utll I osl. ' ' ? lille,| W|tl. ? It ll Ti,. r board ? tort, from ? a ..f tin. . w ..-; I . mnds ? ?ular willi ? lr entire in the ii- ? ? ? built In lat - the unwary \ pat - ? vall ,rty VV'lthlii the grounds are many - - r Unary rei ? ? In the Midway Plaisai ipy fl I vary lint;, ly In rhai from Bakery Caf ' tlc latter - by I - - - - live moi i aid's ? ... ri ti l the - n, by ' foti., ? . ped in 11. .n. I following i fi om ' 1 ri cottage i ? nt Five di: i ft om gi . 1 ."I .1 . itlon proc * hand '.ts in iii,- : ? ' il wrap I 1 In tl ? ? I : ? >r, in the : - - mil ? ? ? ' ? ? on. All the Richi ? ? - ? . . ? |a loll!,le || ? on the ? ? with ' Bil - trill be ? ' th.- ni .-io, jan m the ii ? lt. !> - ll -i I. aten i me, 111 I : dunder. ("hess loiiriiMiiieiit. Vt tba < ! ? BB t"i rn,un, nf. I I night, a ullin!.' i of gan* ? md the result of thi psi tlcipanta In tha tourna* Vii .1 >' Ki \ ? from Mr C. W. Ma,Pu i Mi. W. were pla vd between Pr. r Bia?kingship ,;. it. Len* ii. la bBth of which Jud^e Pondon was ?tonous. 'he tournament \x'A\ be continued to [ht at 8 o'clock. MICH MISSIONARY TALK TUE SIRJECT IMIEB DlACtSBIOS HT hie nor er AMBOCJATtOM. lt. port of tba BssSBsd l?i?y'a Proearrllnga of thr Kapil.i. In s-.-toi. at Harton ll.-i.bu ( Appointed. Association opened yesterday ? k with devotlonal ? i bj Bee, J. DT. Kew lin, xx' Peter, il ? itiOl Joined In singing "HOW itlon." At iu rotor tonk ths : | . . i I offered aa amen Iment fr. tic corstltutlon, xs. rSt. ks rend tbs n port on Ii. .ol and i ? . Ly I ir. H. B tie, "f Petersburg, l With Btl ? llltrl horns, i r training tl ? children dos trni" of tba i Irr. Hld rn I the ] He ? a ? ht. ir. ii from different hinds Dr. tilden ridiculed some of the songs I it; the Sunday s lo not remind i of ai In IL.- Bible." J, B. i mi '?? -stir" In hnowli ? ? rt on the Bund ly I ' : Rock Ol for Mc" - " er William ll. I. H. Thornh! il, who in r Middle l': I >r. Cooper offered rt ] ri. anrl 'lr :; of ? ' i >r. La um ? irrowness ' ? raised 1 ion shall ? -.". ithltl tl, pirti "f VI v,, need '" i-" ,i . Harrison ? r ? ? I P. look bark ? burches | rid this in debt I ii"on th" pla ii. ll. I ? ' ? Mr. William Ell] ls are nd the n tiri pad i ? '! !,; boi I ? . from all for help, i from : . for t hi Th, Dr ? elrcu lltlon "f tl ? iilrnr for ? I nt 1 P. M. for din Afternoon Sea-Jon. ' ral ? ? - ? ' I to t ! from ; for ? tlon, which ? i the ??arty dol Tl ? time and piara of which vV T. Jolly, Dr. rles. ? ? lp,ur In ? ' ? l ll ll 11 i.s- hlmselt H. A. Baal he the anti !. Is ' ii or of foreign . Ih" . "Ail Hall ? ' I ?r. Wh ? ; ? ? Umbrhly ? ir missionaries. | ? that wa tl ?i xvho ar- ? ' Thirrl that we pru ' ' Losy ?h" sv,.rk. r H. II. Harris r>^ ' ?' ? s f..r divine guidance . .. . : ... 1 ? . eases to he * ought ? I tha report rf on home IT W ? r . ? h la half w is- | foreign i | 1 i rent work c ? s was ? ? ?' .il ' ' which were ' ' ? ' (-..".irr" I. f \ U -inri Olly, r the edur ? ? | ir! 1" '1 nets nnd George ir Sn l( ht. Pr. A' <' ' ? I T V Saunders. 1 ? I molds, ? ,T nnd Joseph it Gwutl I r I "me missions T'. r J. s DUI, r. T. 1 I H. C. Taj ? Board ? ? ' I, R, i \ T Allis -ti and W. ? ' t , r>,. ? T.' e .Tope.1. J_ IT 'I Ell " ll tlon adjourned rltl 1-,-r b* lbs- I! G. Clark al l:M, " ? rads' morning at I M it' s 'he religious rilng Of Ihe session. ii/ 1/7//1 ifwv'i Mis ni En. tr. .lames llailr SnOOBBBBS to tha Butanes sd Tsphnld Vexer. Mr. James Cilbbes TTntle. who has been 1 since Julv Ith at the Exchange Hotel, led yesterday morning at 8 o'clock of .. i !.- : 1 fever. He waa a young man, In ne twenty-first year of his ase, a son of Major John Halie, of Florida, snd wand? eon of Mr. James A Olbbee, of charles C. After leeVtag his first yoBf at the Ualventty I I Virginia he went to Old point, reasalBlBg 'here ff'r hboat three trasks, and arrived bars on the Fourth. Though complaining of feeling d.div, ba and til** r"*< Baoralflg Pr. [aalah Whits waa ea_sd. The phyalctan found thal tbs yooBg man was suffering with marked ByaaptoeBa of typhoid fever. Everything was doss for tba patient. skill of neither of the attending Dr vv'i.i',- bad Dr. McCaw, ail anything. ?nd the yoong man -' bia last yesterday morning with Ola faller and gUBT?-B, Mr. II ft Mi at his he. Mr. Halie was a we|,wa young man In this ? I'v. and was a fa . | ; ;.;..-? cir. i- <t n| Rleb* ? ? i itv He often paid ri rita to the Greeabrier aad Warm Springs, and mads ? those res n_| i ... ata charminin< manners and excellent st i; rss the | r of a largs fortun-. i- i a aid bsvs Inherited , million d -liars I The fut,'-ral aili take '' St. Hauls church this afternoon at I M o'clock, and I ba remains will lng vault ut,fi! -n they vin be ? i ? Barlee! t,e a? foil rare: Bi ssra 11 >?'? Walker, A. P. Charles K- Wortham, Alex, r. Charla? h. M ll Hams. E. D. ( dab h. Whlti ; ib I White. ' ' '" imp, Thomas Rutherfoord, Chai ! ng, Thomas Bolling, vv H. os .n. I! ' ? I :?::. Jr., C. ? Merris, Vn ok Irvine Poll ii I i y, The umber wh ? ll Mr. Haid -as bi ld IHE If}I tm WEEDA tWBBFIXO, 1 he Polia einen Rh.mid "'top Dis. lissi,,,* |__ i h.iit. ss "i 0absraatsrlsl i aaa??isa. f tl re n?ed ? ? boot bi moot ol ?: hg are ka and , ? ccBvlcta abo ai ?ii the i enlti ntl iry ell, if they ?. r. . -. enjoy ? . ' the < li dlvlduals would ? ": S moi ? ? tat tbe co. ri ? ? the . , uWle who ui ?- the park ? 11 den from iVaahlnj ' The i rfot ? willi M ? ibtless a plcl bul lt servants ar.- pert all well-lnfon know ? day, and they also kt, ? ?lin.- Hoy frail : ? pit Ol Sonar. ,,rie of ' ? ? PERSns 4i 4 \l> i.l s r.llAl, rnt.-resttncr Tact* About rtlrhj-nnnd** f'ltl ?en? and Other Mutter*. Mayor Bllyson has gone on a business I Tenn. Mr. O. C. Holl ll rills, ls reg I Mr. i ? te Tr. i . ? .ty. 1 >r. J. c. Nunn, ons of tl v est Point, i'v. ? ' ti late M . in, giving bond in tbs ?.n. I Of the Se. ond ] f keg found ll ti,.ti walting Identiflcatl J. ('. Nunn. <.f Weet Point; J, vv, Bronaugh, treasurer I nerlai of W i ind Judge W 1 ri "-. ' lr I the ('apltol \. ng con mltl ??? of the I ..f Ml di. lue .. ? ? v.-nlni* until next v tractors time In which ( Bnroughty, 1 serious Injuries by falling ton a nd i ..f Ins No. in Denn] Fulton, unt of it is bellen . .? t;.?r. mt ei ural >n te i ratch ? ly the : | trill tsl to-m irrow nd'ht, undei th.- bus] t inion Bl itlon Mi burch. Th- ,.-, ,. da a 111 bo dei oniTi un. I", i. Dapay. Tn the death of in E. Dupuy, ? morn ? Ria inn,.ci lot ot her "II n.-ii. Though f.T oeveral ?? i .? vv ss 1 oas of . !-? - . ? i;... . |ty, ead - real His nife, a bo res Ml " , len, aarvlvi i bim. I'!.,- funeral will take place tl ,- tba i wa. ? - ? ? ? Mr. I.'osenl.. cher s lamer*!. The r- ta Blgm md I : ? na of Rom nbs. h. r \ .'. who dil 1 "i lav morning met st I tri* ada, and tba fl tu tba train. A Preposterous Nsrrsllve. WASHINGTON, D. C., .Inly B loubl that may have sallied in tha mlad ( the Acting Secretary of tin- b Improbability ot tl ? ?' 1 lip-?!! l .ic... d by tba Alexandr! i la n ?w Ml ,t,e 1 .IIS "f in.- preposterous narratlvs sow agree lo sing ths I ita d the al - ? bjob s May d'I. TI..- 10081-1 Bf tba N ?? v ?epaciicBl Bl ra that the Mohican was t Perl Towt,.--nd ns late as May .7th. nd dd not ie iv- ret Behring Nea until has after thal dat ? PORT TOWNSEND, WASH, July ML? | ls now known that tl- story of tba ted BtatOB steumer Mohican having rad ll the Bealing poacher Alexander ad halag fltBBbtsd hy a return fire ts a vnani pure and simple The storv was tarted by correspondente ?of Seattle pe? ers, who practically admit that there ea no foundation for lt. ELOGGED TUE DRUMMER A.M. Rm; i ns, OF CHIC AGO, ty MER riFlI.I.Y DEATEy AT COBBVBS. Il* la .-.llrg-,1 to Hare Attemptrd an As. sault lp..., tha Klavrn-Vrar-Old Hiiuglitar of Ilrpot Agent liter. COBBtTRN, VA.. July 13-Special.-A ?eek asa i bum. af tsrehrs or Sftesa men drag.e.' .\. M. BSSJBfS fmm Um Abler son lie fl here, carried him half a mlle Bl I Beal him unmercifully. TbSy tlien compell.-d him to lOBVS tOWfl on feet, ?'??? nyir.g Bsedlcal a Balala nts. Rosers is a drummer, r.-pt M. HeaeersOB 'X Ca, fl ''i.i- ino abos Ibm. Ba was i af insulin.; rh- , r-.dl 1 xaent Utter. Ths r th* Inhuman, action of the mob, and Rogers ls p.,ld r., !?? entirely innocent of any * con* M near Norton. HN ? fear that on- Ul a ? his ri-- k wit] i | Sen b arrested rnor" . rill bs l-l: || ' 'eb-gram from Coebura sass -.f the affair exagg-rate.l. M '..ken, an'l rc i ? ?nigh! to ger ... x brr.rh-. drumn ir ? ni to ase him da y, ar, 1. 1', -.< foi thought ,.f what k In ? him In <lf> \'i.. her leeoiint of tho Affslr. LOCUST LANE, July H. Bpectal a ? . "!' ., r ? ? 1 mmer l _t Coeimrn, Va., several miles fr,.iii here, for attempting t" assault the ? ' ll an.l Wt at ? ' ICO. Th" Whl| lng ss i^ father of thi fire tn>-n. who kept ? ? ? Jelly, and two "f hi - I his ; i -,'. ? Th" man's ||f? spalred of. tl ? ? ? -1 xvas Iii I rheta h.. hs ? pair "f - and h- took h"r upon lils lap to pit me an.l r? .1-1 her ? to h.-r ; tl.- girl non miner's ir some ,,f 'I,,. ,?, ,, . The ' ? ' thought thal If the dmr' agent aili he rigidly i Th" ! ? ? of rh" Augui r ,.rt ? t Richi ' there HASOI ER I nt mn i Y. Two Mm, l hare,.,| With Pirating a <;irl to Death, a, <|iii,te,i. IVER C. H . July ' Th? county cour' The jail was full, the ? long, bul ' ? rere con* iment in - of lass-. surprise of nil, fulled find i of Igninst Albert Samuel, r> : ssirh b.atina; to des p r Bs xx 1 r h x i Us . arel Ju? li nemo in | 1 The latter ' ISly burr, ll, and sus fined twenl I >rs. rna torie] I rio that ri from Hanover win ' ? ? ? ' I -rig on ? ' ? William will t.i ' ? ' Weet POtnt, la O ? H fr. . the pr"1 ' . .... ?: . I- hi lean con I a ciiRisii i s urn ,irw. Beeanee Be left m. Ossflrrsgstssa His I n'li.-r I'.iirlrd Him In Ifflg*. UKATHSVn.T.i:. VA.. July If Special. R,v. David I' "ian, who ls noxv ? t of ths I' f Phlla letphla, pn Mi . Of th-- J 'sss and ir' - '< thi ra. Hs la tl rish lia'.!.I xs ho lives L". th.- ? '? Of 1 Russian Toland, and the grui ' + I -sor in th" Jewish. Since his c religion hs has been oati ? is os ii father bal ii..- i in .,.- m svtden-e that ls I load i , t'..- T- -.sish faith. This man win bs rem ' ?? 'Le people ,f Richi I : When on his way t,, -sport fT "military duty In Rtl lUVs his father from puiiishtii'-nt "ti Lia |C rr,HU. xt .'ir last court th" I'rmocrars of tba ? i del - i Con In Kl' Lt ? -' i",n- Tbs ?ounty s.-nds ten deli - If r r.ri.Sp. ?! I ? hat Colonel ' ?>*. rrall sxlll COI I najorlty. Buford I .tity._ MEinoinsis is sfshios. Norfolk IHatrlct ( onfarriira I'nnveiiss In I'rlnrris Anne 4 ounty. KORTOLK, VA., Jatj B Spial.-The tforfolk Dlstrtct C f tbs Moth* ?JM-S , "h in - '? Bl Nimmo s burch ern.-ss Ant.- county, sith ths prsMdln* sid ir, Rev. J. H n the chair. All Of the churches of the Sntricl ss-:.- rapreesnted by th.-ir pu.s ,.. weil ss bm deb sal i; h ls, X COfcS Smith prSBCbsd thS .pening .s-itii'.ti. Tn- cull of thochurches bowed i : ?'>' wnsMtleo i' ? \ and lin H.' lally. ? . D. D., ...' Richmond, md Dr. W. W. Smith, of Randolph-Ma ?on College, wers ; ind wers ln* folkrw* ?'imitt.-es wera app toted: Spiritual State of the ('hur.-h H. A. ?onipton J T Routten, J. B Merritt ,v. it. wilder, Osorge T. Ton nos ud. Comnsltt."i hil T. Q.". r. J. Taylor, D. B. Aaatla, R. i>. Vaughn ri"! John !.. Bab, OCS Committee on Sunday Schools-c 1! loggs. (J F. tireen. BF, W. Vicar, M. C. Ceellns and E. Christian. Committee on Finance?O. L. Neville, E. Wella. B. T. Backover, E. M. White lurst and W. T. Mears. Comrnlttee on Quarterly Conference Re cord" J, F. Maslin. J. P. Rray. J. T. Whitley, j. s Wallace and VV. J. Twll I'-y ?'ommlttee on Kducatlon-E. H. Raw? lings. A. Coba Smith. VV M. Heauchamp. j. n Webster and .1. vv. Beasley. Committee on 1 "h.ireh Piierature-W. H. Edwards, T. McN. Simpson, H. T. Water field, s. x. Brickhouse and H. Itohlken. Committee on Temperance-J. W. Car? roll, r H Partlett. c. H. Pro, k. W. A Mew borter, G. vv <?, *_?, Committee on Lsynaan'a Pnion-w. w Tl ,' P V. Whit.- vv. a. McWhorter. A. E. Kellara, Reg. vv-itrht. The conference win be In Beylon three days sta rm ku mr in rd Ifelween OTerrall ?n,l Tyler-Other Poll ?"?! Matter*. FRKl)Kni."KSi;ilj.;. v.V.. Tu!y 19 sp.v-iai. Tba b ta th.. Hen,,,' . j f"r'? ""I'l'v '?-:<?. ataad for Governor: Threo for ol-'. ,rai;. ,)-... ,.,r TN,?r ,?,? non-committal .\ rei luUon waa unanl m "'slv, ? : '?? ! I Kon winiam a. tittle, Jr., 0! for At! and ( ... gd to vote for him. Another l,Ur S<nir??nt RADFORD, VA., J lowing: 1 again - I to call statements In thi attent! ge nol weal the ; _ dele? gates more than ntitled 1 and gtveo them all t ts ? Tyler n.< nt, North 1 ? t.-r solid for - 'I'-.-' di they ara divided \ r Ken! | Instructions aili I convention. Tho . , down Instructions, He pa rslsti ? dows WythSa rota to I ll _ boos d tb il ? ?? is He refuses to glva Ma l t gatea In R ippahannock and ' .?md dalma all In Clarke for 1 . f Farrall He dalma eleven li I ,. 'Fi 1 rall a nen lt I ' three for < ?"Ferrell. He t,en in Ambers! a* fl known tbs l ld for 'I';. will not stop '?' Franklin. S- ; Wise i Franklin d lng cnsld- red ll I ler bsa ; ? 'iv IM ; ? r.,11. ( 'olol.el I ful. HUGH C ? A flail. In the Inleie.t ..f I,i-t Inly 1' Bpi I i Tbs . to bc ? Ward Club N'o 1. Ma ? . il ..-.lion, is V 1 f..!k politic! sine ' "tie of intscra In ? d.nt. Tlc , ; This cl>it, \i ill I ? ? ting in tl, ? 1 dele Ki. hmond Conventl. cr i .tit..u ia I r Tj ler for ? I llanover ta, Hold Cl I marie*. ASH!, v I ' ? ,1 The Democratic ? '..itt.r 1 i ,? c-r met ? Convention will ba ela meet? ings win be held il kuli-, Higginson*, ll .li's Shop ..nd Blunts on ' 'th. and Hu. .1 I'..Int ind . 'old Hsrbor "li AUg-St 10th, I k P. M., -hi,md, and be et 6 P m. lilies lt,nnty Batter*. PEARJBBURO, va . July I I County c.i.rt convi ned here to-d tte mass meeting to td hmond Convention occupied most ?? tl ? la | rho Tyler i rn ? victo* riots, bul tl was l which has ever oct urred In 11 ly In 'his , Pi irisbui ? id feeling prevailed, ii i i i by the prompt LCtlOn Of coi,i-r bi ' Km. The farmers ar.- now !'i the midst ?,f harv ??? - rac I In I ' u for many Ali farm productions di fair ? . j iel i bountifully. intaln Laka . h.- overflow of visitors usual at thin ? i ? !' i: ,'? ex-superii I i ? ? fa ? ? ? ? ? ? ? bbl and ll t les. Apponintfot Votes. PAMPLIN <"ITV. VA., July If, Special. .unclog the f Mr B ii Franklin ' Franklin A * i ? bburg, , ('liff, Mr. 1 ' 'tuan, Mr I R ... ty of - Baringa Baah at thM ? Injured While Rat li In?. ha.miT' IN, v" v , U !'? ll Sped .1 ,fr Hitchcock, a I umbi r men bab! from In diving ft "ii a ; ? 4 nie pavtl* ? ii I on I , ? ? cl la In a critli al cond A i ard. RICHMOND, VA.. July ls, DM -,-, tnP i i of tba ' ? ' DMA ; ? - I the aale In thM Door : . phis *i vies hs . Invention, I . whoa ha- de| - I ?'" upon I ' lol' 111.1)1 1 ,, the fi 'i'" country. ar of a icb devi, es heretofore iffered to thi nd Imperfect. The department asked for t.ptai le w hi. b would i ,,..!, nhl. li vs..'.. : ' 1 one nhl. h WOUld i "t am Now I laira t ' nsd in -.[.die, and, rlthal, bass made nor, no matti r cost!- ? rial The dev! an on th- ra i f-%s weeba t h is i,--. n wit : i berever af* -r.-i. Richmond I ll .ti for i ? l falr-mii: All 1 Atik. ' ?i!?n of th' ' <? > iBVSB* lon, l am no "pal ? ling a :.. artlds rltn I win BBd a gentlemanly CSnVBBBir te >-v-ry om- In this 'itv NOW doa'l drive tum ?om var door like a dog; I ll examine he "receptacle for mall ' if li noaa not ommend its. if to your buMneaa fudg* ient, I i thal th .iii not saaoj or The d-vt'-- win also be on exhibition t M trphy's Hoi I, wier- tbe i ibtte win od my ageat te sxplaia i's vorklogeaad ive any Information wanted In reference ' Dj . J.? Impressed with the belief that I will ?cetVO fair treatment ut your hands, I m Youre most respect fully. J A PVW. president Acme l^etter-Hox Co. If you ' feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTER? To BOQtnsrst-tbs nice things that ?Mail you. Wi were so busy all day yesterday that we did not bars ths time to straighten up stock and tell you exactly with what ania/, inriits you will he con? fronted with when you enter our store to day. The Great Clearing Sale is now in progress. All Summer Shoes at half values. Sows the time to shoo your family for tho future. $1 Hi _?_ 311 E. BROAD ST. SPOTT & SPOTT 405 E. Broad St. All DIAMONDS, w ITCHBS and Ji;w ELRT, RINGS, BtLVBB and SILVER (!.'"'KS, 'il'IlKA (M.ASHKH. ST COST All Bf th" stock of SPOTT S SPOTT, BM saM Bread street, bivi! BVSjred to me by dead of . nment, f * ths beneSt of creditors, xviii ha BOM \",' ('('ST. Bach article has marlo I in plain BssjrsS AT COST, mil must bi soil. The reputation of this oil .u.l r.-llable tlrtn ls aufllclent wnrrantj for each artlcls offered. _____ 0. >S Al' COST AND FOR CASH > 'NI.Y B. J. KCKKIt. Isl'". su.tu.thOt Truatee. Crab Meat! Crab~Mea5 We have this day BCCSBted Ihe exclu sis,, agency of Mesera Pickett & Co.'s famous LYNNHAVKN BRAND FRF.S1I CRAB MI.AT We will recetvs our sup. ? billy from thSSB at Norfolk. Va., thUS giving ns crab UMBI ? "li day that is pure, freah and un-Mrmiied. Their CRAB Ml'Al' Stands at lbs head, and j,,., i un. e.i to be, by ali the tnuranta the puree! , ... . . ,,? ,',., market. Their dally capacity ls MM pounds. r r Bale In quarts and sall-ms by me. This meal manes delightful deviled mbs salads, i lillee, croquettes, soups. Bc Receipts furnishsd free ?n applies GEO. B. BULL, 'Phone 505. SECOND MARKET. Ills.-' _ .-_-. /, ham LATED BUOAB, _->sjC. li i ii I A S ? 'ounti y Butter, 30c a pound. Ughl Brown Sugar, lc. .i peaest, i , pound. , fJUC, a bushel. a pound. Arl 'i round. I Sr.ap f..r ___. p ,| Boxes Bs it Baaing Toss-Its. 10c. , hog. ,; I Cream < ", J"'- a pound, rth Caroline Cal t-errlasB, lOc , i . ured shoulders, l.c ,, , ' Se. a I'-und. , pound. '? ? . i Hoe Herrings, ' ' r t -r sob!. 14..V) a i Snow Pinks He_r, lt a barrel or 21c. a ack Tsx , ' ri for 2 .c. s n.i.M .ITS sov. ISM -in! |82_ snal Main. ? Phone lift I I.??' malled on sp plb'nfton. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE NoVata. Do you wear thtmT When next In netd try a pair.) test In tha world. If yoe want a fi-e DRESS SHOE, mide IntMUtart styles, don't pty $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00er $5 Shoe. They flt equal to custom made und look ssl BBB*BJ well. If) ?? *'**1 to?coni/ml*elfly?jrfaotsrea*| do to by purchixl'f W. L. Oi^i?rUi $Soa?. Name ead price itanped oa tr* l*jttofi, look fer lt a-tan yea bay tV. L. IMJI/GLAM, Bros-kt-u, Bi__e. _-U fey HEELER A i'd., I east Broad street J. R fJOODB A BON, 1501 east Main aireeC r_r6-th,s-?itu3m. PATAPSCO, The Premier Flour of America, Is the beat, and ls unrivalled for Ita Parity and Uniformity. It Im perfection In Flour and leads all brandi In ibis country and all Alua rican brands In Europe. 1774 * * ? - HUI Tear ?.. ? HW. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS, A. 1! and C, Grind ihe crt am of Maryland and Til. *;.,?_ whsMt and the choicest variety . ,ni ev-ry hurd shoat State In the I'llisXJ. Ask ya-r Orc-cer for i'ATAP.Hi'0 SUPER!. ATI VB PATBft, PATAPSCO FAMlt.V J'ATKNT. ORANGE OROVE KXTRA. BALL WIN FAMILY. C. A. GAMBRILL MF& GO, OSTTCB. Ns. SIS CXrM-fBRC-l ft- ' BALTf-fOBB. MD. *