Newspaper Page Text
CITY OF MANCHESTER. HAirrsiMAA OM iMiRrsr os un nilli ll "ll" "r lut ''AMES. A l?e?lsn **B DBA Men's Fair. A Indi ?,,irl V"""X Bl Hi" Lawn Psst*, BasttagS <(?url. M.iscHrstrR Bl "At' Rn gMOBB Ttvrs. I 11.1 H. ii bts?rr, Baai.? a_oi >.. I v, , c ,,- t. fora tba a> al Mi jm, ngshlB, tl ,ic I eau r. ba .. puri? ne f lew, waa M saw in i. ' "'" f,,u- ' "" I'lll'llc ii thia is d a.-. t . . .Main. Whit h w ?Beal to a lab sled j abo was win nln_ I :. i nt dOWB In tl ith. cling a turtle, 'i f tba ?_?? i ? -a bk la | say, \?f.i a tia in the I w -11 ii ta Vi-hi U para It I I, and full I ? .cc. ,. I I ? Mr. Blank tl"'.- : is. H ? at ? ?? ? ile- fair I and th- r. ls ., , ? gramme was and Ul -Se || ? nile from Ighl Hu., || the ?? Yee Milner while Mr*. Hr.icg, of I . it. front ,.f the Leader building, .di not : Injui 1 ? crowd vi lawn ' day night. ? la ns foll. P P. ' I _n!< 1 Ruck) r. ll; M *-? ? 1.".. i Aher .r married lady Mi P ' !'.2. Mr. '!' H. 21. Td ..f William Turner, charged " rv. has I I t term of the i in 'i Th. ' With I ? and dealing MB, Will !" ' ' r Maurlee, cc the . hy ni-, 'it twenty ?!? ? ? ? of a number (B Of the crap." . ired vt Oem H I ?? ? tl of Midi, tl ? nuea quite Bick st his home, In Mid* loll l ? Mi. ppencer T. Hancock ls rpiit" sick ? ? of Mi fe '? 'kite. mi-s May Tl n lr. I ? , Manchester, and ls visiting Mrs. william Allen - ' Itv. ? > ? , ' .. f.,r so- - ' . lng. Jess,- HlltOI '? v . t I im ? ?? ring the ' ? ' He win . | < ouri merni Jl SI l- I .n>)l \-s ? ni m. A Woman Strike, n Mun on Hie lita.I VV ni. ii lit. 1.,-r of lleer. A Sort of ? BBlatereotlng attraction al the i ? rds]. t of view i \ The Just!. ?? s ai b Mas nol the n aull of ? i abbom i u vacuum, for Hts Honor's cranium ls full of lei nd his koo* minute and th n it. ti ehnlcalltli I la only ,, erith illy, John B 1. 'liinan, who \i as . hargl I with unlawfu . In Pi.. . -. wsa aJlowi 'i i it la sid wei e re ill his pocket. \ , ? the money waa gone. I minna with him, and whei ti,, ni ?'.-?Ipa d" the chink w in. were an (oj lng thi lr jag. or whether Craven lost ih. rm I I, ? is u quapatlOB will, ll could ll"t ?Ult. vv. i aaa ..-' iher fortuna! ? mau. and Ills iii.iot dismissed th. ? la which t ?? was charged with obtaining tl under fains pretences with Intent to defra-. I Louisa P \dy. ?? tin I. ?? continued casa of J. N. kl . anil i mc S ii us.- $1 : mil Pnioii .? i" a : | irged. Rj way of i i Henry < u.iy , the , \ vv .nen io 'i rou! li.' and tba ? ir to pei bs did Hm ? entering In the night time the dwelling* of J P Hall and sti sling and anal ,i lot ol l . and for a trial rt, for abe, was i" raml ? ,'h the mian* lag mi 1 juiy Will ? ? ii de? la indti Idu ?! I Lewie (colored) went t., ber h........ and pi soded l about mattera romani . when Christina old bat, r ? 'I,I'U lng him "unable to be about" for ,i little while. Th. , m.,mun Waa Mumu..m..nlv COO. duet. Pillie Arnold (colon 1. pal 1 lt f,,r carrv ? lag In the street and dei is ia ral sequa i -I a faa patts ri adjourned te discuss tba ? aioi lal oul As Aflernoa.n Wedding. The nuptial ?f Mr. William Anderson H"'l Miss M ic,,.I,,,,., , . church ?Ung Which have '"old, rv)r oom ?.,??. I ths capacity of .'?'".r '"? buUdlaJ sad tue i,;;;:;1" ?**??????-i wiu, great rtJjTai^ "?'" ,"ri''"""1 the BMP. mit- sin,,.r:,,Ur,,,l'Ti,,r ?? beautiful -v. .mm L, ZunTinK'- "'"' **?'< ??"-k of unusual ceremony. ?ivs from i Miss Mabel (JHnn neted as maid of honor, and th., oabera wera: Messrs .1 C. Anderson, brother Of the groom, beal man. it M. Anderson, brother of Hu- groom, vv .-ilford Fravs-r, -,r or me bride; .i"hn Quay, .lac.h Well. .1 H . ole, VV. H. Panforth and Il c ('ntd- n Th- bilda, a tall brunette, was attired In an BtegBBt traveling costume, gad looked verj Imndsome. She la an at? tn t!\- an.! accomplished young lade tba dum-ht.r of Mr. .!. VV. Frny?er, a well known druggie! of this dtp, The groom i? m tba semi line pf trade, re at the comae ot Monro.- and Broad streets. H.- Iv a pop? ular young man of business. Mr and Mrs Anderson loft on tha Tdl g train for a Northern tour. A Model |,.-tter-!l<'\. Mr J A Paw. pr-dh nt of the ' Letter Boi li the < Ity pening mvssa i la Invention for rn tining mail In dwelling-house doora P la tba intents] arrane m?nt ima,, for this purpose I thing but s sn - eas n ba , itiflee the prop rty and leave - lutely fafe Inside your I v.t it is only a nam.- plat pf modern da ign. elbgant finish, practically ; dural ? l ? d il a of t'.r>" irtlclea for tha froi ' ? ?:,.'-plat.-, door-bell, letter-box. yr. |;,u- ? ineiit business man tv e r of Bi vlr' ntrodu i nnd Ind irs d bi H in i: ? Ar MT. Paw married M ' . liar',, si: R "ant Y -rk ' Itv. -, . our i Itlsena bai In P.dr d""rs. Proser.* fra?afbffc Richmond: I ?-? n Brand! to May B. .-. ,r , irove'avenue, J ? J. Whlti Mina ' aw and E, W. Bowery, 17 l-l feel : ? Henrico: Bot, Catching, Bpeclal eom loaer, to Martin ? istera IO fi ?' south al le i'- tree! Ran doiph and Westlington, I Thc I airfield Actives, The Fairfield ACtlVI I rStlC dub, niirn!.. ? ? will meei >' thi lr h nty-seveatb and B. ken hsvs bet n pro ciii.-d K.i.-il- of nil the gubernatorial csndldstsa cordially Invltsd to sttsod. Nave lal led to Pe] IL a nambi r of revenu - dla I Of In th' ti... numb* - i I dellnq ion! llcens* than usu,tl, snd SbOUl , jury. whl. ta agsln i" ' *> EIAJFED mihi 4 MAEB1ED MAX, Hut the i min i Overtook Thant, ami Osss* |.riled Her ta, lU-t.nn. MONTGOMERT, W. v A., July ll. dal. -Past Sun ' WlB* ni. ii,,ia? county, and winiam man s Ith a family i I fi .m the hon ?? ol ? .ng a f- w min ? ? .in No. I ' ind. 'i'd. min? us! five mi arti'. ? m until about lock i'. M., when tha rived thi old gentli man was tO ll ? d* till tO i ? turn kag tO ? ? la gal ... ti .ti ? iiin-1- en ai ) uadi i - pre* ie '? wa or I hal In ,,ii prob iiiiic i ?? sroul i fal ?? b u the h e of tl Nl< bolas county faro Th? y,.ni,g lady In 1 her Mi Winston, ai I had Mooee In bia < mploy i ? rn hand He knee nol I thing until the ? '? ipement. lind Rgllwaj Schedule Jin- ( roiia. CUMBERLAND COI July il Special Pi ? i me tin ? Tbe Timi ? - ? b .v. M . noa under tl ? ? ni a a he dule of tbe Fermi 111. road we ll until ll A. M. or B P. M. Ti ii luthorttti i have taken off tin- ; Tain, and run a mixed train with t arrive milt i an hour, 'd - m.-nt ls Bl i" oph ? mon l , r du , win nave to be fi - two ?I o a to tram iel an) bu Inei li Rich? mond or Farmvllle, undei the ile we <-..,, | .,,j ,,,. Gen* Powl .. j,, this ' learn the di legation from 1 'nn'' I one-third for Tj ler and I all. section ;.? ? as buchela of wb< l" iking well, and. arith a ,n of ,V|" I tl, vs HI muk,- a I co is verj been han ? yield mada bi re foi a n imbin Charlotteavllle Votes. '"ll .RLOTTEBVILLB, VA. July I I Special M. s !, ? Button, of Bs] tl.nor,-, who ls visiting her sister, |fl ? of Barbounvllle, f'-n from a porch yesterday and wai hurt. i Eva Williams Cater, graaddaugh* ' T I William--. ..f tds city, .ind f G. vv. Cstor, of Bsltln died ndpsrents', In this . Ity, In "'" DStk ii, .- remains were taki n to Baltimore for Inti ? i i. i edp,il of the i ry ga h,?.i while g li , ? ? tlr on his porch, the ? mi t,. Hi? de,kim: in.* righi .-um above the elbow. John William Rodes, a , d of thia eounl n'a river, and ids funeral took pl i ? , lock. VI ol lil', lui Par! a Worlds Pair ip ratea from w R , ti. k-1 bro! ? bi Main rtreei Cor i, sj. id. n. a prompi I. | to, Psevea Disease Bj k-- pl) I tba ayeti m li con. .lill.,,, with dr Dav! I - I.her PU bes! lav, r Medicine known, ?_, I B pUla Flvi -li. Th.- Virginia B ifs D | .all and Fidelity Company has the Onl) Si.,rai,. Vault |n ind tbe number .,r our cltlsens Paving the cilv for the sui by the deposits Of trunks war.-. Ac. in thees thoroughly and fire proof vants. ( dargo* rn and safety ussur. 1 Insurance conn w fly. pt,p cent, discount that ic re | , ,.f w..,.,i. send tor ,,r 'phone Thomas N Kenn, i arood i rn! ? i taken down and galvanised Iron Bubstituted and save this ll.,- per cent, dil which will pay yuu for the cornice jn two rr.i ni?is. Summer Weakness, that tired beling i,ss ..f appetite and nt ri >ui ? i%*t .fiori m.- driven awa> by h... i, Sarsaoarllla Ilk- mist before the morning sun To ^^^?ftbM.raat.r^UM, Snr.-. dil.!,.,,t, Maj h.,ods pius. l-__* I;!'"',er"' Nl"< ""' I'ank In Its deal ?gg with ns customers i? liberal and ?Bdeavor. totadvance tho Int^-SJVE patrons Account, .oIKlted and every at. tendon promised. ry at jJnWlNCTON Typewriter :^J^!tt r^rtwW Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design .inJ Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability anti Speed. ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL WRITINO MACHINE of T^e World's Columbian Exposition. 8-NO rOS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE vVyckoff, Seamans C. Benedict, 3.7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. mvlG-iu&th.lra Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin, glass nr gold; There'snothitig-O good for the young ?" or the old?ss Hires' _Root Beer ; A d', liciou-.. health- ff??-?_??? | giving, thirst-satis ; fying beverage. A At.-j ! temperance drink for{ Qgj^jLf ; temperance people, V~^ I', ' ll I-1-n" A ?-r- pick.(rr m.ikrs ? p-loQS. . Sol_ and Enjoyed Everywhere. Sus sss s, Richmond, Va., Feb. tl, 1803. Mr. J. A. Mon . Deer Bli Hun - Mineral Water. ] great di al r.f it In my pi SI to my If. it lf makers- upon natl ? .??. As a diuretic it h is no equal. \ - Hy, . v i > This water cures D Kidney troubli i J Jr., IVS ' J. ll H IRRI8, __Hao 2t XX XS ls. |?T ANTED-a >> BCHi I lMILY, bx- a young la Ij ? I, xs h . I e bot L in tbi ? ? TEAl flin l , jyl ? s-ai INTLEM1 \\ i AN \r- I RS t., t..-ll our ? rig HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. new, Liberal tai Ul sea r n.yT-.'im ?srANTED--**4 T\'."ST"UV, EIGHT* >> ROOM HOUSE, to : by ? and rent at a r RENT Jyl**t! ic ANTI D A LADY OF 1 KPER1 >> i:\i-i: ?!? I i i: i I Latin, Pr neb and ll uslc .. uri testlmonl - ri Cum? nor, \ i J> l0-SU,tU ll \\ Mi 1\ A ' ili'li; CAL PUPILS. Sig] .iii t- timon! Main. ..-ANTED OCCUPANT FOR FOUR \\ CONNECTINQ ROOMS, with Lath, at .","! ? iel I . i. Termi ' i .'.I it* WANTED old TO \ IRG1NIA AND THE Si il i'll ' live titi.-. -I ile sn i prln ii.,- ,ks ' s ,?tj, Klehl.. j>i- '? _ 1- HERE AR] SM] ill s,,,. ,,-,,,,,,,( | | , ? Ollt r-f I SOU HER RINO - HALL - MAl;\ IN COMPANY s Fire .'i.i Burgle) I SM Lill. I | s,/ ? tb Ninth street i - mv27 ls I \( I I,si,,\s. Cs RAND 1 Xl ! R8K ?N TO NORF' 'IK I .VND NKW Pi 'KT M.xx fi 'NLl ll ROUNDTRIP. Nbs db Motin M',11 r -ii \.\ -".' ixi.1 . . ny's nea ..'th, at 1" N ss s nt T> A ll ? Q \ U ' 0 I' M. ,ii. 1 S il 7 l' M arm i In l. . foll"SS fill.' AtlRU-sl 1. l-'.ii, on ? View, 11 . ll "111.-. rn,-nts on steamer. M lal I ? a grand ? ? ! ; .els- for th.-m. u i "I i BB TO ci.".-,': ' il r 1 ms DEPARTMENT OF 01 R Bl BINES. (ii lt STOCK ' iP TUBULAR AM' I.' "'' (MOTH i: BOILERS, fr.>m 0 to iwer, HORIZONTAL CENTRE CRANK ENGINES, triller, from 1 ' ? '. I ie, ; "iver. 1 ra are new, of our standard designs, that are well known. Wa also -Ber a lot of pit.lets, CRANKS, SHAFTS, ste., roush and finished. Any vt these I ,n ge bought x -ry lew. RicU Locomotive & Macr.iue Worts. ROOFING! ROOFING! Hyinlsl iltsailna t> BBFAIBIBG ami PAlNTINi. US AND III->N ll,ii,KS Ali sork TsSssjajQas Bi JOHN ARMITAGE, 3?\io to 3*?o WiUismihurg Arenua AfCTIOS -Al ?.*-Fn?aie Oars. Q rge vv. Msyo. Auctlone r. SB and 2i nortn Ninth atrest [jOtTBBHOLD FURNITURE, Ac, AT Il AUCTION I will nell at my store, at IOJ0 A B . PHI!'A,. J1 LT lt. UM, Walniif. pop|,-,r anl "ak CHAMBER SUITS, handsome EBONY PARLOR CABINET, t inda ene Buri v\ ainu! CEL? LARET ..M'.l'. Mahogany, Wal? nut and Poplar WARD1 lil - BEAUS, BEDSTEADS, TABLE8, CHAIRS, SPRINGS, REFRIGERATORS . ..di. kiri 8 S M'l'i.;; |;v TENSION TABLES, MATTRESSES < ' " 'KIN'} an I in. VT IN <i fi ; ? and n variety of MI8CELLAN j ARTICLES GEORGE vv. Mayo, Jv_0-H Act By Chi arning & P Ri il Estate AgentB, A . i and .?, No. | north 'lentil al (iM.MI.--I. -UCTION SALK No, R_ w tm CLAI BTRKBT. ( Edd ' dual ht in th-- ('tere tv Court ' ?' ? dty < f Kl' lilli',i. : ' JUlj 1 I, in pursuance of the di cn - in it,.- above* menu ..ii- iint< d for the | I by auction, upon ti TUESDA . dd*. ,t ., o'clock P. M . tbe BRICK l>vv , ?; hi i ?' ? i and D in. i ea on the i ? - I ex I.... f.. i to sn i.U'v. This i to d' found upon Hus . thoro TERMS in cash, the residue Ht S-.> 'I 'd'' ? t from day of until the i sn l ' bj th. WILLIAM v W. V. . c <<\Ci, special (loan leer*. : I trrls the Chanci ry Court of ld!,!, I. ' 'hal l< \\ Q Idlri dei h of rttfy thal the bond i equlrt I >.f - ? duly niven. alvi ; 'tn day of July, lv>'.. ILES W. p..??. td ' nt. rp I. ... AT ,\ 1 By i n tue of i di ? I of tr nat frw , i . ii ,:c-r b. Smith, trustee, rt '? D. B. 41, | an l !,? ii. aid C. M. J ii, on V.i iNDAI t 10 e A. M., v ALUABLE TRACT I >F 1,021 OF LAN] ii | i fully '!??-? i.!???.I in ? i. default having I ? I by the ? ttent of | THUMS All ''ash. If from selling by | tl the til iidj.urn tlc ? hour un ' Rich* OVERT! iN Hi >W mm.. my?" I I Trustee. I.ti; lil n i FOR RENT! able BINGLE A N D D01 BLE OFFICES In The Times Building, COR. TENTH AMD BANK STREETS Apply to ROOM 28, Timed Building. '_ i: nt. mtlful SUBURBAN RESI- _]_.. I . I. N' Ut five : hight) Improv. All of the i JOHN 1 GOODIN i C ' ' I l,"* OR RENT. BRICK DWELLING FRAME DWELLI1 ST' IRE and DWELL1 Main Stree! Ap| ? P. B. CHAFFIN POR DWELLING " ? rly 20 lt KU' ?pOR 1 1 617 Bi 713 ' 'lal I ? itree H Ul ati Fl i Rooms l.'l I ;,... it lffin a co I OR I c. franki IDEN! R. B. i 9MOVEAAIOM ii Tl MTS I Y /.TfORNEY AM' COI SSELLOB Al LAW. Law Office N I le-. I'.llit... a I Ve prsetl e? in all tbe M?:e nu 1 t nited state* r. Bl i< in He-um ai '. 1 ead* ?n 1 VV il . ? . - pared Acn "'" Igmei ?it! ii- laken I I 1 made. ???:?. m I'KtirilMI.V . ('itv B i. Ifsrshsll at 1) P"P. lg Md 1 ' l: ' '' 'VP AND vv... .i. .-. ile i Pi .pa i - - evil! be r- - a until .VI-, al IJ M Fi I lion apj Bj order of thi *-\i P HALY. Jy io--t ci.rk sad E ipervlsor. ?e ISTHBLI3MIO 1065 % : Woodward a& Son, ? LUMBER ? J CO RX EH Si SUI A SD lt TED SIS., i HlliniOMI, VA. HARD WOODS. S cc, Chm J, ruin Oafe, i XJ .?rtetr.l ' ?W, yuan-red SJa?more, U*i,i<-. At ?.,..-.__ DRESSED CUMBER. B_??-W-?_?, (.eritmn Sidtnf, (Yillnir, riujrinK, I artiii.ji,, Mnaaag CAILB-t81 aM> WAOOB IX-?ga, Virginia anti Xnrth I arolina Pine Prion ino l.uinbrr. LtldK PINK l.Si> OAK TIMHKI'.S, LATHS, BHIBOLBB, CED?B POSTS, SASH. BLINDS, DOORS. ETC. B^belBaejbeasamyataaBaadakaM aaVb -u f ? KAII.ItOA!>\ 'N^-i-lii-esleroR -Sl lli-LM.L^ IS EFFECT JULI -. IM* i.i.-x, i, ku iiM, ,.,u tuAii.' ', Lxtvj ^-^A.-l.^!i,^^:.^N'JKt..l.K . 1. ^, H.: l.l.l' l-l'" Ail ixe .Norfolk ll--' A. M. , :? .-I,,j .ll f?tel BO-Tgi Waverly an l Miffu.r.. __,__, KOO A M.. 'Hil. > il," A'. J ..a lor I.,:., o. Hg, 1 Blui :.. . :. 1'.. ... ? ' - ? Col - man Buffet Sr" i- ' Noi l"'K lo cm. agu, xs uno,it ? i.....-??? ' a ut Li:. ...un and al ? I. , division; ur Winson . 12 IS P. M., For 1 la .,. Bristol and all points Kuutii and ^ ? Tenn, sn.-, . \n.. "?<?'.?' ? sin railroad. Psi ? ?r ' ar . l'u., 'be to Memphis xii Knox Cl..:' Richmond to Ls i,' hburg. :;.l t P. M., i or B iffolk, N .ii '.'s .i ? termedlate si 8 ;" r M- . -,, 5:.mi\ M.. Arrives ? at '?? ia ll r>o KM For B moke ''u laahl r,l: 1 111 at Roanoke 7 25 A. M V . h..."Ka Lin ?' ? '?'"''? R ? I'ln 1 v ', J?r ? horn and ats ' '"'J h Valle) dlvial 1 . , ri L [on Alan foi Rm bj Mount on I all si Salem l lin , i- M ll i Pel Trains arti-," Ri hmond from Lynch? burg and ths '?' v .*?_ 2 _o P. M 'rf"'K and Ilia Ki.vt Kl III 1 . X M . - -'" P. JJ aid VESTIBULEP LIMITED ?:?> P. M. R W COUItTNKY. ' xx I' I".i :\ H.!.. Oen?r-,l Passenger Agent Ganorai Office, Roanoke, Va. K IC HMOND, FREDER AND POTi iii l in,.- , ? .linnell. Ins ern stan lard til ia:, a. m.. Les lor i at ii "i P ? ? I r ! Ar P M.: I! Phill . ? ? . rixt 1 - i ,,,?,; P. M 7:1_ P. M., i ? ststlon ' ' ii i.i p. ii ? > M 8:50 A. M.. *. tlon dal ' X ? r I 1 ? \. M. ' l . I 7:18 c. m . ? from .\. :< i-; i" M. ll .-. 11 ? | ? Bu ___._. FREDER da ir/, 4:00 P. M., L 8:3.1 A M ti" ' DAD W. 6:48A. M., I it A*h M. ? ? _. M. 6.04 P. || , ?' C. A. E. T. D ' c ? I 8CHEDI I.i. LEAVE RI ? ' ? ',. A ii Fl AST Britta Lat rir-. Pullman \MEL1 x I cepl Al:Li'- E r: .1, Train * I 00 A M . P. If . | yORi. BU , DAILY I -. | v THE I MOR ,:, NEV LE I VD: TRA1 Ii ' tOr M'ltr tl ? Jay. TUA! ' ' I I , i' \| BIMORE LU ix Uh V. rk R ss rh ): , ' ?hi ' i i Washing! >n Phlln leiphla and ,' STEAMERS LEA\ K I1ALTIMORJ ^-^OR WEST pi 'IN r. bills ex I Richmond sn i Dan* .ill" railroad lo Richmond, arriving al > or. A. M . i" ?" a. M , and I IS P. M. THAIN Nc 44. 7 05 X M I OCAL MIN RD, dally ex, -i I .dei . Isavas Twi nt) thir? ties*, f,r West Point and Intermediate minta ,- INLAY EXCURSION TRAIN f"r J Went Point loni N Bl I '-". \ ll Ticket nm. e al Btatlon foot of Virginia .rr.- ri .'iron s o., a. M to 6:00 P. 'r,.,n !? 'si to 12 '?" A M cits- ti,-k.-r ofB re, '.h,! Main an ? SOL. li \.\s. W. \. TURK. [Yaffle Mn Cen Puss tgent, IV. H. OREEN. General Manager L S. B. THOMPSON, Superintendent. J. 8. POTTS, Paaaenger Agent. SU Main street. Richmond. It All.KOA nv Wa A a ls?a y. k. a HU A RD AIRLINE. gCUBDULE IN EFFECT IDA r, JI LY _. ls..:: fl x i. No *? n ?-.' Lv. Richmond B i A. Il . S.W P. M. Lv. Petersburg*.| Linton Btatlon . . 0 a. M I ll P. M. Lv. P. t> rsl,m.: Wllsbll,,,,,;, si I" I" A. M., 3 M P. M. ._.,.. i'. M Ar. li'-i,.! . . ,' M Ar,: '. . i . I P. M. Ar. I , i ,; Lv. i , . , .Sr. South ? . I IP M. Ai. Ham el . . r .v, ?? . p, M. Ar. I A. M. ll I. P. M. M : r Lv. Monroe. lu.i.. a. ai Lv. . ... Lv. Clinton U Lv. Or, i Lv. .". Lv. Elberton l U Lv. .'? Ar. Atlanta ._., ,. , r ... . - at Ral k -. p. a l. .N. ' UN - I. No. 27 baa 1 R with A .. \' fOr Moble Foi ' RIVE DAILT ' ' M. W INDER, 1. , " ? 1. 0.1 BM] I'll, T. J Tr ll M BOTKIN. City 1 ^WORLD'S FAS SCENIC ROUTE. ^m**WUl?*9aW JULI - TRAINS LEAN l. tl lil;. . . . 1:45 A. M., J 1 _ ^ ni 'lilli . lr 3:00 P. M, Da i i nd J I 'i. al I i. - ' r ' ' : . I i !? . i i l ; t - ' -' I,., a s ).' ' I ? -' TR Al ' l ? " ' ? ? ? A ? ? pi I ; ll xii. ? ti rm ?? - ? 17 l:4(il rill'. I ? , 1,1 ?i i h.: .x Mi. .' 7 "?i P M ls I.M.,Si,ii. A :...'.' I. X ? . .. '. I ? Pullmar and :<?- . ; '. M 7 SO A M ! THE ON!.', a i.i rail lin . .- ' ? 1 ? .' ' ? . P r if - ? M Bl LLT. i ? ? T. M RMER Si >N Tra- atat-ai FitATAN \l. " .ill MAIN ST I: 3CHEDI i . ? VD: M., via Al Klein - SS' it 12 4" P. M., i I and 1 t ! Interme? dia) ? , ? ,o !? u - Line fur < >. t.r ARKIA K Ul'.'H xi, 'Xl' 1043 A. M., via A Cobbi Lins from Berm ? _? p M , ila i. Danville r,-..m yarraville and Inter* . r . P " it LU fi n sk11. , .,.' i Wlnti i h and all |>"ir,tis sx.-.[ ,, i 'ti. - All irs ? iceni Bundey. Tickets i,i ? , becked l,v Richmond 'I mp ms ,.t union depot mid at Richmond nnd Den* nil.- .Ie;,, r !;. T \S ILSON, Oeneral Passenger Agent. JAMES R. WERTH. Oneral Manager. mUMBOAfg (/'?" ""?'" ? I i 'iia-WPl.KPV I ^'d Monday. dav at i V :; MOND \ . I Mounds la i .. ._ rlvei I i *, ll e. ., ? ., : , i a ? ' i i P ' I I ' : ? * ? Pl '.. i ? f?v ' v. p i:\smi;- l m. : John L. Williams & Sons USauUot: Cs Corner 10th and Mvirv Strecta, RICHMOND, VIRGIA ld, tba." ace a . -.kal baku* Moori a tit SAIISOSS Aub m- I ?i rosa SOUTHERN INVESlattlrtTS, OK WUK t: MERlrlANlS' UNO PLRNTtRS* SAVINGS BAM la|iil;il, ? B - nii:> ? i - ? ? H. I. < I [CANS me; , .: 1 I ? ' MERCHANTS'NATIONAL BIM i , i , - qnated cnni . . Capital, - ).O00.W ?'?? . k n, 1 ' uro.1:1.1 . . ? - ?j ....... U A < 1AM???g AM. I *> HM MM'. S, | j lt-., ut ii.dil ll 111,;. Mon?r Lcaua? bb I W* Uti i 7 RORTB rn fasti KD ICE Ct 17th and Dock Std., Is Prepared as Usual to Citizens ot: PURE KENEBEC-K1VERICE AND ALL KINDS OF COAL AND 1 J'ronii.t.y md in ? Priot- nmi ?? f' "' ,: '' Kable laaltfi 'Phot* N ? A.D.LANDERKIN, >Up?'rill!'"?lrut. to*i._U4