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f littfs. VOL. 7-W1 SUI SERIES .\(> MT. RICHMOND. VA.. SATURDAY, JULY 22, \W\ PRICE TWO CENTS woMENTHE VANGUABD MTBIBBBA DMA 1 n i 1 tc ii n rs ABM cgiLDBBA VOA r nm ? < / /o\. 1;, v Mk I Their i lahfl *v Uh ,,, the Oenhld Wish Op aaa rr Head*. ir. tha I thi mln Ikera aad lu '. ? i ? ? but ? ?? . I ' I ? ? 111 . f I ? ? ? I ? I ' \ |J?J?J 1/. ?11.? ed Cs I i ? ? > than ? muli ? : ? ? ? I - c $ - x ilue i ? ? h.. .in ' i ? ? ? ? STBIBA i s ii ,,//, uti E. ?* "" ' Ihe Mlaees Bsiaaa to \'.? t:. .I,,, it.,,,. L ?Uvrs that render* _ proloaged strike k?i N Fin '! li heh ri i . ; ' Th" cnn*-.rm. . | ' I ' '? <|l ni Bl !'?' appoint, l .1 d< putetlon te bk i t ? ? - Bs ld in -. nnrl xx;i- ? f an r ? ii "f Feraaklre ami vtce-prealdsnt . principal ?(>? .-,k.-r for ihe mini rs H ) n to <it ii ? lUssUoa to ? lion. ? ? hali m.-,ti ,.f tbs M ' ? rf the men nnd th" deputation thnl tl.Kat to arbitrate ? ll // / ur Kl sins ? Tim ataaeri la Itaserd t" asslatant Se. re? in, s .,' "?>,..,.? I lulu. ,. WASHINGTON, D. I L Ths rc ' ? ? ? | v is ? ie In Mai I end In hi lt la n.,f 1 illx'c ?ii thc subject li Bras a mnt t"r ? ? he ah'.nhl undi I :,<_.i' of li"- State 1 r as lt rel itao in .m t' Ivtaory s-.:,x- po far ? ? the stipulation i '.: his ? " was tum svlrh the h his ? I ' r thia in, | ? Inti "? ? ? in proe in that direction are at l< asl doubt* ? i Mon Mr. '/ ? - ? no xx hi, h ? ll nt Hi- I , . . ? ? i of th" ' I ?' ' until thal work ls ? BM B Alf J A I i " I ll lt E. What Southern OoverB-tS BBS Bl i nilli. %bonl Ii. NEW Yl IRK, Ju :? h ? i lH\.i? Iii the re* ? I i Whetl rii the ?? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ' ? ? when il." : 1 ' ? ! ' . ; ol the ? i . ? but 1 by IL ? , i md /// i ki sim xi ,.,?/> 4 iisiusn ' >? Dlatlagnlabed Mahertnaa Falls t" i sad iks Bia Bea tvs ,' ' . H ll k xx 11 h ? ? .... nd, wa No tim, nself will i i is in li 1 t in rOB ?? Ul sit l; K ii I \(. ba People ?>< Persona Inning Them* ? - in Antli I pal I on ?>t Ina x i-n. I ? ' i the i"ss ? roi vera a appeared No Indication of ti." IO.I ]s ? Hiil; le of <i'. \ rills, tdound it. \ id,,-, ir si i,.r aValea, ITY OF MEXICO July tl R. C Sr I.. tS. rr 11 WW ree ?tn I-- Hs will "t once onsti in ti". li hoped, ssiu be ? next, T ; bj I ? ? , this counti - ? ?? ? . N ss Oi-crtti ItceiT I. rORK, lui- -I Th.- Am.-rican ? ns ol Paris, front Qi ii i" da., mad, h.,i,ia. ihiity M.-s ii asletttef * !!?? record which baa Leen 1 by tia- Btaa-Blf Fuerat Bismarck. i < li? ri,I V int i tn adi T Kin IL.i , "tl fill lt:,ir (I ? SP .ml: min i'.-t l: ling Sati the FLED ROM LYNCHERS. TAT LOB, i ti r WIFE MVBDEEEB TA K r V 1 O Lt si ll l: I no. Ile Tcll.1 lite I no.. < ... . r?|>.indent at I.v nrhliiirjj VV h> Ile Mnralrrrd Hit Wife Tim Trial I'mt poneal. DUBLIN, vv . .i d) :: Bpi dal 1 r i. ft this morah ? i f"ii< and Wi stern Ho. I, for L Ul ,ut 'i c b.r, tb- v.i; ? mar . m jail p. heep him B mob a Wi ii ??? dring to i. bim. puty .;?? F. . In whit b i I that ll was a pi thal he ,!? knot i Ha broke down ? ? pletelj shll tb. ? hers hs! H. < ? i ,, ., ?--'. .. ,, I'rlrao, LTNCHBURO, VA., duly William 'ic . ? W. J. < ' ? ? ? ? I In l In ..t Dublin. ' dimple looking man, wi,,, d like lie Mould 1.1 I pelf nf 1 ? lo backs reputation, sahl i >eputj i ? ? i tl In hlf> e, ll l.v Tli? Times man ' i won't h Irnubli ' I ? ?? ?i a Uh h. r li,- I. In the r In bis '. ? When ask< '1 lo tell 1 ? I lick her three times on ti ' with nt. ave \vhld nh. ssas kill ? ? ? "? ? I i four of Hie ? ? --> \ / ;? . . " ? ?! t S 4 I 1 . ?.u Polia i In 1 v .ti, : ii allon* for I' ti.ut ti-io , Mat! ["ON, D. C., Inlv tl here will be fig in i' ? ? len! "f : be Will ' 1 ? ' ?r ii." pun i be milo. ,11 tlc 'I Hie ? .-?ht, when ? I ? , Chi* ? ? ? ? r the )? // tBBBSTOI i tsii 11 k mm ' i sn .1 nie BhoWlna I'.i" Ha- i? 1.nilli a.f th.. VASHINQTON, D. C ? : elli I'll. in tha ., .il! of il t . ? I wlthl f thi ? ? ? ? I July Uh, mid BOOB : i I I . ? d at th- I ' of Hie bill* ol,ll ,, . ol M?' J lc ? ' - ima |.|\ !? ul of 'li-' r. ? Hinter a led .' ii,i?2 Then in Hie vault a i h inflammable material ahould been there, different from any I in the mint. rerythlng painted to Ceehler Dow* I '? ? ? only mo who had ; it??y, Jun" -'iii), had remained at mint an hour after the clerks left. Ile I Tl ti ? ?cl I,!' lb I dil d cl, . Ul ? . ?' D ? o li bd tat ! tha vault, nnd lt was rot opened until Mon ls) tn irnlag n I I i '? | ths 1 led by ?' His es* I ? ? for 1 ni VV'.i; BlagtOB ' ? RASH EAU IR* '* tm ty t fK LB. A..luinneiit nf the I mai carr lal Boat. (Mhot Palloros gsQBUsS MILWAUKEB, Wi pie about I rowa ' ... thia BBoraiag, when !U1 attorney luini ' ' ct n time, I . ? ?. lal ' Tb ? umbel of n? ! ls A F. Oelll I s F. :nfy, ' U I ? the ? I , do ago, I ? hlch f the Plat kin* the ? ! UK ? % was a tr",,t sur ? ? B i\ i s, WASH The f,,r 1 I ink's ri la due I ? ? , lien 4ss u i 11 n tXD VI nm nm. ...p..c. nt I,,., Mure lahomaa Datrages in Ba Fraakle ? t) night. ,, gas run doo n and A m ib ? '.Im, bul ? ? i iii 'ii' ition. \ Nogra Brats i ? bi bed. JACKS' >N\ ILLE ? nine* ? ? ? ? ' Inotbei Bi ii il Ont HFN"! I I I ! I ll ,111 ' t 11 i im; t Ml LT BB MEBT1XO, bi s of i 11 liena la Ba Hi ld la ?<? ta v... i. Neal t. NEW YORK, duly 2\ Tl ? ' ? be held In ? , M., fi ? H. I v M..rrd, n vdopii Fuii.-. ii I Smothered ta Brail in a Fifa, JAVAl ? ? I ? ?? atti ? twa, bu! ? ? rj an n >?? ff they dropped .... IhB .,r. where I I \ i i in.-i Otrea lu. OL TENI lal ? ? i -. ,lin.- railroads fell In this ' ? I ive-IB. The double tunnel Ilk V!.ioH.- and I j nd Nu hriilt rall ida Ii ' ' nd during lint '. of the turiti-l lt off. I'rlc af MHgf 11,-lieha's Ilottiun. fASHlNQTON, Jaly H. The Treasury feted 170,0? ., | ii ? s ranaing cf thia nm..urn sr purehaaad the aa la nea ng declined and the BBBM rate len ed. This ls the lowest price on record. SIAM AT FH ANGE'S MEliC Y BRIT AIS CAS SOT BMCOOMIMB ASY oni.m.ti ms u> AMMIMT MMM,, llnwaver, Will Hare a Voice Ju Ula Territorial Arrangement -Terms of France's I lliniatiiiu. LONDON, July 21.?Important commu ; ns?"d to-day !>. tsresa tits ton and h. m. Jonas, Brit? ish minister rSBldsBI In llannkok. vTOO* Adtnlral I? r- n 'iimaiirler-ln-cLi. f "f ill" Chlll.-S" dlVi-!r.I| i,f th,. licet, is baal | ? sapors, where dispatch- s fi ti tbs Ad rall iiim. Th" ?.. rxdiea a-etai ali : 1 him. . (".f.riu. ri ? -day ,. ;' ls svMi i.t. m. ?? fers, that tbs Ma? il mist latch up aa b.-at t\ renci s nitb Fi i in ti" terri) n lal an Bnesaasnta, bes t Uritain will have n anice. TBS Sf bl r denian Iv , ,,? ,| l?. ll foi SB shall si mora i in h-r ultimatum lae hounds rles of ths .ry to bs brought under Fi ?i. Tl" ultimatum ia notably In* . dei k, tu: I ? -i light from ? IHi : fair i ? remain raia for Til-, xit.-ii part of the French nd for territory m is in, lude the wh.,1" left bank of the Mekong i This lerrlt ? Plain ? month In which lo wlthdrs r lower Mel i willing ?.Hilts* dem Indemnity sp '??'?? l by cs i? far li I fl . | I inn nm J . ? , -aonaB tn aaked in i mona to da i In regard to rn". Slr i Pal ' ? if Ihe ullin I lied ... muni Britain, bul gave the I Of the rights "t I Cambodia i n the I, r< ot ? ? rh "r; sri r tbs fort i (thin n m full f"r vsrtoui nggreaslnna ships and french -i on the Mel nam river) fourth, the punlsh ? of lbs culprits and provlsloi lary indemnity of the victims; fifth, an Indent fer yarlot subjects; and sixth, the Inun m fra ? wan the f"iirth and fifth ' ! .imo. of ti" ? francs. Slr Edward Cl I thal ne *>. ? preS"t,t li' . ? a ? 1 I British ai ; ? rls bsd led and been ret'irn ? wi- t stsps tl ' .... ? ? ? ?rn ni Of tl " ' ii en ? riod gi anted In the ? nm. ? Stir ll lr,' lion. ' h I rles of 'li ,r, ' ? ? ? Brit* ? ? nt (ff I ? iphl ? ii Iii 1 'L rsi lt. Rbbb pei Ina ? be I ' eneb BAIGOl This xs Ul ll patches ? ' h nun,.ii, at i i rn 'I' ? . ? ', Elephant Point id.- i lum linn, iii sj,,,,,'. Paaasaalis, K< >K, July U M, Pa - ? nuntin t I 1 ? ? . boord ti The ll.. i. would ' ?n ss ill offer 1 bj I to territory will bs al . ? i m h lependa on I liam is ? ml ni i i . 111 le-lllfere,,. tren, li *!lr|,,?. PARIS, July -i Tbs ir- - i be Bam k >k Bp* i .... Puris editors I that i lort of ? sudden lt is h lng p-1 fori ? ? I, ad to regn ' ibl ? In, : X' Humann, the newi ty, xxiii recall tbs I '?? the ar in ? s the ri Trlomphante lo i lei tench ' nraman li rs fear thal l Imperil ti"- ? m-l waters ? .ni ths ('"chin ? ? front not kn "?."?' ll ls laid ti. >t lbs '-?..., frsi isa abstad I frsusei or i - ||,? i BSssSaaMn Looke- for To-Hay -_ONI> -' Tbs BaasBoS cor* .?,.,.. i m t the Dalli Choul, li says . ion "f th" French di i-ni.,now tSatur-toy) la prsbablsi al ,,.,,,h a section of tbs Btamess Cablnei .urisela defiance The French gunboats rs BBS-dBS SSW-tal preparations for lbs ros* of i-.-r.i--. i The Britiah Minister xs warned British aubjeeta in stan af ie Critic! ri'ii'Lei IBS I IBS I ivy will bs un.iLic >,. afford aaj ctlou. and will undoubtedly bs rapt mn I tbs event of lighting. Tbe landina of ti foreign troopa is ragaatad ns probable. r of the dlstri tl If Luang Fm' ? ng jn tri.> rr. act Int. "Caa ?' LONIN3N, July Cl The rnrU r-orres ponda nt of | . vp Dorelle, eV.-n If | oo ?ft,.r St-fing the Marquis of D ifferin, cunno! modify I the tarty* ? I for Slam's mew- r t" th*- ulto, , , t,,-,.. . spire i. I tl ii will be In i' ? ? v ? , ,, ,k.,v ,, (>lfl|, r to ? spi - - ? ?, tte M krauta < f luifT- tins return the bri .? result .,f whdh will | ., . | ,lf || I. r to Aub* ? an lor to England, win ta gas ? ALGIERS i hundred "f tho ton Irn ' , %rmj nnv? sailed fi wteaoa Hov will !? ' ? . PARIS, .!':'?. fl \ d m\ ,-. ', f,, the Tampa from ,, tr?,n have I t. Inf ip ? ? I on the ls' md of KhOBg In the Mek. na rP i l BRUN, ' ' Siam to ? I Hi. lr int- rests. TUB SH ti: 41.1 4 f AS AL. A Meeting nf Hi* It,,?r,l ?f Mrectors to Halse Motor f..- the W?>.k. NKVV YORK, ' ! Mils of 1 o' Com? pany to eoBBhtei ? ,i pi,,,, for raisin? the w.t.. ,, H mmlttee was appointed . th- co,mt, v to di ? urltlee ? ' pi-- in l-.ts ,,f from on. Th" trcst pron ' il-.. plan to raise th,. > io avoid calling lu an) bj nd Hallets. Th.- work win i??? puah i f r sith .-ill poss!! IO Si tit 1 ll I I 4SI I KS l-l on I . Hut Thli Idea of Coi ernor V\ ,il>e I, \,,t lo alair.rd by Heine. BsSlOBSS Ma-n, DENVER, ''"I.. July l'i Th !? ivar I >> aft.-Inoon, i I i? lina' c.I-, city I let m? ' I..- represented al I i tiona in CBI ilngton ic men, wic I pince I fora tha country in a proper llgbl ind rei Incendiary ut' lu that . ntlon bj ti icted '?' . Inn I tc -I of Hi" city, I ? i '?' ..lld ' ".lille ,1 In their : ? ,; er tb" Inl ? - Y.ik V\ n v by vv | ? | ? I | to stump ' r Sta I ' Fork, New iei ll ? ? ?' he would ,t om ? ret un own B( special fi ? of Con* ! ? _ -eked pie In the ith." MILLED tWO )i I s. i a i s n i BEA i V. iel. hurd ShoemakerShoota Dona Twa, Men .in.i Woonda Another, METROPOLIS, ni.. July fl This evening I I llb d RI. h .-?! Lull ll d th. !r 'nth' r, 1.ult,-ns, and Hun i bullet Int parties were mei l indi na i knon ii ? ? ; ind In Ken I I Lui .lolUH, tome tl r fiiai tuntlng. t In the lt! I Tills ? ? : | . . ||ng . , ' o' aid iras In.1,11- in lil-. ? ? ? c.'. and a ? rna al t for! The I ? ! wiv.s III : I ll 1 I nSi. IS! IS I, t I I I IIHI . twang the Belldlag< Destroyed i? Hie 81 Hm ?'I ? slholle i li...cb. (BLAND CITY, N I I ? mi., bl... ks of I la this ly this nornlnu' Hi e - ,' ?? h',,.i wklet ? I ? I ... k. bo-md, I by Jach ,,ri ac I.n lh" v- -? I \ ? Fourth di v Fifth T)l,. , . do !?? thing Help ? ira ll . h ita I tomed Hoi Men a ! f.itt.l'ies ai- rei ? athol!" chUI ' '' ""' | the r-.of .,f i" mini *? Jiislire lain. l?P?|.pral I'ruiii the l.l-l. DETROIT, MICH , !ul? -I The m..s' ? ,| thing th,.! h.t.- \-1 come lo gbt relative to the i urging of "'" P,n a,n Hst ls the Suspension of Justice ,? .,,. _ong, ,r ti.- Ml hlgw .p,e,;,e Court I ra In this it., suiter from wounds as set ? j ,-i | Lona Al the battle of IlinltiKtou lalSnd, Oo., he lost his left ?ni and was also shot through lh id' ah! "in- ti- Thia latter Bound 1 ia ,11 to bc dreaaed twice dally Th- notice ? Buspendon ls n brief, formnl does .?nt and wi * '?" 1,,,' ' at have ltillu,*iic*a lim course of the tpartment. NEW FINANCIAL CLAUSE Or Til EU HM K Ri l R BILL DISCVASBD AT LEXOTll PBO AXD COX. Mr. Joseph < I, am berta! n Oppose? the Provisions of ths Clause and Mr. Hear- fowler Defend* Them. LONDON. July 21.?In ths House ol Commons tO*day Slr Edward -_!r, v. l'..r li BBB n'.ary tSSIOlaiJI of the Forvliin < >f ? ASO, responding to .411.-tllons on tbs sub. J- ? ? stated that BB Wednesday last Rus? sia had nasura .1 the Foreign 1 lille- that tte 1- ,: an. Braned RbbbbbB force being dirtpatch.-d to selie the Pumlf country were entirely faire. Mr. Qiade! na thea asairsd the aaaaMV ? ian .ti ,,f th.- new li-i ni.!:,l clause ol tha ll ,tue Bait bill, He only clause to ba dla las 1 mit to the the bill by the Hour The motion woo ted nnd Ibo Ma..ipa- w.-nt into Cnn <f the Whela Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Ita t.iheral Unlonlsl lead, r, obj fled 1 thal a >'"rt tin surplus ..f m "cv sh ? I be given ',1.,! 1 ,!??. ioi , ? nm ,,, ,-, t?r. plus. Ii -Ural w .-. .? illa d .,? ? little and a",re.,t Hrttaln t . n estimates 1 turi.!, .lld tint ' M. t hamtx ?' .'? - -I 1 hi di .id a diminution of I n,. future, which, - . , , ise of the inn wo lld C.1*t in - on lh. British tal plan pmj ed i'V il" <: ,\< rnmi ni ? 1 , Imperial budge! iv depriving Or. Ht Url tain of the pro) ? | bwb .011 Ii da i"l- ' i Bf nil fi li.,,,.,, lil I w cd 1 'ant (OB* '..?'?-' ct i- I and Oreat I ritala li I leal He prors - ,1 "l.t any ! i'\. f"i Insi ia ar dvy, I be imp.. , aa .;. .1 Bril iln, \\ ,?. . much batter one . 1 .' sa me su bj ec t " Hie llotlle Kllle |,||| a,f IBIS of til" wi, Indefei '?!? s.. ., lt lr : 1, I u,,u' ' . ? I |.v-.,..| ,, , ?I.tight to pay, This amount Mi. il, 1.11'.. , I ali, ,[. el ? th it tb- >t,itisii wi foi li i-h jule. Hf 1 I ? ? '.ill mid thal in Haine tha ' I cl ll) ll. il to 1 nd Hi.- aui ilnl ol the common Int. rests ,,f Hie tn., count risa, -cl a ould 10 I-' an int. ural part of Hu the ll no- Rige dil shot,I,! ' ? ,'? ,1 Britain would sim 1 Rubi cition-, to r .Hi, ms md pul.Mc works, which v ?lui', ns much ns ii,.- pc:. ,| surplus tiru B 1 ti to go in li. I .... 1 11.,;,,,, 1 uBB a 1.r , ?.. h.- ... .. convinced thal tl,.- hrittsh would del generoady nod illy with h.r. .sp, dally during Ita .. , ;..\ ? 1 .un. ot Mr dim Redmond (Pnrnelltte) sall hm ?'???I that the ?-. 'em.. w?s not moro ,1 and imie plat. If was hamilla* 1 t., i?- deprived ,,f nil ? ,1 ,.f the . .ll.. M.c. nf taxes for :-l ? I ind's coin rlhtltlon III th ,t period ought not t,. be nsore than oas* querier "f her lue,.tn". Sb" dbl hot wnnt In lb" future, as In th" past, to be mb ' fl 'i 11 w I'h ' ' Phil -n .11, lt, d cheers from Ho- Irish Untiing, Mr it- dm.1 t- ???! fhn <?*? p. h. n. ?? would show tb-.1 the sci,sate njud v t'.i ? ommlsdea tint h. ? n np ,, it un cl rtoul sim.i I great rn...Ill ttl t)S ? VI, lltieret ('.iintn' for Trlnl. c mis. July -'i m i ".< ret. editor of the ! ? ' ,,f cotnpih itv in thi I "" rv of , ariela ? ' ci Btoloa uni ih ? mbaas) In Hds .Ity, ." Illi'l- I fo| (lill Norton H..- mulatto, who furnished M, 1 c. . 1 with the d?'? linn ntg was ?fr trial OB ItlS .burg- "f : ? Sn Baagaf of Maid Bstgfl lp. 1.. .\. July tl In th. ii I ..,.?? rep) iked I tha ?-. ,il> Mr. a that l ?> -II. 1 el ? ? 1 -,i.ii won] 1 n sui! la ? No Cholera nt Nnjile*. 1 Inly 21 l 11.1 1 In this dty fri I ? ? . 1 noaa ,1 < rum ,. ii") 8ve mid.* I of I'urln. - ? 1 ha 11 adnu i '? ?>?? l tat, CADDO, I T . duly ll.?fl : nee ?aye I I Choi rill 1 "'? nt lertaga Fsttsu feyer RpMatulfc BT 1.'.ris. Mo J -?' I -i 'i ? ? . . ii .1 ? ; ? ? 1, ,11 advtsoa have 1. 1 u ui M . the Fii'iiic ri has Ha ? itha from Hi Tha ? !'? ? .,? ,|..l le ? I' it elf" , .cns. There la BO dane;, r of tts Ung to dliea, IO, .'? I "I. Ul" .i.e. Barr." Hill Niirnn.ler*. VII, VN'TA, Iud .1 Harry HI -1 Allon, -,i litton ll norn ".' after he I 1 ,.,, ,. |e ,?. -1 ..a bond, nut 1 ? nd I I I'V ,_?_??__??__?__ 11 xsn.h or iiiikiki'ihiI!. liane "f til' ruc to. 1, t at ThS Tittles ? ? \iy, July 'il. d :? A. M . so. 12 M . M. :'. I' M , Nt; 0 '. M , Ntl AW D . It!, TB. I roi e, tl. tv r a? 111 1. Minn v?i HINdTOM, 1). C., .l.i'y tl 1 r 'irs'lt.ia Oenerally fair sad warmer, .111 .hie W IlldS. Ft North Cardinal Fair -al howers itt soiithwt-at portion, vattatM , Imls. Weather CoBdltlona .The bei seelee has ill. 11 In all districts Vast of th,- Pm ky lountalus, esc-pt north of the Dakotan, .here lt has rls^n alhvhtly. lt la loo , the Pt lawrence Valley, an.I u desja-a* ion of slight baa remained ad, it talleaary over Monta . 'll weather a Kenerally clear, exo-jit In the South tUntlc Stutes. wher?> local showers con? tine Leeal showers are also reported rom New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. t la ga-ncrally wiirm.-t. except over the , r<-rbii and In Hu- UggSf Missouri alley. Fair weather will continue tn n. Central Valleyo and Northern Stalea, Uh warmer, south to weet winda.