Newspaper Page Text
?ACE HORSE OF TIIKAGI BOBBI IO WBVAL* SA IV A TO R'S RB conn at CBICABB. Tb. Oreal < ?'? maaa a MIL and a Quat gar aa ? ?? ???"? af ami other icaca gjaf iii* maaa amil o?n?e?. CHICAOf* J"1* "? tja eruwnlanj peu> af th* Wnahtngtou i'"rk r.iir met in.-etiiijf was IU" . | >r thc lent day, Thia after* noon in tha ? .... ^,r,\ throor r I"" unu '' I ,r lt . ? le ??> a thn 1 al ... ? ? ? ? ? ? -. Time, ' ?i third. ' | Ronnie flr?=t. ? i thin!. ? Chlmea BOOB < i i.i' i i BOA 'f" J //. IWat" Take. th. ii irratl Handicap ead John Coopoi lin- I mo.l.-n BtahtO. MONMOUTH PARK RAI r ' ? . Stakes 1 1 i ? I I ' lu .!>? tl' I . ' di : three ' I ? talent B l ne, and I. \t,iii had hut a poor lol ? He wat gt '' march al ? ' '? third. Tim.-, 1 third. Time ' ' ? i tilnvar se ' tndlcap, ? ? ' ihlrd. 'I li I i third Time Reginald third. I lin. urtnaan Ht Brighten Benah, NEV ': ' ul ted: \ | : i ; third. ! i, i ' ncphlnt I Uh ira third. i fui A Emblem ? ? ? I ' lui.-. 1 Ht 1 I. Math i nate, over full ' i ht u laaara it QletM atti r, PHI I rm \. PA.. Jul) U lt wet * *< ..rf all righi 1 " wrong, 1 lltemma ' * ? fur. i - third ii' ' ' ' ' i IUrr> Irtlend rtn m . ,.?? |U(.t, -., hundred ;.?..' I met hetw. ' in. wm ' v"'k thin tuii.roR rois iiAin.r reates. Daintaod i>r Um ftltithaign hT a Sere ,,f ll to 7. PhTTnTRJBURO, v.\? July 22 - ?) i i and liv.' hundred ir.-inkn - tl..- I..ill j.iri: thlfl aft' moon an.) anti tha Peten berg "Fm roi . -..I ?ita ti ?? <-"ii. *??? Bpi meena a good1 one, >? I there wan i thor? ned "ti I ittlng ' lothee, and I an numerout na Ooo) with a in the bot foi the Col* ?nd at the end of the I nrth Id ? retired In fnv< r of I >uhe, arho i badly that "Marh" ii id to be rei former j eltioa Behan (with the ac* . ant on tnt Bret tyllel nary bli ed tht bi tl f the vtaltort Ht work' I but all in vain, ? Tto- i team, by virtue of runt la the iii" I it they wera on thu ttn "t f-.r thc i< il of tho ga ed iii:'- i '' ? ? ?i the utm ? Tht fa : Willam ? ? with i I ! pf ? j ti Elke* i inti] tht I ?. ? ? ? lena and I I In ,h" getting tm i limio : in hil ? liming <>f thlt game ; by in R irga .B2412 101 ; ; ; ' 1 I I :?? ?? ra ? Hit by 2, Anthony, L l etits. iii. Chertettont Beal 11>? Norfolkt. of ball ti ; tl the i ? Up to the ? two unfoi ? ? tht ball .' i ht ? Babington Boy. tv in. V. M. ' D. C., i All itu ' over tl i ??? ? Beaten. ' ' ' ? ? not in it -..othoi ii l #*naa <. uni - t: . .01SBOOOO ill and al i Ixon. phlt: l: ii j.; lilt .11100002 ' un | | SVItti I rich. Al Savannah: i: m. e. Havannah .20 0 1 0 S 1 '> ll :? 1 t i ' R K r .4 0 2 (I ' Batti ri t; Kili.n. : ? v . Ki I'hiioi. , Tiiii.'i.i. Iphla i ll r: 1 1". :: . At BO Vi 7 ?'111 B SJ i n I Kelly. Al Bi rr ii r R.klyn . Baltimore R ii i: n . i . Mullane ;m.l ? 'larke. R H i: Nashville ......001000004 ? 7 2 020 2 l ? m. Th) . In. Nail null Longa ? bumea, BT l i Thi. time Ho y e Lathan i ;, nv. I ' rn fan ? v.nt opened the I : | throw ? ? iVerden I Both tide. I l: ll K di .ft l n i - i .i . ; ii i . Built* I Ult i I ? .vet mil. io. l.t.i ' ilj i .- ville de* ti. in n . a little ? i ' O'] hitting " :? w.i8 clour; etti adan , 1,703 1: 11 r : ? ' 1 1 1 ii 4 ? How the Cluh? UUBUd, t,,'1'11;-, > . Loat Arer . - ......... 4-. Roaton || ?..?; ??? . 41 SI . .'iv ra < ineinntii . . ti I ali! r. . . ,., . AM &?? '?- . ? 40 .441 ? ? ? ..?inp* auamdnled roi i?.u,j. Cincinnati at St. Loult. louisville at Chlcsen. -j,, ,,ion ?? has hern *"t ngari IO! post poned ga mee ? | I,., lime to he R.iwed firer Again. ORILLA, 0MT.1 Jaljr B. The slnitle ... ,;i ,,,., fi r the ' hsmplonihlp of Amt r I, , betwet n J. ,;- Osudsur aad B L h.,'. i.,,, here te day, n auitf 'I In dtssp* polntment for the >".'??' apectatora pree* . nt. iiie.j out nt 7 o'i l?"k. th.- word "P"" Hsnlan tn tired ? i. ad. They were rowing ? ? ? r nil the ? ... i th-- men ? i n i??! in contii I over I i isudat ? " b ;n J i i.iiiii. I i foul. fl ind darknesi coming on, decided thal the ? ad r on Mot noon. Mu h dlsai fell lt .lt nf th" Inetber Tyler stntenirnt. R u.i'.'pi' \ a . .; . thal Co DM ? t ? .' ? i le by pan abet 1h I ... lying west of i ??? i Pulaski, Wyl Ut lt In I t<r. Warren, C I . . . lt ls i ! j ' ' ' down. .... our frli * will "Pin. k ? r I ? ' ? aili f tl .- . H. C PRESTON, Three Mme i imberlnnd Delegate*. i, C. H.. VA it a met ting of the 3 ? ' ton, Ad h W. following ? n, which ?? and the Farmvll - p. I., i ii r i lui. Endorse! 0*1 snail. VA., July ' l ? H. P. lum C ii i il is i i: ii>i u i> OOM / . \ s ng Richmond Benedlrl Mada an I Ban ? ? .1 ni ni t i. CHICAGO, ILL il: I ? ' l.-.n Ul -J ? 11 ? their trni ks. WI He ? i help him To Import Kegroes 1 rem the Roath. Tl 'I'l'.K A. PX". ' Lewi lill a ? ' [n that evenl ? iinh leiiipni .t v i ini..u' aaament, CHICAOO, ILL illed tii"'n ll ors Hotel . They say th it thi lol cia s only temp Pr tl" Yngatgl Wngh li \? <\ fork. NEW V"i:K. .' rhnees, a, Ind ?ii th" ateamt H lied b) ."ie of l Cable Brevities, MA, J ? I W Itel. Argument. ".!? bn " mid tbe ?ife. looking np Ban j-, "ben la i ?liter who *n might to> do all m their power lo randal rea attm tl i in Um eyi - of theil i think of fi. ''Whatdo I think ol lt' lt think kt ii loand i ] bat'i tko Mad ot Lliiin,' to print for a tdioa vTom* ? |ht their linty if they do lot know lt. 1 heartily agree with the mm . "Sodo i. Al,.i i nany tdd that a new bonnet and g iwn weald render rm- tarlee ra attractive ia roar ayn ts lam i "Mary," mid thi hoabend, "yen unouM bivi charge of the Alukmal batu* . < New V"rk k*ram tkltelng H-iblt. Are Hurd to fur*. It || H',-11 ki cmg Ly a wise employ neat of pm bb mein animalacan beti uni Improved. Tberi ira, bowarer, ? tfattotawllosaBrntopoaatak t.. nhangi, tko est, :-i ? ;>:> 11 ? Uam rtoaimiItiti and epeated poiimhateate, never i.*t-s Ri habit I i ealing, tad i curious eeanesgoatei li hat among cpttalanli n thief is the most lilli ult t" reform and la generally inc..r Iffbte Seventy mny kelp feeble Httmala oaaetiraes. bot a rwderetke mom vigor 'ii** rladkUra in the cast-of ..munal mau he same i.lea ls true.-Current Literature. A Good finite. She?I noticed when your young friend, he poo^ entered the room the other night II (Irena coat was biftoneii. Didn't he uow any Letter than that? He?Oh, yea, but he couldn't afford to reara veat?<?aioa No oilier hon.e DOf*--KVKU I>tl>_or f.yfrwii.i. .,ii.?.i.-TKiiiiM;iirAi. ITISBm mnlil.tllY I'ltKBMUB WI. miule. dwBAKd \M?? OMIANV. We've about 100 CENUINE BOMBAY DUCK SUITS \f?4 left i Vi ?in shades just "off the white" that won't soil easily. Coolest clothes you can wear. Been selling at $10, $12 and $15. To-morrow Only i ) m TI BlAKli OF OF SCHOOL ' BOYS' BICYCLES! " ?LITTLE SCORCHER" I iii: "CINCH" .K.&C. E.SCH/UP. 519 E. Br Cycle and Sporting Depot, den TflTTl! iiuninuf 17th and Dock Sts., ! Prepared as Usual to Sopply to the Citizens of Rfchni iod 'URE KENEBEC-RIVERIGE AND ILL KINDS OP ML AND WOOD tlv irii'l in :iny er iv iable deale -. me No 223. \. D. LANDERKIN, >ii|nriiili tuli-ut. PATAPSCO, "he Premier Flour of America, ;a unrivalled f It in l, I I - Hi - - - - 119111 Year ?--- 1893. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS, . c, irind the cream of Mai I and Vlr i ?? ..-ii -. ttt In tl-' ' PATENT. ATAP .y.T. ? ALDWIN FAMIL1 !. A. GfiMBRILL MFG. CO., Ol I BALTIMOKK MD GET THE BEST. IUNLOP PATENT FLOUR, _j? IT Mi li KS ^^ More Bread, Whiter Bread, FAMILY^ Better Bread Than Ahj Other. Ask Your (Jrocir For lt. Take Ne Other. fARNER MOORE & CO., Rictaoiii.Vi IUXDA1 I III IK || NOTICES. i'o1r~xU,nl\lKS]t ***** METHODIS1 *-'? ?? H PrtachlBg at ll A. M. an.I "-ISP '; ur til. Da?tnr. iUi I N. I.iiimv. Sui.I.uti achoo ft, , i K. Mi ivayer uieeting We.ln.i uar night ni i.wocloi a. _fjfBRO a D-fl IRE I'. I VKIIIOHHT ?mi r.i ii corner Broad an<l Ttnth .treett), nar. W. \. lii'-.r. I'. |i. i.?Ht,,r.? S*r?iem ai \. IL Prrai-h "U' at ll A. M iy i tr lr ?..i. loi'N'i mul P. M '.-.- [Ut Dr. M I .'. nv-'N Cltai I Ilnti?.lav uigbl at *:1& Ktraugeri item eordiallr etleoawd. : ? I Mil HODIRT CHURCH D 1 I "inc* .tri <?;?. 1'reaon. int at 1 \. M vi \ '. I s. I . I'.; - P. lg. I tha i tater i- ? W. J. locxo, I'. h. I li.- .. ? ? .. - ? iq a nina man i h. Man indi lasting at , li)'. M. Pray ar i n-. - ia P. If. Koang i UtetlBg lr; li. tl I i" 1' M. larTRINITT METHODIST EPISCOPAL 'll li.' ll ltd tn li ; un *t< . Bar. 1 K ? \). D. pastor ? lt at M A- H. an I at ft; 15 F M y I \: li L M. Scat* frea. A cordial inri! C*~\vv>n:\ i.i : METHODIST I'ALl Hl-ltl ii -"' I ': an I i ?r-.- Itrttt. I . . HAM day Ml I. M. P. M ol I -.; ichini pu day | tf tr-\.KVV.\ '. I F('l> COl KL i 111 IK ll ; \ M. mi I ' t I i . ? v tB~\ ]? I J'.. 111 ra ' " ? BA1 Ki i t day at .. * i I ?? '? McC. |gr*AL1 P. M. sunday - ? I ay an I i . H. : nu urn I ttre.t, 1 i : ? ? ' v. .M. tad ?? I - ? ' CIIURI II. ' ' , I lier, i \ " ?! CHAPEL m-i ii r.iiinr ' ? tv cn i i ? un.' - i rarw K8TMIN8J III i.' I I PTFI1 > ? HURCH - L M. Hnml \ "? li. lltsHAM iburcli. ? ' ? ti . Jil'1U il rtr.r-mtetina tr-i Mo\ GOBI I tl ?; tlno ia all ' al iu itatiou ra . at ll I . Remington Typewriter Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of an J. Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed ADOPTED as T^-E OFFICIAL Wkirivi .macminh C7 TNI World's Columbian Imposition. 8CN0 ron illustrated catalogue W yckoff, Seamans <X BenediU, jj7 hkOADWAV. NftW vokk. BROWN'S IRON EITTER3 oures Dyspepsia, In ligeationdb Debility. t*?rRA*Ca BTATFMFNT. ANNPAT. HTATVMFNT FOR TUE HAR rNPis., i,t-, r\u vu^T^^-~~v~ v , D1TI0.N AM- APPAIr.S Ol 1IIE Mt ari HIT uRi'i Vi. '?? np '. KEW 1-OBK. orgaaisee nt. i-r ih, law. of lbs Jim o ffi, ,-. LM*' s, J KbtM Account, or th. toa.n.onae.iinef IAS rn pur.u.U of"u.'r. .. ..- , [ . Preeideot I'mi Notm** vita Prseldeni TM..m* F. Ooonarra. He. re'.?rr UBOBOI C ll" we. An.-mi.' Secretary -Ciasui II. P ..t. Lr; j..- pal Uti . ? | ., v . v. Nsw Tobi. Organized or Incorporated .Pit. ;sjo. 1 I'.aiineii v Prlaeipel Aicoi ot Attorney in \ rgiail -Amara L. # I. CAPITAL. Whale, amount Of y Int .?nek or gmrsntee 1 eapttgl lattlialttd whuia ameaatof capitalaetnauy paid ap mcash.., ....... ".~"~ II. ASSKTS. Tains of res] eetate ownal by thi company Oem I'.' tha Btnonni of anana. braneea there >n, ",,)' eneniB. Loin- j - lsd and beingihe'l ? ,'fM ? ? i year a interest ii Int.'!.-.- Ina on ail i . . , ... ... \ .. ?? . i f *. I mnrtiiM . , . . .. ? ? ' **.'? ?:! '? ni fen. . . i ., re if ? |m*? ? , fntoeof ; ri ? igaa lUarareirjforBai bi ? . . V '-? '? ?? taged mabu carr- "J ; --ocoi j or rai .vttkxm o'or.c.s ? I | onnr.l nt ax mc Conran ' ? Tar ' r .??-'- i ? . ? Ubanvi ?? . ?i t l 1 I..;., I > iii wi ? IV) M Fremont. Ell I . 2H.000 00 i i ' ' i Ve a, ? I I 80.-? Ol | I i C ' ? '?. ... , La ? i v uls i Bonita.? pi '? ? . ,. - Bt. Pani vM Com pi pei . I' B*llWI I ?ni any of Lhicai . r -5.TOO 00 ? POM 00 ind Norl < | ? ti v-'i; V . . .- o oo I .otu; ? il ires; par, ? I raina t at mar ? ' ? B : ? ? " ? . T.\ il. _ I ? kel i . 1 ? i ? ) oo r ? 1,000 00 1,000 00 TM 00 . per 1,0000 ' W. . ?v< M 7 "hu ivatsr < , :. v . i i .-ii i ' !? ?' 14400 00 ? t < ? I itional Park Bank of ? - A - ' ? ? ' | I If., A*. ? tied i alni. P - - * ?. bel eipenm Tots! . ..... . * .??... ike. I . re (ea i I i mg ? i ti i .. . Aaar capital stock . ? iv. si riAB. I r , ? ?? leaf Ult yin a ; ? ? ad. ?........... I ' ? i in 1 billi ' ? -' tm. Ia ? . il irn ;ie ? Ml I 4, I ? I I * i B Net eas] ? ? ,_ I oat)....| ind honda, collatera ? . ' Rente. ? ? id derlag the yeer la eeeh il. " I I I I ?> i rt 1 - li . ? t - Cash di* nie ii ? i a i ' ? ? ? ; ? :i tin. ur v J 1. I Aggn yama nh- _ BO ' ?> ? li ': ' . A '1 1 THOMAS F QEORCiK . ll WE Secretary. fn>ieT,ve Uni-wrntaon Ke'riarr* MM blflll Till I IISfllMiasfB IltUT^* ' ?flnf( .1 .a Niw iori ."linty. GEORGE D. PLEASANTS fl SON, -A-GKEHsTTS, 1104! Main Street. Richmond, Va.