Newspaper Page Text
VOL. T-MNN SERIES M) MO. KICI1MO.M). VA.. \VK!)M;-S!i\V, JULY 26, ISttt PRICE TWO CERTS PENNOYEKS APPEAL . s WELCOMING * li i rn sims / fENtOA TO OMEO OM .,, | _r? Illili in ta,. Ilia I iifluriir?i lei I .' iia! Oni Kutlien. i At ' ? I li vhs i to uss ? ?ll t'l -. hli h ' ? ex view i PORTSMOl 111. I - ..I ,.I Timi i I ? ' At ? ? ! Un. ? efl f ? ! I ? ' ? ' to the '. J. ll BATED BISHOP ' OADJVTOE -I - l> Il . ol a Doutt. J rn ' raxum ol * .uUaii.v.?,;,!, Dr. Martin ul !.-. end ' "? ? louth Pl ? ' mlteei . .it'it- birt pe, thi Qulntard . ellor of Hu I In April k ventlon, .. - Mi injit.: ith. srnii'i s WAILWAt Ai < int \ 7. Killed ??utiii,iit. Bul i iiiM.v Fee> l?le Wara laxjared, ? . ? ? ! ld ; . v.. < ' loam a 1 "nt. t, but Ihlrtx ? to Akron b) tal. Al ' A krui: Ihe lulu:' d fl i-i iii.- city ?? ii-!.- t.i ti ? . Inl \\ heh ? as lt j ' 1 ' I v. - I H. Mon M. ?'.. :;. Allen, Ballin ?..III!.l i' ' broken. N. Bi cc \ ? I., head ? Anna Miller, av , i?. C., hurl I i ? li, N ?' . li J . cutt rm ! tl tl more, ali . li ? Mi I . o - FAIRFAX C, H . VA.. J tboul twenty : tv. SHH Ano li'-r Psis I A-'-hI' n . i.i >ris, Julj I m i th-bound train "ii tl i' . lin In ii i i ll, or . W, v ? - if Rprlnnfle! I \i- re pi illy In mparlitlvi ll knnvx n for ll DESTITVTIOA i\ mst. Bj, li ,,r Laborers tnt*, rina r,n ii, v., -. - i ?(.- ;:., i. i Mi ta BR, July . I tnploy* - ? ir the : i xx ink, am , funds, . ontlnue to feed lae nunan ? hnn t" morrow. Mi na for aid, prominent tated thal n. are ?f Immedlal i -' I ? ? ? d that ti' ? ?-' Slnrr ITfBltslOBa In Pnri?. I ,. i the Ablon dj numlte fnci i onfleur bi ai i '.u re, lute thin i ? ?? hen the : waa aenl it v. u '?" ii fsarad ttiat tht i tprend t" tha wan house ?i d', h.uni' All hands xx "l k xx Bl li th . ii tn bars .. n;. xxi,und' 'i tsvtrsly, nd ethera aram hurt bc rio uti y. CANNONADED MANAGUA 01 int au isrotot 11 io\ Ol ntl sn ti: ti. t t\ m nu i i !<>\. In.iirr.rnt. Ii|.r*x.'ir.l til*- I'rlni l|.le? ?>f civil Watten by i bring Hun..nt Hum? ing- Miril.ter Halter'. Aiti-.n. WASHINGTON, D. C, -! - - 1 fr,,tn - ? warning, killi n . This ll 1 the itlon. ? ll mal pi ? : ' ' ju obabl) gotlatlon. ': from Peru. Il . rli li ? li itali* >? I'.- ll ...i. ..?!?.. ni I , ' ' building ; ' ' vi s is 11 i: r i !? i s 7-s ti i fin i. ? deal \\ 111 Unbind Milli. - ' ? ' ' ' I ? lent, w ill ? holdli a BBIXTOl ti : s h si sr; \ us. w a Meeting ol u> il Dat Idt tl t.> Iii-,,.ni i nu.- Kuall bu ? . went lui" liquidation thia to I while I .' will ? ? ' In I ? ? ? ? - i \m ii i i: BAKE tins. l anlsvllle'a Foorth B th Fort nail un ' aila LOUISVILLE, KV Jul) - ? I tl a ' ' ? )'. . ' ' I ' m. -ii to ? "in -u bank i th . a u hill . pull* , -t tt.ii.i: tb, bul for tba itu three i nhs. "fOe Gibraltar ol Flwanei ?? ??* I ruler MILWAUKEE, WIS., i'ii,- gnd Ma' I morning. Thlg I and has i" -ti ? lewd the lank in the City. \iil.v. -rivi E. WIS lu! man* dramatic and sven to . bing gcenee lu and uhuut Uiw dutcd Mitchell : had become len thal ! : . a ita ' ind In - would ? : d i ' in that ? D? July I ; ? | I i ? LOUISVILLE, ' 1NI' I ? ? ll p tn ?' - ? ' ? ' n Bank. ' ? ? ? ? - ' I / i.'iin I i :l I i. 1 S I li il . ? ? I th him. I I ? ? I INTI / '/"/?'. Reported ? i AeMtra I.,i Dar 1 \ r i ' i "t ttl. ? PHIL ? i ? ? ' sn tm ' N xx ii ..I mc iii the ausajwMU I : : ? I seat i" . and tba i trill I Ju In las vu bi <<t r< .x I. lom t" Hie abandon*] ,-,, organisation after th. ?..bal.I'? ll..a ii,. xxiii Us laid down for them by tba ftidct allon. FRANCE MUST BE PLAIN. si tM WA BTB h fi: io ut t i st it ti 11 1MB COBBTOBBB BBB nu, ti ls. ti,,- FieaaB Oewaraaaoai Hm N,.t na Yet NoMMc.l il,,. r,,w,.r, ,,r )|rr liitriitioii t? Blockade Um Di.rt. or ".lum. f the Tin. - ' eignty, ? ? ,* ner ' ? I bet rik-ht* lu Am ? meae Oovei to . ? ' PAR1 ? pow* ? cation ; Lord Duffel II will hold another eonferei ? i ai i-f am. ' ..I i; ? i, Slr ? Foreign 0 I'.rltalii I ? of the ? i '' Itangkol ' ' ' ' CHOI i a t t r ' i I M tc ii t:<i i u Notwllhata Alt ; i >. .,. .i- neara See S i - . ,. -.... I'M:' i ? ? I . . gel Ino | ; ?. ? i it ano, of which ? ? ? ? name ti ? ? ri I in . nilli "i Health I '. ?' . .! , "l ' I ls lit 1 ? ' "Refuse I ill ? ? . '."?? I the I ? / / \ moss SUSPENDED. I I,, i, ail N n.iil.hi- Darin : I i I w\s'i D. C., J I ? mbei wldowi, ? ? ill'.-Ut I ber h i led, being tl proof of Inability i f,.rm manual lab ? Il ? lt I ? ? of tl : ulm ?-r i li i on iii BB CAB! \ \ trron I -? >i" ? rom ?n Bpldomli bi ?.. ..ruin. \v USHINOTl 'N, D. C., I : | Marl conti inti wick, ? Silt.' ,,:i-' ;? H. r ll "rt ll u ? Ith antaorltim ai .^. ... fevi r \, - ?? I ordered ?*,. No bm u lil tts with Carter, Lei us I. - try boord expects on vlei :v." r on this dispatch, I di . gad ta*.- .ii I -:,, i , . . laively thal quain not enforced with te hark "Anita BenrlnA" on which ml Um cantata who dna "f yeil i I .k. ii Bick, and that quarantine ti a nu - ,.t Bromwich ....ii rtjgulavttona. On accounl ol tbta u* ity, VhJch still threaten! to bring tliaaat.-r, 1 If bl f.iil Ol I ? ? ? iv by Ihe Pi i i ' ? I T. '.' I Hf. erith th< lr a th BEDMOND'S IBESDMEN1 1 u%T. Mr. Ottutatoaa tTeald N ?? lesspl I?, Hut the P imalllta xx . , i \,,i \ |r;,i. - whole, I ill. John l ; ' hume I i ? 11 In Bril I ? tp I their The I -ll ? Chai I " ? - 1 The 1 I ll ? : il'- lift ? ? I xx I th ' I in the I that I ? 'A - . irchlll). nf th- bill. prevail i i, XX lill I ! would ? ? I sttii,: /oil .) i ? -'?ti i proar rhroaghoul lim xi,-,t ? -. >. NEW CORK, I . inn tH 'a I'ar lr ... ? i ? I ' Vt 9:30 i I thi' ker I Aili ' ? ' tun i ?? .f I or of ? x ? ? ? .ii tte ? ? li -? Ah,i .nd ? >, ni"i ?? i um tm xx.i* ii"t . n Indlvtdualltli a. ''? I I ol 'if- ellna "f dari. Tht BUver arith 'h. I m ??? ' -*> N.-vrr<> Lynea**! in Bent* landina. from Colan* ' I -.-:. r ix-.iiit. .. end v i, if ha ty of 1 tl -;in*r tht v. lt lu ? ?*)d tO I..- In ' ?-" li "? nud* condition. _ om narina ia v> anaueretar af ivr^on*. xv . M KU . -Inly r.. ? -. xx Uh ? r th- flslli-.a,' around* but th.- rain br i ifhl th.-lr I they returned ? :i f.iir rat- h. Thi-rc !r.- manx "in).-ctur^? a. to lt.. :l| ? ' ? ?! tl,- I,itt- Jua> tii.. Blatchford, 11 Baal Um i ,mii i,.- t- - I -rk ar aaaaa i : . ? sea win sol tither tin- South ur Wist. Thc teni xml ti'a bs Bataan, however, until after CoiiKreat assemble!. [{(OOPS FOR Wm HIY* IIU) K FOI HEMS ORDERED WW BB IS Kr.AUts.lis in WOVE r.? tan Keene ?r Bbl 1-almr Trouhlre on Thr*.-. Iloura' Notice?1 BOOB .1 .Negntea BfHVS I ruin fhr lOOJBBi TOPBB I I vs . ' . - I ? ' aat a, who is i rsl ? in- ant sight Iron Un nari* gad mule St la. Fhe ?i"s- i not peeeaptly tan ? I the ooaunand ot Un stat.- nBiUa awn to 1 iv. asa lan n |hi. ?-??? . te 11 in read i rn * three h.mrs' aottoe The Oovoraor wee* >ns ii teats a. ? i ir. i .i. Cloon, t ? iv ?...?.. gad inn morning h" received a telegram t three hui m * ? gad wi i" pis ? -I In th ul-.ul the I Mr. Informed th.- Governor that the ? i ? , IM ming. rovernoi -"it ?-1 his opinion Um re ?m be no ? and thom of all rd or? ri, lats boin his ? ibo in ? in en Inten lew a Ith thi Unit! '? Pram ? :k lu the nun. a and were not int,-r.i. i a Ith, 'ii il i' would i . ni" ? ? .. Hi unh. altatingly ?' ired hlmielf to be In sympath) with tl ? hi bel lei ? i they h ii i di .lr with unf tiri) i ? hem, be wi dd um of vtolern e. < Sher ihtp ?' i of t ij> l.lly.,n ii.ttir- witii tii? nrikore. wi:m: CITT, KAN . July i a plti h. I h ia ? nt. ,i the mini Bred Into lt ? si" rta I ? on the pal '?? ? her I the inn-. un t hundred il ? ?? hut none of th ? d \\ h, n I i wert m.rn,in . md di hod it la i l i nen**, ir bs nob hot Hom i abeeme r..r t itv. BLO COI*, -lulv ."? Two boodm I Itallani, Austrians and colored men were ?hipped ' :- last Bight t,i w.-ir citj r the | et t thing the i- bing minore, tl in hs the rall the bi ii ihi n hot the ? Um tn, ii in ? ? .i , i,.,. i , i gonf ' Many of i I tl ? y will undoubtedly unlit. ? .i.iits i i ii ,ii , OMMlMMtOK. Opesrhnjrof Hm ternlea at wi.i.i. au ni,. ni.i,ut., inn ita leMkod. WABHINOTON, D. C., .Inly :?'. Th ( 'lillian . 'I lins ? '"linn! ? In the dlplomatl roon at thi Depai tm M ?.r l The peroooael >.r ? Hows: lohn I , r \ Irginla, repn Ung I I i Domingo Chilian ' i u ai huu:i,m. Tbs ' i'i era ol windi* alon ara <;. il. sm. ld A '.' i ? ' a- Um i nlti d Bti Bi f"r i 'lilli, iiii-J M tnuel MarUnai De Ferrel .ni. of Un ,-? .Illllll' 'I in- ..... goa Bj tl ent of .launs of Ai i ni and count) r dalma b i 'Milan ? . Linn tba United ' ? ... rui . iiatiii,. i of revolution in Chili All nf ri ie ? lilrm must I , | n within two mon the, [i. ?? I within nix 11 ? ilium a. inn mix k ur tu. ih., Maa Who ??? lojaiod ?t ?n<i Foss WTatla i>i *i?a Irmmonhe. i:\l.-riM' 'l.-ll, MU, July ? Harry A. Hitchcock, v.h" wm brought io Joans Hopkin! ii i .sith hhs h., | Injiir. <i, I i broken ss),.!.: fn.rn hil lti)url..-i. It md by ari i - v.-rt> brokea, tmt I i everioppi 1 each itt ? thal the si leal iii .s , ? ; .-? - "I U|i?.n Ruffli l>>lilly ty ...-.:-. ll. I i au.I tr.-a , md arni ? ?( North fandina. H ihter of Coaaasas* man \\ bite, , I he body wm Bght, -rn,-? Hip-.- len Hurnnl to Death In a Via*}. MOROANFTELD KV. lulv 'JV A ter ? 1 OB th.- ' ?-. ?, \'.illry ? about ia tv?.. mllm thia .-its a ? ? . ruin,. frelghl i it in i trw . Three llvea ss Frank tnr ... ? and ? hi ' ' brakeeaaa. bun I to a < rii?ji. WF.ATHfcll IffKKf AST WABHINOTON, D. C., July I r .1 Very warm, l wed by koeal ?h..*.-r.s during - and cooi.r Wednesday night, soul .fly wtedo, ?'i-i.i Ossa rally r.tir, probably local thunder at.,rms v. ? rUthWmtf riv W,: w, ether I'.m-lit. ? -,? i i, ai fallen rapidly in the Northers Halag sen nf th-- Mimbusppl, and ii hat n th,- sorthwaai it ia Mason I'tr tin North Carottae Coast, au,i lowen imrtii nf tho tourer iak.. rosina, it ?* maa In tho Milli- AUaatic Btatee, thi > portsea "t Um leerer Uk* loosen, an-i it la oool.-r In the Upper Muudmlppi an.i Mfamourl Volleys and at f'entral Ku. ky tm t.ntain*. Kalr vs.-aih-i SSS> ta tbs Smith an.i Ml.Mle Atlantic ml th.- lower laka regii , Lo gal hh.w.-ra are reported from Nen Eng land, MlchJgan. the Upper Muaimippl and Mtmouri Valleyi nn.l Central Kooky mountain dlntrtets. Tho lr.dkathmi are that thuti'l. r nt,irina will |u.s til lu th.- (Antral Valley* ami lake regions, amt will probably extend lu tbe A Dan lie Coast by Wednesday, evening. ?IBH^*HBnH*m^^^BHBHWW*i