Newspaper Page Text
IIttftSu Vol.. 7-M:\\ NEK JES NO Ml RICHMOND. VA.. THURSDAY, JULY 27, inw. PRICK TWO CBNTS SHOTS FOB THEIR JEERS I 4 l \ I tf l: 4I>I V WOl W'S ?jiff j / OMCMAMD i ii 11 i i v. I I ' lliry .Ir<r Bl || ll ??> M HM "?lllllll ? f lioir In ni ?? wk ?. witt . ? ti i IX ?? i ? i !?? Um ? ifcot th? i . '. ? r ol I Imiii I in ii - r in Mi Dunlap l m. i ?tone* i ? : . i 'unlap, a ? i 1 [fl ts V I r RIJfLOVinriLLM. r Hik i raltYlllfl H?nk? < ra \ li which ? ! 1 th* I nil Of '!'?? ?i hat ? ? i Nf. ? ; ? I I I* ? I \ I I I l ? ' ? : Mini*-. I I i latta! - ? > ..ii ti l i.'I 1 ?..?n by mpany i , I ? i. ,i I n ? rktlLAUi.ia ii:a, pa., July lt ti.< j M mill* of flratchnrd Brothers, which hu-.- beta gtrlag em? ployment to about M hand*, have abut ?ring to tho dearea ' ? ? 'i'd.' Hi iii has l.< . n In buai i M'l.-u b r of a century. Thlo in i en lilla, rthern i impany of [Ui .?in,.-ni to Morrill N. ? ny was Incorporated n han appoint! ! ? r for the Spen? cer ti ma < tompeny In the lull bi rman, a Judi ?.ATI. Joli I ' ililli'- ?m aaalammont Into Dun - I'M': tint ? i and Ind of t hi fl w.. s I's Fair Spec taiiu 1 li" la the leaaee "f the 1'ike bul ld 11 g I TERRE HAITT1S, IND., Julj failure of H. M. Benjamin, of Milwaukee, ..f tile Norton <'" il mill Minti ny, in \'.t Into the i tiic i ? ter of 1 the niluan I ivllt Of i 10 Hil * I iii <.th<-r employee will I .rr up t. \ . .Inly M Ti." Old lihK of ita kin i m i 'ii r liabllltlea li Ried, bul n? tko finn ? I i. 'I he fir ni Ik i i ..f John P. Mut i iti 'i undi ? ; they win try to continue bueineaa, ind it ii ? i tho failure will Involve other rn no, pa., j ? Worka al Braddock Mint down of dull trade, An imptloa le no( ? ur n. //// PBMBIDBltl WILL MEM AIM, Be Will Not Leave (;rny (MMee Vain .lll?l ItrClM- <,ni|-l|..a I ..HT' ll<?. Tins haj ? her .lisa: ? da i ? much wind thia mernina ' regular trip .1 >wn iii" bay. J dlnm I to rain, and i" - uh i I Dr Bryan! d to th< In deni i ? ? ? ? <. long ii. will ? nina of the : will then te .Iii' Cl t" V- lat Oaklea, and la likely to remain I \ ? ? .- ni not l< IJtIBALIMM I \ CBJMA. Jinn "mc Arr.ninU of (In> Sn fTVrliiE a* i? it?-?uii of the t-??liliii?-. >TJVER, B. C., Jul) ? tn China I In Chi i i ? that tei fd in Bl ... in tl Pekin. The man with ? at Chnna Kahan H 1 The tl.-sa of iii armi fi ? quently en ti" bal ? Rataiafftea Hewe N i WA8HINQTON, D. C., July rt of tl I McLii H Ith aptain on boord dead ol I ?-. .? other . atea on voj . all pi I held foi ? H edartown, ?? . I ed i i' i" thi ? Itii-li \. iu? ni (ililli in ( .iii.ra.lo. ? ? PRINOB, ' ? rt ii. ii ? < told Minina ? - i: \ vin - ? ' : \ . fte! I- ? ? ?ni >\ bli .i ? i ita. They will I la tl tweh runnli I hli k. ? ? iii. UM iiul. ?? i?> . : hlldrea. hen attempted ri hie 1 ? ' -M wife with her iee i ? i p and I it .-ti tmi ll ? ? I ind an Infanl thlrli ? ???? weeli - old, were father, rrlval of the Hi ? Hied his ' >n. The ' her ur.* by Mn Bouee -?-?. \\in ii- Iii'-.- rn na? * belated. \i .v yoi: k lui) Luther .13" nee ? ? ind lo .i ,v He la ? hoMef ol nd H ? b i noble to .1; .I f..r. ow- I ?? ral ii ad) put rn i"! lonna The elate of ? ? ...I ||,. . . i IDV?lVi <i in a number of kita. A CONFEDERATES BIBLE ISTKHESl I YO lyciDEXT OF Tiff: LAH. WAU llh.tWKKS TIIE.%1ATI s. Mr. Do fancy, of I'?>r.n?> i. IflaMBl llir Token to A. I'. HUI OaflBff < ?i>lnin >lc( ?!.??? KrpljOllitr N*w?. nrrKiMBURO, va., my m 'i'.. flay Colonel W. Gordon ll< i mander of .\. i\ hui Qasap ! ?mp: "NEWPORT, PBRRT COUNTY PA. "Jul;. "To the Hoys in <: "J" ar | , || thf late i ? ? Biala in the battlfl of Bull Hun i water. On [heard ta distrees ii. t..-ju.- i. m. t want t found wounded, i cai ? bun v. aler, li 'lark ll" WOUld hal le iiim. wv talki > n... i.' ! took oft i. ? ?iv r Kim f.-ll thc wi,, n daylight . ? ?. i i i ? fm- liim. Ilsa' i am glad thal ll fl \ !?' Hiv ! Min and i" comfort him ? I t. i t.."k my Jacket I put lt (a; .. nd found i hie Bibi with a food bai k, b it had s.i i, ii in tin- bible ? i have i any of k ttvee ir fi Wit! di i ? ncr, "Late of Ca 1 ? Colonel follows: . i,nt- is a. p Hiii Can : Peteri , J Mr. \V. IV H. I. ? My i an.) pathetic letter iddn v I*. Hill Cami ii. Uv red to me * 'oin:: acknowledj . ? 1 I and i M nd< rly to tins gallant conn id oura in iii- laal naomi nta foy ? to the po n felton '? euit i ! I 11 nf \? . . tlon. i ' . published In tl "111 this " fl -ill I) - :i li't!<' I -h.* 1 r y i heartily as an old ? \v. ? A. p H i v. I'nlnii. I Md Vlr If l l ? :. Ol !?? i I ? N Tli. t Mallory f.-i Brunswick i of 1 ? ? m. I nu lng the in..- ? tl) fin v ? ? ? : ? ,? nf whole i , per am ipiilatlon ? rat.. <if m. ? ' annum. ? r tlif i-r hop Pa) h.' I Hvlnlty H. hool pui i int .rn West street, I I ind "i h. t hen Phe build ? ishlng ? ? i for 1 ?? ? ? . .? 0f Mr i t :in? a' iVavrly. dil ?! Ul ' i: I ???:", ? ' md Bal . lani I. I Ut //oil / / / IOU ll h , v i..?; i agtag Rei.sot* IfcaPi. r.. Inc Mm tit la tin- I11 ?'?< .?' Tt*? n 'X. d. c., Jul i ?? i ? i - ni the i' I \:\ ..1 the .-H ur n y, ntl.- i . > lo has tn 11 1 .?) ?.[ ? I nil ls ' i. which, . Un- Am i ll ? iva! the W hlti ti Bev< n ol the Kotri ll tori ? . and tin- ; umn. r of other torj Thi Erk aaoi at Di troyer j .i In cond I an in the trial. i i ? ? raft, bul Cai i.; to belli ve thal an) i-raft , should ba wantina In these par : the '"'il ? iii '"' brough! . ort and bet subm it tai nun will cont rael . - fort ? hi bi ?' Bun i H ?' ' ct to dring ?st a seven-Inch Hatteytted nickel-steel rlatA a lot of ei'le ?rmnr for tba monitor Puritan. Part of the f ir thi* v I of philn by tl n h..11 Com ptny, and part of rial ? itn pa ri? ted to 1 < ti ii fe ir, ll..- I '< '< ':?r *<liniri?lii win then In the li ? of r. ir ? I" '*.- uaw. ne '. A.. \. V lifOifl -1 hie retlrli ' ' '" Ilea <lnfy na infirmed whl< h H-- la th* .''?? for r-tlr.t. . |i | . ? duty la jr. eident ' I R 1 filled by 1 ? i r. O. Walkei r\ kt rely, In ? will be i I I i -< ara now ? ' ? ?f which I '? m, who ? ? the 1 ? .ont of at ir he ' Con ? nd I. Hon. Il ? bad I I ' In I'r-.i.-r.t tli? Bake fl 'th i'- I .nu. |.. WASHING I 1 ' ?nk ? ' V.-ik ? I i dupii for tl" ? | . whloh The tTnlted r s i i i. \ ti i ? i i \ i > ftU RB AV, A Pralimlaar) i. i ? rt of the Opomtleae for tin- Pa '? . ? i . - Miller baa aubmll ; rellmlnary ? for the n Incl ? ? ? ? In two OB1LI.1XQ .iii i / i. KO BS, l iiplnln ( lem I I ? ml he) Mm Hate I.. ! iijl.t I!-, ?"til- e> -. I ? ? foal H.: \ ? ? ? ' I M '.t III ? Pltta ? ? MBxlQSATlOMt N i I /1 lt. fol lectori Bradj and MeCantl <>n leefe i i-1 . ; Patrick Bat < if, d. i M Hm ! of the ? . ? I by | ? time of v ? ' hi' an, : had takei .,. t.. June Uth ? i buai vpii-i-k -i? i.n.-ti i intel ?irr. H \ N I ll .ii notulu tata tko dey : : ? i ? he dote not bring ..ny later i ? ai ma ' he ti quite bl d parture from Hono tilu. n. ' .' "'? 1 pl i \ i::c: In \ numb r of dlstli toyallata attended him on board the l iinst-nted him a cane. TUE HAWAIIAN TREATY. Tiff roneyAxnronrioy i*n/trF.F of rttori\m\ ii norr.K\MEXT. IVoiUl.nii of n New Treaty Which !!??? I'.een Knilorteil I'nofncially by the (iov eminent ami Will Ha forwards*!. HONOLULU, .Tuly lt. via SAN PS Mt CUCO, Jul] M To-day lt was kssTOld rely thal tho provisional Qovsrn ment'e policy and poattsfh regarding tim future treaty relational with the United Statis are, ami will coulnua to be, in brfcat as faUowa: Th.. MW tr i wkJeh was a . ayj which ? '" Um i ailed Btatea aurinp; th* >imt ..f th.. Hawaiian commlaatocteri to ll ad be : The tull) gk* '" fi . ,1,-ly, . .. has with? in ? fen days i- ? a rt tura* >i la Um eo*n ladaraed by Um um Us unofficially. The a. nt contains Bve artlolaai and is ' Article i cedes from the data of tho cx lon of the t: without reserve, all rights of i in and over the Hawaiian Wanda i dependeni li ? t.. the Unit ? be? come an Inti gral part there if, Article 1 ced - -".i t ranafi ri the - lute f.'" of all ? i"i ? iuni' nt and i latnis, put.lin buildings, putts and har bora, fortlflcaiiona military of naval equipments, and till other public prop . tty. : provldee thal tbs < slating fjov ernment of the Hawaiian [slat ls ind the la to Ita im> rna! poll* ? ? . be .-.?nt inn- .| f ir fl ? i ? ' iii. .1 "ut ander tb< .hr. c of ? Unll I appoint, i by ? and ntssioni r to ri ilde In the 11 i wall . with ln t. ii .I iv* any act paasi d hy the f. which shall thereupon '?? void rds at hy tho t>r. alden! of ti I prohtbtta tho hnmlgratloa af the H K until such tl pi .->. i !>? furthi ri .it also bibi ta Ch I ne ? migration and labor la to remain .??s t h v 11 a, w here th . d i aol ? \> ii ii the 'ti of the ttei off rata Arti, le B provld that I shall i?' assumed by the tl bul th" Hiv timi" t-. pay 'h ? the ulandi. The Government has Include th.- aubsi ? ' thu nsw I in Instructloni I \ ter Thurston, a; ! Btatea I- t Cleveland < withdraw t ' ? old. Professor \v.' i ? Instructloni with hington on tbs 25th int, M tn i lllaafcalanl B ? jtaifsred T ? - pul llihed heft When the . and if the ur ??ill un ? v. 111 be li in ether will I." ord ? ? flirt l of Pl will i... kept i ? ? ? ? on the | to i a riotous i I- IVI highly probable tl taoist of Uni IN J I I ll I \ I , SI ll I I Deavae btsh ^?iiiu? Hiss Pp fur stilling I 0> A. 1 ? an Italian killed a nw n b Aru . t \ m ib ' ? ? ? ? ? in tl country, but the mob ? ' I \u..i hoi I m. lilli-.: i rnbsnta SAVANNAH ? I They ai null... ? whi n ? and H\ man Jacobs lt Ii a lil ba lynched within the asst lay* I I mOJ Ml AM HlltHFlt l.\./4IA\. (harlen M. Ilrmlhnrt, of PflfSSSbWvsTi Weil* ?Ul l.afTerli. .ir r-Mil.iiiK, l'a. VANCOUVMH, i:. iv. .Inlv ? atsamer i China ati.l .lap-in. lirl!:i,'s advices thal I ?' ny. nf Iv . .., wai martii l to Charlea Mitti u Ri idbury, of july ita, by I I ? ?'? v.'n.n. Tbs ?nu- .1 at the i eonsuiati fi i H ? ho and tnu 11. ii mu. h hamp* pmm <? Victoria I BofwIQI to t'.tpiinue t ertrtiii I e?iniionr. YAI.KTTA, MALTA, IlMl N Th* court martial MvestlajaUni the los* if UM iiiittsh I ittle-ahip Victoria tm I Bradshaw, Bag Hi uten hlp Trafali ar, who panted Rear-Admlral Markham wi transferred i>is Bag io Um Camps! I died, in , 1 baa itati ?! thal when VI mit ii 1 ? .;" v".-:i aft t lt ni,- ? "What an o i waitum fort" ii" (witness) aid i ol ri to Markham until ,4 little linn ? I ? ?'? Vlcs-Admlral Blr Michael Culase B*) inoiir rsasarlted that the testimony w.ih I to the tenor Of Markham's dis patch to Hi" admiralty. Bradshaw a I I,, red to itte i ?:"1 ' w ' ham'! rei ly. "' ?' ' ' "'"l rryons queatloaing. The ^ij-inai was na 11 ?fter the Camperdown had commenced to turn Inward In weronee to the rtrM ela? na! for evolution. Mil-kl.ho w%m recalled in ronnequenre of lWa ' - li dd perkana he waa mistaken |n lila prertoua Hatlmony I Ike siKnal from the Victoria, lt mh:ht have 1 i .-n """'??' rate Mi dei laton ha.l h.-.-n affected by thia alKnal. ??'?>??'> '?? ll ' I dmd a rortatn pin ..r iii-- teatlm ? given yeaterdny hy Ui thlp Mle. and expreeeed the ulah that lt be aspen*. 1 fr-.m the n Ta* tout ike lt out. Tho i-i. mae for proa* cuti.01 ci. s. d. Adj >urned until I -LMT Vt ii n r rjUCkV* Otandirala retornua Quetta of th* inion N ni Leaden* \vasiiin.;ti.\. D c., My M.-There waa ? j tho -lila,. Ute Inion I i i omi th.> anaav ; : ??! aa ,!lir I to M.irMiall The v | - ,i b|a |i ,.i ? f"vv ?d?i ' a, and took another coal . A!. exandria, fiftei n m '"',:?l Tl' - Robert ? . ? I i BJ I n i <n\ ,,, misti i |j rn. Mr. Cfcnmhttlnln't kmradaeeut t<? tn* Beeae Bela Btu Befanted. LONDON, Jul) Ike whola of I ? of Ooma* aa la ' ' i 'i imberlaln't an .?iii clauee of the I j ? 1 ' Ihould be colle ti l f..r bk i . | I that I rita the ?I i lovernn Mr. ' ihambei i ? pru taal 1 h.- amendment ? Ohlente Baaka BwtndMi CHICAOt?. Jul) at it a ia eurreatly report ? ,t tke Ch . at lit v. nka In tba swindled I ) - url Um It u i ?? . ? >.. th" amount of 130,000 or 190,000, ami thal ? ti ' that Hi" poper area a clever f"i U'"iy ? | Of Hi" < '"tttial I'.. bi "ii appealed to ai i ? ? all, ind the i . ? fine themaelvea to tke etate . i Ile | troted, -? - Beni ?.?"? fer Lem Nata Bl Bar Bay. CHIC ? ? Walter i ? Union, t ? lo no i ltd lp ttl .ti .>f an ?. t uni* ira foi ?ailing ? I 'i he ordV r ? en etrlklne?, .ti in the .il.ts ? | nf the i. , i nfl in i te hi lp th.. i, ? i reai nable i are ra tin.l If th" I til' li tareel I i lorlnefe. W \ si UM jTi ?N, D. C., J . . bout ' ' off ? will be i ' ' Holl The I from ? of fifty feet at <"!,! *W ,M' lt, willi hi I ?ide. I turing thli ll oi i t Int ? tl win be :;iru< k by i ni.i. ll .tani. 1 \ ? ? .. ur lumb I -I twa to the tpul ? I md ?i D ? ?' 1 : | ? ? Bdaeatleaa <nii i i euaeed ? luca! sup. r I eral au' reva* Bonlilial iteran. WHEELING, NV. V I rifle tt- i ? ber of build down. The ' i .f waa Mown from tke T storm hi th to ril?ht a red -,| ' ? water. Mon" ( hub-ra in Italy. WASHINGTON, D. C., Jul) H?A ca ble dupatrh I r, Wy man, from n lt. \v. Brown, of the Marine lloapital - utatloned at i ? i prevatlii cmwa v Genoa eu? oK-loue." fjueaHaa ??f the Indiana Again PaatnaajdJ, WABHINOTON, D, C., July KA teie T.mi ama rei ? lei i it tko [alerter De? partment from iiixp. ?' li. on nouncllili the* the e* ..Hon of ni |, |.J L'hocti I om Annual itu to kieptemker tth, by order of tke Ckaauw CouH. TUE SIAMESE BLOCKADE THE FRKSCH Fl FFl WILL BMOIlt IT min t verxr nvynAY. Powers Will Itor Repaired Notice sf the Intention hr That I lise?Chinese Repre? sentative Confer With Authorities. HAUIS, July M.-U ls stated that ua effective bfoslasfsl of the Siamese raged by the French fleet will only begin on Saturday or Sunday m-xt. I'mll thin 111 thi- powers will not have received notice of France's Intention to establish a blockade. The Chinese charge d'affaires had aa Int.-mow to-day with ths chief oft., i i at the foreign oflVe In regard to Ulam. Siam Mar Make further ?SSSSSS 'iona. tNOKOK, July :?' H. Pavia Um Pn itch ml ri prior ts bil de? parture, a Anal Int arvie a with tho Blameee forebja minister, who said that his OoVernment Waa astonished that Prance considertd their rania M Preach ultimatum os a n fusal to comply with its terms, it was impossible, he sahl, to I i "lt"ly au huh finite proposal. Prance had ni ? kt r rtghta In Annam and .. but the King, earnestly desiring peace ead a sp--, i it of the whole t ase, had ? I-, ii i. abandon lu Annam and Cambodia all Hm i bad i ' ' wi ii ai lim t tory near Hmm. Including ttl and although th>?<> i'la."* 111 Bitted i-i UM Bhtmesa Fun e.I a PgaeSSge I |> Ilia i.i 'M" in, Jul. I v Parn .i.-i at a to the i un s sa) s: "Lord U nee with M. DevelM this manilas :i waa h'l'i al I "'? Ison this evening, bal the greatest Mersey was lined aa I 1 stace it the tnother cabinet connell will bs tn ld "ii Batarda) rn vt Ives a di tailed nccmhsi ot boa the French lunboats fi n i a passage up the Mensm river, 'iii" Kimi...ats enter ? h mm i about k m thu ? g, and lunn, .tlat.'ly both feet! uni the glame* funboata opened Bra og the ? - Thi Pm* ii gunk ' i landing the ??< ?if a submarine torpt do dir* tty ? fleet. Thi InsonstanM I tu ii I ss nh the Siamese gttnbi Al a ? k thc forts at I'ukMam ? i mge of ? n" Quarter sf a mlle. Thc Preneh gua boat nil thta tlasa n k,i ?ts ai, hour aga!) Mt the Btn I itt Al ti IO o'clo k 'ho h r< i . h '' hon ii in from of the Preneh li 'I ii ingkok. The fir" had little . f f? t. owing to tho 'laikti'ss. H.|ii? of the tirrill Hil l're*|. I EULIN, .Inly ai. TM i . Matt rs* ,i ipeel thal i. Igtand, tnfuiiv holde aloof from the Drst i nd, maj I.?.nor siled uiih Prenso nv-r i ? tis. ind, saya thi r igi M itt will be I gi n. ".| got Uti t , pott, Othei tpreea Mmtisr m u tlments, although In milder lang PARIS J . iM 'I'll.- i' -irge lt 1 I li ? ? ? | that Biara had no territory east ..f the Mekong as far north us latitude 33, which parallel we Preach ? i them limit of their lnflu< i - unlikely ? Bini k would |oln Siam iti 11 a ? '? ant M Ittea wiih Cranes, (mt bs thoucht that If thi Prance an.i siam . ? broiled the Mack Plugs might resunM Hie offensive in Tonquth, ? 11? keg io Hgajpresa ? bsret I.. IN1 l IN, July M With ? i io nf the United Pn us that notl i upon in., My it in ? city, the I I th-- Uni I ;>.".i i letti r from his Ive m Roms, laying thal I ? iphed to London on : Ml it the omeiau In N iplen had i m rases ..f the dh see ai having occurred there during the early ? week. TMs telegram n-?. ff i , . I Uk re i* no AV I it.-r addi neither Napli s n.>r Rofl ? ?? mention of ehoMra any* Ital) though th- ri it, i Press ? tal u does rt' vHii ,i ,i other ntaot*. in pkM> i (I il rhoil rah- dh) rd 'a 1 i i..Hal of the i rovtni e of The usual pUgrimagi ind cot lom of ,i ii, .1 ls i Bf .ree pru hlbltlpn. -e? ? ? N . Irnfh In the Report. DON, July ?-' Hon ? ? Miration, " < . in thia I i ted tn the I flited ? it th,, tribunal h ni ? - nari u i Mr. i '..r.-.i thal than was ns truth i said be -nd ' lon ? >uld i>" ' UM arbl for somfl Sereu PefMSM Browned, LONDON, July Bl The stearne! I i I ? ? t.v ii unknown steam ff N-rt'i Ito. k. County D ara with her I raona Plvi pf opie on board I . i:\M.t OP i hi RHOMB ' ? " i The Times . ^ fe ., w I P, .Vt, *1; mid IS, M. V. I \l III B r OHM Asl WABHJNOTON, r>. Ci July 2fl.-r"ot sad North droiknv Pair, pr* i in th" morning t?v thunder aaBaraffg .niin In North Carotins stern \ her Con iii lops Th.* barsnn lat I si fallen egeesf in UM lake regtoeg and thence over the npper lUaaMaafajl nasa fl 11 ll.- Missouri Valley*, ?when' H has ns rt. A storm of moderate sti has moved east* ar! SSWff the Rt. Law renee Valley, and a simm of muk..) energy bas appeared north of |f< The temperature has fallen g-? vent over New England and in au er..* extending from the British Northwest Territory to Arleena, where it has Ms-b (ive to ten degrees. Maximum tent] lure atxivo nita ty doging ts inposted *?o? ersily In thc Middle and South Atlantic, Southern New PfseVind ant Utilf M.?te?. arni In the Ohio Valley, the maximum reading of nhvty-reven le^rves ac VS'uh* linton City and Montgotmry, Ala., be lng the highest reported. Thunder storms have occurred In the AtUm.e Coast roit.s (nun Maine to North Caro litta. and in the Boper Ohio \aih>. Mast em Ten nessi I and South, usnin Kansas. showers ut. reported in th- Western ind Northwestern States. ?}? inraily fair and continued warm weather u Indicated for the Atlantic Coast Btatea. In the I ,ke regions, th" Cpper t?blo Valley, ind the.Southern States, the weather wilt ...- generally fair. In the Mississippi i altey thu weather wU! be warmer, villi increasing cloudiness and local showers*