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BUT ONE FAVORITE WON ?or,,r *0M*MBfBB*MB*9*im* ^MASBCtBCVlt MtBTI>G. B*Bm of im ?..-?* ?? - *? , *H??. BnOttt of th. Dl.rn.xl-Other tporttoa New.. CLEVKLANP. 0., July MU. CT oni- favorite anoceeded in *in nlnK thin evening, md Datn only hy the aardeol kind of a fljfht. in feet, If Splan bad not Ix-on c.mcht !n a dlaaMrona pnrkft In the K..O00 at*ke lt la a question wheth? er th?-re would have bean any favorite to win. Tko I I ?cr* vrrv txcltlng and hotly cont' ? The first rate on the cord wa* tho ? ar-oldt or und -r. Double Fros* Btarted out a hot favor)!.- OecUUM ;.f ner Doti el i rft r tot ?-. ant sh.- was not tn >? nd trim to defeat I 'ri ? I th.- tatter ama ti"- rana adtn ta <-. The Muk.- f.-r '-'-'I trottem followed. .Tav Bunker waa a favorite fran tba ? ,-,?! a -n iii- mea in ttmlgbt beeta, titer Baa Pedro, a faa! Californian, had nurn-rrl.d in fiting the first boat In i' ii. i ii i, told ?-?* favorite, Henry f. , . (. -I,.- lust hf.nt tod was too fast f.>r anything rn th." party. i? tho p. I ? Kal I'Ul ird I i..i. i,, ti..- - arpriae of bli ? ? ; er Paul v. ry fast in tho BOXt tWO beeta i.nd won them both erith mea. Ia tht Hfth. aftei Pt ul bed b Hal Dillard again won ro#. ttettni r of ( wea a h. at in t to Ike al ibta j'. ? v at perfect for i enc ? Ita: ? | undi r ? ..); Partn'a i u k filly by Thlttl -. dam Mi r.? r) 1. 1, 1; D .ul; ? . 3 l-l . . i r. rn. h. by ? ird, d int by < I (W ? -.. i. i. I '. :. z, Navl ? ;. I ' " . ' ' I U jj, I ll .;-?, . t i ? i na* ] rrte, 0,008 (unnr. ? i '.>. i. I, ~. i; Paul a, 4. l l. 3; Henry r. 1, ! ? Wilki Knot 5. ?, fi, 4, 4; Alvan* Swift 8, :,. J, t, Ri .1 Bel I I, % i, ?. Blonde f. ..: 7 dlttanced; W ? ? i . - ll l-l, ::H l-l, I UL . Monmouth I'i?tU KmuiIIr. Fire! rare, 0ve and one-half furlonge? firai nay ti ? rad, Wood Chopper third. ' i ? BtoneTJ first, ri'i l-l Third ? ' ' md, Enchan third -it. Ponrtl ? Lady Violet v Lovell third, Time, i:ii 3-4. Fifth mee, five furlonge Som i Brat, st t ?.... lUi ti . d. Mli third. Tim", 1. I 1 J sixth mee, one i Bett 1 Maud third. Time, rti 1-4. Th*- Wlnn?r? at <;inn<-?-Mc-r. GLOUCESTER, July ! lt's and t).: I re to dey. Al ttoi last befoi >? tke third rt * p et ... I would coila] In tht open fit Flrjt mee, til first. Omi ! Pl i .', Airtight third. Time, ? ?-. five f 'lon J. Brat, Delury aecond, Lady Litter third. ' ? . ' i ?. i r ? i i foul half I Matty B i ? lt third. Time, I i ? : third. Time, i Itt Fifth race, four and a half furl Lady iii ? v i-.,|.li? nn third, i, half fut Moid of 1 limo third, 'i lint, I ? I t I ne r.ritiiton nance WhtnetUj NEW 1 iRK, J dy al Tho Brighton I l ul ted: ulong Harry . . Bay] t ii furlong] Violetta ; .', 1. .tn la third. I race, third. Time, ? ' I'lltz-ii Billet Doun third. i 2. i j ? I. S:\tti i | a quarti ? : t. John aecond, The l>uft.-r ? ioi i: i<-k patremned. \TOQA i dy m, To-duy'a meet ' ive t ,i until to-morrow, on aeoouat ..f raia The tntrtm stand. BAtTLBt OW int OJAMOMB, Byth the l'hlllh-- ami the Moutain iii ir Oajpeneaea nm Other Barnet PHILADELPHIA, fa. Jagy -,; BE PkUadelphtaa and Brooklyns p i a y a .1 t ? t . tait aft tr noon, tn Of v. Iiii h was a Ile, ead in tht i the hon ?? t. am a on aral ajuna a atoppi 'i i . show, r al the end of ;h ? fifth Inning, with tt.*? acore ataadlng four to four, and the r-1" d i aol canna within itu- time tel ? i for allowing u gama to be rantin! vVI)? p, thePhlMeel , li ? inning.) ll. ll l I .4 0000?4 0 I ; .8 1010 -i -? . Vickery and Clemente; Had ?eek wt..! Ki it. n I Phllndelphiaa ...0 3 0 00 ? 4f | | j Brooklyna .I1000III0-I 9 | Betu . and Clemente; Kea hedy and Klaotow, Bt. Louie, f\ Chlrnan.O. BT. LOUIS, Jul iaya nm. jrna a -, >,,|. ,v; the lead. St 1. ?. ? In the ninth Inning, with triple :? Brodie and Worden and .-? them t- ? to vu.. Attendance, 1,800, 1 tjeeooaerj Blot* o, , Ii- H. K. JJ; tfalM .0 01001 III 7 u I Ch,c,t,;" .ltoeiOI40-d 7 1 Batterim , d Gunton, alanah und Sc-hrlvi-r. Ho?ion. 5; Wnaktngeam I aka We.?July *-Th? fl"*1 ???? of tat Wtahlagton ttriet on tht South-End ' pronnda lo-d?r wat a hattie of pitchers. Attendance, 2,0?7. Score: lt. II. E. amyton .rtmioli!! ! I i Waahlngton .1 OOO I 0000-2 4 6 Batterfm: Nichols and li.-nti'-tt; Mtull and Farr.-ll. iMit.i.nrr. Ill litntttBle, 7. LOUISVILLE, July 2*5.?I/uilsvlll* loaf thc third ttreight Karn.' with PlttOborg |0 Bey I hr. ia li COetly errors and h.-ises en belhj, ktUlen waa in th<- boa for the visitors, end Wt tho Colonel! busy guessing, BJ Utual. Hemmlnij pitched his usually rr,od tf.ime, hut was dlacouraged hy the had nVldlns; of the i*o]>>n?-l*. Kil? lin wan jriv^n excellent rapport, .special? ly hy Blerbauer and olaaecock. Weather threatcnlnK; attendance 1,300. Beare: lt. H. K. louisville .0 2 0002021-7 12 4 rittshiir* .20000 9 0 Ox ll 10 2 Batteriee: H'tnminjr and Clark; Killen atui akajden. Nm York, li; rt?ltlm?re. 4. aryjw FORK laly M.~Tkt New Yorks mad.' lt three straight with tit- Baltl mores hy littflnir Mullana at Hie right time and glvfa Dorman fine tUPPOti !ri ? 11. Tko gama ava atopped twice by min. Stafford atade a running eetch of t By from Rette*a but in the suth tanning, that not only aavod th'- day for tin- New Yorks, hut was the finest piece ..' ntl ding moa here in years Snyder vined McOmw and Taylor liv- dollars each for kicking, and pul McGraw on the hench in the fifth timing. Jenalngt tekteg bia pl v ? Beere: R h. i: New York .aoooiooox-fi s ; Beltimore .110001001-4 I 0 Batteriee: Oerman mid WOnon; Mul? . nd Clark". Hain Interpose* nt Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, O., .inly IS-Th. Ctn In natis nod Clevtlandi wera to bava rktytd :1.1a Dds afternoon, but a hee/y rain and Will l-ttortn ?topped the tirst game In the sixth Inning, with tr, to nothing in favor "f the Both playi 1 wl'.hout an .-rr tr. Kine's flm.- pitching was th.- feature <>' ? rer, of the Booth nm . umpln L Af todance, LOM 11 H. 1: ? 1 tis .0 l r. 0 0 1 I fi t' .000O00 Q 1 I Batteriee: RJag and Murphy; Cappy and O'Connor. BMW the flubs Stan.I. Ciel*. Wen. I oat Aver. rinladelphit. n Bl .? I I . i* tl .1B Pitts nrg. 4? .-.I .?'??'. I lereltoa. o'.? IO JU 'ti. . ?; Cincinnati. M Bt .<? I >t. J,.ans. gj ??'? AB Ni?' ^or<. ,r, 00 .4'-7 re. BJ P AB < hicaco .. ll U AB V. fcshiueton. BJ 4s A\B Louisville. sj it ,s? t.ainr- Si lin I ii lr. I far Te-Day. New York at B Philadelphia at Baltimore * 1 Chicago at Loolavlile. ? nd at St 1 ila. Plttaburg at cini Ifinati smill",a leaget ?..un... lt Augusta: R. It. i: 1 .DOlOOOlOn?t 4 0 .1 DOO lea; Daub and and Dil Ai Ni sr lbieune: 1 ir. B. New Orleans .0 OOOOOOlx? 7 N I Birmingham ." 1 I 0 I I I 0 0? 4 7 I riet: Perrin and Baldwin; end Berle. At . R, ll I. lona .... 1 10 ??I ? 1 Bavannaha .11000010x?I I X Hatfield and Ai Petty and Oonnaufhton. iblle: R. H. I Mobllea.1 1 0 2,", 0 0- 9 8 4 .I 01 OOH I ll I Wad a >rth, Wittrock -and Rogem. Tke nnt of darkm - l I f the seventh In con: H. H. i:. .0 901 0 7 18 2 it . ..0471 leld 1 lewald and SJ The Petersburg-* Aneta K*?>t?n. IR8BURG, YA., Jul] 26 Thia afternoon, fi r the thlr the Peti rsburg B uw Ball Club I di feat. The Ko . ' Washington, m. c., did tl nd tht toora was II to 0. Ttl n's Chrtttl BOCl itiOO team put Up one o' ti beet in thia "ity, and In ad? dition hil the bell with telling effect. ? . t. ira Rel led , rlj and betti d ly. Junie Quarli s pitched s ? it poorly supported. ?1 pitched ;i gi for the 1 waa 11 lendldly auppoi led i". do Ige. The Petertburg ti tm has - bed for 1 ni n I be In good trim foi th< lay, Southern italie aj Batten, B ALTIMORE, July B .'.il-- of the Georgi 1 | Florida have taken nt Manon, Qa., to dav. baa I Nov< ml 1 r, a ben tht rood will probably ba bought ai d opt rat d I j ? idholdera. Ri ord state* thal ? truth In the report thal the 1 n a ould form an extention .,f the I hoard \it Lin ? lytton by 1 on wlth Ult Macon and n , ?:... The Mercantile Trust Company, truatee for ttie bondholdera, alao d' . Killed Un- Brotg linn. JACKSONVILLE, PLA., July I tpeclil fi >in T irnon 8] - bi r..r< .11\ h. ht tl li m ming matki 1 nu n av {roached I 1 ? bim through an open i\ Indo e ai he lej In bcd, '1 he ' I bli 1 aili d i! n, who ?? . Mtephei 1 It the man a bo allie t Mai - h .1 ? lt-at fourth of luly, and hi 'is ena,lui 1 om a sunda n wived In thal ti 1 K lcd t.y Lightning. YORK, July ?-"'? During thr- tor? rin.- thundi ? ??'? "non- < lei - it Coney Ii and T. 1. Loomis of i^iooklyn, tret killi d and - lualy Injun 1. ona of v. h im i Wolli III. To Relearn ike lob Lt adata, MEMPHIS, July M. Tht Kui lepbonco ..". the 1 rn thai Information thal an afTempt trill (?" hui ie 10-nlgbt to 1 ? three ? 1 lera of Bnturday night 1 .: I DOW In jail. A Yirt-iiilnn Beta a duh. WASHINGTON, D. C., July M.- David b< r, of Vin ? to-day ti : 1 -li Of Uldlnge, Btaunl in, x.i. Teteerrnajhte shrevttle*. PITTSBURO, P.V. duly BL -To-day ?;i unknown mea climbed to thr top of ike Fort Wayne railroad bridge and jump'.! Into tba v. etea tbrty feet below. He came to tke aurface univ once, ut 1 aK da I ired Tba hedy hus not boee rt CHARLESTON, July BJ John ii Swift di. <i h< rt to-day, 1 red tlxtj fh ??' lb ? ? itet ol aa Military A and in < orly Ufa went ? to Keneaa and to k en ai iroublm darin* tl der war PITTSBURG, l'\ , Joly R Roberl I tged te an,l alngle et Inti.1 ?- for the Mi norqrehela Wa' 1 C. mpary of the South Side, ti ot a 1 uliei his h.-ad to-day, killin).: h|m?-:r Inatently, Ha was a brother-in-law , 1 Manujyer Martin Prenttr, Of that COI Temporary Inaenlty, superinduced by the extreme heat, is supposed to have been the cause for the deed, ile retided In Utica, Ohio. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. s/jfj ho*a mayo a rirrtm of the Ut.AOl.r TMIMir.ltHOLT. She Was fe Daughter of Dr. K. C. Mayo, of Cumberland, and a Mere of Colonel J. L. Carrington -Other Virginia News. COLUsfBtA, VA.. July st. IB Wall Miss Kona Mayo, a daiiKhtor of Hr. at '*? Mayo, Just across James river from Columbia, ? errand niece of Colonel J. I* farrington, of Richmond, was struck by lightning this evening during the storm and instantly kith al. BBS will be buried at her father's resi? dence. Miss Mayo was about sixteen years of aK*. and much beloved by a numerous ,.lr, le Of relatives and friends. No others were Injured. Fatal Accident In Chesterfield. PETERSBURG, VA.. July H, BpedaL a moat ilbitreesing accklent occurred ba ty this aiMrnon iboni 3 i during a violent wind storm. Aleut 1 O'clock Mr. Janies A. Joins. I brother of Mr. john ii. Jenna, i bbst chant doing buslnesi on tti*- earner of iimne ar,.i Dunlop itreets, left hers in a accompanied tty Mr. Capias DU Hon, to visit Miss ix.u Billion, who ffs* stdes about two nsilee from Cheal er, en the Richmond and Petersburg railroad. .\ mule and a horse were bitched tu the I when the tWO >onng ni'-ii got Just tyotslde of ii"- corporals limits, on Um turnpike, where there is a apring and a " n, they ?t .j p- 1 tO wa? ter their team. DUUon got out of Hie wagon to Ml down the check rein, and at. .m. thi* time Hi" wind itorm came im. Dutton then remarked t<- Jones; "James, v had Letter get away fr.,m here before oas of these trees f.-iii and kin us." DUUon bad ? rda ont of rill month before i large oak trna feU and atm sk b ah of them on U jonis' bend wai crushed almost to a Jelly. He ^ns taker, to the Home for Um M"k in an ni llUon, where ? ? ? ? ? Dillions I paint ul, ls not m thins. - iv, the mul' nae kir the hoi ? T' letter, i owned by Air. John DUUon, of i d coun ty._ IMF. Ol ll Kill I SUSUAYS* 1IOOLS. .Meeting: of IhS tinnily ( mn eui inn Oilier .Mullel? of Interest. WINDSOR, va., .inly bj BpediL-Tne I . :.:??.. i Uon of uti mty, in which ail denomina i mt. lay, and area <-.111r.1 t.. order 1 ? presidi m. 1 t. Gavin Ranis, "f -, \ a.. folio ?<? ed n Its pi a) er by 1 J v.. Barrett, of the Christian 1 hun h. The roll nf Um rn booie wa.s died by ti. In reports, 1 bowing deep ..'??I Increased Interest In this grand ind gloi lom .-? . era] \ ery able ad leUven -i In the lal 1 Bunda) .'?? bool work, which were highly I and enjo) 1 d by ali ? The honors of the oct aston wore borne "ff by the Mill Bwamp Baptli I 1. being that "t the county convention bumer, for the largest per? ot attendance of any s.-ii<"d in mty. The bann* r n .s pi by Mr. T. N*. James, of Smithfield, and I to b) Bu I the sn achoo!, both of whom acquitted them offlcera for the cnsuinp 1, whick resnlp 1 ns follows: Hon, T h Wright, county eupi tinten dent of Bul lay 1 N. Jones, Baq . Bm!til . i lain Hair of V ? Bmlthfl M. Va . J. O. Branch of Windsor, V 1 L. H. Whltl f Orbll Eidwarda of [ale of Vt I . in ry, C. 1' Ch innell ..f Chorister, Miss Minnie Bmith "f Bmlthfi ld, Va Tl e .V 1 ut'.'. ? ' ' of Bve : ? '? b from ti." mlnations. Tiie time and place of the next meet left In Un banda of the ex* utlve ? iii be published In due ?I >n ? a^ ll pl ni one, and may the Sunday Irs long and ever flourish. The cr -i 1 of thle r> 1 Hon have I - unusually well, but thin long dry spell lias retarded them considerably, and ti ? farmers ar" boping and praying for rain. The melon crop ls beginning to bi gat in r '.. bul these erho planted very ? aring rather 1 . ? Of the market. Thi re will be a Masonic address deiiv o'Hock by Rev, 1 !' 1 ? haplaln of Pudle Lodge, No. ITO, S F and A. M.. to which the 1 ul Ile rd! dly Invited, after which refreshmenM win be nerved. Hark .tolas, D. D Q. L-. ind .latins E. S.' brell, n. !'? tl. bf., ind, perhaps, other promlm nt ofllcers, *re expected to be present. nitbTMMMOVM '>i*APVF.AnAxrr or Mn. Mrettie Csgtsu-A Biddon 00 i>e ? tr.iM'd O lier MfewS. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., July tt Bpt "ia! Tl 1 ri itdence of Mr john Toarnaley, Mar Red HUI, la this county, v. as .1 ti di t Are t.'u.s morning at about I o'cli B The h"us,- and furniture entirely consumed, and the famUy . ped 1 be mothi 1 of ]<r. fl, L Petrie, 1 istor ... the Pmbyterl in church of tl died i" " ry, Ala., yesterday. Hr! i'. trie la non in Al thama. There beei quite in excitement In .mr city for the ; mya la r. fer* ince of Mrs MatUe Catlin, wife of Mr. John W. Catlin, a prominent railroad man, who I li ? Wi ' M un Street Mrs. Carlin ?nely di appear* d from her borne .. 1 Monday morning about i" ? whick time but little has bean lita and ber pn -- ? nt whi 1 gt, rv. waa ? sen on the ' ' lng tl day Mond i), but f Cl lilia COUld be har.'"-! the truth ol the atstemi el -. \s 1 ? >? -I home up to yesterday morn Hy and tn alarmed, and icarcfe was nude through? out thi of the S" I'!' te this morn In < ? had been learned ai te ber dent surmise of her 1 and friends is that, perhaps, her mind bsd given away, and that she ' 'l commltta suicide, others thought "?it she had gone ts Washing! iri;. ur Alexandria, where sh" baa friends, bot telegrams received this morn ? tl thal she has not tmen feen In either pl A rsi ? I th" city gt 140 this morning thal 1 woman answering to the lion Of Mrs. Caflfal was fltCU on U ?? I mki of the Rfvunan rivi 1 ? .lien Mills, on Monday, -ind it ls believed that sh., has drowt I \ party ' ' gt nUi men want t . Hie river for the cf dragging for bat b dy. Hampton Veirs Votes. HAMPTON, ya., July tt flpirlil Th.- county aehool tlsctoral board mst ead made th" foUowtng appoint to tin meta i"s In district achoo] hoard: Wythe district, W, T. Daugherty and William S Jones; Hampton. Juhn W Ron -. RSV. B C Cl lianas, John ff, Rowe Ciarles, Heffeltlng.r a-> 1 V. y. Holt, rep reeeniing the Hampton M. E. church and Kev. Hayes and W. T. Holsten of the Fox Hill church, are in Bell Haven, Northampton county, attending the Dis? trict Conference, which convened there yetterday. and will continue three flays. Captain Hope, of tho Peninsula (.minis. eipei'tt to take from tineen to twenty men next Saturday '" ih" military en? campment at the White Sulphur. Misses Rosa B. Chl-man. Lula Couch and Mary Blackmore aral leave next week Chicago. Thomas H. Martin, of Scottsvllle, was at the Hygeit reeterdey. it- wore his usual serene pmlle ind had an air of funeral placidity and content, whh-h nr.uM seem to indicate that his enan* tetinl dr. atm w . re ,,f B bright mid hnjI'V rhart-ct?r. Those who know him heat Fay that his dny-drtama usu illy como truf. The ajBtcutlvo committee of the Youn;; Men's Ckrietlan Attoclatlon met last nlpht to <onsi ler t potolblt vacancy In th-- omen of tecretery of tke Aaaoclatlon, <;. a. Oimrdorf, ark i bea *v'-*? -1 th., pince for the past four y- rs, offer.,1 his reeky nation, to take effect, unless his aalury could ba inerteeed to ITJJ per month. He now receives BJJA, Mr. Overdorf has made a most popular end efficient tecretery, and the committee nnnnunouely reoolvod to canvass the town next n -lc. with a view to atcuring eli 1 ?? t of hi lp raflclent to justify the dealred In ' ' aalary, Tiro aUh)JJ?jrjrc?J nr.srnorr.D. The Itnpil-i Parinnnx'' et Notlnwny Court - li'uise I'.iirnr.l tn the liniiiml. C'RRWK, VA.. Joly IB :;i-'lrtl.-The Baptist pumonegt tl Blncketone, oecu i k i by Kev. m. F. Sandford, and the r> traen - of J. B. Roberteon, wei ttl qred by Bm to-day, ca um d by t defec? tive Baa tn til" BOUnt Of Mr. Sandford. Ti.e tufurunca on R ?,'' rtnon't hons" la tl,io. Mr. Bandford had no ins': Samite! K. Brlgjnj Buried. OBX C, ll . VA . July -?; Special. Mr. s.-iniu.-i E. Brigge, wko died on tht morning of the 24th Inatent in - county, wet har,'. ; et hit ' ? reeterdty evening. Mr. Bi ? v rv useful and much beloved mun, bav? ins Sued at r< ral pla ' I t. if.* was at the ttma th commit sinner in chancery f * tht cir.-nit couti of this county. Ha leaven a v. if-*, ona child and a boat 11 frionda to their loss. Injured la ? I ail. DANVILLE, va.. July M-Spectal. n trvey Bm Ulngt ..f H. vv. Bm I Ina fell to-i li ht from the ? to thi lng bit leg between tl i ka The Injury ls v ry ? rlOUB. Mad Bag Scar.- lu iou' Stoat Ban, BIG STONE OAP, va.. July I ' lal a med on ? by J, M v v died until ? Of the way. Bnjer Bnraumk Condition. STAUNTON, VA . July I his patient I and be hi not bo strong to-night. sHMsTSJfOI Ul TOB ort I.H4I.I. Itventttn Ptlagelea Cheeea lo That City. in. Middleota Delegates. NORFOLK), v.\, Jnlj M Bpeclal. Mam nu ? imouth t i-nlght to elect ? Rich ? ? I Convention. All ? ? for Colonel O'Ferrall. Tl its delegate! for him. \ I'.inoii Meeting In Danville DANVILLE, v\., July M. Bp ida! A Buford meeting was held la thi Pirti ward tO-night I" pill Up t til I delegate! to n. State Convention to be voted for al the primi i a similar meeting ir!] ' In the Third ward t ?? ?tow night, t >'] frionda will 1 night to pul out i tli Bttddleeaa fer OM strati. BALTJTJA, VA., Inl.?Tht followli B. I 'h ?a ? li E. ChrUUlan, J. lt. Fleet, C. H. and ?!? R. Si inc the d> legation for O'Ferrall d. nie London Ceeeert rolla, i.< INDON, July M The Gen ,v has surj ended Tba capital of I ? ABBBICAM I Mil l \< r. IS MBXICO. Dur Inveitment* KoW GreOtlj la 1 teats of t\U* lither torrie" Nr.tlon. In tl.- tai takt, a in m- >.i.'. amounted to I * tit!,? Bngtlth In--' nted to 121.1.SfO,( j Ki one timi Ul Mexico far exceeded Ami rican, but, if we may j': ' cord of the three renie named tht nill toon, if they hnvt aol already dona teing pince. American ipi tal In Bi retted very largi ly tn mlnea and in mfl Da . i lha list three yean ann ri? cunt Invest. I |&1 -? ? and Ki S27.ko.ox) in Mexleaa minet. Daring the same time A ; J arel Rngliehmen C6.80.000 In ralln ida, Engiisbmen have, however, given mon n than Americana to etti ? .-.rd to lind Inveetmenti They lave taken th' lend also In ni taree, ti,.-ir Inveatmenta in that dlr being $ Alu':! ma in .omi", tn ti willi RUUluftC tuna and mat. i lal Improvementt, Amuri rans hun Invmted a gnat deal mon capital than Englishmen, tba emounta bi inp: for tht former t ? tnd for Uer roly e4.tU.BM Tue irowth of American Influence in Mexico I u very rapid since railroad communication bett :. the United Stat's and tht City of Mes] a ibllehed bj l a through th- touthern repubttc cnn rn ? the results Of thia In almost nil the i : towna. Tke In roamii Inti ri i th- two nation* is having ni I offed upon pu'-ii ? .pi:,i ?n In Me ? i t the Cali I *?! one tim.- there was a areal teal ol Americana, hut although thi ? thlS left lt I' Formerly tba tn cul ka ri tn in Mex nf th.- rough front i B il ?ln< ?? the completion of the ralln i I ter ritttra of Americnna have gena Into the i ntrj t: ? .an buetnnm men, ind eepedally mining ra and managers, to maka tkelr Maxie . gi d Ikua rae people of i tit ry have bed their ? to th.- true character of the better elem of the Amer! Detrret rlepnktl can. oin il IBT. Mr.. Mnrlritu M. tone. Mrs. Marietta ht Long, another nf Mr. W. Q Long, of the Brm of Long ? RI d dtek, dltd In Harriaonburg. Vu.. T night at U o'cloi k. Bka had bat about three WQCfcB. Deceneed was tko dnugkmr of the late lem williams, and tlatat od Ute C. atai a< I., williams, end waa tko Meter of Rev. De. William H. Williams, af gt. L r ekUdren - tr .; and Bi l -"? Long, and Johnnie and llnim.i Long. Tko remnlaa win aa brought to the late residence in this etty, on south Third street, and the funeral will tefci at ll O'Clock the Se? cond Bnptltt chunk, The following win ii- tin- tull beeron: Mootra, lt. O. Barnes, .latn.s Leigh Jonee, B. D. Bterfct, Wil? liam Bllyi on, W. O. Mttler, loka Mont? gomery, M. WI Lowe and J. M. l-'uur qurean. Nellie I.umpklii The funeral of little Neille, Infant laughter of Mr. and Mri. E. S. Lumpkln. will take place from their residence, 112 eaat Canal street, at 9:30 o'clock this morning. AN ELECTRICAL STORM. nEVFRK shocks or th under asl* UF.AFT HAIN IS HALEIGH. Meeting of the North Carolina State fire? men's Association?Reqnltltljfe for ? Murderer. RALSI4H, N. C.. July 1 HgKill. Governor farr to-day received from the Governor of Alabama a requisition f ?* I'leas Cheatwood, a notorious character wanted in that State f"r murder, a:ic re? cently captured in this State. A terrific electrical st< rm prevailed here this afternoi '. about 4 o'clock. There were appalling flux ks of thunder, tollow 1/tjf each c ther In (|bick succession, ac? orn pani, u by heavy rain. The State Plrsanel s Assn, latlon met to? day in \v Imlngton arith ? full ittsndancs present -\t. address nf welcome was ds I by Mayor PlibMste an I th" re? st a pa a as mad-' hy j, a. flreeae. of New n. me, president of the Association. MOItl. .tlini S l MKS IS. < olia liope nias AansSaussSJ * Num? ber of Additional Names. AfUMVILLE, N. i\, july M. Special.? CoUector RSUsa announced the following tmittti to day to h.- Btorekeeperi and gaugeri at ?alartea ot BkM per day: n. v.. ''. Psarcy, Cherak. e; r. T Transylvania; J. F. Basti!! John lt*. Miii.r. Rowan; P. c. Bryan, Rowan; D, L Lindsey, Rowan; AL Lin? nie, Rowan; A H. Llsk, Rowan; I. kt Llppard, Rowan; John B. Pord, Davie, and a. i. Bordei -?, Cleveland, to bi dy gaugera at ? salary of M per day; James A. Hud ? salary of $i per day; J. P. Q gauger to rectl lary of ff par daj. A B. Shuning, Rowan, .tshei il" Nev | | Ind rest. ASHEVILLE, N. C., July M, Sped*! tme of th.- landmarks of Bui ? ..ii f ishim.. .1 n ildenee of tbs rs, at Weaven wai totally rd iv. A dei kai a b isa the eau ??? i if ? Ung to t!i? latest reports, Cut* ?hall, arho aral shot and d by thi Qentryi In ? I ! ire]. Madison county, last ll still liv!- .? 1 v the main assailant, has bo far eluded Dr Wharton, the evangelist from Bal. f the mt -t effe< ttve ever visited Asheville. ' Bapttat church The criminal court opened hei mai A. Joni a pr The Jude s .la' -I lory t of the mon tri I tu the I work win ; ? ? 1 In my letter two days nero, th" business men In meeUng il thi Ash.", nt" Club-rooms last ? illy the i ? aolntlona of the Board of Trade ai -i T ot New Pork, ami urged tl ?.. rm to tilt ion Introduced by Major W". H. pion of this sect!rn, that a al lld be detrimental to the business country, was promptly ? l overwbelmlni Confederate Veterans tl Meet, WINDSOR N. C., July I ty will meei ? ? se, tn Wti d< pnr, on the -'td nf \ ?? invited ' ? ? i nd plentiful din- | ner will be prepared for them by the town and vicinity. ? >:. assaulted ? ? i i it a little negro hoy, son >l Roluck, eerj Iky sith a ' 1 . . . ? - very 1 If not Harrison Lee, a Bl ffO b v. eoi " th "ne Hm - pistol if he dh c. Humphrey will have something ? the a fl rt tn 1 "im of poo fal] term nf ? Matu Deaths Preen ChsJeru In Iseesw, ii ?w, Jul) ? \ deatba from tl ' ? ALEXANDRIA, July M. Tb" ? t the Eater quarantint Btatlon. Anotlier Casters Scare, CHESTER, PA, ' In Austrian, tty arrived In untry, dli d ta what bis attending phyali lan dsclarea was AND We Are On fur Th? entire lino of DAMAGED CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS for Men, Youth.". Bovssnd Children have heen carefully assorted sod mark? ed at prices to convert them into CASH! and that at once. The time is shmt ; the work ia argent ?, the entire building must BndergO re? pairs ami improvements,and these goods must be disposed of. A money*eaving ula. for prudent ami ecooomical bujan to obtain wearing apparel ol OUR 0 \V N well-known manufacture at prices much lesa than the cost ot' the material. First come, first nerved. It is advisable to come at once, to got a choice of the bargains offered on sale. 916 E. Main St. Highest of all in Leavening Power.?Latest U. Ss Gov*t Rej>ort Baking! Powder ABSOLUTELY PSJR5 INDIA'S STRIPED TERROB DMMTAOTMM of MA> AS ft VF'-OI.A. rr. ii ow y ati te ri ulah eh. *lr tal tv I ii Arnold'* K?oii lnl#.cenr?? nt th? Krui for.I of Crrstioti In I ti - illun Jiinglm. Thi tme owi-?r and landlord af many a tn ? of cot itry in the t uti i am rs \ urltli -r In thought is th" gold-coa ri] i tyrant of UM woads, UM Than a.!.- targe rrngei mi th-. , i n-' might aim. it (ail them ? vhi. h ? ? : * t. mporarily, hy a pair of ( ? of hon i ? .1 ?..: - tues of Mer ti. rca matt i nlty, it i i one ot tin I me tn my mind in connection with er i renins in Indi t, ?l an Kn.. ? ? Ii i ? th a country as i gm de? scribing the villsi % and far bo? ot tn i". pt ult nt" and nt ty in which tue wild bessti dispute with ? call himself lord of I On UM plslni where thi la op n and never itay Inns In "ii" i'i.n . or ar ? likely to pi their ) Idea it they do; I led nv thi. leets ? bli h am the iii an I a ,,f the I ? ? d f the community UH trapped or poisoned, t r until be i i here tl I n..t io lad for n,.. country people ai ? that l Ii dian I ? ni often feat his oxen bj ? ti Binging I ii him; from lt ? kid Jual bf - i tiger 'ik" the ? I Of man in ai.' la on a i : U . ? a ef the tiger itlon, like ? ? -. ? - . . ? . the tn ? ? if eeeai e I upon it. a Men la ai if an Inf hurl hims ? a rh bi r pu? tt!" native ai il poet 'tti his Jingling bi Iii, bas i lay In a alt watching the distant cal walting lided to ? The be i - ighl himself ? he ' Ut "ff fr..rn i reti it, or th" rb tim ba i ? ? r hys? terical with fright, and then, in a pal ? yam "f ran-- and feir, lt has ai ' dealt in franny .?? Mow with tl whl h will stun a wild ? a bull vi. man, "r ? Mid ( ki iiU i ? : la y< i ? li ..nt the I lion is. hew ? ? .]? f< was di those Itt*'bli lt iii" the ' the tiger has rory to d' vi.ur is in- is iggy t., bnfl ur, ind from thal timi forth the bi . no further opportunity, but confirmed "ra i n Mater." Other day In an Indian newspaper a letter fmnt aa Bng> Bl lal. who had where a vmi: ? In th" ? mner alluded t lulate I a dh 'I ICt, killi -1 d i ns nf meg .md W mien, and talc '..ii of I ti nt. Sba h-san ber Can ? r ia July by kililiiK twn wan, ii near ige, md i- | of the followit - i had alain Bl omtng bolder and m ira cunning with each freak murder. Her beal lay iii some f""t bl roana* riill's long by thr.ri Th.- coun lld a , : nor driven forth by I- dd net kin ? la. h t-. i corps I Ll BO I Old ihSl sin would tn I ! iv,mien in the terraced ? dklng them from above, and i,r h.r ferocfl id l rn the coun? try, ti . . 'th. lr besnes f<* Vt ll IO UM forests Hie BXS, and mad- m.uiv riCtiBBS before the ' Tbs Rll 111'.'I Of Btl l Iks blow de tit wss so The irri i ..rr before ew fl bal ; ' r h,'r spring gam ? night, ai tims I of ? kill a m tak- n ut faining I ahoi ll ?' wl,h n., result .vt last a Blt ? .a force c ,ni v do ,,, pan il. canning round Of ri" avail. The was killed, ind was found to Ut ion; th" ? n.,. |eft fore! ti ons Um deeply cut from Hds I ? '>? bert bsd thoroughly * - ' A'r a Whl b I roved beg presence med. Tbs mme account msnUooi one in stance In which twa cow herds. Hvimc in U, srass hut In a somewhat wild forest vier., eooktne ,h,,|r foo<1 ln the evening, wfcen thie tigress suddenly sprang sn ons and carried Um iff. hu companion InUmidsted th" animal wRh ? sud Succeeded In mak? in* him leave hl? vh tim. ('arryln< hts wounded cnmi>anlon Into Hie hut. the trembling Koombl closed the entrance snd waited for daylight. Hut thia he never saw, because, after a time, the tigress, emboldened by the Increasing darkness, returned. a,nd. forctng her wsy into the hut, carried oft the uninjured man, who was doubtless I to prevent i I.rut-. The oth.r. v.' dmd of his wow n.-xt day after , who had Bound I n** The part) evening cuan ?* ?? *fj ?W>ken '' tht hillside hy tl,. * village : fr..m its few huml I out to make s ii tuppllm; no cattle were i Indeed, m bi the tqu ire end ? rae peta la tl . empty and cloth ju.-t begun waa I lt upon tht loom OB tht Other Side of I * S.'tll" -. ? , . ', r ':t on the i tanto, who did not i ? enybi ? would have stat' I I mote than lt .1 by the 8 tl V ? of th- rain water bad up, and ia tht l! evident n iw to the Engllshi with him. tl l- ft thoea footm u ka h i i git pit of the ? i - -I li'tl- : .?,.. ? lng fri mil I, ,, . dalt viiii-i: l d?adly. < ? -I . r, by tht dj -r's i ii p ? ? ? , n ud I i bod) of , ? id with oi ? . the app ? ahowin killed. No ,.n- ? I thal who ? ft- n In this a i of his hum Th" Sahl! I ? ar four servants ? irts of this .", mi nt her lad] or tits lordehip tht tba '? " taki o i is easton of the \ , .-. wi n aomt -"ilk hush ot i ? the i propel nattily put b illei I I . quickly ta nut of the : I BBB. At lt. they wen nat n hli h ng Hindoo ? di l In I ? ? . ? ! th" rll I I .III lt V" ?? i mat h-tock proti i tnrtkei : ? |m ta ? ? them the m ? i rmed I la vfUege had I . titn kilima uni gout partly tnt n tl r. I ? ' ? afg somebody or otki r theil I Tht WOBMA ag '..'td her bub) a ? . Iilms.-lf |a the tree hopi ? loath when the Bnhlb'i ? lt was too teriouo a i i ...rt. i In the 11 i ion of pi u ? : -ai? -t station. Tba beeet md killed ai Millett, and tann it torn- i lad i halt grown cub a I loth, and 'tins tin- I,,.,' iht f- r. lout par i ?nan mi thi r bad b ,( the . ber Beek ta ? dn I ,,. | ? ] ? her wey aa tandi r a i murdered ie the e e,Mil.Lt- 'I, tO Ol' *..n of i world li would ant a "ii bnvt h .pi i as -n lettn DEATHS. COKLET i'.' i, et Ike real. pmndfetker, Dr. B. i? Oibeon, i I a., ILEX. REVELEY, Infant I, a and UUten Certey, Jul) 2 'mir Btontfct .'in ! four days. Kaehvlllt (Tenn.) pagum amnet I/iN'i; II-!, al 'H.irTl-'" tulv -Uth, BB the Bfty-grtt ? ? .v tRIETTA ht I if John o. Long, Fun.rai win take alana ft '" -..nd Baptlat church at l! rO-DAT. l'F.Nld.KTON'-Died. a' tl parenta, la Powkt v M , July 28th, MARV BTIA I infant dnugkter "f . l tn HoUywood Bt V A. M. J" y isak_ MAKIN* 1VII . I !????>' i llISUTt RH al MAN* Hann? I Ul Moo" tatt-. J J Ban set*.tatt! I ?)?.?"???'' '''' " mun TU'S Morn:na. f.Tsntog. .*. ? PORT OF WEST POINT. Jt'LT BB, 1?> ARRIVED Steemahlp Baltlmon. Bennett. U*?< " more, peeeengers and gtnertJ cargo