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-'? "?l'?W'**H*W.-H-C-4J-J I mm& VOL. 7?lWK BEKJltBMO \l% KJCIIMO.M). VA.. FRIDAY, JILY 28, UNO. PRICE TWO CENTS ACRUEL ELECTROCUTION j UK /'I ? I"" ';/;/ 4'1 * "" " N IBU t ,ii rtcriM ri i 01 i ks. I ,l.i,. ll... ||. \\ kee Anoflier > I Wea Tai sid ss, At ni, i. Pi.... ,1 Kncei .ifni. ' J . | -I' ll ? J ? I P. - ' ? : tl the I ? mini ? ii a . look ?htly eas i il was l on. ? lt, and r The | n the i , ' rtled, bul del ? ? - ' ? IcUm i fell ric* i .- - ? I and ? sr, and hi "fl the un* . .. him in the chair. ? ' ? ?ti was nlpo ? - tho ? " ?Ison. ' '?' 'he ' at ' rai ri mihi i i ' ORB m fi ti. ?rn-. BasH nf I '' lho 4,1. ' ? I of ! i an Sliver rurthei pur . ? ih it ? ? this un* ? ? ? ? eon* ? ? ? ? ' ... ? ? ! Of the I tbe I ' . I foi i nnd ?i s u 4 I < , osi s,, VKClSlOK. PuBer Ber-nreea she Daaaaaan ? >f appeals. . ? ? li a, ? granted .; tho nins ot ths fi ? - ippllrs ?? r ? lei Lthan l long was rend , ? I'lipiirlninm sf BsML of the ? v nld Wbll h ? 'he ha I rat a '.-.- hi ? ' to purchaM '- approached If .' ,- ne J i Tlu IR ,'e. 'a "v v,"uI'1 '"' Bird 1 U ?a asavig. iiiAAiftn of gold waa ordered ?iieiu from the other li ono.ODO. J. A W. I | Von Hoff i i ,1 UP |M ! ? 00 f,.r Raturday. Tb, rn '. lt a> / ""/. > I ll. F. Iff /c/?f lt. Tbr r....i> .,r n Wall Prmifl Bsa Posad W lill lt N?|f. ,.r | I,, .ulNlloil. CHICAGO, Ju .lung ths ? ? " as i' ? id lilli d hil mi ruth ??? I i ii ott t Ith ? . In the rooke, ? "Do leu lend mv 1" 'ly tv>me, ai V Ife i as DO ,11' le V <?. harv it. I for tl ? I .? I can no r liri i hat ?? no a ..f in Ehli world ii bul i I I i i ?. w n ut, on on ?AV M IRVING, ? ' 1 Ol B Ml ri..m. Tl,. , accept I body and ind it Ind lbs , ? i ?, had bi en dead many ; babl) a murd, t. ui i t ts BBKTVCKT, t wi, *?..iii|f Men lull lint fiver ii OW mill Meei al R*aSrtM, LOUISVILLE, KT., July 27. Te mig men fouglil ii d i i ni ir Vi i . ? I Su iff Hun: -... ||dl) \- slOU! bl* Will I?avis ? Roes HUI Bi minni - I j-,isi n.? the aun a -?ii ti,,. ? led ob i >a ?? i a ai 11 "dx-shootsra At uched, 1 ? I flesh wound In th. ll ? I i. bu! later on thi young n ? dei Ide ll ,i a Ith liv. three Mme Kit ional beaks lull. I, WASH., J Isl says: 1 attona! Rank auspondtd i Bpoksni i with National, cloei d al tl In B f< w mir.-ir . iny of thi I bank bas Only temporarll) , full. HELENA, M< >NT . I Plrsl a National open tl A :v. LOUISVILLE, KV., .1 dy I ? lt, of Mounl ?his morn ? MIDDLESBORO, KV., duly 27. Ths nsl Bank, of ? rs this mornii ? "Thli I I by "rd. r Of the r." PORTAGE, dy tl The City ! ? - ! .j -.. ? i . market. PORTLAND, - Pert* ' ' HELENA, MONT., July 27. ' ' DOO ir Th! Mi ' ot llabill* to mi ? ? ind. The -, ? nal stood th I rue, I In d Th. re a u no run on the othi r banka. CHICA, ;<'. Ph* ole irl, . I ? Baal ni ii I mi> irrae* s-jssls. !i wi. m -ss . July fl. On Julj ,.,i Watch ' . m|,anv announ, ? i tl ?' lion will i I ~'!l n I,, i ii,, n ii Btll 1 arith thli annoum i n m.'i.t tbal the Elgin Watch Company will lat, , om nany ample) - about There ls cons! B08T< iN, mass,. Jul* oor * . i and have made an assignment to Charles fairchild The . to the bustaesa of Jami i ii Hagood a- Co, whoa ii,.- tirm 'siled, p, m i tts book*publlshlns busl ii- ia pul llshes lbs Awn i \.i di tori ai I u I ll dil | toward Tlckaor, though they wUl ban no ti abli about ths adjustment of HARRI8B1 ipi, PA., July ll. Thi Ame ited el Mid ? I ands of a ri,, mort* . ? st lt. but COUld ti"t r OW* In tho I?'?? ki t tl is ena of the lat * ol , ' in tha i ountry, emploj ihk Bf* - all kinds l titi uk CINCINNATI, O., .inly L'7 -Tho Deer ? and Belting far mi Plum and Canal sn.-'is, oon* , Bona A Co., shut doern Indi I I throwing it of employment Dull trade is um '?'''*?? On t n Clio ri Bears |>HILADBLPH1A, July Bl Dr. Baaja* min I. -.-. i, cietai y ot the State I "ard of hssJtl aeni the aaedleal Inepactor, Dr Atkinson, to Cheater, to Investlgats Of the Austrian workman who ,,-dav from what was re i ? , holers. Dr. Atkinsm found tbs man had dh ( from aciuavated chol ei.i ni"! bus. Contrary to the report! sent Out. ii had BOt arrived in this country uvciy, hut iud oem her.- ssvsral I., aa BO oilier eSBBB neighborhood where tho man died. Ths local board of health baa euaraa tined and dtsinfsctsd the housi tbs man died in. While I BBS urmo,ed. Itll.MlNUIIAM, M.A., July 27-Four ; mus ol Cberokss county were ceavtoted hen to-day ol "Whttscapplna*' hers of the gang. The trlul occupied three weuti. LNHil'iIBDENTED SCENE DIBOEACEFVL VF BOAB is nil: nm I tsn BOBBI m VOBLMOBB, .l(ia?|iii < linmheilulu's Hiller lt ords Prap ii|'i Ht?- :i Munn Hie t'loeure tinnily Applied on Un- I innm lui CaSUSSa LONDON, .Inly IT.?On Iks Government prosrarnfii- ll ... loch thia ? in coaatnltti I um mi i i ? . . far Uta tUvtatotis this evi i li k were ind ths ibis arith j- | of nu ' ll : I ? I ? I ' I. I Mr. Gladstone declined | pi the . Mr. Gos* bi n. i ? in ths I i ' ? ' Then i bambi rial deliver iii" final I ? ! 1 ? hlch Mr. Glad I spoke with ful nnd bl m to th ? ? ' his opinion of iii" . ? i'v the Government. The n BUM, srei ? ' mere aha over friend and foe alike, r , |j io i t fall th" ruitlotln IrlBh mi mb ra, i Importanl m it short i I,- in no debute waa rei rd i -I, the bill ? Liberals '. .... H.- then ] ? God ? MT, i Imme I rn thi* ? ? ? I ' ' ' ' ' ? ' could ' ' ' ? strii'k ' . . . ? ' ? : ' i ;ii,- .ii Boa li .-> .n I v ' ? I heart tl told him whal Mi l i- sal li'-ii ? ? i forward In ea ? I nnd to ' ? lor: "Will r thal thi Mk ll mv. ll?" Randolph Churchill and Mr Ed 1 lld of Mr GI . hi ii for tl 'i at he ? ' | M ill' t, v\ I ii what 'I" ? ? .ii.i.s tried I ? rd, 1 In thi . bo it nnd ? .1 Mi. Melli r ren ? ? ha 1 climbed to tbe I i ihe bel Liberal or snd grt - ? . I: A I i ! I . ' ' I : :. I - ' i:r. Willi i'ii . . threw ' I body an ats I Tin* i. ? If th hut and ap rai Into th alals In full banbury, i musi anana Mr. * i < 'onnor, i by. Mr ll. ? v tin- fores of tba BOlllatoo bo* fora Mr. Mealy <? -ot In a Wow. a free ? ut it tin- top of tba \ . Ju til" i-i I.i r Itnond. Pnmsilite, wt advautaare of >h, gem ml ii over c.ii'ii-i Saunderson, the ^bumplon of iii.- men of Itlstsr. 8aun*3erson rae i. it nj leo" un attack on UM Pu* nellites. Clows wera struck riga! alni 1'ft. Meni'i'-rs Ml and UmTB picked Up by thur friends to flyht apaln. The art it spnee between the fronl benches waa nile* with a struggling ciirsiriK muan of marnbi rs, --triking, clawing and upset* nh other. Manful efforts were ?nada lo Bapnrnte the ? B th ?s-nt-arms fOTCSd Heir WUy . Hi.' thick of the fhrht. bul BS fust i* mi" group waa j'ililli'i another canis t" blows Eventually Mr. Gladstone begged Dd ward Marjortbanks, a bi irdy Liberal, t . do somsthlng to Btop ths flghUng. Mr. Murjorlbanks dot; hie smy Uunngh the t; nilled muss <>f bsllh the I'ninler, " If BtSSB ming the conflict. i'oloni-1 Saun? derson emerged first from the crowd I ' ; fa I, the door ? In his lo get lol rho Ber* . i bini Ul ? . . upright, had ? from r ? ti .. ' ? ? r nf it I ' ? H I rem * ii, tbs ii s rollen. ' poi on I I rn. and tl tb.-ir ? in ntid.-r . ,\ , d ar ' ? i;, bars I i'i- gentle III the t ! ? Implj used them I sm I I An,ll lr. t the 1 ncr t" . ' ? i g ? Mi ? eon 1 ' which ' , [-. Bal* : .- tn , . . i- financial -. ,,r tb.- fifteenth and ' I ? ' I -?, BOI /.?/. / / roorj BAl ru. ii. ? ...ii i,na. m.- I. N..t Res-assslMs f .1- tb-- ?.ul, ia Ih HMtSTi ? ute Inf,. ' , ? the \'|. ii,d that i ' t . him bj \ ,'al'l ? ' a III . I Intention the n st impsrdowa ? - I fag, ? [NCINNATr, tb. July fl which ? I ? ? ir test I Min? ty ti n 'ul tax ls n .tiHL*;:H Pantnrea. ? \v YORK, Jul] I fi,en Pan . that a prlrat! ? ? 1 the City ,.f Mai obtalne !. Th.- li I the SB] lure ? lt v.ul glrs tl ni ' ,'itr"! "f thS '? .| ital of the Republic with all moral etta r. and pr- s tlge lt liiiplb .-. Ihe War In *-nin<?a. LONDON, July 71-ln t'? ? 1! Commons to-day Sir Bdward On t Um Poroaan of ti, ?-, sta', >l. in lesponsi r.s. that ? | st. j, i between the ..?ii*. Iel by King Malb'toa a:,,I Chief MstsafB in S.ini".i and towards ibo trade prospBCtS of the Ir-latlds. -1-?ay (li loin lu Iruiic??. WASHTNOTON, July 27. Surf-eon Mar? tin, of the Bary, on duty at Marseilles, , bled I 'i 'A'vin (b-neral of Ital, t Hday that ?jrevaili at La Yalcito and Aubtnsi, Franis. , I US 1 CLEAB BANGKOK. Ol reg tBBIFEE or mr. BLOCEADB ur mi: n ti.t:r.r. t Will r.ateml Alon-, the Entire North I ?.ist of Ihn f'uir of Mam. Some-h,nu \ I1..U' Sieui. BANGKOK, July 27.-.\'otlce ama Kivn - \,y tbs Frew h cot. lng veasi?1s have USSS a m tivy BltaBl eleni Ba*s**kst* and K"k before Baturdsy or submit to eteation. ? ICM Bude a | al"HR the mir" aorta cos -? of Uta lull or Mum. Tan K; arith M. Pavts, I i L bas gunn to Kok-Sl* IS, ju:>- r Lard Dnfferin, Um irltlSfa runt. il a con Ith M .1 tn arning. ??ilia; s.iiii-'iili.'iul atemi bi b "ll may ', granted thnl dist pla - iii" 11? i?'. i ? mt and atlonsl dignity which h cn sb ?! ;? . i Min | | nil. Ol cttofl will ba ii 'i i" allow any I it.-i fi r. in i- lu lbj I,< iNpi ?N', July ff, Slr r\ ullaffl ' member of th" House ..f Com* I r Plymouth, and chairs* ia i ? ? ivernmi .'rt w bi I h would con* id of wnr "taring tha la of tha ist. Bir Edward Grey, parliamentary sae* red .~ir . to tha Mus book on ths subject ir the Information he di Bin I. Bir Edward tlon na ? arbul la or 11 sol conti abe ' ' ? ?I v nil ? i'!", sada, lu the ic ure if Lot i- the i: tri ol . i nf ?irs, ai ? . could aol maha '.iii mi nt regarding B ? from ."ii Dufferin, the hritisti ambs ? i hia ai' 'mi Inti ? M. ] h "orel i. i tb ' nd thi ? ? Basal in ll *i ships 0 li red ts Unas. I h from Bl I ilmirul Tlrtoff, f ths Hus* nh all I .i'it.-i\ Rn neon ef i ' aanpremles. LONDOM ? ? ' LONDON, 'Whilst cr Btu uthoril phold bi r ii imtnlon on l r Me? rl lat! u l" ^1 : ?ii th." ? in, July 17 ri: - pall ll i lina to it lying I lanai bl rb Aboal M ins, ' i the I ur; its l.e hills With tl : ' ? I d Ayuthl i i tie 1 lu il I - within ir iv-r m. ? ra bunk I ???.',iuii ni and I : I I u both . Ivsr .'i a i ? roll as oni st the ... ? r, and the i hlp-bulldlne. -. thu ansi b ink I I thick elua pies. Fartbei >dglng I In t Th ? ? acond i. long river from i commodious Isndliu ,,,.. i-'i -s rantin i r tour miles ap ihe riv. r aboi Ths populatloa of Bangkok is ? The Biara. propsr form I ths I Of Slum. . proportioned i- opls, ' ne Mainya *i,tl ? ? ? :il'' Inch hair, whl h they ahave off, I tuft on lop of tl tug fl ad ebjt' t ? . ia divided ? of Blain la theoi ' two is bel ilture, i of prlnci ? ? j-assn; but Intrigue ur I hms hmo often diverted th rom tbs hi*h royal Um >? title ' ascn I loi I or "f ail," and ptopevKs a:vi Ufa Jg will, to bs taken at B . or csprice. The Queen C rt, I .? wife - iprstns ame* ? must lt. ,,* native and roynl Hood, and she ls Igklly k.-pt from all possible Inter i ith un inferior. **he haa a BS| oort in which appear the ptln ml ns.they are not allowed to marr) mutti theta, imp rarely marry at all. ?i,e qua an has bar fsanala guania, in inlfortu and arms. The mimh-r nf fr nalea within the palace is about Ave housand. Th? second Kin* appears to be simply ? counsellor, and not a co-ruler or auc esaor. He USSUS appears at the au Hences, but hia opinion a;. xe aought on Important State policiea, .mi his name la associated In treaties. There are some twenty thousand priests I Kangkok. supportrd by tbe voluntary nitrliiirtlons of tba puhllc. Then- gre nany and beautiful Ismplsa, Near the alace are the temples an-1 monaateriea edlcated to the sleeping IdoL The latter ls a reclining flgara ISO feet long and high, entirely severed with plate ROI.J, Snd UM s,,bs nf its fe. t . ! ?alta I ! ?uti aWhsrof with Koli. pf UM many ' Bud lbs Near this temple la i . ? .t tn? whlte H?. tempts of toe emerald idol. Thi letti r ls a beaatlful atructure, with . : .,? ?.vi win* I with poid, and tbs roi ?' i columns, ll . ? :,?., dtar is a Pjri <? f . blgk, ter. a In a line spire of gold. ' The ?' ; inches high its hair and coital <-d ), mlrod with crystsla, i phtrsa, dla ' A Ol Kl. I l- , TRRK. A Halloon BBS! ITrsag ,?,?, n FhiikU Aer,? naut I...lura lu i be BoagtasaTa I Inp. ?NOBFOU v ? r BSd, ns ? t tbs bi ? - sung Indy ?? , ion, t ' ? ' ' rr 'ls- dog ' ' I, then cut* A i tbe i- iltoon toswa broken In thi top. The air . : i quick? ly, so thal when Ml i Hui hi soi ? "tr there a rt, .-any inf ClOBI Of I ? tbs balloon . a u,.- di of the ? and Sb !',, ' ' : Usn ' ? way 'i ie ti Un rei Rf tesl fr.>rri l for di Ih - bard ? uk, Mr. in .Iii ' | . ring np i r n, -ri,, r ? ai th, v pug, af* uipended in nb Il i limb, I ft IB! tl ? hours, I. Miss ? ! t bl in.ike i bl slulit of a oreti nd red silk blot t up a tra will draw ;i crowd, b ? ... i (irmsaoe ited. A v reis U lad Mei ra inlier New.. BC, iTTSVILLE, July 27 Bp rial. A i ? r hen poa . tl Of danial-;.' Was , ,,r tress in i Daa-y tvin st'.it. t-. of timi with Miss lilli, In Booti irllls, of th! ii Um ind ?'.'. sinning In thi tenth talune; 1 "i T Ung of le Hill. "Pattie Moon and : v Win Man i ? of Pi '"is Hill Mon* i I I lilli and . nu si ni the Milhr B ? to work In < - In thi his t.irv of our l ' - Asatro-Bs - i ? , Um ? snd if corni i dal cei i ; Ke will probi enter the 1 ? i 11 Itn-li. ! ' ?tlii and 1HINOTON ll la an I , . ??, ? days Will I ? "I (lie ' a, d \v I ? there wiU bs hake front. I Baa I is. PITTSFIELD, MASS., July tl Cash? ier E. I ld Na? tional Bank ? the dil ' ' ' ,l!in ' I ? ? Basrsnasa as fat I io'..riu. ?I v, , ima. Jul} ? ' K ni Ste ? Kins ? a vlsi ? ? ? - fi frankie Brei DBCATUB ire ii lill ' canry In thia (Di not a candidate, bur the l> Demo ? accept BRDAM, N. V.. Tuly 27 -Tli'.mii rer of ths Knlgtrta r, who In In f -PO lt la tm,, that T. v. Powderly ut to rsstga aa Knights of La? bor, SUI lt U not true that BS i Mei lulrei ls to succeed him. WHEELINO, W. VA . Jaly BT.?An other chapter tins bee,, added to the sen? sational ? ? ?? et ex-SherfB fJartls, of Hr.mke county, who recently disai ; and afterwards returned wMk the avowed intention of settllni- with his crediton. This morning he was arrested on a charge of embessiSBMat al tho imtance of hla bondsmen. Curtli' shortage li placed at I j,, wstrsd examination sud waa committed to Jail. COLUMBIA, H. C., July '.'7.-Sunday night Hiram roong (whits) visited the t Minni.- Cornelius (white,, who ?rag BBB in bed. WsOaMeday it waa . tint th" little't daugh tsr "f Um a raaaa was scarcely able to walk. An laieaUgatlna rerealsd the fact ha was In 4 fearful condition, the Ha i M . r thal Ol would kid her if ihe con* fessed, banca Mr Ml ants Young wiU be erreflted, and lynching ls threatened. -IKE THE BORDEN CASE. Ki rsi E. iv-l E A H-ni.U at BL HELD lilli Mt RD ER OF BBB PdEBNTA. t ta < t,?.Kr,t That Sb* 1's.t Parla Oreen In Her Parema' Poost, Which Ve ? tilted in Tbalr Dean h. ST. LO! IS, Md, July 27.-The c r "-lay tBCsisd that Maud M-Klbbeiv. g-d seventrtn )ears, waa rerponslble for lie ibath by poisoning of her I I will be arrested. TIw Bran nm Iud after a ISjgasi by he my chi mist that he found In he VaBSSra Bf the de<eas?*d and In the .1 partaken of by them traces of irsenlc, aassjSf sud other initn dlenta, rf liiloh Carin green ls compound -I The case ls ono of deep myatfry In BOtlva and design, and the Hi A Will urpara lbs toanoua Msixteu ii*. < ui Juna Uni las McKlbbea fatuity with he extention >>t Mrs. MeKlbhen, * ba hus nen sepnrntsd from her huatstartd I t svurnl >e:ir?, pnrtook of a [smlty ito* ier ut the residence of Mrs I ' * .'ol. a nat rb <1 daughter, at N lorth Tveentlstb atrsst. Miss M < lated wt prsjartng the aliansr, and una he i riv n,inter ii th- pilly who dui tot eal dlnnsr. Her ref :*.ii ?.,-. attrl* itted to i lavara h sada chat i he meal tba barth Ipanta i enUy m. No phyali lan, lu. .? iimmtned until lats lu lbs evening Yho aihir died Bl St. Luki - h< i Ital t?o lays Inter, und Mia Btewsrt di ' > run? Uah. it n is r urned ii ii i md mads sn umni g? i,> ? roeure I'nris green from a neighboring Irug stars, and thia fact, together \mn ne knowle.tu.- thv sh-- was fentona of ier n|*it?r. and hud mule threes if re *angs f"r Icing arrcstsd <>n suspleloa of itcsllng BHUsy from her bataan*, led to ier nirest At the prelim miry ? intlon Maid asserted her Innocence, und \u8 ratanai 1 i adnlg tba coroner H it SiTRouit' mist t \tio,ms. >ne Man I'.lowu Int,, ri e.|rimnts-Otha-rS s,., iiniHiy Injin eil. PITT8BURO, I'.V, July 27- Karly this ti"initiK If, S. Vanlmr.n nil .. Irnth ?ts went to their ninrasl "', n-ar Suv. ?lea at st I m. on ni" PK ... etsrn -attway, to get a load ot nitro-glycerine, ? u i ???? of BB Otlag un oil wi ll. i ? ini trana* len I to tha a < ,n, to which thiee mrs. s were hitched, a conaldersbla piantlty had been placed on th" ? eben tit Boase manner, which will prob* lilly t" vcr i>e explained, the kI\ i. sud the tfrrlflc OOUSUSBloU ihooh aurroundlng buildings violently. ''?"I.le ti, ur Hie peene Wefe Ihr-'WIl ul".ut ? ii' tlon. unly a portion of M. I. Vnnburen'a body bus bssn yoi found, vhi.'h ls n part Of the le^. Small slir.-ln ?f Bash were scattered all about. The bras Horses v.. re u's.i ginara to frag* nants, wblls only \ fsw amnll passes ->f ii? wsgon rsn tin A I la a ia Mourn m.i tie- i nau sagb foe ? cellar. Several | ? Inlursd hy tl >USSl ni ri" 1 ' ria bul Mi. v will , vars nld end iiniinni ,| Tbs aSCBpB of Ma !- tl I, who wera nour, ls miraculous. * Thf Stnliir'a Slim tilii?rr. HTNOTl IN, July ' ' ttl" triril of ll -rv nf ttl** Maine al New fork lasl ? rossal hy ti" Run iii ol Bteam KnKlneering, ichinery li I I built, and In ?? with nj linus. The per foin tts! lu i rory ri .?]??. t, and th< b Nsf v.iiti tl ? ?? routs a contrsi I p mi r nf |,0M horse powss will .I. Tiie greal ? pounda per ' ? I of ?ni auntly be doubli i la free routs and witii Mowen ta actl -ri Tbs i">rt pru* psUst ama tonlsd by a raft during the in il, sad riiay have bssn I '. sn I' ls recommend! -I that tin* ship be ' The sum of U.lnf win i>e sutBctestl ia ta Items of unfinished wuk. ir is, mmsndsd IMM lbs contras* paid one-half nf the l)*.linC? Of i pri a, ajj MACH! vs. MB . J dry tl Dy Ol br af tl, ? United . a will trias! Mnrblus \ j 'Pill.- r- e. gtton aul' qui t will be gi ?"" the ? r and ? |sw ingaaad lilla ta Bbanl Hows. NEW fORK, July . ms N. ,ni (Mn ev.",ma: BUSS of dull trad . set i -il Impoi tani nulls m il i i tin el ? Inland los m ll" ' .nh i- nani: ii- ll lue mills i-f th<; Hm Palmer mill. Sim ? ? following ?i i ?? Tborndylcs I ' .. ?"nilli ll".. Wi ri a, the ' Milla l r Cot! 'i Mi la. il ' tui liiat ("om i N H., also ?mn Villi I it,., rmi of ' ' wes**., nod it ls ? thi He rntfla dani I ks 'Itils will IbrOW I.e.,pl" OUt Ol ' rn ' not li?*i" PrlalB Iii Seri li. I'.KI.HUAI'i:, July ll Th- trouble* be tv., -ii tba I'.u'ii' rall tal wan r. OUBlSSJ April tune Kins? Al? isml r ? i ima If of -*"?> and a Iti a er1?!s Qovernmenl King Alexander has ? ? who was I'rt. Mlnlst. r par! of th*- relun -.f , f King Alexander, and it conferring witta him aa to the course tu i- Wtowad. KtM.K ol THPRHONJaTJCB, rt.-inK'e of thermomet, r a! The Times office yesterday July Tl. IBM: li A M Hi ll M., fa); : I' M., W| fl P. M. Ni 9 I*. M., 7H; midnight, TS. st, il B4. ner wv.ithi it iinu.i i-*t v.- \.-!IIN'i;to.\', I>. C., July 27.-For Vii -iti ula: Fair, followed by lncrea?lr.?: cloudineaa near the coaat, easterly F<-r North t'arollna and Mouth Cs ro'Ina I Fair. ex'e|,f probably aJtoaratU nan*' tb*t coaat and in eitreme western portlot.a, n "rtherly to easterly winds. vVeathsr ronditlons ani <? ral P '1 "ba barometer las ns"i c.. Mi lile Atlantic and New Bngian ' and the lower lake regtosta, an I lt hus fall.-n rapidly over the MM)' ri nnd Red River of the North and extreme I'pper Mississippi Valleys. A norm ef ' oi,.id* ruble strength has m v< I slo-arly eastward north of the dakotas Tba temperature haa fallen over the Mi ? V.a Atlantic and New England States, tba southern lake region and '-ver Montana and Eastern Dakotas, and ls MffWV in srsaa ta the Southern Staten, NVbrashn and Kansas. Thunder storms, with heavy rains, have occurred In th. Middle Missouri Valley, and showers are report* ed from the Routh Atlantic Coast and in the region north of Montana and the I nikolas. Fair weather ls indicated for the Middle Atlantic and New England Statea. Thunder storms will anana* tn the Middle Atlantic and t'pp.-r Mlaafa* aippt and tbs Miss uri Valleys and ti* weetern laka region.