Nor \ r\n; showing.
III 41 I ll I I I tims,
In.lM'I '?' ?,r'nS OSS ot Mm Moat In
tal, ?? aAawwam I leaa HM rm>
luiir.i Death i "? tamOeeaaaMaae,
ll. ilth held
i ry.E. II. Bl ra ii and Themas
? :' ? . ? c.?:,;??
.- ? Ina)
' the Council
i Da*
? mci Di W T. Op*
"?ii of
i;. ? -.
I lt |
ii of eu
? .Irmnn of the rummlt
i of looklni
-. knew
? Injury
: monda
of tin
I ith a
,- ob sanitary I
? '
th*? committee de
1 y Mm upor
in thli
lr deatl
' thing!
ppear I'.v
? i
hem In I ' well., es
! .-. Mil iv
. ? : Of llf?
this null
i havi
lt it t<
? ?
t to tv
ich a fal
and t" you
I ?
bs di llverei
t tllllltl!
h .
in om
M.-i hu
life nt
- kl :
Av r
... Minn.
?i. I " 1 .
- " 1. ll
to live
I Iri
r .,:. i i ? . ived what
i 'i.
. Mr. AlfHend tl
li thi
? rtsln ol
.;;::, iii, and
ii lt.
I I Would
ol ld.
? ?
il ia fi ar 1
, i In teg
Is mu. li
3 nt the '
I it
?ii. lind I
He tl
t Idell
;.. tska
If nu!
; . ? : .
quiet, nut I
-I thought,
. arhli?. ari ra previ
for I ? Itjr'a
11 ms ot
I e.,un c
Mi in
< urged.
reuorti ahowtd Rich*
rats twenty-two yeai-i mo
-"B-her than lt ii now. Any city
a .rf lu* ,V'"t,h "*'? b*low ? out of
ivwy j,-/* innawiaat, ihow#<1 fallacious
ne i. A fair raflrmte would he about
SI t" 27 per I.OOJS
ihlng >.f She,, Kee creek, Mr. I'lek
? fact! showed that there
vms iimro fever In th.? West End tlum
Slung ill- lill" Of the creek.
.'>fi r much timre argument Mr. (ilnvor
movsd thal fifty eoplei nf tin- panel lo
i.e prepared by Mr. Reeve ba aent i" ihi
i 'bamber nf ? and Ont j, , ,,pv
? arj physl i in, .mi thal
written eommenl be Invlti L This Maa
i and on- cotnmlttss adjourned.
.ll si ii f .nm s 's t OF HI.
IkS Man Who Moir a Murat, Will Settle
*,\ iiii mm farand ."my.
a mighty Mg crown* earns te thr- pi.\y
heuai .-, and tbs posltkM
bm nnry nu the graduates waa ;i I
Of - .... lim: the -li ? ? t|,.y
glam - i .ii tba thermomster.
In ih*?
both a* srltm aaa ai fl law
hi v. ther in kc ping sith the
Utlon ot tim mom y mark I
ai: sss tl
, et im > troul; ? Hi
In mi the
? cut bim .i ii"li o* r tx,
i-.t thi ii . ill* i In iti
.?I ? i'. w bo
Of W, lt. Hsmltn In tin- div Min.- :? ri. 1 Itoll
?.. ? I ih.- evidence
fi.-rn the v-rv beginning looked a Uttli
ph, snd I il t.. tba
Iel \\'rli-'r,
Tr',in M. V.
w.iik'-r testified I im' ii -
, r th" 0
t, nnd thnt Wil
been lo iround
lay night. <>n
? m ,<?? found neer it.
Mills' place, in Hanover, whera Wrlghl
other wtti
I thi in tbs raesntlm ?
I that tin las wi
I) didn't know would HU B large
i.y examining thi >.
over w, i thing up th"
rop of H
? ? ?
t>f,dy tied the equine i ? ia, and
i nil he hi
fusion followi d thli, i were
ahlfted tren
arith ths pi ; thi int
foi tuturi
Charles James In thi
Thi caa! of Delaware Wllllama and
-ged with
an. ?? in th" atreel I on tbe
28th Instant.
I) didn't I
? ,f linen,
waa no
..... .......
I Shelton, a I ? f thoa ?
young - ' mind
The nunit.-r of drunkard! wai unusu*
? ?, . I lin),ll"! ?
11 fe.
fm r Kl tl SI u m I ll l MAYOR.
A Bnifties tn fhe Walker Mc'it Quard,
Their >. ? 1 lag-,
In Frank Cunnlnghsm'l errick
'k'-r Llghl
mg l.y
Mr, D nt I
re formall)
wit: rh.- compa?
ny by thi
I bj tha li 'ilan I,
l tn the t& . where
d their' ?
rms on
? i. walk.
Ikl ii trophy, which iv.i-i vnferl
for .ii ih" Vlrglnl
rate bsaaar, is a "\ Irglnli I
I beautlfullj ted
si.)-- willi tl nie. by
? Guard, i'
? ?
? ? nt.
flag In
in M.I1-. h< n ri snd
- In be?
half nf
J"hn 1'
. ? ? , i
er to Ma;
? imHy vi"
thanks of the company to their I
? ?' rion of
and before tl i
ry man wi
. ,\,. un exhibition drill
In fronl
taking ui> their return march, nnd t',i?
lon, Tl
I Mn E
1 with tl
\ \e\> Raterprlae.
At s meeting, : commlttea
ll M. Sini kc .v. I
ih,- perm i nlsatl >n of tba "In
The full. ?;n
v |; W.t'ii,
ur.-r. Bes T. Crump, ad
w i. w i
- >.. W. i,. v. .ii lng, Jr.,
v. nt k. l ward S, Ri se, i'. B.
Harwood, W, B, Saunders Samuel il.
tn and Winiam P. Smith.
i hi "? mpany are "to
guaranti i the discounting ol
Ms mi's and other i il have
: by th" companj ,
I of any p.
tn,li, n
to pureba ind iel!
real il '
?tock from I to $10
well, )
ide BeMlsrs' c ah,
. dar monthly meeting of tba
, Hub ot the
,e tina ea
- ? :
discussion sneued, and it etea Snail)
ci i, t that the mos! appropriate, ai
as moe! convenient, among the number
,.. places brough! before thi mi etlng,
tin- over I.- ?? Camp Hall
i . | 11 ? ? [t i
? i?. rented, aad thal ai
. ould i" made thal
,.,, it ,,., irtera to I
? il
tance, ami tin- fin-, ting adjourn* i
WeSBBAra ReHsf Corp...
Tbs Woauui'sRsllef. Coree held its Rmi
r meeting yesterday evening at *
o'i i" i In Phil Rssrny Post ': k, it.
.1. Mic h. D, RTiiaea, rlee-nreel*
d ''. I,l,.yl Junior rlce-prMt*
aent; Miva Minni I treasurer; Mrs.
Otli H. Ituiiell and other officers. Twelve
new member! were inltluti'd. They will
moet again mst Thunda/ at same time
and place.
Tha Gama Wea Mp sari Turk From Start
to Finial,, and Waa Tin! In Ihe Ninth
I milne hy Ihe Collegians.
When Tlahen'fi praroful form slid nv-r
bonna plate ysatarday In the ninth the
winning run bad b> en BOOTSd for the
li rn, The four hundred ****eetntora
BS ra Mt sure nf the fact any more than
Baban, bul al events proved that
the Ifddara were the victors, and they
left the. li'-ld With triumph psrchod OB the
leg ot their h.mtiers like the eagles of
Na pol
The Kaine heen a well fought
tie. fun of brilliant balding na a I
nt i
? P- ? ri ]. a te-rvuiis at third I
I ? . ?? P. .-n n din
!!?? "Wheelo lu mtg head" |
itu- gums,
n in tbe
time a fail ams throws to lum it ?
? bOl that ?
lt, arni four tiicM ont nf flv >??? 'li'!
The umpiring nf Mr. Heming Phillipe
? lif
i red with him, ni 1
oppossd to tii<? rulings nf an sn
about time (or soma other Individual in
i ili7- ? ? tO a.'" na | !,e iii ml i, I
BbOW VVllHt he kllnll*! UbOUt I'llH pl'l
perfect or i
000 satire satisfaction, bul a gn it many
? :-. better then Mr. PhiHi] -. .lin:
' bj
been nentloni i i- I
. ..Hld I.ot
do a '
I-, ?arrunge -a tth ? ? i tuta ? (dre,
men d'- l I
,.s fr..m s bli h there is t.i tn' i o
peril. Then tP
nptre bsd entire
trot, I ? ii ile mit!
? ii her ninga from i ai
- un tn Ile- cntl
lOUbl that Mr. Phill!)
fair, and bsd pluck I
The l '"M. ga nen, howe ?
impi oved thi ir i hsnesa li
rh.- bul m. te el of B
,v to tba
Alter the < 'u!|.-i-.- feaill ill ?
l--|i!.ut in ? I
?. ii. v> ? it else i' ii a victim to J
allowed tl
1 l|| a-r
I, and I
h ii b i hi n i ? a
? Left*
? nd, and Anthoi
i , i Lei
Anthony ?.i> Ilka
and l'r isl did tl
did t?. i
j. ? i : , , a wild pil fumble
for I'
nd 1 '
j, a' . ( . I ? .;. ?
il linet
IO (hil !
? '
-.?.if li the '
S ott, ha
nd Leftwlrl
S ri n ri
dr, and
? third
? ?
: | ?
and i luiii: v sall i a " |
ii i ' I ?
ulm tu
catch it in n n
clnims -r '
led lt This v. ?
f ll l'i
wild thr
der, scored Phillips s run, and put tbs
Nip and tuck 11 inc In order, h
r. ( tiro runs In
Muir I.
I Phillips1 eur] i ?
in tbe ship.- of a wild thro
1 r in m ? nn
scored tbs lani run i ... the Vir?
Burnett'a Bingle put him on first in
? Intb, and Bul a tu
?it'? fumble sn
ll nf th ?
' ' -
r not I
? fri.-rids of the ColtB I
Tba n
of ?fRourki |( ii,
' butt r's box, and U French" dtl
sen r ? qi ended _
sdvni I West's
nong ths
? ?
.i i
I Im, He
dd I
Anthony I
Qed s Bj I i Pblllt] ?, sud tbs
? Score is ns readable to
A.H. i; ?? H P.O. a. B B.B.
Phillipa, M b. . J l i 2 l 2 n
Burn it. ld b .. I i 1 I & 0 1
Bi hen c. f .?? billilli
I'i kc, |. J. | 1 3 0 0 0 2
' 'lina, l-l b. .. I 1 0 6 4 0
Bc itt, Ih.4 1 1 ll I 2
c,- ry. r. f.Il ''OOO
, e. ft e. f.. 4 I ti 2 o o o
Anthony, p. 4 0 0 14 0 0
? 7 10 27 17 4 4
VI RG IN I ,.*".
A M. K H H P.O. A 1
M. V.-inn. r. f... 4 1 1 0 0 0 1
Wi st, s. s_ 1 I I 1 :{ 0 2
ht, 1. f. I ? I I J I ?
Tate, let b. :. l 2 li o o o
!.. '-ulch, Mb.. 4 1 1 I 1 '* 0
Luck, c. 3 10 5 2 0 0
ld ?>. 4 0 112 4 0
Wells, c. f.3011000
O'ROUrkO, i>. S 0 0 1 2 1 0
S5 ? 9 yr ii 7 |
?Duka declared out for not touching first
Collegs .0 110 0 110 2-7
Vlrsinlss .4 0 00 002 00-8
Earned runs?Duke, O'Hara. Three
bass Lits-Tate, Enright, Frost Two*
hitst h1te-T>uke, Phillips. f-,ierifle? hits?
O'll.-irs. Portia pnsjrn fllllghl and Tate;
Phillips, O'Hara and Scott. Left on
baaes-Collcjre, 6; Vinrlnlas, 4. Struck
OUl Ay 0 Ilmirk.-. li bf Anthony, 5.
rim buna <>n call< d balla-Calle-te, 2; Vlr
Klr.liis, 4. First ha*"* "n BH'Uin ? CeMegn,
I; Virginias. 4. Paanad balla Hub*. 2.
Umpire, Mr. I'l-ming I'hllllps. Time of
game, two hours.
rhiiiips did not Ph** '?'"? aaajnl brilliant
(rame yesterday, hut even nilly Nash has
his ".iff'' il ?
Thara win he no rame to day. To-mor
rternooa tbe College snd rorsul
HUI teams will ping Ut I o'- loch, and the
urge and Vbrgjnlue ?iii erena bata
at the ,-,? Ka 1- City.
Lemons, who pitched such a splendid
trame for th- Cburtestona oe w*ednssdny,
will berenfter adorn th'- pitcher's boa fur
?. - - r Blld I 'arPv have Peen
i tresa tba team, and Mr. wnite
. v.pi ba ona of tha outnsldsm
v. Ill piaf third bUBB and pitch oc
"v. ani Will "' '? ??" IbS team.
?ii, Hans arid W. Duke Wen missed
from the < rdny. Qary
ll nut In ? I, bul did his
,rk ebuchlng tha Bj idem.
of anal'-*
I 3 terd In I ird to trans
portntlon to ard fr >ni ths park, lt la a
?harm. aannay doe.
,,. - pat on mer curs rbi : ubll
cd the dedetOn 'hat -.--tr-ies
would I I HUI Lark this
. murmur, knowing that
mpnny rai
But the publk did not 'hlnk for n mo?
rie rt tint the ? " "ld fall to
furnish proper trsnsportatlou. Let the
end Mhlu at
kura MtraflBrsM nt*
to them, arl th'' puMic would
1 Rimoduted ' a oul I be bs
? ?
lng of the "ti dlora ' Th j
easily ' I by Inking two ?
the Union '" the alain
ll ? ersnka hive t,een
conveyed to the park the cars e
back tn their ii and thi ra
?.I,-. uld bs no need ' r any astra number
? i nnr n , o'i lock, a hen Iv ?
'--?me ls
. and th' I see te
? ? ? plaint
The Lancaster I'mperlr PutebSSSd for
Ihe Sin lolle^-e.
The College of Physlclnnfl nil Burgeons
I on the 1 Mer property
i tbs Pins! Iglnally
? ? ?? Plnel eras lb
I It v ? thal it would be
wera at
ii waa ap
I on 1
? ??- would
? ? ? ? at ions being
' ? time to
I .
0 | and Buig
for snothi r locution, whl ir it would ba
to get In Ier I to o* ea
Ttl" pl
? the sord. and I le of ths
ire On
ni alley ISO
whlcb will be In I md re
base ' ?'. some
time. : ICt ed Wi tb
t at the
? ' 0
luded. The
? .rk of
The <lr ll il v. iii
??'ii, probably in
? ?
tbe beard of db I
n.r-< uf
pits!, and Bppr
Of th
\ Pa>*alt* Mee tl ra
I u ulty of thi
In the
? ?
with *
nd bla*
v heartily li
II / hoi h u s ,-, JOE s 'H.
A Happy lon,.le Plight Their Troths at
the upi malorie Rdlgee.
? ? / ? l al
Bt. Jobi I I cl i lani evening
i 'i 'Ten e
Smith became ti if bir. Gre vs
, Rei Lewi W B ul o, D. l'.
The iacred edifice w ia crowded with
? -. The
?i plished
r Ot Mr. and
Mm. Q E. E Bttlr d In s
'urn.-. The groom, who has
;i popular ?? ''. W, Tanner &
Company's lent.
? ia rn.lld nf
honor, snd Mr. Pi rey Smith, br ?
rle- bri I ' mari. Th.
H.s. u Inston, A. B T n
nei Et 'deC B illlngton and T. P 11 .
the ceremony the happy couple
In the
folios d by I r ? trishes
nf ,-t bO I ' f fr
i>-ii- r merHane**.
IUm Bettie a. Taylor and Mr. Tuts
F. Chi ' Ineedsy
? ah Balnts1 church al I M
L.-v. J, -I ? l-l. D. D., nfti
After ti ? ? newly
r left to pend th.-ir boney*
attr n-Mve daughter of
afr. J. M. T a? of Captain
CA.' I Mr. W. E. '
.... i
1 I Vi il Pi The church
Mr. Luther W. U I Mian Soldi
morning W. W, Landrum !' D
Thi v will reside
11 a Ban i ? Earl n-m-.
Tl efl t ef rv evening*!
itlon, pi inna I
About imenta in I
tera portion .-f ti, i rs burnt out
by erm i tbe trolly ai i
a li - Bt\ rsl ?f tbs street
bul are
being rapidly replaced. Tba nsw and ex*
I leery Pl the eel -ral I BtCS,
?ns Injury, BWtUg
?.?I ;i system "f fusee which ar.- uni
to prsvem benvj eurrsnts from getting
into th.- n; natem.
New ur?a re been ptneed
in the following ? Hf, Cameron
\ r.iriieroii. Twenty-fourth and Cary;
*7I, .lanes X, Boyd, I.umpkln's Hot tom;
in, .mp. tory, IT;!'
,i H pace Tobe 'ry, Twenty
I Franklin.
Tbs tu -ni um wire was In contact with
? m ir- ar 1 B' t wi'n the troll v
wire. Fust and Malu streets, as waa
slated yesterday.
in O'Ferrsll Srctinr."
A meetlni? of the O Ferrall Club of
Fulton was held at Donahue's Ha" last
evening with an attendance of twenty
live or thirty. An Interesting addreee
waa made by Captain George Wayne
Anderson In behalf of the nomination of
Colonel Charles T. O'Ferrall for the next
Oovernor of Virginia, after which the
misting adjourned.
The I)e.|cn for th# r,rur# Hm fJ^a
Belectetl and tha Work Will Ha Rap?
idly makai to Completion.
A mating of the Private Somers' and
?anea* Momm.e,,, Assnetatlon wu, held
last evenlnrr at the Chamber of Com*
neerea, WteaeteaA D. c. Wcbartsnn pre
?? IM other m-mbera preaent
-ere.Colonel W. I, Ca,fhnw, Major E.
Geer ,y"ra' G V' f',"-lit"' J?"I?e
i' C. i v",r8u,8on> Chm*m T- km
-ms Talssstsm. WRMnm C. J*reflt0n,
?*?* BjrSber. J**--,.h liryan, Cherie.
?'" T. lt. aruett, K. D Burke
; ?* ^,,1, ,?lot?, W^rp;
L. Sh- ;,.;,?? , k V*""1' William
john. ';l.r ?..J,;::,,h \- -^?rsc*. ??,.!.
J,,1m n ,- V. ' ? ''cK'Tson, fi,.
-?. Tsjrlor Stratton sad R. r Brina
( BpUln Carlton Md ,n i
ot the sssoclauon r ? ,i ,.
' cominlf" !. ' "'.!?rl af the
gn. which recon,
'? Mr nv. i? shep.
i .'? . rtlst ol th.*
Ith bim for tr;- eonstructlon of
, if" lucure In br
Ths contract provides that tbs modal
,, "?;. '?' ?? feel m
hright. Tba work |. , | a, ,,?^
under tbs eu**i-risloti of Mr. Sheppard
by Mr. Caspar Bubert, of Wsw rori*,
ll I-- ex,..-...i tba ngura
'he ideal Confederata arlll be reedy for
Place u,,on tho towering shaft
v Of
, Libby Hill, by April Uti) next
'Hi- design presented by Mr. Sheppard
! In thf' mape ->r t - i, allowa
r In a poss ot perfect Mst
Tha plctui eoutrementa ot the
' i ari di picti i true to life.
The mock of hil n D a
stump, th.- right hind grasping thi bar?
ri i near ths mussle lbs left
? ie hip, and tba righi
In an attitude of sass, and all rhtly ad
1 tO th! fr
Thi ?' tying thal "thi -
be tc dis;.me li: ?
' In Ih" .- Of (he
? lng.
I Cul ???. wiri ts a member
| ? itated that I
i to the stump In th" d
ll, snd re
I to "ther monument! nol ibly the
? ni.-.
?? upon the ground, ss
r nnd natural position :
1 'l memben of o,,. -.ssociatlon
othen ? In the sketch
Mr Sheppard -
the srtlitlc points In
would nn duce al the
ll would '
In the
I the ii . itser '?? i urn ?
III - tO the one
fir Inferior to
and the model wns .
Improved on In tbe 1 * md I
this cane
Th" r ' finally
itei th a
SO ni
to make it
unobstructed by tbe a\ ?
tiona of thia lam I
Its, which from cornel - tn"i?
' ll-, which
? ? mike the monument stn
Iel ' ? e. hi,nf. |
bul ll "i'i '? -tittle effect 1
' ree.
Th" ' Man wns Url ? '
?I", ladles of the 11
led by I
I. Oaks ' -nd Hebre t ll
. I , ? . . T I ? ? 1
V - >e|;.tinn nf th '? '
.. led hy i
I f this and "M
, Con ferl
In the ra- ad In \i rll i isl te
thr ard
and fought for the righi f tl
tl ? fer Ot the rissfi
?' - Ponfefl
than the mr, ? is been
t,. ltd in
ipi, ti,,n of o monument cn MW v
Rill, ill the city ' ' I. to ths
nrivste I aallor.
he it
I Thal thl? nssoei.iti,,n grate
< ? lonatlon thu*
? \n th" above-named
?ices nnd te. |fl wi
In the lind I Ita rineere I
for t*.e Md ?"? onporfu
ncQoei?ttf>n in Us effort to ro-isu-i
? ' t for which lt was
organli '
Four -.tnt** wm Be RepeeeesTei le lt
om of ? Peseta ie nrte..,.
The "Hand-It,",k of the Bouthl rn Gov?
ernors' i ." erith tour fl
.... Me fifteen i
ed. will h.- orbited, Colonel Jon
Bigger swat
.... \ South
Ina will te- tn th- book, whl rh will
h.- illustrated arith engravh ra of ths
IC hull.lim ? ' iteS,
snd in tba pamnhl -t will
pro. ??< dingi of the Q
tlon, held here aever ii moi -
The book will 1
si tba i 'td' age t tit tba Stat \
September, and will bs given to vliltors
ai the Mount Vernon building i ? ??? ;
,- i oopi< i have been ordi red, C. H.
William! i" do th.- printing and s. r,.
Adkim ths binding.
nor McKinney yesterday extended
Executl* .f W. U
Brent, lentenced In the *? reml >r, 1889,
f th*- norfolk County Court, to
... \ fie grand larceny. The
pardon is granted on bi oual nf Ina
prt* mer*i i n
? pted the r.-sin
nation of Blt, R. P. Dai len si notary
FRIDAY, .filly 28th, Rod oontin
July *J'.mIi. we will offer Special Bi
1 to 6 being ?tackecl bigh with rel!
WpRTRt! idi1' arranged in hi/cs tor
S inc f,.\v pahs from our $1 4'J ea'
Lailii-rs' all color Canvas Ties, bIho W
till you have seen theta. OUB CLEABJ
have determined to ru?h odd lota ot! TO*
311 East Bi
public for Northampton. Mr. Dnro>n bar?
ina bc?n recently appointed postmaster.
Mr. K. 8. Martin, of Stuart. Va., mem
Uer nf th? state Democratic Committee,
write, Governor McKinney: "Will Pat?
rick county vote with Carroll and Gray?
son to elect a Senator to fill the unex?
pired term of Jml/ce J. W. Hackler, gs*
<-ase 17 ()r w)? th#, oM at-rtrtct, Floyd.
'arr..Il and Hrayaon elect bia successor,
'Ifu having no voice In the matter?"
The Oovernor, replying, gays: -Patrick
w-iii not vote with Carroll and Grayson
roe Serat..r, but Carroll. Grayson and
Hackle*'''" *'eCt the ?ucceMor t0 Ju(1''0
ii esmit o PBtBBBTMB
Uamocratlr Repr?aanutlv?a at tha Ouber
nunseaai Oa-ssuwuVsn.
AU the precincts in Henri.'o BBBtEf
elected dall gulag to **m G,,hernatorlal
Convention to he hold on the 17th of Au
gust yeuterdny. There was some rather
lively wcrb on the part of th?
fri-i .ls Of the thr? anil.I iles f,,r the
nomination. The tottn ,f HunjU.*y,
Ilruins. Short Lump. Ridge Church, T iwn
Hall, '"arter s. KV* _.'_ ,,., Chadwick's
aasembled ar :, p M _ w,.?? ,:
Bmlther's Hardin's, Bhumaker*a Bn
*"'* ?""' ' I thi lr political gath
crlrura at I lp v
Tbs pre tacts , ,'i > uveiy were entitled
to twenty-three
The following me th, resulta of the
meetings aa fsi i ? i (,,. ascertained
at a lat" hour last n!nht:
Bmlther'e J C. Mil hell.W. lt. Llpgan,
and J. lt. J< ? ? ... , _, ,?,.
Instructed, but lt la understood they I iv *
Hungary-Simon Botomon and J. E.
Broaddus. l-'or I
Jones' John Lindsay, w. j. Vaughan
and J. W. Ramley; tw.> for Buford, one
for TyPr
Bi-ijIu's?Marshall Burton, Mr. Taylory;
both Instructed for T
Baki John l.imb, Instructed
for CFerrsl.
Csrtsr*fl V.'. lt. Pruyav; instructed for
Town Hall- L. L. Fussell. 1'nitistrtn-ted.
rs Tyler.
Whirl i k's W. T. Warrtuer. Instructed
foe Tyler
Bhumaker'n-Two for tyPerrau, one for
'!'. .ral iv Kerrall, 4. Buford, I; Tyler, 10.
Ttl- following i ? tn i">
hi ird ri tm: Hardin's Bhop (3), Chsddlck'e
ni, Hampton 0 ? brurch
Oj. _
a Fatal fcnetdsnt.
At |_g yesterday morning the ambu
wsa summoned to the Tredegar
ir n Works, wb< ? colored man
ramed Samuel Miyo, whs ll
chester, wea fatally burt.
The man was engaged in doing aoaae
a- \\v'.!i ii hank of dlli ' I
?i him wi?h the ehovt named re?
sult <m examination lt wan found thal
p waa hr.'ken. and ona leg ama
in ?-??'.???rai pine sj. Serious Inter*
uni injuries arere aJao austalusd bi tr-*
mun. Ba n ia I dtsn tn the
wi re he lingered until ll
? i ii. i The aoroner viewed
til. i ody, bul ?!? emed na Ingnue! bi
IrthiHliata ,,t li il I'eint.
The pun Ifethodlet church
lava i delightful exeumlon to Rnmptoo
;inl i lld I'1 il -'? over the Cb BU
? ohio r.iiiro.i'i. Tbers arete
part ?. occupj lng four
, ,, - i, ? ?. |i fl RI. hmond at 7 "i 1" k
norning, spent a highly enjoyable
div OB ' ay s ?ashore, returning
about I ??' loeb last night.
m?m isl- io mi;iit.
iri'lery, K. T.. Maaonlc
? | fe, Knights of pythias. Cor
i .-ran 7! ill.
Union Lodge, I 0. 0. F., Odd-rsllown'
0.0. r., rowell's Hall.
? . Tribe, l. O. H. M . Cersley's
Tribe, I- o. R. M., Jr. O. U. A.
M. Hall.
Fratsi Knights of Honor, Cen
tnl Hall.
: ' re, Knights of Honor, Druids'
! Lodge, Knights of Honor, Owens'
Old liomlnion Council, A. L. Bf H.,
Druids1 Had
I U ?'. -. Golden Chain, Schiller
ii di.
KP Lodge, Holden Chain, Central
il Sheet Iron Cornice Workers,
I Igte Hall.
? Council, .lr. O. C. A. M., Jr. O. U.
A M. Hall.
X ..r South Council, -Ir. (\ U. A. M , Klsth
Court, B. l. of a , fH neath Baa*.
Lo IgB, 1 <>? O. T., Central Hall.
L li re, i 0 <; T . Belvldew Hall
i Lodge, i- <>. ?' T.. spni.Kiieid
ii ill.
Rli hmond Caatli R ?:. ? . Eagts Hull.
Company a. Kirsr regiment, armory.
lt E. Lee ''amp, C V? Lea "'amp Hall.
, Knights of Pytblaa,
e*r*a Hail.
Muk* Haul' lo DstSWd Yourself
if foo live m a locality when malaria
aleut, with a preventive thar ex*
p.m.-ne.- ind the most reliable
of medical safeguards Hoetstter'a st. m
u h Hitlers. Entirely free from thc ob
nd the* re valid ones which
to the inn., ral alkaloid quinine,
ir more effective, snd Its eff<
? but lasting, unlike those
of the drug. There are portions of ..ur
p,.,t ind none tn n?? besutlful and n
u hii ii al no aesson of tie- ?. sar
an- entirely exempt trom th" mai,'rial
scourge. in flucn regions Hostetter'a
Stomach Bitters has undergone a con*
? teat for the years.
with resulta whi.h iiav established Ita
itatlon beyen i all i ? rli aa a i ta lal
defense egalnst every f-rm >.f malarial
also, it :? BB
acki ?'?','1 " h
remedy for constipation, dyspepsia, rheu.
matlstn and an Impoverished rendition
of .he blood. _
Meg ?aaa! artie,
I.Piousness and all 1,1 vr trouhl"*. cured
With Lr. David's Liver Hills 2T. cents
a box of Y. i Uh*. Use boxes for fl.
Rb hmond. Va.
ttl KeiinH Tr'p Ul
Delightful trip tO N'orf'ik and Newport
New- n? xt Saturday Bight at P> o'clock
On 'he new mi amer PocBBOatB**.
? advertisement.
inn- until ll P, M. SATURDAY
trggini for all ifftw, TABLES Bfoi
ttbit ;ui<l 8eu8onalil<' footwear, each
Boja, (iitls, Men, Women, kc.
BLI to lind your size in a hurry,
i Shoes or Slipper, for 'J7c. aud baie TWO
le of yesterday also put out to-day at ITg,
bite, at 97c-, worlti $2 elsewhere.
fi'U how awful cheap tbeee Shoes will be
i NOE BALI is drawing to a close and wo
\ RANCE PH I CES. Don't forget.
road Street*
Price & Co.
Irish Point Veetlbule Lace In Ivor?
and white, 30 and 3& Inch'-: wide.
BS, 75 and .'. per yard.
Oriental Vestibule Lace. In white and
M and r.e. per yard.
Tanhourerl Swl-.| Vestibule I>ace In
a beautiful anaortment of choice pst
tarns .it very low price*.
Bbort Ui.mh8. I to 12 yardi, Veetl?
bule Lace at
Swiss Muslin Drapery, ipoti and Ag?
ni an
20. 2*. 30 and ?>c.
Imported Madras Drapery, tinted
with colored Hr urea, 80 Inches
Bl >rt lengths Drapsry Muslin, 1 to
12 yarns, ut
half PRIOR
l adi"s' onyx Black Lisle Thread
POSS, drop stitch. This ls the same ws
li.,, sold so many of at Me, a pair,
and they ure the best value at that
pries Sra ever saw. For a few dayl we
offer them at
?0c. PAIR
A few desirable patterns left in
Wash Silks for ehirt wuliti or chll
drsa'a dresses.
Two pieces rhlna Silk, light ground
with colored future-*?original pries IV.
I"T >;ird. RSdUCSd to
Floured India Silks In evening
Ihldsa. the lame that iold Ant ot
is.m at Wc. per yard.
On? piece, pink and one piece rad
lal Bilk nrltclnal pries (Wc. yard.
R< duced to 2T.C.
The special prices on Men's Whit*
and .Shirts will contlnus ail
this week.
Fourqurean, Price & Co.
l li.nlottravtlle, SJ ma.
I ari.-'' corp! of Superior teacher*. Peat ad.
rmi.'', ni Literary. Muiioalaud Art l>epart*
intuit*. Attractive surrounding--. Healthful
ind aecenibli Ipostloa. 1 .?we?i tara.*, order
catalufc-ue. v. I'. i>1? Kl NM*.*.', Principal.
? - I ?
JOHN II. POWELL, Principal.
MUM. T. U. PEYTON, Aaaoctate Prln
NO LA Ul I.S. Thorough in Ita tn
?tructlon and complete In ita sppotat
m nts Prom Prluiury to Coil.-Kiata
Department, Inclcalvs, offering tbs very
beal aini fullest Instruction, on aa nimf
erate terma um any school of like char?
il, ti i- lu the country. Diplomas giv^n
in th" several Ni-lionli, ami I'll'l.ii.MAH
thone completing tbs course Every
fa, iiiiy in Music, Modern languages
uni AM, that any Institution lu the Mouth
afford*. Number of limited
to thirty. The Twenty-first Sealion he
Apply for Catalogue to (he 1'rln
elpslS. Jy-M-au,we,frtocl5
Ll.,\'' K -1! I ):<;, VA.?Twenty-two ln
? true tor a; liioroughly equipped ihoi.i:
laboratories and infirmary; farm of .nut
acres; au un heating and electric llxhta
In dorm!torlea; ilegree course In airrk-ul
tin.-, horticulture, civil, mechanical and
electrical engineering, appii-d chemis?
try and general science. Shorter
courias In practical agrlcultun
and practical mechanics. Total
' i of nine monthi, Includ?
ing tuition and other feen, clothing,
hoard, naahlng. text hooke, medical at?
ti n lance, etc., al...ut $1".V f'oat to Stats
?? ni. ju:. N.-x' issaloa begini s?p
timber 21, \WM\ For catalogue, apply
t,. I M. M'BItYDE, Pb. D. LL l>, J'riaf.
Ci Kif I mdi la. Va. L. M. RLACB
FORD, M. A, Principal. For Hoys
The fifty-flfth year opeaa 8EPTEMHBR
27, 1S'i3. F.xfenalve lnir.rovfm-.nti In ac
eommod*atlona and e<iulpnvent. Cata
logues s.-nt on appMeattsn.
I r- seteel
UBirglBITY, Leiinftoa. Tir.lala.
Aead.-in . lew; F.iutlnaeriug. Opeaa
catalogue adilreaa
o. vs. c. ut-t, Pre.ldsaW
rir's LIS-l rKPJ I -'?Hool. HA K uV
V hut PUcs i liur.h. Iti. hm..nd. Va. (M.
M '..,. ry. I'rnii', lana H/Kueker, Ar*
i, .elated lr,n-.i ai. ll.ui.e urw an.i well
e'l'iii'i ed. rtymnaalum atlacfieii and ia
if a ? dil.-, ll n* nitriii'lor. Ilf. MONDAY. KsrriMsra ta. i-""*. Ctg-.
ruart a* tba !>-*>li noni I'or further
particular*., ad,Ire.. Ibu I' in-it al it Ash?
land Va., till Keptsmbsr 1Mb. After (hst ths
..-ii ol bonne. 107 N I'm* street, hm ween Oraes
au 11 raaktta *trsoti Jr
,.fioiir<ei Muli* -allard, i areeliirery.
Vt r ? la .oratory. S. ? <?rtaasa!sm. Sissie
li0-.t Ilea ih.u: iiionntsiii ellina*-* V?*rr m?eV.
rrairrlprlell. IVao. ll > 11'< *?l*-ht *toWS.
fr I rea ll. KKK OF IA< i Ml
jy23-iii.we.frnt hslem.Vfc
The I. D. Wilson
Printing Ink Company