\N IRON KING ASSIGNS. ?T lOSfs WU I IOSS IN RAUR04U i sit ur u is ts ll. r.t.-iiinn. of l_.b__on ? m. i .iitino-.min Parl iii. Waoatalae.Si l-A . August ?.. Mr, I ? rn n. the well Ki s wili thal " ? I Kt | Wi Bl int ot " worth I ? bim "ii | SBMt fruin i m. Tain '?T tl. I ? ti Jase Aid un * V *, - . ? nan ls a king an un ;? i . , >'. ?* bttl he .s the ' - n if an ? " ? ..' ' ns >.f ore, I : ? in the bflla, whl h i, ,1 to . rt the .1 tracks and l.ulld ' * ? anee nhout ?i, tl ? ' ' , the f urnecea. ' sue I push (or the Inflti ! his S'T' l(. bulli I fer I I in his al ? i li *ii* world. 11 med il over to ? . ? ' i tai k of ? people I rmi i ' ? f tba . rowing ? ? y Incl which, hon many Int. - , | ,.. -., . ' fter lt i - | ? ? ? ? ' ' >n hiH i h would '?alii.lt 1 e lt. ' ' : :' ? irs t Mnst Mm ? . ?? | i ? ' to In 1 ' * Which Mr --nits ' about MM ISO other which ? th.- harmony and onto* ? l ? I ? -? ll ? ? ? ' ? * ? Pa., oa tl I Um * ' * my a I'. * - i ? i ! ' largely kill ta - til to Itlplled. Hy ls n kim;*. ' ? " ? , I In Ho i ? .-'i t . form a "'.er's share ' ' '?? hy referees, the stock was Issued In n!nefy--d* shsres. and ela shares wore given lo tbe Qrubb family snd r, ?: \ to tbe CotsBiana Thia esrpo i tai k i oinpany, v on the btiatnena <-f mining and silling the or,- and make*- I I" id.us of tbs it", k. i thia are also divided among : rt li i'ol,-n.,ni ' bi '-ok furn i*a . anthracite furnaces ami the Coleman : .rt H. Cob man in alas ? Joint ?h< North Lebanon fur* member "f the ?I I ? >.,., I.,,., ,<-.. Trouble. , , ?:.!.-? MINN . AugUBt I ? nk ol thia '. ity ' ii- doors thin morning. sn , Auga ? ? i of thin i Uv nu. pa ,1 lours thin afternoon. bo* --ii an gi ??'. ? f th" Kimi Ka* ma th- dlr< of the Fourth National bad a aerating. ; - ng et vera] n.il gunranty ? .- nd their iii'iividu.-il Beni of nil d' -, ti that th.- hank Is able ra ot tbe <'ity Baringa : to nigh! and unanl tiioii- i to suspend payment for ?ri lu canst-,! liv tiie ?? of the Bwney murket. The I isidor'd solvent, and Will pay S"l8. HM ' 11 tt ty k ,od Tbe ? mk hav- personal!) pledged ihOBieriaia sad their est,.: tba pnyment of al! ba poet te tn fun ? of the Union Hunk and Ti ist Company, anya IB an Inter r lew with a reporter thu! ti* hank win open sa uri; >i r,, morrow fobs M t of u," Men bants' N t* in nn interview anya hts hank , open to rn0t***OW as usual. I'll i. !*.i Ri;. PA., lugosi t. The Kl-i , ? th" larges! i fae turing i n Pltteburg h is i operation! uni of tbe - ,.r the times and the din*k*ult*i in procpring db ind InuMltty to ?. ah employe. ? R " 111..-"i i.K. MI! si I Tl Uni, Bani closed temporarily this Bio* nlni:. Ther- ? I Ti ?? ne with,Mit th- r bank* Fa? W .sh . i Thi Hank . , MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. AugUBl The ? this mon I Ne bunk I itlon, doll i this city. l ll tim.- d, \i ? . I 1 in lull " ur i. h inl ? wit h to-day. They ai lo be ti'" larg* I ? i ? lla blt i thal the -i il.lv mmlsslon merchants ? to them, un ii,i. t'< i -il ? < i ft om them, The lum i r obligations i urning due. They cowl I glvt ao 1 I ia to ? \ Kuti Atolile.l. NEW TORK, Aw I srowd of sinai' : of th. thia ? : I..id full In th> I ind. ? it ii o', loeb Han-j Ool lab In, a ? d, sit rt, kv , August I tu blOW lip " walis ni . tua,!-' ? n, re tl,.- two ' ? ,w named Millard, all ? I i Tompkl i ? I In I rro ru 'i they "\i , death Bti up tl a pi ... to ' D ? Df8T*Oi con CIWKEKA. (KAMI'S. AM> ALL BUMMER CMKLAINTS. Indorsed by tbs hlgbeSl medical au .lnu'ar around each bott Kv Kit II K, ?.'?? CK NTS. PM sale by all driiirrtsta. JeJ_ uf City WatST Works. Na 018 Broad Btreet. Richmond, Ya-. AUgual ft, IBM x OTU l. TO v. ATKK TAKERS IN \ lui; KIHST l*18TitK"l Whore unpaid AUG! ST 11th the rater will be .but "fr. CHARLES E. BOLLING. suJ-2t fiu^t-rintenditit. FINANCE AND COMMERCE IIB I TOMI NO OUOTATIUNs UOMl v. ? I ri-.ug* und hui's, ul the Ki. hmonti To laeea Sfcafaaweja* laaaewal Revenue . ,.. . . ll-,.,. - I .. ? H;ii A,Itii.-s. UWW TORK, August H.-The de..j|rK, of the Btock Exchange wem chm by wc uni. sh .liiiiiiK a gi at part of the day, and In some I nalani IB sharp de ? lines wen- recorded, The hears were unusually aggraeatve, having baan ? a* lr operations by Uta etea* if the Madison Square Hank. Uh continued high premiums paid foe enr* reacj I and nunora, afters i, that h - p.'i i r had ',n H. ? ,,tl. hand, there was litt'.- or n*> eaaypert from any gu - ? : 11 I . .'I', iii Chit . tem Union, . , In 2 ii li and 1% in ' k Island. The orr were aol aw Ucal illy ii i Ste I clii.-iH- fi"iri H.* Belling tor tia a eon* light, a tv i which i Belt fi - daring the lae! hour ..f baataeee, when 11 ?? whok ? m h ' tool en ati aa) where from i to 4 points. Sugar nnd Hen.ral Hlen: the upa 'i I movement, the latter ea the thal the frlendfl of the company had provided the M.ooo.ooo ne eeaaary to iii " itlng ... 1., '?> BIA. I W.nref.WM to. Ja. Ide. :-. to. ir** . orthsestsrn * i ,-, n. ' 4i. n* ' UK) 'setae Mill. USA '?hi..* _jtcm. .1 . ne., i lu na- * . i* ll. Terminal. '*. dh ' il. !?iao<.. do pr-r. ?? - iii Peal v.. I ,'.- If... ..i ta pref.._. -: I . .. . hH I mt t sr. I I ute'. ' rrnnnf.. ?i . near Raf. do. pref.M *u> pref.7m P. A 1 lix* ? anti ....... ll ie? Paeifle. Ll A S. :?:'. rana alda. ... a, peel ??? BkS H.ll'*.**. I. l'seifle. LAS.. I's, rs.- .... I . . eon. '.''? I . K 4 ? eo' M ,. C. .. . I ' P. B. *'-. D', Mi. ii. Cen. '? ? fa S*s_.. o. I'li-jfln..l*_..l<_e.._ia.e.np. _r> M AH.. ... . If v* ronfois. to ('ht. g Ht. 1. Si ll. hs*h.. . i m l i en. M do.pre....... li N. J. Cen. I.'?? J ti 1 V( M I'M il > A! I I I ii sorted Lr Meiers. John I. WlHismi * Bona Daaaere, tumor Tenta aaa -lam -ll etti. J bu tRtna. Xa. Angusi I, ?ovnamtmrf si ? Si l ? ... lt, .v tX, '.'?"" . IN .... .-I ati- tat rm nus North Cirolmal'H. CL MB. North Cai ohsa e's. C WU. ? Irginli i *. aew, U. .? ti, ; MB ?na Century-. . n 1 ? i .'Mrl.mond Cltr Ss. 1!.. I9n?-i.?i_. ||7 . "nd "Itv I'S. H.. ISM . . im i ur la. lt., IN1. . i sosa i fl <' HM I -, !?? Uti . Cher. Oolam a Ana. -.ct .?_. o. I8J?. ... i ..ian, ._ ian. ad ft v.. ibm. i i >. "ima l acme IM Cit. Il, I Gi urea In.uh. con- di . ? M'1114.. ,.-,..M .. - I ' iteri ours, slaw iv; i ; ?. _ - ?;. ? nei>tern S t. lal xx. meru/.ort), l. IM toil. IBM. I Mil',.'. ? Ulan ti and Charlotte. bb North Munna. . in, Bicbmond ana I'eteribnrg . _ : .. . Virginie Fire and Manns GKAIN AND COM N J V :i UfOA RICHMOND, \ . *,.in (win l.ooi S il--- v. I,, .it. (white), i ?? i isl I,' io till. I| .' . ? to I ? White, primi VU ?J white, 40c.; 1 I, iv. p w Inter (for i ? TOBACt 0 BXi H KOOT RICHMOND,,VA., ' i .ft. i Inga ..I ..ii 'i "ii. ? ?nt 1 at | ? . , .? ' *' , it 111 at yu, - ? .it JT, ,-. al J*'*-"-, three al Ju. one .?t ?I in at fa .",". one sold :.t it *.... tn * -. 70, ona al ?! in al M, one aold ? oae it on.* ut IMS, ea "tie B ? iv - secretory of tha RI' ' dal urti), B; laga (darb), 7. Tomi, I"- hogaheada Th . - ? . '. , S hogi r -" ? '. Wilt Davenport ? Re 110 peel ISO penh* .,. . nus eoUee f,.r the cit. of RI hmas-d, Va U Cigam uni ? | ??i.vjT pa. Total, M.."-ti 17. ! of Sati. bys; gg wlil aliow* Hie tnnv. . the various WS ' Mks liv i . ,t . ipti m. Farmen Tnspee*. ? "-?'? Hill in--t>.'H ui-. 14: reei f,-iiir? -Inaneet-O-M 1; receipt*. 7: loooe, 1 .?""?'. Total Insertion*-- j ? T tal Inspection* from the 1st of C_-_ t,, Ant-*:*' '*. I - same st vnr I r ist i- i -it the * Rxehawm i; mi ?; ii Kent, .-.uv..nun; J. il. Bullock, o_ ( i Ill.'A'VV CHICAGO, ILL., At rtiel '? The eorn pp -.. ii the rent ra af latareel most <,f to-day n tilde issi..- The Oovernaaaai weekly i i*t (letta showed aerioaa daaaagw n In many ..tate* hy drought, and rp< rt s from tbe country were more em phatic than before regarding tha Immi? nence of a great disaster to the crop. Th re was som* wea-i?tsa mar the close on a report that rain waa failing Io .Ne? braska. Compared with last niicht. May coin Uft off lc. higher. Wheat ls VwO V. down. Park aa_d ribs are each up and lard inc. Tran sa. tions In corn were not confined to th,- local trade, the outside Interest Incr-t-imlng and buy? ing orders becoming numerous. The ?, mment weekly Weather bulletin d. tnansCratsd that the past nuuk waa a hud one in inflicting me Oiat H.- cash trade Sar ally curtailed -*>"'* nan a depress? ing effect on th" near futures, "ex "" cutting constdnrabu of a flKure. The market opened at y ?? .- ht> > final S an,l un-i'T an ragent demand ft -.in n... ad - '>?*" for S"p tembet and iv for December, working bach Bt th- "1,,..- the f -mer waa up \ the tatter IS*B*Mrs R**ee|pta were liKht and ee-tlanateo ter to-morrow are rate. ?? from % to %c. lower, - ? i hnproved? r-r Beplnmber radvaactag le. and Fiber lifer., eased "fr agata and th" ag was abOUl '.'? 1','A-r f r BoptSSS* l.er and tvc. lower for December than the closing llimres of ) terday, The oncertainty in regard to the anni itlOO and th-- roper! af the failure Vork hank hoi som.- effe.-t. 1,-tt th.-r- was liuvlt .: from "thcr Som ta ,,,i a moderate eenie, Influsneed by good in,-os from th. neal .ard an,I rath-T imf t-. op Bews. , iperatore i ? rp, ? t tint th,- Oovernmeal monthly r WM ho l.ulllsh. Th" w.-eKly '"portn rougkl erna afr., tim: the in MlnnasolB, 'he wpm,.- crrop in Mi:n,. ,!;? was ligbl Snd North D suffering for rain. ? ta 00,000 gold taken in Eur op, for iiuurica. adria s wore "i' -O' safavorable mably a reflect!, n ,,,1 ti.,, A mr fir ea market Oats ahowed a r trade uni ? ? r f."lln(r, .lue 1 ,? with ' 111 11R I also ,0 . ro], ',.,,,:, I,|,.. Th" Mit Bgth and adi ? ,,f iv in May, wiii" Beptember 1 1 eancod '.??. The i^ice brought oul Uh* ? liing, and I''" m rt and tho 1 I stea ly, Th,- -rrovitdon market was firm on a Tin- firm tho result Bf roi "I off. rlncs. hoi- r.ipts, a from tho la, only amounted t" S.000 head, ln is.ono, a.- bad been 1 apt ir ft Co aborts to cover. Lard active arti, i.. on 'he Hst. On tl nus some loner pork BOld OUt, Wbid WU ii'l t> tv the ? ,.iir np Of a Iii'" which was only '.,lly liquidated ? n th" slump of a is no improvement In th" '!? tn ?? ! I md tales for win-it f,,r , era to Buffalo Wheat? Clf-eiiing. Clostnr. . ?'''-'< g i,i. mber . i . Bl < ? ari . ???*' - . . ? ll . ? list . -1 - 1 r . ' . I k 1 t .vu na VU u 1 . K' " I21S ber . -- ti tT> . r . T.K7V4 1 ? . I.li BM anon 1 . " ?';" <: . T I "? I., r . . ' K WM KM' 'KK I LTIMl 'Ki:. MO , Au '. ? h Flow dull am' unchanged. WI.- ' . apOt SS I A-gUBl ? ? ? 1 -ni 1 ? ? ? 1 ? 1 higher; I white co,. How 2 white, '. 2 ' ? ii ?? alrong; ? boles timothy, live, Brm rn 1 aa* ? 1 ... to cl I If .' inc, 1 : No 7, ll ? 1 i -'". ?. - "?? I , r 11 ' '"ntl.ti. ?','?-,. Baltimore 101 j . < '?,; SOU* date 1 Gas b ind ?'?!',. THP fiTT'i*.' 'lAH'-ITI. ? .v vi irk, Auguel ti Cotton Quiet' i Futuree elost 1 very itt , 1.4k', Bepi rmber ' ? 1 Novemb. r. 7 71 .' - 7 ag; K.-h Miri'h. I IB. r ' 1 from Bli ports to-do] ' I I ports to fir, ;ii ' 2*J7 ? *. :::is bali a; stock, SIS,, ilea NEW Ol August f? Futures ?_???", 1 : 7 SS; No* 7 ? I io,-, mher. I Mt; 7 ',1 : Feb. I ? -, March, WTt.MIVOTON, VPTLM1NOTON, N '". Aucust f> - 1,1 ' . good t train Turpentine at, adv at 1 Ci rm :it Si 25. i'll MUM STn*.' CHAKI." C., A must 0- Tur at _Me. Roars s' ror good strafasd, SAVANNAH SAVANNAH, QA Angus! O.-Spfritn and ! firm at BUlM 11 I iskn. li ctn um har- - 1 Of r*0***MB0U snd irrela_ t' UilM. IN 1 til.I.ll.I N1 B. mi mai DM ai.man\' August Mt, Uk Baa rieea . 1 a vi bun .et..:-irr I ay'*tsugth-Jfa Mut huh Tiur. Morning. 3::.v '".Teninr. I' RT OF RICHMOND, .'- ; '?>. \ ARRI**. :.. Bi boonor ie ssh- Brown, Smith. C*srte**et, H. i . fertiliser, W. n. Cuni*. Bgant. S, h,.on. 1 W. Anderson. Cole, ut, cement, Warner JV,...re tk Cn. S boonor William and lasses, Hans "C. cal, W. II. '"urtin, nR>mt. 1 , anio, Costigan, Ha, rc de Grace, coal. BAILBD. oii-r Charles A. Coulomb, Jones. Hu> olino, staves, vassal CurtM * Parker. l'til'.T OF WKST POINT, Al'tt 0, 1A03. ahi:ivi:i' Bi tm-hip Bsllkniue. Bennerf. Baiti more, piisneni:em and penetal cargo. BAH.' Steamship Boll limn B. K-niutt, Balti? more, passengers and general cargo. REPUBLICAN COUNCIL IO HE ll Bl ll Al HEN EBAL MAHON E'S hEsllir.St I* ON MAI CHU IY. Tbay Will Not llol.l ia <*i .1. Coa?/?atlon. Ihe Urltton.Tempi* Conteit la V. ltrrlii.il To-Day. PETEUSriURO, VA., Auguet ?.?Spe? cial.?To-day I interviewed some of the moat prominent and best Informed Repub? licans In the city, who. however, did not want their namei published as to the I urpose for which the Republican State Committee had been called to meet at j Oeneral Malone's residence on Satur , day nlKlit nest. They all stated that i the meeting had no special significance, ; and added that the State committee BlWaya h,.|,Is a meeting just before there I ls a convention -.md BBS. ti"ti. aol that the awctteg call -I t<-r Saturday night waa just gag of thi.** kind. One of the must prominent Kepul.lleans in the State, and an Intimate friend .f * :I Ifahone, told me that the ques? tion of how far the party is to give BOp* ; ??? to the I'opullsts may l> diseusard. H srould certainly not came before the commlttsa ta an official nap. h.* stated thal lt was pretty well s-tlled that the Republicans would n_t put up a State ticket next fall, and that the party would ba left free to vote aa they might think proper. Ir"'' baa been reest-nd bera ot the I,urning of th, depot building of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Coaapaay al /uni atatlon, with all the recerde aad re. Tills was the gaea. Sepal on the lit.- of the ro..,i between Peteraburg aad Norfolk. Th.* |oea ls between J.,..*) and I 4u.Ik>* .T. K. ST eat, who has been hear? ing the ei ? tion .ase of Britton ? Tampia tar th.- rJerkaMp ..f Prim county, win render his ?n in the atm al Prim Coortbo-iea to-morrow, an which flaj ? amt] ' euri "i ? ne. A gi sal d ii of Interest ls f.lt all through the county In this case, and there ls a _;rcnt 1. ,i of Spot ul.*in and conjecture aa to what West's di' Isioa win be. Th,-- Sw ' of tha ? presbyterian church went to Bow church c.rove. in Prince Georg* county, this Morning on their annual pit Ric A weil known merchant "f Hus <-ity sold yeeterday afternoon tea caril bey to ii p- rty In Baltimore, to be load, i -. v.p"rt News for shipment i" Bu* Tins i? tha largest sale of Ita kind that baa been made In Peteraburg f'.r s.rne time. Pol B. I' Bagland returned to the city i tai Righi from Nea poi t Neera with Pompey Thoratoa, B negro, who is wanted bera for 'h.* aliened theft of I.:?' front tl,, p. rs.ui if another ti"*cro I m. The Ho ft was cora* toiite,i on th.- L*;d of Jaly, Pompey waa before the Mayor thia flsomlag, ead was . .'til ..n for ul il. An will be given from this city ta Norfolk on the st.-__vr Arl* I. .,-i the Ktii inetaat, foi the beneSt ol Petereborg rentals Orphan Aeylaal it will be under tbe management ot Mr. t. J, .in- ? 'ii.nventioa to alec! deiagatee fruin Oeorge te the State Democratic Oubernatorlal Convention, to ba held in Richmond Auguet nth, will convert, at An- i minn . "Uf hin-..- to-morrow, ii is undent ? l that the n t-babilttieo are thal 'ltl',11 Will S.-n,| -1 ,|..!,-,j;|. ii'.n largely in favor ef (-"Ferrell for i: t. iv ii son. paetor nf one of the Methodist churches in Richmond, is \ .cation on his farm In I i|nv. Iddle COUI ' i 'iu Peteraburg He win refuin t,> Rlchn il the r-th of Beptemtx r ni The total am ant of cit y tai pertv in Peteraburg is ali .ut H6),M0. T *-ni"ir cv ls tha day "n whi, h th.- tirst half of tl . v., paid and sum- I par cent, Intei : tip to to-daj the collector Hi Y ii . 'nop. had re? ceived abeu! 16,000 of the first half of m. rpectfl to i"- rery bony ta in ii .*? a. Im - , tba leal Say on a hi, h the first half of th ? Itj taxi a ! *? i ' u .ui. who ke< In utan . ford eras oa a wan 11 ? I -tick, further, that I ? : be h il I- ea kn ?? '?<- i dowi. win n Gate* im? bn aghi to tha ? tal n be *?**aa iv. wiih a eat ,.n the head The eaaa win be taveeti* " iyor_ ll I. \l MM ll Im l/IROINIA AT RI LES HELD IN nu; > - l.l.i;K S OFFICE OF THC <'IK ? I'll Cl 'I'l.T ' ?F : HE 'ITV i 'I-1 RI- II Mm-.Ii ON THE FIRST MONDA1 IN aitch-Err, i-'' p i- \\ laal Iver Eaai Richmond : by the <'hat - Court of RI hmond, in tba auil ol "('. N ip,.... ? Rh ? -? in mi '' - in p. u >. Plaintiff, I,. W Cook. >'? ten lent. in i , ?? md ui ..it Bttachmei I i ted. Th t thia ll :*-? '" r. ? ,ii ti,. d< (.-td.im ti* * Bum of tout ' t . .it: ich tl) ? I ti "' "Wit. ' Richmond, ind i me to tha payment "f ihe plaintiffs 11 An i BUMavtl hnv: m i l>- and Died that Ihe defendant ls not ? restdenl of tha State of ed t-, a pf ss r bera within fifteen publication hi rei t, and do what is i protect ' this I A copy T ALFRED . HKlI.l' Cit rk COURTNEY d. PATTERSON and Hil.I, Mt '.vi a< v v.. p ,|. aold thiw IJIRQINIA AT BULBS HELD IN THE > mi ERK - ? di ICE ' ?F THE ( lit CUIT Cl il RT OF I HE rl'H OF RK II? MOND. ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN af'H BT, URO mm ff Gtatafl and Charlea l. Brawn, partners trading under the Bran taine un; Mit.-s A Brown .PlalntlSh, ? XV. l.. Fleming, N. W. Bowe, W. L XVnl t.-is, Jr . >-. B. Unney, H. L Hoovt r, lt. ll Stratton. A. C. Brauton. J. A. Cooke George C. Waiters, r P Bar* hour. J B Bland, C. C. Tnomnoon and William M. Vue er Defendants. IN i'ASK. The object of this suit ls to r against ths defendants damages bj I 11 nu unlan roi and fraudulent itotlffS Were Induced to subscribe and pay for in the dor lon Lend Company, i Hon Illegally and friu'iulentiy *> i i o- i.ional School of Law. tapeaa a per sea i deal, "im rael ns i ,. * sn l I three sci OU" ihe mf. ann SO. Kiweii.t--. ot are t, embraciag, in atldli lon to the f board, fnel irsahiag. aboat a*o*>.< o porCalaloKU .- ting detailed information, Bpi !r si the citj B. F?*URYEA.*R, ?' ,ii ssas sf tito i i, niir. jyll tilth * Goite?B ol Wiliiam ana Mary. WILLIAMSBURG. YA, Next Session Bra rr. October 5,1893. Bxpt nsei foi al I t-,\ , (-sera la tba pub I Vlr* ? ? sn, pei month; a IU to $i i par tn- nth; aa Tul* lion fi ?. cb irgi able ? re not v. ming to tal $it .vi per hull i tor i. .-nil tu.th.* i-ui lent. Hf IBB JOHNSON*! *-''H"< IL .?l i"i; rOUNQ LADIES IND Kl ll LS GIRLS. The ? lon - 111 i I EM 2*-uh, ,,i tha corner ot ORAt I MAl'i with a larg ind Instrui i ii snd sll f,,r tesol ing, the princlpsl < ?.,, pi mos! Attention to th.- voungt > girla and i thoron tlon sra ma la m irk, -i featuree ol the ..I -.? i,i HOLLINS INSTITUTE BoTiToi kt BPKINGrs*Ta. fnr '.nillir l.mii, ? lin ,>|-?ii. -inpt?.fiit r JIB, l*S3 |.|-,,?- .m ,, .,. | lillimur. ?,,.i '?elf ll,-,'., I|u?ii>. tiri, tn I I lo, 'Ult..rt. I .'-mau amt** ??< , ,1 t-j.ot] Ul,.-- R-wutiftilh .ii ,?.,.,1 rn V?ll?.y ,.f VirstaU. on *-. .? W H lt ,? ? Kuanoks .Mouin,.tu ...nor. . Ill,,, i.,I ui,l,ts. t liiu*.t? U_?icell,-.| Writs tu. ill . ' .,, til.**. K. COI KK, -mn., Hollins, Vs. l-.il tu.th.eulM '^*mmmmmmccnrnmmmmnnmnnuummmmwnmnmmnnmr*' CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Bant Busslea beales Idtb Seat. 1 I lim for In .'. I .-rill-;, L_.iv, Mt.li int. Wi i ? WM. M. t^'Ut.NTON.U.U., Chalimaii. J>'_7 th - , tu'jr.t STALE FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL, FiirmvlHu, Va.. Bosrd, vrsehing, ligbl Bod Fbb) $13.25 per month. Tuiton (fred t'i sta*.- stodents'. |80 per bbb .-inti, niuo intuit hs. For ottel 'j;1!'* Btidreei JNO. A. CUNNINGHAM, Principal. < mi I -h e Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, VA. f-Hh Y.v. But* Miiitir,. tv-i atti, i ?n.l T-. h i?-*4 Seta ?,! I liamma ii ? istry. nn.l in K-irineenrie. ' oti'i ts dssr. ? ,,f -muliisb* In Affutwni.- I our*.. *J* ,'!??, r.-ul ft', il l',:>ti',?'?r ?-. I '.' I ' , I-IOMS. iii<-ln.t>ii? ? i,ii ina an rsl, ot r**, WI I-t mo, ' n- ,v ? >?*?cl*. SIM u/ t?u??l. > ' ? ' Ol -''ii." ..- .. ;*nt .._ ... to.th,! VH.OINU ri MALE iN-lMI ii ? ? \> s V lf>\ \ \ Vr- ' en I I rini t al 1 lie nett open. SI.I I i I'.KU t - , rm. rem . \: i *...., u . .Slit Ut "it ii . ,'i BC 1- ' LAW SCHOOL WASHINGTON AND Iii. I'NIVEIWmr, I.rilM.to n, \ i ,',: -? v Opens Bepl n. Kor esl i HiUH RANDOLPil IL' KKK, DnsSk j>'-'_ isla* rotc Arion *L _ CHOLARSHIP FOR SALE-AWASK .> INGTON AND LEE SCHOLAR SHIP, whl. h orlnlnallv cost f2o0, can be bought it i ur.-at reduction. Apply ta I.m< K BOX __. Charlottsavllle, Va. aii'.i tf KMMRR HI .OUTS. MOUNTAIN TOP HOTEL AND ______ lt... Ufl-li (.ftp, I'.liie l-l-tB* MounlAliia. I.t ISS l-BBI g-B-BBB. ***** _-->T?.|. An eld-fasbioasd Vlrjfinl* r*>*.or_. Floe fiewa I'eiightfti, temi erature. Turo water. i onvtnlsnt to raitri td*. No u,"-,;utto__. Keisoual,io rates. A I Ires* Ml..-I... MAHMIE * CO.. Afton. VB, BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS, VIRGINlT IV'l.MV-UlM KRAHOS I Sl'KH MAMS M ...... I MIM' tm -tf PHILIP ST. BROWN. DUMMIB BOARD in nu. MOiNTMHS O OFVHtaiNU For otrsulers. ad.iroe* i m rtwiv-i.rn. an Ml h. BWieh. Almeuisrie Ce., Va rfinrr^io. ?,. I .Ml S LYONS, ?I .MI'MliNl \ VNI? <<-.'_ ...I.T.oR Al LAW, liiw Oil N .Mists ?.?n. t'liildinf. 11 ? phi na ? u. I'.-itoih.'.- hoi Hi. hm.1 Val practical m all the st .... uni i niindHtataa c. nit*, inkiobmond I ...... nu I Ail . care, full*.-,r vt A ?'._????> i_m..n.? and I mi ti- taken, i I'llectinni irompt.r Mada sn.! i.muted fag ly WITH THE BREAKING OP OF SCHOOL t BIBB the 1'.md for BOYS' BICYCLES! v. ii oi.- meal prsparetloas for n.t. ti.,I.i it., ihowioa beautiful Hf tis pusui ? ass at BM sad upwataa, aaa "LITTLE SCORCHER" AM' I III'. "CINCH" ? I-'-ii-i.i.,- ?? n,, h. v .or Columns, llajnblsr, I ? nt,.ti.-- We sri -hov. neaaiatts *ire,i mon* biachins ni * UKLWAAR 519 E. BroadSL C.ca and Sp.rt.in_ Dep.il, PHONlBBS deo MT. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE no.'Wp. Do you nott Baal W'nen nexl ls reid try a pair, Bust In tho world. 00 *2S0 nil rOS LAO'tS 12.00 11.75 ron surs ?_7S If y^ vast a flss DRESS SHOE, mid* In the l?t.it lb . Bm*I pt) 56 to $8, try r,y tl, |3.W, $4.00 or I. lbs* Rsa lil ?."?l In euitot. mads snd lock gfli BBBf -I well. If yeti * Uh to oco_ixnl_ilnyo.rfoot_._-, du to by pur. Iii?in? W. I. Doii|r ,u She-*., hims ind prii-i .tl Bpi * f.r it ?H?nyix_b?y \_ . I.. DOi < .1. '. ?-. Uro, lit?i,, BUBB. bAd bj iii.u.i.i*. a_ CO.. 'oil toss Broad str-st. J. lt UOODK a SOU, 1601 aaet Main street. fy* th.i i *tu-im Till- PAPER M lM.I-.rKI> WITH NEWS INK MANI i ki I. vf D Bl The W. D. Wilson Printing Ink Company LIMIT BO), 0 SPHUCE STREET. NEW YORK. mut* nena. PRESTON BELVIN, FINE ART FURNITURE, ISTo. 18 G-overnor Si3X*eetst Sens A??*t lythe Richmond Cedar Works' CelBbrated MOTH-PROOf BED C?UAH CHEST. Aug oat TIMES LIBRARY COUPON. YMH-..J-. rsnU" Our price lo .aoder of ,,' on poa.,*? ca pta. No"_ ...... smRIIBOl AliA'llI'i.'Mi; 0lt.AWuUK(;FrHEll^ur..lirIa-44STSU aJoiial.l'i.M.-.-'.v: jjiastrate.!.- Bf USUhUOASXA* ?1 Tl,ivLOSSH.^..Al. Auaw.ork hy J. IL lUsaia. authorof 'Th. LIMIal "?4 THE BOOM Bf TH HKVF.N taftaUan, by N*iUA..iaLlI-wrs,,asa Ho.1 CRANFORD. Bl B a. OK OF OOLDEN DEW* By C M. .OK** si h. MiH.si'.s FIUiM AN OLD MANSE By KsTUSJ-tm, HaiilSIBnu*. No ii TH* ht ahlf.i i.kfi BK By BanuMaa Iswtamsam Noil FiWAYS OF EUA. BrCasnusitsnm No ll VICAB OF WA'aEHKLD (Ii!astrate. IlyOuvct* (Joi.ueuiTS. No 14 -"WI! I TOLD T.LKS. Ky Nathasiei Hawtbobmb. . street. ?_??.\[[...'.'.z'y...'.'.'i...... issui. ?ma. Sdtlresa TIMM HOOK DETABTMlUrE, Watch !be Hat carefully, as new booka are conatantly added.