yrririoN fuom tiik iocai
?f ihe improvements Hnggesled by
,?, !n.?rst..? I otupsnle. Wilie*-. Would
,.,?Pr the PaUSeUS Ksls.
' the ('ommlttee on Waicr
indi <
Mer a **o*titt*oo from
| . ? ? I aad other bull 1
\V. H. WbltS (chairman) nnd
aa aad hf*
: ? , ,,. t'i'ion. whS. li
d of
J '.'. , . I: < V. i ?
I If, waa -8
?npanKs have re
. but,
a... i ,..- inna ab 1 aim?
's ia, srlll ra?
te; among K,. BS ls rt
?\ . requires ?.
j | Im bea In
.' .' | v, . ?
UM ll V
,f this
nd the
ronni' att"H ls I
;. lution
will tend
? any
tiing on its
that, if
would be Increi
,! bydrunl
them ? ? ?'
st of putting in a meter for ?
ery mu
I without their Insui i i ?
lunts ami
' '
i In
to pul iii
I ai
? Works Bolling,
iga la
d show, d tha! 'I
meters in all eas a wha
pipes a wheo st
i to the granting or
a for l
i. h a
I I of
I I ' ur for fining
? '
ho knowlsugi fi
Mr. Mann the petltloi
? i i Bled and th, Buperlnl
In eu, h
. . ?. , | ineui
| ? : ? ,1'liro
t of tl If Al
; ct lld
I Una
? for pas! he
? ni"
- in each week wh tn
i ?
imp, with a view of **et
ii th i st, in.nu to is' i ur
i .,.' i nfniit i \ linn will *..?>it Bs Bsppj
si Oestta i len by the toA sen Barf,
' \\ ill assemble at
, wh '
I ?
I d In?
to i
ill, 00 ti'
Bl tl ? tiing
- I .-.^ lt
B filled with t.-nts in hui
fT the
;i lite, u Ul be -
nain thil ?
OtC will 1
things which vi.l
. tl al tb.- m.-n Will
K. Keep lonipanv Willi the Woman.
with a nu
taken om
I I; turn
enamel on thi m,
? of tbe
ar t
No anuna ? ?ii*-.!,-,*, m.
IS, Stolen 1
at tbs
' , 1"'
"f Hull Stied, will
. ?
it will be a battle ri
t- raise Patera!
rather s,e baan-hall
a I tn enveloped ta a :.
lb a J |] mil ?
i to-day ?
im. and from BOW until
lae win bandage up
* "?** glass arms and people with ?
OrerhT Better.
" ' '"I'n of FM v. ard Overby, th,
wis so severely hurl
wn from a train some day*.
Irnpro/ed yesterday
". who ls alt, liding him. stated
tt JwrwTT C_'"?,*1?"*- his chancee of
'atovery tolerably good.
rrnsnxai anti oeneral.
Informing L.t. About Itlehtnonil'i Cltl
?*> nu nmi otlirr M_tt. r_.
The condition of Mr. W. F. Harwood
is thuiisht to I** .lightly Improved.
Mr .Iamb Reinhardt's family returned
?Iny afternoon Creen Fluvanna
< minty.
.hi.lire Sam'iel P. Witt In mill confined
to hi* her. on account of a carbuncle on
hin n-. k.
Snit hag been instituted in the etty
''li, i:t ( .mri by J. S Moore against XV.
W. Abernethy f?.r BUM
I'r. 'harlen H. Chalkley Jeff for
th- OBOuntatae Saturday morning-, to be
' ti .til H..me time in < >. toh-r.
HU'.n of Mr. Alexander W.
Pi um* continues tn leaprove. it lethougat
th..t h.* will he alii- to have his. house
lu a fl
I" the chano-ry roiirt y-st-rdav Mrs.
R_*..', B. Clements qualified as admlnis
tratria "f ti,, estate of Robert p. Clem
ei *s. ?'.? . Bard.
Ats C i: Bradley and daughter, Miss
K'lnn Thomns Bradley, leava to-caorrow
m .rnin^ to apead th- aummer with her
-?? ' HU mu i*. Davie, of "Jtos
lyn," *er\r Patel
Mr. Ch.-irU. I>. Vo|)m-r. of .... went
Marshall Btreet, who |-ft Saturday for
._?. to trlatl th- World'a Pair, will
I in,in- Bundey, Auguat Uta
\ * WI alana "f ire nus turned In
morning ?t IB:17 o'clct k fr en
a vis the
' a chlcken-houae belonging to
Thomas Connon, 'iu-- damage "???*?
John B. Newton hn. heen pre
eented hy friends outside ol the Mona*
.1 ' burch mern, ershlp with a ticket
to it,,* World'. Fair, and members ? '
? ? , -? ranted him with a pu
id* expel w ?
Th- following ladles ami gentleman ot
Mt left for a trip to th- Whits
- and ih- Natural i i
morning Ifleeea B i Ila Baker,
Jeter, ivy Marable, and Mi
T. v. leter aad B. M. Marable, Jr.
'it,. Barton Heights Work'rs will run
a bb. si irakm down th- river to*
night on tha i' mtaa r-r th- I
of th- new Methodic! church.
I- special rnuel 'in Cunnii!
and oth-r., and .1 pleaaani time ia aa*
tlcipati 1
1 ||r Cocke, a popular .-ind eloquent
her of th- net Iplea hurd 1
ville, Md., loo! Il X-rry \- , hild
? liv Mr. Cocks tnenied -. daua
"f Hon. a. T. Mookler, "f Kine William
ty, a niece of Mr. Pox, our Bui
t* Ii').-tit of S-Im oin.
Th- John Miii-i". whoas 1 men*
1 in Th- T tn* ?., in
ni lion with th- 1 tea of Jooepti I
ter, uti" cut th- tht'..-it of his wife, .
1.. Mlnea who js > ? sta
eer bj th- ? Chesapeake an'l
< .hlo Railroad < 'orapa
? tbe head of C
i*. .1 iwded saab night by an Intert
audience, who heat a preacher ol won*
power Rev. Mr Bagbj. peetor ol
Baptlel church. "Thi ra ara
ry night. Rev, Mr. Bagby
win to-night preach on the thama "Ex*
1 am a."
Ilenricii t'ouniv Iniirt.
The caee of Andrea Booker, charged
with < reatlng a niel an ai
'i train 0B Hi" Ki lui"-'
I Potoma railroad several
1 p i,* f in 'Squire Tylei
morning. Aa xix of the men
sun al
Redaelag Expeaaea,
Union olBce In tins city
. late hy
and cutting
it is atated thai nave bei
due. d ii. I and thai ana clerk
? 1,ni.. 1... i, discontinued
In the leal fen daya.
< In t it. tnt Court.
pi u|-j 1 -,,'t: ? .- 'Ht
1 by John I
tu-.I I I .III.
Mm. Hnnl-i ll WU*.
The remalne ol Mrs. Harriet u
will .
... Tueada]
iiiii. bi . funeral a iii take
, St Jamea* church thia afternoon
.ii :..;. u.
Mi... WI ll known li. lids City,
for her pei rm of
'1...mi. 1. h'-r beauty nmi 1 ?
and sympathy. She wee a daugi
di,* late Richard 1 mi 11.>-1 Haxall, and
* Captain Phillip 11 ut ill, Mr.
m Haxall and Mn U< ?* mder Cam
Bbe merrit 1 la - irlj >outh '?<
\. Wise, Jr., Boa of Govi '? who
me during hin lift ?? a 11 li orated
* ih
,1 s. Hilliary h. i ame i" Rich?
mond un,1 became as latani rector to
the late Joehua Paterbin, at St, Jamea'
Mi. Wise thin Went t,.
ri,ii. ind it aral il be
; h sall ni WM, Being
..irs alarms to leave the
North, he nenin cai I mi nd, and
to Dr. Cl
Ulnnlgerode, nt
1 ,r \? ... airing two sons,
children having been ?
bis death. < me 1 f tba 1 -ni 11 Jen*
. h. 1 in i--. bruary, ISSI
mu eon Barton Haxall W
with his 1 ioth< 1 during her
entire long Bim
Mis. Wiee w*ts i? Richmond about two
thai time been
m both tha North and Bouth, seeking
health. lt was only a .hort
time eco thal abe paid a visit to Mount
. and returned to Atlanta ba*
I iii hi nit h.
? ? Meaan J. R. v,
Daniel, A. R. Tatum, ft H. Pulliam,
1 willie, H. BS. Beaker*
vim, James A Moncure, P. H. C. Cabell,
Th.,mas O. Btokea, ir, Oeorge Ben John
1 ?-. R H dalis i.Legh
ge, .ir., ead W Ulam Wiri Beary.
glBBlll lt. l??inn.
\ t, Isgram 1 I Richmond leal
eight announces th* .hath from con*
Bumptlon ol Bennetl lt. l"mn. a w.-ll
iti. tal, at Olen L) b
Mr. Dunn was born la Virginia, but
for t> twentj yean bad rt sided In
Wilmington, N. C. He waa the efl
? ? - Atlantic
1 en edlj * opaler arith
ail a Mm He leavee 1 a Ifs
beotdea a boat of
Rim North Carolina,
to mnirn th-it Deceau sd a is a
brother of Mr. W. w. B. Dunn, of Mi.i
u i\ Mills, wh. waa for >','iii BUpertn
1. n lent of the Cheeapeake aad ohm rall*
Mr*, t atti.rliie O Kxtirk. .
Mrs. ("..therine O'Uoulke ,11-.. nt the
residence if ber husband, BM north
tuguel Bth, at |:4B P. H.,
txty-four s
Her fun.-ral will take place from Bt
Peter's cathedral thia morning at iv
(Jeor-je I. Mi Iixii. lieut oij;.
Oeorce i. Bchelleaborg died Auguat mi.,
.o a m.. at the real dence of Ms
father, In Henrtco county, la the thirty
thlrd year of his aga,
Ills funeral aiill take place from Pt,
Marj I Catholic church this morning ut
ti o'clock.
C'harten lt. a?un?lem.
I'lii'lers died at the resl
Of his parents, Thomas M. and
Fannie M Bauadera, lilt Oreen aveoua,
Tueeday mot nins:, uited twenty-six years.
His funeral will take plaoa from the
renldei.ee of his parenta at 5:30 o'clock
this evening.
I nial Accident.
wi??_ one, of Bridge, Bfteea mile, frcm
Lotna, waa (.hot snd Hilled yesterday
m>'!mn* hy the accidental llrlng of a rfun
which hs bad set in his store for bur?
Interest in rhe Oabsmatorlsl Convention.
The Rials Alliance Assembles la Sixth
Annas) Session Next Tuesday.
The Democratic Convention to nomi?
nate and candidate for Governor of Vir?
ginia will meet in Shelbume's Warehouse,
In this city, om- week from to-day. Al?
though a very large percentage of the
delegates from the State at large have
been SlSrtSl. and tho probabilities of
the Convention seem to be taking almost
positive shape, the Interests In the re?
turns are unabated, and each selection of
county delegates ls looked for almost
as anxiously as th'-y were st the begin?
ning of the campaign.
The committee of ar angemenfs for the
f'onventlon are getting the d -taiTs well
In band, and Chairman PattSOOn ls
dent that Bhcfburne*s Brnrsbousecnn
be converted Into a convention hall
worthy of the occasion.
In order td relieve any f"ar of heat
la rhe convention, It ls i I tO PUl
Bp an ample number of electric fans to
keep the ei.'it'- floor space at a erector*
tabb, temper al ore,
The Republican State committee will
hold a marting f"uturday night at the
mel il eura of Oeneral Winiam Mahons,
State chairman, in Petersburg. It ls
said that Mnhone has Called entirely ti
make any conditions with the Peopts'a
party, but will attempt to kci, -t.
organization In hand to wait foi
Opportunity that may turn up to work a
BOOM Bf the members of the committee
here will not go to the meeting bl
it win be held at t;,-n.'iai Itabone'a
and they would f..-I andee i
it under the corcumstsncsu
Qsnerul .lames h. Weaver, the i
li' fol Pl i i'n'ia 1 h
last yeer, win visit . \ il oeral
JUBBBB O. Ki.ld, his son,nd OB thal ti'-kot,
al tbe hatters home la Albeassrh county
bbs! a ? eb.
QeneruJ Wen var win accompany his
bom on a apesblng tour through the
?i's r,f Madison, Orangs aud Cul*
(?ir. tm September Ith (Albermnrie
county court any)the Populist candidates
on the Presidential ticket are asp, I
to address the people at Chariottesrille,
These ap sec bee. it la claimed, are no! to
be mada under any apodal arrangement
with the Popullet Btate executive com?
mittee. Th.- committee, it is auld
begin aa active r-ampalgn until
Speaker of the United States Ho
Bepreeentatlvee appoints th,- comn
of that body and Borne preliminary bc
ti'.n is takf-n indi tating tlie poid v of
th" Democratic party on the financial
? ion.
Iii" Virginia Farmers' Alliance Coi
tlon will saaemble in sixth annual
ventlon at noon Tueadny in the hall of
th,- House of Delegatea The numb
will, lt la thought, b" small
ni comparison with the meetings for th"
past two y. ar | In this | ity.
Som.' of ti,,. Alliance leadera who are
in ay mouthy with the People's porty
hope that the convention will a,I rpi I
lutlona in line with the policy of tbe
mal organization. It ls BOi Imp, B*
il,1-- that BOme de, haran ni will bf BOUgbl
to bc evobod en fee coinage and other
issu.-s declared for bc th.- Lynchburg
ration. Cupfuls BJdmond TL Cooke,
the Bomlnee of that convention for Dov*
ernor, who is now the chairman of t! ?
Alliance State executive committee, win
tender his resignation at this session "f
th" convention. His terra ??>? chalrn
that i ommlttee does not expir,- t
year or more.
The I .-in,on. Kiigll.lt Mullion Reaches
NKW TdRK. August O.-After
a pleasant and Quiet voyage,
marred only by several days of fag
''.shift MSSSacbUSettS, of the Atlan
tic *I*rsaspoii Uno, snived yssterdsy at
her wliarf, at th" foot of west Tv.
tb stn ?. North River. A quio!
looking gentleman waa on hand t-, mee!
her, ami when it became known that he
was Mr. w. on. McDonough, who
$150,000 for ormond.', h.- wa- |
w:ih simon! ns much curious in
u ii,,- great italllon when in
down tin- gangway aid hrs! touched the
ab uo.
The voyage was smooth nnd un
fui. t urmonde occupied a big 11
entre of (ba main 4
th,- .lourney like the old tiav.br he ls
IfcDonougb anya be has thriven won
:liy sln<_ his return to England from
South Amerton, and as h.- aralbed ae
?, ashore yeaterday he was a msg*
nt lypa of the hlgbSSt (liss thor
oughbred. a rich, solid bay, orer six
t.-n and a forth hands high, showing
ho white BXOSpl a tOUCb OB the off hind
?. I ? d plnya a "moulder, arm and
,- that BIS "f the grund st pr ipor*
A plain, sensible bead, short back.
powerful mines and grund legs
distinguish this horse, p.-ih-ips th.- gresl
ill around tint th.- ****-.gMah bri
... 1
Ormonde is ten penn old. He waa
bred by the multi-millionaire Luke of
Westminster, nt Baton Hail. Chestei
ind. His turf career in England
ama ons of unbroken rictory. As a fw,,
throe and four-year-old he started in
? n races nnd was first at the finish
'i tim.', with Kris-land's bert behind
him. He ls one of the few horses that
hive won the Herby, the St. K>'g,-r and
th,- Two Thous,Hid .'ulnces, nnd If ?
to be the only horse that ever won the
Iwlcbe stakes twice. He boat
i aa Mintin, Bendigo, Tbe Hard.
Melton with case, and when four
yean "ld and a confirmed roarer gave
.t and a beating to the great Mint*
Ile was shipped direct bv boat to Kllza
bethport, N'. ,K, where he will remain
to recruit after his voyage. Then he trill
i;o to his OU net's ranch, at Menlo Kark.
fal. Mr. McDonOUgh says that he has
had many offers of MAM tor his stud
Berrico, but that he has refused th'-nt
With Ormonde came nine thorough
bred mares, five of them with foals af
their sides, and ali In foal to Ormonde.
The lot were insured for pti.OOO.
At M,Hint,Milli Turk.
MONMOUTH PARK, M. J., Anaret '?>
First race, five furlongs Correction Brat,
Viem se, .md Tims, ? l-J
OSM mlle?.Killen first. Pick
nicker secc-ad, The Ironmaster third
Time, I'ttl-u.
Third race, five furlongs-Lucky Dog
first. Harrington second, Factotum third.
Tim-, IM.
ITtb race, seven furlongs? Wormser
first, Young Arion second, Midnight third.
Tune. K'S 1-2.
Fifth rncf. flv* furlongs?Armitage first,
Half Mlle second, Nahama third. Time,
i-tn ki.
Sixth race, mlle and one-sixteenth?
Bent Hrand first, Key West second, Lady
Puletfer third. Time, I tnt
Result* of the Karri at Saratoga.
SARATOGA, August 9,-Flrst race, six
furl onus?Tigress first, T'-ano second, Kel
Demonic- third. Time, 1:17 1-2.
?nd race, mile arid <ne-slxteenfri
i a fit st. Bpksston second, tnnasa
third. Time. 1:48.
Thin! race, five furlongs?Appomattox
Brat, William T. second. St, Maxim third.
Time, 1:01 l-l.
Fourth nu.*e, American Hotel stakes,
for three-year-olds, one mile?Martyrdom
first, 1'rlnce George second, Marshall
third. Time. 1 :S? l-l.
Fifth race, seven furlongs?Hannigan
tn .t, Void second, Woodcraft third. Time.
1:33 1-4.
Sixth race, seven furlongs-Jurgutha
first, Harry Alonso aecond. Faa Uli.n
third. Time, l**tt 1-t
J. I.. Johnson Wini th* tit. Mila National
t Immp-'-niMp Rac*.
CHICAGO, ILL., August 9.-The
aeventh event-the five-mile national
championship?was the race of the day
and of tha tournament. Buch talent as
Zimmerman. J. S. Johnson. T. H. Tuttle.
Lt Pt, Munger, C. T. Kinsley, h. L. Glth
ings and G. D. Gary appeared on the
track. At the shot Munger took the
lead and set the pace for a lap, wh-n
Klnsley took his place. They varied with
Tuttle and Gtthlngs. and as the mlies
piled up lt was seen that a wonderfully
fast race was being ridden. Faster an 1
faster spun the -wheels. KlnM**y shot
Into the lead. As the riders flashed
a- ross the line, W. H- ^'an Tick leaned
forward and announced that th- world's
r-c,rd for four miles In competition had
been broken. The time for the four
mil-s was lo.12 l-">. which gives Kinsley
the championship record hy one second.
Bul th- race was getting still more earn?
est. Johnson and Zimmerman took the
lead. As the rid' rs whirled around the
n< rth turn In the finish lap, Zimmerman
1" nt to his wrk. with Otthbtga leefl than
B l-tt'th l,. hind. (BOOWed closely hy
Johnaon. Zimmerman shot Into the
? h with a Blight Increaae in his lead,
many a**re BhouHng his name as a
winner. Johnson, however, had baan
riding np Into a phenomenal apart, and
aa the last two hundred yards wara I?"
: npoa, he I aught Zimmerman and
.nabed arroee the tine a winner by five
feel There waa s <-iaim made hy Baa*
? minn's treloar that his wheel had ri
soft tir.-, bat it -aaa generally conceded
thnt the Mlnne.-p.'lls BMUI had fairly won
th- gi eal race upon his own m-rlts. and
or luck. Johnson's
dael the worlds tv
cord ol lt
Tbe mon lng pr-.ramm*** of the I, A
w. tournament brou.ht .ut a small an*
Th- first race was the trial one mile
handicap in sir beeta Tuttle aroa th
first heat, time, IMtA; Jehu l_ Johnaon,
I . || , : " ' I; A. T. Cook, third
h at. In 2:1.; Hos;|-iiid, fourth .eat. In
'.; A. I_. li.ik ?-. fifth hey, time
wai a ia >>y P. H Bet
In _ i' '
The llrst heat of the quarter mlle na?
tional .hamploAehip ama iroa by Zim?
merman in wonderfnl form He shot
ahead al the start anl icopl his jn-e.it
pees In front, although Tuttle poohed
bia bard, finishing -mly fifteen fa I
i _? Johnson, ta the ea I
lad I heal with H. c.
IM- r In .".
In th ? drat heat of th*-* two mlle handl
ap Mel nts won hy f ? >r t \ feet, in 4M,
1 of .1. BItss. I.'.msd-n won s>
h-at. Time, 4 _-'. J. J. Brandenburg won
t'lii 'i bi et Tim -. t 17. The fourth
a? ti' io a. D, Kenn dy la lal i-.r>.
Zimmerman was invincible in the gae*
thlrd mlle md won his he-u in
ll ' Bg won by H.
ler In 42.
The Convention Will ll ave to P?y Atten?
tion la Biala Anr.,ir?.
CINCINNATI, 0., Augite. ... Tbe knock?
down and drag-out t talon of th" arg-a
m-iit to decide who shan lead the Ohio
Democracy this fall is fairly aa to*daj
Monday and yt sterday thi
merely arriving and standing around ?
lng, but to-day the) are reaching for
..th. r's triad, faking ambitious
,, ? Minis
of th* ir own and ol the other fell
to the brood, bright ii^ht of dav
shouting ovi r the compai, f parl
The fight is one ol Keel ag
field, with odds about evett Neal, as an
md out free sllvi r man ai
time an adv,,'.-ile ot ._ tnrlfT for
' i- ot i*., bas unqut Btlonably leal
ground by the !'?? lent's meaaage.
The majority of the I mio 11. mocracy is in
favor "f upholding the hands ol I
eminent, and as tha President aaa op
declared for tba repeal of tba purchi
of the Bhermaa law, and _
1 "1.. I the taiiff wait a While,"
aome mea who wara for Lawrence T
beginning tc think a few
though ta.
When the I'r. sid. nfs mc?sa"_ ? waa
put-iiehed it waa hotly denounced by
many who later had nothing to ij aavi
ipproval. it waa fur fr na ->uit
inn the -"?? ii faction aa a athole,
their opponents hav- aol been Blow to
a aa tx Ing oppoat d t" the arl
of tbe administration. Al the aams time
Seal'B pe monal following is rerj Btrong
Indeed, nnd n aili ge far toward lift ins.
him in, no matter what bia attitud.
ward the Governmenl or that ol the
? ment I mard him.
C D. Critee, chairman of th- Btate
? ii committee, who was a stroan
Richie maa i il of
can ll late, i dd thia mon li g: "U -
? a strong fight <>n tba I
tion ibis time. Tba natl n ;
i-i all well enough, bul there ara other
thlnga as weil. People of Ohio must pay
Hon to the aifalra of Ohio, and we
believe thal they caa be better admlale
I than they have been by Ooveraor
McKinley, stat- mattera should be made
,'itl consideration arith those of th
nation at large thia year.''
\\ B Richie, Whom many declared
.lid i.av- boen aomlnated en the Brat
ballot, had be been nilling to rah, i
t . town last ni .ht. He carries a very
Uurge portion of the north, tatt ru part of
the Stat- with him, and he la out for
N-.ii. Th.. Campbell foreea are aim m
for any man but Heal, and they m
making a d-sp-rafe fight against him.
it ih really aa much 6f a fight between
Campbell and antH'ampb-11 eb-n-tits
an ni bject Of State or national
import. Th- mala difficulty -rtth the
Campbell men is that they hav- not pick
ad up any one man as the opponent of
Neal. Aft-r the adjournmenl of the dh>
trid eonveatlona this evening tha main
body of delegates, who are aol retaatated
In the committee rooina, win repair te a
hail, arbon mik lora feeat
trill be prepared. There will he moak la
lance and profuse displays af flrc
T morrow morning the convention will
l?d te order by Chairman <'rit-s at
ock. The chairman will maka a
brb-f add- I tO-day that h
abould do little more thea to inform the
delegates what they are h-re for, and ad
vis., th. ra to go ahead and do it.
dilbert M. Balgar, at Cotuaaban, tem
11* chairman, will mak- a short ad?
di* tea and then, aft-r the reports of sun
arv coaunltteee and the reading ol the
platform, the convention aili proceed to
the nomination of officers.
Ther- ara BB 1* BS than nfae candldat-s
f,.r th- Ji-ut. ti.itit-govci-nort.hlp, Of Whom
- Lb said to have the
i Strength,
N .Monal l-raguo <-._ri...
At Ilaltlmore R. H. E.
BaUlaaorea .o 11 o n l o o 0-3 U I
Pblladeiphias ....l o o o o 3 2 ox-6 ?
Battariea: Mullens. Hawke and Robin?
son; Weyhlng and Cross.
At Braaklyn: R. h. e.
.New Yorks.4 Ol 0 0 0 0 2 0-T ID 1
Brooklyne .1 " 0 n 3 2 I 1 1 - I 11 4
Batteriee' Baldwin and Kelly; St-ln and
At Washington: R. H. E.
Weablngtoaa .000020000-2 I 3
ris .3 3 1 0 0 0 2 Ox? 9 9 1
Batteriee: Htlcksdale and McGuire;
Nichols and Hiun-tt.
At Pittsburg (ten lnnlngsi: R. H. E
PittBburgB .ISSlttlMWI vi I
Chlcagoa .201301300 1?11 12 3
Battariea: Terry, Hugden and Stcnz!,
:n_ion and Bc-irtver.
At Cleveland: R. H. E.
Clevelands .30001000a? 4 9 0
Louisville*. .0 10000000?1 12 0
Battariea: Cuppy and Gunson; Rhodes
ai d Weaver.
(Becond game): R. H. E.
Clcvelaad .0 0 0 1 0 5 0 3 x-9 12 2
Louisville .0 10000000-1 4 2
l.atterlee: Young and Gunson; Menefee
and Grim.
Impaired digestion cured by B techs m's
m? ekpeai. or the pvrchasino
Tree Coinage ef ailver Agreed Cpo* With
Full Legal Tender (Juallty to Maintain
the Parity ef (.obi and SIlTer.
WASHINOTO.V, D. C., A-if-nat J.-The
caucus of members of the House of Rep?
resentatives \ ho favor thc free col.iage
of silver, which was called yetUerd-y by
Mr. Hland. was held to-day In the hall of
the House if Representatives, lastirg
from K. noon until I'R K. M. At thc close
lt ta as officially announced that the fol?
lowing resolution, of*>re*. by Mr. Roamer
(tm.**, had been jjopted by a unanimous
"IKiolved, That we will support a bill
repealing the purchasing duane of the
Sherman act and oinurr-ntiy providing
for the fr*e snd untrammelled coir, ige of
atlver v.ith fun : ,i t i.r quality, at
sm h a ratio as wUI provide and maintain
the [,,r:ty bCtWOCB K"ld BBd sliver.
"He lt further r, - mmlt
tee of seven be appointed t,.. :-,.. chair?
man of this eonferei ce to drar> and iutro
ducc such a hui and tabs proper steps to
mc UTI th., fr-.- .ml full discussion and
consideration there, f and a rota "f the
Houea rg mi rh. bin and ail proper a aland
Th- committee provided for in the fore
Mesara. Uland. BiMey, Boatner, Kane,
Banbhead, Bryan and Kailey.
Hy the vote ,,f 'he caucus .ludg-> Culh, r
S"tt was added to the comrti!
Wh<n the caucue met it was intlnmted
that there arura about forty members "f
the House in th" hail, but d'.ring the
two and three-quarter hours the caucue
was In session al on, ,,??.? hundred tii'ni
bere wera admitted r
number in attendance ranged from sixty
to on.- hundred and twentj ti-." the elerb
of the caucus fixing the number at ninety
throe and Klan,I BUytag he count",I OVBT
on>. hundred.
Mr. I'ulh.'ison (Tex.) wns eh-ctei chair?
man of the rain-'i', and Mr Sibby il'.i |,
th-only Denaocru! present from the Bas!
,-rn States, aecretary. The only Republl
, an present wa. Rowen (CaL). Th" P
ultsts were Kpreaeuted by Jerry Btmpa ???
and Kern (Ni b i. 'Ki" atti -dance
the caucus can hardly be rCgUTded
t, st of the strength of ttie silver force-.
In the House, for the reason given by
Knioe (Tenn.).
That reason was that the Democratic
party was charged by the people with the
duty of legislstlng so as t.> remedy the
lon In all tuan, hes of
business A Demo ratlc caucue and
a mixed conference ahould have
1 to talk over the situation and lo
formulate a pi,in of i
' <f th,- ? Bl i ? 'I'- ? delegation
miny of whun ar.- in favor of frc- coln
age but one (,',,x? wis i al th"
This .ililli' thing was true .,(
a numb, r of free silv.-r ' ' -ah"!'
States, win. did t ??? ?!? re to rn "in t,,
aeparate themeelvi ; from th-ir respective
B "ii l his qui sth.n.
Ri ports frmn memben, after the caucus
I thal ti" dirt', nm-, s of
opinion were discus ? i i the i i
?,f ih- di., neelon. The q ??? wtloti bf
rall,, for tho coinage of ?-i 1 v. ,- w.o ii.i
dlscti i pt li i ad. ss Trill
BS noll,-id ?
th?- resolution.
Speeches sere mal I " rs. C
Bl md. Hal' h and li ird IMO.) I 'rain
and Bailey (Tea >, Simpson (Kai >. Octet
and Banhbi 1 i \i, ? i ? ?
bot and Blanchard (La i and others, ail
In support ,,f the obi.-, t f"r which the
is had h '.-ti cali !
Bcetdea th.- action reported a motlt i
Mr. Bland was adopt, d a ith, risli
.ii I",',, iment of a commit!
?lom each state, whose duty ir shall
member'a atanding upon the propose i tin.
ry friend "' thi
ls in his ? ? , th,
Min" eomea This committee bas a I
been n un- l.
Mr. Kiar.,] BtUtl I after the caucus that
lr had I .-.ri In sven i
to th. friend "f free ailver coinage Th,
"Ste, ring , ommlttee," rn bli h
I I ?- said, would probably meet the
? ?? ? ,?? at! liver men I
and ? onfer un th" detalle of th,
to be had on th.- bili outlined In ti..
: rr-,). "Wa trill
ample tinta," renmrkod Mr. Bland, "to
carry oul th.- t> rms of the r lutlon,
ir tt urlll be ]
? in., to a \,,'.- under a month, or pi a
bailly ala weeba I cunno! tell when tin
con mitt".. -,',1,1 i'o
-". The qui BtlOO Of
1 In tin- bin wss
not d bul it i-i app if nt thal
soni>- of the K
t'',-d that th" ) '? -? :?' r '-I ' Of I'', I-. 1 should
be ' hu..' ?!. Wt al i probably rote
th" preSBUl r,t:i-> ot ll t" 1. and If that 1.
'.- 1. lh"ti 17 to 1 and so on up '
to l if ie ceseary."
Denaseraite S easts te in Dene oe
Ain-., .-t every Demi retie Benat-r w.-.s
presenl at ti., held this
ni-,rniiir. 'l'h" ii etli | a - - i
ia i'.'i o,-i , k, and sh, the I iur of noon
arru. I nothing del i nc*
COmpllSht d. and Bl
tubes until immedl ? Ibo s i
journm. nt of the B
This af tern. On the - almost
as Unproductive Of rei lita ns th<- morn?
ing meston. M
sumed in th.- expression of Individual
-,i ws a bleh sri re -
sn each sida. Tl then adjourned.
iinnu dla;, iv after the adjournment of
tbe enncua Mr. Qorman repaired te the
room of the I lona lt! re on Apprt
I called lt tO -i consultation.
Meetus. Kia: ki, un, i limy, Ban en and
Voorheee were present. Mr Cochrell ama
li:'. Ited tO It main In the n
aii of these senators, nith the c^
tlon of Mr. Orup, wow members el the
I ?< mo,-ran i ?'ommli I.f the
lent aeei lon, aad, altb mata Mr. Oonnnn
h..d not mad.- his appotntmeats at thc
time of th.' com
gave color to the espi ctetlon tl I
rrould be named as membera of the
cub committee. At tl ? w of 'hu
informal caucus, at J, is P. M., Senator
? ?orman said li- WOUld BOl a;,point th"
committee authorized by the i aucua until
The "( onstllulloit" "n the Mum*..
ATLANTA. QA., August b?Thc COO
stituti m win any to-nMirrou editorially
of th" Kr, si lent's BM
??wini.- both pertlee are aur-nestly urg?
ing th.- t-p.'.il "f tli.- Sh-rniaii law. th.ir
,. laona ar.- as opposite as the i
The RepubUcune would r.-p'-t! ll ba
*+_ repeal, mlees followed by the condi?
tions of the iiomocr.iiic platform, would
mtry to gold motion.
limn, a Bjrr-ten* which would Increase the
, ,1,,'.. of n ?' inoii-'V-i-ii'i'-rs and
Mid ahnrha of the I hi store.
and enable tbe i attona! banking syn?
dicate IO perpetuate ifs.If by the , --
is.su- of bonds <?) Beear* a sd. The Dmno*
. on th- oth-1 bund, would repeal
lt as a cowardly makeshift, because lt
siands in the wav Of th- - n "'
silver to our currency as a monetary
: ird.
? Mr. tVveland's message favors and
Indorses the Republican policy of rapsul,
and ent!i.*ly Ignores the Democratic P I
ley. if he ls right, the Democratic party
ls wrong, and has been wrong for twentv
years if hs la tlnht, John Sherman and
his Republican colleagues ar.- right, and
lt ls eminently fitting that that rampant
Force Hill champion and gold monomeial
Hst Henry Coho* t-odgs, should, as he
did sssume charge of the BMBBBgS In th
Penate, and move Hs reference to a com?
mittee with instructions. The duty Bf
the Democrats in Congress ls plain and
easy They are In a position to Ignore
the Democrat!-* pnllcy put forth in the
Democratic platform.
"Speaker Crisp, in his speech to the
nominating caucus, outlined the Demo?
cratic duty In one blunt, sharp sentence:
?We murt redeem our pledges' Mr.
Cleveland heads bia views above the
party. Hs may be. as his Intimates have
claimed, 'a nleAforia unto blmsilf,' but
Democratic congreasmen cannot hold
themselves above their party. The party
in the South must be held together. It
BB*it continue to present a united front,
but lt cannot be held toarether If th.
People become convinced that the finan?
cial policy of the Democrats ls Identical
with that of John Sherman and the
Republican party."
I nsM.li I'ap* ra < onim?iul II.
LONDON', August 9.?Commenting this
afternoon on the message of President
Cleveland, presented yesterday to the
American Congress, urging that body to
r-peal the silver purchase provisions of
the Sherman act. the Tall Mall Halette
savs Treatdeat Heveland'a trenchant
documen* shows eery clearly the evil ef?
fects of the mad legislation of EM espe?
cially as there were no Internal or natural
economic causes operating toward the
creation of the financial depression lately
Th- Westminster Gazette says: "The
mensa ire ls more r,*m_rkable for what lt
omits than for what lt contains. Al?
though Prootdeat '"l-veland ls on safe
ground In recommending the repeal of the
Sherman a.*. it ia doubtful if tbellaaactal
or the como mot, will hf mate?
rially Improved unless prompt action ls
taken to reader th- currency mobile. The
message ls dlaappolnttng as failing to
Bogged V BM di-.tin.-t and matured plan
or relief."
The Oiobe editorially says that Prest
d-nt <'lev-land ? mess Iga !?- a .lear state
ment. providing th- world at a slnjrle
view- with the , Bperlence ol the
Cnlle.l States. It is an Am-r|.-,.n Objed
lanena having immediate -Eaagtleh beeaa
SntMled tilth the|)emnerntle Rnard.
HAMPTON, VA . Auguet 9 H
An ex-rnlon Boldler, now ? realdent of
this ounty. abo during the war was
a member of the Old Quarda af _H_rt ea.
Twenty-fourth Maaaachuaetta regiment,
who re.-eives a penetoB "f j_? per month,
and waa foe seven or t ra un
lum it- of the So] l . ii m,. here.
Called "ii your .,., i
aft.-r statin* thal I ? i I the Inter?
view Mth Qovi ?
to th- aew m-ii .ii aiamlnlng board ap*
polatad by th- i * ... ? ,-i, adtnlnl
non. which appeal m The
Tlmee, .ail thal In ,:i parties
he would Ilk- to h.i\e th- following Bl
ment published:
"He bad goos through ths li-me and
talked erith a Bomber of the inmates,
and had found no excitement iii referen a
te Ihe appointment of the a rw hoard,
and with a very few exceptions the pea*
sera generally with whom be talked
said the at -v boar la iv mtlv
? ?ry to them, ead they ha i no feeling
whatever in the awrier r ike
m-n arith whom ba talk . , .
amlned f"i- peneiona by ii impi -n doc
tore, .ind had entire confldenca la their
honeety, akill and fra adorn fi
dice. In his opinion the present hird
area rt iponatbla for any tr iubls among
th" m. ti, .-md thev w t ? i luated i
by a d.-lr- to retain their j. ..jr ions.
The State (lieckni.ti-il.
OREEN. [LLB, i. C., Auguat I T
was ?! double tn lated turn la ii dtepea*
* nv ca ? le iii* Iii!-, d St it. ?- . ,-irt ,o
daj In tba Blatter , f babrea corpua of
.1 9 Y I. i _? nt for tba
Bicbmond and Danville railway, who
Iving and dellr i
whisky in violatlea ..f th- diepeaaary
Bl '
To lay 1 I te ev ida bi
lag the in itter Into tht Unit id B
court, b. hat Ing Itu I ll
il tO hunt: in . '-ill Ol indi' lim nt
I '.?, .;,| The Ki' hmond and Dan*
\ ma pi ; ', _ ? re, hon ? ? - pn pan I foi
tins move, and completely checkmated
the Btate. Langi ' af tba
? I* r bond
i ,r api ? trance |m f ?'?? tba i
. us hand
tn the ' !
from , nato ly the railway i
direct' l Lei ford to n lt aaa hla bondi
and ii- .urrendert d bimi i 'f to tha
sh. Mfr of Newberry county. The attar*
nov* tor I i writ of
? pUB I" dav In th.?'- "f
?ord, and be will I- I
to-morrow under ths writ and the case
win be ii* nd by Ju de"* Btmontoa.
Killel b] au Ueetrifl Shuck.
MOBILE, ALA . Ai ? al I Lui len a.
ii |, ,:, for Ihe r* n T< lephone
Corni ' i ! ? '?''"'?' ?-?""'?*?
this Of M.
Mlchai i and L te. H< wee
climbing a pole, wh<
wira faaten i to tbs I
tt i-ify, and Holmi ?? iras la
atani f Bi ii f' ii to the
I ' td
Investigation si I t ths guy *?' Ira
I the 1
of tl ?
? rm v. Ire e hit h
proximity te th It le nol
? ', who tied tba wit
is the a ond llnemi
life ' ..lihin the pas! twi
Maenaatag Ina flnnnelal ym-stion.
, . 'Il hu*-: BUpCI ll Bli
otb* t -? on ..ur third
man ) OU rn--' ha- a i* m-ly lor tl
llnancl il :
? t.sld
"? dls-nssloii. and BO hav- Ih- VtSWB
of President Cleveland The prevailing
ts here is In favor of a I
' ll .vv
te attain unto this -l.*,lum of
in linan.- is tn- difficult problem thal
ls to b? solved
ll*inicer*." Convenilon Postponed.
MEW T01UC Auguel I An ofbciel an*
sn io the pubii,' to day
that tba council "f tbe kaw 11
caa Baakerflr A sociatl *. bars decided to
iix?i. th- eonventl ba bald
at I'lii ? i "th. pres*
imo. This action is ewing ti
crlsle and tlM ' Lank off
. t oitrt-lloiiM- In Iskra,
savannah, ga, Augaal B tl
U'.irth counts COUII I
bumed Hil* nt' rnniK al I o'clo" k. A
county record tan dru d
in two hooks, were i Inccnd iricm
? the
.|o..r of a faction which otinty
otbera think
a ti .?? h wu- tntsreeted
la having th- r.
O't. ?.rr_ll, lt. TyVr, I.
' ?
, onventlon at i
aad el-,-t.-d twelve O'Ferrall and ana
Tyler delegate. There were no Instruc?
No Antl-Pyrlne In Bron..-.-Miser.
Curfs all bea laches trial bottle l" cts.
Krll P?Bnl SwoSag H*>*rl?1.
Sunday, AMgttU 13th. the Richmond and
Danville railroad will run a special
train to .Vest I'oint Train will leave
Richmond and Danville depot at ?:30
A M . returning, leave West Petal at
. P. M. Train will stop at all stations.
Fare for round trip, 75 cents.
UAEWU or TlltU MOM KT tn.
Range of thermometer at The Tlmea
ofl.ee yesterday, August S-h:
9 A. M.. M; 12 M.. .4; . I'. M.. 90, ? P.
M.. 87; 9 P. M., IO; midnight. H Aver?
age, 84 5-1
WASHINGTON. D. C., Auguat l.-For
Virginia: Southerly winda; warmer; fair.
For North Carolina: Southeasterly
winds; rain on the coast, followed by
thunder storms Thursday night.
Snmdny, An gwea ISth,
Is the date Axed for tbe next Chesapeabs
and Ohio's Old Point dollar excursion.
Fast train lesves Richmond I A. li.
Leaves Old Point 7 P. M. Two hours run
without stop; giving nine hours at old
I'olnt. RsSBSSSbSf the date. Bunday,
August 13th, snd that BM rate ts only
ll round t*lp._
Ke*p ths Liver
Active snd heslthy by using Dr. David's
Liver Filia. They are mild, barmlesa
snd very effective. 25 cents a box, ed
ZS pills Five boxes for fl.
Richmond, Va.
Rummer W- illness, that tired fasllng,
loss of appetite and n*?rv .us or">str..tloa
are driven away by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
like mist before the morning sun. TO
realize the benefit of this great medicine^
give lt a trial.
Sure, efficient, essy?Hood's Pills.
One of the finest.
A large group of the Richmond Light
Infantry Hines has been finished by Fos?
ter, the photographer, and ls now on ex?
hibition lu his window. It ls the largest
and handsomest work of Its kind ever
executed In this city.
O'ROT'RKK.-Dled. at the residence of
her husband, 41.1 north Seventh street,
Bl rn:, P, M., August *?th, CATIIKHINK,
beloved -,-ife- of Jeremiah o'Rourke. la
the sixty-fourth year of her age.
Puaerul from st. ivter's cathedral ?B_
DAT at M A. M., with Requiem Mass.
Friends and acquaintances Invited to at?
WISC Died. Tuesday evening. Sth lp.
tint, t, ut Al ? Oe,, Mrs. HA URI KT
HAXALL R IBB wi I. rn of the ute
Rev. Henry A. Wise and davi-htet of
the Ute Bleb ird Harton Hm til.
Buneru! services at st. james' church
THIS iThursdav) A1"TBUNOON tt AM
o'clock. ?
BAUNDRRB DM, suddenly. August 9,
:,t the residence of his parents,
CHARLES B. BAUNDRRB, only son of
Thom is M and Kinnie M S.i-ind'-rs.
Asb'ep Itt Jesus.
Funerat from thc residence, 1110 (.rove
avenue, THIS AFTERNOON st 6.30
"'-.'?lock, August io. USB
Lewis Aft bel Cardo to
Died at tbs residence of his mother,
Mrs. K. J. ?*.u-.|.,/.,,. In the city of Rich?
mond, BB tba t'.th day of August, Just BS)*
fore the dawn of a peaceful Sabbath day.
The name and ?' ll ICtBT "f 'hts young
gentleman are entitled to something more
than a mer.- obituary notice.
Ma died lo bis eighteenth pour, but he
1- ld lived long enough lo Impress his
talents and hie character upon all peo*
pl.- oh| and young with whom he had
icQunlntnnee. He was absolutely
Ree ftoiii the Vices which heset and drug
down so many sf 'h.* m.nth of our land.
Bot several rears before bis death he
Brae , Consistent, earnest nnd devoted
member of St Puol'a Bplneopnl church,
In this city. Kn dowd with a fine Intel.
I i. he Cultivated lr assiduously frora
the time his school nf.* basan. At ths
end "f a tWO ?.?ats' course In tht? Rich-,
mond College, he [OCOtved from that nohle
Institution "f leeming every honor f?r
which h'- cont, nded, and delivered hie
diplomas IntO the hands of his loving
mother, only to retire lo tho bed from
whi. ii be ??*? i- Bevel to arts.
Ills Hf.* was an example of pure and
loftv .nhn i and purpose, which will
membered for good by all who knew
him Ills d-nrh was ti. loss to him.
To his mother, with whom he lived In
and conti, |. -ntl, tl companionship,
his little brother and his Intimate asso
lt |g n it to be estlmnt.-d. Hw
had remarkablv cb-ar moral perceptions
uni a apleti lld moral courage, which
gul led him (ti the straight and narrow
path "f duty without fear and without
reproach. Theos who sorrow over his
i|, ,'h will suffer onlv the remembrance
of "cir loss, not his They may well
?, the tender and beautiful lines of
Weep not for those whom the veli of
the tomb
In life's happy morning has hld from our
SJ ?"*,
Kre sin threw blight o'er the spirit's
young bi
or earth bad profaned what wns born
for the ski.-, H. W. F.
Price & Co.
Only a FEW DAYS MORE to buy
DRY l'<?OI?S at so low prices. Tho
H.-a. ni i-i saarlsg ita end and the fsl.
will ti i | I ? re wilh its array of new
Kit.nc Helter improve the opportu?
ne-, while il lasts.
A few choice values in
l''_in Bassit French Nanete, regular
price ia sud fte. per ynr?l.
Kine quality solid Illaok embroidered
Muilm. regfllsr pries One. per yard.
Dotted White Smsa llmlin. regular
price-' c. P'S Cl NIS.
Fine Dotted Swiss Mua'.in, regular
prue Ute. per yard. 25 CENTS.
Sb rt lftigtba of Fine Wash Fabrics,
I tn 12 yards eeoh, regular prise sn, io,
H and 6fie p'.r >_rd.
CLoicafor 19 CENTS.
i >,;'.y a f>-w lefl, I'ercale, Satteen end
Batiste v. Mt.- and co orsd ground, with
?tripes snd figures, regul tr price Sl.M,
fl.-.5 sud tl.lr).
Choice f,,r 78 CENTS,
We lisvs put ttgetherall nor Men's
Fine Negligee Shirta that sold st ti.30,
ti.00 sud tl. Vi and offer tu
Choice for tl.ul
Many choice values are being offered
thia week in our l.iusu Hepartmeut.
(ist the low-jet pnese everywhere, I
come and ace ours.
Csrpet purchasers are cordially ia.
vited to msnect our new atock of Car.
peU. The highest quality goods al
prices aa low as t-e lowest
Fourqurean, Price ?& Go..