Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 7---M \\ SKKJK8 ISO 164. RICHMOND. VA.. FRltfAY, AUGUST ll, 18.*:*. PRICE TWO CENTO 1? T, M.A I, NOMINATED jstu ri BS * TOWt *i t t s iu uti i iu jiu o' *tot i; tis <>r nu m. Colon*-' IV A 1n.-ti.t- the < I...I, r f,,r | |.?. lesesS i""'""" * ? lulu "a tn,, sii tfi Qeeetloa Avoided. the l i t.f . thia il arss in , the *> ,,,.,. I Mp '? I tl in s ?. -, l f mei i ? ? ? ? I l In tba official cell for tho | two of ' ' ng the I . the , Ihe absent di ptown, , a* ? .1. and tht*> . i Aft, I ? I '?'. how ' ? ? ? ? I to tiuin ' while I by Rev. Btate fl -ni .lillies k - ? ?..-* :-. t h..- I ', : ' 'Mi,, ' a in h wa .,? man .. . ? ? ii" I -.- RI out Intro luctlon ) ? ng his ' Of i 'I Hie -. , to the I i silver ? ? ment ? ? lli'ui ' * ? f the iment 1 ? I ? ? . , , , i ? ? ,t thi lr I ? ' ? uni I I ? ? ? for ard a ? ? lt wa ? ' n the 1 : ' ' ' ' ii be ? ? ? 1 ! "tee rtn rt '1 Its i ? ? I ? wai ' ? ' ? ' ' l.v Its ' - lief as ' ? ' : '!? vise laws me ol .. ? Miv.r law n parts Ilona hy . ? i ,. We national banks may Permlttii to Isbue tlitlr currency to ( i th.- par \ ii.- of fnlt.-i StMss bonds which th.y may -it with th- i r of the lil lbs ? ? 'i thai the volants of maj bs in Th.' Iiit.r?-Ht of .-v i al,,j i roll I lib? ation ..f Its claims '.f ih ..t.'i tavoi .i .mil.. i . : ?!? mao. i .t th.- * rant lac Ol r i rtl .ti purpo. e - . 'Hil'i m.- las administration, ? *l ni -i ? ? he I. i i.,,' I..ti,- | m. ,. itsslf ?in- i iKiitfui el al ma "f no I . .ti .*-',.,n be 'i- nit i and .' ni.y s -I thj ? v.. condemn tin* unbusli i Imln* :,,n of St;** I , and ii- tah ations undi r ll rtilch I . ? . Wi. ' ' | ..f i! ? Ri j,'it ii'.ni majority lu ths blj. n hit ii ap ? for cum nt expenses ' the current rsi SUI'I : Ll tO ttl.- I"' ill l.l'.VS in Hi. unconstitutional, Wi J.llt fl S'l "ii* j arty expres ??. Its confidence in th.- ability "f H'm. Calvin Of Hi'* Itt . > th.- Demi '.tit: Hy i Inter* Milli I ' ,'tll tl" ll 1 1 . ? onditlon. Thi .biding filth in ths ? ? ? . i I Ti ii-- t i watchful "f their ?iii .il , ttl" condui i <;f public "' ever) section of thi i oun . Cl tl .mi'.ti iras paid i.'h para* I t .h. bul ? i until ti" - .i,,*.. i i 'i. .eland was r- sched. Then lh( tuting snd iu_ until tl ned that ti. ? f a lull, the ? put ths qui tion on I Hen of ths ai voice In ' i med eliei I mlghi i a li ',_ and heated di . i,, ? n i* J Of th" in ma kl na > i d bul hiding it bebii ' ? platform. Thi a eli .il I ? i of th" th k> t Law* ? III "th.- lim. giant <*f the i invention," ward, ... M Held, and i Ity. - .i wi th ? when inn,mu, , ,i by th.* chsli maa. ii* i I* "ti th. it fall. 'Hi,- Demo ti commlMloned ttl cu th" revt nut only. * nd 1 ? pl I i .h. Lawi * . him ? uv. ni lon applaud) i lu a moderate way, Mr. Bei i him "Hi. . ? ,,( ,1,, i -hi, i .*., Ci Mon." ?a lilian* I. Clarke, of < 1 'olom \". Illlam \. Tay* lor, , Republican fall. i i ,cc ?', ihe . from his seat. Mo i in his I :s nama f.ii rather Hat. nexl name, thal -f John li. <'i .ti-.. ? in nomlns . Th, fer ' | und " _ Uh a '.MM I I I he vote v, hly, sbow ?. un lil i ? sh" ? \ until Hamil* for Neal. Th's was th" death blow >" Baker, as Then : ., ?ii i i '.nu ,!" foi tbs band ntj ,* - * county changing its \,,t" t.. Ni and loud yells, a motion made thal th" rules )>?? suspuni ,._. try o ? I imatl ?" This ,i,n i ti,.- wlldi si ?? de* t ol Hi band ii i ? with ,.' political pi", ? ti., -aim bell convention with ni.1 Scotch i:ir "(' ?"? ' ' i; ik< r, 1 ? I.- nts, H. I Taylor, <>r Colui i for i.i-- it.nunt-<;o\ lama tion, T_i? nplatt -i an fol ? , .. inly; Sta'" i: i ? h'm, kburn, "t rte* ii: ? i .i r Balley, "f Put* .'. Willi-lin, ,,i ; foi i -I i 'omml lonei P. li natl Th" i'i"iv.-u then adjourned sm.- .h.-. ? ,,.* i i., .1, - in Hm i iii. m;.> Platform th. Rei . makeshtl with In thfl lat ur *, which 1 nf its , as is its autl xv. m of both gold aad money "f ths ? mist tl. ? ? f both BMtalfl latrlaalc anil cr bs i' i I ai ? -m. ut or by hu" h ' 'i as ? tbs partly .,f ti nd Hm .ii: powai il ail HISS lu th ? mink, ts :\u>i Hi tin "f deiitu, and S I that ail paper ' irrency .hail bs ? tf erith nmi raksmable in .in. Wt upon thl.i po Ut y _.*. especially for 'h.- proi "ii"ti "f th. fii and laboring ela*_f*?, the tir?.t nial . .:".- ; unstable i n:lin;r o' a Mi-H-or. HAV.wnaH. CA., Aiifr-ist M. A meteor the aizt- of _. bun .-I ptgjtd twt the BMX . "1 Htriic-lt In the marsh Of Hope, a Stiburli uf Saviw.iiah ?i th. ?tty. and crsatad great vxttMsmvA lu the Msction ntiar where tbs mateor fell. STAGNANT BUSINESS. A NlMllEllOE Aimil ional ABMIMN* minis ur ii ino mr. dat. Bank, anti Oilier Itu.ln-.i Hon.-. C ontinaa 18 < lo.e I hrlr and *l?-verttl Milla Mint llo-rn Oilier. BlBBBBB WotM. NABHYTLLB, TBNN . I suspeasloa of the Pira! N Bank Inst f '.ti ina ursa -.? the Bneglnetoa -r i rican Dal Bank, oa ? of tht- : etrongust nt the city. The 'ink bas a Inl stock of .J."".'-*! and a eur phis of RU ? When ii.- bank opened for btu "ness st til- asaal hour tia .-?? n au ai ii. ,ut Hs damn snd i was ut ii. 'i hi ry ord rig, iii.-. . on n," i . ? I ' Tbe director! ol both tbe ?'? and Fourth National Banks , nun him; I I . | -. I ill Igll g tl pa) ni' nt : rican K Bank waa stopped ? ? thal . i h arni Banking Coi met nt an hour null decided, In \: iw of I ni- nt prevailln I ' tl,,' clause In tli'-ir ? post! ol withdrawal "f that tht ? ii i',e in the lum!, 'ii re n ts bo iun on this, and bul feu d nt. IV I8H1NG1' ?N, 1' ' . Comptroller I i Bank !?: i \n miner Pl umbi to I - ti..- 1 ii. 'l Pira! .*. itl nat Bank ol I ville, Tenn., snd Examiner Provooet, ?'f talli 'l Union N ?? i. Minn. KINGSTON, MO .August ? well County Bank, at thi.- i ii.Hil,, "il lo, clot , ti in,,'him B i ou n"'i i.v John i'. ' ou the nth.r banks. ENSBURO, PA, A;. t 10 1 lng lu tn ' ' nf this pin f'ai milton ami li their ii' at boob to-day, and , folloarlog notli ?? a' tht i "We hii-," ;,;,?is in e? e-s ot ? ?' liabilities, ,.muir to tlie conetanl rh eurn ii- y in tt.- ... , ,,,,,. i er lt to tl of all i i i ... ; .it." Tlie bank "Hi resume business as soon ftnsni i-i1 pani' INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Au M. Rider, wooli ? li iblltlee in th.- nelghborh.l ? ii-- li,is i, .-ii dealing in i and - Co Cl ? him. PO tills ' . ' ure. FAYETTE i WagOB Works tin ? 'he banda of .i h alvei Ie -'> m. Murks was sp] ill t< I Llabllltli ? lt ls el.iln.' ?!. Will nun li tie ?: ?? i!. IND., ? ? i 'i.-k". tt ki - rrner in tl Pori t Of ibllltiea sad assets rna 1 hut, tt is asserted, eil clalme uni bi pal i in full. LAFAYETTE, LM'.. A I ' Th ? : lillis' Bl I - ie rday to 1 ? - >Ilt ct ni"i I to liabilities ? th" company can * dollar on t- i: l-l.! , Ml rCHBLL, IND., A doa n Indeflnlt* ly on ? ? i ?. ipi 11 CINCIN" The distill! ii' n>'* ?? blskey down o' a reeull "f ? nf ln\- s in ' W N ll of the true! n - ? ? i : arith Pres* loni Orei "int. A ll ,.f the confereni ?? th" ordt r io d .', n trill _" forth. .'i. COL, August l" plant ? : tte- C ilora 11 ' at i end ir..:. ? uni resume opt isti . ? 'iii ,i full for, ? ol 1,100 in, h. * -un fur thi . my hue lat ge ord : : . , . :.sail,ni of ,ip PHILADELPHIA PA . Au* I' r i, 111! ? ) k Sol , ' Philadelphia, arho - mills shut fawn ti .'ip--- irllj I.,-1 rn ?'%. . no. ,i ,,| .-i .-..'. re i PROVIDENCE it. I. : . ? ? i ii" the ; i, wll] stai ?Inn . p. i . ? ilac, N.i iel R , Hie, Arkwright, White R this etty ii, thia Bl ii.-, and In ,i ville In Ma ? 1.,ls. N. CONN., At I d South t ? snd nm nm , Buys a lng ob Monda] a" I The nrm itock i with rs : thal th ii ?? rory ii*.-.hi. Iud,ir-.ii!-' Hi,* nearing ?sass, NKW ORLKAN8, Lv., Angus! IS.?The commci'i lal community uniformly ap pron s th-- action "f the di arina | banka In tierMIng; thc limit of with ; als tO ti'tV il"Mar-> | : ? t Hester, i I tl Cotton Ex? change, said that there waa an ap feeling of confidence, where yesi ? tiH'i been <iis'rusi. At th- I ? change there was a slight Increase in Cr freemen ponds, anti operators sent attributed H to tht action taken ti rday Pres Ideal W ilmsey, of the L';i National Hank, sultl that any bul mun with powers of Baalysla bas 1 for some time that the hanks ultli iiiiist he tlrivi-n to the acth n taki n terday. The shortan,- sf in may, be Baye Bill iifTeit all lntertsis. rich ami po, i In proportion, but he believes that tli" limitation of currency withdrawals will obviate the necessity for th>* suspension of arorfe en the r?""' sf the factor-ins, anil ibiit then 11 L" I iborti ? i lessen! "sin Ss 'In- Bj Int- r-sted. President Baldwin, of the New Orleans National Bank, anea not think th. labor* h -ill be hurt to a serious ag* i ti"- pr. s<-i ? eon* ditton of affairs wHI continue in Sew i ni Rle, ts to moOey questl .n. Nnr ' 1 when Il ? ma alnlppl-- ,,z.I.-!'... t" .Cttoa tak'-n : iy. It larg* ly afr. ? -s them, ard . In th, I :n Wi'h '?-> f.l her ' I- i,._: <? action cf ? , ; taken v Ith ???. an . , fl "h. -?_?"? fnr : i ? S i tirr * ? ' 'mini". KEW Thi ? * ? . ? hal this ? ?? Of Ih" I ? ' , ? 111. ? Ing of tho repot rt r.-r tnin c , ? ?? 1 ' he <li l between I I < _rt? I ? . . . . inkers ol rice, and ? a will ? . "We had n<> ti Bi any of our - ? j ? . ? Miks. tr d, unfortu* w. il kn." / ii i maoist sit, mtoAT. 1 .''i"_ m Um Old Roach |hlp*Tard nt < ;,.**,.,. ' '? . '? I : ' ? ' ? I I lci fully ' ' the John Ri ich shlp-y/i I of I Rhrer line, new boat will h. a ' , hers iding ? iii.h. . I ' ow imiia lng are l lt . hull ? out from ui cua ? ? before I I ' ? i . middle of ? i-rnw- on with many whl ff,nt line of arel fi ? t from Hi the nea ? | hull li Uh. .? f. ? t lb-r hull trill bs i ? ii ; ? | bi I " Kill River line. In o will 1 .-. ks. greater j ? I n win b? r tu the I ? pr hich -..i'i nm with ? | : ? ! . tur,* ls a I ' s .-in bi I Her ( ? of l II" Not th RI. r ir ,ii '.'.' li I machli i *iu t?* below tha main I ? | ?. shaft. . i, h five inches I k. by th.* main - ? ?eel I th> 1 Irivlng and - ll ? con* I : ler. ni Ul bs M righi ?"." ? ? r> lindi rs I ba pn ' .tr.-. I ll 1, I sn nr "HUI ll rvs. Srcr.-tnrjr (nrlUln anil S|.#*_kav ( riip i'm-, fer on Ihe Subject. WABRINOTON, D. C., August Ml Isa ? - . "f.T ::__ of Hm latter in thc Matropolttaa Bots) this I to tl composition of h.* i ,.f th* vi - 'artiste 1" and lt ' rabis -iii" that be kepi nent wli .... y De? partment during thi day. The tt. whleh not "lily it really m.-ma ta i.turn to Washington, lt ls confined, us yet, to hla right arm ai but uni. ss it sub si.!,.- hi rn III bs ' to -Ullin . . ."II. Ailranelnir the Hate ot Discount. LONDON, August M.?-Al 'he repuKir ? I to-daj ths I mik'* - ot discount was tAtvaaeoi one, making i the rate now asked 4 per cent. AGAINST YELLOW FEVER M EAST RES OF PRECAUTION TO PRETEST SPRCAHINti. Peasaaeees. Hii.,? two <???>. n*,.. n*-?n Ili.rorarei], ia ta lt* Isolated-Federal and State Authorities Act I'rouiptly. WASHINOTON, D. c.. Atagum w B*us> ? ,'. Vfymnn, 0| tho Marine H"S 1 lui BsrVfrSa has been a-lvl*""! of two I of y-lii'W fSVSf i* 1 BBB SB. fi '? Be haa t*asgrn|a*aed Dr. WUttaaa W, Bur* arsaMen! sf the i i ird "f ie sith, to wire fun Information re? sp, etina the orlgla -. how lang ths i n m. nhs thea he han any suspi r ObsrM . itlon sad whal hal beea naas lo i * tts ii h is also t M Lr. thsl he uni be I ? aid ls Ins work of stumping . In Burgoon fatter, of the rnI l yellow t el, which .uii. I- en detalli 'i to pi"- ? ? 'l ii'iiu : "ia and Bureau's im- r- s-< tl \\ A8H1NOTON, D. C., AugUSl I" Im* ? stope b. tiiki a by the Q t imp out yellow fever a! i mi t ly 00 the advlCCC r- i ired that yt How f. 1 the I ; th Nary, to rn hm i Unit'. , i- Of tl ? of the !. i*. v yard il i ? .,, rs Inter ai bia ofllce this morning ta d rlae l for preventing the epi ?? pn .-em i iver,- ti,, B retai ol Wi r, a I iran* Bur t.-'i"ii'i:il i.r the Marlnt pit ,i Bi n li ??. who han cbs dis* buraemem of the quarantine fund; Bur ? lem ',ii Tyron, of the rmi > , I ?-*. of the ntmv; Pasco and Florida; w. i- ,>,.. to bl - in Nsw \ ork, ai I '.il t'-r, "!' th-- Mi:,, ? ll- pi tal ' ".. leiiil U > m.ii, ?'Till and Slate . ? noa at New I n li., I i Thi y Will i I If In r, edin . .i . ? i to com ? . ordi ring tl . i ? i ?? itlon, on a i.i ii thc n > ? I il, and thi tw< i ruous to the > .H I, v* ? pi,.ye.i as lill'"!- ra In the -rard, .rm id! tl I, . r the to thal ol United ? of yellow f.-. - , uri ed In lases, atl i ' The i ls, If possible, I fi "in lui. ellon. The ? rd n ar ind ll I i be ll W -, tn iii, and will I i only so long it ely i iry. ? iutlon to pi : tlon I1 imii ? , iking "f : dd: "L i ths steps < l will be 'ff' ctive lo pn . i ..f the fi ? . : only thai ai i ni." lt wan understi od thal Un two ? I', ut .i.i bi t ou accou of yellow fever lo ! ? ti Wy man lol ? ;tu from I Without fi -iu i ? I Bl I ii a. M., ' rn in adult ? re| ri ll it In thi li leath i '1 from y- ll"** ' Both cases were la the i rn poi Hon of tba .', five ii.? i' ls Impossible to trace the dty; sot ? in a of Thc I led. 1 will -a sny. (SU B W. HA L'H.-', Il . -'I lb .nth. This I; the Bi ? ? the i'i"i ? . A OULLA.NS, August 10 . rx ,u i '! I, .i'n Hus m, ? the repot t of > ? lion fi ri r st 1 i full d i di Ided ii"t to i , it to d - "i r i H p. ri ms wt . iii- train at tb .????iu that ' lt]? 1 bey will : . ? l five .Lt> i, and thai wUI be the length "f dCtt ntlon of all ; ? from P - who do ? .iiiii. Tl ? ? Will . Ung thia city, .. a Ul be U ken. 1 ?> the ? aj atom of d' ti a kepi o 'i ot Ni n (i tl 1 .. - BO alarm f*-il i.< I ?. The D r?':is ot tic Nsw Orisune bast rmrtOOg those CUUght al the i lets, aad they ? ? ? ,? the tATm I ot "1- iklag nj I BIRMINGHAM, ala.. August ls.?Blr* mirKham i. red Quarant! Pla. A rrj bara thia inon Leting of i ir Ulled with rafiajsen. They Bren , x*-t "ff 'he ti being locked and Kiinrda BO BU platforms Of the cars. They went North from v MONTGOMERY, ALA., As i ,,,\. rnor Issued u pi tum establishing a quarantine against the State Of Florid.,. 00 BC .tint Of the rt Ot tt of two d-uths from yellow f..\ art-sola. At that dty ls on a direct line with MonlguaneiT. eoosWtaruble bennion eil**!** bore that the malady may .na from !'?? Bouth were di watched laat nlrfht, and no pass from pensacola were allowed to get off. There were several that tad to go on through. PENSACOLA, FLA.. Arntust 10. "\o. a su.?.|,i' f gt kn.*s_ "f any kind the 'ity ur tenaty up ' li the official am m.nt m*.|.' by ih.-. l>. >.i.d of h.alth at 6 o'clock till? T.-(!_y ha lu i aa i ngarei OUh <-. k In OVm and the to think. The result it Beatty tessy reflec ? * . I > \pcrience wl'.h yellow f. ?.- la ii,. . onvtaeed thal th-* twa 1 n.'t OCCW from v.'I thlng t" - : . that < ap* lin H. C. Noi thi .?.. who dl> a .lay* lb- was . ipi un of the .M ked .- sooner to this pori . i-tiirn . I la ... ? .t t-.v .11 yo. Th* ta Heads* him gavs a cai ..... one ' ' It W ll I vks ill'-.t ? - m, i ; onad nt K y v i tim r. Il Thli ls the -say | *, ? members " sd nu . w ? ? ?'..- II... ? i ? i ' mnectlon with I eon 1 - Mr W. ES - ' ' ; ' iti this eons* ? ? mmlttee of pul pt tt t*. ? ? ? with ? ? ? ' .... ? ii of tbs tl lu ten 'lavs ' na nor? mal ? ii litton. ,. | , * t lg ?I i*. ti ri - i : Will b ? ? mora AX rx a ss ' ?... ilia Stale De portia mi| Sooi* Mast ii.,,, Y OTOH, I \ ? i to I : i I t of ' World ? ' ii ls : : ? ' ! ? tO th" ? bing* ton ? . ? . him from any obll* i in thal direction. ii.* thal an msnts had been ma rn to ft to 1,1 ' mi*. If, bttt th. : BM nt t,. have hla 'J he \ lam tal of the '? ?aid, was . in III ll HS 1<> lll/./ARH'S RAY. The PrOSldewl Hill Ltava Tu Day tot lh? I .-?! ol Ike M.nilli. WASHINGTON, August UL PrssMsat n to-mor* r In l i.ii until a rill bt ii Li who " ? .lay last, Mr. < I of o hu I he feels p i.iin ia ' thine f"r * :, If not better, than In Mr. i ' .vy nu. to? ng i saged ? t -it butts tts ? -i for ? polntments are . Ul rend to ? with bb i ? Cites* ?.,.,,1 . ? BBS ti hla not ? ubllc, bul '? ? ill BOt Wart until aft.-r hoon. Silv.-r - I ? WA**-! D. C., Ai "f' M??**.! ver '*"? 'his III ' : This ls a cent par otu * !'v ,t'? ? . - offered | ? " ' . bought ' r"'r eaaee. Catlin** Oowa IM Usttt nt lbs Fur. CHIC The r>- ? director fair, which was tani I i, ard of directors a fei nlKht lt ls sall that tha rcheetra win also go, aui thal other musical arrai Will he ma.le hy the l-"alr o" -w? The liuno s Central lUilroad. NEW TORK, -bagust I' -The minnie Bt for tbe year ended ?fl, JSO.'SS.lJl; tS pi rues, tl- MW. an in* irease of Jis?.ilT. and. tor July, .ross, il,733,__*-, an lucrease of 1283,881 FIFTY YEARS MARRIED. CAPT. noon tr rs and WIFE CELE BR ATE 1IIEIROOI DES WBDDtXO. Many <'oagral u'.attona aa<t Nanifroui Pr*** ants?Jamas | j nett lutana rtrtUoa-Tt-aa ple Contest H. < i.l.?l lu r**..r of I -attar. PBTEKfl HUKO, VA.. Auguet 10 -Spa? cial. ?Captain K. A. Goodwyn amt Mra ? J... Iwyn trisBrated their gold.n w-.ldlng t?nl .ht from 9 to 12 o'clock at their r. si.i, no; .... I_)||ln_brook atreet, and the occasion waa a most delightful one to all la attendaaca. There wsa a very large numil, t sd Invited k i. sta prase-it to par? take of th.* I"-|'lia,ltlea of the couple an.l to .*xt--n.l to them th.'.r ci.ngratula for many iti.'re yeats vt happy ? life. Mg th, se j,i"?.*nt w- M Mr I',. A. ayn, .tr, nug, and Mr. Peters _ Agt e Qoodwyn, "f u.anoke, Captain Goodwyn and hit estimates lady. Mrs R. w. Gregg, of w Inston, N. C., and Mrs i: bert \i An f Peters! rg, a ho is sow/ on a \i.h to fri* n,is in Warraataa, i'i -? nt. Thees two la Ilea are granddaughters of Captain nn-l Mis. * of tli" mei ? ' v. p. hui tamp ..f Confederate Veterans, ..f which Cap! * larys li a . tJagMf i m< mber, wars present at the reception to it lr . .tula* The camp pn l > i da ar.d \t . ? I? ii with u h mi,>l? purtt of . rmpanylng tbs gift wai t i".,,ic with chamois cover wita th.* ver__t reary Congratulationa. On tl back of the b?.ok tris a * I State flag. 1 be I i . i the nam< ? of tbe membei ?? t th.- camp with the folios lng To I tain uni v I the heart) coi s ,.f his nomi sdi a r. HUI Camp, C v.. stn< i n I) a utti.'r of h. alt Ii and ?I this anniversary lr _ '!?!? u e/i hr The '; i 'itt* ot a ' . |.i.*s* nts, and I rous < ii!.;".- ' fi- ii,-l:l mi' >,f tl CS| tala I k_odW) ? manl".l ? i i , ot Use* on t r' l, Ito, : tu- l al th" t ? 'lolonti .'"im v. Jtter, his wif-'? a. t ? i <? I", -Min.-, Va., by \ i r ti ii? i Goodwyn and bli trite i mnty, wi ? re Hm y ? rg, where tl havs I evei sd burr'a ?is. During 1 >Mth Hi? lde lUilroad i noe been : road Hi f the 1 wi.Ml. county fl I bas of I il "f ' ? i For six i bu' ,,r rh ? " Mitlers troupe, ol i U*t .? ut - ? ? ? i ,,r tbs tion ot ts tor I h? spend suss* mei im ;? ntlemas from ' that the li .; S..IH" In t' ' i' ? rounl mii I with thi i unknown will ' ' ? ? , ttl I I IS ??'lu? nn In the if M ? i i that named Js il th.- deacri. Hon of ? be m.-. u-,-s. i ,i been confined In I ? . .-1 ? ? ? ' i i**neh a order ot whick hi ki eei nt.- d ' ? . ' ? \.. ?. fltreni Hi ls mid ls ui i, h Ilk-- ii >ii/ man. ? < itlon with toms "f tar prswP ? f leam that bm In* ?-* In nh it ,, i * ot trade daring tba month of .i .iv , m ir*, very favorably with ths trade f"r tbe same month of . s,.m.* mv that bualnest was g little better in July "f this j " than it wiis f..t th* period of th" p" I lout y?_r, and too, in spite >.r the ttringencj In tn, incl ? ii-. 11 I ; is h. en employed un .it itt to iii ' .ks . f ?tv treasurer, city ouiit-.r. roH-artat -.ll", tor of de ', -;'i"iit . on nus-1 .t" r cf i ranna, etty ms* ?ftneir, letitia? *>' water weeba vleibg ol ihe markets an.l k">-; > rs ? f ? S] a abs. tua ? rfc la to bt ion.* si a .'.si not to exceed ? . barlee Decker, "t Btatea isbn.ti, has :? i li Robert l.. Moetsgue, of ind t" def.I his so rles V, now lu ths jul .,f this dty awaiting trial for bigamy i.k# r win be tried si rpbar term ?-f Inga .unit. Iii Montagus nss ., t,. the .tty ?.-t.. n,t Charita Watson, tabing for a tepy tt tbs in.ll*-t* Ilk i oard of tu f Surry i >un* tv h-l'l a n_tetil ? a.ty .*.- t , oi lld. i thi i ropoeltloa of tbe pooali f dartmoai t" build a . i.t il lt tht ..ti the ! al thia writ . _ County '' irl of I rim - Otargt whet Judge I. T. \\?ft rendered bis dectsloo on tl..- <on f li tit toa iKalnat Temple for the clerkship of tbs tnunty Wset's decision waa tn favor of Mr. Tampia Th* whole caa* hun* t.n tht nt allsged fraud .it Rives saga [ni '?? tiru his dscitlt i i \V'*t sfa'.-l that If fraud 1. i I I i ..t th<? precinct named sufliri--nt testimony, la hts Optston, bad not I 1 hy Mr Britton ta pr.v.* lt. Th ? misc ls to be taken li th.- < Inuit las ex. cited the liveliest lin^r**st. both la Prince OaOffgS ''.'inty ind In l'*-t. r. burg Mrs Oeergfl W Dims left th:** nrornlng on > visit to :>1-.n-ls In Kelleway <? ninty. Uer, A .1 Krlstoe. t.astor of tt t fla I Baptlat "htirch In thl*> city, wto has sp^n'llng his vacation In Culr*tt*r irne.l _? >m_ thia aftrrn The bulbllng comtn|M-*e of this chur.-ii will hoi . a meeting to Morrow, abes the contract for th<- *>r.-<-tion of tbitr n.<M ebareh will be awarded. Arrival nf E fJttUSURt Y.gno. SKW YoitK. August 11.-The steamer Columbia arr1vi-_ f. "i .'.ton thia morn* lng. Among th* pasa*?*.irera are Patrick ..jin, ex-Mlnlst.-r to Chill, and family. KAMug or nu K-iimiii.:. Itange of thermometer at The Times office yesterday, Auguat 10, !*-__: i? A. M.. Ml; 12 M.. '.'., .1 P. M., 17; fl P. M., Hi, ? P. \l., Tl. Avarage, bl LA \St ITH RH lr OH* i AIT WASHINGTON. D. C., Auguat lC-for vin.mia- Warmer, southerly winda, fair, en ept tocal tl. nder atorma. with light rales. l*or North Carolina: Slightly warmer, soulheaaterly winda, fair, except thuadtt atorma. with light local raina