Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 7-WKW 6KRJE8 WO 167. R1CHMO-XU. VA.. SA IL RDA Y. AUCi UST 26 I8.M. PRICB TWO CENTS. HUI'S FOOLISH STAND. git Al'TOt Al I OF fEEIER'S RESO it ii OE OEEATEB COMMEET, yb*. "National Hors" Ila* rn Job?To-Day lt tho Klg 1>_. tu th* lt..ima-Mr. Mtumu'i Speech for Free Silver. 'I ?.urn Rt sba! , K.ii it Rr-u.TiiNO, I Wai Ancait BA, 18VS. f * . - - - i . . om the Houae cv. :i Umbi 1 the hill to the iti ina ai on , for r res r who* -oom l . - | __*<>r ? na ol ? !-*i> nm.. i i aa oil ' ? public . ? ex* lout limit . iuIm. nnd -. ? ' body iii.tu a vhlakered, . maali, ilk* . I al I ii lit ? ilmlnatea a ? 1 - .-^.1 i t'.r HUI made aa ?: . the itn ? th. 1 to ? .-I*- hail ? Reed ai .'. ti,-.1 ;)|( . .ll ga tl. fl ulty what' ? ? . low.. ? fort] i laat e of ? , , , 1 upon. ? *i the thi lr mi ? mi that th< ? tion i > IS lt .' *. ith th. tn. i thi ' ? ? . lld they not li hi Interpret I for tha ? ? nf Virgin i - j ? ? 1 i. hands full ?ii In ' Im, lie I ' "Natl o al UM I : -.Mii'iity lu ? ? ' .lifted iilol :' ?:lht Bira) it his ? .'.,*, id him a bar* ne m. :r r him, Ula gili write I bair, -.or ta with , ? i al.I s "n on th. ? .- t fatloaal I : i al the im a. his i?i v. ia In the rltv ; r his B iSFl-ll : ' arina . ... I.lrhmond, I-- .' I ? the . fl i.t * - i ? .. . ?, h a ti thal the l off rh ol roting mea - ' i wog no middle divide right harv" h ? ; repeal or tree elive. un_ I shall da i"V duty to ni\ lt, and ehall p* fouti.i to poll I a 14 lids li oe- and Ul.Illili, l| (?|,,,:, "The following billa were Introduced by f-'on-.tor Hunton sn 1 referred to the pro? per commit'. HU f..r Um relief of Theodore TeM: to reimburse- Lewis, MrKenzor. in the ?oiin of two thousand and ninety-eight dollara expended by him In tbe conte!t?-d election cases in the 41st and 42nd Con? gresses from the 7th IHstrict of Virirlnia; ' ? ?? ta Memorial bridge across the po? tomac from tht4 Kasai observatory li to the Abington estate; for the f Of tho heir! of Major Tarleton i.on for lam pears lei ilea la tie >:y estshllshssent of thc- Government during the Revolutionary war. ll. I*, w. ? - MMVNBOB ASH ms ISLAND liter are In No Country, and Ile Omi Alle KlaacaloNoltwlT hui l'.mnaort OLYMPIA. August 21-The people of Olympia nnd **eaidentl of reit-hborlng point! know of a lo*: ir,!.md that ii ac? tually lort ho far as th*4 rjovermcnt record are concerned. It la known to steamboat line and p. ,,pie in the netghbt i aa tl tee mb al leland beesnae sf Ita ldsot rdlng to ?'-- frank ndmisnlon on par! of the Land Dapai tmant, this I lg ? under the control of any known Oort rta eat. v...* made by a mat by ' i.. Bruaaon, v.ho aq 'ii tl abOBt three yr-a--* ago ;nid 'ile on tho land a! a home ? eal '??? ai i ona poiai ta ?m other trying to get it survey-tl. but m>-t nothing Lut disappointment at gBCft Al Itt gib, after wearisome I lt partment al Washington aeat word ii bini ao knowledfa <>t any if 1 ind '.vithiu tl rf UM United Statea. Brunson continues to ? Um i ama that be -1 hitu Re ls ? bachelor, ? rid is the sole residenl ol tte leland, which contains lie has a maali rani h, ?.??ii tl Itt -k.Ac. just iy as any ol the proud -I ipa At loa ; le Bi in in cnn reach the maln l.'iid ul "Hg a 1 but when the * ', i* io he it Oul "ff from all . oiitiiunli atloti -,1th the outside : t Ly boat. Thia mlnlsture ki-. '?ut twelve mile.- from Olympia, al the InteraecUoa of Big Blasofcnn* cud Oyster Lavs. According to Brunaoa'a first uadsratsjiding bli kingdom wns just over th,* Hat In 't seems. i s of the i baa . ia tha dlvldlai line la tha and by thi*., iii. noon's kingdom is in Thurgtod county. question of tSSSttOa il* tl" A In 'iii.ut.-. Brunson refused te poy Lis poll ? Kaaofl country on Hu ground that .?ind B aa i | <io\ SI li? no 1,1 and tl al ha waa Uti rally ., law unto btmssif. This asama to be the generally pt ed view ,,r tha casa . Bonn <>t bia neighbors 'oked bim about l*)*? prlncl pallty, and he remarked 11..?t he " ? good notion to run np tbe British dag and luke pCSSSSBlOB In the nam.- Of '. VlctoHS ' lt Las heet*. sum*.- t.,1 that if h- should sell whiskey Within tlc borden of bia kingdom io- would boob Bad -.'ut who owned iii** Island. Stace bi psya ti? ls called L'i qui i Hob [?> lat. al bi conn:- Bi una -univ with lils The OOO* lu 'I I '? Utile discussion ;? Ih< Inhsbltsnts ol Ihe i lund f hr "fSTSl (M rr. M YORK. Am . | le of ? i.i comm, ti -iii till nv. | country, Moat of thai - ore from m.-n eonveraani \ ith thc condlUon of ti ide In their various looslltlee and is so Bed that ; ii the di pn ,'. snd the future, ?aili aaa a dectdsd Improvement in nil lines of oommerdsl and manufacturing Rrnns-rlck Almost Desert**. WASHINGTON, IX ?'. Aim-. M.* Mot Marias Hospital set vice ri i etved a teh Hutton al Bi unswick, 11 ? thal ? 1,000 white:, and 4,1 " blscks only sro left iii that citv. The dssUtutton, be says, wUI bi rary groat aalesa something im dona set t Boon. l.'rnv Bahloo Weathered lin* Storm. WASHINGTON, D. C. ABB r>.-Pri Infori elved In \l ashli . ? n ai ti,- Pn -id,!,.- seaside home "n i did nol Buffer from v. ? d* iy id-Ill's huti'L .ti-. Mr IfOrtOB, i ii v ot Agriculture, in whose ? i. p H ttii.-tit the we.uiier bureau is Included apht d ttie Lu.-1 lani that Uta big waa coming, and, acting on this li g, ii ia poaelblc thai daman al ? a averted by mattias sang and tiKht In preparation for it. Ashe?ille*s Bewg lludget. ASHVILLE, N. C. Auk., 2T,th.-Col lect>,i ?! the foUoarlos ad ....frday: Bun >uaty?Brandy gauger, Ck .s. Lo ! county-General storekeeper W, b i'<tn.:oii niv? Storekeeper and t| *)e ? rekeepera and gan* prers: Lewis 1- K'-wer*-' J. J. Warren, 1. F. Rhyne. R. C. Nantz, J. li. Ksa trick, h c yd, w. A. Anns'i in \\ I.', -"am, W, T. i''ord. John L Bee gan, B. h Rankin, T. 2, Baadlfer, Q Darr, J. W, R . R II. Stows Franklin D H IL BU lot, Cs I' 1\ DeUlnger, Chaa. P. Biam. P. C. BudlsUl, ?!-|. B. M.iu:,??>-; all fttrincis [redetl county?Brandy gaurrsy, L. F. Brad] -In county --Urandy gat IT. Bummer. Btorekeepera and g I. V Qoodson, J W. McIntosh. Butherford county?Storekeepat aad ? W. A. Buel ? Yadkin . ? pera and \ J. J Tl ? ra ia Wll i: I. DI lama, !? J. T. Conrad. J. H. Q i: ll ir L I rtee of I ? tatlwsy an ' Bti smahip it lion la ? rn al Kt allworth Inn i I W until Bat* u*day. Thara i's a large attendance af allroad bmb \*.ho an* lntot*eated in tha isrtlcular mattera which pertala to such . while P. J n, of l Pops, ot Atlanta f Ot the ? An .-o'ltr-i.'ii. ile, came In frota Charlotte \ 4*'' i reen Ktl'.W ll'.e I .IS.-ball j ii le > st.!,!.iv, the latter v voa I. ?'?'? H t;ni,i tor ii t hanks i*raeeated* V. ASHING rt >N, Aufaat ? -The dav I- t-an ayinej KoM for ali cheeki ? I The paper fl r nioiie.. a. i pro* ii made i ail "Marne days nder ord' rs from here. The reason for tn- gold payments her- is that th<- Trse> IBTMH sf its amall receipts and ???iidiiuni., liar, exhausted tts jm ? i money. To-day, the Treasury books 00 god reserve snd net bslaase af eleven mllliotiH. this bal o;, -:., i iiinl -1 entirely of Utarldlary coln, i ? .,. ia being a-,1 in paying the obligations of the iova-rnznent. Civil Service with a Vengeance. WASHINGTON, 1>. C.. Au ... ?.-T_er.* will be an outcry ariiong the politician! if the bill whirl. Mr. Lodge Of Ml chusottH haa Just introduced In the gaa> ate should hecoaac a law, but the elamor against it win probably prcveBl ita aver reacli I ng a stage where Its passage will be ilk'ly. The bill b.-ars th.* inn tub. "Tn rag-data the appointment of fourth-class postmasters,'* but Its es? sential purpose ls to exclude pollti- il Influence In the appointment and I _!___*?__ of the great number of auch poatau throughout the country. The bill ls the outgrowth of a confer? ence of the advocates of the ext.teston of the non-partisan system of appoint? ment! and has the cordial Indorsement of several of the civil service raf arm as? sociations, lt is claimed by thoae who support this measure that thc constant c' Ogm upon the advent of ii BOW Bd mltilstration tend to deteriorate the .ind Illustration of this, fl plv<-n that al least furnish foi flection, iii IM thi ra in ? but la BES, with th" change la the ad? ministration! there were 1,666, with resignations, a change of mer* I par cant of the postmaatera of the ? try in a single . ? ai whl * tl laag thaa ll per cent the . ceding. A like change In 1W9 In the ndmlnts tratloa hhows removals and r. amounting to 1'.-i"*'.. or rv ? in a single year agalnal leas than U t be yeai befor -, when thei i motive f.,r political ramo garra for 1 ni admlnlstr itlon are of course, aol obtainable, bm ti ? friends r.f Ilia bill .'.-.tii'-i.l thnt tl, v vii: ? ih.'it reno.viii, havs ii'.-ii made ?*.* ?ama desi Mr. Lodge's bill provides fog ti n of postmasters ??. in aa apa> and puMte manner by i. st office ii'; duty in the yarlot.! postal >i the T'ostnias'.-i* Oeneral iv ? aelm t one of by tha i' ? and to aaalgn | i.y the laapector 1 ? ruse nre to 0* OpSS ? th i onii lentl 'i a ta '?? aright Injure some of I cania. The rhanc*> pfOpOl 1 bj "is bill TV ' I ill; ! Dei mani I one-half, nnd lt ls claimed for ll b<* exi malva after tba prli I ters waa nt, and tl Would not be r tinder ibis bill tbe , wo ld be reepoi Ibis to the dei and not to tin m. mber of i Influence plaet d him thi ra, ai ft lt la clalmad than tha tai I thal rem would be mada for causa only woul ? suit in longer aervlca and on evils of wholesale ? I ferenc of marnbi ri of Coi lection of fourth-i rs ls Specially forbidden In Mi bill. Fight with legra Rabbets, NAIHVTLLB) TENN . waa a deep a bani of | m.-ti, and '?'' 11..m. in VF lilian ? > ed as a rend avous. In the righi * Binnor, badly '?? ? 'i bompson, the li adi r of I kills i. The hon I full of plunder whlcb i In the nell hboi i, booty -*? *.\ ho has b 'ii 11. i > ?- i r i ?.^ f-,r ? Three of tli" a Rellaf for Brant-Tick. WASHINGTON, D. C.,_B. Botte i,.i- Resae haa given the I the Ti'.iMiry an opinion thal be I thorlty to ii,., a poi '."ti of the fund for preventing 'he Introduction t I laglom fllaaaaai to alli 111 onie of Bi ii ? .- of 'h.- >-. Hi m . rei Phil "i I ?? aa t ? ? .>n.rill Wyman thal the .ever will probably apread unless some loae al once to relieve the suf? fering oi tl t lia-.e-Hal 1 Briefed. At Washington: H. H. E. IVa-liin. ton 0 0000000 0?0 6 . St Louie I "? 1 h I) i) i-i 10 1 niterteai Esper and McGuire; Gleason ind ait . At New York--10 inningi; darkness _ Nf. w York 0 1 IO h 1 0 0 0 i B I fi Nttab ira I 8 DOO 0 1 1 0 1 6 ll I Pallano!: German and .Viii, a; Ki.leu. clarie sn I Mack. At I'altimore. Ilultiiii'.re 0010 0 00 I _ 2 Dih :? 0 0 li u I) ii . x 4 J! ler--: Hawk- ?? d Robi-MOB] I'.ir of. Ki c aad Vaaghaa At I hiladelphia. _oulBTi.le .020004-9 ll I ?hilsdelphia I I 2 t I 0 | 1 3 8 l l Hat r s .Wave;. in Ci-iin nt*.. At lin -Alyn: Irooklyu ,) 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 x- 8 ll ? .lucagu ' I a 0 1 1 - 4 f, | Batteries: Ken .edy and Kinslow : A bey n i K midge, At Doatogu b.atou Sn000200x-5 7 I -,nd I '02000 I 1 - 3 j Batterie Gaatr gbt aa Ganzel, od Otwsgo Mow the (labu Slant!. dgba Won. l.o.i. Ater o.lon. Tl 30 .71 'it:- nra. -. .1 Jfl 'lnlsdelplilS. H -' leva and. ' i .r*) .?_ l otk... . '*' I "1 Ireoklyn. N 8 . acinnaii . -** aiiiiu r. . 6 6 .4<v t. 1. tr... il 6 AA h.n.o. -?.' T oals-rille. ts fl HO . a.u.union. 6 fi Tna.nrr ?Images. WASHT GT< >N, Au*.' tft, O.Tula! mi M announced to-day in tlie Treasury iepartmeutas tallows. . *.* pointed?Lyman Howard, New SMistant inspector of Boiler! of ital ?sat ^ew V'.rk City. Morg >n r. CotUr, lark to local b.;arJ ? f ateamboat inspect*.rs, 'itt. burt:.., r .. Hem val?Jinej.b Ht Ifield, assiiuat in peetorol boilemof steam v-sseisat New .>rk; MitiiU-l H. Campbell clerk t*> hoard f steamboat inspectors, Pittsburgh. Ta. -. Hr. -t.lrtin on ibe la-.ii Finn jiu . WASHING! If, D.O.. August I lena <>t Atlanta. Ga., and a member of tba iw firm of which Booretary Smith is the end. was a visitor at tbe I 'apartment of tue .tenor yesterda.r afteruo u. HU call was . urely soiial. lhere was n. politics in it. [e wa* en route from New fort to .-Ulan:.. , I dad stopt?ed over for a brief p-r: kn] that Ulinga down south were i'uiet. bet had felt the effects ot the pauic. He ' ji.Uj.lit that thincs would revive after the ?p. ui <>f tbe purchasing clause of the Sher mu ' ill. He was not positive that the a<-t aa r*g onaible tor the c_a*i tami e. i ut as mg as the pe*.>(, a attributed tbe trouble to at. ita repeal cou d not fail to have a effect. He was a bi metal!.st. I.ut .ought that the administration wus right ad that the present panic waa not a put up ib against silver. He thought that thesilver .opie ought fir->t to let the Sherman bill be qi.eked out. and then proceed tu bustle for hst they wanted. There waa very little .lineal atrife down in Georgia. A g*>. .1 eal of intered .enured in the poetmaater. iip, but the lucmuheut, a republican hu hi? rer, ba thought wooid ba permitted to .rve oat kia term. HILL HAS THK FLOOR. Jr/S DIAt.NOSlS OF TUB COTNTRT'S MON El ARV MALADT. It Differ! Bom-whit from that of Mr. Cleveland's -Much lloti.e Speak? ing to Empty I'.ettche*. WASHINGTON, lt. C., Aug., 25.-At the tiore of th** routine morning busl aeea la ti Bi -day which compri I 0 matter ti \ thitt interest except the praaintatloa of r-rraimualeatloafl fron the Treasury ioptJltnteal adverse to any iBlattOB hi -.-ard to p<4naltl'?s on the arl I Mr. Hill addressed the thalf ci i He ye Ided, bowevt I sent ? ?? ? : 1 a com muBtcailoa flam | th,- mint ? , < OSt I Bd "H . ' - ? r. Mr. HUI then re Bo ?r and be un bia whli n attract Ir. HUI oatt, who di 1 BOt wh, Ith the President la ins diega a ? , d. l i ? rn ls to '? t the Bl . ... !i tiles Ub ? ? and ! id thal its foun i ,-i >ns ? laid la I ,'itry BBWlt* ; | thal ? ? ? ? 1 ? '.: a of tba present . ? il Third, no i nay hav-4 ? ! 1 ? la pi exist! corni I ii ?? lha i ? I ? ? ' Ifr. Hill i I urned bia : t ? ber to l ? i bael the ; In front of him w and Be ! i their ? bim Th- I UM ' | the both which in the eouraa of i Mr. mn "JI -dent ? ?i the h had il or iu? ans by which coinage bsd ed U bSthl '? thia I I re? ma!:. atloB ? ' i as a :" yet Mr. ' ? I r iii his st -.-, h .|, I; . : Ifsdl* rk* In an? swer f his nomlna ! ? -'er of BC lB his inaugural addregg in Mart ii ' in aa law whatever, ? ih" prosperity of thi country with the rhlch ? ? , ? ry one a be had , . i . Honan of It-pi n-etltm - ??. ' transpired In the HotlS, fi,un the speeches rt l by Hears. Burroara and Bprta* l the ? lon of the m.-,m., i ., And the) rare nol iii I ' with tin- attention thev de 1. T ? i s \s..- ;, day .,f , alni, the or of Ihe atot n thsl wUI qi eta to* I BK nd *i i ad* I ' ?" ?*? bOl for th.- .;.i', jut i h.. ii ii., tuence on emp* ?ii. i! prompUy begun n 11 ism , Tessa >, wk bli , teal i"" to vote for the free ? slr,, i Bl BBB i.ino thar had ? i i it at thc siino time ii* : the Sher* the pn asst Lard ' Sal ', Bald that the to be I*;.eu ic st Mend ty a oold be i be v and the country i gold basis. Mr i ?? , i ?.,),spoke brl-f ly in fa? of raj Mr ry (DOBA, Ma.,), said that ?dng Of history gold and ! as th,- moii.-y i of tha u a bal ra'i.t a I maintain t1 i in between th,- two metala the debtor . ? ,. : urie ndl . rider ,,r' BllVer. His vote would t?. rc it i'd to reston ? r to Its ancient tty. I Appia ? Mr Rep., Mich, l was iii favor of !, WOUld I the ] -t rin ? the s theiefoi i Mr. Bun ? .) then clalm con ?!, it he i ? ? ? for lee. 1 I ' ! ? .i .use ? itel B itly Mr. I -withdrew bli md Mr. spent h He he d thal liver *? ll to 1. OT twenty v . ch a proposition h- give ???? \* ho fa*. peal real M | the bar Wh! h ! ll lins I. 1 he free a."d u-ill Of silver itt any "f > bimetallism, ntry to a rd, that of uiver, and tl it depraeto The opening of the mints of the United States to the uni eat rioted minting for Individuals of rtlvsr Into legal dollars at any ratio to poid lt it m.-rei.ti value of Loth metala, nader the protease of aiding the eases of bimetal? lism or tor the pan ibllahlng or maintaining bimetallism In the (Jai? led Statea, area simply playing1 m>on the and credulity of the A inert fan pe ; Mr Marsh (Hep. Illa.) waa outspoken and direct In favor of the free and unlim? ited coinage Of Mr .Joseph (Dem. .N'.M.) spoke In favor of free coiner,.* Mr. Compton (Pcm., Md) sahl that h? had been in favor vt tree coinage of silver, but his opinions and convictions had Changed, and h*> would now vote for the unconditional rej.eal of the pnrchaatng clause af the act of 1 <*. Mr. Haney (M!e.?.? MM that he had come to BTaaMagtan prepared to vote for re? peal, hut since he had baan here he had 1 hhs fen! if not hil liewa, ? I I Intended to vote against the repeal Of the purchasing clause af t_* Sherman law. -tr. Durborrow (Dam. Dla.) Blguei that the United States along could not ' free coinage. Mr. Spring'r followed. He nald: 1 at? tribute the actu.-l condition which now exists In the country to three control linc and fundamental causes. First, the tariff legislation since th-* war, tl.*? pr" t?- tlve tariff laws, which are Imposing enormous burdens upon Um MOpls of the country to protect favorite interests. I en has been aver-productloB by this unnatural Mitha ant; there baa been over bo**rowing, over-trading, over-drafting and thus Inevitable disaster The second cause, *n my judgment, for ihe present fi; In ti ' ..nv. r In 1-73. third catlee, thc authority i Ba Hherman act to purchase i ?oo. entem of attver aa -h month a_.i laani Treasury notes thereon, which Tfasury -. undar the ruling af I i isurv urtment, are redeemable in _.-i.i. 'lliere are, of course, otb* - tn,Kht l.e r (Brr I to, hut ti. ? ms to me, are those meat respon? sible. ? ? ? ? We have been calli I nt in extrai rdl of effecting the Bhei inan act. Bhall we l ' which no ? I the land, nit! i ? wa v. ii n Shena ta ai I until ? * rt it is i ni aa peril! I ? Inala! WU shall be in. .lemon* Iver shel , of silver bas, in my I fr, ni two ? it| of th! world, and . ? i ondly, by th.* en. ? ? I production bullion , i this re pi ii mi i "nt tba lawnuUdna power of th! wi I ent. i : member! I put forth thoroughly, rds to f ? ? ? I thal i Cleveland will the . ? ?rill nol ?? ... i i ible nae ol I ... the money ol he Mil ? ? for him that a mil tl - ' ? stu h treaaon. i do aol I ?? ould, a'' ' la atatli n or i to the ? of the ? ? will unite la making good th! pren thiit we ga ie amdo to the i upon nilli hu ii majorltj I ,; hi tba s. ? j-._i'v of th ? eli -tore! of ii" _tea of tin- i . ii... retie party. Mr. Sickli -. of N V . ; di I ' repeal of the purchasing dsuee of th.* {.herman act. Mr Catching! interrupted th.- pi Bed? inga loror ? r. ugh to r- p ri th! I Uh-? Of the Houie. v. ith -ul read ? I oi.I i ' I vote. for th.* Bhermafl ai t from n \ or i" i' t. peel af the pw I ? io from i big Mr T.tylor!! . tn ,Ind i I] alllsm. Mr (Dem _ I the Wi!-.,n bill. No wo ' b* araated. The Shi rman : I Mr. Breckenrldge.Ark.. would, under ag .it,int. peal Mr liol;, th.- Wilson bili. vVhlli ? in tl .* rem< ly i ri ? munit < I might to it from ? ' the faith .-ur.-. (Apple ie) Mr. On uti R p, M'.ke In favor ol .Mr ('a'lipi.i ii ' i n m..Tenn i Mr trick (era Mil. Meaan 0 pc ' Oeii enhalner (Dem.,N ' i spoke In favor nf ? ,nv ratio, Mr. sit ,ps<,n 11 I ni consent f..r conslderatl -n ot a resolution authorising lbs ?peaki r to ai committee of five awn the allegation that certain bani, a 4 paying their enquire Into the conduct of Secretary i i i.lier Bckeli in tl i pi The Speaker r I wm. not in . t ler. ' ? - the Hot? took a recess until S o'clock. Ahollt ht Huii-s. Vt'ASHIN'ITi.N*. ti .' Aag-B cf ti*.- Inapecl of tl I fifth 'list t i-t. which loci*. of Maryland, virginia ai l * - ? Charlea light, which the roset, renell . , dig in ti light, near Fort M< i roe, also i little at. rh for ? ll was th lously Injured bj light ts lt! _ i erfi Pi hil A- h-' lng the y.-ar " little Value. toa Wolf Trap light wa. carried away, but I ? ? hirM also su-*'aii puts the light In fine coi llghta along th! Petema! ri ported to be w-ll ke;.t and la I I ? ' an unimpor? tant character. Recommendation ls made thal a tight hean! ba established <>n the R.r.-teh betwea Cove I'olr.t and Smith's petal which for a dlstan-e pf thirty mi!-.* is unlighted. This !l_ht. in the opinion of the Inspector, i- ' ry. Small r. pairs were placed on the Wacks tone leland light. In the V and a tinew hu..* was erectad ea Maryland Point- The shone for the first time last December The reg erl ...commends that a light ba established st Swan Point Bar. Fifty thousand dollars would b*? necessary to construct i. llcht house, lt ls estimated that the done to the II..M house service Bad the buoyage BfMUn tn the '*he*a peake bay last winier by the tee tea ah ed fully tTAMh . ? Fat-n.lon of Qnaraatla*. W*fLM**NQTON, N.e.. August ?.-Th* board of health of Wilmington met to? day ami de. Lired quarantine against Atlanta rahUB, Ca,, because of th- number of refugees at those piece* from fever infected pyrts Incrt-ai-ing |ha hone)-Ojder l',tisln-*s*. WASHINGTON l>. C A :.-.-'. Puring the financial flurry of the past lew weeks tl.ere ! ,s been B nitliealde I|1CP?1S*? in the t, letaeaaof aeveml branches at the etty pee* oehee, Eapecteltp ia this th* case i; y order di. Istoii. The and I oth.-r of handling checks and ! arts just now has driven many business ni*n ts rh" us<- of inom-v ord-rs In transacting their business. For ?**> mos ii ba -er of this city recently Ben! i draft ra kew Vork down ?tr!,.,,ns In the usual routtn<* of bvatn rs, With th* r-sult that it was re? turned tO kim as un Available. He was f,;,el ? rd -r for the reQuh TL - * i-i the money order division of the -t it.-,) today the BBBOUBl ? by them no* ls illy ls at this Istry divisi >n does Bot il ie a like lacresse, and there > ? v of telling the '..fun4 of Ihe con) reg ed pe thal L. It.g sent out la i?' ? heck! or di >fr* that ?s by mail. Assistant ; IferrUl i ? ln,r UM l 1171 ll ' told a star repoi ming I rssasmb ??? 1 how ti-.-- hulk of 1 th'4i capt Mi ? run up ? .masing the | ? lied to work L - ? i way lae the Igh With the ' ? Barri's! ll a CeraSeld. I . e\ "tiing ru ia esl led oul ' Ihe iioti ? l or'a, ? . tl ? ni In they tl -lt relui ll. wi- ? tween two Indian* e.ul III. [NOITON ? ! Hs* I niros fur tfBtkf. ? ' ? ' ? ' , . Will Dot pl ll". ? ' 1 !? I ?fifth ? ? Sixth i Lissie, IBS; M iii ul. US; roam, li;, orchis, 18. Seat tie! ena aa travel ResjmvaA JACK80NVILLB ii.v, Aas*eel BJ 1 iltli < >l!i, sr POI f'-r Lim ii , which i ? >a : ? Tamp i I , tUgtU "The ? ? i rt Tam pa 'itv Bl ! ' to the i no longer trtettoae on trsv, I arlll I u !.?? ?!? a to war* of the !'tr i tallied I . Mth. spiiii. ni Ssaded Barrheaam WA8HINOTON, Am I See.e tsry Cl ? r \',,r lu-es a letter I pen Ung bill ? may Ile in Loud' I WI ' ll urns te pt | that lt s -lid af* rs ?'? *r < ia la caa* toms Wfl in the ? i Be ? - ! liol bulli' Leal la I ', ? gs. CHICAGO. ILL, Aagnst ??*> M-,ry ett, need aevetitv ?? earn, of the prom! rt.|t , ,,,,1 ,r ? Herndon, cam* isre to meet .>tiii Barry u dallforalaa *nl ie now iwporte i i"it. ? .-rn Ibe t tm-agu Ure. CHICAfK ' II.I. A t-onserva pl.i ai the total lose I - ire In Bouth Chlcsgo ?t IOim.ihjO ? ea the Creek i Compaaj ? dock which was damafid to teat of H0.S " V,?irl,ee. tlari', * I r. ulatto'l ll' WASIItViTiX, August ta ? i ir f the 1 vin net? ? i vats tn tbs l L'-vn di.-.fcgtng Its ? eceivi i ii I deal of -ndatloii. IU! th, i ? Bf 1 ir iiso, the stlllty, Mr. forheee ins spe.-?-li it lay gave a to bo irary friendly ut the national banks, ind hts remarks found a rei rom oAl ? Bene* ? If this ..-ink circulation bill waa to i ?n upon rh- r-peal bili he would ha carrie, r lila ? ' he measure s not :, Pktal f-nd of n lead. nashvii.: rm au.,. r,-At .thanet Ala., thin morning, a did , ,. a ion ,f I*r. J. U. Hoffman, and Clytuo Ulan* ? from near )"lk I .ffm.-tri was ah"t through the head ind killed, .vh'le Hianton wai se*i*0**Oi| was ar reeled and lodged n Jail. A faod had/ listed between the wo young men for tCCB* time. mmiiih: FORECAST. WASHINGTON, !'? <*.. A us uat Bi.?For? est mr Virginia, aoutliwesU-rly winda ind fair weather. North I'arolina and 54outh Carolina, i.irfheaat.-rlv winds, with rain on the tessi, i"st*lbly Increasing to galts B*t irday night, pt. .?Lng _ hurricane cen re moving north* tatt weather In the mellor. I NEGROES AT THE FAIR. FRED norm A* SPEARS OX THR RACE FROE I. SR. financial Natters at the Expasltloa I_eah<-> lea Brighter -The Attendance ngaree. CHICAOO, HA., August t_-~Trelne arriving In Chicago this morning car? ried a goodly number of colored people They came from all parts adjacent to thia city, and a fair portion w e-e from the far southern States. The moet die tlngulshed men of the black race were among these at the grounds. The local colored men and women turned i it In force and In their best attire. Th?J cur? ried themselves In an orderly manner and acted proudly. They had an lutere. t lng poiTimm. to observe at Festival li **il. a h>-re their best oratora ma a, the address of Ired DOUglaea on "TIM Race Problem in America" being masterly la lag I ???neut in tone Rteeei -itu Jones, khown as ths black Patti, elicited rounds .o' apples! ? from ' ia e. wh_ h wa.- shits peo? ple, ajliney fl heard af '?? "ton. ami m ir** t- .1 lelah. .,f the N -ei-Mitory Ifusle of America, aeng eelectlUM from Will M took s opera, ' Tom'! ' and Hiilll* < I Brou n. nu elocu tlonlsl amoila her people, read patrtotM ?elections The femoua lu bile, ?i miers nile I In .?? veral numbere ol mme .-it, I e i, h time they were i ? utily en* \' n ? furnished If the talent I J Bl -pe? dal i -queel Uuffi lo Blil with his riders ni rivi ; at the ? rning and Kilian.-lal matters ' et\ iltlon sra looking brighter Vlei President r si ys re wi - 'i 't. ? stirs amount du I ra la now i nnd a few auch days *?! will wipe ? It la aal I * i ? i now on t the elrae an ui i mei (?a In ei The i with I * -ti*.?r * of i". ? niiti pey* . third Installment of i" >.r ju per The ' led In ? nleilona di l lng fha ll ettaa ' a looting wh tel ? om thal ilma i ame ? . a. ra I end h . \'i. "*.. ith, wai - tba. . i Th! total for th lays ei this iv.-ek has Sirred) r. ai h I I , I . I to CI ' \M I. mises to si t the hich \.i)i, i .where tn the neishborhot I t it tend, nee _... i . |j Ith, a la imls Sloni v -re taken Tho n ! fig ure was of "Ilihioli I >,-i v,' when thi i ? lid's fair stat., turned r>u1 ' i h. their dag to th! number of MO.MB. "British Ki I plre" dav, whi.-h fell on n Saturday in the io-xi with in.MI; Gen in I ty* fol? lows with i n ord t : * tt, and "in? fanta" dav t* credited sith I BB tht bair M-rvi.or. mw, rOMC, kwh, u\ Stoma af l"se of life and Shipping by Thursday's storm -?iii coming In, This morning. Ttvfh* en Cooper, "f tbe pll ?i boat Thomas 1). Harrison, reported thst whee twenty mllss off Highlands ai ?? o'clockyeetagdap aftsrnooo ha pMB i ap Henry Susa, a Por iitik-liiK to the tnai.1 load of a hink.ii arrack. Bc proved tn be the only .urilv.r of the schooner N irriiKansett, Captain Chose, bound from philadelphia fur Westham, Mans, coal ladea, which foundered yesterday morning during the burri rs ac Ths cre-n af flee men were i.ll teat and the survivor wan for seven on ih.- nrc_. * before being picked up lie mts taken aboard the pilot boat in sn !__ha istsd COOditlon and conveyed to thia ity. trance and Mern -tain, i. >NDOM, Aug., Si.--A special to the Tines ri. ni Bangkok, anya that m. i.e I'r-i.i ti r*|. . afl dunand ? i that tn- Siamess government dis mlM a mmese 9 dirmlasal it the Mi ames! arm] i navy, and tin tlapntch adda . f'-ar that i ? ? _t t,, i* fy the lUlllll! ' '.Iii Saigon, v. ho .1* -ire the ecqutaillOB of more BlaaMec t. nu try an HM r'.^nt l?ank. ot ths Mekong river. M. 1) lea baa an ?l in Bangkok, thal four mora French w-.,r Milpa .tue ,,u tie ir way to i ,1'ii-r meet I noa between M. Devi ia i I uneee f-'t'litn mln IstarhnV! ben adjourned without data. habw- i Mated i hum' s . SAN BBRNARD1NO, P.M.. Aug. To? The Farmers' Karkaage National Hank rc,pen> i >eater-tap. RIVER FALLS, NV IS. Aug. aft-The of Rivi-t i alla whirl* suspended a week ago, renamed buaineaa yesterday. I ,.r i' vcr Culaare. WASHIKOTON, I). C. Aug .ft- a*cre tary Carlisle sent to the House to-day a l.-tter reeomaaeadtng the appropriation ai I8UC.00Q tm ? iiuln'tlna the recoinage of fractional ellver cot*,... Tho D-K-reiary asks that the appropriation ba mal! avallabl- linnie :i-it. i>. Hnilrnaii . ag- Ki-melina. HOWLS, ALA. Auk. 2.V-J. C. Clark, lent of the Mobile and Ohio Itali* Company. Oeneral Superintendent ten. anl ct ra mitt tee representing the orders of conductora, sagtosem S*v ? 'ralnmen nnd switchmen held a con faianei VT< baeedey r*gai___nf a reduction in wages The mun refused to accept a .ii of 7^ per cent without the atlp. : (>. lay notice. The company mada a counter proposition of 10 per cent for several months and at the expiration of that time. If the tlnam-lal eonditio . of the road ls uric hu need, the reduction should continue. This waa r< fused. Pree? ldent Clark then told the men that the acale of reduction submitted to them was imperative. A Strike Improbable. SMSHVlI.LK. RMK, Aug. tt-Rep*. B-titiitiv a of tbe various labor orgaaigetioM wi..*, members are employed on the Lotttv ville A Sash ville Railway system net here i secret session to-day lo eoe at Ibo votee east for and e. e.nat tbe order of the reilroed oom pan? makio*, a tea per eau -ednstlog mts w igee of emu oyee. lo take eSoot Boys I. Ii la the opinto a herelSf_lifwu thirds of i he em ploy ese veted aga! etaaeam. ting th* redaetioa. bal ll te though* I a strike mil be avoided tai UmwStAttk waa*beamleahly settled eg ssmgMmsuh tory knaki