RICHMOND. VA.. Sl-.V.iAY. AUGUST 27, 1801
? t l!ii: BOUSES.
I MWtl ?niui
M IH Be Pigeon**
i.. leaale ? enefeaee
ft ? i rtii.
* 2- -
* - the
:" Ihe
n with if
ire w iii be
'i In
: : . \S il lin rn
ll ll |
y In*
? ll
? (Ap
Il the
lt of I
? '
? redundant
I said, waa
id, di,
? , i *. ,.,./ I I SION,
Killed un>i Bosaral injured
in a B
? S
IA Inn
r.inan of trail
I! ll
- I let ed
ll, f
i an?
the dis*
?ur rlir Mends.
, i tbe cjiy Conn.
1 th Matu
I to
,i be raadj for
f, wit Lui a i. ? lava ar;,l theil
00 and * l o. oo.
i.r had reral
? nen to i isl] o:i vi i > ai r, deeir*
i oe- "i these i" adi
\ ? ?? thu fallen a *t,*-d to buy bond*
f t ths mhb ol
Marine *.ew!.
I ' ewport Newe
Drll j,, .rt.
.1 . N> w Or*
Brltleh I lp Powdl r-h:nri 1.1
- ri I ton.
i ? Point.
' ' I ?
il ii* nu-*. r.iiiti-irrn..iti,-iit..
' | ' I Tl.'N'N .iv R
Tn Purni-.*. Work ler Laborers-.
CH I I | R Thi M iv- | Bater i ay
? im on
of furnishing employment to Idle nv-n
nf furnlehing emploj ? i >n! to I lit
U H Mad*
, ll 'it Of tilt* Illili,til i
of i. ? BL J. 1 Iholut, Ma
I Lal i A
the C, -till
- Wy. i'h. n bsa
Iment for aa
p the
l ll F ititi i ts s i t WINk,
Tho Salaalta Mshae s tales Sturt hat tii.i
tpit 'floi \v.,,u.
1 N'I'i'.V. Aug., .
i ' alluna
?ii harbor
Ita ?? whi a tic- . ,., ,i ,,,
I tu pul
il mtnuti
i ?
t.rt! I. Bhe a
' ill una
t.. the boat a here Ihe firs! turn
,i the Ssl
withstanding hi i in ip ol
ll minutes did the ' I the
following '
took ?
Lsah Out for n Hm ri'inic.
i lock lt'!
fiv<* tun.di.,I milt
north of bu
In th,
I cl mi
?. with the barometer
thus far Isbn to ti
lt's tWO pl . lilly
the , trike
t it i
? '
? ?
. iv morn
-1 ,,f
idlRg the
Lui loiinii Reports.
in town to ,i:i\ !? ii 'l ileful I
ton which i
for rain ? win
are promptly p u Ing for all
? '
? re*
i ? to take this snd liiini their cotton
higher pi I
\ Berlaaa Oare-la.
PLAQ1 i:.v.' LA a rery
I ? i-,- this ev,
ly In front of the town. Tha
front of !?
I ' Wide, 1,1
laking in Prank Turi, ra usre
of lumber. It
Hank. Reoamlag.
7."VisviLLi:k kv ,.\n_ M, The Fourth
Bank, one of the Bru te de?
ment during
the t ? ? ? rn ia to day.
The cit) National and the Merchanta
Mle Wltllill il feW
? i : un etina of the
?olden oi' Hi.- Keatucky National Hank
rill be held to I '!c-r of
ebpenlng that 'institution.
OallfsrnlB tdeiirlii** lloii.e C.-iliMe.ite*.
?' iLUMBl lt, S C I "?' " C
' ? Hon held ,t n
? ' sod i"-i fee ted arra; .
ta ii' ? certificates. The
or two
i mi ths sse rx latlon and to tbe
itnounl Of twenty ji.-r cent if the la.-ik
ng capital. Certificates wera leaned to
he mic ? nominations
,r one dollar and upward Tics,- certlf
itee were readily r, c. pti I by >?*??
mi win Kr. itiv relier
ly ail !;t movb
?it,m pi ip t,;- ii Ing h mae cai
Jao laaued to-day by the banka of
| , k Hill. SI C.
um J liv;. W.VA..Aug. tl.?The Ben
rood iiinl Etna -'lilL und tli? ''.-'Ilaire Nail
,'nrkB, three of the biggeet tin'erus in this
iilnity. anBOUBOe that they will t*!ut_e in
few days. Thoj will employ about 2.000
>?rfoi*s'? masaasn
ic m*. lined the coiniuatul.
mr tri alaska
It ii mid ibe ulrike >f the oi*f**r n>?k**?
?- bttnudiu-t,-,:. All ibsHtrikiuci'iuiuli
?r* will be st wt rk on Mi?tnis> ? . , Aydlolt. a well known citizen, dieu
sst night aged iii your*.
ON TUE rr ri: 11 DILL.
1 munmin MateOMMO Oppose.] to I'ree ,_r?ln
sg .-Messrs. Allen, < isrk Ariiion.l
ai?l Others Also f-pesk.
Boorai |
I '
Mr. < irki I
Mr. I ' ? . ' | that 1
f the
t lt la for a
miy >.f tl
a areli * itahll lu .i i iii r ia th
of nil, trvt i. .* ? * n 11 own i
It ii
Mr. Ri |
hit.i powi ?
deliberation, bul
ire of apathj among
pi opie; ind that tin
11 ?? in in u fa< tu re ri
!?? u regulated for 1
? ? i arith lol .i chai ge WI
maa run know. What I
?. r which
their handa nobody
i know thei
Infoi :. t l
\ t the ri* * i ? t mon I
1 ? will be Hm
? ; i
t'ntil thi
.... . .
ii ? * Ul thal th.- cauae of 1
? ? future ol
tl*.a ,. I '
a rei
' '
? ? did IMI I
States, will
t'> the condition ..f ??
Walker tn ii it, i
nol th.
While he iii.l aol think tl il
j il of I
. ?
? ?? Si., rio ? ?
i try. Il
' '
ol oauftei If, thei
v.iii relieve the
If lt will
f..r rr
ll-* V
Ela waa aol (
the il
? i
ir the upward mov< 'i is
: t and bad
acth n?
In coi
ii, we
.- publli
? of the ' ? til
ii if powerle ? In hil flrat
l *.ti .n ? party . he li ft
r m< i lee tl
?*? n by tl
wtifi this country*.
i ? r i
! . '? i
vui of the
.u party haa
o the ci ' nance Wh
?i untry wai tempted to
' . ? the R -pilbil
'.-1 \- ul*, lou !
' of General Has
n i u a toidi r'i .*?
ll ua har 1 flghtln.
cradll <>f tills country ;
r lt. th" World Wh.n il
that are beard toda]
leard Bfteen yean aajo eoundlng the ?
irataee of a >i | ins
lialns ibo |k>rlea of Bal ni n
; ? i irty of Abrah) m Lin In n be i i
t ? itu* .mi -,
?itv Whal we a? re i'i mn
l. i..ry wi* ur*- la ..ur daya of dafeal tin t
himptoni ot trur* and eottd Baan* -. and '
rhea the 'ia> c i* will ?
? ? laa i thli land l i . t.< t
he patna of pr m erlty and t ia
r ire tr."M.*n under Republican r
i mans y< are. *?> k with
ia ..ur anclenl glory, undina '
Ity; our ancient honor, amullled by
? '
Mr Reed*! doning a were i
ith n pro] , . |
nd hie declaration thal the lean t
van i-i defeat, clung ta hi_.h i-rin- f
Iplea of flnai
leane Into i I tho
nthual ?
ii waa' I rred by III '
ri. who pn.??!
- tin*-! In
onal rep.-ai Mr Willi mm, of II Itu
.lowed Mr. 1 ???Arm*.ul, (abo In Ml
iland'a Ilma) meklna i etrong crf-.o.- ? colnace Mr. Allen, ot I
Ippl, wai ipeaker, end
?ns followed By Mr Cockraa, PoB-Ocrat,
lew Tori
Mr. Cockran eal. In opening that nft.r
glenina to th.* ?peech of the sentleeaaa
rho tii'l hui tak.-n hi- ne would
.lmit that the argument! In fat ir of
he free Mlange ot Mirer watt H I
anne rather than coarlndng He egret l
,ith tha gentleeaan from ,Mi^fii_
rhen Cm I Mnrch Hm
ountry was preaperoue in ewer,
rhlle n<?w the gaunt ipectre ..f -
ion wan stalking abroad through the
ml a remedy foi thia condltl
.lugs . .i_ht to l>e gought f.<r, trot fr-un
nv tgttU ot paitHanol-li) He coald not
gree that thei?e j.. i|..|s nf .!? |.r. .-.Mon
ion laneparable fran th adrancemenl
l clvlllaatlon, but thought that euell waa
ue to a epeel_<- eau fcc vi hich might be
__i_lily discovered.
Mr r ? said I ff rm of
re for
the f . ;f ?:'*.?? . tli it rm nttt-mi.t
made In tho eefiv, ntlon by a ?!
i id ' to nitimlt th- party
li... ur* t. n
Hoar it the convention in
"W* are ti ld"
? : , and Ni -
? ire ar ? Iii I .
lt.: from the platform . if that le *h<
crjw why a * .kc f,, Bsa
"?* le in the ? lt wee
i, . ? . ? * ndoned t hi
ratli t' itform
i' rho I
il waa
. ?
. i ?
? i
tie Mr. Ula I) to
? 'i*?.i Ba*/.
I 1.
. 1
l Lil
I, Gsllndo 3
? ?
i '? mia L
egao i haas*
L hip ball
At i hiladslphia: IL EL E
.... 010000001- - I I
die 1 1 lSOSOOO 3 11 l
e 0 0 2 0 0 1: 4 7 ll 1
tor.-*: Mulla*. ? a-n 1.. Pn*
0 0 ? 0 ij 4 : 1
- .
K?lt ]
.. I
. ll 4
i |
" itrknon.
At i
1 0 0 0 3 0 y c x 7 a 3
I I ;o 5
' .mb und Daily: Cliuien sud
, rk 11 0 u 11 0 0 0 i) 0 0 0 8
1 7 ij
? Hil '.?-an : Khret
?i 1 'Inaio )
fork > 11 ll 2
irg I 1 0 0 1 fl " it- 2 6
Baldwia (iud D -yle ; Q
How tit*4 1 lui.. Bl.ntl.
Won Leek Arer
1 . 71 3'
g.*. w ,t .tm
i . - ii .*,??
? 1
4' w iork. . M -7 m
? : ?>? .cn ii
. . <l ri .? 'j
Baltimore. s
fl .4.M
. . ll ia) jut
l.onli>ill*. ; - 4?
IVa.hin.ton. tfl Kl 4:i
tATOLLt is < 1 si 1 s sa ll 1.
I Ito tapa! Del-galS Make, a Uriel Adtlreai
? nt lit. A: 1: ?
INNATI, ?>, August 2B.-Mirr.
?>,Molli, th.- 1
i*apt, SITtved In !' - A. .M.
? - ?' 1 large deb
led by
?f welcome
I im tl rv much
which haa
I am
I san
; Ir-.l lt, SJ tO Pl 1, ? IVS thc
' '
, ? ? [
? report
u will ?trl\ Ile their Bplr*
rent f tl ,iti fi,
: to cob*
tO tlie Fjililt <>f
h . ? 1 talon u fermi d
nd the ta Uta rathe
? ? i'et.T'tJ
'athedrsl '
' ' !
? -:
ow arith i
Bonum I'n la-*** l*"*-*-lr-rerrd.
.'?' The Negroni Caf.
'. ? asorulag.
nf.- f the bulbi*
,; r ii] t^
ri the 1
nan w? -omtn
the wtudoara by
? ,1- -, s and ecr~
? l with Baines v
rrivad thal ia hp
Xew Vork Deruoeraf la I "fi* -titloa.
Mern Ti tk, Amp, M
-hate Commit tee baa Seethed uimn
1. OCtoker fth. us the pluee and
ima Xor holding the -tate Convention.
"?JTh.t the City Folks Whn Have Fled rrotn
the Real Are I>otng. 5t?ws Frfttn
the Watering ri?c*?.
White wi than lt le I
. htful n.-w
as th* ld for 1
tM f HU this suinm.r. I fl
a im Itch | I of I
' .
I i ' - ia 1 Mt's Clara Rrown
..- th< nfl. ?
rho Episcopal < ireh
--thur 1
mil.* ' fa
There ure
t ? \ .
Icr Ipi
gu*... Irg at Cotta A
Colo. The thri n the
flo. r of I ' ?
' I
I'M ... * I
White wi
ii- . , .
Mn. 1 . War
r* n Li
J Im l r. ?'. W Hil
; ' i lira. C
Mn. 1
! ' ? .
1 1
? ll
' ?rn
benefit i I ile gt-tren r ir
the bal
Tin nu, a munni- ALVM
The Season nt the lietel.? of Im ffalotf al
TM? < haming Ramil
ll Thi * :
lered by Ml Iel tl
ber thru . fl
Harrie and Helli
The ball room t
by I fol l
chandelier! and irtndowe I with
whlh *
railing of gre .. mal I ... H
? .i Mftly tinted im-,
mra i er mot itiik
ri led by Min Pill
red In cl
? ?
io i
in i
i | ? ? ?
Braytl * I ' ?
; other dellc iel s and
nft.r the l if
Tie* followli f wera tl ? "
Ml. i
Mi i m. C Bow
lira,.' h, Wilki- I
1 i
n, H.
i. . .ii V bite, I.
a | ? ? ?
rum, I
Mrs W Cosby, of RI I
ny friend! a delightful itop r av
ty on Tri 1 iy Uri Klllot, of *?
1 party, which wa!
Mr* Lawton, f Chartntaa. H. (1,
who be ere two montho, an, is
Hy admired, gara to fifty nf bel
a tn Mt l i'
The card r -n was a v ?
f. . I .arding af pi lam
much 'merriment Ti,*- tir-n ;_
.* ,tl h> Ml I
_ irquAlM i In, f v Mr* Lr.
pa] r _* r-ln by
llmmi and MIm i i i
njoyal le terri i
wai h 'hi la tha 1 i m by
Y i rei tor >.f ? 'hun h al Clifton
: md i -I i Ingllehman of
tpIii.I 'in.l with hi. yoting
irnlng hera, and -t algl t all
tr..-i In I f
? it Mr Hoi
red by all .
Mr.. tm' nd Mm lan. Pal
*tirs..r_, -who am hrerywhem i
a ri.-sf delightful *?"'.;. par!
1 h. lr fri.-- de ni '1 ll ri ? fa
Roberta. witt Ber
? i i tala, nee
Bktpwtth, larlted ti
o_ their ihaded reran lah tn ? trial at
Th.* fir.-t prim noa bi
I | by Mm Phtnlm y
Mm ts troy, M tv* L ttler, Cabell
and Doj many filendi h-*r>- aad
Mra. Ho V alch, Smith un!
chancing nona in.' i
Virgin I i In bee . y boro.
Thin I. an kital place for children
both for heall
* ?- rd I ? "t. many
children from ? Ighl to aha P M
Mr.. Dr. ChaaeeUor af the uarreielty
of virginia, latertelaed ber fri-nda with
I p.rtv and aft-r lt WtVV OO
Mra. Peyton and Kinney, i I oaly do
I norn in Um ?
hut glre ' *' * . ? "
many delightful d
Mra Moran and tw. handgome dvi..
t.r*s are hen- f..r:n Chi
? i] k ami family fr>m Cl
Lawrence 8r hook* ru ft f Baltimom, Lr
fr rn Hampton ni 1 ll
Cabell of Rlchmi
Moa with her brothi r,
ar.* h' re, al ... Hr x.
.1 Mr . 1:1 rt. -i. the
last fruin North < __rollr_*_.
MaJOT Ludlow gave tO bli m-iny M ndi
ga i i 1 ur. rn a 10TI I] fi .* li '-n Y
dar. There were* eighteen tahlee of aro
hre, and th.. \.*ry handaomi
lirst prim aaa aaa ?>v Mr**, ko
.. i ? .tinisi'-'i of goi.l boaboa laooaa.
!Ti_", diamond pin. by Mid
Clark'-; the thir.i. ccarf pto, Miss Kinney,
iv.r fruit ki.If* l.y Maj r ? .1. i ii.
of i leorgla.
Champagne and ia!__<l v/t-ro s_rv._ by
Furreeter lu hla ben a tyla.
Toe Arrls-al of th? Tntled State* Ship
-*A Bpi lal lt waa a pretf s-xht Sunday
D fl di!; ' il atfMBB ram*
iver 'h.- ch.-i Pf
rif th* "horse-shoe." nnd dropped lief
ll iste and
alive wit!, >? ,:lora B ' ; ked
like . i of i la rata In th. ir clean
line:' * .' .vre furlcl,
? . . narai air aa
t tho ship.
Af- ui j Uklrty*two
- ? . -
than tho
Newe] ;. lemnnd aad tv raid
Sam hue be*
-? s r atdenta t t id
I'.-ln' ? up Ilk*4 mu?h
r ted <
' iraday
.\ niki,
4 - - r
emir - ,m the
? i '
) >r
nave r-?
? ' .'
ler nnd I - twe
?ll nt the- lly
. . . . .. |
ta Ith i ' B
Th" '
Albert '? '
i i
Son Tr"'i!,l- la -drirn,
I ? ?'
kok c,,iitirin
: vin-: thut
?i beta a ft
i despatcheg
i ' ? ! ty the
? .*, r,iir Pi
. . .I'trn
n ti ? t tba I lull sf
ired fat
CHIi \c'. [Ll I !'
,, | -. .
i.i \ . ti . ufflo
- - - . li
ir-- Thur--;
Hf, 1 til"
' isltlci fir rlothl ,1'
i .-e. i hi, itn>,
len tl . ? <
i i i
majh fids
nd tb
m. r
. ,,.
a braaaea BaMf-seei Pa M Killi tit*
V*. ll.. ?.,.i Hilt.*. M
? . ,
-? i In n-irth
U ! ? ncrtilny.
I ? ' ? 'tl It paVST,
i i ry, ? nt his wlfe'fl
r, -TOW
e O' ,.d when I - 1
i ; -iii , r h-r i. ,
..i fill nih ? I .t d: ' '
r , i i> i ,,f the po apia
. , i
. i , ? | bal
leting in 1. rooking
when his fat ll lol I ated
r tabed
the I ? ? dd I ? ? lothef caaM mn
i lng "ut a i-fi i ? r t - ? .- . ,t ...t '. ', i
,<l r>iii in
? ai-,
I r, he dd, wns in the front i
ni'ti a rnaor la I ey t-iiyr*
t.e rsa witri tr. pitcher and struct* ala
> r. ni< f m.'i t .t a:,i gaahad
i :s . c .. ' .: ,, ... j.
thro- r. ,r,
? - Bia rc ..k
: ? f ?.?. irk t<r thren
?reeks u '? '? I a a apraa ft, ?? t t
I ? i Rough 'o rufH "
? t leads I die belief
Hint tho stan Intended t" poison Mi
'.re furn!ly The conj,Wt bad l?"-ri
ri" l ? ? ? ? I Ave .j,,h..
Iran ai I kans I ima
?-iv By Borne it ie stated fi,a* Meek:*
_i jealousy, Inflamed r,y drink
i ? ral ttmea
The Cholers In Welly.
WAflHTNOTON, i> 0.,Aafuel Vt a
? .i-lne
fr,-.. Consul
?I, linly, t-tiifiri^ thal
date there bag been twet-Ay enact
. and els flaafbg thara The dla
: ? mild tr? f,,rrr,. however
a has bpi 'intM
Dr lt > . ' r. In i-ector "t Ria
Dr W H ' ts ? uiltnr**
lnsi '.lr! M. I'txr*
i tor at I) td'-mt.
| Intel llitlfluitire nm! Ohio Wreefc.
. f'l.VMM'S, <>.. Atitr.iBt M, Atflo'cloch
thii niornini* a Ilaltliiiore and ohio fre'ght
train was derailed it Black I.!''k,near Newark
whtls runiiiiiK "t Llirh si-eed. dbe engine
itud ?e.eral inri tveffB piled BB Iq a huge
Inns! of WreogJSf .reman **-. 0 Ilona*
litirner >t -as terni ly waided
and will die. Curley Mitt hell, a friend ol
rr?t..lioLnrt-or who waa oh the en-*in* St the
a .*, oruahed to 'Lyath.
m**d on Ilk cl Peek.
DI NVin. OOL., Amruit V> -Mrs. J. t).
f Ainsterdatc. N V., who hu beeb
visiting In f 1 ead i *-? t,ri_.^-?. "tarted yeftter
dsj to gr, gp 1'ikM Peak, rib* gol part of
th* way n;i when ihe waa taken i ilJanlr
Uland lied coon nfl i ? ?"io-*, brought heck
to thu city, tshe w*n .cult* rl-*ihy, bot waa
io gool health bstfore going np
Print SHU ltesnimlog
LoWr.n,. MASK.. An.. ** Tha lull
iilatit of th* Merrima Mite* print work, *m
pioyim; i. " iptwalrea, will iurt up next
.Monda,- tooiu ng on full tim* t*. mn perma?
nently, lhere bat been a conference of
Lowell Mi,l-tr**_>ui*r? and th* decision ls
thal there will be no cut-down of wages
either now Ot tu th* fall. lins other shut?
down mi f? will probably follow th* Merri
luac sad start u,.
,-, i itui i i ????! i *ST.
WABHUfQTOM 1>. <".. Anr-. M.-Fore*
eait for Virginia, easterly wiuds, triak oa
the coast, fair Sunday tuotnJBg, poa-ab;
:, eal tm's Bun lei Bight.
t>.,rth Carolina and *<j\1'M Car Ulna, north
. ii.torl s winda, high ? u tbe coast, raia, n*.
oadlgS tim htirri-aiio iu th* cauter .ad
moving aocth***-***) wind* tackiag to aorth*
w-wtery in -'londa.
All of tha Maehlaery la ArCl-sa Operstiea
Daring fie l?ay N-?>?l
Waler I-.tillie!
WORLXTfl (J-'Ain 0t.ot*Nl>8. CHI
i Af id. Aug .tr. - ThH big crowds that
cam. To tho e _i ...sithm aa early as ?
- k this morning ha.l plenty t ? am isa
tl SO, anl Ma. hinery Hall, where the
i programme ot ssRtmms wu. given
whs cr..Wt*4 all di.y WMM H Bag ie
kr. -?n as aTaablaMI IlrUl Lay'' ima o
.int many of Ih* attn, tiona naturally
untrod thor.-, mber point* in lha pirh
*>,' -.1 Iii the attra.tlveu.xse of the .
.1 n I >ur"tng tho rn.w nh k -Al ot ttr*? me?
ei li,, ry waa In a.-tire op..rafi.a_, the pa
nar ^'iii running, printing preaai '.un?
lit* out e plea "f different twerepag rt
aa.-l Um Hi., t v j *? H-ttlng Up liewa*
.1* * u?t ae it ..iud t. moot-rod oem tete
giiii'h ant telephone wir.ia At noon tva
juill.-i hingers entertained th.* j,utile at
th., pond in th.- matm ot mi.hiiM i..ivv.
while at the num.* h..ur a parade 'f Beth
?roins from th. lr eneamptnent on 't.e
plaieaace marched ti ?*.-'' th_ graanahi
In th., afternoon th.- i il tm Imho lo
the H.'iith i .. il, li ' h ????y
Hall ii* r.** tte bone martom .m..ged
in ... ii .v. i waler con-Ret; walking of the
.:. ?? I poll .uta Indulged In gad eihl
.< ..f aubmartoe Bl-rlag gtra__
Td.. BeventesMitb ieg!mani <? N <>.
andee conunaad A Col a l. V nitHaa
Came int. J ?? s u I uk rh. Ihe -..ty.
-i it rt et entrance nt t;l o'clock t. ii
in rntig Ito- r**\ ??nt. m th. paraded 'he
-,t hlgbwaj > ? f c>- pork, retumll g
i n. when they ?">*? ><?*
..1 orin, -it ll ?> *? . k Th. lr lin.. ??? |
aroaaed tousk ent _>?. tuarn. Thu
g drem pm ade and wai
m.1 bj. Adj*- tant-Oeneral Howe of
mm in .real ..i the terminal .nhlon at
' *
Brat fi ' H. il i' ?'?-' to tl
. agalnal the work of tba ..nee
of .,.? ? E -riv| Pklr was in .de
i aamlttia .-.'iirese.iti.g
,\i lean in .Muli. tur.-. "f tn rb Mm I
tni|.|.*in* nt-s Ttie m.ui.if ot UMTS elatm
hewn unjnatl) d'*-*, i
huted a*uii>-<t t .-einiav Mr. Thacher win
to I*, ii, ,ti* c. Anif-l.-an
. ., ntl ????? , ? gf.1 r ' iii. a
i- through feld frtnls. whl... he
l. t requlri f.*r.>i.n implement I
U.,M tm i. ,, ihow h.-ir ii .' Mum in
fl. I!, ll
Tba .-aid ntt indaam nt the fi ir yi??r.
Aaj aral ir_n?>.
Anothcr eremi "f pooali moe mat id io
tte* th. ii\.? ft.-H pa-rtlNon to-day. The
gilirri) ln_s Caught th., juill
?i and h dav Hm number "t vie
abo peat through the bam ut J
in th, big pa-tillea ln
?i Aft. r the r> gular de i f
nil th., i.t... k In thu Mg nr..tia t. duv ?ho
Rnlgtan h..r... uj-id Oallow iv Cattle were
br lUght ovit f.. bo Judge*- t,<e th- SMSA St
ni .
I haa bea reoetred by I'ln-.*-...
Oeneral I'.vis thal the f mai Mormon
i ben aele I?? ir of n roten wm ur
ri*.> i.t th- f.'.r <*.r1y next w.-k i>>_
Hal Ma vtatt it th.* Wi,n- ''it- the ehoii
wtii mo* torero! <? r>- th Peailial
rho ( ll iff the Mormon
Chord. ut;i l * *
1 mw t.r '*i aral i>nvts ha
(Tom Imperial Oommlaelonee aad *"hnm
l?-r1uln \- tllooknoTakOy an ai
r;t f on Inbirnatlonal <**<t ll lt ha f
fr.If outturn nader tte t.r-.*?M>*nev of htg
Imperial hlghnem th*. (frond Dake Hleb
Mal Mi h.-i i. iwlti V lo 1 ?? held il Ht.
i urg In UM Ti,ls lt tomat, mal
exhi;; ./ 1 bf th- Ruaataa *,?!
r Pratt Cultum v**m i?* h. id at h*.
P*atorahurg In the anton -.f UM with the
i ,f thawing Um pmooal eendMoa
In It*J?Mla ikiil .lier COuatrlm "f Hie ''il
fl* ill*,n of fr-iit nnd raaotaMea, "f rln
? ire and lalttrattoo of medical f.latita
hortic ul tami und 'f ? il ii 'lira of
their I't.-lieta.
- .
Hh. Has Dilled ll..r (.ales to Kefngeoe
Hut X,t f'asos it...-, tie n lt ?t?-.,-??<:
ATLANTA* OA.. Atm .Ttl. Tha 1 t
that numil cities hare quarantined agalest
Atlanta . *>inn to kata anabal 'he im
' n that th.Tt* ls yellow farer 1
t' fl! fToin thnt being true, ls
n<t ft ningle caao here rx >r hal there
h* ti. Atlanta haa _t.en?'d h>-r d?>or8 to
th refugee! from ftm.u-wl. k and other
Hli1._..?n ?.lil.-_, hut th?-rv haa not exn\
I -. I lUeptClOlie Cone among th<? fh'in.
ar,A. who hava Com.. I ?r Al^nan.ler,
Preeldent off tha board <A health said i<
"Pleaae At-.,y all mrh repnrti In the
-Trong.tit poewt_.ll I.Tins. Tticp. ts nt
lUtMy i." trith In :.'"rn, TtiTi* hal i t
hean a lueptetoua ene- [nape -t-.r.. ? t
all tn.l:.a BhOUld ft e-.iee tie _ls.*ov..r-.l
tie* patten! WouM at mir. be taken I i
* ,. ./uitlne (itatlon and every pre
Couti f? 11koa Although vm r ,| ?rtaln
that ui.iVn- r.o <dn.uin.ti_.. ?_. would the
? '[,r.a.."
Were Att.r Him and H. r.eM
WILMl.V'lTuN. , N. CA refugee
f>.m DrunaWh k. On., maiing-.-d to enrids
th** .uar.mttna and frot Into th?* etty Kr?
lay Hi bi wm\^r bri ?.-.-n, finding that
the aotborltlm warn after him H. ?._g
aM Mdt atel claJnwi tii.i h. I* rt ltrune
v. k Haag aaakg ?*^* i
i iu i.^ ron a mt.tun
Young Ifsr-old MeCartnlrk Has aa I a plea
?ant l ? !?? .ler,,?*?
CLirVKLANn. (i. A'igiiit ?-Harold
Mi^onnl.'H, tym ot tha re&p-nr n_-..*.ofar
tur.r, ha _ an uni>l-_Marit exp^iience ia
thin >-ity Thur_Kl??y night. He carras to
tba ny n> "/l-wit a --ollage chum, a eon (if HockcfelbT, of tha fttandarvl Oi
Company. Mr MK^mnlek had h**e_? ot
th.? <? emtry r*a4ld?mea of Mr lt??ck?-eil.*r.
and _p"n hta return to the Htlllman to
g?t hie Uvggagv bafora Marting for Chl
caro, waa m??t by r>at_rtlvo Ryan, off De?
troit, who ii*.* .-l Mm und_r arrmt. lay?
ing he waa wanted f<w covend offer. *
Y amg Mui'sirmlch auld lt waa a caa* off
niWUik.n\ Id.aUty, bat went without undue
>>i.).-tl*ave to the o?a.tral nation. It waa
i..iir;<-d, hl4 iV-m rliitlm tallied with
that "f ths? .rook hy tha name ot M<*Cor
rni a and hie slgnatura no the hotel regto
f--r rorrw.pondf-1 -irlth that ot tho maa for
.h.m the ot.1., .a. wens LxAliig. Ur"?0 hil
arrloil at ths? atatlon, Mr, MK'ormieij,
by lett.-ra in hla p-jae-anto-i and In other
ways, d-nnoritnoad to the otfUtri that ho
waa not the man waett<d. and ha ? a. al?
lowed tn tate a train for Chicago. Tb*
crook haa not y_t l**n oaoght.
Trank MrCormach, editor of tha Hart WU*
Ito-s. ls under arrtait on tha charge off
ti .vtng f..rr>-! notea for Una, g_0 and lodi
drawn oh different banka and erith having
emb?_iali-l $30* from aa taanranca con*.
rany of wheh ha waa tha agent
. a in
The WorM*. Cotton.
MSW TORK. Aug. X-The lota, visible
.ipply uf rotten for the world le X ci,
?? balei. of wt<l?h U nt, TM balm ara '
Ami-lean, .. .ainet, Tu, Ku and X itt, UA
bair*, reaae laat year. Reo._-.ita
at all laterijr t.? ii, 9, HS Recelpta from
i lautaUuaa, l\ Ul Creg bi eight, t, Kt,