Newspaper Page Text
a >HE TIMES ?i7 . ft** r Vubusheu Bl r *g**SS**n TUM--MB COBABtmmBBir *** TIMBS BUILDING. JCSNTH AND BANK 8TRKKT3. ?RICHMOND. VA- tr* fjtX PAIL* TIM EB ls ir-rvt J bj- carrl-ri f*_ their own/account in *?"' c''*" Ifcunchesler and Harton Helghtt fur U cents s week. W> centi a month, ac.00 a year; by mill W ciaU a wonth. |i 00 a year. THE BUNDAY TIMES Thr** cents ?*r copy. ll.W s year. tua WEEKLY TIMES Iiiued ano ad ia two parts?ons dollar s yeor hy man. Adorne si! communications mid cor aspomlence to Tue TtatM Company. Ita*Una notice* In r -dint matter type. go orntB -er line. Vxra ot aSiiilialBS tstto for tpace 'ruritlabe- on appll-atlon. Remit by draft, ahedt. por,fofflre mdm rfr r'ii'.*-'"te I matt * ..??,? ita) tosM tu et th* rlBb < t the m rtma* nStUbmim Uuslnes* ofllce. Ka lAU; eSS fte! ra **. He. WS. Sp-w-lineti eopiei free. All t ihe rlptlom bf* mall pay advauco. Wiitin the I--"-' 00 T*mC Wu" p?r if >uu ny etsi i/f B-nhmcnd and tee wh*n your iul.*icrliiti>n expires, so you c_a renew ?> foi,- <? ' Men-pad. You fBBtruM not uiins a sii.tie copy of The Tn na. lin: TIMM COMFAMT. MANClIE-TEIt I'l'KLAl*. H21 IIl'LI. smtsasr. Th* Manchest r can!*r of The Times Ij D. M ?Ail!.-1 Ire, 610 west Twlfth str**t, arhera mbecrtptiMBi c_n be lett POT WM Bl i! ? I BEAU, K"*' syca MOfftl BTR-MT. WA8IT1 VfJT'iN' BUREAU, HARVST L V.TESON. MANAOSIR RAPUB1 PULD-NO. V. ABBINGTON. D. C. THE CntCTULATION OF THB TIMES IS LABOBH THAN I ' -SS IN IT.S HISTOBT, AND IS STEADILY 1N t'HEASINO. HrXDAT, M DSTfT.l EIGHT PAGES. Till PRIM Iftl Wo ftati I yee! au hal wt r -i I aathotity tl t,f thv (taberna! rial primary |, ec ali paid. Ws a ti.ia? point. Col. I teed thal urred be would lilt I i t of Mr C ii ill, Tn ...- in r of the i,',,ii.min - that thia ? , I ii one bell - ' ?> by .. pul Sc i oil, cl and < I tbe r bslf out of ? pocket Bo luueli t'.r ft il -.? Th-- ?. lay cootel ? PB lOt Ih. ' being ? ' re of the city Corni ? lim,un Patter? ton to i , ta Tuesday night "for the purposi ol fixing tbe time roi having tv Convention tO llO I ture, end to sirs It seem* to US tl flnstor "f th!*, mevetnent i*- not only a Utile, bul tetanssly tw previous Thi compla with whit !i thia papei 1 ui are K"in? I ? Convent! Balam out cundldatea for tha Lasts] inruend of a primary election, would fur* lilah glazing for tht >l>-ek of a patent. modoclne drummer We han tome '? lection of ,' -1 of thia matti 1 took pince in tilts, etti it few months ba 1* that resulted In an overwhelming proealon of tha popular Sea then* Hhull ta B prlmury, and wc km,iv the City OouuufttM lt ri"f ti.'- body te tgnon, and a. fy th it ea ? the popular Will on thia BUl It ls MM yt time ti i ike this BWtter Up. rho demand f"t | | rimal lh# voter* 1b llmtnS ?. .ir 1 t!.. Committee will, of coutte, pt?,1 !? I 1 ana. tnt even the loth of Oct*** tOO llU-4 for it to be I If s caaMMata for the t glalature thinks Ino ls the fimti Ihe 1 to prove ( eratic voters nf this city tlc lr opinion 1,ti the l 1. *t te tech Mm ntoluetua "f t ennreutl a chosen hy p, rhapa one thousand ? kare who 1 ich the ward 1 a of the lither nine thou kl . In the City. Tin* ana Baan nivea the n ? ann* uiijaf.if, to one thoi ? "heelere" arni t the "ther allow! tl'-' ten thouaaad Deniocrata in the etty to eeles t their own rxj,. -. i.t_114-1 s*. and thi la DeaBootney. -JjThe G?S_>mlttee hui tha Cm hh nee and auengii Qa. . nd we know rery - *** ' ' ellon lt.. action ta thia that confldwnce and re 1 >* BrVlJ^/irU HiIA't DKMOCKACY. Senatof- David ll HIS hat BUVM a mati aanah ta ant Bhbag. He is the High Vrl.?-t ,f a retlf*1 n to Which chine pul 11 i. M In tl I <it.-at ls lita faith in pegronage and aa faith win ? snoutitaiiis. In th** tm.- reHgtem n I Merua that patronage will e. ? t>Ut Will build 1 hem rellflon And Utvld B HUI hat Bd much tnor* af * favorite arith the 1 of Vtrglrdri, than he has bata taltli tht ?rimei Th'-r-. i.s a teeaethtng or n-. tying in th,, bach af every v ilsn't h-*tid anfl in r VI*** glnlan'B heart that rtueie blt ?or.:.- aM pauaekm bin teetn a bea you tidk to him of carryinK p'tMU* tteaaatug **ritl niling public ofBces by that bribery of mea ayhlth la meant In " 4i_tributioii of patronage.*1 Tht sibhors the wh ile ttaSnam anS thinks Sfurv little of profeasorst of tho urt. I ftut i?uch 1 iel' a- sm afar DavM B. mn jihad upon any part of thc people of Vii* stlsta he hu* ?weii.n'.sto brehsn oft -.hon ?y tnt* counte in BUppOrttuS Pop*il!*,t I'ef j*f-tr*B reioiution* in th. Benet* ragsi Che national tunks His resolution! SVpoa the B*cr*t*ry of the Treaiury to feltons thu Smuts whetlur natl,,rn,I Woks wera rsfustng to p.iy thtShl SBha lh*m ta cash. Mr. Wff, r .now* they are pet. Mr. HUI know* they ur* not Mid pit th* world knowe they ar* not. ural ?H tba arai'iit aepxavog ot Hitit actina ' in the prtudsea, Tte4 , ill wat tat made ? ?Ai'h a BliilHt'-r *.- mtentl rn **-a* th?f Moa "' ,?'', a<1* p.In! the law io it- letti r (whe i tba a .. In ? k- them* v the tareel that a ! tCt ""'m Mr Hill's shlbh fi. h ?'"* a Demo, rat," 1't't bi teklug i arl tn a ' . .?.try With full knowl.-h'e thal lt! would not ? harm te ? ruin IO ! ?' I Thi "f bela r . fait |f !? ' ? n ry llftlo 1 ' 5 I'reed tn ? an Pim timm j, if. I, ' total ?!? ii., ? ?? are ta learning Ol and . ? ?? *. of oi h-r peo j,',.. | Solomaa ante him tb ii La alone ?i ? . i. \\ , nXf. ? - ' . ? ? ?.??hen ' mir own. ? ' hy erm teaks Bcmneato onr ? thi: poor Binnet hat dont i ti,.,re rthanrdly, ? r-vlv k, and we can't ii-i;, brightening np again. SnOowalMP lH . ? tpeclally bo ta trout le and non i I maning ids end if a is a common thing -*e tan ttend lt Sa it lt 'hat l*tochefot_. . . -? (.. ,? Oftt t commend us ? d wi 1 than our ?.!r' It still ' ' "? ' low 'ban -. Ml . i;it d of i burl* tko other pe ?; - nw l Bul them ls u more mrlous vlr-w to I H"W ls td to .'' In a ch" mtniity a ? ni people^ i ito temp? tation and t" from m.i. n .-a- ls i* th t ? are allowed to au i ,! iiberap ir to ? ? ng? I to kill rt I and childi had I, not our own: t ? Uf, : .mr we k mw rt i??? lit* . lil :|;"'ii. lawful ?nd I yt\ a:..I BB mus! ?. Billa, not sccoi Boa to our ii" ;i ? klug ?i, marlu or fortum thing - ttl ? i our ao ? rjereth ali things la I nth, I us iii u-. divine material lively ? ? . .* ua ler that ? Il"t peing n r us the divine plan niB i Lab our '? ' 1 and . tai sa ? th ? limit,- mut! i" Ina nu! '? I tho Suite; Bat -t >i<--iJ to ultimate. KS] bra? un Joined to hi-- Idols and lei alone, .\.if i t\ pi ai curso, in* ara - out. ? W " I i-< rlth t omplsa sad opposing Ita, In UM ml-Kt ? ? t ,. ?. i?? -,i and air, tt, ! il len i and . < ma Hean .md Mind th** aoul ? ?he dod and Pe i.t ot ail. i und mc to grief almost as often es cur UBWlsi tffortt -mr nilg? ie not a' - per ???? such aa th< ? m ';>- a* A rich rn ioiii, s are i 4 they ?re Wlat | ? III f If WI unpai ! ?? <!?!? > rrot i Bm even l : unpoi lol may besides bumb? ling ua. A like un angry ape, lt .... the iii .?? p] Fucii fantaetlc I ' ? bing In tb ai - astgbty slloare these fe* om- i ? ra in lt They i . ? : gop, lied. art eal I to 1 dlBBsse of sid to pi 1. ? tht T\> nm. r raake ai ?" ? I gi t burt ta fOM I I the 1 am ? "f Heaven: dlr! per fnct iti out areahnai imr haul am -. habitually ai i.i i - alaao Intelligent, conftd ItiK, live .. The Aimil ? , ? md 1 tl Of his ? He oultl* ? pix i rth, in uii .tree! ii ? wins I ? ? ? kpahtll l theil to 1 i Itt ' -. handled, ll a!! il- ? fr ur i ri tted Ba pi',; tb ll ' | nu . - Stupid! . ? ht b i' a ra-'k a: , Int. ll ? - f UBI cr ? our ? '' ia are Um - ..nd bm th uii - ' a BIS the eli, ...ti ; i le err d aad strayed la the wBdernout vu the Bray to lit ptaaalaed i_u_-to purge uway their dr^fs 3 J'Ai 1 SPECIAL i'l'H'r'S. 1 ABIE**. Tl r;Ms FlAHOti ANl> ORGANS, *~UJ-.nUtf|?Jif_CT, I ms inman ttnMM Mtlt a l-w av si*, rr ian. Trna week! back, perhapa. the i try Waa inform"! (hat an atm ti'limtit I bad !? -ii rSfeared rn th- United ft , ,tt* to fl.e I,lil to Imreaae the currency limits of N.t'l"i:nl hanks, which ameml BMni pr ? ? ' if aaa th,- tux ? ?? ,?.r ,, nt ':, U ? Itnuma of State I ,?i tTi ihmtaai laat. Mr. Haat Ballad this aiUBUdlBSBl up that he ml.!' td* dresp (h.- Sent ti it, and the a:. mgm it*** lt BBd blt n-marka are set out In the Congress! "inl BoCOtd f"r Thnrs day, Ansnm K ??' BhSa tw. Tke amendmsnl r-ads uh follows: . -. ? That Becth n 1.1!.' "f tl I If - vis,,] Statutes "f tha United Bte***-*, ihe tli,n BB of th.- Na' mal ilank net, t-npostng a ma ot i" pei upon the Btnount of Botes of any i ? Of any St.,'.- I inklnc BSSOClStlon u*>'*'l for .i ,ti n ub i i i' i cit > y them, b lt her i f repeal! i" Mow tha Question whether tl ?? I ." or rd,ali i, ,t Ala ???,*!.. , the i- hlbltmy tax on Stab bnnb ootea Una been Sanstmufd f"r tem f./^k* before itu whole UnKed Bl I ] the world on th-* batta of tli!" Hiii'ii'liiie.-it. if it wort passed the subject would be !? ft in very much the i-ame Ital l' - J.--. The aectlea of Um Boar load Stol t, th?> antandmen! propoeet ro re | limited to taxing Nafi ami State bani ' par com on Um it of BOtea Of any Bl I 1 f r . IrcUlatlOB and I mM by tlc-m." In olhOT words statute, t!.nly Btate i wk would hnv, t., i iv the tax would be I "used for etrenlatloB aad out" by ?'rt,lin banks. Bm a rm st Imp rtanl addition to tht scope of this law ama af* ? i ? ..rds made hy rm net cf I ! Pebrnauy >?. iv", (Sup] the Bi -vised Statutes, p. tt, h. ?- ll :", i, which ? faa tri ail aoti i pod bj aaj ne ir intended fm eli Bon. The prtu i amendment, If pa therr-fcCU, would do only ot, wi rk Intended tc be acoompllaned and would -adv !? iv" the BWttCI !??? -t> 1 In no way whatever. The Sen ;: wilh au ?ne law. leuving untouched a I whi h went ovm the wh with a ''-arch light and ImpOOl 1 t: i- gnlp "*i whal the old law with, bttt on every Other I form Which lt nilrht rmBUnT-C, Whi h In* ? lt to lliliik flat th I ate aometlmm Soot very curi OUB things. a Bhhstltatn, ? .r Times If a mar. ba with ??'.'! tie* d etor fe ? in removing it with the ttomnch pump ? sdmimstatad as a ajubmil il eH? ted arsenic? can't we liv- , ! tin ive without poisons? My. <'!?-.? gSt Mi" poison '"it of "Jr fl; . but our point i! quack! pot do lt unit Ul find a S ll tlttlt". ' 'ef f>,?. pOltO vi,!., bo ania ? I alight louie, .md the "rte m-dice.trix i it ural' wffl toon put itienl "ti !,!? '? gt ti 'in. I., ; I,ut provide bo ral rtltul i .f ? roui ' hilt". Tin- wall t ml will follow tin *-?- a bo i tn Pres! l- ni body speak bul in tupp rt of I and petr! ?? <. H.- -., . Baal i-??taf-* Butrgntua, WI ? " ws rate i- !>j the tact . In Blchmon I. and - thal i iy from l" to 12 i"-r cent rt* I ? '. Jackson Brandi an 1 ' '?-. live Inventmanl - rusks i rons tums in money for rente it your Idle money. 1>rafn*?*. Cn un ot he ' n red by local tppll< ' th'-y mnnot tin- disc i "l portions of tl 'ii.-1- li only one a iy to cure and flint j., t constitutional t ai di, i i ? .f; em li ? ci d by un infi un, ?'. ditton of the mm dui llnli thia tul i ed you I ive t rumbling I >und or pu it. ? h< arlng, an I arbi n closed d and m the inf: inm itlon ? ' red to ll ? ? by catari b, whit h ls no! I sn In* i i ondltion of the rs We win glvt Ired ' . Send foi v" l.i i . ? Toledo, I hy Di lilt hmond to -torfo'B I,'.-tut n, Bl..*><?. lia Pei nt ah ii i ic and Norfolk -ind Western Hill Iron,I, Sun, I , i, *"-|.,..fn lmr Bk. lal Train a Byrd Street ? -, at Norfolk for Virginia i \ ! th" div un tba Si i Bhe ? Bath In (I time from buelneaa Rei Train win li kl Ri ; n ? ' P. M I r ful Information spply to li D 0 M ut .-, st lt. W. i Dtstrtt t i -gent Jr-linoa aud OtgUUS for >ch,iola. Piaaaa Orcans. ?150. I , , i . R. P. LEE, hue tseor t" %% .?'). Rtlbbi ?'. I i r. So., 1 ?'. Maia m., Paee Bl, ck i B] - isl l'rie*<_ , HttO, lot JO days. Dr. B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ol i ? menai sue ? Pat lento ni I ? i _ u !'T treatment, I; Intel le Dr Woolley for his va linn a I'illi correct bad effect! of ? -ting. Iltirsfnrtt'l Arti! rhnapttata M.ars rauowot umowsam A teaspoonful added to a glam Of hot or cold water aud t-wcetensd to tl ? tM.te will bet uni re{ruihinw'aiid tartgmatiag, Take .Kron-,>-s, it/.,t f>.r Insomnia Before ritlrlng- rmi bottle 1<> cents. si. L lie:,,I., hf, IlilloiiBiiea* mid all Liver troubles cured with Dr. David's Liver Pills 25 centa u box of 2* pins Five boam f"r $1 OWENS k MINOR I'KtJtJ i'll.. Kichmond. Vs. Revham's Pills ar* better than mineral waters. Prevent 1)1.mae Ity keeping the system lu a healthy con? dition with Dr. David's Liver PHI*. Thc beat Elver Medlcino known. % cents a tv* of ai ylilc, Civ* boxes Xof JE . Hi 13. 15, and 17 east Broad. Rtcaaaaa.Bobbat, kaguettti t .n jg Carpel hu vin ? 1 ? , Th< eviden? ce. <>t what wi" learned I Carpets during the past twenty* nour I ' tod -- r ' j-.-....j by ! le erience keeps a ' ool, bul she * ' Ut Wt II r< i.i1'' i 1 I. tar _ u her tuition fi ' knowledge bj pii n ng your I to those who, can serve you saf< ly. I ht* ( arpet user wants permanent pleasure from ois purch 1 ie. I il fri-m lasting rotors woven to with* stai omy elong these lint i arpet knowl? edge sm li bs you freeiy hat your service here. Cheapness may he real or may he only Bj ent. A Bbrussels, tot lnstan< e, i* l< " ? 1 ! th tn other pattern - of its grade thro' two ca ? I irpt I, In wt*,u or coter; or, good car] I ? lucedat l< iving rn the rtukintf of many thous 1 of yards from on Then, too, thi I - in in it..-1 fr.iuj in carpet ta lard of y and holding color, Tht class ls low 11. ed 11 I "cheap.*' Tht lattei brinj. you true ch hun the first sort of any price , now ii"'.''', snd knowing, a t. Thr same kc 1 in. the exciui v .'*? an I 1 which many 1 : I ? con fine to one big dealer in any eil Carpel buying I without risk at the ? ere? lilirss..]..-*, mada, laB and Ubi DODY RUSSELS, 1 .1 1' i '??. I ETTE, mada, laid aad lined. $1. I y.x,-. '., tb ll '7 I 2. : Il m tts or ? .:.... INOftAIN CAI made, lal l mud Um ot all v Kl 1' Ba Ae ra, hf 1 ?? , fi m tv ei tv, I ?? jalna in all wool SMYRNA R(JGS '.' cui.t- lai ti., Two flits of rib! on have en tangled a scote of f tiling ? i ? ribbon full of careless.] knots. That forms the one of thr new ! RES. r - . id knotted. I general colorings. The timely of some SCArce dollars brings them here to sell at $5 a pair. . have paid f tuty heretofore. Ami of nev , ? earns ol md loom ? littled to easr o'er-ci n k rns. Br..ken" da'c. tn lon fred nUli i un. tl11 I MHncti 1 body in rlcli cotor ? aii evolved by I ? oki ivn; Ith satin ?- urce doll.; [CS the I ; thr . iilicl f" -- maa. ? I clearer color 1 ? ra ol ? Mir. . ?? 1 I 1 Cents I . in E Cl RTAIN N"f tlngl ru, t.< our ton - .0 a I pair. ' h'i\ of? e foi ' of \v you .pone not making these T? - I' ? ' with nu tncesthal "busted." Made bi 5 in hope of 1 1 that il out to realize 10*4, wo< I . cot? ton used in the honest belie, that it helped the result. White, per ? *, goo.!, wanta! ' - . 1 borders. A really ?5 Blanket at ?2.43 a pair. Only for a day M Take neem . Autumn DRESS STI 'FFS,bought on the scare-the mihs get to-day our retail price tor what they were lucky enough not to sell three weeks ago. The dress goods' market is emerging from the panic, lexi pieces, 37;. cents ; 50 cents. With freight and handkng our merchant friends 'd charge 50 cents anJ 75 cents if they duplicat .-d* now. Kala AWe, AU-silk Surah, colors. 6u artid 7a cent sorts, 5c.cen.r5 _*_.*-_ AMI*. Biak Dress bluffs at savirws, as gauged, between value aniVprtce, like tl ' fLB Bftwari Henrietta, *t inch. U.W: 8. tack 11.:,. for Ba tl.__i H'ltH.i. k. f itali, for 75_. iSe 11 . ni Barga ?" wttt, -wc. n 1 Coonter, Bain Alala v enough, but too mjny. li-: e 150 SKIRTS, cotton Ilk, on a table at gttOStl of r prices. Main Allie. In mummery Cotton Dre^-s Stuffs ' ? shilling! duty, and all Domestics art* selling at priers worth your buying foi use now and latir. That makes Androscoggin, (nil vard wide muslin, 7 cents. e I. Main Aleta aad Ki ir. Notl lunts the housewife's pride in pretty fixi igs ; hence the new things in STAMPING DB st il - ART TRIFLES .he inti ? Wes-. Al. U ? ? 1 Shirt Waists, iq cents. White, ; ted front and back, ? . hint of the closing prices in Shirl Waists. Evil Aisle. I Iii es from the August U.V - \l !?. Last h tnces here and is big piles lessen and die tar. Dameah. frl-l raina -.via.-. 1 ?lima, Bil k -ode ut iv a yard. Nothing Bot pure flax-no soap, .lay i.jiM j near!] * r bleai Bad Tabla Dani 1 Bea, B 11 Ba IB do. t,*r- I I ? Leal * ? RED ' ' ES AT MINGS, me mei ntile du .? ing days .An unusual b ira tin shines out In ei . ? ' the :? ? I. I ?' : In.? ft Maybe era" fron bul 'lun Tbrea ?: 8, lil_ti Ol t I ally KM ta, light e ll ? v. il * ' r with silk nra atti 1 Bael Katie. ? . " ? Tr. f .1 Mi ir*.ni M..*. ? du< ? baaed fruin the | ? ? 1 , I for Bl ?, ' ' ' : ' ' n Iced *? . TUMBLBn fl oort I ian. I ? 1 Tumblera, ? ? 1 1 ? Ina. B 1 -ral* ? '*' &c. I ? 1 * Be 1 doaan . ... T al ra or ' .:. I ! . MUtU, ?' ? ur I a< Ul De ii'... . t, Ila. C-ix-ur J Re; 1 . * rent. TRICYCLES ind vi 1 OCU i ? 1 . ,.. . ? _.. t In _. Bigger the ' : ; so? tara TK1C ? ? 7 >?-.-?_ $4 Vj I*'or age**- 7 t pearn K. D . t t 1 -fie i .-. ur. laaeaaaaB THE COHEN CO. GollegB 01 William and Mary, WLLMMSBUBe, VA, Next Session Begini October 5,1893, : Vlf bani. f>].!. llghta uti'i iraaBlaa. t\o p?*t a_onth. other atadanta Bora $12 to ll*. i?*r m. :...., B-Cdli il Iee, -J;. Tui? tion r - _u- h etti ? I v.lilli,t; in tal ?- to teach, sti.*'.. ftt hair mbBbb land for Bal ii Waa. LYON a TTLBB, -.** LAW SCHOOL MVAH'AlSnlnS AN1> l.tK tMVUtHlTY. l.axi-<_.-<__, Vi am Mia. Oljeus Sept H. For rutaloaum u<Jdr?..? JoiiS UaMjoU'U rUCBKB, Doma, ly*?_-_a,tuathu_i_ THE LAST DROP! Prices lo the Lowest Notch! MISSES'AND CHILDREN'S TAN ANO SUEDE TOP PATENT LEATHER BUTTON BOOTS, Formerly sold at SI.75 and S2.50, reduced on Special Counter to $1.00. LAOIES' BLACK, TAN ANO GRAY SUEDE TIES, Reduced to $1.25. Old price $1.991 $2.49. GENTS' BLUCHERS, only $1.75. Few pairs BROWN CANVAS TIES left, sold (Hint, at $1.69. last go now at 75 cents, to close out. Come snd look st these bsrgsini snd maur OtbuTB. JACOB IA! & SH 607 BROAD STREET, ? HELLER 4 CO.'S SUMMER GOOK AT Unheard of Prices, $1.50 Oxfords, Slack & Hu issi. LADIES1 AM> MISSES1 il 99 cents. :;: Ha QUI Bicton sal Baft, AT THESE PRK ES, Were $5.30 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.5Q Now $4.25 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1,75 Latte1 IiKia Hi_.: S2.24. HELLER & CO, 317 E. Broad Street. DON'T ?, or - il. \ ?' ' "'ir ? un 1 out ? if! tn ia ffl H OAI.1 SKI ul I jj B Wo si li . il* ile mo. PATAPSCO, The Premier Flour ot America, Bl 1 I* unrivalled tee lt? Puiit) and ie,,ii _:. I I .\ Caro) UH - tty.rj Year 1893. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS, A. lt ll 1 I cream of M nt and Vtr raiiet] ,'. -'.-IO ii. - ' ? I.T1V1 PAT k. NT. KAMI!**! PATENT. (TRA. BALDWIN I'AMII.T. C. A. GAMBRJLL MFG. CO, Tit C 'M\i"i*.''U ST.. *"-AI.TlM"'<i: Mit. i > I'4-*-- ? 4 . . i-,0. I I i Pure ] for 3 " a pniitvl. !? adeia, lOc. I N -.??luis, 10c. n. l ? Mixed Bpi ind ten I ll-trrtnga, IW '1"Z'-U Snow Kilke flour, |S79 * banal ,,r I K Stiver Klnt Flour. Ust sold, t* Bl n butrt-l ,>r .Se. n ..;.,k. Tu ' Cii;:5 ^.lllli'-ll ' ' :; n.t.** \V3 sos*, I i *?'.'.' tatt irnin. ?Ph"*.-' S.O. Pri??-I.Isl mulled od ap. pl lest lon. t*tt>sse tint <? ?.lunts*. *.r. reit in *h hour* **illi?at imtrut] iu...tiva'tmum -ttl ?tl..iii IWUl in whim CuUU fall I* mool.*. C0U.EGE of PHYSICIANS and SURGC0V3 Hi? -QfOKD \ I rreillent. IirNTFHM.iH Iii! If. 1 ? . Secreter/. JO..F1 il A VS III a:. A U A SCHOOL OF HJCDICIVE, . AM' 111AI.M.. a mn u... GOOD rXACBIKQ I Ari! ;;. , CUBICAL Ma SESSION BEGINS OCT. 3 ' Fur ?. board A ? Ac. e_.lri._i . iel I rs ??' aa io- tn. i; ICHMOND I ESMA Ll UlCHMi Ml., ii, .il. S ? i ? i in th? ni** . ? t. thli * * M f\ in - " The . i l H rt i ? ??' ? ALBEMARLE FEMALE IHSTIT UTE, Cli WASHINGTON & LEE i mi 11 11 : uri. 1 i * J ; to nm RICHMOND GOLli RICHUd Till f, I ?? ? ll ' f- in io ? VIR ? ITUTEe * iu.? ? i ?' i . : ii ? ? i book "i Hill fl ? V \l ' : lor fm l th 'u ill _ i* I . ? ' 1 \ ' ' \. IH:' j .W..II ri I ? ? _f\ to ?*. ? ? .*? . I .I.-..'*..' '? ? ' . I-..nun . tau l'ott 1. john kf.s.M. ll Vi i and Cot mt teeclicr: alu >tu__c turul'L". .. . _. i-e.t i Ur -a eatf-it BROU A PERMANENT CURE _CCm Jud uv*lti???nVo?i_-sD.*-? cr i ?*? >. wy** u^^**r* ?a?&?_riTil?: w__DnB